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HappyPozBoy last won the day on August 26 2023

HappyPozBoy had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    NY State
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Poz Class of 2021

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  1. you need to have Riley smoking more. either cigars or add in pipes.
  2. Great story. Love the smoking element
  3. So it turns out I can now add a new poz grandson to my family tree. 2025 is off to a POZitive start. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HappyPozBoy


      @PozTalkAuthor 5 sons 2 grandsons and yes from the same son. Proud of him

    3. PozTalkAuthor


      That means being a very PROUD gifter! Nice shot!

    4. J-raw


      I would love to join your family.

  4. I hope everyone has a Happy and POZitive New Year. 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      It seemed to be a boring celebration, but it was good instead. We all had fun at the end (I guess you understand me).

  5. I will be participating. 3rd year in a row. Husband will be my keyholder.
  6. Me and husband are planning to visit Scheune when we visit Berlin next year but cant find any details on what the nights are... like is it just come and cum or is it you must wear gear, or its piss night etc?
  7. I need you to infect me!

  8. Just spoke to the first guy I gifted after I converted. He just got confirmation of his own first successful convert. I'm officially a poz grandpa. Very proud and very happy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Congratulations are in order! And your gifter is 3rd grade gifter now. Your strain goes on with third generation

    3. Greim


      That’s awesome! How old is your poz grandson?

  9. Your STATUS upgrade was already switched on, since 2021... But status update wasn't! LOL

  10. Thanks well the option is there 🙂
  11. I go to my profile but the option isnt there.
  12. Amazing start. cant wait for more
  13. Smoking and sex... my fav combo. Eagerly awaiting the next installment
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