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Some of the minor characters in this story first appeared in this story.

Zeke moved through the bath house with a confident, masculine, sensual strut knowing the very men who turned away from his gaze deep inside them wanted what he offered. At nearly 6 feet 6 inches and only 195 pounds he looked thinner than he really was. It enhanced the image he wanted to project. Long dark hair with a strand of white here and there hung about his face framing the illusion of sunken cheeks his done structure gave him in low light the sensual curve of his lips curled into a wicked, taunting smile and his eyes. Those ice blue compelling eyes that always seemed to catch the light even in near darkness. 


His nails were painted black and his  body was covered in tattoos with a biohazard prominently displayed above his cock which was currently confined bulging out the front of his leather pants but when he freed it to wreak it’s damage on the men who succumbed to their own dark desires it was thick and hung long, never limp, it always had a slight lifting curve because of the huge balls under it like small oranges hanging low, churning out that liquid poison they all feared and all wanted so badly. 


He strode through the back room past the benches and slings to a large sturdy chair against the wall on a slightly raised dais, almost a throne and sat surveying his subjects. The men engaged in debauchery before him. Grinding and sweating. Fucking and fisting. All aware of him on some level. Hoping to not draw his attention and craving it at the same time but tonight Zeke paid them little mind knowing his prey would come to him… soon.


Sure enough as Zeke looked up the boy meekly slipped through the door wide eyed at the sexual mayhem in the room. Barely old enough to be here. Not a virgin but full of the innocence of small town life where he had to hide who he was. One bight with an  older man a week after his 18th birthday and now a trip to the city and this bath house. 


Zeke saw all this in a glance and smiled as the boy spotted him across the room and blushed red as Zeke’s hand caressed the bulge in his pants and motioned the boy closer. It was time for the game to begin. 


“What is your name pretty boy?” Zeke asked as he drew closer.


“Tommy…. ummm … Tom” he replied trying to sound older


“I’m Zeke Tommy, nice to meet you. Now that we know each other, why don’t you come over hare, kneel and accept me as your Master? You will eventually. You will submit and I will yank you out of that boring little life you knew till now and change you”


Tommy looked shocked by his directness and wanted to back away but like a rabbit caught in the gaze of a snake Zeke’s eyes held him. 


“Ummm maybe I should go…” Tommy  said though his feet stayed planted. 


Zeke ignored him and continued. “By the time I’m done with you you will not even recognize the person you have become. I’m going to enslave you to free you. The price is high but you will willingly pay” he said slowly unbuttoning his pants and letting his cock hang out running a finger along a vein in it then up to the base and further up to circle the biohazard tattoo. “Do you know what this means?”


Tommy swallowed and nodded 


“That’s the price for being enslaved and used. That’s the price for being mine. For the things I will teach you. The pleasure pleasing me will bring to you.” Zeke said quietly in a room full of the sounds of raw man sex but Tommy heard every word. “Deep inside you know you want to be mine,  you even want my virus to claim you so you very blood will be mine.” Then he dropped his gaze freeing the helpless boy before him. 


That was one of the rules. It had to be willing. 


Tommy backed up a step but the seed was planted in his mind and his eyes could not pull away from the motion of Zeke’s finger which had returned to stroking that vein. Finally the boy blinked and stumbled out of the room. He would roam the bath house and many men would offer but his mind would be filled with thoughts of Zeke and his words, He would be back.


Zeke watched his minions writhing in the sexual dance and waited. 


Tommy wandered the halls, looking in the open doors at the men lying in semi darkness hands languidly stroking hard flesh in open invitation. Any of these men. muscular or stout, hairy or smooth could have satisfied his inexperienced needs. Indeed they could have shaped his sexual appetites for the rest of his life with their own little kinks but none of them caught his attention. None of them excited him, thrilled him, made him shiver with hear and desire. His mind kept going back to Zeke. The way he could feel the wrongness, The evil. The malicious intent to taint him for life. To free him… 


His mind distracted his treacherous feet kept  taking him past the entrance to the back room and every time he glanced through it Zeke’s eyes caught him, that wicked, knowing smile on his lips. 


Finally Tommy gave in, walking to the throne and sinking to his knees. Part of his mind screaming at him to run but his lust overriding all logical thought. 


Zeke didn’t say a word he just motioned him to stand and walked him to a device like a large X securing his wrists and ankles tightly and began to spank him with a firm hand then a paddle. 


The pain rewired Tommy’s brain making his cock grow hard and when Zeke clamped sharp clips to his nipples he almost came. 


Zeke worked the boy's body with an expert touch. Pain and pleasure merging till he was almost incoherent lost in the sensations groaning in wanton acceptance as Zeke’s cock finally probed his crack finding his hole and plunging in almost ripping the boy’s tender flesh as he forced him open his warm, wet, silky insides to him Feeling that smooth bubble ass, so young and healthy looking grind back into him as his massive balls swung with his thrusts 


“Here it comes Tommy boy” Zeke hissed in his ear “Here comes my tainted seed, my virus to infect you. There is no turning back now just give in to it and let me into your blood and soul.” and his balls contracted, pumping his poison as he came deep inside “You! Are! Mine!” each word punctuated with a long jet of toxic cum filling that battered receptive hole. 


Tommy’s cock erupted sending his cum flying. 


The men who had been watching the show cheered

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Tommy woke up the next morning in a large bed in the middle of a large room. The walls were brick and about 20 feet tall with huge windows and exposed air ducts ran through metal rafters above. The room appeared to be the entire top floor of a building, skylights above letting in more light. He smelled breakfast and coffee. Zeke stood in the kitchen area and seeing him stir said “Good morning Tommy” 


Zeke looked almost like a different person dressed in a sharp suit, sipping coffee and reading a folded newspaper. His face, so gaunt looking last night, was still thin but now had an aesthetic look. Handsome by anyone’s standard. His hair that had been wild last night was neatly pulled back and ran several inches down his back. 


“Tommy sounds so undignified” Zeke said in a refined voice barely recognizable as the rough sultry voice that had invaded his mind last night. “Do you mind if I call you Thomas in the light of day?” 


“That’s fine, that’s what my parents call me” Tommy said 


As he sat up he felt something around his neck and reached up to feel a metal necklace there.


“Don’t fret with it, you will get used to it” Zeke said “I have a business meeting and I will be gone a couple hours. Make yourself at home because this is your new home” 


Zeke walked to the only internal wall. Pressed a button then seemed to think of something. Taking a fob from a key rack he tossed it onto the bed. “If you go out you need this to call the elevator to this floor. I will see you when I get back” and with that he was gone. 


Tommy got up and went to a door that he assumed led to the bathroom and relieved the pressure on his bladder then looked in the mirror a polished silver chain hung there held in place by a silver padlock. No use in trying to get it off and did he want to?

Then he remembered “The price” of that chain and a moment of panic rose up in him but like the chain there was no way to undo it. He found his suitcase and dressed, they had swung by his hotel and picked up his things last night  Zeke was being very trusting. Leaving an almost complete stranger alone in his home Tommy thought then admitted that he would never even think of stealing anything, It just wasn’t him. He rode down in the elevator and stepped out the front door of the building into a very upscale area then went back in and back up. 




As Zeke rode down in the elevator something seemed to separate from him and Ezekiel shifted to the higher plane. Zeke was his unwitting agent in the mortal world, One of many all around the world. It had been this agent who a couple years ago had infected a cheating little tramp named Doug with HIV and sent him home knowing he would infect his unsuspecting lover Mike and later had encouraged Doug to leave Mike when he was having a crisis of faith, Sending Mike quickie and improbably into the arms and ass of a young man named Jeff. 


Speaking of Mike and Jeff the real Ezekiel sent his thoughts across the world sliding into Mike’s head to silently check on the pair. They had a lot to do on the path they had been set on and if all went right they would change the world. Mike was holding Jeff and telling him how he regretted that their marriage had happened so quickly, that Jeff deserved better and suggested that they renew their vows and have a real wedding. Things were right on track here.


Ezekiel slipped quietly out of Mike’s mind.


This is what he did. He used his agents to influence certain people. Setting them on different paths to better the world. He had been doing it for a very long time. 


The boy who’s life he had diverted last night’s future was heading to a sweet though boring life with a divorced man who brought a son to be raised into their relationship. Tommy’s influence on that boy would set him on a path to become a great world leader and eventually destroy the world. Without Tommy’s influence he would lead a normal average life. Sometimes teaching a boy to be honorable above all can lead to disaster.


His agent just knew that he had certain insights he didn’t always understand. Like how he knew about Tommy’s past and exactly how to approach the boy. He also knew he could influence things and people to an unusual degree but never questioned it. He had a sadistic  love of creating chaos in the lives of those around him and thus was the perfect agent.


That’s what Ezekiel was. The agent of chaos in this world. Chaos was not evil though sometimes they aligned. Order aligned with evil just as much if not more. Chaos was change, order was stability and both were needed for the world to advance. 


Ezekiel slipped back into his agent as he rode back up to his loft silently hiding behind his eyes ready to nudge if he needed too. These two had work to do together. 



Zeke stepped off the elevator to find Tommy watching TV and approached Tommy standing as he neared. Zeke didn't ask he simply put his large hand behind the boy’s head and pulsed him into a kiss his tongue invading his mouth as he guided his property to the bed pushing him back on it pulling his shorts off and then quickly and efficiently stripping off his suit 


He crawled on top of the unresisting boy and raising his legs to his shoulders. guided this cock to his hole, punching the head inside causing Tommy’s back to arch in pain. Zeke cut off his squeal with another hard kiss, shoving more of his cock inside and stretching the 18 year old’s hole, abrading the lining and making it more receptive to his virus. It was important to continually pump the boy full of toxic cum to make sure it took and the boy was irrevocably infected, It probably took last night but no need to take chances. Besides, fucking this gorgeous young man was a pleasant way to bust a nut and the boy needed to be trained. He had to understand he was a slave to Zeke’s whims and lust, He was there to keep Zeke’s toxic balls drained. 


Zeke slid in and out slowly grinding against those silky inner walls that gripped him like a glove as Tommy gasped and writhed under him in apparent agony though his cock was rock hard. Zeke sped up his huge virus filled balls bouncing against that battered ass till with a hiss of pleasure he shot was after wad of poz seed deep, Tommy once again cumming without touching himself as he was bred. 


They collapsed together sweating and panting. Zeke still lodged inside his boy’s spasming hole 


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Tommy writhed twisting in the ropes holding his wrists together above his head and tied to the bedpost, the gag in his mouth preventing his cries and moans of pain from echoing through the room. The hot candle wax cooled on his chest stung and the clips on his nipples bit in as Zeke fucked him. That morning he had been woken up by the rope’s tightening around his wrist as he had been bound, the gag shoved in his mouth when he fuzzily tried to question what was happening followed by a snarling “Shut up you little slut” and a stinging slap across his face. Zeke had then proceed to torment his body with candles, clips and stinging little slaps here and there from a crop before raising his legs and slamming that huge cock of his into his defenseless hole. The fuck had been short, brutal and panful and as always they came together Tommy’s cock spewing cum all over both of them as Zeke’s toxic cum filled him, 


Tommy lay twitching as Zeke untied him then slid his body next to the boy wrapping his long arms around him, stroking the smooth young skin and whispering soft words to him, slowly bringing him back to himself, talking him down from the pain high that always took the boy when Zeke pushed him beyond a certain point. 


It had surprised and frightened even Zeke a little the first time it happened. Seeing the boy lost to the world, so caught up in the mixture of pain and pleasure that he could not respond. When coaxing and soft touches had brought Tommy back Zeke had said he would hold back in the future but Tommy had said no. He didn’t know where he went when the pain took him but wherever it was it was pure rapture. 


Once awareness returned to the boy’s eyes Zeke lifted him and carried him to the shower making out as the hot water raised a cloud of steam to surround them. 


Later as they rode down in the elevator Zeke asked “Are you sure you are ready for this?” and Tommy nodded.


The week he had planned to stay in the city was up and Zeke was driving him home to pick up his things and tell his parents his life had changed. Had been changed. They would not understand. They didn’t even know he was gay and now he was going to dedicate his life to a man he had known for a week? Tommy did not understand it himself, and while he didn’t know if this was love or not he did knew the sex with Zeke was addictive. 


If truth be told Zeke was just as confused. He had taken countless boys and men throughout his life. He could even remember a few of their names but he never even thought of dumping Tommy. It wasn’t love. It couldn’t be. Zeke was not even sure he could love anyone. Tommy brought out both a desire to cause that young fresh body pain for Zeke’s own gratification and a fierce protectiveness. He would do anything to keep Tommy safe and with him. It was like there was something inside of him making him take this boy into his life and treasure him. Something that was not entirely him. 


The drive seemed to take no time at all and before Tommy knew it he was walking up to the front door of his house with Zeke, sharp as ever in a gray suit walking behind him, He opened the door calling “Mom! Dad! I’m home!’ 


Dad came out of his den and mom down from upstairs 


“We were not expecting you for hours, your bus was not supposed to arrive till 3” mom said stopping as she saw Zeke standing behind her son in the front door,


“Zeke drove me home” Tommy said 


“And who is Zeke?” his dad asked in a not altogether friendly tone. 


Tommy swallowed and said “He’s my lover” 


A long silence followed then mom said “I think you better both come in” 


At first they tried logic and it descended from there. “You just met this man! You don’t really know him! You are going to college in a few months! This is just a phase! The right girl will snap you out of it! No son of mine is going to be a queer! If you think I’m going to pay to send a queer to school you have another thing coming!’ That final one coming out as a shout from his red faced dad. 


Zeke raised a hand and his cold voice cut through the din “I think that’s enough” he snapped and they fell silent, “What you don’t seem to understand is that Thomas is an adult and can make his own choices. This conversation is not about what you will or will not allow him to do it’s about if you want to drive your son out of your lives or not. As for paying for his education. Don’t worry, I will handle that and I have the influence to get him into one of the best schools in the country, So what is it going to be? When your son walks back out that door do you want it to be ten days or ten years before you talk to him again?”


“”But what if his choices are mistakes?” mom asked tears in her eyes 


“It’s time to let him make his own mistakes too” Zeke said softly and he actually managed to sound compassionate surprising himself “But you are not sending him into the world alone. I promise you I will be there to catch him before he falls too far” These words sounded like they were coming from someone else to Zeke and yet he meant every one. 


Tommy went up to his room and in a surprisingly short time returned with two small bags, His mother went into the den and returned with a large file folder. 


“A copy of his birth certificate and other documents” She explained then said to Tommy “This will always be your home and we will always be here if you need us” then she hugged him. A brief nod from his dad in agreement and then a rough embrace and they were back out the door walking to the car.


“You ok baby boy?” Zeke asked and then he though “baby boy? Where the hell did that come from?” even as his hand seemed to move on it’s own to take Tommy’s 


He was rewarded with a shaky smile and a “Yes, thank you” 


They stayed in a local hotel and Tommy spent the afternoon showing Zeke his hometown. They were obviously a couple and there were many disapproving looks directed at them. 


“Hey look! Little Tommy has a boyfriend!” A shout rang out 


It was Steve a guy a few years older than Tommy who had been his friend till he started hanging with the wrong crowd 


He and two of his friends approached but stopped as Zeke stepped in front of his boy


“We aren’t going to have any trouble here are we?” He asked in a quiet voice as his ice blue eyes seemed to glitter with menace


“Unnn no... No Sir” and Zeke knew that this man in front of him was not offended by Tommy being openly gay and having someone. He was jealous. Envious that others had the balls tp dp what he was too afraid to. Angry that someone else was taking his Tommy even though he had never said a word about his feelings to him.


Steve and his friends slouched off leaving them standing alone 


“Poor Steve” Tommy sighed “He fights with himself, so afraid to be what he is” 


Zeke nodded


They had dinner and returned to the hotel room, Tommy dropping off to sleep quickly and Zeke sitting in a chair in the dark watching him trying to sort the things that were happening out in his head finally falling asleep, 



Ezekiel slipped out of his sleeping agent’s mind. What a fucking day! Nudging Zeke to where he needed to be. Making him feel the things he would not admit he even could feel.  He slipped into the higher plain and let out an explosive breath, Then he felt it 


Another being approach him on the higher plane and he turn to confront it. Ezekiel was black fire and this being was white ice, Zeke was the darkness and the other was the light Zeke was…

Suddenly the other being shifted into a man-shaped form of incredible beauty, his white wings folded on his back “Honestly Ezekiel, can we skip the dramatic confrontation and light show this time? After all the eons it’s getting old,” 


“Works for me” Ezekiel e said shifting into an equally beautiful form with black wings, “It’s good to see you Gabe” 


Gabriel was the agent of Order for this world, The two of them had formed out of nothing eons ago then the precursors of man became self aware and at first had worked against each other destroying what the other did but as time passed they gradually learned that working together or at least not opposing each other helped advance mankind much more quickly


It had been Gabriel's agent. A music teacher. Who had influenced a young boy named Jeff Clayton years back. Encouraging his musical talent and urging him to post his songs online, but also encouraging him to never loose that reckless streak in his nature. Setting him on a path that would eventually lead him into the arms and bed of a man named Mike. 


“Good to see you Gabe” Ezekiel said and spread both his arms and wings 


Gabriel stepped to him and kissed him as they melted into one another making love and merging till there was almost no separation between them. The closest way to describe it was it was like fucking someone who was fucking you at the same time… sort of. 


It was release. It was love. It was communing with the only other being who would always be there through the centuries. The only one who understood. 



Zeke woke up in his chair. He felt freer, less restrained, Every feeling for Tommy was still there. Now immovable bedrock in his soul but his chaotic nature towards others was free to wreak havoc. He quietly dressed and left the room hunting,


It was 3am and the bar was closed. Steve had only had a couple that night so he was not really drunk as he cut through an alley on the way home, 


“You are Steve aren’t you?” a voice, rough and sultry came out of the shadows. Then a man moved into the half light between the buildings, It was the guy who had been with Tommy earlier. 


“Yeah” he said a bit nervously. The guy seemed even more menacing tonight 


“Zeke” the man said giving his name. “You should not harass others because they are brave enough to be who they are, You should not be afraid to be who you are.” 


“What are you talking about?” Steve asked but he knew 


Zeke backed him into a wall and placed a hand on his face leaning in as if to kiss him and just before their lips touched he whispered “I’m going to free you Steve” gripping his shoulders, turning him to face the wall and yanking his baggy shorts down to his ankles.


Steve did not resist. Deep inside he had wanted this for years. He had wanted a man to take him and use him, He sobbed in pent up frustration and longing and submitted. 


Zeke unzipped his pants freeing his cock and plunged unmercifully into the virgin hole before him, his long fingered hand covering Steve's mouth and muffling the scream as he took him. Sliding in and out his cock head scraping those inner walls getting them ready to receive his gift as he pounded into the bully with quickened strokes till his evil release. Balls pumping his poison cum deep inside the unsuspecting man. Steve’s moan of pure pleasure as he came against the wall a release of years of secret desires.


Zeke pulled out , zipped up and walked away a quiet “Thank you” coming from Steve and wondered if he would still thank him when his gift was revealed. 


He slipped back into the hotel room, quietly showered the slipped into bed with Tommy wrapping long arms protectively, possessive around him and drifted off to sleep.  




Ezekiel had returned to his agent just as he was breeding Steve in that alley. Mentally sighing he checked Steve’s future for potential damage. Steve’s future had been unremarkable before and it still was but he had actually been shifted into a happier path where he would find real love someday 


Riding in Zeke’s mind back to the hotel room he nudged his feelings for Tommy further open then settled down to wait as they slept. 

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Hey guys. For fans of "Someone to be mine forever" a parallel story in the same world as "Zeke's Tales" I just posted an "Untold Adventure" there even though the story has official come to it's end 

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They were returning to the scene of the crime. The bath house where they had met. Tommy’s outfit was simple A pair of skintight blank latex shorts that showed the curve of his ass to great effect while also displaying a not inconsiderable bulge in the front. He definitely fell into the category of “Big dicked bottom” and a pair of black sneakers.


He had watched Zeke’s transformation from the sharp urbane businessman to the almost demonic monster he had first met, It could not be that simple Tommy thought. A change of wardrobe, running wet fingers through his hair then letting it dry as his fingernails were painted black, How could that make a man look like he had lost 20 pounds off an already thin frame? How could that increase the menace that almost seemed to radiate from him? 


Tommy knew that the businessman was the disguise though. This was the true Zeke and honestly the one that excited him more. As they walked through the corridors on the way to the back room and Zeke’s “throne” Tommy submissively trailing behind his Owner. He noticed a few men of various ages but all handsome casting resentful glances at him.


 “My cast offs” Zeke said ln a casually cruel voice loud enough to be heard. “They all thought they could be the one to tame me. They hate me and want me to take them again at the same time, Not one of them would refuse if I so much as crooked a finger at them even though they know I would just use them and cast them aside again. They all accepted my gift but it didn’t bring the expected returns, They only got what I promised them” 


A glance around showed several faces with a mix of anger, shame, jealousy and hopeless desire painted across them, 


“They should move on” Zeke finished with the same casual uncaring tone


The words disturbed Tommy “Am I going to be like them someday? 


Zeke stiffened and turned, his bony hands, seizing Tommy’s face not in tender reassurance but in hard painful grasp that turned his face up forcing him to look into those glittering ice blue eyes.


“They got what I promised them. What did I promise you?” he growled quietly those uncomfortable feelings rising in him confusing him. “I promised to own you, to teach you. I promised your parents to protect you. Do not EVER EVEN THINK that again. All these sluts want to be mine. YOU ARE MINE!” and once again he unwillingly meant every word. 


Zeke resumed his walk to his throne, Tommy trailing behind directing a friendly but slightly superior smile and anyone who looked at him with envy now. Tommy was changing almost as much as Zeke


As Zeke sat Tommy stood next to him, his fresh, boy next door good looks somehow enhancing Zeke’s gauntness. 


At one point Zeke got up to get a closer look at a fisting scene on the other side of the room. Tommy was distracted by a boy about his age being gangbanged in the a sling and didn’t follow.


A young couple in their early 20s walked past the door to the backroom glancing in and spotting Tommy/ They headed right for him


“Hi, I’m Scott and this is Jay and who might you be gorgeous?” The taller one said 


“Tommy here: Tommy replied 


“Nice to meet you” the shorter Jay said with a smile 


“Jay wants to watch me fuck someone cute and you are cute, would you be interested?” Scott asked moving his towel aside and displaying a hefty cock of about 8 inches


“I tell you what” Zeke’s cold voice came from behind them, “Why don’t I fuck your boy and if he can honestly say it’s not the best fuck he ever had you can fuck mine of course he will have to take my load but I think a chance at Tommy’s pretty ass is worth the risk, don’t you?” 


Scott and Jay beat a hasty retreat but Tommy noticed Jay looking back with lust in his eyes at Zeke. Oddly enough he did not feel offended at being offered up as a bargaining chip or a twinge of jealousy at Zeke’s willingness ti fuck another. For some reason the naked desire in Jay’s eyes filled him with pride, 


“Jay will be back” Zeke said sitting back down “He will find someone for Scott to fuck and slip out while he is busy. 


“That will probably break them up” Tommy said and Zeke just shrugged


“It won’t be the first couple I have broken up” he said


Sure enough half an hour later Jay slipped into the back room walking to Zeke who sat rubbing that vein in his cock 


“Do you still want to fuck me?” he asked nervously


“I want to infect you” Zeke said running that finger up to circle the biohazard tattoo 


Jay blanched but nodded 


Zeke told Tommy to sit on the throne, ordered Jay to suck him and keep his ass in the air and his hands on the arm rests then rubbed his cock up and down Jay’s crack finding the hole and shoving in 


Jay moaned around Tommy’s cock sucking like the pro he was and pushing his ass back on Zeke’s cock as the evil, gaunt looking man gripped his hips in bony fingers and plowed him, sawing in and out, roughly slamming the head into his inner walls to prepare them for the virus he would paint them with., stretching him and making him groan which felt so good around Tommy’s cock finally making him shoot down the slut’s throat, 


Tommy looked up as Jay swallowed his load and saw Scott standing frozen watching his man get fucked by the man who looked like death in leather, Zeke’s frenzied flurry of thrusts ended with his balls contracting and pumping venom into Jay’s hole and Jays cock spewing cum across Tommy’s legs


“Oh God” Jay said “I have never been fucked that good in my life, thank you” 


“Well” Zeke said with a smirk ar Scott “I guess you don't get to fuck my boy”


Scott stiffened and turned to leave 


“Wait: Zeke said “Your boy came on my boy’s legs. Get on your knees and lick it up” 


“What?” Scott said 


“Clean up your boy’s mess” Zeke commanded 


Jay moved aside as Scott blushing red knelt and began to lick the cum off Tommy’s legs. Tommy raising them and turning them “Make sure you get every drop of your slut’s nasty cum off me” he said and caught  a glint of approval in Zeke’s eyes  


When Tommy’s legs were nice and clean Zeke said “Now clean this” pointing to his cock 


Scott opened his mouth and took Zeke in sucking and licking every inch, then rolling his balls with his tongue before sucking them in,


Finally Zeke stood Scott up and bent him over the throne exactly like he had Jay and breeding him just as deep. Jay slipping under him to sit on the throne and Scott arched his back, kissing his lover. Jay’s legs got the same treatment as Tommy's when Zeke bred Scott and he shot without touching himself. 


Zeke and Tommy left, the two of them still kissing, dressing and leaving the bath house. Zeke drove them to his favorite all night diner and over a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes Zeke said “I was proud of you tonight Boy. You played your part perfectly. I think we made a cuck for life tonight and I got my gift into both” 


“Thank you Master” Tommy said smiling and glowing with pride 




Behind Zeke’s eyes Ezekiel mentally smirked not even having to nudge for Zeke’s feelings for his Boy to grow stronger

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The year was 2011 and Zeke was 18 in his first year of college. Unlike most of his contemporaries he didn’t have to worry about money. His Grandfather, who had always treated his father with contempt had bypassed his own son and left his considerable fortune to Zeke when he died several months ago sensing a kindred spirit in the boy.


Zeke’s childhood had been a torment. Not because his parents had been terrible but because they were polar opposites to him in nature. His childhood had been filled with “Peace and love of your fellow ma… Do unto others… Show your softer side…” He felt like he had grown up on a PBS kids show.


 Only his Grandfather had understood. It’s ok to use people’s desires to your advantage. It was perfectly fine to make promises and let others read more into your words than you said.  You keep your word. That was always very important, But in the end when you had what you wanted and left them in the dust they would realize keeping your word was all you had done. It was the way his Grandfather had built his fortune and people who had counted on his good will found themselves disappointed. He had taught Zeke all this during those summers spent with him while his parents were off doing god knew what helping people.


Zeke had moved out of his parent’s home within a week of turning 18, He had never come out to his parents because the thought of them getting all emotional and teary eyed as they told him how they would always love him and only wanted him to be happy turned his stomach. 


Zeke was studying business but he also took classes in the arts, acting and dance. Things his parents had made him do as a child. He studied acting because it helped him manipulate people and he studied dance because he knew he was stunning. Tall, lean, handsome with arresting eyes. Learning to move and use his body to greater effect just made sense.


It was in dance class he had met Cal. An inch shorter, two years older. blond curled, green eyed, enchanting Cal. He was innocence and wickedness all wrapped up in a body so perfect the gods were envious. When they met it was instant fireworks. 


For the first time in his life Zeke thought of someone else before himself. Cal insisted they take it slow, They dated for months. Walks along the river, Midnight picnics on the roof of Zeke’s apartment building watching the stars, Rainy afternoons on the couch watching movies together. Zeke was infatuated, The night they first made love, neither of them novices still somehow felt like the first time to Zeke. Cal writhed beneath him groaning and stroking his ego telling him he was the best every word perfect every move perfect the rush when they came together mind blowing. The sex got better each time and Zeke was almost crying as Cal kissed him and headed for the airport at the end of they year to go home for the summer, promising he would call when he got there.


Then nothing. No call. No response to texts. Cal’s facebook showed he was fine, pictures of his summer vacation regularly appearing but no response to his messages there either. 


Zeke missed the first week of dance class in the new year because of a flat tire. When he walked in that 2nd week ready to demand answers from Cal the sight of him with a first year student who looked vaguely like a ginger Zeke ensconced in a corner laughing and sharing little kisses stopped him. 


“He did it to you too I see” A guy a year ahead of Zeke said. “I didn’t say anything when he took up with you because I was too hurt and thought maybe it was my fault but it looks like it’s a pattern for him" 


Zeke nodded and went to begin his stretching. To look at him the rest of the year you would never guess he knew Cal or had had his heart broken. His grades remained at the top of his class and he hooked up with many men including three of the school deans and two of his professors but it was never more than sex. Three years later he graduated and started his own firm. He didn’t need to work but the accumulation of more wealth had it’s satisfactions. 


Several years later he had been surprised to get a message from Cal on one of the hookup apps. He was in town with a touring show of the latest Broadway craze. They met up for coffee, Cal treating him like an old friend ignoring the fact he had ghosted Zeke. 


Zeke took him home. His address and top floor apartment not so subtly letting Cal know what a success he was. The sex was just as great as before and they hooked up every time Cal was in town. Cal would only play bare with “old friends” like Zeke he could trust. Zeke spoiled him, sending him flowers when he was not in town, expensive gifts, dinners in the best restaurants, Hints at a proposal coming but Zeke had other plans. 


He had been seeing a man who  looked much like what Zeke’s demon act would come to resemble in years to come. He based it on the man. It was the only time Zeke had bottomed in his life as over a few weeks the aids troll bred him again and again. 


A few months later he got a call from Cal. “Zeke, baby, I don’t know how to tell you this but I am HIV positive. It must have been that stagehand in Chicago back in May” obviously forgetting that they had agreed to be monogamous in February. 


“It’s ok Baby, You will get through this, I love you” Zeke had replied and he did love Cal in a twisted way. Their lives could have been so different if only… 


“Do you Baby?” Cal said through tears. It was the first time Zeke had said those three words to him.


“I will see you soon, be strong” Zeke had said as he hung up. 


Then he blocked Cal’s number, changed the security code on his apartment, canceled the credit card he had opened for him and threw everything Cal had left in his apartment and every picture of the two of them in the trash. 


When Cal’s show came back through town Zeke went to see it to keep that “See you soon” promise, He did see Cal on the stage though he looked a little haggard. He wondered if Cal guessed where the HIV had come from.


Zeke soon discovered the power trip of getting guys to accept his poz seed. Cal was one of the few he ever stealthed. Those had all been special cases who deserved it like Steve. He loved using a guy’s desires to manipulate him into letting Zeke infect him. Never promising more than that then ignoring further requests for attention. He had learned that from Cal, 




Zeke lay in bed watching the sleeping Tommy’s face, He looked a little like Cal in the curve of the cheek and the set of the eyes but the hair was different, the open, honest face not a mask as Cal’s had been. Not that after a couple months with Zeke Tommy was all sweetness and innocence. His lusts and desires met Zeke’s head on. His need for pain meeting Zeke’s desire to provide it. Far from shying away from Zeke’s evil desires to infect those who gave in to their desires. Tommy helped him. He matched the man Zeke was today perfectly. 


“I love you” Zeke whispered to his sleeping Boy saying those words for only the 2nd time in his life. Disturbed because they felt so different this time. 




Hiding behind Zeke’s eyes Ezekiel was a little surprised, He had not nudged at all those words had honestly come from Zeke. With what was coming for these two they would need a strong bond but for now they could just enjoy being together, Zeke was one of his best agents and good work deserved some rewards. 

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“Last night we went to a bathhouse and Zeke knocked up two complete strangers while I watched and got blown. This afternoon we are sitting at the dining area table deciding what college courses I should take” Tommy thought with a wry smile 


Zeke’s recommendations leaned strongly towards business and finance and Tommy was ok with that. “I want to take at least two dance classes per semester though” he said, circling the cl;asses he wanted. “My instructor said in most schools I would be 2nd year advanced. He wrote me a letter of recommendation. It’s in my file” 


“You dance?” Zeke was surprised but thinking about it Tommy’s body was in to good a shape to be just a normal teen 


“Yup” Tommy said “Since I was seven” 


Zeke rose “Give me a hand here” he said  and he moved into an area of the apartment that seemed to be a catch all for storage, Zeke started moving boxes and exercise equipment and a area clearly designed as a small dance studio emerged with a mirrored wall and bar between two windows 


“Get changed” Zeke said walking to the dressing area, stripping and putting on a pair of tights and no shirt.


 Zeke’s cock in a pair of rights was slightly distracting Tommy thought as he changed into his tights and a tight t-shirt 


They stretched limbering up their muscles and Zeke knew what he was doing Tommy noted. 


“Ok, show me what you got” Zeke said. 


Selecting an extended mix of “Heartsong” by Billy Clay-Blake, the music he had danced his last recital to. Tommy began to move. It was the most advanced piece he had ever done. A mix of ballet and modern dance with Zeke watching every move intently. 


“You need more extension on that leap” Zeke said as he finished sounding so much like his instructor that Tommy chuckled “Catch your breath then do it again” and once again Zeke watched every move 


“Better” Zeke said as he finished and after a few minutes “One more time” 


This time as he started Zeke... “flowed” was the only word Tommy could think of, moving around him in perfect counterpoint, sliding behind him moving with him arms extended perfectly in concert with his and when Tommy leapt Zeke’s hands caught his waist lifting him then setting him down as Tommy spun away. When the dance concluded their faces were inches away from each other arms extended and slightly back as they panted staring into each other's eyes.


Zeke seized Tommy’s face and kissed him, backing him up against the mirrored wall Tommy matching his passion, forcing his tongue into his lover’s mouth. They had always had this passion but this time it was different, More intense. More filled with emotion


Zeke moved up his jaw nipping then bit his earlobe. Tommy tilted his head back exposing his neck, Zeke’s lips and teeth moved down sucking and biting. Tasting the clean sweat the dancing had caused licking it off his skin growls of possessive pleasure at the taste of his Boy.


Tommy gasped and groaned as Zeke sucked his neck, every hair on his body standing on end as he shivered, his nipples hardening, and then Zeke’s teeth found them chewing and cucking moving from one to the other as Tommy moaned his hand behind Zeke’s head pressing it into his chest


Zeke straightened and took him by the shoulders, spinning him to face the mirror pushing their tights down and kicking Tommy’s legs apart then bending his knees he speared up into his Boy's hole, taking him in one brutal stroke, knowing he loved it. 


Tommy groaned with the pain of Zeke’s invasion. grinding back on him his own cock twitching and dripping pre onto the mirror, He felt Zeke biting his neck and shoulders accompanied by emotion filled growls of “Mine!, You are MINE! You will always be MINE! I will never let you go!” and then the world melted as Tommy heard “I need you to much, I love you to much to ever let you go!” The words Tommy never thought to hear pass Zeke’s lips were out in the open


Tommy looked into the mirror and stared into Zeke’s reflected eyes “I am yours, now and forever. I love you so much and I’m not going anywhere... ever” 


Zeke moaned and fucked even faster finally exploded deep inside his Tommy’s ass once again filling him with toxic seed and triggering jet after jet of sweet Boy cum to splatter on the mirror,  


Zeke picked his love up in his arms carrying him to the bed then made love to him for hours.




Ezekiel and Gabriel stumbled into the higher plane. As a joke Gabriel had jumped into Tommy’s mind while he and Zeke fucked against the mirror. They had never inhabited two mortals during such a raw emotionally charged fuck. Their own emotions and love had spilled through washing away Tommy and Zeke’s inhibitions and fear of rejection and almost forcing them to admit their love. 


“That was INTENSE” Gabriel said 


“It’s those two” Ezekiel said eyes wide “That goes beyond normal mortal love” 


“We need to do that again” Gabriel said abd Ezekiel nodded enthusiastically 




The plans to send Tommy to the stuffy, ivy league  business oriented college were scrapped and Zeke used his influence and a little blackmail to get him into the best performing arts school in the country. The campus was within walking distance of the apartment by chance. 


About a week into classes Zeke and Tommy were walking past the campus gate and Tommy said “There is my modern dance instructor.” and waved 


Zeke looked up. The man waving back was Cal 

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  • Moderators
On 4/13/2024 at 4:47 PM, Scanbu said:

Hey guys. For fans of "Someone to be mine forever" a parallel story in the same world as "Zeke's Tales" I just posted an "Untold Adventure" there even though the story has official come to it's end 

Would you like me to insert links between the two stories?

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