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The Call

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Chapter 4

I had googled the Tattoo parlour, and was about to walk in. I had thought about having a tattoo for ages but hadn’t had the courage to go through with it. But something here was propelling me on. All I could think of was doing as I was told to get more of Brad’s cock. In fact all I could think of was Brad’s cock!  I pushed the door open before I could change my mind. A guy stood in front of me. ‘Hi is Carl here?’ I asked. ‘You’re speaking to him ‘ the guy replied. ‘Ah , um erm my friend has recommended that I come to see you’ I said, a little nervously. ‘I see, would that be Brad?’ Carl asked .  ‘Er yes’ ..

‘OK he sends a few newbies here from time to time, they always come back for more once they’ve broken the ice so to speak’ he said. ‘I’m fully booked today but Lara can do you if you want. She’s especially good with newbies. We wouldn’t want you backing out would we?’  ‘Er no’ I mumbled , as Lara smiled and waved me through to the back. She had dark hair, and two sleeve tattoos, it looked kind of sexy on her. 

‘Right, you’re one of Brad’s are you?’ She asked. I wondered how many Brad sent. ‘We call him The Teacher , he turns guys, converts them , making them totally into cock when he’s finished with them’ she said nonchalantly. It was kind of hot her talking like this. ‘Take your t shirt off’ she ordered. ‘  I know just what guys like you need, trust me you will like it’ she added.  I sat in the chair and she cleaned my nipple. I hadn’t expected this. She kept talking so I couldn’t interrupt to ask wht she was doing. ‘So I’m guessing you have a girlfriend? ‘ Er yes’  ‘ and she doesn’t know you like cock as well, or is this new?’ ‘It’s new’ I replied as I winced as a needle went through my nipple. ‘ Close your eyes a moment’ she ordered. ‘I’ll say when to open them. She started on my other nipple and I winced again as I felt the needle again. I just shut my eyes as she carried on talking. 

‘So you’ve met Brad, and I’m guessing that you’ve sucked his cock and that he’s probably fucked you? Am I right? ‘  ‘Er yes’ I mumbled ‘And you liked it? ‘ I nodded. ‘Can’t blame you, I love cock and cum, but I’m a girl, I should do. You’re a guy. Which makes you gay in my book. Are you gay? ‘ ‘Er no, I think I’m bi, I still like girls’ 

‘ok, you can fool yourself. All Brad’s pupils do. And they all convert into full time homo’s pretty quickly’ she said matter of factly. ‘There’ she said. ‘Open your eyes. ‘ I looked down and saw two nipple rings in my nipples. They looked kind of good but I worried they were a bit obviously gay. What would my girlfriend say.?  ‘Just so you know, you can’t take them out, I’ve soldered the ends. Embrace that. I’ll now give you a small tattoo. It is this snake here.’  She showed me a picture of a snake with an open mouth , showing fangs. That looked a bit more masculine. ‘Turn ‘ she said. It is going on your hip so you can hide it if needs be. She set to work. A while later she was finished. The snake looked good, but it was super imposed over an apple , ‘That is the snake and the forbidden fruit - in your case cock’ Lara said. I’ve left the apple uncoloured, for a reason. Guys of Brad’s come back and ask for it to be coloured with ‘Pride’ rainbow colours when they accept their destiny’ she said 


‘well I don’t think I’ll be having that ‘I said. ‘We’ll see… ‘ Lara smirked. Just come back to me when you want more’


I left and my phone pinged. ‘Good boy’ it was Brad. He gave me directions to a shop down a side street. ‘You need to train that ass of yours. This shop is discreet. You will buy a butt plug and some lube. Hide it at home, and use it. Train your ass.  I felt as though I was losing control of myself, but did as I was told. My girlfriend was still away for three more days so I could use it and get rid of it before she returned. I could give the excuse of my tattoo and piercings as something I did on a whim, but I needed that butt plug. I was getting hard at the thought of that. I hadn’t yet realised I wasn’t getting hard at the thought of my girlfriend. 

where was this journey taking me? I bought the butt plug Brad recommended and sone lube, to the obvious amusement of the girl serving. ‘Didn’t have you down as a fag when you walked in’ she said ‘ but I guess it takes all sorts’  I mumbled something and left as quickly as I could. The truth was I wanted to get home and use it. I wanted to feel it sliding in my ass. 

‘I’ll meet you tomorrow, same place , 8pm. Good boy!’ The text came in from Brad. I had pleased him and it felt good.  I wondered what the next lesson would be. 

to be continued…….

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Chapter 5 


I entered Brad’s house the same way as I usually did, under darkness. Once in his main room, the tv was on again, showing a guy in a sling.

’Underss’ came the command . I quickly stripped. I stood there whilst Brad inspected me. ‘ the piercings look good, the tattoo is a good choice. Now put this on’ . He handed me a harness. I was a little awkward, I hadn’t used one before but had seen them in the gay porn I had been watching. ‘You will get used to wearing this and not a lot else when you are bottoming for guys. You can take this , you will have to hide it from your girlfriend. If she is still your girlfriend when she returns’ Brad commanded. 

My thoughts were scrambling, I hadn’t missed Jess , but wasn’t sure what I felt anymore. 
‘Kneel’ I knelt and sucked Brad s cock as it appeared in front of me. I then had more poppers pushed in front of my face. ‘Inhale’ I did so. My head swam as Brad’s muscular arms lifted me up. He put a blindfold on me and led me to another room. 

I was disorientated, as Brad positioned me into what I worked out was a sling. My arms and legs were tied in silence. ‘Have you been using the butt plug?’ ‘Yes Sir’ I replied, eagerly. ‘Good, keep using it, I want you to get used to your ass being stretched and filled’ my teacher continued. ‘ I am going to gradually stretch your ass so eventually it will be able to take anything and everything. I think you want that don’t you?’ I nodded automatically ‘yes sir’ 

I felt cold fingers pushing into my hole, first one then two. Some cold lube was being worked in me, then a third finger. More lube and I felt a fourth. My ass felt fully stretched as Brad started pushing his four fingers in and out slowly. I grunted as I felt as though I was splitting apart as Brad’s hand started moving in and out faster. ‘I’m going to stretch you, it may bleed a little first time but nothing to worry about. You will want more until you can take a fist’ he explained as he picked up pace and started pummelling my hole, before suddenly pulling out. Before I could catch my breath, his hand was replaced by his cock, the temporary empty feeling immediately changing to feeling my ass full of cock. ‘ you are a natural’ Brad continued’ I’ve not had many pupils as eager as you to change. I can tell you just love cock and it won’t be long before you are living a new life’ 

Brad picked up pace, grabbing my harness as he pushed his cock deep in me. I felt helpless in the sling, my ass feeling full with cock as Brad used my hole. ‘Here comes today’s load ‘ he grunted as he came, holding me onto his cock as he pushed deep one last time. 

Brad slowly withdrew, and untied the bonds. ‘Dress, put your sweatshirt on over the harness. Keep that on, there is someone I’d like you to meet. You drive, I’ll direct you. 
I slipped on my joggers and sweatshirt, over the harness. Despite my hole being wet with cum, I felt sexy with it on. Brad directed me on a fifteen minute drive, to a local hospice. 
‘I want you to meet my teacher. Bob . taught me what I’m teaching you. He made me who I am. He’s not well now but the nurses will allow us a little time with him. ‘ 

I followed Brad through the entrance and to a private room. ‘ I’ve brought you my newest student Bob’ Brad said as I followed him into the room. ‘Be good to him’ I looked at Bob. He was lying on a bed in his pyjamas. He was bald and looked thin and gaunt. His skin was blotchy and he clearly wasn’t well. I presumed he had cancer, but didn’t want to ask as he may have not wanted to talk about it ‘Hello son’ he whispered. Brad said ‘ I’ve got to check something with the nurses, be back in ten’ and popped out of the door. ‘Come here, I’ve heard about you’ Bob said quietly. I walked up to the side of his bed. ‘Let me show you something boy’ Bob said. He pushed back the covers and was naked from the waist down. But what grabbed my attention was his cock. It wasn’t very thick but it was really long, a good ten inches, and hard. ‘This has given me a lot of pleasure over the years, even if it got me in here’ he said as he started wanking his cock. I was mesmerised . ‘ I hear you love cock’ Bob said. ‘Play with an old man’s cock for me. It’s ok the nurses allow me privacy when I have a visitor’ 

instinctively I held out my hand and gripped around his cock, massaging it gently. Some precum oozed from the tip. My cock brain was taking over. My own cock was stiff in my joggers as I naturally lowered my head to suck on Bob’s cock. I savoured the taste as I wanked him ,. I felt Bobs hand feeling my bum, and as I continued sucking, I felt Bob slide my joggers down, allowing my stiff cock to spring free. I closed my eyes as I worked his cock, one of Bobs hands stroking my own cock, the other sliding over my ass, before a finger snaked between my cheeks and slid smoothly onto my hole,  the cum leaking out of my ass acting as lube. ‘Looks like I’m not the first in your hole tonight’ Bob whispered. I looked up, noticing for the first time a scorpion tattoo just like Brad’s on Bob’s abdomen. 

‘climb up here on the bed’Bob said . I shrugged off my  joggers and climbed on the bed, straddling Bob, my cock rock hard as Bob leaned forwards to take it in his mouth. I closed my eyes again as Bob expertly sucked my cock and fingered my hole shoving two fingers roughly in me. He stopped sucking and said ‘ Just gently sit back, let my cock slide in. I positioned the head at the entrance to my hole and lowered myself on him, impaling myself on his extra long pole. It slid in easily. My cock brain was in full flow as I picked up rhythm as I rode Bob. Before too long Bob whispered’ I’m nearly there, you will remember this fuck, let me cum in you’   I plunged down one last time on Bobs cock as he twitched, and I could feel him unload. I suddenly became aware of my surroundings as I slipped off him and climbed off the bed, quickly putting on my joggers and trainers. 
‘thank you son, you’ve made an old man happy, and I hope I gave you what you wanted’ Bob whispered, holding my hand. ‘You did, your cock is incredible’ I replied, slightly missing the nuance of his words. Brad entered soon after and just asked me to step outside whilst he he’d a few words in private. 

I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I was becoming a total cock whore, sucking and fucking any cock I saw. I would have to rein this in when Jess got back I thought, as Brad came out of the room. 

we walked back to the car in silence, with my mind racing. I loved the harness, my piercings and tattoos, I has to think carefully where I was heading. I dropped Brad off and drove home, where I slipped my own fingers in my hole to work some of the cum that was leaking out of me back in , before I showered. 

to be continued ………..

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"Just gently sit back, let my cock slide in. I positioned the head at the entrance to my hole and lowered myself on him, impaling myself on his extra long pole. It slid in easily. My cock brain was in full flow as I picked up rhythm as I rode Bob. Before too long Bob whispered’ I’m nearly there, you will remember this fuck, let me cum in you’   I plunged down one last time on Bobs cock as he twitched, and I could feel him unload. "

Fuck, what an amazing piece of prose, thank you @Neely116

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  • 5 months later...

Chapter 6 

it was Saturday night and my girlfriend was due to return from her holiday the next afternoon. I was a little conflicted, I had enjoyed my playground with guys, but I hadn’t missed her. I checked my internet history before wiping it, it was all gay porn or cocksucking porn. Ideally I wanted her to stay away for another week whilst I just explored. However I was going on a night out with my mates, all straight so that would get me in the right frame of mind. 

We were in town and a few drinks in. I was at the bar getting a round in when I heard a voice ‘Fancy seeing you here! Bet your mates don’t know you’ve been taking cock!’ I looked round and it was Lara from the tattoo parlour. She was with a fit black guy. Instinctively I glanced at his crotch, hoping that Lara didn’t notice. ‘Don’t worry , I’m not going to out you …. But I see you quite like Mike here seeing as you’ve checked out his package already. And yes he has a big cock!’ ‘Uh oh’ was all I could stammer. 
‘If you want a closer look go into the last stall in the gents when you’ve got these drinks in, you may get lucky!’ Lara continued. 

I bought the round and my cock brain had returned. What was I doing , I was in a straight bar with my mates but the thought of Mike’s cock was in my mind. I made a quick excuse to go to the loo to my mates, and waited in the last stall. I wasn’t there long when the door slowly opened. ‘Hello fag, Lara says you love cock, is that right?’ ‘Er yes’ I stammered quietly. ‘Good, then suck this baby’ Mike pulled down his trousers and my eyes widened. It was the thickest cock I had ever seen, and about 8 in sling. It just looked massive. I opened my mouth and as soon as Mike’s cock was inside he grabbed my head and started throatfucking me. I was gagging and gasping breaths where I could before getting used to the feeling. However, before long I heard Mike whisper in my ear, ‘I’m nearly there , swallow it all fag’ I readied myself as he erupted in my mouth. I tried to swallow it all but some dripped over my chin and down my shirt. ‘You’re not bad, I’ll tell Lara , she”ll get off on that’ Mike said as he pulled his trousers up and slipped out of the cubicle. I wiped my chin, savouring the taste in my mouth. I had to clean up my shirt and think of an excuse. I returned to my mates table.’ Had an accident in the gents? ‘ one asked, noticing the stain where I had wiped off some cum I had spilled. ‘Er yeah, the taps kinda splashed up’ I lied. 

A round or so later one of my mates said ‘ See that goth girl with the tattoos with that black guy, I reckon she fancies you, she’s been looking at you on and off for a while’ ‘ I can’t see that ‘ I replied, ‘and I don’t fancy getting beaten up by her boyfriend either’ . I noticed That Mike had slipped outside and she was on her own. ‘ Go on speak to her’ my mate said’ she looks the opposite of Jess goody two shoes’ he said , referring to my girlfriend. I played along, and casually sauntered up to her. ‘Mike says your good at sucking cock’ she said quietly before I could say anything.’  And he says he would like to fuck you properly’ .’  I Er um….’ I stammered. ‘ this is a one time offer. Go out to the back of the pub where the bins are, and he will fuck you there… or go and sit down with your straight boring mates. I will come and watch so they think you’re leaving with me. What’s it to be ? . My cock brain was taking over. ‘ I want fucking’ I whispered. Lara grabbed my hand and led me to the door, and outside.

she ushered me to the bins. ‘Here, drop your trousers’ I did as I was told as I heard Mike approach. The cold air hit my exposes ass as I felt something cold roughly smeared on my ass. ‘There’s no way you’re straight Neil  if you’re bending over for his cock’ Lara giggled as Mike pushed hard against my hole. My ass stung as it stretched to take his girth. ‘Ahh’ I groaned as I felt Mike was splitting my ass. ‘ good boy, I’m in’ Mike growled in my ear as he began fucking me. The pain eased but I was being roughly fucked between bins like a rent boy, as Lara had her hand in her knickers playing with herself as she watched me taking her boyfriends cock. ‘Go on Mike, cum in his queer ass, make him one of us’ she was saying as she was bringing herself off.. my head was swimming with the grunts of Mike and the fucking I was getting until Mike grunted one more time and pushed hard and I could tell he was cumming in me. I was breathless myself as I had taken a pounding. I felt cum drip out as Mike withdrew from my ass. Before I knew it Lara and him had disappeared and I was pulling up my pants hoping the cum leaking from my ass wouldn’t be obvious and seep through my jeans, as I made my way back into the pub, and returned to my mates. 

I blagged a story about a quick snog and feeling her up to save face and explain my absence, but my mind was wondering where I was heading after tonight…..


to be continued…….

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