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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. @Jaygusher check with @viking8x6 on whether you've hit a limit. Mods can check that for you.
  2. The world of difference between R and D this time is that one is for our imperfect democracy, the other for an authoritarian regime.
  3. If the choice is only Biden or the dictator, I am voting for Grandpa Joe. But I would like other viable choices....
  4. @Jaygusher buddy you don't disappoint. Fuck great story... I am looking forward to the next chapter. Also, very nice artwork.
  5. What a well crafted set up. One day I hope to be able to read this whole story front to back without the breaks. But until then I am going to enjoy seeing this one unfold.
  6. I vaguely recall that. Long gone and thus ...
  7. OH hell yeah. It wasn't the dildo in the boy's ass in the shower....
  8. Isn't it though? 🙂 The sweet mysteries of life...
  9. It is a puzzler a human behavior that seems to be becoming all too common. I meet someone on XYZ site. We start communicating and early on writes or says; let's move this to ABC site. Why? We have established a link. Why before we know each others name are we compelled to move the conversation elsewhere? WTF? For awhile I would go off and install whichever cockamamie ap. Eventually I started interpreting these sort of message as click bait.
  10. Which I should add... I am not suggesting we encourage this. Just that nature is definitely asserting itself in myriad ways (storms and meteorological anomalies; bacteria and virus; critters such as sharks and whales; not to mention other humans).
  11. Perhaps. Although to be honest there isn't a shortage on humans either....
  12. To some extent I struggle to relate as I've only known bareback starting in the 1970's. For me there is no "going back". Plus at this stage there is no way for me to UnPoz. What's done is done. No regrets though... That said, I really want to encourage my brothers to proceed with knowledge; do your best to avoid a future "aw fuck I wish I ...." day.
  13. Oh man I fucking loved this chapter @Jaygusher. Thanks. I look forward to the next chapter. But in the meantime I am going to enjoy this read a few more times... ☣️PozBearWI☣️
  14. My Medicare Advantage plan does not cover either HIV meds nor PrEP. My out of pocket should I decide to start ARV is a lovely $55,000 per year.
  15. Indeed, it would be lovely to create a BZ Story Compendium where the story posts itself are put into a single document or thread absent commentary. New readers could focus on the story itself absent the years old commentary; and thus take it in as a new read all in one start to finish place.
  16. This is really a question? I am happy to swallow if he doesn't want to snowball. His loss.
  17. The first time my dungeon glory hole was "open for business" I had about 40 guys over. I sucked off 12 in a row in my 30 minute session in there.
  18. definitely a morning person. Up at 5:50 or before every day.
  19. @Jaygusher We''re all kinda hangin here buddy...
  20. I do want to add though, it is the responsibility of the fuckee in this case to speak up for themselve, just as it is the fuckers responsibility to ask for what they desire. I tend to discount claims "he never asked me...".
  21. This whole conversation is framed in topping/bottoming. But honestly if it were the sale of a vehicle; or removal of one of your organs; consent, agreements, and productive human interactions are founded in being able to trust each other. I'm certain we've all known people who were never true to their word. And I am most hopeful that most of us have known people whose word we could count on. What happens "normally" or "many times" are not the law of the land.... When it comes to what happens to and inside each or our bodies; which almost always includes our anus, the final say is the owner of the body. Anything else is some BS social crap that at best might become wank fodder.
  22. As i have been on our village board for years, citizen involvement is barely there. And yet this is stuff which impacts them more directly than most Fed level stuff.
  23. Government starts at home. And yet damn near no one shows up nor reads minutes of our meetings which are readily available....
  24. Do you know your local Village Trustees or City Alderpersons?
  25. I definitely understand why you did that. Difficult to listen when the whole premise is based on a false foundation. I can't be the only one who is just plain tired of hearing that blowhard every fucking day. I like presidents doing their job and generally giving me annual updates.
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