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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Time will tell. I really would like our legislators to stay out of everyones personal medical decisions. And now of course with our health system being messed with by the traitor in chief and his goons, I'm not sure how viable it will remain. We may need to look to other nations in a few years.
  2. Indeed, one attribute doesn't automagically confer other attributes. Each of us has a number of talents, attributes, faults, shortcomings. But each stands alone. Smart doesn't mean one is thoughtful or thoughtless. There are great looking liars and ugly liars. Thanks @hntnhole @tallslenderguy we seem to be thinking along the same line.
  3. Actually my experience is that size isn't what matters in a bad fuck. I've had rotten experiences with small and huge alike. And I've had some of my peak experiences with both small and huge.
  4. @pozpopperpig I think he has arrived at this point.
  5. @barefucker44 cock piercing was a breeze. About a one second YIKES and then no pain at all. My big challenge was that I was told I should not jack off for two weeks. I think I made it four hours...
  6. Trump is Vlad's bitch! He is the opposite of Dom.
  7. I think the US Government so far has lost it credibility. Suggesting that might apply to all who live here seem to echo 4547's belief he received a mandate. The only 'man date' he has received is with his boyfriend Vlad.
  8. The addicted at least locally seem to have become "the popular option" package. Being the guy not T'd up feels like being in a room with a bunch of over caffeinated squirrels.
  9. I agree @Erik62. Now I can't tell you what you NEED to do; because truly, I think it best if you do you. But to the extent we care about our mates, hiding the fact of our exposure, much less our actual infection doesn't seem to be a thing people who care about each other would do. If my mate did that we would definitely have a significant conversation. But then, we error on the side of candor. Our purpose to learn who each other actually is, not who we want each other to be. So we're weird that way... @dawsonnb there isn't a requirement here that you must fulfill. It might be that your SO doesn't care whether either of you present a STI risk to each other. A whole lot of people are content to just don't ask, don't tell. That does of course increase surprises later on, some quite life changing. If your partner is just a fuck hole, and you don't give a crap what happens to them, you'll not even disclose that both of you are now "at risk". One observation I see is that people seem to "follow doctors orders". Kind of a copout I think. They seem to live the position that "I have no control over me, whatever doctor tells me to do I HAVE to do". You don't. We don't work FOR our doctor. It is perfectly good to discuss why and to make other than the docs "recommendation".
  10. I had mine pierced decades ago. I had to remove them for an xray and was unable to put it back in place after the xray. I then pierced again; time passed. Another xray, another failure to be able to reinsert. After the fifth repeat I just stopped. But I definitely liked them when I had them in. PA; hole is there and from time to time I wear it for days to weeks. At a point, perhaps because it lives within my foreskin a lot of the time, it gets irritated. I take it out, let a few weeks pass, and put it back in.
  11. A lot of us have direct experience at how social norms influenced our teen life decisions and wish things had been different. But while even our sexual orientation isn't an issue in metro areas; it is in rural areas in the US, even in 2025. A lot of input from multiple sources influence our self image. I submit though that most of us don't fully understand the ramifications of how that has evolved in ourselves as we age. Now, I am not opposed to options being out there. Just that making it "the standard of care" is likely to backfire.
  12. Our current trajectory has me agreeing that SCOTUS will undo Gay Marriage. And our legislators have no will to create legislation, or better yet, a constitutional amendment to encode what I believe should be fundamental human rights, who we marry, domain over our own bodies... Disruption is going to happen, it is already underway. Some of us will participate in setting direction, some of us will watch from the sidelines.
  13. Devolving into dependency?
  14. Be careful what you wish for, it might bite you in the tookus
  15. Even after I injected toxic blood four times, it still took four months to test reactive. Some of us are more difficult to infect than others, but not necessarily impossible.
  16. @partying.hard stated it well.
  17. Indeed @GuyLover the fun places to go in Wisconsin have left. Even Escanaba finally lost theirs. I think that was one of the last hold outs.
  18. Yes indeed. Jizz for example...
  19. Oy, of course. But it isn't an agreement with the man it is an agreement with the position, expected to remain as the people elect new representatives.
  20. Consider yourself invited to my dungeon if you ever visit the US
  21. I understand. I put in my six years as well. And Viet Nam was hot an heavy. It took a long time for us to get out of it, and it was another crook as president. This is not our first rodeo. It has aspects though that are horrifying and I am disappointed that our legislators are setting aside their oath to uphold and defend. As I see it, they have all QUIT by action and perhaps we need to force an election and bring in a whole new crew. Ones that aren't lapdogs to just one guy. Am I ashamed? Nope, I didn't bring this on. I am a poll worker, I am disappointed that so many of my neighbors got caught up on the nonstop run of BS coming out of 4547's mouth.
  22. Man I am not begging for your agreement. I like you @hntnhole. But I'll be happier if you be yourself; no need to apologize.
  23. As much as I agree that violence is not OK, human history has it as the primary remedy. Most of the time someone is at war. Duking it out until one side is worn down from the aggression of the other. As options go, and as sad as it is; it is becoming ever more "the popular option package". So violence and taking up arms. Sadly, our society already does that and celebrates it in a ritual of "sacred rights" rather than social guardrails help the most. Gun violence is celebrated in our "entertainment". Our fun is way less about reflecting to us how we actually interact with each other, married to some humor, to help us recognize some of our own tunnel vision. We look for "superheroes" and expect that of our leader. So, yeah, I'm not a gun guy and to become that after three quarters a century? If I have to kill my neighbor then shoot me first please. Not the world I want to live in. This whole thing about show our facts, discuss our points of view allows for us to come to an understanding. It seems as if we are split and focused on two different sets of data. There is only 1 100% of us. Our numbers have doubled twice and are approaching a third doubling since my late 40's birth. Plus we continue to not recognize our rapidly changing climate. Perhaps the end of our species draws near. We've danced around with our finger near the button for all of my life, and then some; the better part of century. We each have significant impact on each other, It would appear authoritarianism is the emerging wave of how humans choose to be ruled. A daddy as it were to take care of us, let us drive the car and provide a room for us.... And perhaps that is natures way of culling the herd. But we've also seen some pulling together. The 1960's sure felt like our nation was coming apart. TV news brought hanging or worse, chaining up and dragging behind the truck of black men. KKK rallies were also a news item. No one seemed to agree. Somehow, we seemed to reconcile more than not... But we've lost that. We've taken sides as if society was a football game. As much as we know 100% agreement is unlikely, 75% means most agree. 50/50 means we should talk more widely and publicly because we seem to be talking over or around each other and not achieving understanding. When I say "talk about" I don't mean so called "conversations" where people talking over each other is accepted as conversation. Those aren't. Those are just two people yelling and zero people listening. And a number of news shows demonstrate that behavior quite well. If TV wants to do something profound, they would have dialogues which don't start out with "the answer". And if they start talking over each other there is a mandatory 60 seconds of utter silence, and then each speaker one at a time; enforced. 🙂 Obviously bad parenting.
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