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About TonyG

  • Birthday 04/01/1967

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  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top

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  1. Never mind the hard drives and floppy drives. At NASA they have "docking" ... "blast-off" ... and hopefully re-entry.
  2. Beautiful
  3. Can't wait for the next part
  4. I have the same problem
  5. I don't think there's a tipping point. You start off only slightly infectious then it increases till it peaks. It's a sliding scale, and at what point it becomes high enough to infect someone depends on a lot of other things.
  6. CRABS. I'm quite hairy and they spread to my legs and chest before I realised what it was. Took a while to get rid of them.
  7. I may be in a minority but I prefer my guys to know what they are getting. Makes the sex hotter.
  8. Aroudn 13. I was asleep and having a dream about sitting astride a motorbike with its engine throbbing between my legs. You know the rest ...
  9. 1) Tony 2) 50 3) Initiation ritual 4) Choices
  10. It's always fun when Sarah turns up in here, but kinda distracts from the story
  11. Mine lasted about 2 weeks. Took me a few days to work out what the itching was. Got a bottle of treatment that came with a comb but that didn't get rid of them straight away. I probably didn't treat a big enough area at first, maybe there were eggs in other places that didnt itch until they hatched. After getting rid of them from the pubic area I found some more later on my legs (which are hairy). I didnt do any non-routine washing of clothes, bedsheets, etc.
  12. What's going on today?

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