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From Pastor to Pozzed Hole

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11 hours ago, Heir2012 said:

To clarify, the next chapter isn't the end, but I do hope to wrap it up at some point. At this point, you've read about 260 pages of story. 

260 pages of cock throbbin' goodness. 

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(I'm splitting the chapter in two, but I'm posting them both at the same time.)

Part 27: Ryan's Secret (Chapter 2 of the Demise of Lewis)

(Ryan Kline's Perspective Part 1)

I closed my laptop as quickly as I could, almost slamming it down on my hard cock. I slid it under my pillow and pulled my covers over my body, hiding my erection. I wiped my hand across the pool of pre-cum which had collected on my abs and licked it clean. I was just slipping into a normal sleeping position when my bedroom door opened and my dad walked in.

“Hey, Ryan,” he said. “Still up?”

“Uh, yeah,” I said, pretending to rub my eyes, clearing away whatever fake sleep I had been trying to get. There was still some pre-cum between my fingers.

“Nervous about tomorrow?” he asked.

“A little,” I said.

He walked into my room and sat on the edge of the bed, staring down at me. “It’s a new chapter for you,” he told me, “but it’s one you’re going to love. College is a great time of growth.”

“Sure is,” I said, feeling my “great growth” shrinking under the covers with each passing moment.

“Just remember,” he said. “God has great plans for you.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Honey,” a call came from downstairs. “It’s Will on the phone for you. He has a question about his next sermon.”

“A pastor’s work is never done,” my dad said. He looked me over with a smile and then left my room, closing the door behind him.

“Finally,” I said, pulling out my laptop and opening it back to the page I’d been jerking off to for almost an hour. I liked taking my time, building up my orgasms so when I came, it would be explosive. It was a good thing my parents knew nothing about technology and couldn’t block porn or even trace what sites I’d been on. They’d lose their minds if they did.

I pressed play and watched as a man with a huge, pierced cock skull-fucked a guy who looked to be around my age, spit pouring out of his mouth, his face red while his neck bulged out. I gripped hard on my dick and started stroking, closing my eyes and listening to the moans of the top and the gagging of the bottom, my earbuds making me feel as if I was with them. As I heard the top getting closer, his breathing ragged while he held the bottom’s head straight, cutting off his oxygen, I felt a wave of warmth fill my body, my balls shooting up inside me.

“Fuck,” I moaned, the scenario on the screen changing in my mind. I was now the bottom, naked on my knees, looking up into the eyes of Pastor Ryder as he unloaded his holy cum down my throat. It was a good thing my eyes were closed as my cum shot out, hitting my closed eyes, painting my face. I stuck out my tongue and licked up the cum I could reach, savoring the flavor, wishing it was Will Ryder’s. In your dreams, I thought. I shut down my computer and cleaned myself off with a dirty towel I kept handy. While I knew I’d never have anything happen like that with Pastor Ryder, there was still the possibility of someone at college taking his place. I was off to college the next day, and I was determined to lose my virginity ASAP


“You’ll die a virgin,” Al said, standing over me at the campus gym, his shorts billowing out just enough for me to see his jock strap beneath.

“No, I won’t,” I said, shaking my head while trying to make sure I didn’t get hard. Al was cool, but he didn’t know that I was secretly gay. For all he knew, I was a pastor’s kid, perfect in every way, incapable of stepping out of line. What he didn’t know is that I spent most nights ignoring homework so I could watch as much gay porn as possible. For the past five months I’d been all about bareback porn. I grew up hearing in health class how we needed to use condoms as protection, but something about the bareback porn pushed me in the other direction. Maybe I could blame it on my upbringing, living such a safe life so far, keeping myself within the confines of the perfect son. Now, all I wanted was to take a risk. When my time did come, it would be bareback. No alternatives.

Al knew I was a virgin because I had been stupid and told him. He started cluing in when he failed to see me bring anyone back to our room or see me spend the night out in someone else’s. He still thought I was straight, and I didn’t feel like correcting him. No one needed to know what got me hard but me. Many nights I heard Al bringing back some young woman who he expertly fucked, leaving them moaning and crying out to God. It made me a little hard for Al, though I still had sessions where I imagined myself with Pastor Ryder. I’d always thought of myself as a bottom, but the more porn I watched, the more I realized that I was versatile. That let me imagine Pastor Ryder’s dick spewing his hot loads in my guts while I then pumped him full of mine. In one twisted dream, I imagined hiding under Pastor Ryder’s desk, sucking him off, while my dad, Pastor Kline, has a meeting with him, completely unaware that his only son has his mouth full of dick.

My dick jumped at the thought, but Al didn’t seem to notice. I sat up on the bench, sweat pouring off me, my arms tired. I hated lifting weights. Still, I wanted to look good for whatever guy I ended up fucking or getting fucked by. There was little time left before my freshman year was over, and I didn’t want to go back home a virgin.

We returned to our room when my phone started buzzing.

“I’m getting a shower,” Al said, striping his clothes off until only his jock remained.

I watched as he walked away and then answered. “Hello?”

“Hey, Ryan.”

“Lewis, what’s up?” I said, the depression of still being a virgin lifting for a brief moment. “How are you?”

“Uh, good,” he said.

I’d known Lewis for most of my life, and I knew his answer wasn’t honest. Something was wrong. “What’s going on back home?” I asked, slipping off my shirt and smelling my pits. I loved the smell of myself after a workout.

“Nothing much,” he said, which I could tell was a lie. “Same old.”

“Have you narrowed down where you want to go to college yet?” I asked. “You’re running out of time.”

“Actually,” he said, “That’s why I called. I heard your school is having an open house next weekend, and I wanted to know if it would be cool if I roomed with you during it?”

“Oh,” I said. Lewis was a hot guy, and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t found myself attracted to him a bit, but he wasn’t the type of man I pictured myself with… long-term, at least.  Plus, he was straight, leaving any possibility of us fucking impossible. “I’m fine with it. I do have a roommate, though.”

“What about your roommate?” A voice asked from behind. I turned to find Al standing behind me, his towel around his hips.

“A friend of mine from home wants to come up for the open house,” I told him. “He wanted to room here, but I told him I have a roommate.”

“Wait,” Al said. “Next weekend? I won’t be here. I’m taking Celia up to my parents’ cabin for a few days of fucking. It’s fine by me.”

“Alright,” I said, trying to watch as he pulled his towel off, exposing his tight ass and thick cock. “Well, Lewis, sounds like we’ll be rooming together next weekend.”

“Sounds great,” Lewis said, his voice missing any true excitement. Something was up, and I was determined to find out what it was.


“I can’t wait to get to college,” Lewis said as we walked back to my dorm.

Since he arrived, I could see that Lewis had been wanting to tell me something, but every time I thought he was getting closer to spilling whatever it was, he closed up. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this, I thought. I mean, we’ve known each other for years. We know so much about each other… well, not the whole closeted gay thing. I mean, we’ve even jerked off together. That was a bad night. My dad walked in on us. I could have died. Still, it gave me a good look at Lewis’s cock which had my mouth watering. Like I said before, Lewis wasn’t exactly my type, but I’d have him in an instant if I could.

“Is it as exciting as I imagine?”

“I guess,” I told him. We were in my room, both exhausted from the school tour, weekend activities, and trying to get to the dining hall before it closed. I was ready to turn it in, but I still wanted to crack whatever it was that Lewis was keeping hidden.

“Have any girlfriend?” he asked.

“No,” I told him, trying to hide any hint that he was barking up the wrong tree. “How are you and Becca doing?”

Lewis’s face fell. “Actually, we broke up.”

“Oh, crap,” I said, realizing this must have been the thing he’d been hiding. “Lewis, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Lewis said. “I’m fine.” He sat down on my bed, his head hanging low.

“So,” I started, joining him. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Lewis shrugged.

“Do you mind if I ask what happened?”

“Well,” Lewis said, his attention still pulled away from me. “Becca wanted to have sex, and I told her no.”

“Oh. Right.” This was an eternal struggle whenever you’ve committed to waiting until marriage. Sure, we get really familiar with our hands, but it isn’t the same… or so I’ve heard. There had been several teens in our youth group who had sex and ended up pregnant, though I knew of more who fucked and got away with it. A part of me believed I could have gotten away with it if I wanted, both my parents being oblivious, but there was more at risk for me. I wouldn’t just be having sex before marriage. I would be having sex with another man before marriage. The whole thing pissed me off, but I knew guys like Lewis lived by the rules.

“She told the whole school about it,” Lewis told me.

“But you did the right thing,” I said, the words bitter in my mouth. The image of Lewis on top of Becca, ramming her pussy full of his thick cock did get my dick to jump, watching his tight ass moving with each thrust.

“I almost didn’t,” Lewis said.

My face must have held some unique expression, prompting him to jump back in.

“I talked to Mr. Flanagan,” he told me. “He helped.”

Mr. Flanagan was one of those men I found myself fantasizing over many times. Not only did I see him at school, but I was then forced to see him at church. Once, on a church retreat, I had seen him walk into one of the showers, getting only a glimpse of his ass. I instantly got hard and had to duck away into a bathroom stall before anyone saw me, especially my dad who had been walking in at the same time. I had been having too many close calls. I jerked off in the stall, hearing the other men showering and talking, none of them knowing the pastor’s son was shooting his seed into the toilet while images of naked men filled his perverted mind. I almost cried out, my legs threatening to crumble beneath me.

Still, Mr. Flanagan was one of those men I’d spread my cheeks for in an instant. I’d also like to fuck his ass so hard he wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. I had the feeling he’d be the type to destroy an ass or ride a dick until his was gaping out. “Yeah,” I said. “He’s a good guy.”

Lewis nodded, continuing to stare at his shoes.

“Is that all?” I asked him.


“Lewis, come on. We’ve known each other for years. Do you really think I’m unable to tell if something is wrong with you? From the moment you called, I knew something was wrong.”

“Oh, yeah,” he said.

“I wish you would have called me,” I told him. “I could have talked you through all the Becca stuff.”

“I know.”

“I hope you’re feeling better, now,” I said. “Becca wasn’t worth it, and she’s definitely not the one you want to have your first time with. Right?”

Lewis stared at me, his eyes a bit unfocussed. “Yeah,” he finally said. “Right.”

The rest of the night still held an awkwardness, as if there was something else not being said. As we got ready for bed, Lewis sleeping in Al’s bed, I kept trying to guess whatever it was that he was still keeping a secret. I tried to distract myself with porn, but I was afraid Lewis would see.

“You’re sure your roommate won’t mind?” Lewis asked, climbing into his bed.

“Not at all,” I told him. “Trust me, he’s had plenty of other people sleeping in that bed other than him.”

“Really?” Lewis said, looking at the bed as if it were covered in germs. Covered in dried cum, I thought.

I turned off the lights, my brain still trying to sort out whatever it was that I was missing. I’ll be up all night thinking about this, I realized.

After an hour of silence, Lewis’ voice broke through. “I’m not a virgin anymore.”

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Part 27: Ryan Loses His Virginity (Chapter 3 of the Demise of Lewis)

(Ryan Kline's Perspective Part 2)

I’m not sure if it was the shock of the statement or the fact that I was tired, but it took me a considerable amount of time to grasp what he had just said. I sat up and turned on the light, finding him already staring at me. “Really?”

He nodded.

“You and Becca—”

“No,” he said, his voice shaking a bit.

I tried to think through all the girls still in high school, matching them up with Lewis, deciding who had been the lucky one to ride him first. “Do I know her?”

He shook his head.

“You didn’t get her pregnant, did you?” I asked, realizing why he looked so grave.

Again, he shook his head.

“Lewis,” I urged, my excitement over the revelation increasing my volume. “Just tell me who it was.”

“I can’t.”

“Lewis, come on.”

“I really can’t tell you.”

“Just tell me who it was,” I demanded.

Lewis stared at me, his face growing pale. “Mr. Flanagan.”

It felt as if my brain had glitched. I tried putting the pieces together: Lewis breaking up with Becca, Lewis losing his virginity, Lewis telling me that he lost it to Mr. Flanagan. Every time I tried to say something, my voice would catch.

“Ryan,” he said, waving his hand, trying to gain a reaction. “Did you hear me?”

I nodded, still unable to say anything.

Lewis shifted in the bed before jumping out of it. “This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said anything. Friend or not, I shouldn’t have told you.”

“Wait, Lewis,” I said, finally finding myself. “Don’t go.”

“I’ve already been feeling guilty about it all,” he said, “not being able to tell anyone what happened. I didn’t want to say anything, but it just came out.” He started to get dressed, looking for his belongings.

“Lewis, would you just stop?”

“I’ve got to go,” he said.

I jumped out of bed and cornered him, his face looking directly into mine. I’d never been this close to him or any other man. I could smell his cologne along with a musk that was all his own. Our eyes locked for a brief moment before I leaned forward and kissed him, pressing his body against the wall. He tasted amazing, his soft lips opening to me, our tongues meeting. My crotch was pushed against his, both of our dicks starting to get hard the longer we kissed. Our bare chests were pressed together, our heartbeats aligned. I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled him from the wall, throwing him down on my bed.

Lewis stared up at me with wide eyes. “Are you…”

“Gay?” I finished. “Yeah.” I pulled off my shorts. Though Lewis had just told me that he had lost his virginity to an older man, there was no guarantee that what I was doing would work. It was a risk, but it was one I needed to take.

Lewis smiled and started to undress himself, tossing his shorts on the floor too, leaving only his boxers.

I knelt next to the bed, lifting his legs so they were resting on my shoulders. Slowly, I kissed his leg, moving up toward his groin, feeling his leg hair against my lips.

“Fuck,” Lewis moaned, head tilting back.

I grabbed his boxers and pulled them down, freeing his hard cock which was starting to drip. He had a thick cock, and my mouth was drooling for it. I opened as wide as I could and swallowed him down, grabbing hold of his hips so he wouldn’t try to move away.

“Fucking shit,” he cried, his hands grabbing my head and forcing more of his dick inside my throat, fingers tangling in my hair.

I started to gag, Lewis easing up on me.

I stared up at him, both of us smiling. “Good?” I asked.

“Incredible,” he told me.

“So,” I said, grabbing his dick and starting to pump, “Mr. Flanagan?”

Lewis smiled, nodding.

“He’s a hot fucking man,” I said.

“You have no idea.”

“Did Mr. Flanagan fuck you or did you fuck him?”

“He fucked me,” Lewis said.

“Amazing,” I said, imagining the scene. “You prefer to bottom?”

Lewis shrugged. “Don’t know.”

I smiled. “Let me decide for you.” I grabbed his legs and lifted them up, revealing his tight hole covered in hair. It was beautiful. I leaned in and kissed it, Lewis shaking from the feeling. I then licked over his hole, doing everything I’d ever seen in porn.

“Have you done this before?” Lewis asked.

“Never,” I told him. “But, I watch more porn than I read the Bible. I think I’ve learned a thing or two.”

“Then go for it,” Lewis said, his hands grabbing his legs and pulling them back, opening himself even more.

“Hold on,” I said, running over to Al’s desk. I knew he hid condoms and lube in one of the drawers, and I was praying he hadn’t taken everything with him to the cabin. I found the bottle of lube and brought it back to Lewis, squirting some on his hole.

“Fuck, it’s cold,” he said.

I massaged it over his hole, covering my fingers, and then slid them inside. Lewis’s body tightened, moving away slightly from my intrusion. I was eager, but I knew I needed to pace myself so I didn’t scare him away. I took my time opening him up, knowing it was a must unless I wanted to cause us both pain.

“Feels great,” Lewis said, looking down at me.

I slipped my fingers out and pulled my briefs off, revealing my hard dick. I wasn’t as thick as Lewis, but I was longer, something I prided myself in. I lined up my cock to his slicked hole and pressed it against the opening. I looked at him, noticing his smile. Fuck, I thought, looking down at my dick touching his ass. This was it.

I pressed against his hole and my dick slipped inside.

“Fuck,” Lewis moaned, hands grabbing the sheets and pulling them.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

Lewis nodded, his face a bit red.

I pushed in more, stopping every inch to make sure I wasn’t killing him. After a few inches, it became easier. Before I knew it, my pubic hair was pressed against his ass.

“I’m in,” I said, relishing the warmth and tightness of his ass. It felt incredible, far better than anything anyone had alluded to. I waited a while, letting Lewis adjust.

“Fuck me,” Lewis said looking deep into my eyes. “Fuck me hard.”

“You’ve got it,” I said, pulling out slow, watching as the hair around his hole clung to my shaft. Fuck, it’s beautiful, I thought. I pushed back in, my excitement getting the better of me.

Lewis groaned, his hands reaching down and grabbing hold of my legs. “Slower,” he said.

“Sorry,” I told him. It took a few tries before I found a rhythm. “How’s that?”

“So good,” he said, smiling. “Look at that,” he said. “You aren’t a virgin anymore.”

“I couldn’t think of anyone I’d rather give it to,” I said. I leaned forward and kissed him.

“Does anyone know?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “How about you?”

“Mr. Flanagan,” he said.

The idea kicked me into a different gear, the thought of Mr. Flanagan fucking the same hole my dick was in sending me into a higher state of pleasure.

“How was it?”

“Incredible,” Lewis said.

“What does he look like?” I asked.

“Hairy,” Lewis said, running his hand along my chest where little grew. “A good dick. A ton of cum.”


“Some condition he has,” Lewis said, his hands grabbing my nipples and pinching them, forcing a moan out of me. “He cums like crazy.”

“Sounds hot,” I said, imagining Mr. Flanagan’s dick acting as a geyser. I licked my lips.

“He covered my chest,” Lewis said.

“He came on your chest?” I asked.

Lewis nodded.

I continued to fuck him, thinking about what he just told me. Was Lewis expecting me to pull out and cum on his chest? I wanted to shoot inside him, doing exactly what all the men in porn did. I didn’t want to pull out. I wanted to inject my virgin cum deep inside Lewis.

“Keep going,” Lewis said, his hand now jerking his own cock. “I’m gonna cum.”

“Do it,” I said. “Cover your chest in cum.”

“Fuck,” me moaned, eyes closing tight, face twisting from the waves of pleasure filling his body. His back lifted off the bed as ropes of cum shot out, hitting his face, chin, chest, and then stomach.

Feeling his hole tighten around my cock sent me into overdrive. I grabbed his hips and started pounding, my breathing quick as my orgasm mounted.

“I’m gonna cum, too.”

“Do it,” Lewis said. “Give me that cum!”

As the moment of no return mounted, I reached out and scooped Lewis’s cum into my hand and licked it up, tasting, for the first time, the cum of another man. “FUCK!” I slammed into his ass and held him close, shooting into his guts my hot cum, filling him as my body became weak. I fell forward, my naked chest and stomach, meeting his, his cum gluing us together. Never had an orgasm felt so good. I looked down at Lewis who was looking up at me, a smile on his face. I leaned down and kissed him.

“That was incredible” I told him. “Was it… good for you, too?”

He nodded, laughing a bit. “It was incredible,” he said. “I can’t wait to do it again.”

“You’ll have to give me some time,” I told him. I pulled out, hearing a suction pop as my dick was freed. I took a step back and reached for a tissue, cleaning off my dick.

Lewis eyed it, his smiled falling a bit. “Where’s the condom?”

“What?” I asked.

“The condom,” he repeated. “Where is it?”

“I didn’t use one,” I told him. “Why?”

“Mr. Flanagan used one,” he told me.

“But he didn’t cum in you,” I said. “Your hole is a bareback virgin, and I’m a virgin. We’re fine. Trust me.”

Lewis moved his hand down to his hole and felt around, some of my cum leaking out. He collected some and lifted it to his nose, smelling it. He looked me in the eye as he stuck his tongue out and tasted it.

“Fuck,” I said. Who the fuck knew what would happen next. After finding out that Lewis and Mr. Flanagan were gay, who knew who else was. At that point, the idea of Pastor Ryder being gay became a bit more plausible, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Instead, I watched Lewis play with his hole, smearing my cum around. I’d never been more happy.


Sorry, but I had to split it in two. It was 10 pages long. 

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Damn the last sentence of part 26 “I’m not a virgin anymore”

end of chapter- perfect timing- great writing… looking forward to the next chapters 

(I mean- how can you not look forward to something called “the Demise  of Lewis” …. Woof)

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