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About PozBearWI

  • Birthday March 5

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    SE Wisconsin
  • Interests
    Sex with men. I try to not box myself in with one or another exact sex play; although as ED tends to interrupt me more often than I desire; cock sucking seems to be my dominate activity recently. Pre ED flip fucking was my most frequent play. I am not a fan of pain. Have played scat stuff and don't find it appealing. Being the one to have to clean it all up after; it is more chore than pleasure for me.

    Our men who enjoy sex with men part of our community; I have enjoyed lots of conversations here on BZ that are not sex based. In those circumstances I feel more part of a community. I don't have a hard and fast "type"; definitely willing to try once at least and we'll know how we clicked sexually. And even if we don't click much sexually; I am happy when those develop into friendships.

    As a group here, now, in 2023; my sense is our rather open social acceptance is at risk of moving back to fantasy based decisions. Facts and "I don't like" (aka; opinion or thougths about) are often at odds.

    WRT DADT; in part poz social acceptance in the coming years might very well get pretty vicious. I don't know that it will, but my observations of social (fueled by political) tolerance is that we're moving away from it while talking a good game. I am a fan of social tolerance about things we do to ourselves. I am not a fan of tolerance about prohibiting others rights to what happens within their own body. In my opinion each of us should have decision domain over our body. And for me there is a big difference between that and restrictions about where I can put my body. While a flawed system; restricting a social abusers contact with others makes sense. Sentencing seems deeply flawed; fueled also more by religion than risk mitigation.

    I also realize that while I will always find it interesting to discuss the above matters; I fall strongly in the "you do you" camp. Whether it is in opinion or our varied and rather widely differing abilities and talents. The why behind disagreements is often interesting to me; even if the founding principle. I am rather startled at the claims "it's worth any amount of money if we can save just one child"... We each have a time living; some quite short, some quite long, most somewhere in the middle. Perhaps it is simply my stage in life; 3/4 of a century. Being out and gay for half a century now has exposed me to quite a bit of change in public and private opinion. Experiencing a new fatal illness in my communities mix has our recently ended COVID pandemic a relative "walk in the park".

    Jim 7/4/23
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Been out and active since the mid 1970s. My pozzing was by choice to see if I could counteract my genetic resistance to HIV infection. And it wasn't a guarantee. But five months of monthly testing after my exposures I finally tested reactive in 2023. Twelve years ago I would never have done it; and I am certainly cognizant that HIV is not a trivial disease. However it is mostly controllable with a lower side effect profile. I already have diseases for life. I have too many dead friends and I only have a comparitively few years to "walk in their shoes". It is an experience I most definitely am grateful to be experiencing. Will it be much like other stuff I have, not terribly invasive to my ability to self care, get around, experience other facets of living.
  • Porn Experience
    None; save for home videos.
  • Looking For
    Primarily a happy exchange of energy. Raw only though. Might be my place in rural America but the majority of my play buds just want my talented oral skills. I definitely enjoy that and would never say no to sucking a guy off. I would like to redevelop a good topping/bottoming reputation again. It is perhaps excellent that u=u has taken hold somewhat. But largely guys in my area seem to want to avoid poz guys.

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  1. Interesting @viking8x6, I didn't realize they had been in use for multiple decades. And indeed I honestly had no idea of the duration of use. Delaying puberty 3 to 5 years is certainly a rational approach. Although I am curious if the long term effects of such a delay has been studied much? My life position on choices about our own bodies is one of my longest held beliefs. We've always had parts of society telling everyone else what they should do. And many of our fellow citizens are firmly in the "do as I say, not what I do" camp.
  2. Understanding of course that we don't have decades of data about going on puberty blockers at a young age and dropping them at mid life. That said, I would be loathe to legislate against them. That individual and their doctors, and with minors with the consent of their parents should be the only ones making that choice.
  3. Sweet start!!! Oh to have photos of those two...
  4. Bottom line, once we are poz we will always be poz. So it doesn't really matter whether we "like it". It is permanent. That said, I'm glad to be poz today.
  5. No @viking8x6. No disinfection needed. But I think both you and I agree that leaving NATO is a bad idea. Balancing NATO cost vs benefits is complex because there aren't clearly defined boundaries that describe costs and benefits. It is more about the evolution of a cooperative set of societies on earth vs uncooperative. But nonetheless as our societies evolve rebalancing these things makes sense. Can we cooperate with each other on this one planet we all share? Or not? That seems to be the point. Truly I don't see the attraction anyone has ever had to Mr Trump. His life is as a self described deal maker and the best one ever. He created the Mexico/US/Canada trade deal in his first term. Now he decries it as the worst deal ever made. But it was HIS deal. His lifelong pattern has been making deals and then violating the very deals he made. That isn't a deal. That's the ploy of a con man. Much of NATO is around the idea of agreeing where national boundaries are. But guys like Putin and now Trump want to "renegotiate" those. But not for us, for themselves....
  6. When given a choice I prefer other poz guys. Seems our focus there is sharing pleasure and not fretting bugs.
  7. I gave 12 blow jobs to completion the day I opened my home glory hole and hosted a group of about 40 guys.
  8. Thanks Doc
  9. Indeed, i had intended to write "He self describes as a sociopath...". Obviously I am a keyboard fuck up at times! 🙂
  10. Need? Hmm, no... Desire? Definitely. I find myself stopping myself. While I pozzed intentionally and have no regrets, I am not of a mind to poz others unintentionally. The idea of stealth is abhorrent to me. Of course candor works against me as there are a massive quantity of utterly ignorant guys; who have an unhealthy fear of disease to their own peril. There are guys in my neighborhood fearful of handshakes. OY. From a sexual standpoint I have become my own cock block.
  11. Obviously power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We see that old saw playing out again, but it is hardly new. Still from my POV no cheers for the ugly fuck in the WH now.
  12. My pharmacist doesn't have to ask me... He can see my records we've developed over the years. I am going to believe my doctor over some dude I've never met in person, much less sans credentials uttering their line of snake oil. As a society we tried to deal with this in the 1800's and 1900's to counteract snake oil salesmen (who exist throughout human history) and largely succeeded. Now we have new snake oil sales men trying to get the system to work in their favor. The unskilled and unqualified leading the charge.
  13. Anyone who has actually worked the life of a manager; and has had success doing so, knows that firing is an indication of our failure as a coach, not a measure of strength. He demonstrated himself ONLY as a bully today, and demonstrated how is absolutely sucks as a negotiator.
  14. Ditto, my answer is YES. Didn't we work through all this nonsense 60 years ago? For me it is always the quality of the man attached to said dick and ass. Complexion is, as is hair color and texture, a feature of how we look, not who we are.
  15. Exactly @partying.hard. and yet it is super simple to do. If nothing else it gives Muskrat a clue of the economic power he is fucking around with.
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