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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. @PissPigBrooklyn I definitely want to watch that video my friend!!!
  2. @DirtyFckr I've not once regretted getting my PA. At this point I don't wear it every day; and thus appreciate more the days that I do. It is a pleasure when a bottom let's us fuck them with it in. I fear there are huge misconceptions on the amount of damage from it. And certainly there is some spikey jewelry out there. But on balance it all seems to go with no perceptible damage and a hell of a lot of prostate pleasure for the lucky bottom guy. I always encourage tops with PA's to enjoy my hole with the PA in. One thing that has puzzled me; from time to time I've run across fellows on Proximity Aps who refuse any play just because I have a PA piercing; whether or not I am wearing any jewelry.
  3. Unless it is the tingly chapstick, although..... 😆
  4. I tend to just ignore those myself James.
  5. Indeed, there were a ton of friends who took the position "I don't wanna know".
  6. Very true @hnthole. I pretty much knew when my buds were going to pass in the 80's and even the 90's. I pretty much automatically pulled in the range of my fuck circle as much as I could. A half assed serial monogamy sort of thing. As knowledge of HIV and treatments emerged in the 90's my inner slut came out to play more. I always have had poz friends and we taught each other. Still do....
  7. Thanks @rawTOP It occurs to me our BZ community might be evolving into the Horny Geeks. I've so many friends whose eyes glaze over upon the mention of "IP Address". 🙂
  8. True. I've been the one in a purportedly monogamous relationship who discovered his partners outside dalliances quite by accident. I tend to agree at least more times than not, the cheating will be found out. In part because the one cheating needs to be found out; and in part because I think thay want to be discovered. Part of their thrill. Or at least in my two "at bats" for this they were. My current 23 and continuing relationship; we had both experienced that. And rather than put that artificial constraint on our lifelong relationship; we decided to keep it open. We have fun when we share our experiences with each other. To us it has proven better to discover and accept who we are with all our foibles and qualities. A good half of my fuck buds are on the DL. Their relationships, their problem. I am not forcing them into my dungeon and I am not the keeper of their relationship. Some of my buds and I discuss their rationale. In the ones I know of, they love their partners, have asked for openness; and been given a flat no without discussion. In those circumstances I can understand their "fuck it" approach. In my couple decades doing this; the majority of those relationships fail; and when the next one emerges for them this stuff is agreed to up front.
  9. Thanks @rawTOP. How is your recovery going??
  10. I'm in that 10% chance shown by genetic testing. I have half of the two possible CCR5 gene so resistant, but not immune here.
  11. I am a strong proponent of "your body, your choice". Unless there was a medical need it isn't something I imagine.
  12. As has become your traditon, a fine piece of horny writing @Vancrawman
  13. Fun to do. I let excel do the heavy lifting. My number is 320
  14. What a terrific story @bentover4u1972. My hope for you is that it was true. But regardless a great piece of erotic chaser writing. Bravo!!!
  15. Thanks @viking8x6 That page opens with this: Following a comprehensive review of evidence, the NBHW concluded that the evidence base for hormonal interventions for gender-dysphoric youth is of low quality, and that hormonal treatments may carry risks. NBHW also concluded that the evidence for pediatric transition comes from studies where the population was markedly different from the cases presenting for care today. In addition, NBHW noted increasing reports of detransition and transition-related regret among youth who transitioned in recent years. NBHW emphasized the need to treat gender dysphoric youth with dignity and respect, while providing high quality, evidence-based medical care that prioritizes long-term health. NBHW also emphasized that identity formation in youth is an evolving process, and that the experience of natural puberty is a vital step in the development of the overall identity, as well as gender identity. In light of above limitations in the evidence base, the ongoing identity formation in youth, and in view of the fact that gender transition has pervasive and lifelong consequences, the NBHW has concluded that, at present, the risks of hormonal interventions for gender dysphoric youth outweigh the potential benefits. As a result of this determination, the eligibility for pediatric gender transition with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in Sweden will be sharply curtailed. Only a minority of gender dysphoric youth—those with the “classic” childhood onset of cross-sex identification and distress, which persist and cause clear suffering in adolescence—will be considered as potentially eligible for hormonal interventions, pending additional, extensive multidisciplinary evaluation. For all others, including the now-prevalent cohort of youth whose transgender identities emerged for the first time during or after puberty, psychiatric care and gender-exploratory psychotherapy will be offered instead. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis, and the number of clinics providing pediatric gender transition will be reduced to a few highly specialized centralized care centers.
  16. If I ever got the chance I would love to play together with you
  17. If I ever get a chance to meet Joel Someone in person we are going to fuck...
  18. Politics and religion have joined in an alarming rate. Too little is mentioned about WHY separation of church and state. I hope we begin to embrace that separation more publicly.
  19. I've already experienced ebb and flow of public opinion. That said I agree with you; those four words often are the source of undesirable behaviors and our trajectory hasn't turned yet. History is filled with periods of tolerance and intolerance. And look globally; so many are still under the thumb of religion. And while certainly much social good has come from religion over the millennia; a whole lot of the evil foisted upon our fellow man has been at the behest of organized religion.
  20. Nice months have passed, how has this evolved @sthrnguy?
  21. Definitely Van. We all know the social pendulum swings. I am hoping it will slow its course soon and start to swing back.
  22. Thanks @viking8x6 Hopefully we didn't lose BootmanLA as a result.
  23. @Jaygusher that bottom guy looks very much like YOU
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