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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. During the summer between under & grad, I went to a bar in Chicago (didn't live there yet), went to the john to take a piss, and found a young man on his knees begging for piss. The porcelain fixtures were going hungry, but that kid sure wasn't !!!
  2. Wow !!! I haven't been to KW for a number of years now, but Island House was always the go-to place ... If I.H. is that much, I wonder what some of those swell guest-houses are charging 😬
  3. Plus, there's a baths on Oakland Park Blvd called Clubhouse II. It's not at all one of these glitzy bathhouses, but it's fun. It's where our CumUnion events are held, along with some taking place at Slammer. I'll be the first to admit it well off the beaten path, but there are a lot of guys that do stay there and have a pervectly filthy time of it. It's quite close to the airport, and you'd need to either Uber or rent a car to get up to W.M. But then, you'd definitely need a ride to get anywhere from Link, There are a decent number of locals that buy day-passes for Inn Leather, and you don't have to be wearing the hides - most guys don't wear much of anything at I.L. By the time Pig week rolls around, the extreme heat should have dissipated too.
  4. Are you serious ??? One buck short of a G for a night at the LINK ??? Guys should check out Inn Leather - I'd take that over the Link any day !!! I suppose the sooner the better, too.
  5. I understand that the old "real-estate" saying - "location, location, location" - is an important component underlying the original post. In areas where there's not a lot of fuckjoints to go to in the first place, the default choice would almost inevitably be Pals. But in areas of the country (fewer and fewer it seems) where there are plenty of active baths, backrooms, outright fuckclubs to go to, with a good supply of potential partners available at all hours, I suspect that more guys would choose anonymous partners. With a network of fuckbuds, we can get what we simply must have, and there's that quality of becoming familiar with what turns them on most, what doesn't, and the chance of the "bonding" some of like to achieve. What's missing though, is the chance to "bond" with new guys every time we head out for sex. Of course that experience doesn't happen each and every time; "bonding" is very special, and to be treasured whenever/wherever it happens. I don't mean to get too metaphysical here, but, here's a "thought-exercise": Imagine an invisible, universal "network" of men who fuck men, unencumbered by barriers denying a real "connection". When we pump our physical essence - our Sperm - up another man's raw gut, there's a "connection" available to every other man that's Bred that bottom - our essence conjoins with the essence of countless, unseen, unknown men, in an unseen, but surely felt (if we open our minds to it), web of "connected" men. My Sperm is "connected" to every other man that's fucked that bottom, and his to mine. When we "connect" we can become part of something far more then just the two men that are sating their Lusts together. Maybe it's just the musings of a curious mind after a night of mindless rutting ... but I like it.
  6. Thanks, Moderator, for fixing my screw-up. I couldn't figure out how to do it.
  7. Moderator's Note: This was a duplicate post. I didn't want to delete it since there was an upvote.
  8. Lately we’re seeing attempts by Republicans to impose their restrictive pseudo-religious beliefs upon every other citizen (or, prospective citizens) in the US, regardless of how far-removed their version of religiosity is removed from the actual Message from which it supposedly derived. No religious belief-system is founded upon hating “the other”. Only corruptions of an existing belief-system does that. We’ve already seen women’s reproductive rights taken away, after half a century of existence in the US. Currently, there are 19 Attorney’s General, almost entirely In “red” States, attempting to compel A.G’s in other “blue or purple” states to hand over records of women that have been forced to travel to receive medical attention for intensely personal reproductive care. It hasn’t been enough for these red-state A.G’s to have medical care banned in their own states; now they’ve banded together to stick their long pointy noses into the personal medical business of their residents, with an eye to punishing those women who were forced to seek medical care outside of the states they resided in. There are “red” states where one single person can get a celebrated work of literature banned from schools, county-wide if they object to some phraseology within the book. It has already happened. These are people who have substituted their so-called “religious” beliefs with a surrender to the siren-call of hatred for “the other”, based upon a charlatan’s constantly blaring call to selfishness on the grandest of scales. A breathtakingly politicized majority on the SCOTUS has handed down repression after repression against their political enemies, enriching themselves in the process to exponentially increase their personal wealth. Senator Whitehouse may well get some remedial action through the Congress, and that’s at least something. However, it’s easy to anticipate who the repressives running amok in the US will be coming after, once they’ve thoroughly digested their actions against women, minorities, immigrants. Are we - as gay men living /acting on the edge of social acceptance - so foolish as to believe we’re not on the repressionist’s list? Do we actually think that we’ll be spared the hatemonger’s wrath? They would pay good money to watch us hang. All of us. Every single one of us they can reach. Thus, it’s crucial - obviously - to vote, and vote to protect the women, disenfranchised, those aspiring to a better life in the US, every degree and variation of “the other”, not only because it’s the right and decent thing to do, but also because your rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is absolutely, 100% on the line. “Down-ballot” voting, aka “Straight-ticket” voting means that on election day we vote for every single position on the ballot. We vote only for office-seekers that we’re confident will protect the rights of every threatened group, vote to expand rights of all the subgroups of Americans instead of those that would destroy us. Merely voting for the higher offices - i.e. Presidential/ Vice Presidential offices, is not doing our job completely. In the event we don’t happen to know much about many of the County/State candidates, it’s easy to find out. Merely contact your local political offices to find out which candidates, from the lowliest to the most exalted local offices, will reflect your positions on issues best. Burying our future in laziness will only hasten the day the hatemongers come for us. Maybe you’ve never voted for Progressives, Liberals, Democrats. Maybe you’ve never been interested in politics. Maybe you don’t believe we’re in the cross-hairs of the Republicans. Please, please take part in your duty. Exercise your right to vote for candidates that will protect the rights of all. This is not the time to find out the hard way.
  9. You're certainly a kind and caring Man (capped on purpose - I know you're careful about u/l case) for putting aside your own needs in favor of bringing out a new guy in a responsible way. First Class !!!
  10. You're right, of course. It's not up to any of us to judge each other. That said, I've seen the darkrooms cleared almost instantaneously when some guy hasn't fully prepared. Maybe we could agree that fucking in last night's dinner (or this morning's breakfast, depending) needs to be between guys that particularly enjoy / anticipate that kind of scene?
  11. There's just something special about jumping into the car and driving over to Slammer ... one never knows which Hole is going to be full - ready and waiting for more loads, how busy the orgy room is, how hot the bottoms are in the darkroom .... it's the whole experience of heading out to Breed with other guys just like me. Fuckbuds are fine - nothing against them at all. That said ................. Anonymous rules !!!
  12. You must be clairvoyant, tallslenderguy ... while I don't go to the fuckjoints constantly, I do allow him to let off some pressure (kinda like those old pressure-cookers with the doo-dad on top of the lid that had to be pushed sideways to let out some steam) during the intervening days. A week can be a looooong time to wait ... ❤️
  13. Both my front and back yards are heavily landscaped ... plenty of places to take a piss without being seen, a few to piss where I can be. Interesting fact: Crotons (a shrub widely used for landscaping around here with tons of different types) will throw off a "sport" if they get pissed on enough. I have two hybrids that I've been pissing on for years, and both have created a new, clearly differently colored "sport". And no, it's just the piss - I don't jack off on them.
  14. Years ago my other half was told by the internist that he needed to start exercising. He wouldn't unless I went along too, and we found a somewhat seedy gym down on Lincoln Ave. There was a disgustingly filthy fuckbar across the street called the AA Meat Market (I think that's correct?), so there was a bit of an added incentive to drive all the way down there just to go to some damn gym. Not too long after that, the gym closed - but - there was also a gym at Steamworks, so we signed up for that. Thus, we did what the internist told him to do, and then did what our Lusts told us to do. But, parking (boystown still existed at the time) was a complete bitch, and circumstances changed. But, for a couple of years it was a great 2-fer !!!
  15. Hopefully, there is one preparatory act that is performed every time before you get fucked ... 😧
  16. Best is loads off previous Cocks ... spit runs second in my book.
  17. If wearing a jock or similar makes the bottom hotter for taking loads, well .... fine. But I don't get hard for a jockstrap or other fragments of gear - it's the Hole that interests me. If a bottom doesn't like his junk touched, fine. I don't need to touch/feel his Cock/balls. All I need is unencumbered access to his Hole.
  18. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year. Can't say I keep track, but it's just the price to be paid for being true to myself.
  19. Yup. About 1.5 blocks south of the Clark St / Foster Ave intersection, East side of the street. At some point, Chuck bought an old semi-trailer, had the undercarriage taken off, and it juuuust fit between M.C. and the building next door, so everyone had to enter through the semi-truck bed.
  20. The PrEP provider does the tri-monthly testing, but since I possess a proclivity (or three) that carries more risk of the lesser bugs, I get tested monthly for those. Once in a while I do catch one, and it gets treatment for it within a couple of weeks instead of a couple of months. Of course, the more active one is sexually, the greater the chances of picking up something. Any guy that's sexually active should assume that he's going to pick up one of the lesser bugs (assuming he's on PrEP) at some point, and get tested regularly for them. The sooner we get them treated, the better - right?
  21. Well said. When that sense of duty to others (meaning, either restraining our temptations to "burn' others for their shared thoughts about whatever) is not observed, the entire social construct is weakened. Not just here on BZ, but everywhere. Sure, it takes a few years of living to recognize sometimes, but eventually the majority will learn and accept that anti-social commentary serves no constructive purpose, and only diminishes the turd-throwers.
  22. Wellllllllllll ............. When the plague hit, San Fran was way ahead of most of the country, in terms of gay life in general, and wanton fucking in particular. Do you know how wide-reaching that Chronicle study was - I mean within the US? Was it controlled for factors such as density of the gay population in major metro areas elsewhere, or the freedom that SF percentage felt to have indiscriminate sex? If it was only conducted within San Fran and it's environs, that would skew the numbers fairly dramatically. San Fran was attracting guys from everywhere when hiv came along, even just for a fuck-cation.
  23. Thanks for the interesting response, PissGuzzlerLA. Well, as you say, to each his own, right? The above can just as easily be accomplished lying on his bed, on his back, and jacking out a load. The load can be studied and measured, and whatever else a guy might want to do. To me, the point of fucking guys is to Breed them (assuming that's what they're in the darkrooms for). Or, put another way, "connecting", "bonding" with another man, however fleetingly. Sometimes when I'm getting close, I bend over and whisper into the bottom's ear "now I'm going to make you one of my boys". That connection/bonding is limited only by the participants awareness of the importance we place on spreading our Seed as widely as possible. It can be a deeply-felt connection, even in the darkrooms. Fetishes are a deep and most interesting attribute to consider. Different things can mean so much to so many, and only an open mind by all guys involved can receive the benefit of understanding. It's really cool !!! Thanks for the interesting response.
  24. ^ Exactly. I know I've lived a better life as a Leatherman, whether in or out of the hides. The Leather Ethic is something we carry throughout every aspect of our lives, That "ethos" extends inexorably into the mainstream of our daily lives, and improves us as men, as members of the human race.
  25. I think this is a big factor in the amount of Sperm the balls produce. Years ago, I often heard the bottom say something like "I felt it shooting up my Hole", and I could easily sent it 6' or more. Now, not so much - literally.
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