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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. @BootmanLA I think we are essentially saying the same thing. Ranked voting, however temporary those decisions might be; would give us an order of favored candidates. While we sort of get that in our existing system, the operative words are "sort of".
  2. Indeed, constitutional amendments have to be ratified by the states. That takes way way longer than ram rodding in a supreme court justice.
  3. It was a delight to go back and reread this. Obviously Will has already been seeded with all sorts of stuff. A neg test is impossible at this point. And I am convinced Will got a few pulses of Chester's jizz before he pushed off it. (aside; there is just no way I would have pushed off it.) I totally loved how Arther teased out Chester's load inside Will. I nearly came myself reading that. Leaking profusely ATM. I am anticipating the backroom they're heading into is where Chester will fully seed Will, after Will has taken a couple of loads. Will won't be leaving the downstairs room a neg guy. And honestly, it will be a pleasure if that is where @Jaygusher takes this story. It is time for the protagonist to get fully infected. And Uncle Chester's MO is to seed and infect his boys. I think that train left the station in the shower back in part 4. To remind us; that was when Will first had 100% of Chester's cock in him (both with Chester Dildo as well as Chester himself). So it was no surprise that Will took it all in Chapter 6. Man I love love love this story. @jaygusher if you ever put this together as a single book, I want to buy the first copy. PozBear
  4. Indeed, Deadwood is a great example, but not the only one
  5. I agree @BootmanLA. But also those choices are apt to line up differently tomorrow than today.
  6. Yup, I know that, but they're ignorant and believe I am just making up stories to infect them.
  7. To be sure the US was formed when global thinking was in "find and conquer" mode. It is clearly recorded in human history how consistently violent our species has proven to be. Does this mean we can seek and choose a more cooperative and peaceful coexistence? Yes, of course we can; and I submit our quarter of a millennia US experiment documents that effort. There is never, ever going to be a time we can change our past. Many will try to forget or make up stories about our past. But our actual path, the story of what actually happened is fact. There is lots of revisionist history, perhaps to try to explain a transition from our innate violence. None of us is solely responsible for our present state. But our present state is something that can be accurately described, and where we can make better if imperfect choices. It won't happen automatically though. Each one of us needs to make that decision of doing "the next right thing". And when most of us chooses that, we seem to do better.
  8. What kind of cocksucker am I? A talented one. Until my HIV status changed I had a large a frequent following.
  9. I am a happy HIV poz senior citizen. No regrets. To be clear though, this is not a recommendation for others aside from "find a way to love yourself".
  10. @Barebacksletje I wouldn't call 5 in one day "pathetic". Good on you brother.
  11. And some of us put all religion in the camp of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny... Stuff we made up in our attempts over time to make sense of the world around us. Typically not observable and not measurable. In essence magical thinking. Fantasy can of course be great fun. And stories are part of being a human. It thus makes sense that all of these stories are some peoples view. One problem amongst our species is that some seem to need everyone else to believe their story for them to believe it themselves; and thus they get their undies in a bunch when others don't toe their line...
  12. I follow how ranking candidates can be informative of public opinion. The risk of course is that public opinion changes moment to moment. "Now" has always been a moving target. If we have a pool of five individuals and we rank them by whatever metric we're using at the moment; they will line up in a chosen order. But once we eliminate one of them and consider four, those metrics are most of the time going to change somewhat as well. Thus, once we start to narrow down the choices; evaluation becomes more a "now what" thing. Difficult to do if one's "stand out" person is clamoring for attention.
  13. Elon's positions have always been fluid. He is in favor of whatever is of greatest financial benefit to him.
  14. @nananan you're concluding the government already abused them. Which is an interesting comment in the current public discourse. Mr T of course has already stated he wants to use the military to take care of anyone HE (not the rest of us necessarily) deems undesirable. Our control of course comes in WHO we select to govern. And thankfully it is because we elect, hopefully, a diverse set of legislators that we get the beneficial effects of averaging. It is more difficult for extreme positions to prevail in this situation. The part of the public discourse that is underplayed I believe is this whole "freedom" thing. It was never meant that we can do whatever we want. That opens up extremists to do whatever they want (cue MTG). The freedom the "freedom" party (if Republicans are, actually, that) advocates is that fifty percent of the population is incapable about making decisions about their own body. The domain that is us, as individuals, should remain able to believe, think and do with our bodies whatever we want. The domain that is what we DO to others, to maintain a healthy society, needs guardrails. The other part of the public discourse which troubles me is what we SAY. Thankfully it isn't laws so much as public pressure that tends to control this. Of course, this is first amendment stuff...
  15. While I have no way to validate, I am somewhat convinced that the "dead heat" polls are more a ploy to get the electorate off our collective dead asses and go vote. Trump is publicly unhinged enough. All the attempts on his life have come from within his party. I don't think he is going to win, and I believe the R's will take a beating (although that might just be wishful thinking). Trump is absolutely going to declare a win. That's his MO. If a guy looking like him accepts defeat, it isn't Mr T, it's someone else.... It sounds like grandpa Joe is prepared for this.
  16. Thanks @hntnhole my vote in as well although in Wisconsin it can't be counted until Election day.
  17. I started fucking and getting fucked in the 1970's. Never used condoms then. Thus I started out a bare pig. I would have had to learn to be a condom nazi but never had an interest (although condoms make good water balloons).
  18. Why does it matter?
  19. SE Wisconsin here and a bucket list item is experiencing first hand (and other body parts) a fellow with hyperspermia.
  20. @nanana An interesting read. I think there is room here though for us hybrid types who span both physical and virtual part of society. I'll be re reading this a couple of times before I comment further.
  21. Ah Chat. More than half the time no matter the chat platform I get a message "Can we take this to (some other chat ap)?" For a time I had maybe half a dozen or so different chat apps on my phone; and decided that was too many open holes into my phone. If there is local chat or messaging (and there is direct messaging here on BZ); I'll use that and try to keep my conversations in one place.
  22. May I echo @viking8x6 request for a link to the article?
  23. Guys it has been gone for a long long time now....
  24. @hntnhole Although Mr T might be cunning in his cult leader methods. Somehow the man has amassed a cult following; which I first OBSERVED first hand in meeting his followers who crashed an SCCA convention I was part of in 2015. When I've listened to him, there is a rhythm and cadence at play which is a bit mind numbing (to my ears). And perhaps that is his skill.
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