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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I agree with ErosWired. To me, Sperm is too important to "waste" on wearing it as a badge of depravity. Yes, in the backrooms/fuckjoints "accidents" happen, but they can quickly be rectified by an alert Top (or, alert bottom, if the Top is distracted). The way I see it, Sperm belongs inside a special man's body, The cool thing is, any man might be "special" in some way, but every man in the backrooms/fuckjoints is nothing BUT special !!
  2. Oh? You're not? Well, what do you call it then? The behavior you describe says one thing, and the introspection describes something different. It's great that you took a decade off of the hunt while figuring out what to do, so congrats for that. I wonder why you don't want your internist to know anything about your sexual proclivities. Are you concerned h/she will tell your spouse? Or that it might someday prove embarrassing to snooping authorities? That's less-than-nothing, compared to the angst once you pass something onto your spouse - male or female. Pay attention to The BootmanLA's excellent advice, particularly #3, as well as the input from other respondents. To re-work an old saying slightly: A chaser, by any other name, is still a chaser.
  3. I only have one question: WHEN are you being published ??? The depth of your thoughts on this matter can be easily appreciated by a much wider audience, which could benefit millions.
  4. Sure there is - but as a society, we just don't do it anymore*. It used to be called Capital Punishment. It's what the crazed mob tried to do to Pence one year ago, if they could find him. As we all have seen over and over again, they even brought the gallows with them. Obviously, it implies catching what you're calling the "few bad people", prosecution in court, and passing sentence, and carrying it out. *or, to be more clear, some of us don't do it anymore. These past couple of years though, it seems that more and more Americans - perhaps in their hundreds of thousands now - seem to think it's ok. Given the glut of guns of every kind and description on almost every streetcorner these days, maybe the new Congress will reinstate that infamous old policy - we could even name it Kevin's Law !! btw - does anyone know who that black-haired little queen that seems to be attached to McCarthy at-the-hip is? It seems that every single shot of the recent endless votes in the House that include McCarthy also include this guy. Sitting next to K.M, standing next to him, following him around like an adoring little shadow-boy.
  5. That treatment can turn the most shy, blushing wannabe into the most brazen, starving-for-loads, wanton cumdump imaginable. I think it should be available over-the-counter. More, it's not addictive, in and of itself. The result may be, but the substance itself isn't.
  6. If 18 is young, then I guess you're correct, since it was a fraternity brother that brought me out when I went away to school. Prior to that, I had never so much as touched another guy with any kind of "warmth". More, I never went back to that paragon-of- repression of a city I grew up in, other than moms/dads birthdays, mothers/fathers day, and occasional "day-visits". As far as I recall, no other guy ever touched me "in that way" either.
  7. A couple of thoughts: There is no way to enforce any "age-of-consent" laws in the spirit they have been conceived. These laws, hardly uniform, exist only for punitive purposes, once some event is reported to the authorities. I don't believe it's possible for every parent to "protect" the little darlings 24/7 anyway, so I don't think tinkering with the existing laws will offer much in the way of amelioration to whatever these laws are intended to ameliorate. However, if there were some way to actually protect children from predatory behavior, I'd be all for it. Meaning, prevent that from happening in the first place. Bothering little kids, as yet unaware of any sexual thoughts, is criminal by any definition. If this were even possible though, smarter folks than me would have already figured out how to do it. If a kid can get a drivers license at 16, he can officially start to fuck too. He's gonna anyway, so save the CockCops for more important things. My vote goes for No Age Restriction, only serious punishment for inappropriate predatory behavior.
  8. Hit my usual haunts - did the usual drrrrty - ran into an old fuckbud, made a plan to reconnect - it was a good night ....
  9. What are the guys that don't see colors all that well supposed to do? There are many, many men with problems with variations of red/green colorblindness, often accompanied by trouble with pastels. It's easy to deal with in my yard: Anything that's blue, purple, pink or similar I have declared to be blue. There's a shade of green that looks absolutely yellow to me, and in my yard, it's yellow. My yard, my rules. As to traffic lights, I learned at my first driving lesson to 1: watch what all the other cars are doing ahead of me, 2: look for which of the traffic lights is brightest (yellow is easy, red fairly easy, green not so much). But, after many decades of driving big fast cars with big fat engines, I have yet to run a stoplight. So, to the bracelet question, I guess I'd just have to feel up a guy's ass, and see what happens ..... but I'd much rather stick to my well-established program of hitting the backrooms/fuckjoints, and that's enough for me. Glow sticks ???? geeeeesh .....
  10. Do you mean that he's expected to wait for 20 years to get legalized citizenship? Or granted (legal) asylum for 20 years, half of which has passed, and then what? Given that every damn one of us (with the exceptions of Indigenous and Af/Am's) is either an immigrant or descended from immigrants, all the legal loopholes current would-be immigrants are forced to jump through is disgusting. It took one of my sometime fuckbuds 18 years to get citizenship, following many years of legal work, on and on and on. More, he founded a business, hired employees, paid relevant taxes for years, all while jumping through endless hoops and hurdles. It's maddening.
  11. A bit of Ft. L. news: Early press release implied that the CumUnion orgy here was going to be at Slammer, with no commentary where subsequent CumUnion orgies would be held. The obvious implication was, the location would revert back to the the tubs over on Oakland Park Blvd. NOT SO. Cum to find out, CumUnion is moving permanently to the Slammer fuckspace. Definitely a step UP !!!
  12. Can't say I recall hearing of it .... but at least you got the frosting off that cake before it went under !!!
  13. If this is true, then we must do what we've always done. Fight like hell for our human rights, and the human rights of every other sub-group of the human experience. That's how we've achieved the level of acceptance we enjoy today, and that's how we'll continue to enjoy the freedoms we've fought for. Never just give up without a fight. Keep fighting. Never give up. Agitate. Demonstrate. Act-Up. We've done it before, and there is only a smallish group of pinheads trying to turn the clock of progress back. We can do it again.
  14. I don't count .... what would be the point of that? I just do what I went there to do. Fuck. Celebrate mutual Lusts. Connect with my kind.
  15. Hi Baretop4ever .... good to see you back with us !!! We've missed you. Per the quote above, this kind of behavior is common as dirt. Whatever the particular subject happens to be, some folks always prefer running their mouths about it rather than doing it. They must be terrified of their inborn nature, completely corrupted by the cultural shit they were raised with. I feel sorry for these folks - only able to "live" vicariously through the fulfillments experienced by others. Now this ^ is a fascinating notion. If the availability of wanton sex - gay or otherwise - is substantially reduced (Gov't restrictions, etc), does the reaction of those who either have been practicing wanton sex for many years, or those who crave it, but for some reason cannot fulfill it, become reduced? I would say not, and the preceding applicable only in certain circumstances (debilitating disease, etc). Substituting caviar with vanilla wafers just won't scratch the itch. But this assumes that the social order we experience today continues on into the future. If that order were radically changed - acting against the liberalism that allows almost everyone to follow their own path - I suppose it's possible that our perception of what actually is possible (or attainable) could be altered as well.
  16. Sounds more like a new bug. We just got through with monkey pox, now we have to deal with cuddle pox !!!
  17. I want to make sure I understand this: Do you mean that several guys get together - in the flesh - to take their clothes off and just cuddle with each other? That's it ??? Who would bother with the slightest taste of an appetizer, and not chow down on the whole meal ???
  18. Very pleased to see you phrased this in the past tense ....
  19. WHEN ARE YOU RUNNING FOR ELECTED OFFICE ??? I'll change my registration to wherever that is so I can vote for YOU. And I'll vote for YOU BootmanLA, for Attorney General !!! Maybe I'll even run for office in this homo-utopia ..... how about - oh - Minister of Sexual Depravities ??? Of course, I'd need an enormous staff of very dedicated raw, barebacking men to keep the thing running smoothly. You know I'd do it, too .... <filthiest of grins>
  20. Geez .... what other country is there that welcomes men like us ??? I know Switzerland has excellent privacy laws, but I moved here from Chicago to get away from snow, winter ... Maybe we can grab an island in the South Seas somewhere, and turn it into a gay paradise .... ruled only by the Proclamation of the Penis. Article One could say "whatever makes a guy's Cock hard is totally legal", and that would be the extent of the Government. I can dream, right? Actually, really glad I did everything I've done while I could.
  21. First, thanks for sharing the hot experience !!! To the quote, it doesn't surprise me one bit. He's probably married, goes to a fundy church to please his wife, and grabs what *real* action he can on the fly. That's the kind of price those poor guys have to pay, just to get a chance to see the face of Awl Mighty Gawd.
  22. Really - I didn't know that. In my experience, "side" used to mean a part-time fuckbuddy. As in meeting/introducing the guy on your arm to a new friend/trick: this so&so, he's not my lover, this is my side(piece of ass). This definition dates to before hiv came along, when everyone was fucking everyone at the drop of a hat - or 501's I guess I skipped over the cuddling and blowjob part and never knew it ..... I learn so much new stuff on this site ... very cool.
  23. Nope - you got two UP votes !!! There's room for everyone, right? Even pretty females (as long as they don't try any funny stuff .... )
  24. I see you quoted fskn; does anyone know if everything's good with him? He hasn't been around since late June. Hope all's well with him ...
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