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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Self reflection is informative for sure. It alone is a worthwhile habit to have. But "would I change if I could" is of course always a moot point because we never could. But we can change what we do now and we can make different choices tomorrow. Regret just hurts us. Learning from our past propels us. In addition to quotiing you BlindRawFucker1; and thank you for your candor; this whole thread is interesting and I am grateful to have happened across it today.
  2. Thank you! Indeed I checked Amazon, read the reviews and question greatly the wisdom of what I found there. McKesson medical supply requires registration and I am somewhere in their pipeline of being an authorized purchaser. But as their business is medical supply my intuition was along that line already. Confirmation you gave is very appreciated. Thanks. Jim
  3. Thank you for posting this. I have for years been curious about speculums and yet have never tried one. I think I will order one today. Suggestions for suppliers? Jim
  4. Exactly. Often it seems humans view themselves as the only living creatures on earth, totally unrelated to the rest. And yet a number of common illnesses exist across the panoply of species.
  5. Thanks rawTOP, our technological world has always been inmperfect. You're one of the relative few who catches that, notices that and at least is open about the event. Thank You.
  6. Oh indeed. PrEP meds are components of full HIV meds (although I understand that Discovy is often part of a two med regimen for HIV infection. But that is just the medcial front. On the social front there is still a lot of discrimination to HIV individuals. One of the sad parts of our humanity (or lack thereof). And it is best to get one's whole life insurance policy contracted before infection as rates will be high otherwise (although there are plenty of HIV positive individuals living long and relatively healthy lives). And you're spot on about organ donation and blood donation. Even though the rules for blood donors have opened up; I still won't. So I was not making a neg to poz comparison in my OP, but rather a PrEP vs HIV meds which have very similar side effects. And while PrEP is very good at preventing infection, it like vaccines is not perfect, just very very good.
  7. Man I agree, I eventually sold my fucking machine. It just doesn't replace live cock and cum in me. But I imagine had I at least had a buddy with me at the time it would have been hugely more enjoyable.
  8. PrEP is excellent at preventing HIV infection, but not perfect. But in the grand scheme of things, your friend was on HIV meds to prevent HIV; and now will continue, just a different formulation.
  9. Up for breeding and to be bred

  10. Hey my friend, do you imagine you're at a point off meds where you could gift my chasing hole?

  11. Wisconsin. 10 out of 10 for me.
  12. Wanna arrange a meetup there?
  13. Sounds excellent. Which rest stop?
  14. Most definitely @ctpozpig. Would love your load in my ass while fuck me too.
  15. I'm down near Port Washington.  Happy to host you Bareswapper or travel to you.  I want you jizz in my hole.

  16. This seems to me to be one of the easier sites to navigate. Well organized top line menu; simply select and go. Jim
  17. I gave up on PrEP when I retired. Virtually no side effects, and I was glad to be protected. But once retired and on Medicare we buy our drug coverage separately. And just adding PrEP puts me into a hugely expensive drug plan compared to zero cost right now for everything else. So no PrEP for me. I would have no issue with a $40 per month copay; but fixed income does not support much more. Conversely, at least here in Wisconsin if I poz, I can get free medications through a variety of state programs. Now from a public health perspective; I think PrEP is excellent; But until we do here what it appears other nations do and get the cost into a reasonable place; I can't see a case for PrEP.
  18. Fast forward five years... And the doc's point is worth considering. TaSP is quite effective all by itself. If one mostly bareback's Undetectable poz guys one's risk of HIV is virtually nil. But indeed even still five years later it is the other STI's which are dominating the infectious disease guys. And treatments for those more challenging. And while it is possible mRNA solutions might be combatively near at hand for those; the things it is this fairly continuous set of STI's that my local clinic treats me for much more often than 10 years ago I was on PrEP until I retired and started Medicare. It is cost prohibitive for me to buy a drug plan that includes PrEP; whereas their are still no cost HIV treatment available (at least by me). I honestly don't much care since I am on similar medication either way; and long term prognosis is acceptable either way. So PrEP for my particular demographic is too expensive.
  19. 39 loads since April 1 this year. Jim
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