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About manux32ccs

  • Birthday 05/27/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    I am Latino with European descent, thin, study social communication, currently an analyst job, sexually active life, in the last 15 years 100% sex with men.

    5`44" 127 l and 7 inches cock

    Soy latino con ascendencia europea, delgado, estudie comunicación social, actualmente trabajo de analista, vida sexualmente activa, en los últimos 15 años 100% sexo con hombres.

    1,66 MTS, 57 KG, 18 CM PENE
  • Porn Experience
    none but I want to do something on onlyfans or for treasure island media
  • Looking For
    Currently I am not looking for anything specific, I have learned to savor the variety. my current partner is my slave and we play a lot with other men who use it and give him cum.

    actualmente no busco nada en especifico, he aprendido a saborear la variedad. mi actual pareja es mi esclavo y jugamos mucho con otros hombres que lo usan y le dan su leche.

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  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://twitter.com/manux32ccs1

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  1. Of my 45 years, I have been drinking and pissing during sex for 35 years and I still enjoy it as much as the first day.
  2. Thanks Tim 💔🔥🌹
  3. I am proud to read these testimonies of trashy whores, especially from you who are starting out as an object of pleasure. But my recommendation as a good dominant master and our goal is always to use them for pleasure, is that you be very careful with the subject of humiliation, just as not everyone can practice BDSM without first training and climbing a learning curve, humiliation can cause psychological disorders. I am one of those who likes to break their morale until they cry for several minutes (one of them even fainted), and I obviously after long sessions of use and humiliation, then it is time to give them affection and calm the submissive. I always recommend that they have a good psychologist, and that they also look to practice some sport or game that frees their minds a little from sex and perverse games.
  4. Do you have any fisting instruction manual for beginners? What lubricant recommendations are there?
  5. Talk about at least two unforgettable experiences in those countries? Where are the most filthy and depraved men?
  6. Reading your post, I agreed with you. Based on my experience, it is true that business trips are sexual trips for me. I have always done it and I do not regret it. I went to saunas and clubs in Uruguay, Argentina and Colombia at one time. Whenever I can travel for work, I look for cruising sites or clubs to interact with the guys. In addition to very sordid experiences, I have also made good friends, some of whom always long for my return.
  7. I'm a top dom, but lately in casual sex people don't like to be humiliated or insulted. Are you missing out on the fantasy of degrading a trashy bottom whore? Could it be that I'm not with the right people?
  8. It is simply the reality
  9. I am a fan of rubbing the clit of a good whore and making her explode, very few tops know how to treat Tsgirls I have been fortunate to be with several (operated or not) and they appreciate that I treat them like bitches and know how to use their bodies as females they are.
  10. :( I want to marry you, be your master and you my slave, leave you abandoned in bathhouses, in spas, in alleys, cinemas, parks, ports, anywhere where men sow their sperm and impregnate your insides, but far away Let the unknown cum stay inside I wish you could take them home to drink them or exchange snowballs until they make a large mass of saliva and cum in our throats to drink them, I wish that even for one day and be happy looking into your eyes.
  11. I LOVE YOU ... How I wish to travel just to fuck you as you deserve. Unfortunately I separated from my slave, he loved me to hang him and also used garbage bags to drown him better, sex is superior when a bitch is degraded by his top master.
  12. I think we all agree that a big cock gives a lot of lust to suck it all, and when I go to cruising it is what gives me the most morbid when I get a treasure greater than 20cm 11in ... but in 2014 I had an exciting and somewhat dangerous experience, In a bathroom of a shopping center around 10 at night a very sturdy man entered and then I knelt to suck him, when I see he is a 25cm mastodon because I started to suck him normal and he did not fit in my mouth, until he began to fuck me throat with great force until he introduced his entire member choking me. He displaced my trachea bone a bit and I spent almost a month without being able to swallow well, nor could I drink water.
  13. hahaha I want to see that Hungarian comic, I definitely identify with that motto too. Really for me the problem is not the race, that is rather a plus, my problem is that the man is educated and a good lover, you can have the thickest and firmer penis in the world and not know how to move or you can have an average penis and be the best lover. That's why I envy you, I would love to have sex with a Chinese or any Asian. I have been with natives from here in my locality and it is impressive how they enjoy fucking. There are also black bottoms that are very very supportive.
  14. Hello guys from Canada, I write this post because I am curious about knowing about gay social life in that country. Obviously all migrant must work and get a good future, but I find it curious to know about the cruising or bathouses in the US but never about Canada. I have a friend in Toronto but his life is a bit calm, has a couple, it has told me things but I would like to know if it really is a boring place or you can have lusty sexual experiences. Thanks for your answers.
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