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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, littleK said:

Blake is going to learn fast how to freely live his new life. Such a hot story always makes me hard, thank you for keeping it going, it keeps winning


Such a surprise I found here!

I just had to clean my message box but we can get back in touch soon

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/27/2022 at 7:50 PM, Vancrawman said:

Chapter III:  Taking the Gift

I had been texting back and forth with Justin and his texts were alternating between amped up for some toxic loads and then a couple of hours later he would equivocate and say “maybe I’m not ready.” I knew what he was going through – it’s a big line to cross and commitment to make to dedicate yourself to chasing HIV. It had taken me several months of stop-and-start to fully commit, so I wasn’t depending on Justin right now to follow through. I was spending a lot of time on Poz-twitter groups and BZ announcing my new enhanced status. All of that elicited the usual dozens of chaser messages but would any of them follow through?

I was beginning to think that as hard as it was to successfully chase, it might also be hard to successfully gift, with the non-serious, not-ready guys making up the bulk of my DMs and emails.

Still, I held out hope for Justin. He saw my bio tat at Eric’s studio and was fascinated by it. He gave me his number right away and since then we’d been texting back and forth. He postponed the first gifting we had scheduled for the next week, and I wondered just how serious he was. Then there was a few days of radio silence, and I pondered whether he had reconsidered accepting toxic loads in his un-PrEPPED hole.

Then, after 3 days of silence, came this:

“Hey man, I’ve been asking myself if I really want this, and I can’t get it out of my head, even though I know I shouldn't want this...But I have to have your virus, I need your strain living inside me!”

I texted back, “Yeah, it was the same for me when I started chasing, it insinuates the mind before it does your body. I'm excited to poz you up, brother, but no pressure... Just remember, we can do this or we can wait, it’s up to you.”

Of course, I was determined to infect this guy, to make him my first. So I was trying to be supportive but still persuasive at the same time:

“You know, I’m super toxic right now, so if you want me to gift you my strain, now’s the time.”

Back came his text, not 20 seconds later:

“I want it, man. I want you to poz me. Be my gifter into the brotherhood!”

“Just so you know , if I fuck you, you’ll probably go poz, there’s no turning back.”

“Yep, I’m ready for your strain. Let’s get it done!”

This confirmation was all I needed from him and I quickly shot back a text telling him to prepare his hole, and to come over in 1 hour.

I saw the three dots to indicate he was writing a response text…and then they went away…and then they appeared again and again went away. Finally, came the response I was hoping for:

“See you in 1 hour. I’m so excited!”

I set out my pozzing tools, namely a new toothbrush and some silicon lube. I had wanted to buy a “Cruel Condom,” but it was back-ordered, so that particular method would have to wait. I quickly showered and lay in bed waiting for the doorbell to chime.

While I waited, I texted Keith a pic of Justin’s hot hole:

“I got a this 20-something chaser on the way...a referral from Eric...can’t wait ‘til I get him good and pozzed up”

“That’s great, man, your first victim! You gonna brush his hole ?”

Yep, got the toothbrush right here,” I texted, adding a pic of the brush and my hard poz cock. “This is what you did to me, brother! Your strain is gonna poz up this little chaser!”

Congrats, man, and it's *our* strain now! Get him good! Take that neg status away from him! I gotta go now, we got another chaser in to see the doc and he’s another of my prey so I think his results will be +”

“LOL, between you and Eric, you guys are building an army!”

You were my first “X,” stud, but there's gonna be more “Xs” soon!”

Just at the 1 hour mark, when I momentarily thought “maybe he’s not coming,” the doorbell rang. Bingo. My first prey to fall victim to my poz seed was here! I looked down at my hard cock and thought about how I was fulfilling my destiny to spread the bug and infect chasers. I was ready.

Naked and with my pierced poz dick at full attention,I greeted Justin at the door, he was looking so hot in his T-shirt and shorts. He smiled a sheepish smile and came in, accepting the glass of wine I offered him. I moved him to the couch and stroked his sandy hair and ran my hands over his thighs. I could sense a slight tremble in him as looked down at my poz weapon and my biohazard tat.

“You ready for this?” I queried, “pointing down to my rigid pierced cock,” We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

He sipped his wine and looked up at me to say “Do you take the piercing out beforehand?”

“No, I never remove the Prince Albert...it will help the process.”

“Wow, it looks so big and hard...I haven't been fucked much in the last couple years.”

Sensing hesitation from him, I looked to get this going before he had any more doubts, “C'mon upstairs, I'll be gentle at first.”

“I’m ready, please poz me, Sir, it's all I can think about,” he said, knocking back the rest of his wine in one gulp.

“OK, just so you know, even though I am pretty toxic right now, it will help the process if I use one of these,” I said, pulling out the toothbrush I had next to me.

“OK...did you get brushed as well?”

“Yeah, my pozzer Keith brushed me before and after every fuck. It helps with the transmission. It’s uncomfortable and we don’t have to do it if you don’t like it, but it will help.

“Then you should do it to me also. Since I saw you in the tattoo studio, saw your ink, I feel like we have a kind of bond that I want to solidify. I know you’re gonna poz lots of guys, but knowing I’ll be your first conquest and that really gets me going.”

We made our way upstairs, me leading Justin by the hand…Still a slight tremble in his hand, but he has committed. I lay him on the bed, stripped off his shorts and shirt and placed him on all fours and spread his butt cheeks open.

I wanted to get right down to business – firstly, so it would be too late for him to back out, and secondly, this wasn’t a romantic fuck, we weren’t there for that, only to get my virus into his hole, which was was pink and winking at me, and when I put my tongue to it, it tasted of soap and water.

I brought the toothbrush up to his hole and let him know the next step:

“Once I do this, there’s no turning back. I’m gonna brush your hole and then fuck you and cum in you with my toxic load. Once I’m in you, I won’t pull out.”

I briefly flashed back to when my first gifter Eric, first brushed my hole – he put some bug-loaded precum from his hard cock on the bristles and scraped it inside my cunt, it was painful but I was so happy that even right then and there, I might be getting pozzed with his HIV seeds.

“Do it to me, Sir,” Justin murmured quietly but resolutely, snapping me back to the present, “Fuck me! Poz me, please.”

Slowly at first, the toothbrush went up into the pink passage and I started gently at first, moving it side to side, back and forth, in and out. He grimaced with its entry into his hole, but I reminded him this was necessary, to take a breath and work through it. There was no way I was gonna stop now.

“It’s getting your hole ready to accept and absorb my toxic load,” to which he moaned more and began begged for my poz cock. So after a minute more of toothbrushing, and when  I noticed a few bloody toothbrush bristles as I removed it,  I lubed up my pierced poz tool and sent it straight into Justin’s hole. I teased it a bit at first, going in only halfway, pulling it out a bit I noticed that already my pre-cum beading up on my cockhead, already doing its job to infect him. After this, he would never be the same. With that and more determined than ever to begin my Pozzing Career and get into The Ten, I plunged it deep inside him, not stopping until I was balls-deep inside his brushed up cunt.

“Fuck me, please, Sir, with that poz toxic cock and bring me into the brotherhood, make me yours, fill me up with your DNA and change my life.”

His hole was warm and sweet and it wasn’t going to take long for my first poz-to-neg transmission to take place. He was moaning and grimacing a bit, probably from the pain of the brush, but I was undeterred. I kept my pace, driving my cock deep into his hole, back out and back in, and with every thrust, kept telling him what he was receiving:

“Already, pig, my toxic pre-cum is planting itself in you, pozzing you straight into the brotherhood. Fucking little pigboy that you are, begging for dirty poz cum in your hole. Yeah, I’m gonna poz you, slut. You want my high-viral unmedicated HIV, pig?”

“Fuck yes, Sir, give me that poison!” was his response as he bit down on the pillow.

“And then you take my strain and spread it around, like the good poz faggot you will be!” I was getting close.

I withdrew a bit, mostly cuz I was so close to cumming but also I wanted to see the results of my handiwork with the toothbrush – there was a streak of bright red on the end of my cock, my translucent toxic pre-cum flowing from my cockhead stained pink. OK, it was now time to bring this boy fully into the brotherhood.

I shoved it deeper into him, thrusting it in and out some more, my poison boiling up in my balls to infect this hole, and finally it burst through in six or seven shots of sweet warm liquid virus, meeting the abrasions in his hole from the brush and impregnating him with my seed. With every pump of poz spunk, a surge of electricity went through me into him as I screamed out ‘I’m pozzing you now!”

After a minute or so, I pumped out the last few drops of my HIV into his hole, reached around his chest to hold him. It was then I could feel him softly crying – I pulled out of him and held him a bit, slowly stroking his hair. His cock had spontaneously erupted as well, and there was a puddle of his negative cum on his leg. I scooped some up and brought it to his lips and told him:

“This may be your last neg load ever, boy,” I told him as I slipped a plug into his hole to better absorb my gift.

He was overcome with the emotions of finally succumbing to this fantasy, of finally making it a reality.

“I’m so happy, these are tears of joy. Thank you, Sir, I hope it works.”

“Oh, it will work baby boy. But we have to fuck again in a few minutes and then every few days for the next month. Don’t take any loads from anyone else, so I know when you go poz, it was from me. That’s how I earn my way into The Ten. With that, I propped up his legs on pillows to get an assist from good old gravity.

And every time you jerk off, think to yourself how this will either be your last neg load or your first poz one.”

After about 30 minutes of just holding him, my cock was ready once more and I opened him up, removed the plug and fucked him again, this second load didn't take long to come forth and again he once again softly cried as I replugged his hole now that my second batch of poison cum seeped into his system.

And that is how we did it every few days, after work or early in the mornings as our schedules permitted. It revolved around getting him pozzed up – it was our only goal for these few weeks. He got adept at taking the toothbrush and over the 4 weeks, I kept track of the load count that went up his hole.

“Baby boy, you’ve gotten 15 toxic loads with the toothbrush from me,” I texted him one day.

There was no answer from him for a couple of days. Then, one day while I was at a work meeting, a message came through on my phone:

It was a pic of a home test.

Two lines.


“Sir, you did it, you pozzed me! I’m so happy and proud to be carrying your strain!”

I had done it! I had pozzed my first and it was this beautiful young man who would now spread the new strain around!

My cock sprang to life in the middle of the work meeting. I had to make up an excuse and left the room, eagerly texting Eric and Keith and sharing the test result pic with the good news on twitter:

“Proud Papa: hopefully the first of many!”

Instantly, I was deluged with congratulatory messages, pictures of “Happy Fathers Day” cards, and more DMs from chasers. With a successful pozzing under my belt, I was in more demand than ever.

But that was only 1 out of the 10 successful hits I needed to earn my X and get me into The Ten.

And of course, I was already on the way to more conversions.





“It’s uncomfortable” well that’s fiction right there.  Having a toothbrush used on your rectum isn’t uncomfortable at all. It feels good when your partner is doing it, I’m sure it could hurt if that’s the top’s intent, but when you are both participating in a shared act, I’ve never found it uncomfortable, that’s a myth.  Here’s another, if a top cums in your eyes it stings and burns, no it doesn’t.  I’ve had Poz tops fuck me who couldn’t ejaculate, but if I put my face between his legs he could masterbate so close to me that I could smell his crotch and shoot his hot load right into my open eyes.  They may get a little red and vision may be blurry for a while but you can still see how good it feels to share.

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  • 2 months later...
6 hours ago, Vancrawman said:

The pozzing adventures of our hero Randy will continue...in a new story, just working on some final drafts...stay tuned, men!

can't fuckin' wait.  in the meantime, i guess i'll just have to re-read the ten again (for at least the 10th time...), wonder how much seed i'll spill?

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