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Everything posted by blackrobe

  1. It presses my buttons hard. Consensual adult dad/son fucking and breeding is beautiful.
  2. For me, this isn't a simple question to answer. TL;DR: It takes time, effort, and luck to get back to who and what you were always meant to be. A thirsty-cunted bottom. I was a sweet, sensitive, and cute little boy. I can remember having strong feelings for boys in my class at primary school (the blond sports loving rough-houser, the beautiful Italian musician, etc.). Looking back I can see they were crushes and pretty natural ones. I didn't have any similar feelings about girls in my class. Shit happened and my brothers and I ended up in a procession of Catholic children's homes. In the final one, a Catholic boy's home, I spent 4 of my 6 high school years. For reasons too involved to go into, I really, really hated it. It was like "Lord of the Flies". In my second year there, the dormitory master for that year, a religious brother who ran the Army Cadet Corps (think ROTC) for an adjacent school, put me right across from his room. He gave me some of the affection I'd been so starved of, but some of it made me feel strange. After we'd been sent to bed and the dorm masters had their evening meal together, with alcohol, he'd return to the dorm and come quietly into the room I shared with another boy. Then he'd kiss me on the lips saying "Good night" and leaving the smell of alcohol on my lips and in the air around me. He'd have me in his room and hold me immobile on his lap, his very strong arms wrapped tightly around me as he tried to kiss me as I squirmed over his cock and balls. These things made me feel strange because he was acting as a parent to me and many other boys. I was 13 and very small for my age compared to all the other boys in my dormitory. Puberty had not set in yet, so I wasn't aware of my own sexuality or anyone else's. During the summer of that year, the dorm master needed to make a trip along the coast to pick-up or drop-off something for the boy's home. Unlike many other boys at this home, we didn't get to go home and have time with our family very often. When the dorm master proposed taking me on this overnight journey on a weekend, it would get me away from a place I thought of as my prison. He got my mother's consent and off we went. I don't remember much about the trip apart from being in the car and feeling the warm sun and wind against my skin and hair. I remember the motel we stopped at to stay overnight dimly. It was like a hundred other coastal motels in other country towns, strange atomic age design and signage, and a fancy restaurant as an anchor to bring in both the locals and out-of-towners to spend their cash. We ate dinner in what seemed like a fancy restaurant. I remember a lot of glasses on the table and it seeming very fine. We ate and I have a vague memory of him giving me something to drink, or a taste of his drink. When we went up to the room after dinner, I remember being excited to be away. The room had a double bed and a single bed and, for some reason, I was bouncing around laying claim to the double bed. Looking back, that was very unusual behavior for me. We started to get ready for bed and I remember getting undressed next to the big bed and finding him next to me stripped down to his underwear. I was feeling odd by this time, and having the wiry, muscular and hairy adult so close to me with an enormous erection stretching his briefs made me feel even stranger. The last thing I remember clearly is being put on my back on the bed and him climbing over me, his adult sized hard-on hot and firm under his briefs as it brushed my skin. The first memory I have after that night is the next morning, standing under the hot shower and feeling both a kind of heavy dullness in my head and a powerful throbbing soreness in my bottom. I've thought a lot about why I don't remember what happened in any more detail. Whether, as I strongly suspect, he drugged me, or whether my unconscious mind kept the memories locked away to protect me, I can't say for sure. That made it tough to say with much certainty what had happened to me. Many years later after lots of work with therapists I came out to my mother. As soon as I told her she asked me, "When you went away with Brother X while you were at the boy's home, were you sexually abused?" I was startled, but said "Yes, but why do you ask?" It seems she had found blood-stained underwear in my travel bag when I came back from the trip. She had seen the proof of what happened to me, never told me, and done nothing about it. She only mentioned it then to say "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" to absolve her of any possible blame for my gayness. That was the moment I knew without any shred of doubt that I'd been raped until I bled. I'd always carried the trauma of my rape in my body, whether I remembered what had happened to me or not. The prospect of having sex with a man filled me with a kind of terror that was not hard-on inducing. At the same time I was a horny young man who needed something. I had no idea what I wanted. I muddled through my first boyfriend, who made me cum by fingering my prostate and sucking my cock at the same time, and my second boyfriend, who desperately wanted to fuck me but I could not relax and get into the idea. In fact, one night as we were lying in bed together after he'd been asking me for it, I had a full on panic attack. What had happened to me as a boy made sex as an adult feel incredibly dangerous, physically damaging, and mentally and emotionally traumatic. I had even tried getting fucked when I was drunk enough to avoid the terror, but then I couldn't enjoy it or even feel it. Not a good long term plan. Lots more therapy and personal effort got me over the sex hump through a workaround. When I met a guy we did other things and occasionally I topped. As years went by it just started to feel more wrong to me and my desire to fuck or have any sex at all left me. In the last few years I've been dogged in working to find and understand my kinks, acknowledge their likely sources (including my rape), and explore and accept them as a natural part of me. I also recognized a strong vein of submissive thoughts and feelings in me, and how much I really wanted to surrender myself and be fucked. Starting a few months ago, I've sought out men to fuck me, and dominant men to explore my submission. For those of you have been reading my "Last Loads" posts, this won't be a surprise. My past mental image of myself was of a dud fuck who was too traumatized to take a finger in his hole, let alone a cock of even average size. Being penetrated used to connect back to the feelings of being raped. What I've learned in the last three months is that I really, really enjoy having my ass fucked, and that I really prefer being fucked bare and bred. Thanks to: 1) to a visiting Brazilian bear who had no english but did have a dominant streak and fucked me breathless over a chair, 2) a traveling man who I had an incredible connection with and whose passion and intensity made him fucking me so easy that I had the beginnings of my first ass-gasm, 3) a granddad who treated me like a boy when I needed it and fucked me until I was relaxed and open and encouraging him to go harder, 4) an Hispanic bear who fucked me so well and with such finesse in so many positions that's I'm eagerly looking forward to a repeat, and finally 5) to a very calm and dominant black man who fucked me and bred me 9 times in two and a half hours and showed me that I'm built for, and need, the big cocks in my cunt too. When did I know I was a bottom? I suspect I always was as a boy, before someone distorted and stole part of my life. When I think back to how I felt about those boys I had crushes on, it connects so strongly to wanting their cocks inside me and fucking their seed into me. But I only knew I was a bottom the first time a man's cock was inside me and making me cum through my ass for the first time. That was about three months ago.
  3. I'd be honored to have your DNA fucked in deep and infused throughout my cunt.
  4. Agreed. I commit to cherish the seed of tops who breed my cunt. That means honoring their will that their seed stay in my cunt where they put it. I've absorbed all the seed that was pumped up into my guts so far. I'd love to be bred past my cunts capacity to absorb potent top DNA.
  5. Happy to meet another MPREG brother.
  6. My cunt would be a perfect home for your fertile seed.
  7. Yeah, he knew his business. Probably the best fuck I've had since the sublime one in March.
  8. Yesterday my ass hunger peaked out and I decided to place an ad on BBRT. I got a few nibbles early in the day, one of them a big (250+) versatile +u Hispanic guy. He was horny, saying his cock needed attention and, after a little back and forth, I headed over to his place. He was a tall guy, with tree-trunk sized legs that were all muscle. We chatted as we walked upstairs to the bedroom, stopping to get some water for me along the way. He stripped down to his sport trunks and I skinned down to my briefs and t-shirt. He put on some porn he liked to play in the background (which I didn't need, but did care that much about) and lay down on the bed with me. We kissed and touched each other, me gravitating to his large juicy nipples, grabbing handfuls and feeling our blood rise. I climbed on top of him and sucked his big nipples into my mouth in turn, massaging and licking them, and moving my hips around so my dick rubbed his until he groaned underneath me. Our kissing became more needy. He gripped my head in one hand and pushed two fingers into my mouth to cover with my saliva, and reached down to my ass, nudging my briefs out of the way and stroking my hole while slowly pressing into me. Kicked into a new state, I slid down his body to where a large hard dick was now standing out from his shorts. I pulled them down below his balls and licked up his shaft, lapping at the ridge under his knob while working his nipples. Sucking his balls into my mouth and massaging them with my tongue, his dick jumped and danced with the twitches of fuck need. He rolled and pushed me off him, removing my briefs and pushing my legs back to expose my cunt fully. He licked my ass lips, wetting them and the skin surrounding my hole before plunging his mouth onto my hole, sucking it up into his mouth, and then pushing his hot tongue into me. Fuck, it felt amazing having my ass eaten with such focus. He started lapping long strokes of his tongue up my fuck slot, plunging his tongue in deep as he passed over my wet, relaxing hole. He grabbed some lube from the side table and rolled me onto my side. Coating his thickened cock and my hole with it, he rested his thick knob in the well of my cunt, rubbing it to feel how supple my hole had become. Laying behind me, he flexed his body forward pressing his knob into my cunt lips and feeling them stretch over him and stop. I needed more lube for his girth and, after fingering some into my cunt, he found my own wetness come down to greet him. Satisfied, he stayed laying behind me, but put me in Happy Baby pose holding one of my legs as he pressed into my ass lips again, this time parting them with my gut deep moan as he flexed up into me more and more. As he got deeper into my guts I suddenly needed all of him, I hooked one ankle over his lower back and the other over his thick thighs and pulled my cunt onto him as he instinctively flexed up into me fully. Fuck, yessss... I realized I'd said it out loud. He rotated me on his cock so that I was on my side, little spoon to his big spoon. Then bending my legs and lifting the top one up and pulling me back onto him, he started fucking up into me. Fuck, this guy knew what he was doing. Controlling my position to make it better for him, made it better for me. Again, I found myself flexing my ass back onto his cock to meet each upthrust. Determined to get it all in me as often as possible. After a while, he straightened my body and, still inside me, rolled me over with his 250lbs rolling up onto my back. It felt fucking amazing as his cock nestled deeper into my hungry cunt under his weight. He started to pull back to fuck into me and without thinking I rotated my hips and lifted them to give him the best angle into my deep cunt. He pulled back further and hit deep in me where I needed him to fuck tender and seed. I gripped the bedcover and using all my strength I pushed my ass back and up so he could fuck down hard hitting the deep place with each thrust. It hurt, it felt awesome, I never wanted it to stop. After carving a new groove in me there, he gripped my hips pulling me back into presenting head-down ass-up. Now on his knees on the bed, he guided me into the best position on his cock and moved his hand away, fucking his thick root into me hard and trusting me to hold the position he wanted. One of the things I loved best were feeling his big meaty thighs hit mine as his cock hit the deep place over and over. It was about this time that I started to think a lot about getting his load. That's it, fuck it in deep. Make it tender so I feel it. I think I said some things out load along with my grunts, growls, and groans. He spent a long time fucking me in this position. Pulling out, re-penetrating me at different speeds and with different amounts of force. I really moaned when he fucked in hard. Something I noticed before, but happened a lot in this position was his dick pulsing and jumping into extra firmness inside me, pulling at my hole. He was getting harder and more turned on as he fucked me. About then is when he reached over to grab his phone. I guessed to take pics or a video of him fucking my juicy happy cunt. Later he told me he wanted it to remember and jerk off to. Once he'd finished fucking my cunt for the camera, making me react to his cock, he started fucking me extra hard and extra deep, forcing me to cry out each time he hit the deep place he knew his seed belonged. I can't remember what I might have said. I know I was encouraging him to fuck as hard as he needed to cum, to get it in as deep as he needed to, and pressing my cunt back into his fuck. Clearly showing my need to be bred by him. He cried out as he fucked and squirted his load into my guts. Fucking up through the first sprays to hit the deep place so well. It was perfect. He pulled out and lay down next to me, out of breath after his athletic pounding of me. His dick was wet with us both, so I licked and teased his knob and shaft carefully until they filled with blood again. As his cock started to do the jumping extra firm thing, he had me get up on all fours on the corner of the bed, his favorite position I found out, and stood on the floor behind me. He slid his thick cock into me and adjusted my ass to the angle he liked best as he used his whole body's power and weight to fuck his first load in deeper. He started getting more verbal grunting as he pounded into my cunt-meat extra hard, feeling his seed all around him, and feeling me pushing back onto his fuck. I think all I could say at this stage was "Please... Oh please" as I begged him for another load. He fucked it into me, his rhythm breaking as he cried out and poured his second load into me. He stayed inside me and I did what I never do, I stroked my dick and focused on his two loads deep in my cunt and his cock still firm and pulsing inside me. It felt perfect. We lay together and talked as he caught his breath. He told me he almost never cums twice anymore when he's fucking, but that I was so into being fucked by him that it just happened. He's already reached out saying we can definitely plan to have fun regularly. Man, I hope that's true. I kept his loads in me the whole day. I usually absorb all the cum I get, but there was so much still up in my cunt that it went everywhere when I relaxed it. It seems this big guy also has the biggest loads I've taken yet. Lifetime loads was 10, now 12.
  9. I agree, although I'll admit that I enjoy when the top makes me work for their load in my cunt.
  10. It's a dance of sorts. A delicate set of maneuvers that can unlock us in delightful ways.
  11. I had a hot scene yesterday in a porn theatre but didn't get the load in my cunt. That play has left me needing a deep hard fuck and breeding in the worst way. I showed up at the theatre before noon. It was fairly slow with a handful of frequent flyers filtering in and out. There were a few new players. A tall slender, high-assed 20-something with a small backpack peering down his nose at everyone. The big, scruffy Middle Eastern guy moving around like a bee that can't settle on a flower. The tall, goateed dad-type who sends out a null-vibe making impossible to know what he wants. And a salt and pepper bearded guy with glasses who's 5'10" very furry, strong, and clearly a horny fucker. I asked permission and got on my knees to help his cock out from behind his shorts. It was furry and on the thick side. I took his cock in my mouth and stroked it with my tongue until it hardened and lengthened down into my throat. As he filled out more, thickening nicely so I had a throat stretch, I realized he was so thick I really wanted him in me pumping in a load. I sucked him wetly to the root, holding myself there for 10 to 15 seconds, massaging the underside of his cock with my tongue and feeling him harden more. Sliding up his shaft to suck lightly on his knob, tonguing underneath until I tasted a little gush of precum on my tongue. I half moaned/groaned around his dick, and opened my throat wide to grip his base with firm pressure from my teeth behind my lips and slowly milked his salty precum out of his cock and onto my tongue. My moan deepened as I got to his swollen knob with a column of his juice expressed into my mouth. I pressed my fingers up into his perineum, massaging the base of his shaft and pressing up into his prostate. He reach down for my hand and increased the pressure I was applying up into his pelvis, showing me that he liked much harder play there. I gripped him by the back of his thighs and started a steady rhythm pulling his stiff leaking cock deep into my throat. He matched it, rotating his hips to fuck into the resistance of the soft-tissue in the back of my throat. He started to groan as he shafted into my neck, my hunger for his cock, juice, and seed obvious from the intensity of out throat fuck. He told me he loved my mouth and that I was very, very good at sucking and taking his cock. He needed a break to avoid cumming and he moved to play in a group of 4 or 5 men. I watched him as, very turned on, he sucked cock after cock and as he did I saw the growing ass-need in how he held his body. I got behind him and pinched his furry nipples as he played. He instinctively rotated his hips back into my groin, saying plainly his ass needed attention. Dropping to my knees, I pressed up into his perineum with my balled fist making him present his hole to me. I pressed my finger up into him, feeling his juicy warmth. He opened like a flower, clearly needing something in his ass. I finger fucked him with one, then two fingers, as he sucked and stroked cock and had his sucked and stroked. Seeing him shift into a primal sex state, I got some lube on my hand and slowly worked 4 fingers up into his hungry ass. I started pulling him back onto my hand as I pushed it deeper into him. His ass dilated with need and I felt my knuckles slip inside his ass, giving me more to hand fuck his ass with. I had been on the outside of the cock circle, but feeling him get close to cumming on the knuckles of my hand, I swing into the circle and turn him towards me saying "This load is mine." Just then, the first short spurt of his cum splattered onto the arm of my hoodie, and using my hand up deep in his hole, I pulled his even thicker cock into my mouth taking the neet 5 to 6 gouts of his cum safely in my throat with my lips locked around his pulsing root. It would have been a wonderful load to have pumped up into my cunt, but I was grateful for it regardless.
  12. I've noticed that there's a lot about our erotic architecture that's very similar, tallslenderguy. It would be great to talk and find out what else we might have in common.
  13. Don't lose sight of the fact that "chastity" is just a simple way to refer to erection and orgasm control and denial kink. When it's serving in the role of heightening and intensifying sex it's tough to make the case that "chastity" is serving the sex negative goals of any church. It's pretty common for men held in chastity to have their prostates or cocks milked depending on the top's goals with his locked boy. A large percentage of gay locked boys are submissive men whose "natural male drives" set them to pleasing dominant tops by being always horny and dedicated to serving their pleasure. I think it's everyone's choice what they would do, and that includes each of us deciding what is natural for ourselves. I'll be honest, if I found a horny dominant top who wanted to lock up my cock to serve his need to fuck and breed whenever he wanted, and help me grow more fully into my cunt, I'd be 100% signed up.
  14. This. Firstly, I don't understand bottoms wanting bare-fucking but not load-fucking. I want my tops cum up in my guts in a deeply visceral way, the more the better, the deeper the better. I don't leave that a mystery to him. I want his cock to pierce me and get his fertile seed in where I can cherish him until he's part of me. The more he wants his load in my guts, marking me, impregnating me, changing me, owning me, the happier I am.
  15. Hand over your submissive tops to me. They're a great resource and need to be nurtured and trained.
  16. That's how it's done.
  17. "Thank you for your load, Riverfk. I'll cherish your seed in my cunt until its absorbed completely and part of me"
  18. I'd like the paperwork for adoption into your family please. Horny Italian dick in my ass? Uh, yeah.
  19. This is how I feel. In my cunt is a massive jigsaw puzzle of human genetic diversity. Every time I get a new load fucked up into my guts, I have one more piece of the genetic puzzle absorbed into my DNA. My goal is to collect every kind of human DNA up in my cunt.
  20. To quote the masters, "You lucky, lucky bastard."
  21. Some of my favorite cock recently has been south asian. Hard, uncut, and producing plenty of cum. Only one load in my ass from a dom-ish little guy, but several loads in my mouth from this hot bearded Indian hipster guy. I'd beg him to fuck my ass and make it into his personal cunt, but getting Indian guys into your ass is like fly fishing. It takes finesse.
  22. Who is the author or editor of that book?
  23. Agreed. I used to give myself ruined orgasms to ensure I stay respectfully limp when I was being used. Now just the tops attitude gets the same effect. I think my dick needs to be locked in a cage to show the proper commitment to a tops pleasure being taken from my cunt.
  24. I understand your feelings on this, orionboy1. One thing I'd point out is that for some of us who were molested or raped, renovating our history and taking control of our story is a way of adapting and coping with what happened to us, and taking the power away from our abuser. We all have different ways of coping, recovering, and reclaiming our lives. As strange as other men's paths might seem to you, there is no one right way to recover and get on with life.
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