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Everything posted by bbasslover79

  1. I get messages on sniffies from younger bottoms all the time, I explicitly state older than me and versatile, ‘let’s swap loads’. On other sites I get an Oink, or even a message and then crickets. Nobody reads profiles anymore, or they just send out countless messages and nothing. Bathhouses seem to be the best place nowadays.
  2. I feel OP wants to stir the pot here, or definitely follows some reactionary content creators. A one second google search and you can find out exactly why they recommend avoiding the word homosexual. And it’s not SGL. The whole list is recommended for use by the media, not the LGBTQ Community: This Guide is intended to be used by journalists reporting for mainstream media outlets and media creators who want to tell the stories of LGBTQ people fairly and accurately. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive glossary of language used within the LGBTQ community, nor is it a prescriptive guide for LGBTQ people. There is no one way to be LGBTQ, nor is there one way to describe LGBTQ people. In fact, you will see one practice recommended throughout the Guide: Ask people how they describe themselves, ask people their pronouns, and identify them in your coverage as such. [think before following links] https://glaad.org/reference/
  3. Any time any day, fucking love spitting and getting spit on when having sex. Sloppy kisses with lots of spitting.
  4. On all fours, so I still have a bit of control. But on my back works well too, play with the tops nipples, make out, spit. And afterwards we flip positions.
  5. Yes more chapters please, very eager to find out where you’re taking this.
  6. Probably a TOS violation or something. It’s a shame as I like discord communities.
  7. Great story, I'm dripping... hope you continue this.
  8. Start small, get a good core group of guys together that just mesh well. I've been part of groups like this before and usually without a good core group it falls flat the second time, third time, until it's gone.
  9. Eager to see where this goes.
  10. I think it was taken down.
  11. I’m not into it but on occasion I’ve let my dick get cheesy as hell for a hookup that is.
  12. They shut down permanently
  13. An ex boyfriend and me used to do that with each other. Not exactly no loads refused, but one of us would be blindfolded and the other would find guys from sites and apps to come over to a hotel room where we’d set this up.
  14. Love it. Both active and passive. Before and after getting fucked, after is best.
  15. My first fuck was bare. Then was a strict condoms only guy, but when I started visiting saunas, usually slightly intoxicated and still closeted, I went bare again as it made me feel good, slutty and sleazy. But still condoms when doing a ‘proper’ hookup. But started dating an older man/daddy who convinced me to go bare with him, he was undetectable. He showed me it was what I really wanted and he helped me get to be my real sleazy self.
  16. Most disgusting was a public toilet/urial at a truck stop a buddy of mine took me to cruise. Stank of old piss, the foul smelling kind. The floor was filthy god knows what. It did turn me on eventually. And had a good time.
  17. There were always complicated guys, lurkers, pic savers etc. But it’s gotten worse after then pandemic. And I don’t even hook up that much anyway and am noticing it. It’s like half the world lost all social skills and they never relearned them. Hell I even get weird interactions now while shopping at Costco.
  18. You’re right, they are from a different time, but I hope not. Would love to find a group like that again. Maybe apps and social media are making it too easy to look for that next best thing and just move on to the next chat to look for that perfect fuck. I know some guys that while on the way to a hookup are still looking for a better option and sometimes ditch the first one.
  19. My account was deleted over a month or two ago. Glad I have all the vids backed up, and would love to start posting again but what are the alternatives?
  20. Have been without a good regular orgy for a while now. But like others said, in the past every regular orgy I frequented was the result of getting invited by a hookup/fuck buddy who knew I’d be into that. They were more or less carefully curated groups of men, always skewing 30+ in age, more older guys. Almost all of us versatile, and no attitude or hangups. Fat, skinny, older, younger, wasn’t an issue. We’re there to swap loads indiscriminately. But they’re hard to find.
  21. Man this is great! Love there are small details I relate to as well.
  22. An older famous black drag queen from NYC. My then Daddy introduced us, and subsequently shared my ass with him.
  23. Definitely into older men and that type of role play. When younger loved being passed around by Daddy and his friends too. Now more of a service top with Daddies but still role play.
  24. Prefer my men 55+ always have. Always will.
  25. I’ve had this as well. Get an oink! You respond with a simple question to start the hookup and nothing. I completely stopped responding to oinks! with messages. Just oink back and see what happens. If they’re interested they usually send a message back. But in general it’s so incredibly hard to keep a conversation going to get to a point to hookup on certain platforms nowadays. It’s like conversion skills have gone down hill.
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