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On 12/12/2021 at 6:15 AM, veryversguy4fun said:

Pt 3 of being tricked and deceived. S Chris left the room to get the door I had reached down and felt my hole it felt like it was twice the size before the night started as I reached down and felt it I started to play with it with a finger and realized that 1 finger did nothing as I used 2 fingers I felt a little better but once I slide my 3rd finger in I was shocked at how easily they slide in and I couldn't help but start fingering my stretched out hole I look to the left and saw the fucking machine and the dildo that was attached to it making me fuck my hole faster with my 3 fingers and moaning. The dildo must have been like 8 inches long but it was thicker than I have ever had in my hole. 

As I was lost in fingering my hole I heard footsteps coming towards the room but I couldn't stop fingering my hole in walks Chris with 3 other guys he introduced them to me, their names were Big John(which I would find out why his name was big John) then there was Steve and then Mark. I saw Mark looking at Chris and he ask Chris did you vet him, Chris looked like he didn't know what to say as Mark walked towards me and Chris said no not really I didn't think I needed to. Mark stopped and said Chris what did I tell remember what happened the last time. This is why we have to meet here and not my house. The guy from the last time had gone to the cops because he couldn't handle what we were doing to him and you told me that this guy here seemed to be more wild then the last guy.

Chris mumbled well he is look at him as I had stopped fingering my hole but left my fingers in it. Mark started to walk towards me he removed my fingers and without any warning I felt him slide what felt like his whole hand in my hole causing my to jump back hurting my ankles that were still tied to the sling he said this guy is tight as hell as he could only get a couple inches of his hand in my hole. Chris was quick to say well he had no problem taking that dildo on the machine. Mark laughed along with Big John and Steve. That thing is nothing as he slide the couple of inches of his hand out of my hole and looked at Big John and said you know what to do. I looked at Chris who seemed to turn white as I watched Big John start walking towards me undoing his shorts just as he reached me he dropped his shorts and my jaw dropped and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

Big John must of been close to 10 inches long and as thick as a beer cane and he was close to being hard as he stood inches from my face as I watched him stroking his cock and with a big grin on his face he said to Mark he definitely is scared of seeing.  this as he shock it in my face then gave my face a hard slap with it. 

Mark asked Chris I thought I told you to have him high and ready for us he definitely doesn't look ready and I don't think he is high enough what did you give him. Chris started sturring I gave him a .4 like you said to. Mark said but where did you get it from he said he got it from Keith.

This seemed to get Mark more upset because he yelled you got it from how Keith his stuff is cheap and cut then Mark pulled out a large plastic bag with needles bottles of G and T. Then he said I bet you got the G from him to as Chris shock his head. 

Mark looked at Big John and said go ahead while I fix Chris's fuck up. I was to busy watching what mark was doing as he pulled out the needles the G and T he had filled one point without the needle with G I heard Steve say now that is some strong stuff as I can smell it from here and Mark said it's the strongest out there. Chris realized he had made a mistake after he said it to mark, shouldn't you have at least deluted the G. 

Mark said are you telling me what I should be doing don't forget who brought you into this little thing we have going here. Big John had caughed which drew my attention back towards him and it was looking good as he was still stroking his cock but it was at least a foot long and even thicker all that ran through my head was who can take something that thick in any hole. As the thought ran through my head Big John grabbed the back of head and pushed it towards his cock with just the head in my mouth I could feel my jaw being stretched as Mark said don't be gentle I want to see if he is as wild as Chris says he is.

 Big John really didn't need to be told that as he held my head down from the back of head and tried pushing his ock deeper in my mouth he told Mark this guy has never had his throat opened up his throat is like a tight pussy. As he let my head go and pulled the head of his cock out. 

I looked at Chris scared and confused as I was just about to say something,Mark said to Steve bring Chris upstairs me and Big John will be right up. Steve said what about him as he pointed towards me Mark looked at me and then to Steve and said we didn't come here for nothing but this guy needs to be more prepared before we do anything you should know that Steve. 

Steve started laughing as he led Chris upstairs and said yeah we like our guys loose and sloppy and he is neither. Both big John and Mark said don't worry once we give him the G and a nice .6 of this T he will be begging for us to use his holes as we wish. 

With Steve and Chris upstairs Big John said as he was standing between my spreading legs what should we do about getting this stretched more.

 Mark looked furstrated and said do I have to do all the thinking here, you know better than that to ask me. Your better at picking the right dildo to use when you want to open and stretch someone's hole remember what's his name as Mark was tapping the point with the T in it. Big John laughed and said oh your talking about Pat. Mark grabbed both points and a string and started towards my as he said to Big John you go pick it out while I prepare him. 

As I watched John start going through the 2 lockers of toys watching him look at the dildos like he was looking at the details on then turning then around and placing them back in the box and just as Mark said to me so I have to fix Chris's mistake but don't you worry your pretty little head by the time these kick in you will be more than a willing participant and be begging Big John, Steve and me to fuck your holes as he didn't take his pants off but pulled out his cock which was just as big and thick as John's and said but you will have to wait til your more prepared. Then he yelled to John while your over there bring the other machine and the dildo that goes with it  John voice sounded surprised and said really and Mark said your the one who said his throat was tight so yes really. Mark started to undo the ties and said don't try to run once I get these off I want you to stay on the sling but I want you to position yourself on your hands and knees ok. 

To scared to not do it I just shock my head yes once my wrist was undone I slowly moved onto my hands and knees as Mark grabbed one ankle and pulled it back and up and tied it and did the same to the other ankle then he walked in front of me grabbed my right arm tied my wrist as he pulled my arm down and tied it and did the same to my left wrist my chin was resting on the sling and my asshole was pointed straight out and I cold feel cold air on it.

 I heard John say prefect but I was now facing away from him so I couldn't see much but out of the corner of my eyes I seen him place this big black dildo on the chair as he walked away and from what I could see this dildo wasn't really that big but big and the thickness was what I was worried about as I tried to get my wrist or ankles free. 

Mark said what is going on as he seen me trying to get out of the restraints and laughed as he said hey John I think he saw the dildo. Just then John appeared with something under his arm as he started to walk pass the dildo he put down and picked it up and was staring at it as he walked towards me and said what he doesn't think it's thick enough I can go get something thicker as they both laughed. 

Mark said ok I set that up and I will give him the booty bump of the G and then point him. Big John placed the dildo next to the fucking machine and started to walk towards me and then he grabbed a chair and placed whatever was under his arm on the chair and started to adjust it and once he had it adjusted he placed it in front of my face when I looked up I seen a another dildo attached to a much smaller fuck machine and the dildo wasn't as big and thick as the other toy that was already used on my hole but it definitely was bigger and thicker than any type of cock I ever had in the mouth and throat besides Chris's earlier.

Mark slapped my ass to get my attention he said your going to feel some burning but it only last a minute or 2 and then about 10-15 minutes later you will be horny as hell. As I felt something wet being squirted in my hole then something thin being pushed in my hole and the burning started. Mark said you feel it as my hole tightened up and twitched Mark said I guess so as he walked and grabbed my right and tied a string to it and pulled it tight til a couple veins popped up I felt him feeling for one then he said this one should do as I felt the prick and he said bingo I couldn't see what he was doing but it seemed to take longer than when Chris had pointed me. Then I felt the needle being pulled out and boom my ears rang they felt they were on fire as I started coughing really hard and my whole body started to sweat. 

Big John and Mark were talking but I really couldn't hear what was being said as my ears rang I didn't make out a number 8 and then some laughing. The coughing lasted for about a minute then I had this warm rushing feeling running throughout my body and it seemed to skip right over my cock and right to my hole as it felt it was on fire and then it felt like my hole was talking as I felt something I never felt before as my hole was twitching and throbbing like a heart beat and the heat coming from it made start to moan and slightly move my hips around.

 I still had the ringing in my ears but it wasn't as bad and I could start to hear Mark and Big John talking and what I heard made me start to worry as Mark said we'll get the 2 machines going and go upstairs and talk with Chris don't worry in a half hour he will still be as high and horny and if he isn't I will give him more but his throat and asshole needs to be opened up and stretched out more if we are going to enjoy throat fucking him and going deep in his ass plus remember what we talked about with Steve or Chris. I heard John laughed and say it's about time we do this having both our cocks in a guys ass and giving him the best fucking by the 2 biggest and thickest cocks around and then throat fucking him.

 Mark said I can't wait to see the expression not only on this guy's face but Steve and Chris's as well. The talking had stopped as Mark walked up to my face and lifted my head up as I was tried to look straight into his face but my vision was blurry all I remember him saying was that they will be back and something being placed right in my face and touching my mouth and then I heard John say it's all set back here and Mark saying damn your really picked up a thick one. As they both were laughing as they walked away and n a slight voice saying enjoy til we get back in in that moment I felt one dildo being pushed into my mouth and one that was trying to go in my hole. Then I heard footsteps and then heard almost forgot about this as something was being tied over my nose and I smelt something strong and made me light headed but relaxed and I kept breathing in I would feel it more and more and it felt like my muscles became relaxed as the dildo that was opening and stretching my hole slowly started to finally go in but it was going to take some time as this was real thick.




Please more!!  Awesome story.. I'm all sweaty and hard reading this!!

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