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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. @Kayne Man that describes well my play of late. Mostly head; almost all "straight" married guys.
  2. Thanks for the illustration @Justinrain. Motivated me to go back and read chapter 1 (all the while my cock drooling pre). Once Mr Lewis cock was planted inside him it is clear that Tommy was weighing a great feeling cock to a poz load. Of course the piss neutralized the virus (which is pretty whimpy as a virus until it takes hold). I can relate though. If Mr Lewis' cock entered me I doubt I would fight it off until the load was in; and likely would have wiggled my own ass some as he "adjusted the faucet"...
  3. Whew!!!! LOL But the story is still unfolding...
  4. HAF story Justin. I imagine if Mr Wilson worked his 11.5 incher into me I would take the risk and let him continue...
  5. Hmmm, I wonder where this story will go? Mr Wilson already unloaded in the young man's ass and clearly tore it up some....
  6. A repost, but probably sets the stage for what's coming. Looking forward to that.
  7. It was plenty nasty as written. Need to learn more about Frank; and what if anything will Rob do?
  8. Brain and ass just seem to be ignoring HIV in favor of his sexual bliss. And indeed, why not? But so far I'm not convinced that Tommy has come around to craving any disease as craving the increasing degree of his sexual pleasure. It really is up to each of us to decide our level of risk; and how much it seems to matter. I have gotten and had treated all of the things we understand (so far) that George's dirty cock did to him our young ingenue Tommy. There was no mention of a stealthily applied condom but that just seems inconsistent to what Mr Lewis and George seem to have previously conspired to do. It would seem so far that the landlord is PrEPped and thus most likely tested and treated regularly. Landlord manages his risk actively (we think, so far). If the landlords assertion that Mr Lewis (and evidently now George) have interacted with all the neighbors there are myriad paths to emerge. Our lovely author @Justinrain could easily have neighbors yet to be introduced; and characters who will expand Tommy's sexual experience and pleasures while not yet actively embracing his risks of disease. Having observed his skillful layering in the past; I am anticipating we've some layers to experience. Mr Lewis while sexually energetic are more likely to simply give into disease without fretting accepting its inevitable path. Tommy might really observe the effects of whatever took hold from George's assault; and it is unlikely that nothing infected him and those will show symptoms relatively quickly. Tommy might get those treated; potentially even get On Demand PrEP and then forget he has it while he pursues an increasingly hedonistic path. (the Landlord might introduce a storyline shift). Definitely looking forward to the next chapter!!!
  9. Tommy likely has not yet been infected with HIV. He most certainly was infected with HPV, syphillis and likely others not yet identified. And those infections will improve the likelihood of Tommy's own soon to be HIV infection taking hold.
  10. Indeed there are a number of risk mitigation strategies one might employ. In my world the number of neg or undet represent the majority of local available playmates. So with our without PrEP my risk is quite low to begin with. After that it seems for me to be a cost/benefit situation; including cost to me and cost to society. I love poz talk and if it turned out that one of my play buds was poz and passed it to me; it would be "just another thing to manage". PrEP seems to pour a shit ton of money into pharma industry
  11. The debate of risk management i've gone through evolved thusly... Pre Retirement it was vastly cheaper to just get on PrEP. It cost me nothing and continuing care was in context of my regular medical team close to the office. In retirement the cost of the drug plan that would support PrEP is stupidly expensive. Traveling into the city where random crime has become ubiquitous (not if there were any today; but how rather how many today?) is considerably riskier than any chance I might contract HIV with my current play buddies. With a couple dozen regular play buds; what I bring into our group is relevant. It isn't all about me in that context. The fantasy; fuck I love it. I dearly love dirty poz talk and can find that very satisfying. It hasn't come up with my current play buds. And if any want to jump into those waters, I would want to set the stage with them about fantasy vs reality. True poz talk to me has to sound convincing. So do we make a safe word? Or to we just jump in and see if it takes (and if so, get on meds so we can protect our buddies from unwitting infection)? For me the latter. I am happy to accept the risk for myself; and I know once I am undetectable U=U. Taking away another's free informed choice is a hard line for me. The next question though, for me not yet answered, if I am poz and undetectable; why should I have a duty to tell? (I have my own answers here but I am curious what you fellows will say).
  12. Even funnier buddy! Fuck man I wish you were in the same room so that I could hug you cock to cock!
  13. You are truly evil @Justinrain 🙂 Nice cliffhanger there too; it pays to follow the commentary here.
  14. I agree completely. Even with an HVL load the best chance of converting would be around 1 in 3. Either way I would not characterize Tommy as 'poor Tommy'. But clearly he doesn't think much along the line of risk management which the protagonist in your previous story @Justinrain. Tommy definitely dodged pozzing when Gramps peed in him after cumming in him; that reduced transmission chance to near zero.
  15. I never anticipated grandpa would steal a key, or that his boy would not grab it back...
  16. Plus Mr Lewis is unabashedly a horny old man; not afraid to be himself.
  17. Interesting story. What I find odd is that the young guy doesn't just exit. He is clearly finding the whole thing interesting when saying "no" would in fact be the easier option. But adding the landlord to the game is quite an interesting twist. I'm looking forward to the story unfolding. @Justinrain another captivating story. I'm of course imagining the young man as you.... 🙂
  18. I read it but don't relate. I am not one to intentionally inflict pain. I suspect the field of true sadists is (thankfully) relatively small.
  19. Adding to @BootmanLA post, infections for other STI's are on the rise, so your outside play if unknown exposes her to not only HIV (if you're not on PrEP) but a host of other popular STI's.
  20. Yes, both. Of course the GOP is the more seriously corrupted party. But that doesn't mean there aren't other issues.
  21. Indeed, the ONLY reason I would move to Florida would be to be seeded by you two...
  22. EQP man it would be shocking if you sat idly by. I think there are more of us concerned about extreme behaviors on either end of the political spectrum. Those extremes seem to be feeding each other while many of us doing what we can to attenuate those extremes. Perhaps it is my age. I've seen our social pendulum swing in three quarters of a century. In recent times I still see polling numbers spouted which seem typically off by more points than their "margin of error". (I think @BootmanLA has a more complete history on stuff like this; I believe because the issues are more pronounced in the south.) As far as those of us in this conversation; we seem to be aligned with the same end. And it will take many paths to get there (wherever there turns out to be),
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