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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. Up arrow for sure, and yet I stumble over "is everything". It is essential for sure, but obviously there are other facts.
  2. Obviously we don't know. None of this is anything I voted for, but nonetheless it's happening. At this point we will, I hope, mitigate the worst of the damage.
  3. I live in Wisconsin, love it myself but discourage anyone from considering it.
  4. Have a private GH at home in my dungeon here in Wisconsin
  5. I like where this is going.
  6. A fairly classic phishing expedition. I've gotten those too.
  7. @pupHawaii I suppose it matters whether the dick is in an asshole, or if it is an asshole.
  8. Yes he is. More havoc to come. We're early in this train ride. If the rest of us can cooperate with each other so that we act with a common purpose we can make a 180 in 2026. We've not done too well in recent years in finding one purpose.
  9. I've enjoyed men from all over the globe. It matters much more to me who the man is attached to the dick, than the dick itself. I've enjoyed exquisite pleasure from modest dicks and huge dicks. And I've experienced crappy sex from modest dicks and big dicks. Skin color was never a factor in our interest with each other.
  10. Most definitely, the longest most satisfying life we can. My initial meeting with my new HIV doc last summer had me articulating my medical objective. I favor a good life over a long life. There are some already known deficits. If the reason for treatment is "long life" but of course we'll be speeding up liver/kidney failure while we do that; well, let's not do that... 🙂
  11. I hope that @hntnhole. It does seem like a likely scenario. And the P2025 group knows that time is short to get it set as much as they can. February should see a shitstorm of lawsuits.
  12. I find myself a bit envious of having saunas relatively close...
  13. It might, of course. But it might not. You can gather more information.. At this stage you can do a genetic test and find out if you have the CCR5delta32 mutation. If so, your risk of infection is lower. And if infected, it is likely it would progress slowly, allowing you to defer the time you start meds. If it comes down to full immune system collapse or kidney collapse, which will you choose? That's up to you... But first, understand you, me, everyone else is going to die of something.
  14. How did you handle that threat? I would find it difficult to laugh it off, having been threatened before I vowed never again with no definitive action to the threatener
  15. Well, it obviously does for you @topblkmale. As long as we make it an issue, racism will continue.
  16. @Leatherman667 it is ok to take the risks you're taking. You might poz up, but it is more likely you won't. And if you do poz, you won't be required to take meds (thankfully).
  17. Serosorting is not a bad way to go. Imprecise? Yes but largely successful. That tends to eliminate bookstore, sauna, bathhouse raw anal sex. But it isn't a horrible thing to get to know your sexmates.
  18. He will do what Reagan did. Maybe not exactly, that way, he'll put an absolute doofus in charge who will get nothing done.
  19. I was a bit worried we would get here. OK, so it seems like we need to birth an organization here; or find one recently started to participate in.
  20. Indeed, it helps to know what to look for as they seem to come in these clusters; a whole bunch in a day or two and then quiet as long as I ignored them.
  21. Oh fuck yes.... Being called "daddy" to distraction is what makes us into curmudgeons! To the degree we've been able to be mutually present; not somewhere in our fantasy head, but live and in person, candid, authentic. Those have been attributes around the times of greatest pleasure for me.
  22. It is a puzzler. Then too, I always wondered how a group of people would willingly drink poison in a cult. I suspect MAGA know they're in peril, and it is the worship of their guy that has them continue to support over their own peril. FWIW, I believe we'll get through this, likely somewhat worse for the wear but hopefully with lessons echoing those we had to learn in WW2. Us humans seem to have this historical penchant to have us relearn our lessons on how to keep a civil society going.
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