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Everything posted by GoingEasy

  1. Whoa, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in your bedroom when this going on. ( Do flies masturbate?)
  2. I understand,☺️ I'd give your post a like, but the system won't let me.
  3. Dr. Scorpio, I'll disagree with you here. Back when I was in graduate school, ( yes before the earth was completely cool). There was this incredibly handsome tall blonde, chiseled, porn star hot colleague of ours , ( he like 50% of us was gay), and he dated only men over 70. And maybe the rest of us weren't 'hot guys" , but we were in our 20's. When you are in your 20's you are a defacto hot guy. My point: We were in awe of him, and even met one of his 70 y/o fuckbuds ( who held a dinner in our honor in his home), and we never thought less of him, because of his preference in much older men.
  4. Darkroom Taker: I read your post the other day and thought about it. And at risk of sounding contrary, there may be something else going on with the notable numbers of guests , and it may not be nefarious. Confession: I have been a dedicated reader of BZ since 2016, and for years enjoyed your posts , and Darkroom Taker I ( still fantasize about bending you over, with a little benign play with my used underwear in your mouth until you squeel like the pig you are until I cum in your ass), and also enjoyed many other writers including Wood, BBZH, Tommy Tank, Dr. Scorpio,, Bareback fliprlop , and a host of others, several times a week with delight. My point: I was always under the cover of an anoymous guest and had no nefarious purpose aside from learning and enjoying the dedicated community here. Finally last month, I decided I didn't care who read my salacious drivel, or rambling comments, or who saw my cock flop out of my trousers and have posted over 50 comments and more than 3 stories ( and you may be thinking, please Going Easy , go back to guest status so we don't have to look at your incessant posts and your need for us to constantly baby sit your horny ass). My point: Maybe alot of those hundreds of guests are really thinking about becoming a part of this dedicated community of smart talented tumescent folks, but are still a little tentative.
  5. Telegram: wrt4789
  6. I'm in PDX Love to join .I just have to figure out how to get on Telegram ( it csn't be that difficult ).
  7. Trust me, I'm a cautionary tale on this one. And actually he initiated it, and I got punished and lost a friend. ( See my earlier post) ( I've decent emotional intelligence, I thought if it was his idea, I'd get a free pass.No, I got punished anyway.)
  8. OK, I thought San Francisco Cum Union was hot, but Budapest sounds like a life affirming gay, bisexual pansexual sloppy cummy piss filled fuckfest, heaven on earth. Amazing! WOW. Your life is a gay man's heaven. ( And you have stamina like a bunny) Super hot story !! 2 Questions : 1) With the hot 51 y/o, you mentioned that you guys snowballed . What is that? 2) With the 23 y/o, you mentioned he liked to play dirty? ( I don't know what that is, but it sounds like fun.) I'm going to have to read your story gain, this time with my lubed up cock in my right hand.
  9. My comment is not even relevant to this discussion. However what an arousingly provocative and appealing image you've created. And you remind me that I've been mostly abstinent during this Covid period ( not high risk, but not going to chance it), and how I'd really love to grip a man's hips and move my cock in and out of him while I fuck him doggy . And we both watch on the proverbial mirror reflecting a man in ardor bobbing up and down on my pole. What a delicious image ! My cock gets so ragingly hard , like now , picturing this appealing scenario, that I'm almost afraid that I'll climax and spunk hands free and make an inconvenient ( if embarrassing )mess just with the visual fantasy. Thank you for that image, I imagine it will be in my minds eye, and be the refuge of my happy place for days to come, until I'm given the post restriction opportunity to gleefully make the beast with two backs to whomever submits to my lust.
  10. At risk of sounding greedy, We haven't had a story from you in a while. ( I know you're getting your groove on plenty. I see you  on twitter fucking up a storm with wank fantasy quality men) Go ahead, impress and entertain  us  with a story, ( as you usually do).

    1. bareback-flipflop


      Yes, you’re right my friend. However, I was too tired to do more than just reading and commenting on the one hand. And I didn’t have any source of inspiration for writing on the other hand. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t have adventures but these weren’t so special or exciting that inspired me to write them. Now, thinking back to the last ten days I’ll try to write something retrospective summary. 😉

    2. GoingEasy


      Awesome! ( I can hardly wait)😀

  11. Hot story, well written .You're a pro. Got more?
  12. Bisub : I agree completely.
  13. Wood : I'd give your post both a like and thumbs up,( but as a newbie they don't give me access to those today. ) BTW, you're one of my favorite posters on this site, I have learned quite a bit from you ( regarding PREP and men's health in general). And because of you anyone who even thinks of using BBC terminology gets a invitation from me to rethink that pejorative term . I assure you , my stories are verifiably true ( no chasing nor reckless, just kinky and horny) I'd be flattered and honored if you took a look .
  14. Cukie: Firstly welcome back, 😺. Secondly, what is Eros like? ( aside from it's excellent location near Castro). Never been, b/c Cum Union San Francisco is such an awesome hot inclusive marathon of a fuckfest , that I never considered anything else. However, when restrictions end I want to bathhouse and sex party the whole west coast corridor , starting with Rain City Jacks in Seattle and ending with Club San Diego. So is Eros worth a visit?
  15. Ok, I'm a little reluctant to agree with Bootman LA ( because I'm still smarting from him ,deservedly , calling me out on my hissy fit the other day regarding the closure of bathhouses and sex clubs due to likely prolonged mask mandates here through December. Yes, I'm a self centered spoiled brat, but I pretend that others don't see that.) When I was 18 and coming out, my favorite clubhouse so to speak ( much more than a bar, really) was a small quiet music filled lesbian bar in my hometown. They women, (it was about 97 % women / 3% men) who were gentle, kind and supportive, and even introduced me, via their home introductions, to a few community business leader gay men ( who never hit on me) ( Ok, I hit on one incessantly and finally we fucked years later I think just to shut me up) and became my successful role models and friends for a decade or more. I didn't like the gay men's bars so much, because you were thought to go there for " one thing",( and I was offered that one thing right quick) and actually I didn't want sex most of the time, just some camaraderie and validation. My point : Why shouldn't the women's bar or Louise herself ask me to find another place to go, informing me that her place was a women's place? She didn't and furthermore I felt welcome and cherished and loved there by these women. Why can't we find the graciousness in our souls to accept all of us ( yup, I said us) gay folks regardless of our plumbing or sexual preferences, let's expand our circle of passion and concern, I invite you to.
  16. Ok, I'm going to disagree here a little , not to just to be opositional, or just to hear myself blether, but because I'm still smarting from a loss of a good friend. Alex was a great friend,for a few years, smart ( computer engineer specializing in voice assisted software), honest, kind, enjoyable, and a true confidante. We hung out at least a one Saturday a month, and even travelled together to nude beach resorts in the Carribean, ( where I attempted with some success to seduce men, and he women. And we had an arrangement as to when to vacate the hotel room for a little while so we could get a groove on with our respective new friends.) Yeah, he was/is hot, Cuban parentage , about 5'7'', brown curly hair, a nice 7 incher ( uncut). But honestly, as he was straight , I enjoyed his friendship and it was a bonus that he was also eye candy. Imagine my delight , when one summer afternoon, we were at my place, changing into swimming trunks to go down to the pool, when he looked at me and laughed , smiled at my groin and said ( verbatim): " You know you're always hard" ( not true, but I was right then). He then knelt down on his knees and started to give me a delicious blowjob. I didn't climax, and in about 10 minutes I knelt besides him and returned the favor. The smoothness of his cock was like silk, and my tounge played with his foreskin. We laughed , went downstairs, swam and had lunch. After that afternoon, he tended to avoid me, and we never hung out again, I called him a few times, and he begged off getting together as he was busy at work. My point: He initiated the sex, ( yes I get erect from time to time spontaneously, who doesn't ), but in the end I lost a good friend. My advice: don't go there, even if it's initiated ( sex play that is) on his part, you still might get punished and lose a friend.
  17. Andy , thanks for your in depth review and pointers. TBH, I'd love to go , however I think the first time I'll ( very much )enjoy it as a stallion to get more comfortable with the tenor and cadence of the that kind of blindfold sex party ( Woof!) and if I dare another time perhaps as a mare.
  18. Thank you for the like !  I'm gratified . I've got much more rambling musings and stories of my bad behavior , just let me know and I'll be happy to  share them  with you all.

    1. NLbear


      Thanks. And I can't wait 😉 

  19. Thanks for the follow sexy. OK, I'm begging: I'b be thrilled for any readers of my stories.

  20. Ok, two issues: 1) I agree and tend to be really genuinely versatile, and spent years in a relationship with a BF and was an obligate top and truly enjoyed it , and in my younger years ( 20's and early 30's) was in long term relationships where I only bottomed ( their choice). I found that if I was only allowed to bottom, after a while I became anxious and restless, never knowing why. Maybe the (erudite) poster on this site Renoverse 82 came up with my answer in one of his posts : " (He) view gay sex as a competitive sport over an act of Domination and Submission". Maybe when I was in a long term relationship and forced to be an obligate bottom I felt suffocated? ( Who knows). Versatility, and enjoying both topping and bottoming tends to be useful in certain locations: Here in the PNW ( and in Glasgow Scotland) at bathhouses and with fuckbuds many prize versatility and we flipfuck with glee in the same session. Other places including Berlin and Montreal you are asked to define your role ( active or passive) and I enjoy staying in my defined lane. Since I'm not on the sex apps ( work prohibits) I don't advertise my role prior to the encounter so my versatility is usually not known beforehand, but if discussed in advance many gay men are suspicious of that title. 2) bisexualguy 1978 , i have a question for you: Several years ago I had a very satisfying boyfriend who was fun, smart, creative, adventurous and we fucked like rabbits. He had a deliciously insatiable sexual appetite and even out of bed we got along very well ( most of my boyfriend relationships usually ended due to boredom or one of us moving away). He was bisexual and left me for a woman ( running into him /them afterwards in town was a little odd). He said that he could only have an emotionally satisfying relationship with a woman . I see that you lean the same way. Without being accusatory, I'm honestly wondering what a woman has romantically , that we men don't? ( And truly, I'm not trying to be oppositional ) Can you help me understand that a little bit?
  21. Andy: I have always wanted to participate in the Horsefair at The Boots, do you recommend it? Any particular pointers or cautions?
  22. Ok, I have a different perspective. There is nothing so soul soaringly wonderful and gratifying as the sexual act with another man, either fucking or getting fucked, ( yeah, and add rimming in there). Of all the great pleasures in life, this is # 1. So as gay men we are blessed with that opportunity. Everything else is a distant second. We don't need drugs, and I have never understood chasing. 1) In terms of the gay lifestyle, I'm an unmitigated and embarrassing faliure. I look like a cross between a Wall Mart shopper and a Neanderthal. My straight men friends dress in elegant bespoke blue jeans with wood oak eyeglass frames, their homes are serenely cool with sleek Danish modern furniture and they actually know the names of the flowering plants in their yards. They serve , with dinner, small batch wines that are sent to them directly from the wineries and know how to make and serve flambee'd deserts during their candelight dinners that they hold for us ( including their gay friends) and we homos look at them in awe. I live in silent terror that that one of my straight men friends, for curiosity and giggles may seduce me , and later whisper among my friends their derision of my primitive sexual technique and crude lovemaking. And to add insult to injury, in terms of lifestyle, my straight men friends even have more appealing cocks. I sport a decent 7 incher, but its surrounded by a unruly bush that has never seen a razor. Their cocks sit lovingly on a pair of smooth shaved balls and a well manicured pubis. ( How do I Know? Here in Portland we have a rite in June where 12,000 of us get naked at dusk in a large city park and bicycle ride at night after dark , nude 12 miles through the city hooting and hollering to the tunes of bicycle DJ's with boom boxes, led by a police cavalcade, and ends in a hour long dance party in semidarkness, lit by torches at the waterfront.) So in terms of gay lifestyle, my straight men friends easily outgay me.
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