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The gift giver short film

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Well I don't even know if the British have HIV criminalization laws but the gifter seemed to not even try to deny the date rape, the raw cock, druging the guy after one drink, popping the champagne in his face?

A nice stealth fuck done with a little bit more tact and no one would have ever been the wiser.

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OMG! That video is clearly done by condom nazis. It hits on just about every stereotype you can imagine:

  • The top was just "poz", not "poz and not on meds" - implying that all poz guys are dangerous when most aren't dangerous at all.
  • The guy who pozzed him also drugged him and date raped him - as if that's typical of how most guys become poz.
  • The bottom got pozzed the first time he had sex - the likelihood of that is incredibly low, but it perpetuates the "they prey on the weak and vulnerable" stereotype.
  • The guy before him in line also tested poz - implying that getting tested = being told that you're poz, which would make testing seem scary and something people wouldn't want to do.
  • They withdrew an enormous amount of blood with a huge needle - again making testing seem scary when most of the time they just prick your finger and it's not scary at all.
  • There's no discussion of rapid HIV testing or special tests for early detection. In fact there's no counseling that went along with the HIV test. (How long does it take to get the results of an early detection test?)
  • "HIV is not the death sentence it used to be" to a person who's scared out of his mind is completely the wrong thing to say - there are far less scary ways that give the person hope, not fear.
  • People who were just infected and not on meds are never undetectable - that's just factually wrong. In fact it's just the opposite their viral loads are incredibly high.
  • The top's reaction when confronted is just weird. I mean there may be deranged psychos out there, but they're hardly common.

All in all that movie was pretty horrible. It perpetuated false stereotypes and fear.

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I completely agree with rawTOP's comments, that was terrible to scare people. In addition to the points above I am not aware that an HIV test result can be given over the phone regardless of the outcome of the test is positive or negative.

Same here. While people mean well with videos like this, I would bet they actually cause more infections. A much more realistic video would be a guy meeting another guy at a bar, going home, not having condoms, but the guy saying he is neg, and its okay, and then they have consensual sex. New guy becomes clingy, so more seasoned guy stops seeing him. Sometime later new guy tests poz, and confronts seasoned guy, who gets tested and also finds out he is poz, but didnt know.

That story isn't nearly as nearly as dramatic, but is much more realistic.

As for the first time fuck getting pozzed. while its not likely, it actually isnt as uncommon as you think if the top is poz. Its REALLY easy to tear a guy who has never had anal sex before, and that can easily lead to infection. When I was doing outreach I talked to two teens who were both pozzed the first time they got fucked. Again, is it common? no, but a guy who can easily stretch, and isn't clenching is much less likely to have microtears and fissures.

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I agree with rawTOP's comments.

One other point I noticed was the busybody who found the guy on the street and told him he had been exposed. He tells him about PEP and gets him safely home, but he knows the guy was drugged from their early interaction. What good did it do for him to tell him about PEP when he was all roofied up? He couldn't leave a note or get his number? That guy was actually useless, but it's clear the film wants us to see him as heroic.

Also, I have no idea what we are supposed to think happens next at the end of the film. Are the two "good guys" going to follow the "evil pozzer" around forever to keep everyone safe?

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Well I think just a bunch of friends put this video together. While all the comments are correct, I could see someone making this kind if video from an insiders perspective and vastly improving in realizm and entertainment. (And also possibly acting of you get real gay guys.) Lol

Anyone seen the other new video called chaser yet? I think it's much better.

Here it is, this one is about 15 minutes long and seems to be made from a real production team.


Any thoughts here?

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Anyone seen the other new video called chaser yet? I think it's much better.

Here it is, this one is about 15 minutes long and seems to be made from a real production team.


There's a whole thread here on that one...


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OMG! That video is clearly done by condom nazis. It hits on just about every stereotype you can imagine:

  • The top was just "poz", not "poz and not on meds" - implying that all poz guys are dangerous when most aren't dangerous at all.
  • The guy who pozzed him also drugged him and date raped him - as if that's typical of how most guys become poz.
  • The bottom got pozzed the first time he had sex - the likelihood of that is incredibly low, but it perpetuates the "they prey on the weak and vulnerable" stereotype.
  • The guy before him in line also tested poz - implying that getting tested = being told that you're poz, which would make testing seem scary and something people wouldn't want to do.
  • They withdrew an enormous amount of blood with a huge needle - again making testing seem scary when most of the time they just prick your finger and it's not scary at all.
  • There's no discussion of rapid HIV testing or special tests for early detection. In fact there's no counseling that went along with the HIV test. (How long does it take to get the results of an early detection test?)
  • "HIV is not the death sentence it used to be" to a person who's scared out of his mind is completely the wrong thing to say - there are far less scary ways that give the person hope, not fear.
  • People who were just infected and not on meds are never undetectable - that's just factually wrong. In fact it's just the opposite their viral loads are incredibly high.
  • The top's reaction when confronted is just weird. I mean there may be deranged psychos out there, but they're hardly common.

All in all that movie was pretty horrible. It perpetuated false stereotypes and fear.

Agreed on all of the above. Some other inconsistencies/factual errors in the film:

-The Dr at the clinic drawing blood isn't wearing nitrile or other protective gloves. What medical personnel is going to do that?

-The guy that got drugged and date raped tests poz just 6 days after being exposed?

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apparently the guy who made the video ordered gloves for the doctor but they did not arrive by the day of filming so they went ahead without. that needle was was bigger than normal too!

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Where to start?...

Some medical professionals here still refuse to wear gloves, even for the patient's comfort: they claim that gloves lessen the sensation of "getting it right"

I can only just remember the last time I had blood drawn by syringe rather than vacutainer: last time with a syringe must have been in the eighties.

A CD4 of 900 and an undetectable viral load after only six days? Yes, possible, but the HIV wouldn't show up on the test either. Why did they choose to exaggerate facts when the charities who do testing reckon a waiting period of two or three weeks before before they begin to consider testing - at least they got the 72 hours for PEP bit right. But far more likely is rawTOP's scenario of VL going haywire in as little time as six days.

Blood drawn for HIV testing by vacutainer goes into a plastic bad - bo need for the ominous sharps box shots.

The whole thing strikes me as a bunch of film students trying to be arty and informative. They fail at least at one of those objectives.

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