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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. tighthole64, you're a really great writer. I don't always read the stories thread, but yours are well-worth it.
  2. It was years ago - was contacted by another Top aquaintance that his boy wanted to try watersports, and would I come over and do it with him (the Top wasn't very experienced in Bd/Sm play). I didn't particularly like him, (his "Dominance" seemed a bit overly "manufactured", not in-born at all) but I very much liked the boy, and agreed*. So, I laid off the coffee for 3 whole days before (coffee should be two things: strong and black imo). By the third day I was a little bit on the crabby side of things, but - attended the event. The host had bought several kinds of soft drinks, some fruit juices, which I didn't partake of. Just water is more appropriate for piss play, as far as I see it. After the scene, on my way back home, I stopped at the first coffeeshop I passed and thankfully sucked down a couple of cups. Back to normal at last. *interestingly, several years later that Top contacted me, asking if he could send his boy over for a week or so, for some in-depth "sub-training". It was a great week !!!
  3. Eating a hot wet Hole is one of my very favorites. That said, I don't care for reciprocity at all.
  4. This is merely demonstrative of how far these magonians have drifted from the Message they claim to uphold. The one they claim to follow said "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, love one-another" over and over and over again. Is it not clear to these people that they have left every vestige of the message in the dust, favoring their hatreds instead of "evangelizing the Original Message"?
  5. Some of us kinda assume that some Cocksucking will lead to Breeding ... sort of an appetizer. After all, there just aren't any teeth in a raw Hole.
  6. First, don't get it out of the freezer until you're going to use it. If you save/freeze it in a pony-glass, cover tightly with a small piece plastic wrap, then put it in the freezer for later use, that excess moisture will form frost on top of the Sperm. Thus, when you use it, simply brush off the frost, pop the frozen Sperm into your mouth and shove it up the bottom's Hole with your tongue - small end first, of course. Then listen for the gasp of delight from the bottom - sometimes they just go nuts .... it's a lot of fun !!
  7. AND .... a hot, hairy HOLE !!!
  8. Oddly, I've not spent much time in your area, despite traveling quite a bit years ago. Sounds like it was a hot area, at least for a while. One of the tubs here (where CumUnion is held when it's not at Slammer) has a decent "dim" room - hardly completely dark, more "experienced" clientele, and that can be fun if you hit it on the right afternoon. I don't drive up there all that often, but it's a good way to spend a lazy afternoon. Even better is to drive down to Inn Leather, get a day-pass, and fuck anywhere/everywhere on the premises.
  9. That's the point - I don't try to keep track of how many or who - never have (except for guys that turned into regular, sex-only fuckbuds). Everybody fucked everybody at that bar, and then went on to the next one. He just turned into a pushy, possessive guy - smothering - as though one fuck had earned him my undying love forever and ever. I reacted badly, completely selfishly, and that's what I wish I'd done differently. I just hope he found what he was so insistently looking for. It took a while to learn the art of gracefully dodging a guy I wasn't interested in.
  10. I'm very glad that you're carrying nothing but your Lusts around with you. Kudos !!!
  11. We have primaries coming up later this month in FL, so this will be our first test of just how pissed off people are in the Setting Sunshine State. I just hope people get out and fucking VOTE !!! There are shenanigans everywhere, including my mailbox. The other day, I received a letter addressed to my name, and then a "Jr" after my name. Now. I've been trying and trying to father a kid for many years, with many, many men, but no dice; clearly I'm doing something right. So while my name could be thought of as relatively common, and there may well be some guy whose father shared my name, and named his son Jr, but it clearly wasn't ME. No guy I fucked has ever contacted me about child-support. Try as we might - the plumbing just doesn't allow us to get preggers. re: the letter, I drove downtown to the Registrar's office and got it straightened out - but - some guys might not have the time or inclination to do that, and wind up unable to vote.
  12. The downvote was likely because you were not fully informed prior to the scene taking place. As I read your initial post, there was no negotiation about limits, the hood, what they wanted, what you'd allow, etc. Your were fortunate, in that no serious harm came of the encounter. When any kind of restraints are involved, that needs to be fully negotiated prior to the scene, as well as what will take place, what won't, and agreed upon up front. Back in Chicago, there would be 2 or 3 murders a year because of either none-negotiated scenes, or outright deception from the Dom. I've written prior about what to do regarding a D/s - B/d scene that includes strangers using restrictive gear, if you're interested. I'm glad it turned out to be exciting for you, but - care should always be taken to negotiate prior to the scene taking place. One point: if the other guy(s) hesitate to do a negotiation, take that as the reddest of flags and move on.
  13. Very interesting thread (I almost skipped it when I saw the satanic reference), but an excellent discussion. This is why I enjoy BZ so much.
  14. There's a colloquialism for this: "jumping from the fat into the fire". Seriously, I know that these things happen, but there is simply no excuse for it. Reading through the responses is just plain sad. I hope guys that have experienced this find some measure of balance in their lives, and can grow beyond the experience. It sounds though, like it's a life-altering event for most.
  15. There's just something really special about darkrooms (I mean, total darkness). The sense of sight is almost totally removed, and the "cruising" is done with your Cock. We can hear other men being fucked, we can smell that lovely scent of well-fucked Holes, hard Cocks slicked with Sperm from rutting in raw, sperm-filled Holes. We can feel our way to the floor and taste the loads off unseen Cocks filling unseen Holes. We can touch each other, either while fucking or getting fucked, and never see the guy standing next to you, his arm around your shoulders, yours around his, all the while rutting in wet Holes. Bottoms waiting their turns feel up the busy Cocks, and all in complete darkness. There's only a split second of light when a guy enters/leaves, and then only for a moment. Men bonding with unseen men, sharing their Lusts in uttermost darkness, It's nothing short of magical .......
  16. There's a simple answer. I just didn't live up to the standards I only later learned of the behavior I expect of myself. I hadn't yet learned to expect more of myself regarding interacting with others with a basic level of respect. To the Organized Religion part, I sensed early on that it was total bullshit, but that kind of suffocation can take a while to get rid of. It wasn't until I learned about / was drawn to the Leather Ethic - which is in and of itself a sort of "belief-system" without the magic garbage - that I achieved real Manhood. It's not like I think about that guy all the time - he hasn't crossed my mind in years. But I still wish I could clear my conscience of that negative behavior.
  17. I very much prefer a hairy Hole.. In the event the bottom prefers to present as hairless, well - ok - but make sure it is. Stubble is for chins, not Holes.
  18. Actually, and I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, when I had just finished school, moved to Chicago, (here comes the ashamed part), I was so focused on fucking guys that I tried not to fuck the same Hole twice. I figured (utterly selfishly) "well, I know what that guy's Hole feels like, there are so many more that I haven't fucked yet, why would I want to fuck the same one again". Stupid, self-centered kid. I didn't mean to be self-centered, but that's what it was; focused only on my Cock doing what it needed to do, without so much as a scintilla of thought about the other guys I'd already fucked. That m.o. lasted around 2 years, There's really only one guy that I wish I could apologize to - kid named Eddie that apparently liked me - met/fucked at the Glory Hole (seedy bar from decades ago down on Wells), next door to the Bijou theatre (seedy gay theatre w/backroom). He was a bit pushy, clutching, which I didn't/still don't care for, but that's not reason enough to just disappear on him. Sometimes, it takes a bit of living to realize that the other guys matter too.
  19. Since he didn't answer here in the thread, I'll only thank him obliquely. Thanks, Mystery Man. Originally, it was the Unicorn.
  20. Hopefully, many many years from now .........
  21. Could be he slit the sides himself. One of my fb's years ago knew a guy that would do that. He'd go so far as to slit the side, carefully put it back in the foil wrapper and tape it shut again. Then, in the heat of the moment, the bottom wouldn't notice, and that would be that.
  22. This actually happened years ago: was at The Hole / Jackhammer in Chgo, fucking a guy, and he said over his shoulder "hey - I remember you ..." I had not an iota of a clue who he was or when I'd fucked him or where. How do we type a blushing emoji on here ..........
  23. Only had one "life-partner", and we played separately or together with others from the moment we met - literally. He was on his knees sucking off a Cock, I was on mine rutting in a Hole, literally shoulder-to-shoulder. So, a lot of wanton sex with other guys was baked into the relationship from "moment-one".
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