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Everything posted by BBottom28

  1. Sorry if I sound harsh, but when I read your posts I find it difficult to see if it’s just a fantasy of yours or if it’s just something you are ashamed you like. if it’s a fantasy try it out or just use it as a fantasy, not every fantasy has to come true. if it’s the other talk to someone that can help you accept yourself better.
  2. I love when a guy/ guys take control and just use me for there pleasure and the next day I can’t sit, my voice is a bit raspy and having any clothes on just make my nipples more sore, but have to because I have to hide the redness on my neck from the choking or the love bites. Not overusing the lube/ spit to the first fuck so it still “hurst” but don’t tear and make my ass the new Red Sea is big turn on and often makes me cum. That said abut the Red Sea, some of the best sex I’ve had have been when the cum in the end have had a slight pinkish note.
  3. Nr. 2, 9 or 19 are a favorite the curve/ bump undernes "especially nr. 19" just hit the right spot and if its a big thick dick the feeling it gives when the thick part slips in can send me into the heaven of anal orgasmes if its done the right hard way.
  4. Don’t think the location is unusual it self but more the situation. I was fucked I a hotel suite when I was to a job interview as a bell boy and the front desk manager and elder creep black mailed me to let him breed my ass for the job, as pay back because I on numerous occasions had turned him down when he tried to hook up un a dating site. I ended up with no job because it went to the hotel manager’s nephew, but learned a lesson that one shall not judge a book by its cover, the creep and his partner was the ones that really ade me find my inner pig.
  5. Nice looking hole. I can totally relate to what your saying/ craving for more. When my bf finally persuaded me “with help from poppers and a little force” into letting him try fisting my ass, fisting have become a big part of my sex life, still no expert but practice so in time I can take a double fist, he got big hands.
  6. Great sex is when a top can fuck for “hours or cum multiple times, because have my ass fucked/ used over long time it get really sensitive so First I can get really big and intense anal orgasm Second when they finally breed me, the feeling of cum being pumped in my ass feels really hot, like having chilli on you finger and touch sensitive area's.
  7. I was raised in a small town were being gay was not a good thing. I was around 13 just started my summer vacation and was s all the other kids swimming and having fun with the local pool. One of the elder boys (around 18) got my curiosity by hinting that he new a place in the nearby woods were lot of fun happening, naive as I was I followed him, there I was forced to tasted my first cock, learnt what gag reflex is and it’s not only girls that bleed when there virginity is taken. I know now that it was rape and total manipulation when he got me convinced that it was my own fault and I should keep it a secret so my parents was not humiliated in the town and forced to close there business because of there faggot son.
  8. That was hot love love the chapter and can’t wait for the development in the story.
  9. Great chapter as always. really love your stories.
  10. Thanks, for the ride, I just loved the story from the beginning to the end, understand it had to end sometime but will miss the life on Hibiscus Drive. Just to put a bit pressure on you. I am looking forward to your new story because you will start a new one right.
  11. Hot story. Shame it just ended like that.
  12. I was 18 and it was done stealth. My BF had talk me into fulfilling his fantasy that was to have one or two tops and me blindfolded in a sling. After long times pressure I gave into his request if he promised he would be sure they used condom. We were not because we had taken a test and I believed we were monogamous, later it learned it was not the case. He found two guys and blindfolded me before they arrived and put me in his sling, when they got there they got me high on poppers and then took turns fucking my ass. When I asked if they remembered the condom because I felt slippery/ wet my BF told me that the condom didn’t fit so they skipped them and I already had gotten one load from each so it didn’t make sense starting now.
  13. Love this chapter specifically the section with Joshua don’t know why but feel sad for him despite all the evil things he has done to others, so happy his not totally forgotten.
  14. I love to keep the cum in my ass so it can be absorbed, if it’s two or more loads I got I use a plug to avoid any leaking. But if I have to push it out I swallow it, have a fuck buddy that after sex loves to finger my hole and have me push his loads out and feed it to me.
  15. Another great chapter.
  16. I let the top decide if he wants me naked or clothes, but find it hot if I’m naked and he is fully clothes.
  17. I love to get fucked raw and gladly take any load, what makes it so hot is mostly the thought of the top marking me as his territory, it’s a show of domination and yes the feeling when he shots and the slickness and warm feeling after, but it’s first when prep came I really started. I’m not a chaser and seeking to get HIV so before prep my BB adventure was limited and only happened when is was drunk or really turned on or got stealth.
  18. Great chapter. Said it before but this story i think is the best so fare I read from you, you got so many storylines going at the same time but still keeps it in sync. Hope there is long way to the end.
  19. I don’t really have a certain type/ look that turns me on, maybe it’s because I was big/ fat when I was a kid and don’t feel I can judge others on looks, but to me it’s more then personality that’s a turns me on then the body. If it’s just anonymous sexist it’s doesn’t matter at all, there my focus is only how big and thick the dick is and if the top knows how to use it and me.
  20. Don’t think it’s that unusual anymore if it have been, but have had some tops that actually get turned off when I have done ass to mouth on them. I’m like you and like to get the top hard agin for another round, but also think it’s hot if the top go back and forth between ass and mouth under a good fuck. But learned that I enjoy it more with out lube taste, some brand are not pleasant in taste or consistency in the mouth. So prefe to use spit, piss or cum when there there is ass to mouth, but if a top use lube and ask for a BJ I do as any good bottom, and delivers a BJ, but prefer it without lube taste.
  21. Gurgle you mouth/ throat in strong saltwater, the saltwater is antibacterial because it’s kills most bacteria it’s also great if you have a normal cold sore throat. Take 2 spoonful salt and dissolve in a normal size glad of water. Take a mouthful and wipe the head back and gurgle in 15 sec and spit it out (one of the only time I don’t swallow)and repeat. If the throat is sore because the dick was big and it was rough, I recommend rest a bit and maybe eat soft food next day or two or better training lots of training so the throat get used take big things.
  22. Another great chapter.
  23. I have read a lot of awesome stories in here and in a weak moment I got that great idea to try myself, the ideas and fantasy are all flying wild around in my head, but putting down in writing is nothing I have done before and debated on and off if I actually post this story. However, as a quote says “nothing ventured, nothing gained” Feedback is welcome but please have in mind it is my first attempt, English is not my birth langue so spelling, and grammar mistake will occur. Hope you will enjoy the story. Things I did to get a star. I was born and raised in a small rural town everybody knew each other so secrets was hard to keep especially one like mine, my father and mother was very religious and for some it could look they were radicals so telling them there only son was gay was never an option I was already one big failure. My father had been the local football star and had gotten big offers from the big league but getting caught taking a small cut with use of steroids made that dream come to an early end. My mother had her goal set on becoming a top model, she had the looks to make it, but an intense love affair and a broken condom resulted in that dream to came crashing down because nine month after the affair I was born. My father and mother both nineteen and both their dreams crashed and looked down on from the rest of the community for their unholy union and bastard child, made them take the only road they could think of and got married even though they did not love each other and had anything in common except the bitterness of failed dreams in common. When I was born my grandparents died and left everything to my father and his brother the family’s black sheep, it was first until I was eight I learned the reason to why we were not I contact with him. He was gay and the family had disowned him and only because my grandmother had put her foot down my grandfather had given him a small farmhouse with six acers of farmland and forest the rest of the estate and money went to my father. But were my father only had his goal set on becoming the football star of all time, my uncle had done good in school and university so with the small amount he got he quickly got a good business going and started to expand, were my father that did not have the educations hurry wasted most of the money on bad decisions made from bad advice from friends that did not know anything on how to run a big manor and the farmland properly, so when I was six we had to move out and in a small house in the outskirt of the local small town just to add further to my parents humiliations and remind them of their failed dreams. Me the big failure or dream destroyer as my mom would call me when she was in a really bad mood was only 5.3 feet tall, 103 pounds or skinny, pale skin and in winter almost white the sun could never give me any colour other than lobster red, my voice was high pitchy and my hair was a big mop of dirty blond hair that seemed to have its own will, total opposite then my father that was 6.2 feet tall and 265 pounds of pure muscle and a deep masculine voice. My parents never hit me or abused me but never really cared or showed any sign of love and affection towards me, my father tried but gave up because I never succeed in any of the things he tried make me do like sports, hunting fishing or other things like a real man would love, so instead of trying he stopped and just left me to live my life alone as long I was not getting in his way or asked questions like why the neighbor wife always came over when mom went to church and always left red and flustered after one hours screaming and panting in my parents’ bedroom. Until I was ten they discovered my talent for cocking they pretty much left me alone and didn’t bother to pay attention to how my daily life was, not that I could tell anything exiting except how I was bullied or got beaten in school breaks even the teacher would sometimes join in on the name calling, but one day my father found some leftover I had put in the fridge and suddenly it was my responsibility to have the dinner ready and my father’s work lunch ready on weekends or holidays breakfast to, it ended with I had to make lunch boxes to my father’s colleagues or to some of their church gatherings. That little recognition it gave me was better than nothing so I gave it my best, tried to learn more read and watch everything that had anything to do with food so at the age of eighteen I got chosen to be a cocking apprentice on one of the restaurants in the big neighbor city, my father and mother was happy, but I think it was more for the prospect of me bringing some money for them to use. But I didn’t care I was over the moon with happiness, because it was not only the best restaurant in the area, but one of the best in the country but also recognized in the world and every apprentice that graduated from the restaurant could chose were he/ she would work, the recognition was not only do to the tree stars it had but also for the owner, he had won almost every medal worth winning. My big secret dream was that I one day would own my own restaurant and get one or two stars myself and show everybody and especially my parents that I was not a failure, so to get a place at the place meant everything and I was happy and for once felt that life was good and dared to believed that I was more than the failure everyone said. From day one, the staff made me feel welcome, helped me settle in, except the senior apprentice Alex, whatever I said or did Alex never said anything except some rude comments about my failure family and me, but even his hurt full comment could ruin my happiness or stop me from using him as jerk off material because with his 6 feet tall and 186 pounds muscle, blond hair and deep blue eyes he was pure sex good in my opinion. Alex was six years older than me and from the same small town I was from, but were I was the skinny failure he had been the star, good at any sport the school and bought home trophy after trophy, he had joined the military but went home after one year because his girlfriend’s mom had fallen ill and then had started as cocking apprentice and now only had four month and then was a real chef. The first tree month was a trail period and the owner could fire one with days’ notice but after the tree month you were signed a contract so you were secure the rest of your education witch would take four years to complete, so I gave everything I had to show that my boss had made the right choice to pick me and not one of the other thirty that had applied for the same position. The boss and owner was 6.3 feet tall and looked like a bear with all the body hair, he was friendly and always toke the time to tell share his knowledge to ever body even the waiters was joining in the kitchen whenever there was an opportunity, it was a Sunday afternoon that my journey to become the person I am today started. Normally the restaurant were closed on Sundays but this Sunday my boss had accepted to open so the prime minister could celebrate her first newborn, everything went after planed and we were ready to go home and enjoy the rest of the Sunday before we had to start on a busy week the next day. It was also the last day in my trail period and my colleagues have made fun and jokes all day about I should hurry home before the boss could change his mind and fire me even Alex made some comments about run before it’s to late or I would regret for not running, had I known what I know now I would have run like hell was after me, but I was naïve and blinded by my dream to become the owner of my own restaurant with one or two stars or maybe tree. Just as I was to leave the boss came and asked me to stay behind because there seemed to be a problem with my contract and he would like to fix it so there was no problem I the future, worried I quickly accepted and said bye to the others. When we were alone the boss suggested, we went up to his privet apartment and get things settled. When we got up in the apartment he said take a seat and relax, gave me a glass of vine, I never drank but because of the nerves I accepted and quickly emptied the glass but he quickly refilled it repeatedly, I told him I was not used to drink and he laughed and told me then it was time I learned to live and be a real grown up so I kept drinking even I was feeling the effect. He then asked me if I was aver of what it meant to be an apprentice at his restaurant and how many doors it would open? I honestly said yes I knew and was happy that he had given me the opportunity, what he then said chocked me. He said that he was not sure he made the right choice with me because he had a feeling I was not totally up to the challenge it would be and put the effort in to show him that I was grateful and not let him down, I started crying and told him he had made the right choice and I would do anything to show him I was grateful and would never let him down if he just gave me a chance. He then said he had to think it through but I had done a good job in make him believe me, he then said we should get some rest so we were ready for next morning and since I had alcohol he offered I could sleep in the spare room, afraid to anger him more I quickly accepted and we went to bed tired from a hard work day and emotionally rollercoaster ride I soon found sleep. I woke up to the dream of a snake sliding up along the crack in my ass and leaving a trail of moist, suddenly I became aware it was not a dream and the heavy breathing was not the wind blowing but my bosses heavy breathing and the snake was his dick he was grinding up my ass, I tried to get up but he held me tight and whispered for me to stay and be quiet and enjoy like any good faggot. I told him I didn’t want it and I was a virgin and was waiting for the right guy to take my virginity, he laughed and it felt like his dick got even harder and bigger, when I again tried to get up he got angry said I had a really strange way to show him how grateful I was and even questioned what I had said two hours earlier in fact was true and I just was using him. Therefore, he literally kicked me out of the bed and told me to get the hell out and never come back, in total chock I started crying and begged him not to kick me out and said I had meant and still meant every word, he then asked me to show it, come back to bed and start showing gratitude and be thank full towards him. Shaking with fear I crawled back to bed, he then cuddled me and told me how sweet I was and he just wanted what was best for me, he told me why I acutely should be grateful that he would take my cherry and it would not be some random guy that I had to pay because I must know I was not good looking, in some level I knew it was fucked up and I should get the hell out, but what he told me was only what everyone had told me my entire life so I stayed and acutely thanked him for his kindness. He then started to feel up my body pinching my nipples and every time I cried out when he was to rough his breathing got more ragged and his dick made more of the slimy stuff in my crack. He asked if I had played with my ass before and I told him now which only seems to make him happier. He told me that the first time would hurt and it was better just to go all in and enjoy it then go slow and drag the pain, I said I was afraid and didn’t not like pain, to which he laughed and said I did not look that way, and to my surprise my tiny dick or weeny was rock hard and made the slimy stuff big time. He started to grind his dick up against my hole again and it acutely felt nice, he the toke a brow bottle and placed it under my nose and told me it was ok, and take deep breaths, when I did my head started spinning and a warm feeling spread through my body, he kept urging me to take more and bigger breath, when he suddenly said hold it, I was literally flying from the poppers when suddenly the good feeling was replaced with intense pain. At first I did not register were it came from but quickly I became aware it was from my ass and he was pushing what felt like a baseball bat up my ass, I struggled to get free and screamed out and begged him to stop but he just laughed and told me to shut up or he would have to gag me and I had willingly chosen to crawled back in bed and kept pressing more of his dick in my ass until he told me how good a boy I was and I had taken his whole dick, the entire time I silent cried and hope it soon would be over. He told me to take more poppers and how wonderful my hole was feeling and how much pleasure I was giving him and in time I would feel it to, the pain returned when he started to pull out and push back in, he kept the slow pace a bit and it started to feel ok, he even changed position so I was on my back and my legs on his shoulder but kept the slow and gentle pace smiling down at me. I started to make soft moans and not just grunts when he pushed the dick in my ass though the pain still was there it was now mixed with pleasure I never experienced before, I became aware of the musky smell and his hairy body wet dripping with sweat which strangely was intoxicating and big turn on, suddenly it felt like some warm liquid was pumping in my ass, the feeling was too much and I lost control and came all over my stomach but suddenly he stopped. When I asked if something was wrong, he brought his face close to mine and smiled down at me “like someone had control I stuck my tongue out and licked the sweat from his chin”, he then asked if I enjoy having his dick in my ass, still shy a gave a little nod, but he said if I wanted him to keep fucking my ass I had to beg for him to give me a good fucking like a real man because he would never use force and use me against my will, so I started to beg him to fuck me like a real man. He ordered me to take deep hit of poppers and hold my breath until he started to fuck my ass, he planted a kiss on my nose and I dreamily smiled up at him but the smile he returned was one that sent chills down my spine, and then he slammed his entire dick back in my hole. I screamed like crazy, tried to get up, and away from him and the burning pain, but my little physic was not match to his, and the more I tried to get free the more force he used to fuck my ass. I kept pleading him to stop or be more gentle but he just laughed and twisted my nipple so hard I was afraid he would tear it off, he asked me why stop when it looked like I loved it since my tiny dick was rock hard and leaking all over my stomach so instead of screaming for him to stop I should beg him to keep fucking and use my body. In my confused mind still affected by the alcohol, poppers, pain in my ass and nipples, his manipulating words and the fact my dick was hard I heard myself start beg him to keep fucking and use my ass even twist my nipples harder. Don’t know how long he kept fucking me, but suddenly his trusting became ragged and he said he was about to nut in my ass and told me to beg for his cum, I totally freaked because I realized he was fucking me without condom, but before I could say anything he slammed his dick in my ass and that feeling of warm flued pumping in ass returned just this time more intense and again I came all over my stomach. After the climax he collapsed and sat back on his heels with his dick still lodged in my hole until his dick softened and flopped out with a pop, he told me how great it had been and tight my hole was and even commented on how sexy the hole looked all swollen up, red and smeared in pink cum, he then got up and went in to his own bed to sleep. Left I lay on my bag in a state of chock, confusion and all thoughts running in my head about how wrong this was and the fear about having unsafe sex, but yet still feeling guilty for have enjoyed it because I had cum not one but two times, at that time I did not know that if once prostate was stimulated long enough it could give one an unwilling orgasm. I must have fallen asleep because next thing I remember is waking up by having my boss yet aging slamming his dick up my ass and fucked me hard before he told me quickly to clean up and get down in the kitchen and start work before the staff came in and get suspicious, because it was to be a secret that he would help me in the future he told me. When the others came the commented on I was up and early and I just told them I have had trouble sleeping, and when the commented on my awarded walk I just said I had fallen down the stairs and landed on my butt so was a bit sore both things was not totally lies. It was only Alex that did not commented but strangely just seem sad. My boss acted like nothing had happened and things quickly went back to normal and after a week my ass stopped hurting and I started to believe it was only a onetime thing and the rest of my education would go just fine, how naïve and wrong that was would be a lesson I soon would learn.
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  24. Another great chapter it seems like you are building up to something big both good and bad, that Joshua character is still roaming around you did not close it in chapter 10.
  25. Don’t know if it sucking a cock but on my back with my head hanging backwards so the top has free access to my throat and better if he restrain my hands so he have absolute control. If I sucking in sucking sit between his legs and looking up at him while he have a hand on my head controlling the pace.
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