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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. You're on @fluffybutt. Are you also in Wisconsin? Into... Bareback sex, ideally flip fucking. But when all else fails I can be counted on to give a deep an satisfying blow job.
  2. Thanksgiving is a uniquely North American holiday. Gratitude was to our early North American invaders a practice some of them followed; setting in motion what might be known as the American Dichotomy. It is popular in recent years to consider that "bad". We come from "bad" people. Certain comedians are "bad" and unviewable because that did XYZ. So we shut them out. It's as if words are bullets. They are NOT. Whether we are "bad" ourselves is up to us and how we behave amongst our fellows. Some of course will toss us in the "bad bucket" simply because we might be curious about barebacking. But seriously look at your day today? How much of it was chasing and how much of it was doing other things necessary for our survival? We seem to have this weird thing going on in opinions of each other that one descriptor for someone is the ENTIRE description of them. We sort of "allify" someone. If we're a white guy (for example) that is viewed as defining and suddenly we know everything about you. All young guys voted a certain way, that fully defines that demographic? Not at all! Isn't life more about discovering ourselves? We depend on each other for our differing abilities. I can for example wire your house for electric safely and efficiently; but I am not good on a roof anymore. But others are good on a roof but need an electrician. Fire fighters of the 1800's didn't have Water Hydrants and pumper trucks. They depended on the final guy in the bucket brigade to have the best aim. It is our differences that benefit each other. Each of us, even us and our Significant Other, is not a Xerox copy other the other. Rich and I are quite different and yet almost everyone who meets us in person asks us if we're brothers. We have forefathers that ultimately are common to ALL of us. Things that retarded society came from that, and things which benefitted society also came from that. Holding in our minds for a time these conflicting ideas from a common source. And isn't that true within us? Just because I regret that I did one thing doesn't mean I don't love the beneficial things I've done. We will never perhaps be perfect. There is a dichotomy within us, and around us. And hopefully rather than shame, we can be grateful for that. When the holiday started though it was a shared Native American and Immigrant who chose, at that moment, to be commonly grateful for how they find themselves on that day. As a holiday it is intended to be a day we reflect on whatever we can be grateful for. (When I start to list it included many many dozens of countable things). We can make another holiday we can acknowledge regrettable stuff if we need to; and perhaps we have when we recognize the start of WW2, or perhaps Halloween. The ability to think and express an idea is wonderful. For me it becomes more wonderful when it engages another here and we expand our understanding of ourselves, and the world around us. Again, I am so grateful you guys are here. Peace my brothers. PozBearWI
  3. Experience has taught me to distrust any statements that begin with ALL. So "All the Asian boys are horny as hell" is right up there with any of the other ALL statements. And paired with an implicit "all black guys have big cocks". I've known too many then who didn't get that memo.... 🙂
  4. @hntnhole seems to have gone off the rails buddy (not you, RFO). Sometimes it's best to just not respond.
  5. And as this likely hasn't been studied, how that might impact you would be TBD. What are you hoping it would do for you @stillbreedin?
  6. Actually most likely this was concurrent, unless the French started emulating the Brits. To me that suggest "it depends on who the individuals are". Some approach places they move to as "the new neighbors", others want/need to TAKE what they want as invaders. Given our history, it logically follows this will continue.
  7. Very true @BootmanLA. And there are a few of us who are poz but never develop a particularly significant viral load. At my highest, shortly after infection I hit 7,200. It plummeted fast. Perhaps we ought to start defining what HVL is numerically? For me; undetectable is <200 (the measurable VL which existed during the many early partner studies which ratified u=u. HVL? I think probably > 100,000.
  8. And I find it interesting that French settlers integrated with native population and developed cooperative societies. It was really more the Brits (primarily but not exclusively) who took a view that some humans are superior to others based upon what they look like.
  9. Poz at 74 and honest I am glad I am. This bug has a massive influence on me at my coming out was in the 1970's. When GRID hit it felt a hell of a lot like Covid felt when it hit (and MPOX after that). HIV poz isn't a moral defect. It's a virus; and one that at end has brought a ton of benefit to humankind. Consider the host of new treatments that come out every year now. If you ever have occasion to get to Wisconsin @Pozguyinchi you have a standing invitation to my home dungeon.
  10. @bikerarmpits those nerves will leave you once you've had that beer. My advice echoes @BlindRawFucker1, enjoy giving and getting those loads. Nothing terribly new and it is clear you're mentally ready to bottom too this time. Have fun. WRT after, wait a month then get a decent STI panel done.
  11. Ah good insight @FFun2BB. I most love reading OLD COMPLETED stories here on BZ. In fact I wish they could be condensed into single long multipart stories we can read, as I did this one, start to finish in one sitting, without the comments from while it was in development (although I see how those can build excitement in some stories). So I read this one for the first time this morning. Definitely a hot read and one that reminded me of my life; although details vary quite a bit. But the pleasure of a first ever fuck came through loud and clear. And the excitement of meeting ones "new" lover a second time came through quite well too. A touch of "more mature for an 18 y.o.; but perhaps that is the difference of my boomer generation from those which came after. Bookstore came through as authentic, even though those I enjoyed closed almost 30 years ago. But contextual descriptions and feel of the place came through quite well. In Part 8 it seemed too much for a virgin to be fretting how spit might feel as lube. At least speaking for myself, I didn't know what to think of it until I experienced it. So I wouldn't have been concerned yet before he fucked me. In Part 11 before he became "Ted" he was briefly "Rich". I stumbled over that until "Ted" stuck as the guy's name. Finally, I left the story wondering what happened to teacher Tim. He kinda got dumped it would seem. I was hoping the last bookstore guy would have proved to be teacher Tim; and the story would have unfolded from that perspective. Of course, then it would have been live streamed by the last guy; had that been going on. From the standpoint of being a viral poz guy myself, I can see how livestreaming my fuck ensures that consent is there.
  12. Hmmm, he never did it for me. Now Jim Jordan, as much as he often pisses me off is for me, pretty hot. Adam Kinzinger is welcome anytime as well.
  13. Hmmm, save that I don't have 9 inches, perhaps I need to take a trip down to Chicago soon...
  14. And yet, the R's of the Congressional committee refuse to release their findings. Why would they do this if Gaetz is "innocent"?
  15. True, we don't want to misunderstand and thinks it means Old People... LOL
  16. X banned me. (I have not a clue why) So it's a moot point and frankly, I don't care for it or any of the other places out there. True I can't look at whatever image or video one sent me to go see, but somehow I think I'll get through my day just fine without it. We're having this conversation here on BZ. We have the penchant amongst "us' to write to others here saying "let's take this conversation to (name your platform here, there are many)". At one time I allowed myself to get sucked into that. Now my phone is cleaner with few unnecessary aps to maintain and to be a future exposure to identity theft. X is as I observe from afar just a cesspool. If one want to dig for pearls amongst the turds, have at it boys.... 🙂
  17. True on the goal. And yet when we read human history, there are often despots who take our species in directions most of us don't want. Over thousands of years that has never changed.
  18. @nanana man things just aren't as black and white as you paint. One conclusion does not equal every other conclusion. While believe what you will about me, just because you write it doesn't make it true. I believe those who actually want nuclear war simply want humans time on earth to be over. And ultimately that will probably happen. We wouldn't be the first species to die off and likely would not be the last. So I agree @fuckholedc I don't believe the end game of Putin's desire is nuclear war. But he does definitely want to grow his dominance on the world stage. We seem destined towards another world war IMO. I conclude that by considering the dynamics of the 1800's which lead to WW1 and WW2 are active again. We are still actively "solving" our problems with implements of war. And clearly there is a global power struggle afoot.
  19. And adding to @viking8x6; we rarely get to vote for what we believe will be "the best" candidate. We're often left with what we believe is the least worst candidate; or who will do the less damage while also supporting decisions to which we agree. Our system is designed to slow down rapid changes with the idea to make those decisions more rationally and less emotionally.
  20. I might actually rephrase the question from blaming Dems to "why is Putin so intent on starting WW3"?
  21. Thanks @viking8x6 You and I have already discussed my desire to reward you (admitted, the reward will be mutual) for your work. Well, yeah, OK, I would do those things with you regardless. 🙂 Naked hug and grope brother! Lies... Some probably yes, but I think mostly it is easy to be misinformed these days. There is a fair amount of outright wrong information; and plenty of misleading. Whether that is intentional or not is difficult to say; and perhaps it shouldn't matter.
  22. Indeed age of consent varies by state. The sense is really on whether charges can be brought, and bottom line to that, it is less damaging to have it than not.
  23. And in fact, knowing that ALL lives matter isn't it time for us to drop all the artificial battles and start looking at where and how we can benefit each other?
  24. @nanana honestly I think the same lying case can be made for Republicans as well. The democrats lied and thus, implicitly you believe the Republicans didn't? Listen again then...
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