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  On 10/24/2020 at 8:27 AM, BPS0209 said:

It's more the psychology behind taking a pill each day. Right now, I'm in my 20s and don't need to take any drugs for my health and want to keep it that way until at least the age of 40.


Accepting the notion that you have to take a pill every morning won’t be any easier when you’re in your 40s. If you have any desire to see your 40th birthday, start PrEP. 

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Im a bottom and love bareback, but I too am not a bug chaser or looking to be poz. i just seek good clean sex and pleasuring a top and also have great sex.

  On 8/27/2020 at 3:40 AM, AlexBBPig said:

I’m a poz bottom, but definitely was not a chaser.  On the rare occasions that I top, I will only go bareback.  So for me, it’s about fairness.  If I’m not willing to put on a condom when I top, how can I ask anyone to wear a condom when they top me? I knew when I started barebacking that I would become poz at some point.  I accepted that fact long before I actually became poz.  I don’t hide my status from anyone, but I don’t feel the need to initiate a discussion beforehand.   I assume that anyone who is having sex with strangers has done some research to understand the risks and that they will ask questions if they have concerns.  If they ask, I have no problems showing any or all of my test results to potential partners. If they aren’t comfortable, I’m happy to walk away with no hard feelings.  


My situation is almost exactly the same as yours except that I very rarely top. 99% bottom guy here. Poz but on meds and undetectable. 

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  On 10/24/2020 at 6:52 PM, CumLvr80 said:

I don't want the bug either. But, I DO have these insatiable desires to be barebacked and pumped full of cum. It's happened but a handful of times in my life, and I've been fortunate so far. But, I know it's playing with fire. Being bred is all I think about these days. It's just a matter of actually making it happen. 


That's exactly what PrEP was invented for. This is not a difficult concept to grasp.


Personally, from a pure top's perspective, a bottom  who is healthy and on prep is far more attractive.  I don't have to worry about anything.  I don't trust condoms.  They are a pain especially with a  tight ass.  Not to mention they numb my cock.  I just cant fuck good with a condom on. If you are bb for the thrill of getting a life changing disease, get help.   A negative top prefers a negative bottom.   I think you might find more tops are interested in you if you go on prep.  

  • Upvote 2
  On 10/26/2020 at 12:32 PM, mblad99 said:

Personally, from a pure top's perspective, a bottom  who is healthy and on prep is far more attractive.  I don't have to worry about anything.  I don't trust condoms.  They are a pain especially with a  tight ass.  Not to mention they numb my cock.  I just cant fuck good with a condom on. If you are bb for the thrill of getting a life changing disease, get help.   A negative top prefers a negative bottom.   I think you might find more tops are interested in you if you go on prep.  


To be fair: I know a few (VERY few) poz tops who don't want to fuck negative bottoms, even if the top's undetectable and the bottom's on PrEP, "just in case". They don't want to be the one to poz the guy.

Conversely, I know some poz (UD) tops who have negative bottom partners they like to watch get it from others, and having them on PrEP keeps them from feeling guilty about risking the bottom's health by encouraging him to take loads from others.

So I suspect going on PrEP will turn some tops on, and will turn others off. I think it makes enormous sense regardless.


A bit of a crazy question there. It's like asking "are there people who want to eat but do not puke it back?" in a bulimia forum.

MOST bottoms and generally people who do BB do not want to get pozzed? It is actually very rare to find people who want to get pozzed while doing bare. They are just very common on this site. Outside, now maybe the majority of gays are on prep and prefer BB. And a tiny minority of them are trying to catch STDs. I've only actually come across real people wanting an STD on this site. I thought it was a scary myth.

It is one of the reasons I haven't really grown that fond of this site yet. I absolutely love getting bred, I love BB. But it feels like doing BB to catch stds and loving those stds is the norm on this site. In the middle of every conversation a disease missionary shows up to offer thankful prayers to every STD out there. Whereas to me it is clear that someone who wants diseases to ruin his body, does not use meds for them and eventually wants to die of them miserably, is suffering from a dire mental sickness.

  On 10/24/2020 at 2:21 AM, BPS0209 said:

I'm actually at that turning point. I recently visited the health clinic and was advised that with the amount of unprotected sex I was having, it would be best to consider PrEP.

I've always like the natural feeling of raw dick either being thrust in a guy or being forced in me. So in order to have that I'll have to start taking PrEP and I'm worried. I'm worried about potential side effects, about losing the thrill and therefore the drive to even have sex.

It's a big thing to commit to taking every day and I don't know if I'm there mentally.


I haven’t read every post in this thread so maybe this has already been brought up. If you do not go on Prep and become positive, you’re going to HAVE TO take pill(s) everyday, so what’s the big deal with taking a pill for Prep now to protect you from the possible deleterious effects of HIV?

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I am versatile and love sex. After many years in a monogamous relationship and got on Prep, I’ve been enjoying sex   (Pre Covid) I’m not a big chaser or wanting to be pozzed. I want to continue having great sex and meeting cool guys. I mostly bottom now thanks to prep have been negative and wish to stay that way. No disrespect to any that think different. 

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  On 10/24/2020 at 1:11 PM, bihairy said:

been on PrEP for a few years now. I take it before I go to bed Its easy. I enjoy lots of bb sex and don't have to think about it or worry.  I'm not interested in getting HIV.  I love the freedom.  And no side effects.  Just my thought.


That's exactly what I think. I do have the same desires that @StockingsBB describes, and that's exactly the reason, why I'm on PrEP, so I can live my desires by reducing the risk of an infection. I can't see how taking a pill every night before goint to bed reduces the spontaneity of sex. You don't need to prep before you meet someone, it's just part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth ... I wouldn't consider that as a lust killer.

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Its a fine line. I definitely fall into the bracket of someone that doesnt want it. I have been on prep for a while for that very purpose. Prep allows me to be the fucking whore that I am without the headache of having to worry about getting poz.


I love bareback and I don't want to get pozzed. Why would I want an incurable virus, or any virus for that matter? Look, sex is a risk, regardless if it's "safe" or "bareback". I recognize that and acknowledge it. That being said, I have ZERO tolerance for those who participate in "stealthing", blatantly lying about your HIV positive status, or any other knowingly deceptive and/or non-consensual sex acts that causes harm to another person(s). 

Guest ff-whole
  On 11/5/2020 at 9:59 AM, rawfuckingonly said:

I love bareback and I don't want to get pozzed. Why would I want an incurable virus, or any virus for that matter? Look, sex is a risk, regardless if it's "safe" or "bareback". I recognize that and acknowledge it. That being said, I have ZERO tolerance for those who participate in "stealthing", blatantly lying about your HIV positive status, or any other knowingly deceptive and/or non-consensual sex acts that causes harm to another person(s). 


I want to be respectful, but you love to bareback... though you don't want to be lied to? 
Sorry but in my humble opinion that's a fantasy... 
I think you have to consider that nobody can be trusted - except for the extreme rare exception...
Even your spouse or lover will lie to you in certain extend given the right circumstance. It's human behaviour.

  On 11/5/2020 at 11:22 AM, ff-whole said:

I want to be respectful, but you love to bareback... though you don't want to be lied to? 
Sorry but in my humble opinion that's a fantasy... 
I think you have to consider that nobody can be trusted - except for the extreme rare exception...
Even your spouse or lover will lie to you in certain extend given the right circumstance. It's human behaviour.


I agree. But I'm talking about guys who are knowingly HIV positive(poz. Not undetectable) who make it a point to infect others. When asked about his status he blatantly lies. Or he's stealths the unknowing bottom. I'm not saying trust the person. Nor am I saying to assume that a person or persons that one engages with sexually, is honest and/or trustworthy. I'm talking about those who are poz, they know that they are, and when asked about their status they blatantly and knowingly lie. To do so in the United States is illegal. I find it to be absolutely reprehensible. 

  On 11/5/2020 at 11:22 AM, ff-whole said:

I want to be respectful, but you love to bareback... though you don't want to be lied to? 
Sorry but in my humble opinion that's a fantasy... 
I think you have to consider that nobody can be trusted - except for the extreme rare exception...
Even your spouse or lover will lie to you in certain extend given the right circumstance. It's human behaviour.


It's true that you can't assume anyone will always be 100% trustworthy.

That said, you can have bareback sex AND not want to get pozzed - the answer, as should be obvious, is to go on PrEP and stay on it faithfully.

That way, regardless of whether a particular partner is deliberately lying about his status so he can stealth, or ignorant of his status and infectious, or whatever, you are taking proactive steps to protect yourself.

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