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Everything posted by Beardybear

  1. Never too loose for me....such a turn on. I have a 00 or 000gauge pa and a tight hole hurts....no thanks
  2. My 5 years older brother started playing with me young. I welcomed it and quickly started to seduce him. We played for 5 years. Absolutely loved it and have no regrets.
  3. Amazing story!!
  4. You are so fuking hot Randy!!
  5. Crabs in my early twenties. I am furry all over and couldn’t stop itching. I remember calling my mom about the itch and as I was talking to her I picked one off and it finally clicked that they looked like crabs...I had to shave my entire body to get rid of them and the hair growing back was misery. Never knew exactly where I got them. I was not a slut back then and in a monogamous relationship. Bf never got them...
  6. Hairy and loose as fuk!!
  7. Yes love drinking my piss on occasion. Especially fun if I fill a bottle and am out in public
  8. I yearn to have a loose gape. My ass has always been accommodating but it can always be looser. I always laugh when chatting with a guy and he is proud of his tight cunt. It’s an immediate turn off and I snicker cause he’s proud of it....
  9. If you do marry be upfront about your gay desires. Otherwise you may regret it and feel trapped....*insert me here*
  10. Being a married (to a female) man, during business hours is primarily when I play. Fortunately I have a job that I can meet up between clients. Then return to see my next client with my ass full of sperm or my cock smelling like ass. Always adds a thrill!
  11. I love a loose hole! I laugh when guys are proud to announce they are “super tight”....as if it’s a good thing. They are usually amazed when I say I prefer a loose wrecked pussy.
  12. My 000 gauge
  13. My older brother started playing with me young so I had hair envy. Somewhere I got the idea to piss on my bare pubic area thinking it would sprout hair. Well they came at 10yo so I thought I was a genius. Didn’t get my chest hair till. 22-23 though
  14. My 5yr older brother started playing with me when I was younger. Loved it. He took my anal cherry too. Very fond memories
  15. Facial hair is my weakness!!!
  16. I wear a 000 gauge regular PA that stretches a hole good. Can’t imagine what that would do!!😈
  17. I do remember my older brother busting my cherry at a young age. I loved it....oddly enough I have a weird ability to remember all of the guys I’ve hooked up with. Although I could probably remember more “useful” things it does come in handy as I am able to remember the flakes and odd guys right off the bat and stop anymore frustration.
  18. It’s a huge turn on and the pheromones help the arousal process. I always say...”if I wanted to lick a bar of soap, I’d stay home in my shower”.
  19. You are so fuking hot stud
  20. My beef regarding this topic is the way it has been done to me. I totally get we all have our likes and dislikes...self included, but don’t be a rude dick about it. Just tell me so and let’s move on. You don’t have to name call...I didn’t like elementary school the first time...you don’t have to block me when I’ve only looked at your pic....I didn’t like the drama in junior high....how about we act like adults? Geez🙄
  21. Funny how the guys don’t understand why their pussys are so wet and slushy and leaking. Dumb cunts;). Gets me off every time!
  22. This would be a hot sensation to feel your bladder expand with another piss pigs urine...
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