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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Man what a lovely horny twisted (delightfully) rabbit hole! Seems like a hell of an orgy is cumming.
  2. @Jaygusher how is the next chapter coming along???
  3. At least here in Wisconsin; I sort of view bookstores and bathhouses in the same context; paid places you can go have anonymous sex with less police interference than parks, rest stops, etc. I am unware any remain anywhere in Wisconsin. To some extent this is social pressure, a subset of that being disinterest. Meeting places for men wanting sex with men have shifted to online. Even Gay Bars have thinned out considerably here. Honestly I really miss that form of meeting other guys. Online comes often with filters so that one starts by limiting to specific attributes before the first "hi". Physically we didn't have that "dossier" on the guy we saw across the room; and thus we had to learn to meet with and get to know each other before we discovered he was a closet axe murderer. 🙂 TBH I chose that reference as it is I hope the worst case scenario. But on the plus side; we got to know each other by conversation rather than profiles. In my opinion this is one very influential cause of much of our social polarization.
  4. Indeed, in primaries I typically vote for the one I want; although I've found myself voting for "least worst" in primaries at times as well.
  5. I had the same thought; initially I thought it was a sound. Then perhaps a pipe. But honest I am not sure....
  6. I certainly don't understand shaming or otherwise castigating someone for herpes. It is pretty ubiquitous. I control mine with thrice daily acyclovir. Inexpensive and effective at managing outbreaks. Compared to my HIV it is nothing I fret.
  7. I believe what "woke" lacks is a common definition. Honest I thought that is what I did with my husband each morning. I woke him.... Words which mean anything to anyone; or are meaningful in a panoply of narrow context have no meaning at all. I've tended to interpret (I am not attempting to make a definition here) it as somewhat equivalent as "aware". Perhaps this accounts for some of the social strife we experience. We are disappointed when our fellows don't know what we mean when we use a word whose definition is, at best, vague. My bad habit which has developed as a result is that I tend to tune out the words when words like that begin to appear. I am not going to pretend to be Carnack the magician (of Johnny Carson fame). I think the only reasonable approach is to ask the speaker what they mean when they use words like this. To me "woke" is a verb.
  8. Modern equivalent of "sock it to me"?
  9. I am curious about what we can learn.
  10. Left off at them just getting to the seedy venue (I am certain a poz event). Debate in my head about how I hope this unfolds. On one had, I like the idea of uncle infecting nephew. On the other hand; the surety of pozzing after dozens of viral loads is also attractive. For certain I hope this continues until nephew gets his poz diagnosis. And I could imagine him and uncle breeding a few after. That would be the total transition for the nephew, and a completion where his dad never went.
  11. @Jaygusher check with @viking8x6 on whether you've hit a limit. Mods can check that for you.
  12. The world of difference between R and D this time is that one is for our imperfect democracy, the other for an authoritarian regime.
  13. If the choice is only Biden or the dictator, I am voting for Grandpa Joe. But I would like other viable choices....
  14. @Jaygusher buddy you don't disappoint. Fuck great story... I am looking forward to the next chapter. Also, very nice artwork.
  15. What a well crafted set up. One day I hope to be able to read this whole story front to back without the breaks. But until then I am going to enjoy seeing this one unfold.
  16. I vaguely recall that. Long gone and thus ...
  17. OH hell yeah. It wasn't the dildo in the boy's ass in the shower....
  18. Isn't it though? 🙂 The sweet mysteries of life...
  19. It is a puzzler a human behavior that seems to be becoming all too common. I meet someone on XYZ site. We start communicating and early on writes or says; let's move this to ABC site. Why? We have established a link. Why before we know each others name are we compelled to move the conversation elsewhere? WTF? For awhile I would go off and install whichever cockamamie ap. Eventually I started interpreting these sort of message as click bait.
  20. Which I should add... I am not suggesting we encourage this. Just that nature is definitely asserting itself in myriad ways (storms and meteorological anomalies; bacteria and virus; critters such as sharks and whales; not to mention other humans).
  21. Perhaps. Although to be honest there isn't a shortage on humans either....
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