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Does a true cumdump take Prep?


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I think the hottest aspect to cumdumps is the fact that they own their sexuality and their preferences, and they commit.


Using PrEP is a choice, and a commitment in the same vein - choosing to be on it and take loads is just as hot as not

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Whilst Im a top I'm on Prep , I waste enough of my time attending sexual health clinics for health checks as well as treatment for clap and other "occupational hazards " of being a slag  etc , I just haven't got time to spend more time in such places for a preventable (ie with prep) condition

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I take PrEP as a responsibility to my own body and to those of my numerous partners. Why do I want to get infected with something that can compromise my health and longevity as a full time sexual animal? I want to live as healthy as possible so I can take as may loads from as many partners as possible. The risk of STI's including HIV is always present, but I want the risk minimized so I can be as promiscuous as possible. The pleasure is in the partners and heavy breeding stock use, not in the catching of  infections.

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Other people should not be making moral choices for you. If you wish to be a cumdump be a cumdump. If you wish to take prep, take prep. If you wish to not take prep, don't take it (and be prepared for what is likely inevitable) They are two separate choices and those who make  judgements on those choices should be told to mind their own business.

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If you ask a question that is phrased "does a true bottom..." or "only a real top...", then I automatically disregard the rest of the question.  There is no "REAL" anything. You do it or you don't.  I don't get this need to qualify people for what turns them on.  If you ONLY have sex with one partner, but you are a total pig with him, then you're a real pig.  If you have sex with anything that moves and some things that don't, you're a real pig.  If you have sex with a condom (you're not having sex with me), but you're no less of a person for your choices.  If you're on prep, that's your business.  Whatever went into that decision is fully you. I have no say in it - and I SHOULDN'T have any say in the matter.  As for me personally, I don't have to prove that I'm a pig/cumdump/whore to anyone.  If you think less of me, that's none of my concern and I certainly won't lose sleep over it.

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I take random loads of cum, off anyone, I'm on prep. 

I don't judge others, if they feel they can judge me, that's up to them.

I don't tell anyone how to live, and don't expect people to tell me how to live or that I'm 'cheating' because I take prep.

People need to make their own judgements and do what is right for them, for me, I don't want HIV, my choice, my decision so I take prep.

To shame someone because they don't agree with you is just low.

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Obviously I am a cumdump. Anyone who knows me would verify that.  I do no take prep.   But if I did, would that somehow change my status of being a cumdump?  I would argue not.  To each their own.  That is a personal choice.  

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  • 5 months later...
On 11/4/2019 at 8:46 AM, MuscledHorse said:

I take PrEP as a responsibility to my own body and to those of my numerous partners. Why do I want to get infected with something that can compromise my health and longevity as a full time sexual animal? I want to live as healthy as possible so I can take as may loads from as many partners as possible. The risk of STI's including HIV is always present, but I want the risk minimized so I can be as promiscuous as possible. The pleasure is in the partners and heavy breeding stock use, not in the catching of  infections.

I agree with MuscledHorse.....well said. 

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