Jen Psaki. And I won't hear anymore of this nonsense denigrating a sitting US senator. How dare you, sir. Everybody knows that Sen L.G., who is one of the few male, single and unmarried sitting members of Congress, to be DC's most notorious and prolific unabashed pussy hounds who's been tearing up gash ever since he was elected to Congress, from Georgetown U to Foggy Bottom, from A street to K street and back again. He's DC's most eligible bachelor for good Christ's sake, I mean, who wouldn't want to marry a man who's wholly unafraid to publish pictures of himself smiling at a chicken sandwich? Let me tell you, he was doing both God's work AND the work of the people of South Carolina that day, and what's better than an elected politician who works for both God AND for you? Just smiling at that chicken sandwich, in his own inimitable fay-aging-bachelor-from-the-south sort of way; the pride that he felt for himself in taking such a controversial photo, that is: that chicken sandwiches are good, and tasty, and are to be smiled upon, which was a stance very much regarded as contrary to public opinion at the time - well, you could almost just reach out and touch it as if it were a hard penis right there in front of you. That's just how strong and how real his pride for himself seemed in that photograph. You know, I bet he just gobbled that chicken sandwich right up no more than 10 seconds after they took that photograph too and he didn't even bother to wash up beforehand, belching on his way out the door to pick up some loose women of questionable moral standing who lacked any visible means of support, and then he proceed to insert the glans of his large, tumescent penis directly into the vaginas of those totally real women, repeatedly and roughshod, and then toss away any concerns they might have about the possibility of becoming impregnated by his hyper-virulent seed by shouting "Pro Life 4 Lyfe, Bitchez! YOLO!", as he door hopped into the front set of his matte-finish wrapped Aventador Roadster lambo, scuurrrrting away in a cloud of burnt rubber with his shades on like a total maverick badass. Such is the way of the machismo-oozing, pussy-pounding, Wolf Pack Alpha leader that is Sen. L.G. of South Carolina. Dude's not gay. Straight as an arrow. Straight as a beaver-eating beaver cleaver. Confirmed pussy hound. DC mothers, please lock up your daughters for their own safety and your piece of mind.. So just sssssstoooph it already! 😠