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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. I’m another who’s embarked on this rather fruitless search. My best solution was a hotel in the King’s Cross-Euston area coupled with an Uber to the Heath.
  2. I think your post illustrates how everyone’s journey through this has been very personal and different. I was furloughed on full pay for four months. The weather was great and I have a huge garden. I set about an exercise regime and started writing things that my paid writing job didn’t ever allow time for. By the end of the summer, everyone commented that I was looking more relaxed, fitter and tanned than they’d ever seen me. I certainly felt happier. After World War II, some people were considered to have had “a good war”. I think some of us in the coming months and years will be thought to have had a good pandemic. I know this hasn’t been the case for everyone, perhaps the majority. I am very, very fortunate that none of my loved ones or myself caught the damned thing. God knows, I’m not a COVID denier, especially having survived a really nasty bout of Swine Flu back when that was a thing. But having spent 30 years working in the media in various roles, I also didn’t allow myself to be terrified by whipped up hysteria from newspapers and TV stations trying to generate clicks for their websites. Nothing sells papers or TV shows like grief porn - that’s the basic tenet of journalism. It’s cynical of them, but they’re in the business of making money. Such is my laid back attitude to life that I have been very relaxed, even gung ho, about the pandemic (you know this to be true, Andy). Possibly too much. But there it is. However, there’s a marvellous saying that I’ve always lived my life by: “I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I’ll use my time.” It’s certainly how I’ve got through the past 12 months.
  3. It’s been the reverse for me. In fact, I’ve rather enjoyed lockdown. No more making spurious excuses for avoiding social events/invitations I don’t really want to go to, for starters. As I’m inherently self-sufficient, working on my own has allowed me to focus on what really matters in my life and career. And I’ve still been hooking up, but differently - with a small number of trusted fuckbuds in a bbubble - so that side of life has been fine. If anything, I would say I’m emerging from the pandemic mentally stronger and healthier.
  4. Thanks. I just answered you.
  5. Hi there. Welcome. And I’m already following.
  6. I think it would be down to the individual manager, to be honest. In the case I mentioned, he was actually okay and, as I said, didn't call the police - he just asked us to leave. But I do know the host was blacklisted from staying there again. Not that we were doing anything illegal, as such. But some hotels are now posting security on the doors in Manchester, or at least were before lockdown. Then again, there's at least one hotel I know in Blackpool that would probably have chucked you out if you didn't have an orgy in your room at least once during your stay!
  7. There is, of course, much sense in what you say. And, in fact, even Manchester’s lower end hotels which had become notorious for hook ups (pre-covid) started posting security guards on the doors.
  8. I suspect it was to do with the fact we might sully the good name of the hotel.
  9. Some years ago, I was invited to a small regular gathering at the Lowry Hotel in Manchester. You can tell it's a posh joint because all the upmarket hookers sit in the bar hoping to snare the premiership footballers etc who often stay there. Anyway, one of the guys attending was obnoxious and the host very politely suggested that he cleary wasn't getting the most out of the evening and asked him to leave. The guy promptly went downstairs and told the manager what was going on. We were busted and he at least let us leave without calling the police (given that half of Greater Manchester Police officers seem to be gay or Lesbian, I'm not sure it would have been too bad). Suffice to say, the host was barred from ever staying at the hotel again and the regular partieds ceased. A pity.
  10. Quite. The bad rep the AZ has is all down to squalid politicians covering their arses which was lapped up by a click hungry media ever eager to whip up hysteria.
  11. Waiting for my second. More than happy that it’s the AstraZeneca one as I’d have more chance of developing blood clots from taking paracetamol than that.
  12. Look on the positive (no pun intended) side: you've been saved from hooking up with an obvious jerk. I recently chatted to a guy on FabGuys in the UK. His ad specified that he was looking for bareback sex. I was honest with him about my status and he turned vile - asserting that he never plays with + or +UD guys ever. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have reacted but there was something about his nastiness that riled me. I told him tersely that if he regularly plays bareback, he will have - and will again - encounter guys who aren't as honest about their status as I am and maybe, just maybe, he might have cause to reconsider his attitude at some point. I state on profiles on other sites that I have no interest in chatting to, or hooking up with, guys who use "clean" to descibe their or others' status. But I still get messaged by guys who do. They get awfully defensive and cross when I point they clearly haven't read my profile. That isn't the same as the racism you encountered, and I wouldn't pretend it is. But the sad fact of online life is that sometimes people don't read profiles. Or maybe the guy you encountered just gets off on hurting and insulting people. I have come across that, but thankfully it is rare. There was one guy in Manchester who haunted Scruff, luring guys in until they'd been chatting a while after which he'd turn on them with the most hideous insults and then block. I understand he did it once too often... He certainly hasn't been much of an online presence recently. By stating on his profile that he doesn't like racism or bigots and then demonstrating both in his dealings with you, it suggests the guy you messaged has a similar modus operandi. Fortunately, such cases aren't the norm. If I were charitable, I would conclude guys who do that are very unhappy souls inside. But I am not charitable. What you encountered is unacceptable. It's easy to say just ignore it, but it isn't always as simple as that. But you can be sure that decent guys don't judge on skin colour, religion, class... And if anyone else puts you down, it will almost certainly be more a reflection on him than it ever could on you.
  13. And more besides...😂
  14. I won’t pretend I understand much of that. But it’s pretty clear from what you’ve written that you’re watching our backs, so thank you.
  15. This is very true!!
  16. I thought that about ThisVid - but actually when you start using it, it’s really quite easy to become friends with thx posters. Still prefer Bareback Bastards though.
  17. You looked pretty bloody fit in those black ones when we met, Andy...
  18. Treat everyone as you would wish to be treated yourself, but perfect the art of not giving a damn about what others think of what you do with your genitals.
  19. I have those Timberland ones, too. They’re actually very comfortable.
  20. I love your posts! I have slept with a lot - and I mean a lot - of black guys in my time. In fact, three out of my last four sexual partners, not counting my regular fuckbuds, has been a black guy. Not by design, that’s just how it happened. But each one has not been because of objectification - simply because we’ve found each other mutually attractive. One of things I’ve embraced in my life is how my sexuality has offered me opportunities I really don’t think I would have had had I been straight. I’m from a working class background but I’ve dined at the heart of the British establishment thanks to an ex, who is a high flying lawyer. I’ve also shagged scallies from council estates. I’ve worked my way steadily through most religions and nationalities (not knowingly taken a Russian yet - bucket list) to the extent that if Jules Verne were alive today he could write my life story and call it Around The World In 8000 Cocks. And it’s the sheer differences in guys I relish. So any kind of sexual racism, class bias or objectification is anathema to me. That isn’t to say I don’t have preferences. Course I do. I prefer not to shag twats. They, alas, are to be found in every race and religion. On a side note, I’m sure every UK guy is amused by “BBC” - as it’s the initials of our national broadcaster. I’ve worked for them. I didn’t enjoy it.
  21. Well, if you’re ever in Manchester...😈
  22. Manchester, but often in London pandemic permitting (although I’ve been allowed to travel with work).
  23. It’ll be interesting to see what difference there will be next week when Boris lifts the “stay at home” order on Monday.
  24. I know it works for you and it would for me. My ex and I shared many passions - and some that we didn’t. We had a similar relationship to yours and that wasn’t the reason he’s now my ex. In fact, he remains my best mate who would get a kidney if he needed it.
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