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An 18 y.o. teen's first trip to a bathhouse


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Last Saturday night I was chatting with this pretty 18 year old. He was sitting wide-eyed on a bench outside the showers, ogling the guys strutting their stuff. I sat down beside him and said, "Hi."

It was his first time at the Baths, and he was nervous. He found the atmosphere intimidating and was scared to death of "catching something." He wanted sex (at least he said he did); but all the guys were too old or fat or withered or diseased. And he was shocked by all the "unsafe sex."

Several guys walked by clutching little vials, and he asked me what Poppers did for them. He'd never tried them.

"They're no big deal, really. They just relax you and make you feel more sociable."

"Got any?"

"In my locker. Be right back."

But they weren't in my locker. I had 'em stuffed in the waist folds of my towel all along. I just needed an excuse to find my bud.

Adam was sitting in the TV Room. He'd already noticed the cute thing I was with, as had everybody in the Club by then.

"Gonna fuck him?"

"He's pretty green. It's his first trip here, and he's scared to death. I need your help. You get first dibs."

I told him we'd meet him in the Maze, then hurried back to the Kid. He was relieved to see me round the corner as some "Sleazy Old Trolls" had put the make on him.

I handed him the bottle and told him to take a little sniff to see how they affected him. He did so, maybe for a moment longer than I would have recommended, then moaned that he felt "nice and hot."

"Now there's the understatement of the year!"

I asked him if he’d like to take a tour; and he said, "Yes." Upon spotting the "Sleazy Old Troll" who'd groped his Ass, he kept close on my tail.

Once again he asked to borrow my Poppers. I told him to hang onto them. I had a feeling the Kid would need them a helluva lot more than I before the night was through.

"Geez, thanks." He took a deep whiff and turned red. "They sure work wonders. Lemme know when you want 'em back."

We entered the Maze and stood just inside the door, back lit only by a dim red light. The moaning emanating from the dark passages beyond was supplanted by the slap of flesh on flesh. Unnerved, the Youth uncapped the bottle and took another whiff. That's when Adam slipped behind him, and I stepped back into the shadows.

The Kid sniffed from the bottle while Adam worked his Ass. I don't know what sweet-nothings my bud whispered in his ear, but they took off for Adam's room.

As I waited for the outcome of their little tryst, I entered the bowels of the Maze in search of LOVE. An unlubed finger snaked up my Butt. Annoyed, I turned to confront my uncouth suitor, and discovered it was Alan. He led me to his room. The Kid was lying on his stomach.

"Why's he sleeping?"

"Well, he wanted to try something a little stronger than Poppers; and all I had was GHB."

"Great! We can't leave him here like this!"

But Adam is one of those imperturbable buggers whom nothing fazes. Between the two of us, we dragged the Kid back to the Maze and strapped him in the leather Sling.

The Kid looked so angelic, his legs in stirrups high above his head, his glistening Mancunt soft and beckoning. I guess Adam couldn't help himself. After depositing a 2nd POZ LOAD up the Boy's Mancunt, he took off, leaving me alone with Poisoned Beauty.

I reached down, dug my finger in his Pussy, and came away with a digit drenched in Spooge. I marveled at how salty. Adam's Seed is always salty.

"AH, POZ CUM!" I sighed dramatically, recollecting the day two years before when Adam confided he was POZ. I'd always suspected I'd been the one who bred his Ass, but never breathed a word of it to anyone.

I glanced down at Sleeping Beauty. Such a sweet Pussy! We were alone. He'd never be more fuckable. I shuddered as the 3rd POZ LOAD of the evening spurted up the Young Man's Ass. I headed for the showers to join my Bud, then to his room for a catnap.

2 A.M! Time to check on our Progeny. There was a lot of traffic in the Maze. One of the fabled "Old Trolls" stopped me excited. "Fuck! You should see what's going on."

Still secured in the Sling was our Sacrificial Lamb. As I nudged my way amongst the damp towels, I realized what I'd first perceived as a mulling muck of Cocks and Balls was actually an orderly queue of Bareback Tops intent on breeding the Young Twink.

"What's with the Kid?" I asked the Dude up next to dip his wick.

"A PNP Boy who's overdosed," came his educated guess.

"Then how cum he's strapped in like that?"

"Must be a Cum Addict as well. Look. Do me a favor. Save my place. I'll be right back. I gotta piss."

"No, wait. I know that Kid. He's into Watersports. Piss down his throat, then fuck his Ass." Word spread like wildfire.

And so it was that one Top after another, the old, the infirm, the obese, and the diseased, joined ranks to fill both the Youngster's Holes with Piss and Cum. I saw the Kid take five dirty Loads at least.

Of course he had it cuming. Justice rendered is justice deserved. They hadda take the Kid down a notch. The Punk was simply too goody two-shoes. I watched a pair of "Old Trolls," with purple KS lesions dotting their bodies, shoot up the Young Man's Butt. He was sure gonna be sore in the morning—not to mention the AIDS VIRUS which would make his life a Living Hell. I had to smile.

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