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  • 1 month later...

A month after my exploits with Peter and his friends, I was sitting in my comfiest armchair at home savouring a cup of coffee on a rainy Saturday morning. I had avoided this seat for a couple of days, to give my new biohazard trampstamp tattoo a chance to heal properly. Yes, that weekend in the midlands had done the trick, although of course I couldn’t be totally sure given my many exploits in parks, public toilets and sex clubs since getting back to London. Either way, the fuck flu had taken, I had got tested when that was gone, I was nw happily and proudly poz, and was not planning to start on any meds for a while. With that milestone reached, I seemed to relax a bit and my sex life became less frenetic, to the point that I was enjoying my first Saturday for a while where I didn’t feel like shit, whether from a late night after multiple breedings, too much to drink, or of course the fuck flu. It was actually kind of a relief to be sipping on a strong cup of black coffee, while looking out at the rain and casually pondering what to do with my weekend. The thought of maybe offering my gift to some other chasers had crossed my mind, but I was also aware that I really had become an all-out bottom of late and I kind of didn’t want to go back.

As the rain seemed to get stronger, my phone buzzed with a message. Fishing the iPhone out of my pocket, I saw it was an SMS from Peter. I had sent him a message confirming my new status as soon as I had left the clinic, which seemed to make him very happy.

Hi there my new little pozboy. Remember I told you about that student who wanted gifting? Well, he’s agreed to get the coach up next weekend, and I wondered if you fancied joining in? Let me know - you can stay at the warehouse again if you want, or at my place. Pete.

My stomach gave a lurch. I had done my best to quell thoughts that it might be Justin who was in contact with Peter, and did my best to tell myself that there were probably a few students at the university with gay dads. After all, Justin was straight, wasn’t he? Still, something about it all just seemed to add up to it being him, and now it looked like the time had come. This wasn’t something I was going to stand in the way of if indeed Justin was the one looking to get pozzed, but equally was it something I wanted to be part of?

My dick gave me my answer. I almost felt sick, but I could not deny that at least being there to see it happen was something I wanted. Maybe I actually wanted to be the one that gave it to him. My head was a mess, but my dick was growing and starting to take control. I cautiously typed out a reply, sat and looked at it for a few moments, and then clicked to send it.

Good thanks. Yes, count me in - thanks. Don’t worry though, I’ll get a hotel.

I took a while to let it all sink in, that I might be watching my own son get pozzed, and might even find myself contributing to it. However, if it was Justin then I knew that I could not let on to him that I was there, nor have any of the other guys know who he was to me. That meant I needed a hood or something, and thus a plan was hatched for the day. I would pop down to Kennington to pick up something at the bondage store, and then maybe see if I could get fucked a bit somewhere nearby. My heart was pumping like crazy, and the only solution to that I could think of was to get some cock in me! With those decisions made, I then went online and booked a hotel for the next weekend, and then lit up a cigarette, sat back in my chair and began to think about the day ahead.

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I took a deep breath, then opened the door of my hotel room and made my way down to the car park. On the surface I was a man in a loose tracksuit, but underneath I was clad in all sorts of leather, and carrying a bag containing even more. It wasn’t until I pulled up outside the warehouse that I stripped out of the tracksuit top, put on my big leather collar, donned my new leather hood, and then got out of the car.

Having had to drive up from London after work, I had arrived quite a bit later than everyone else and as soon as I walked through the door I could hear that the action was in full swing. I mildly panicked, and stepped back outside to have a quick smoke. After puffing my way through two cigarettes back to back, I felt like I had calmed down enough and went back inside. I headed into the main room, where a number of guys were crowded around the sling. One of them was giving a rough pounding to whoever was in it, and the muffled moans I could hear from the bottom suggested he had his mouth full of cock as well.

I made my way over to the bar and poured myself a large shot of vodka that I necked in one gulp, and then decided I needed to find out once and for all if it was indeed my younger son being fucked. I took a couple of deep breaths, and then walked over to the group, sidled my way in between two of them, and looked down at the face of the young man being spit-roasted.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. My son was gay. My son was a chaser. My son was being pozzed. All these years I had known him as a girl-chasing, slightly cocky, super-popular and definitely very handsome star athlete. Now here I was looking down at his muscled frame as a fat, raw, toxic cock ploughed his insides at one end, and he was doing his best not to gag around another one down his throat. Leaning over to look more closely at his rear end, it was clear he had already been bred several times that night, and god knows how many times before. When had he started taking cock? Where did he go to get it? Did his brother know?

I went into sort of a trance as I got lost in my thoughts, just standing there watching as guy after guy fucked and bred my boy. Whenever his mouth wasn’t full he yelled for more, leaving me in no doubt that this was what he wanted. He came several times just while I stood and watched, getting more and more turned on every time one of his fuckers told him he was getting another toxic load inside him. If anything, he seemed like an even hungrier, needier chaser than I had been when I had arrived here.

Things changed when Peter appeared next to me, and then when one of the other guys had finished he gently pushed me into position between my son’s legs. I had been at full mast for quite a while, and could not seem to resist as Peter urged me forward. My dick touched the soft skin of his buttocks, and then seemed to slide unrestrained into the cum-soaked crevice and onwards into the first reaches of his hole. I briefly paused and looked up at Justin’s face, wondering what he would think if he knew his dad was about to fuck and poz him, and then I pushed forward and slid fully inside him.

“Fuck yeah” he said, before putting his head back and allowing another one of the men to fill his throat.

I started to slowly fuck him, but gradually sped up as I got more into it. I hadn’t topped anyone for quite a while, and not only was I being reminded of how fun it actually is, but the man I was fucking was my own handsome son. Looking down at his muscled body, his teenage cockiness and attitude began to fill my mind, and as I remembered all the times I had withheld my desire to give him a slap I began to fuck him harder and more aggressively until I was railing away like a madman. His enthusiastic response to this told me that he was a true power bottom, and must have arrived here with a lot of experience under his belt.

Eventually it got too much for me, and with a roar I pumped him full of my toxic cum. He moaned around the cock in his mouth as I filled him up, but as soon as I pulled out of him he started wiggling his arse to let the men know he needed another pounding. He really was a chip off the old block, and despite a post-cum panic building in me at what I had just done, I did feel an urge stirring in me to let him know just how alike he and his dad were.

However, for the time being I stepped back from the group to gather myself, going back to the bar area to get another drink, and resting on a stool for a bit.

“Hungry little cumwhore, isn’t he?” said Peter, who it turned out had moved away from the sling after getting me into position to fuck my own son. “Wonder what his dad would make of him.”

“Yeah” I said, “would probably freak him out.”

“Or make him proud” said Peter, winking at me. “Anyway, what’s with the hood?”

“Oh, just something I thought I’d try” I said. “I was surprised you recognised me to be honest.”

“I remember all my boys” he said. “I also remember everything they tell me about themselves.”

“Oh yeah?” I replied, butterflies suddenly filling my stomach.

“Oh yes” he said. “Like the fact that you were coming to us after dropping someone off in Nottingham. Right around the start of term time, if I remember rightly.”

“Oh, er, yeah, that was…” I stammered.

“Your son, I’m thinking” he finished for me. “Let me see. Gay dad drops his son off at university. Little cumwhore with a gay dad who has just started university finally comes over for a pozzing. Gay dad with a son in his first year at uni joins in, but wears a hood. You see where I’m going with this?”

“I, er, …” I stammered again.

“That’s your son over there, isn’t it?” Peter asked, or more like he stated.

I turned away from him and looked back over at the group of men crowded round my boy, seeing his ankles in the hoops of the sling and hearing his moans as he was continually spit roasted.

“Yes” I said. “That’s Justin, my youngest.”

“And you just pozzed him” Peter said.


“And you’re going to do it again” he continued.

“Yes” I sighed.

We were quiet for a bit, both just watching the show. The men eventually unhooked Justin’s ankles, pulled him out of the sling, turned him round and bent him forward over it, and then went right back to fucking him.

“He knows what a slut you are” Peter eventually said, causing me to turn and face him. “When we were messaging, he told me how he had followed you a few times last summer when you went out cruising, and how he had watched you getting fucked bareback by random men. It seemed to turn him on.”

“I…I had no idea” I said.

“Yep” said Peter, smiling. “Said he would follow you and watch for a bit, then usually get some of the guys who had fucked you to do him as well.”

“Fuck” I said. “I always thought he was out with his girlfriend.”

“Yeah, he mentioned something about having a beard, but said it was her father who he slept with in fact” laughed Peter.

“You’re kidding?” I squealed.

“Probably acting out his fantasies of being with you” said Peter.  “My bet is that he’d want to know it was you fucking him. He’d probably get off on it.”

“I don’t know” I replied, after a pause. “He never told me anything about this side of him. He might completely freak out.”

“Well, I’m not going to tell him” said Peter, “but I reckon I’m right. He’d want to know.”

I sighed, and took another deep swig of my drink to finish it off.

“I need to think” I said, getting off the stool and heading for the door. Despite the chill outside, I headed out and lit up a cigarette while I thought about what Peter had said. A few minutes later I lit up a second one, and was just enjoying the burn from that when the door opened and Justin staggered out wearing flip-flops, a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

“Hey man, can I bum a cigarette?” he asked me, mildly panting.

I said nothing in reply, being too shocked and alarmed to speak, and instead just shook the pack in his direction. Fuck. We were alone. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Also, he smoked too??

“That’s better” he sighed, after lighting up and taking a deep inhale. “I needed a break and a smoke.”

I coughed out a sort of half-reply, but said nothing.

“You remind me of my dad” he said. “I don’t know what he’d say if he could see me now.”

Again, I could only cough out a sort of half-laugh, as Justin chuckled to himself.

“He reckons I’m some sort of babe magnet” he said, continuing to chuckle a bit. “Really going to freak him out when I turn up at Christmas with a biohazard tattoo. I like yours, by the way. Might get mine on my chest.”

I said nothing in response, realising he was slightly disappearing into his head as he puffed on the last of the cigarette. It was only when he shuffled a little and the outside light caught his face a bit better that I realised how nervous he looked. Sure, he was the very definition of a hunk at just the age of 19, but in that moment my boy looked somehow more vulnerable than I had seen him in a long time. Was he regretting what he was doing? Or was it something else?

“Can…can I have another one?” he asked me.

I shook the pack in his direction again, and offered him my lighter. I decided to also light up a third one, despite knowing that it was going to make my throat burn something chronic.

“Thanks” he said. “Sorry, just got really nervous there, thinking about my dad.”

He took a deep inhale, but I still said nothing.

“I mean, he gets fucked by men all the time too, and maybe he’s even poz, but what if’s he not and he throws me out?” he said, a slightly pained expression crossing his face. My fatherly instincts kicked in despite the ridiculousness of the situation.

“He’d never do that” I whispered. His face darted to mine, perhaps in recognition of my voice, and I knew then what I had to do. I reached behind my head and unzipped the hood before pulling it off completely. His eyes went so wide I thought they might pop out.

“Hey son” I said, giving him as warm a smile as I could muster.

“Dad?” he squeaked.  “Wha…wha…”

“Shhh” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. “It’s OK. It’s OK.”

“I…I…” he stammered, starting to visibly shake.

“I know” I said. “At some point we’ve got to talk about all this, but not now, not tonight.” I pulled him into a hug, and held on to him until he had stopped shaking.

“I’m sorry” he whispered into my ear, as he calmed himself down.

“Nothing to be sorry for” I said. “I wish you’d told me, but there we go.”

“I…I was scared” he said. “I don’t know why.”

“Well, you don’t need to be scared anymore” I replied. “No more secrets between us, OK?”

“OK” he said, pulling back from the hug.

“In that spirit” I continued, “I should tell you that I was here a few weeks ago doing exactly what you’re doing.”

“You were?!” he squealed.

“Yep” I said, smiling. “Spent the weekend here taking as many loads as they could give me, and now I’m poz.”

“Fuuuuuck” said Justin, taking a deep inhale of the last of his cigarette. “That’s what I want.”

“I know son, I know” I said, “so we’d better get back inside so we can get on with giving it to you.”

“We?” he asked.  “Wait, you fucked me, didn’t you?!”

“Uh huh” I said, “and when we get back inside I’m going to do it again. I’m freshly poz and not on meds, so my viral load is probably through the roof.”

“Fuuuuck” he said again, a visible tent forming in his shorts. “This is soooo fucked up.”

“Sure is” I said, smiling. “You want me to breed you again though, don’t you?”

He nodded, and I instinctively stepped forward and put my arm round his shoulder. We then headed back inside the warehouse.

“Gents” I yelled, as we got inside, my arm still round him. “This here is my son Justin. My actual flesh and blood son. I’m going to fuck him now, and then I want to watch each and every one of you breed him. By the time we leave on Sunday, I want my boy impregnated. Can you do that?”

There was total silence for a moment, before Peter responded.

“Fuck yeah, we can do that!”

Cheers went up from the rest of them, as I turned to face Justin so I could remove his clothes.

“Poz me Dad” he whispered to me.

“Just try and stop me” I replied, winking at him. “Just try and stop me.”

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I don’t know how many loads Justin took that weekend, but it was a hell of a lot. Rather than sleeping in the warehouse bedroom, he spent the two nights with me back at the hotel, my cock buried in his hole while we slept. When we were alone we talked about everything, giving me a chance to get to know who my son really was deep down, and bringing us closer than we ever had been before.

I dropped him back at his halls on the Sunday evening, and a couple of weeks later he texted me to let me know he had the flu. I took the week off work and went up to Nottingham again, spiriting him away to a hotel where I could take care of him for a few days. I wish I could say I just nursed him back to health, but I did of course fuck him quite a few times during that stay. When he seemed to be better and we'd got him tested to confirm what we already knew, I took great pride in allowing him to drop the first poz loads of his life into his father.

I eventually went on meds, but Justin told me he was enjoying his new-found status and was going to hold off for a while. In time he let slip that he’d got a bit more versatile, and in so doing had managed to poz several members of the various sports teams at the university, as well as a couple of his lecturers. Although I was concerned that this could all blow up on him, I could not help but be turned on by his stories of breeding the closeted jocks and married men that he had pursued. Of course, he had also continued to be a proud and active cumdump, and I thoroughly enjoyed the stories he sent me of his exploits taking loads wherever he could. Being a father I did of course make sure that he was keeping up with his studies, which he assured me he was.

Justin really took to being out and proud, both as a gay man and as a poz pig. He got the biohazard tattoo on his chest that he had wanted, as well as a big scorpion design on his back. Given he was regularly naked in the changing rooms with his football teammates, I was particularly surprised that he also got his buttocks adorned with a second biohazard symbol on one cheek and the words “FUCK ME” on the other. However, he said that rather than being disgusted by it, most of his teammates were so horny all the time that they took it as more of an instruction. I doubt he ever told them what they were risking by doing so.

We were like rabbits in heat whenever he was home, and really had to hold ourselves back during the Christmas break to keep it from Jacob. However, while we may have just about achieved that initially, it all went to pot two days into the Easter break.  We both thought Jacob was going to be out all night so were not holding back as we ploughed each other in my bedroom, but it turned out he’d come home early after breaking up with his cheating girlfriend and had thus been sitting downstairs listening to us going at it upstairs. He was remarkably cool about it, saying he suspected as much and that we should not worry about him, but things took a real turn when he came into the room a couple of nights later while I was taking Justin doggystyle on the bed. Jacob just calmly sat down in my desk chair and motioned to us to keep going, so with a bit of hesitation I went back to buggering my younger son while the older one watched.

Thereafter Jacob was a regular voyeur of our activities, until the evening before they were both going back to university. As per normal, he got out of the chair after I had blown my load in Justin, but rather than leaving the room as he usually did, he instead undid his trousers, climbed onto the bed and casually slid his dick into his brother. He fucked him for only a few minutes before blowing his load, and then removed his cock and presented it to me. I nervously leaned forward and took it in my mouth to clean it off, then he pulled back, did up his trousers and left the room. Not a word was spoken by any of us throughout, and all Justin and I could do was look at each other with wide eyes. Jacob left in his car early the next morning, before Justin and I had even woken up.

When the long summer break came around, everything was different. Jacob was barely through the front door after driving himself down from uni before he had me bent me over the kitchen counter, and after breeding me he went upstairs to his brother’s room. Justin had been taking a nap after I’d let a load of truckers loose on him at a service station between Nottingham and London, but he was soon woken from that by his brother mounting him and giving him a long, loud pounding. This, however, was not Jacob just letting off some steam after a term away from us both, as Justin and I were taken by him regularly throughout the three month long break. He also continued to watch us when we were fucking each other, occasionally joining in to either make it a spit-roast or a chain-fuck.

Justin, it turned out, had managed to get a bit of a following on OnlyFans, so rather than spend his summer break waiting tables or temping in an office, he just churned out video after video of his exploits. He was clearly earning quite a bit, as one day I got home to find him wearing some enormous pieces of silver jewellery just like my own, leading to the first of many very loud, clanging fuck sessions for us both. New tattoos kept appearing too, and it was clear he was going to have quite intricate full sleeves in due course.  I didn’t mind, as he definitely had the body for it.

The last day of the Easter break had been a big turning point in the relationship between the three of us, and so too it turned out was the last day of the summer break. Justin and I had been out in the morning picking up the car he had bought for himself, and when we got back at lunchtime we found Jacob standing in the kitchen wearing just a jockstrap, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He motioned for us to follow him into my bedroom, where we watched in shock as he grabbed an ashtray and then climbed onto the bed on all fours. He wiggled his arse, saying nothing to either of us but letting us both know for sure what he wanted. We worked as a team to get him ready with our tongues and fingers, while he happily huffed poppers and smoked cigarettes. I then had the honour of popping my oldest son’s cherry, gently but firmly sliding my raw cock into his virgin hole. He moaned throughout, but was also pushing back on me whenever I slowed down so I knew he was enjoying it. Rather quicker than I would have liked, I went over the edge and blew my undetectable load into him.

Justin, however, did not step up to take over when I eventually pulled out of Jacob.

“I’m poz” he said.

“I know” replied Jacob, speaking for the first time since we had got home.  “You both are.”

“No” said Justin, “Dad’s on meds and is shooting blanks. I’m not taking anything, so I’m like, properly toxic. I could infect you.”

“Then fuck me already” replied Jacob, turning to smile at his brother.

“Are you sure son?” I asked him.

“Yes” he said, closing his eyes and turning his face back forwards again. “Fuck me Justin.”

And so it was, that my younger son slid his cock into my older one and gave him his first poz load. An hour later he gave him his second. Another couple of hours later he gave him his third. By the time the evening came round, a couple of my poz mates had joined us to ensure that Jacob’s newly-opened arse was never empty of toxic cocks. Man, did I regret being on meds that night, and made the decision to stop taking them until Jacob had converted.

Sure enough, the virus did not seem to take that night, nor from the weekend visits that Jacob made to his brother or back home to me during the first term of his final year at uni. Thus, when the Christmas break came around, we spent a couple of days of it back at the warehouse letting Peter and his friends work with us on the family hat-trick. Jacob took everything they had to give, and Justin greatly enjoyed being on hand to be used by the men on the side. I, however, focused my energies entirely on trying to get my older son converted, but of course will never know whether it was my own demon seed or someone else’s that did it. Either way, Jacob woke up with a fever on New Year’s Eve, and while Justin and I took care of him we also continued to fill his hole regularly throughout his battle with the fuck flu. We then joined him for his HIV test the day before the boys headed back to university, and Justin readily accepted his brother’s first poz load in the disabled loo at the clinic just minutes after we got the positive result.

Three years later, and both of them are still living with me at home. It just makes sense financially for the time being, and of course we get a lot of benefits out of having ready access to each other’s bodies.  Jacob is definitely more of a top, and seems to also have hook-ups with women off Tinder from time to time, but is happy to bend over for his dad or his brother when we’re in the mood to use his hole. He also enthusiastically joins us on the nights when we head to a sex club, cruising spot or wherever it is that we have chosen to bend over side by side and get railed by as many men as possible, something we’ve come to jokingly call ‘the family picnic’.  All three of us bring men back to the house too, and I know that Justin and Jacob particularly enjoy finding a versatile guy that they can put in the middle of a family sandwich. They enjoy it even more when they get to poz a guy together, or find someone particularly toxic to recharge them both.

We now all sport on our backs variants of the scorpion design that Justin first got, and both my boys have biohazards on their impressive pecs while mine is of course a tramp-stamp beneath the scorpion’s stinger.  Justin has turned into a bit of a size queen in the accessories department too, having replaced his already heavy silver chain collection with even larger units so that he has over 4 kilos of extra weight on him most of the time.  Jacob is less into all that but he does sometimes put on Justin’s spares when he’s in the mood, which is usually enough for me to bend him over whatever is nearby so I can do my fatherly duty on his rear end. Indeed, I think he only puts on the bling when we wants me to fuck him, knowing that it always turns up my dial to full in no time.

Yes, we’re a slightly fucked-up family, but we are loving, close and eternally bonded to each other in a way that few other families could be. I’m not sure how long it will be before one, two or even all three of us seek something a bit more long-term with a partner, and the thought has crossed my mind that Justin and Jacob may end up being that person for each other in the future which I’m actually on board with if it happens (obviously I have no problems with incest!). Indeed, as I’m writing this at my desk today, the boys are next to me on the bed enjoying cigarettes and beers following some particularly good sex we just had.  Jacob had his first go at riding my and Justin’s cocks at the same time, and from the look on his face I think he may be up for another round of that in a moment. So, with that, I’m going to sign off and get back to fucking my sons. Adios!

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22 hours ago, chunkychains said:


I don’t know how many loads Justin took that weekend, but it was a hell of a lot. Rather than sleeping in the warehouse bedroom, he spent the two nights with me back at the hotel, my cock buried in his hole while we slept. When we were alone we talked about everything, giving me a chance to get to know who my son really was deep down, and bringing us closer than we ever had been before.

I dropped him back at his halls on the Sunday evening, and a couple of weeks later he texted me to let me know he had the flu. I took the week off work and went up to Nottingham again, spiriting him away to a hotel where I could take care of him for a few days. I wish I could say I just nursed him back to health, but I did of course fuck him quite a few times during that stay. When he seemed to be better and we'd got him tested to confirm what we already knew, I took great pride in allowing him to drop the first poz loads of his life into his father.

I eventually went on meds, but Justin told me he was enjoying his new-found status and was going to hold off for a while. In time he let slip that he’d got a bit more versatile, and in so doing had managed to poz several members of the various sports teams at the university, as well as a couple of his lecturers. Although I was concerned that this could all blow up on him, I could not help but be turned on by his stories of breeding the closeted jocks and married men that he had pursued. Of course, he had also continued to be a proud and active cumdump, and I thoroughly enjoyed the stories he sent me of his exploits taking loads wherever he could. Being a father I did of course make sure that he was keeping up with his studies, which he assured me he was.

Justin really took to being out and proud, both as a gay man and as a poz pig. He got the biohazard tattoo on his chest that he had wanted, as well as a big scorpion design on his back. Given he was regularly naked in the changing rooms with his football teammates, I was particularly surprised that he also got his buttocks adorned with a second biohazard symbol on one cheek and the words “FUCK ME” on the other. However, he said that rather than being disgusted by it, most of his teammates were so horny all the time that they took it as more of an instruction. I doubt he ever told them what they were risking by doing so.

We were like rabbits in heat whenever he was home, and really had to hold ourselves back during the Christmas break to keep it from Jacob. However, while we may have just about achieved that initially, it all went to pot two days into the Easter break.  We both thought Jacob was going to be out all night so were not holding back as we ploughed each other in my bedroom, but it turned out he’d come home early after breaking up with his cheating girlfriend and had thus been sitting downstairs listening to us going at it upstairs. He was remarkably cool about it, saying he suspected as much and that we should not worry about him, but things took a real turn when he came into the room a couple of nights later while I was taking Justin doggystyle on the bed. Jacob just calmly sat down in my desk chair and motioned to us to keep going, so with a bit of hesitation I went back to buggering my younger son while the older one watched.

Thereafter Jacob was a regular voyeur of our activities, until the evening before they were both going back to university. As per normal, he got out of the chair after I had blown my load in Justin, but rather than leaving the room as he usually did, he instead undid his trousers, climbed onto the bed and casually slid his dick into his brother. He fucked him for only a few minutes before blowing his load, and then removed his cock and presented it to me. I nervously leaned forward and took it in my mouth to clean it off, then he pulled back, did up his trousers and left the room. Not a word was spoken by any of us throughout, and all Justin and I could do was look at each other with wide eyes. Jacob left in his car early the next morning, before Justin and I had even woken up.

When the long summer break came around, everything was different. Jacob was barely through the front door after driving himself down from uni before he had me bent me over the kitchen counter, and after breeding me he went upstairs to his brother’s room. Justin had been taking a nap after I’d let a load of truckers loose on him at a service station between Nottingham and London, but he was soon woken from that by his brother mounting him and giving him a long, loud pounding. This, however, was not Jacob just letting off some steam after a term away from us both, as Justin and I were taken by him regularly throughout the three month long break. He also continued to watch us when we were fucking each other, occasionally joining in to either make it a spit-roast or a chain-fuck.

Justin, it turned out, had managed to get a bit of a following on OnlyFans, so rather than spend his summer break waiting tables or temping in an office, he just churned out video after video of his exploits. He was clearly earning quite a bit, as one day I got home to find him wearing some enormous pieces of silver jewellery just like my own, leading to the first of many very loud, clanging fuck sessions for us both. New tattoos kept appearing too, and it was clear he was going to have quite intricate full sleeves in due course.  I didn’t mind, as he definitely had the body for it.

The last day of the Easter break had been a big turning point in the relationship between the three of us, and so too it turned out was the last day of the summer break. Justin and I had been out in the morning picking up the car he had bought for himself, and when we got back at lunchtime we found Jacob standing in the kitchen wearing just a jockstrap, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He motioned for us to follow him into my bedroom, where we watched in shock as he grabbed an ashtray and then climbed onto the bed on all fours. He wiggled his arse, saying nothing to either of us but letting us both know for sure what he wanted. We worked as a team to get him ready with our tongues and fingers, while he happily huffed poppers and smoked cigarettes. I then had the honour of popping my oldest son’s cherry, gently but firmly sliding my raw cock into his virgin hole. He moaned throughout, but was also pushing back on me whenever I slowed down so I knew he was enjoying it. Rather quicker than I would have liked, I went over the edge and blew my undetectable load into him.

Justin, however, did not step up to take over when I eventually pulled out of Jacob.

“I’m poz” he said.

“I know” replied Jacob, speaking for the first time since we had got home.  “You both are.”

“No” said Justin, “Dad’s on meds and is shooting blanks. I’m not taking anything, so I’m like, properly toxic. I could infect you.”

“Then fuck me already” replied Jacob, turning to smile at his brother.

“Are you sure son?” I asked him.

“Yes” he said, closing his eyes and turning his face back forwards again. “Fuck me Justin.”

And so it was, that my younger son slid his cock into my older one and gave him his first poz load. An hour later he gave him his second. Another couple of hours later he gave him his third. By the time the evening came round, a couple of my poz mates had joined us to ensure that Jacob’s newly-opened arse was never empty of toxic cocks. Man, did I regret being on meds that night, and made the decision to stop taking them until Jacob had converted.

Sure enough, the virus did not seem to take that night, nor from the weekend visits that Jacob made to his brother or back home to me during the first term of his final year at uni. Thus, when the Christmas break came around, we spent a couple of days of it back at the warehouse letting Peter and his friends work with us on the family hat-trick. Jacob took everything they had to give, and Justin greatly enjoyed being on hand to be used by the men on the side. I, however, focused my energies entirely on trying to get my older son converted, but of course will never know whether it was my own demon seed or someone else’s that did it. Either way, Jacob woke up with a fever on New Year’s Eve, and while Justin and I took care of him we also continued to fill his hole regularly throughout his battle with the fuck flu. We then joined him for his HIV test the day before the boys headed back to university, and Justin readily accepted his brother’s first poz load in the disabled loo at the clinic just minutes after we got the positive result.

Three years later, and both of them are still living with me at home. It just makes sense financially for the time being, and of course we get a lot of benefits out of having ready access to each other’s bodies.  Jacob is definitely more of a top, and seems to also have hook-ups with women off Tinder from time to time, but is happy to bend over for his dad or his brother when we’re in the mood to use his hole. He also enthusiastically joins us on the nights when we head to a sex club, cruising spot or wherever it is that we have chosen to bend over side by side and get railed by as many men as possible, something we’ve come to jokingly call ‘the family picnic’.  All three of us bring men back to the house too, and I know that Justin and Jacob particularly enjoy finding a versatile guy that they can put in the middle of a family sandwich. They enjoy it even more when they get to poz a guy together, or find someone particularly toxic to recharge them both.

We now all sport on our backs variants of the scorpion design that Justin first got, and both my boys have biohazards on their impressive pecs while mine is of course a tramp-stamp beneath the scorpion’s stinger.  Justin has turned into a bit of a size queen in the accessories department too, having replaced his already heavy silver chain collection with even larger units so that he has over 4 kilos of extra weight on him most of the time.  Jacob is less into all that but he does sometimes put on Justin’s spares when he’s in the mood, which is usually enough for me to bend him over whatever is nearby so I can do my fatherly duty on his rear end. Indeed, I think he only puts on the bling when we wants me to fuck him, knowing that it always turns up my dial to full in no time.

Yes, we’re a slightly fucked-up family, but we are loving, close and eternally bonded to each other in a way that few other families could be. I’m not sure how long it will be before one, two or even all three of us seek something a bit more long-term with a partner, and the thought has crossed my mind that Justin and Jacob may end up being that person for each other in the future which I’m actually on board with if it happens (obviously I have no problems with incest!). Indeed, as I’m writing this at my desk today, the boys are next to me on the bed enjoying cigarettes and beers following some particularly good sex we just had.  Jacob had his first go at riding my and Justin’s cocks at the same time, and from the look on his face I think he may be up for another round of that in a moment. So, with that, I’m going to sign off and get back to fucking my sons. Adios!

Thanks  for that hot Story ...

  • Piggy 2

Wow this story!  I could see myself doing this… except the Justin part. As a gay dad who is close to dropping off his son at college I’d never fuck my son…ever. The interest has never crossed my mind and never will. Honestly, when you have 18 years raising a kid, the ups and downs, scrapes, laughs and tears, the bond is just different and not sexual. To be honest, if I was Justin’s dad I would take him to an er, get him the emergency meds for hiv exposure, and get him to a psychologist. There’s plenty of decades ahead where he could follow through if he wanted. But not at 19…something’s up.  We all know you don’t do this because everything is all good. Don’t believe me?  Fellow chasers: why do we want a deadly, lifelong, incurable disease again?  I know it’s fucked up… but I know where it’s coming from, it’s still going to happen, and it does still turn me on. So…

The unconditional love of his son is spot on. It’s something I never got from my parents…not even to this day. I got a little teary eyed at that part of the story. You do anything to love and protect your kid…and make sure they know you are their rock no matter what.

So, this story really hit me (even if with conflicting responses).


  • 2 weeks later...

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