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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. @nanana my friend, I think you misread BootmanLA's post then. He didn't assert that Poole got his ideas from Russia. He said Poole was funded (unknowingly) from Russia.
  2. George Clooney is not a "political genius". Activist? Sure. Why do you expect him to say anything?
  3. Sounds like a good time. Depending on when the zoom is open, if I can I'll join in.
  4. If we substitute "World to Change tomorrow" for "World to End tomorrow" in the opening premise of this thread; I think that is more descriptive of our future. I thought we pretty well established that the President Elect is unpredictable. He see's that as a strength; and for him, it is. For the rest of us? Not so much. Safe to say a lot of shit is going to happen which won't bode well for at least half of us. Hopefully we'll gain some general understanding of how each "half" of our social opinion applies to a different list of individuals; and that there are many ways to define those 'half's" all boiling down to 70 - 80 percent of us. Once we recognize each other in that way again; maybe all this insanity will settle down. We just don't know what will happen until it happens. Indeed some of the things he says he will do he does. More of them he doesn't. I doubt he is going to "lock Hilary up". But likely he will pardon his friends where he can. How will the positions he fills with friends with warped perceptions about their new domain; and I am thinking RFK here; impact how those domains continue to operate? It won't be as if a switch was suddenly turned. The ripple effect is where we are going to start to experience it. Thus, we might anticipate a new pandemic as we once again; hobble our international cooperation at containing emerging pandemics. Another late term gift to the world. History has often seen a sudden population decline. And perhaps it will be that which alters our course. Important to recall that while the President has substantial power, so also do Governors. We have deeply rooted into our governmental systems that whole, oft forgotten, states rights thing. 🙂 So much like health, there are layers of checks and balances, not just the one. Further, the R party wants more controls given to individual states and out of federal control. Further, states have counties, counties have municipalities. It isn't all done in one place here in the US. I believe as deporting is big on his mind, he may start that. However I believe many of his fellow billionaires are pretty dependent upon those immigrants to remain profitable and frankly, to stay in business. True entry level jobs for things many amongst us prefer to not do go to those immigrants. The true "American Dream" stories are the rags to riches ones. Who and how are still TBD. Attempts to reduce by legislation progress about climate issues will once again trip up. Overall as a society? Can we as a society experience a national "aw shit" moment and change our course? Time will tell. We may be reliant again upon the entertainment industry to do what "All in the Family" did in shifting social attitudes. If that can somehow break into our TikTok world... Globally, how NATO treats us will be important not only to watch, but to attempt to influence. With good reason some of our allies will take the position that America has turned against us. Fortunately the global corporations will be filling the gaps to keep their success going, even if 47 is partnering with his fellow authoritarian buddies.
  5. Length has not been an issue for me; I've swallowed 12 easily. Girth is my Achilles heel. By 2.75 my jaws can't accommodate wider. 2.5 or less, no sweat and a pleasure when long.
  6. Ah my friend @BootmanLA... Do I detect a bit of snarky coming through? If so about f'n time. 🙂 Thanks; sanity is hot...
  7. PrEP injection.... Yeah that is a pretty cool thing. Especially for guys who pretty much live at the saunas... Cabeneuva starts out with pills though guys... The plan is to learn how your body responds to a shorter acting version so that we aren't started on something lasting 30 or 60 days and learn you need to be OFF of that stuff immediately. Once that test has been done the injections can start. But know that pretty much everyone is reporting a sore but (and that injection has to go into large muscle, so butt is where it goes). By contrast a PrEP on demand can meet the needs of MOST. And done that way one is reducing the amount of medication in our system while still being effective. For one who has trouble swallowing pills as my hubby does, 2-1-1 can really help.
  8. Interesting. I've always been a bit alarmed at video presented as comedy, "America's funniest home videos" for example; why the audience gets into fits of laughter watching someone fall and break their arm (or worse). It may seem funny that they did something so careless; but truly that reflects ignorance to their own peril. I've been more a fan of the Darwin Awards; but I never find them funny. I find @hntnhole's account a sad commentary about our present social condition. Worse, the US is not unique in this.
  9. Adding to this.... @hntnhole I love the way you framed this. It is hard to pursue that which you don't understand (unless of course one pursues understanding, but often that isn't the case). The American dream isn't a gift of money or influence. It is learning how one's society actually works, and for this argument I'll include socially and economically, but mostly I'm writing about economically. When I read history, those written there, and who either succeeded or failed miserably are people who developed skills and insight into how things work. Some became like OG (Orange Geesus) and game the system by exploitation. Our history is filled with snake oil salesmen. That has been true throughout history. True today and it will be true in our future. Our history is also filled with accounts of people who were able to create information or ways of doing things which were more efficient or effective and are notable. And the big middle are all the outcomes in between. The whole "many hands make light work" idea. Just because we were born here clearly doesn't grant one interest and involvement in how and why things work. Whether that is their yard, home electric and plumbing, or neighborhood/community, employer, state or nation; or for that matter the world; this knowledge combined with effort to achieve more often than not works. Largely why so many immigrants recorded in our developing nation did so well. Yes, at times it was pretty vile exploitation. But for the majority it was just getting it done. We all have generational histories, no matter who we are or where we are. Each of us has OUR history. Those born into a family who had achieved a particular place is, and can only be, one's starting point. What we do with it is how we're choosing to live our life. So while I can empathize and understand someone born into poverty and ignorance; if they do nothing, it is unlikely anything will change for the better. Now, some might think I am victim shaming, and honestly if one chooses to feel like that is my intention, I submit they are demonstrating their own problem, not mine. I am happy to help make things better for my neighbor, but their problems living are theirs to live; and either improve or make worse. One of my life's sayings (a list known as Kimo's Rules) is "goals can be deceiving, the un-aimed arrow never misses". While quite true, it is also true the un-aimed arrow won't go where you want it to go without taking aim.
  10. hmm, a true MAGA snowflake. Do you really think I give a crap about your offense @rawfuckingonly?
  11. We'll see, but I hope you're right
  12. A few hours have passed. I've had a few conversation with other sane peers. So, no, I am not resigning my board seats. TBH I don't know what the future is going to bring us. But if we don't pull together it will be worse than if we don't.
  13. Sure @viking8x6 although "we" vs "our fellow American's" are I think the same thing. So quibble accepted my brother.
  14. OK, Trump won. Truly sad that the majority didn’t see through his orange veneer. The man whined himself into the White House and the majority bought it. Kudos to him for being an effective snake oil sales man. He isn’t the first and he won’t be the last. We can of course just choose to give up and take it. And to some extent we’ve little choice on the taking it part. Bad stuff is going to happen. What specifically? Honest we won’t know until we know. We’re aware a host of unhappy outcomes will occur. But do we now just give up and say fuck it? I hope not.... It is about time for the economy to shift as it has been on an upward trajectory for a long time, starting with the Obama years. The expected recession hasn’t happened. Yet. Putting anti vaxxers in charge of healthcare is going to lead to a predictable problem. One that might make the last pandemic appear weak and rivaling the Black Plague in scope. How will the MAGA faithful respond to that? If the economy tanks for the majority, as I think it will, all this is going to change “bigly”. And rapidly. The MAGA faithful are a violent bunch and once they realize how they just screwed themselves. The results of that will be, um, interesting. If the orange jesus follows through on his threats and we see comics and politicians thrown in prison, will we cheer him on or rebel? If Health coverage is suddenly gone for most, how long will the survivors take it before they rebel? Locally there have been a shit ton of signs reading “Don’t stop Praying”. In my head I always append “on your neighbor” to those signs when I read them. But that shit only goes so far before we have open rebellion, which might be in our future. We are entering and “interesting” era….
  15. So are we going to join the orange clown and whine? Or are we going to continue?
  16. Wow @Erik62, thanks for your support? Harkening back to other analogies, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Blaming this on Harris and Biden is just stupid. They aren't and never were dictators, and so they don't have sole control of outcomes. We met our NATO agreements with Israel. And it was important to be good to our word. I think grandpa Joe waited a bit too long to step back; but 2020 hindsight is always clearer vision that foresight. We, those of us living in the US, have work ahead of us to climb out of the hole we just dug. So we have a choice fellows... We can give up and do like the orange clown and whine. Or we can get to work. Who do you wanna be?
  17. Yup. Right now I am contemplating resigning my local board seats. Obviously I am not a representative of my neighbors, so maybe they should choose someone who is.... President Fuckhead is only a representative of himself. Why so many don't see that is sad.
  18. Fuck that was a lovely read!!! Thanks.
  19. Well done @nonscene. Presumably he ends it with his fiancé. But does he become daddy's boy and they become a dangerous duo? Or does he explore his inner slut further with more strange dick?
  20. Excellent question. I have a friend on FetLife who just had his closed up again after his recovery time. I'll ask him, but I might not hear back for several days...
  21. I clicked on it and it downloaded right away.
  22. Perfect, Maybe I'll order a hat with SWH above the bill....
  23. @Devianturge... What exactly is "naturally gay"?
  24. I do follow becoming less patient. I'm not proud of that. I am just tired of the BS. From "Obama was born in Kenya" to "I am going to jail Biden, Harris, et al". Including "my inauguration drew the biggest crowd ever" - and his little girl soldier boy spewing "alternate facts". Facts are measurable, observable, It seems like we've all been standing in front of a firehose spewing high velocity shit all over us. Enough! I have a little sticker on the back window of my pickup truck. It reads "You can't fix stupid, but you can numb it with a 2x4". A lot of people are waiting for things to be fixed. But for the most part, they don't lift a finger. My friends are those who are locally involved. Whether it be one committee to review something once a year; or a fellow trustee; our municipal staff which provides us socialist central clean water right to taps in our homes; or deal with the shit we flush down the toilet. Or provide a voice in managing our schools. I am hopeful everyone will find a way to contribute to their local community. It definitely helps put our government and nation in perspective.
  25. Man, I love rational discourse. I am aware that the popular wisdom these days is to never "talk politics" at holiday dinners. And yet I grew up with skilled debaters, my dad and his sister, Knox College graduates. And their day long debates at our frequent visits sometimes contained passionately presented arguments. But they kept talking and I learned to love listening to them. They disagreed with love and respect for each other. It was more than entertainment. It helped us learn how to think. @BootmanLA I love you brother. This conversation here for me is sanity in our insane times. Thanks. @nanana my new "aunt Betty" (and I loved my aunt Betty). I truly am appreciating this whole conversation; and it wouldn't be happening without you. Thanks. Maybe weird to be talking about this stuff on a bareback site (obviously our common ground). So, in the spirit of reflecting that, the two of you are turning me on and a raw three way would be a delight. 🙂
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