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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dallas Fort/Worth
  • Interests
    Bugchasing. Currently neg and on PrEP, but nothing gets my dick harder than chasing poz loads.

    Twitter @ChaserCurious
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    None, but guys who fuck on camera are hot!

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  1. Hi! Since Musk-et- acquired it I escaped from Twitter but you were one of guys I secretly read, when I caught my ex reading bugchasing twitter and I hadn't embraced my gifting fantasies yet! 

    1. ChaserCurious


      Wow, I'm flattered

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      We can message anytime if you want (dirty talk, obvious)

  2. Did something change with notifications? I follow enough members that every day there is at least one notification of new content posted. But I haven't gotten any notifications all week. I did confirm that members I have followed are posting. I did get a "Site Unavailable" notice earlier this week at some point, so I'm not sure if that is related.
  3. Definitely not alone. I either get bored or attached. When guys are looking for a FWB I make it clear that “at best” you’ll get sex 3 times out of me. I’ve had a few guys that I’ve had FWB dynamics with but the sex was good, there was something that made me not want to get attached to them, and they appropriately backed off after each interaction (if someone starts badgering me for sex again right after we just hooked up that’s a huge turnoff).
  4. Bugchasers, for me, are guys who are explicitly seeking poz loads, whether or not the individual is on PrEP. I've met many a "bugchaser" and I'd say half of them are actually on PrEP. Some (like me) are just looking for the right place and time to seek conversion. Others are content not to cross that line. I don't know that there is a standard language to describe some of these nuances in the age of PrEP.
  5. Yes! I have a bulge fetish and love nuzzling my face into a nice brief or jockstrap bulge and taking an good sniff of that wonderful aroma
  6. Hey @azndude, why would you say "don't do it" but you did it yourself? Any regrets? What led you to decide to convert?
  7. The problem with trying to figure that out is that exposure does not equal infection. Unless you did a blood slam or something to guarantee infection, you may not even become infectious.
  8. How do we report spam messages? I just got one, but didn’t see a clear way to “report as spam”.
  9. @GuyGoneBad, How bad is the pain having your balls waxed. I do love smooth balls
  10. Nope. Hairy holes are sexy as fuck!
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