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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. There is a whole lot of "wait and see" here @PozTalkAuthor. the Orange Geezus advertised he was intending shock and awe for those of us who didn't vote for him. Honestly, freeing convicted violent criminals and inviting them to the WH for a planning session is pretty shocking. So he has been successful this week. Muskrat appears to be digging a hole for himself not unlike Donny minions before. So let's see where that goes, it's hardly done. There is an election season coming up. And depending upon the details that emerge over the next month - Debt limit for example is going to fuck some things up and those in power are happy to shut down the government to get their way. So... We'll see. It might come to a "see who blinks". MAGA faithful are cult followers. So facts and reason aren't at play with them. They will worship their cult leader until they either die; or have a new awakening. My thinking is that they're happy to die.
  2. I agree, but that doesn't mean he won't put out a presidential order. More likely SCOTUS would do that since it is a SCOTUS decision that allows it, not legislative which would and should be the "normal" way to get things done. We have to wait and see on what the R party does here. They are anything but normal at the moment. I think you are being very kind by describing President Felon as an "unconventional thinker". Although that is indeed an accurate statement. The song "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble" was seemingly written in particular for him. 🙂 So I don't think we're in much of a position right now to predict. A few weeks will be telling... My question doesn't assume what will happen WRT gay marriage. But in the event SCOTUS, either on their own or at Donny's behest; perhaps eliminating the need for big corporations from providing benefits to gay partners; what are the known ways that might work. Would existing still have to be recognized? Or would all be instantly annulled?
  3. Your fellow American pigs from the US would appreciate that.
  4. Man if only getting pozzed was this easy...
  5. I've been on bluesky about a month now. I don't compare to X because that has become a cesspool on it's own. For now Bluesky seems like a good place to communicate, time will tell.
  6. PozBearWI

    On Letting Go

    Letting go eventually will become a lifelong thing, repeated often.
  7. PozBearWI

    On Criticism

    Thankfully we don't achieve perfection, but often strive for it. There was a great song popular some years ago; likely before you were born. Catchy C&W tune that started out with "Oh lord it's hard to be humble, cuz I'm perfect in every way.... I can wait to look in the mirror... cuz I get better looking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh lord its hard to be humble. But I'm doin the best that I can..."
  8. @BootmanLA how do you imagine terminating our marriages is going to work? Would they simply be automatically annulled? Impact on back taxed risking arrest for tax fraud?
  9. Hmmm, they're exactly the same but entirely different? Both are a form of sexual pleasure. Both involve a penis and a body opening. Beyond that...
  10. @drscorpio actually the underage start didn't affect me at all. The whole story evolved in what seemed to be a natural way. The fuck itself reminded me of my first fuck; and that I think is why I found it such a hot story.
  11. @jXsluT oh hell yes, on your knees at my cross with me strapped to it enjoying your oral ministrations. Wear that navy blue wifebeater ok?
  12. I think 3 is the minimum, and its only an orgy when all are fucking each other. 5+ is ideal, again when all are fucking each other.
  13. adding to @Pozguyinchi plus being in the same room for fucking just feels better I think.
  14. My favorite sucking position is to have my suckee strapped to my St Andrews Cross so that he is restrained, and I can use my mouth, throat and hands anyway I choose.
  15. Fuck yes @RandyCubby I would love to do pushups on your face, and you on mine I hope...
  16. It was not a fast survey - needing me to contemplate each. And even then radio button answers don't give us much. They are, by nature, devoid of nuance. #1, Is it primarily driven by non-reproductive factors (e.g. emotional connection, various forms of attraction, etc)? #2, Claim to have sexual arousal and desire, but it is more complicated and requires many variables to come together properly for. them to get "turned on" enough to perform sexual acts. But even then it really is sort of situational. I've been in situations where I wasn't even thinking along sexual lines; but was in the right place and we went at it. But this third option at least came closer to how it works for me. #3 I think "most" men are going to still have a broad range of answers describing our natural instincts around sexual arousal. I know for me, it's really physical attraction and paying attention to whether they're attracted back. I suppose I can just be bold and ask "hey ya wanna fuck", but that's not generally what I do... For a lot of reasons needing to maintain day to day decorum.
  17. It doesn't matter your purpose. The point is, it is a more secure connection you buy.
  18. @JustAFrecklyWriter this particular story seems to have the potential to be it's own book; more around Will's sexual awakening and discovery of what gay life CAN be like. Certainly exposes the reader to what it was like at one time - and there is so much Jay could choose to do. And it is a book I think I would happily buy; especially when it contains @Jaygusher artwork to put a picture to his words.
  19. Also, inflatables are essentially a balloon. The more air the more it resembles a ball. Still, as a stretch trainer? Inflatable let's you feel the stretch as it occurs. You set the pace with the pump and those are typically easy to control, increments pretty small. It was that ball effect where I learned it was best when I figured at what depth that occurred. Ultimately it seemed to want to "slip off center" of the tendon we're trying to relax. An inflatable also has the benefit of being able to do this alone; increase one's "capacity" (as it were) before it is needed....
  20. Sadly, not everyone is comfortable being explicit about their what I'll call "operating parameters". Reluctant or embarrassed to discuss that level of detail. I think in our present social media hook up tools; there is an assumption that we adequately express our limits off an option chart; as if that explains why, how, when, where, how? Honestly it was truly easier when there was more an active bar scene. When we caught someone's eye we didn't have this incomplete and imperfect dossier pop up over their head...
  21. PozBearWI

    On Everything Part 2

    You already knew about adapting to the ebb and flow. At least for me, because I am liking what you've been writing here for awhile, I would be delighted with you being you, no need for an editor to make your words more perfect. Multiway sex is to me more an exchange of energy as so many senses are simultaneously engaged.
  22. PozBearWI

    On Everything Part 2

    Without an answer to her about "why do we have to..."; AI question can't be answered. I think, although Philip you know better as you're training for this, but what massage is doing is directly affecting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones below. If you don't understand that, the hands on part is just sex play.
  23. PozBearWI

    On Everything Part 2

    I'm not following the "tangle" here. Sounds like no tangle here at all...
  24. Further, HIV develops differently in each of us. I have friends who progressed to AIDS within their first year poz. And others who didn't have a CD4 drop off for more than 20 years. My consistent answer to anyone asking "should I get infected with HIV?". NO. You have to figure this out on your own. We have a choice to prevent HIV infection (and some others if you're young enough when you read this). There will be fewer challenges if you don't get infected. There is still some AIDS hysteria around and that is growing in surprising areas. When I write that, the misinformation and folk lore about HIV that tends to separate Neg and Poz people. So u=u be damned they are still not willing to engage. At least here in rural US Midwest. Until you can have a face to face conversation with yourself, and can explain for yourself why you need to live with an HIV factory inside you, you have your own doubt. And only you can resolve your own doubt. If you choose to let Joe down the street decide everything, well then you're living Joe's life, not your own.
  25. You can google VPN services which apply to your "home" network, whether that is on a modem/router you own, your mobile phone. Each provider will have info on where and how to install. Or, if necessary, ask one of your geekier friends. 🙂 VPN is a Virtual Private Network. Because the network you buy isn't your actual location; it is the VPN provider's location that is used.
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