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About evilalex

  • Birthday 03/07/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Pervert pər-vûrt
    One who practices sexual perversion. noun
    A perverted person; esp., a person who practices sexual perversion. noun
    To cause to turn from what is considered right, good, or true; misdirect; lead astray; corrupt. verb

    I 🖤 deviance, corruption, o9a, dick, a cumdump slut bf, culling, animal liberation, direct action.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Sinister. I've never been tested for anything, so caveat emptor. You get what you get.
  • Porn Experience
    None. Hopefully, you have some.
  • Looking For
    Innocence, corruptors, offenders, deviance, porn sluts, polygamy friends, worshippers. I would get off having a slutty whore as bf. I would love having a bf who I turned into a slutty whore even more.

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  • Website URL
    wckr - evilalexxx

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  1. Your profile pic is so damn hot!

  2. evilalex


    The bussy wants what it wants.
  3. You are a good boy. Go condom hunting again. >=]
  4. Fucking love cummy holes. That one.
  5. I consent to whatever the fuck you want to do to me, fucking stud.
  6. I like it when I'm fucking a bottom and cum from other guys is splashing out of his hole, all over me, the walls, and anyone else standing around. So I'd be able to tell. xo
  7. I love sloppy, wet, blow his tongue kissing.
  8. Fucking hot. Love sluts with tattooed holes.
  9. I'll suck a dick in public, I don't care. Gimme that dick.
  10. Love me a sloppy used bussy.
  11. I want your hole.
  12. I like to put my hardon in used condoms and jerk off with some guy's jizz coating my dick.
  13. Naw, I've never been in denial. When I was a teen I'd think "what are the odds?" since I was the only gay person I knew. I was in denial about ever telling anyone though. I thought I'd never disclose to anyone, but after I went to university I started coming out in the fall of my first year.
  14. I guess I'm not a faggot. Makes sense because if any non-gay called me that, I'd start swinging. I'm fine with being called it by gay friends who are joking around.
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