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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Man @Tanbbottom I am loving this story. I've missed stories where we don't worry that we're poz (or if). What a delight to have read this. It reads like a complete story as it is. But an Epilogue might be fun.
  2. And you can serosort. Not casually of course. Would doxyPEP be an issue @Leatherman667?
  3. We need another party pushing back. Where did all the Dem leaders go? crickets.
  4. @rawfuckingonly you've never met me. You have no idea who I am, what I do. And yet you confidently declare I don't have a moral compass? The adage "pot calling the kettle black" applies to you.
  5. To be more accurate what that email is @RawNYTop is a phishing attempt. Delete it, do nothing and you'll be fine. Phishing attempts seem to be on the rise. If one opens the attachments, they are a risk, perhaps significant risk, so I strongly advice you never, ever click on a link from someone you know. And be aware you'll want to be certain it's that person. There is also an uptick in emails from "friends", but when you look at the detail of what the email address actually used it, it isn't yours (or mine as the case may be). Now, WRT your home network. You might do well to consider Intrusion Detection if you're ISP doesn't already provide that as a service. And a VPN these days is just a better practice. And if you haven't, invest in a high quality home security suite that can recognize attributes of malware if not the specific malware itself, and simply block that.
  6. I don't follow where the race of the guy I'm with matters...
  7. And hopefully the larger society rediscovers our moral compass
  8. If you want less impact it would be better if you not get pozzed at all. There are no guaranteed outcomes. We have much better outcomes these days than we used to, by quite a bit. The long term consequences of life is that it ends. There are somethings I appreciate about being poz, and yet if I wanted a less complex set medical options, I would not have pozzed. There is no guarantee there will be a medication for you. While fortunately rare, there are med resistant strains. So if you're banking on medication to make poz livable, truly, just hold off until that is no longer something you need.
  9. @hntnhole that role many times has been our religious institutions. While differ they had common themes around how they guided their members towards a more successful moral compass. We've chosen leaders who are taking us away from those who gave moral direction towards a winner/loser strategy. With them winning and convincing us of how happy we are they are winning. We root for the team over rooting for each other. I don't think we need churches necessarily to guide us; but we have often done better as a society when our leaders sought to help us, their constituents, and not profit off of that.
  10. I've written my representative's in DC.
  11. PozBearWI

    On Safe Spaces

    Drummed into my head (I'm not sure he intended that) were words from my dad "who, what, when, where, why and how", those are the scope of questions to ask....
  12. @Bokkierob sounds delightful for both
  13. Which shouldn't be misconstrued that ARVs are required. They are your choice. Achieving u=u a worthy goal. But won't in all locales lead to more sexual adventures. There is still a fair amount if 80's thinking HIV stigma here away from urban influence.
  14. But we do have Google...
  15. I gather you were not a sexually active adult in the late 1980's....
  16. Hmmm, let's see I am faced with certain death or an unproven experimental drug.... what to choose what to choose....?
  17. Indeed, I would not attempt to speak for Australian society as it's political system and social structure was developed quite differently. One of the interesting facets of US government is that there are layers. The R's have been pushing to have all social decisions made at the state level. Then the southern states could go back to having black slaves as their economic engine. But also, there is a good amount of power given to individual states, even though for example things like whether one could terminate a pregnancy had been at the Federal level, now it is up to individual states. That suddenly put a whole lot of people no longer having domain over what happens to their own body. That decision is in the hands of someone else.... OK, so that's one of the sucky parts of states rights. But it also means there are limits to what the Orange Geezus can do. Governors can push back. So unless Orange Geezus reverses his stance (and we all know he never ever does that right?), they will slow down his progress.
  18. It was never going to be "one jab". That was never, ever part of the expectations for this vaccine or any of the other rapidly mutating viruses we have out there.
  19. We can hope for that, and indeed I fully expect there will be society push back. But when? The DEMS seem to have up and died....
  20. I probably have relatives in Ireland. But after 200 years there really isn't a familial connection. USA is home to me. I maintain an awareness what 4547, and am attempting to establish a communication link with my Senators. But I really don't have much option. Perhaps there will be a protest in the coming months for me to join in. And I will if and when that happens. Otherwise, my focus is in how my state government is going to help dull the worst impulses of the inept guy in the white house.
  21. that is the chaser way though... non reactive test after non reactive test. It is massively harder for most of us to get infected.
  22. Have dungeon up here and happy to make a video here with you
  23. I'll volunteer for that @partying.hard
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