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As Cal approached Zeke showed no outward sign of tension but inwardly he braced himself.


Nothing however could have prepared him for what happened though. 


“Tom, isn’t it?” Cal said shaking Tommy’s hand “It’s going to take me a couple weeks to get all the names sorted out.”


“Close enough, Tom works” Tommy laughed 


Cal smiled then turned to Zeke. He seemed to deflate and with the air of a puppy who has been scolded and is trying to make amends he quickly stepped to Zeke, wrapped his arms around his waist laid his head on his chest and said meekly “Zeke, I know I went radio silent on you for a couple months. I went into a huge depression after my diagnosis and I could barely function. I was not surprised to find my number blocked when I tried it. I never even tried the credit card. I just cut it up. Then I saw on the hookup sites that you were listing your status as poz and I figured it out. I must have infected you somehow! I’m such an idiot! I pulled another vanishing act right when we needed to be communicating the most! Can you ever forgive me baby?”


Zeke stood stiff armed through this, his mind working very fast. He glanced at Tommy quickly. He was grateful he had told Tommy about Cal. Once their feelings for each other  had come out into the open they both discovered how little they truly knew about the men they loved and long talks about life stories had followed, Zeke was glad he had been both detailed and brutally honest about the whole thing and to his surprise Tommy had approved. 


“You told me about your childhood and who you were back then and the first time you let someone in they do that? I’m surprised you didn’t turn into a serial killer and it explains so much about you. Do you know how incredible you are?  After all that you let me in. I can’t imagine how hard it was to admit you loved me to me. The route you took was a bit extreme but it led you to me. To us. How can I condemn you for that?” Tommy had said once he had heard every grisly detail.


The young man’s eyes were not shocked or jealous but had a coldly calculating look as he put two and two together. This was THAT Cal and somehow he had totally missed what Zeke had truly done to him… or so he said. As he caught Zeke’s glance he looked at the pathetically sobbing Cal and gave a helpless shrug.


Zeke sighed and put his arms around the crying Cal and in typical Zeke fashion said “We can talk about it” making no promises. 


They sat n a coffee shop. Cal had cast several annoyed glances at Tommy who was not going anywhere. Cal obviously wanted to get Zeke alone and thought Tommy was the interloper here. finally asking “So how do you know Zeke, Tom?”


“We have been dating a few months” Tommy replied and fought the urge to make some possessive move like taking Zeke’s hand in his. What he said was true if not complete and he felt confident in what he had with Zeke. 


“Thomas has come to mean a lot to me” Zeke said then took Tommy’s hand in his. It was totally different when Zeke did it. It was not a sign of insecurity it was proclaiming to the world that this Boy belonged to him and he was treasured. 


Tommy melted just a little


Cal’s eyes narrowed for a second then with a friendly smile he said “I’m so happy for you two! Maybe we can get together someday and trade Zeke stories. It’s so hard to get him to open up. It took me months! I can tell you some things that drive him wild in bed though. He always said I was the best. Though I’m sure you are now in his eyes naw” and he put a hand on Zeke’s arm trying to stake a prior claim 


Three weeks ago Tommy would have had to agree about getting Zeke to open up but that dance had changed everything. 


“We are getting to know each other. That’s the exciting part of a new relationship. Isn’t it?” Tommy said sounding and looking so much like the wide eyed teen he no longer was Zeke was impressed 


“Oh and the sex is incredible! I have learned so much!” Tommy continued gushing and Zeke hid his smile at the annoyance in Cal’s eyes when he realized his barbs had totally missed. 


Cal was a “cast off” no better than those guys at the baths and they both knew it. 


The conversation went on for a while but this reunion was obviously not going how Cal had imagined and he soon made excuses and left after extracting a promise from Zeke to get together soon and talk about old times 


“He’s not to subtle is he?” Tommy asked as they walked home


“We caught him off guard, surprises always rattle him. You however adapt very quickly, I was impressed.” Zeke said, putting his arm around Tommy’s shoulder as they walked, which was a first in public. 


Tommy leaned into him “I doubt he will give up though. I think he sees you as a toy he can play with anytime he wants then put it back on the shelf” he said reflectively “He wants his toy back now that someone else has it. He really has no idea who you really are does he?”


“I will teach him who I am if I have to” Zeke said darkly his ice blue eyes glinting 


That evening Cal did some research, looking up Tommy’s student records, His home address was listed as Zeke’s apartment. More than dating then. Reading his entrance exam evaluation and from his own first week assessment of the boy he certainly had the talent to be here despite his late application but he also knew Zeke had made a large donation to the school about that time. For “Dating a few months” Zeke seemed to be taking a huge hand in the boy’s life and Cal wanted to know why. It couldn't be love, not that fast. Not with someone who wasn't Cal


Cal was not the type to just be happy for the two and move on. He had taken this job fully intending to eventually encounter Zeke and make him his again. His “radio silence” had not been depression. A man he had been seeing in Chicago, who spoiled him even more than Zeke had, had whisked him away for a weekend in Paris and proposed and then dumped him a couple months later when he learned of Cal’s status. Cal honestly thought that stagehand the cast nicknamed “The Donkey” had infected him as a couple months after his diagnosis several other cast members had turned up poz. The fact that Cal had been fucking and getting fuckees by all of them never really occurring to him. Cal was the definition of self centered.


Despite all the evidence to the contrary Cal thought this Tom or Tommy or whatever could be brushed aside easily and once that was done Zeke would be his again.


Tommy was enjoying college. The classes were challenging, especially Cal’s class.  Aside from occasional inquiries about how Zeke was doing things remained casual, Cal worked Tommy no harder than the other students, the praise and criticisms he received were merited or deserved, “Maybe we misjudged him” Tommy thought after a few weeks but he never dropped his guard.


Tommy made friends with several of his fellow gay first years. Some of them were frustrated with the selection on the hookup apps now that they were away from parental control. Tommy casually mentioned the baths he and Zeke frequented. They had all met Zeke as he often walked Tommy to the school or met him for lunch at the gate as his office was just across the street and several of them sighed over how lucky Tommy was and asked the most inappropriate questions which Tommy answered in wicked detail. 


Zeke was sitting on his throne in the back room with Tommy bent over his knee being spanked and loving every second of it when Al, one of Tommy’s school friends, peeked through the door. 


Spotting him Tommy waved with a smile as the spanking continued. 


As Al approached Zeke set Tommy in front of him on the throne pulling him back against him and draping one arm languidly over his shoulder. “Greetings Al” Zeke said with a sultry smile below those burning eyes of his 


“Hi!” Al said taking in the scene and then turning to can the entire back room where several men looked back with interest.


 “You weren’t kidding about this place, it’s every nasty dream I have ever had since I found kinky porn online.”  he said to Tommy


“Why don’t you give our novice friend a tour?” Zeke said 


Tommy nodded and rose taking Al by the arm 


Al’s eyes went a bit wide as he saw the biohazard tattoo above Zeke’s cock and took in his evil looking persona.  Then his eyes were drawn down to the motion of Zeke’s finger rubbing that vein as his smile turned slightly wicked. Al was an attractive boy, ginger and freckled all over 


“Come on” Tommy laughed, pulling his friend away and showing him the wonders of the bathhouse with it’s wanton masculine sexuality on full display. Places like this were havens where gay men could truly be themselves without societies ever judging eyes on them. 


“Is Zeke poz?” Al asked as they walked through the corridors looking through the open doors at the sensual, turgid delights displayed there. 


“Yes” Tommy answered simply


"And you?” Al asked sounding scared and turned on at the same time


“Probably” Tommy shrugged “We don’t let anything come between us when we fuck” 


“Wow” was all the response he got though Tommy noticed the front of his towel bulging out a bit more,


“If you are going to come to places like this. If this is the type of free for all sex life you want then it’s a risk, even a probability. The man I love is poz and I don’t want to have to think about it every time he fucks me. When it happens at least I know where it came from. We are not monogamous but so far only Zeke has fucked me since we met.” Tommy said matter-of-factly as they came back to the back room, 


As they got back to Zeke who watched them approach, still rubbing that vein with his long thin finger said “Welcome back boys” in that menace tinted sultry voice he used when he was intent on new prey and Al nodded nervously. 


Tommy backed into the wall beside the throne pulling Al with him and kissing him his hands roaming his body as they made out, finding the ginger’s towel and pushing it to the floor as Zeke came up behind him. 


Al kissed back. He had nursed a crush for Tommy since they met. His eyes widened as he felt Zeke behind him his cock nudging his ass. He was no virgin but had always played safe before. “Wait…” he started to say 


“Shhhh baby boy, just let it happen” Tommy whispered in his ear biting his earlobe then moving down to suck and chew on his neck as the ginger moaned helplessly in pleasure. Tommy’s hands moved down his sides to his ass pulling his cheeks apart giving Zeke better access to that neg hole. 


Zeke slid balls deep in slowly  his bony fingers pinching his victim’s nipples adding to the overwhelming sensations keeping Al docile and receptive as Tommy’s lips sucked leaving marks on that freckled neck. 


Al moaned tilting his head back against Zeke’s shoulder exposing his neck further to Tommy’s ministrations as Zeke slid in and out of him totally lost to the pleasure these two were wreaking on his body. “It’s like being trapped between an angel and a demon and it feels so good” was the most rational thought his mind could form as Zeke’s pace picked up finally ending in a brutal thrust deep into his guts and that strange new wet feeling inside as Zeke’s virus filled cum shot inside him. 


Zeke stepped back and to his surprise Tommy stepped around Al and pushed him face first and slammed his cock up that defenseless ginger ass and begin a quick paced breeding of his own finally adding his cum to Zeke’s with a groan. 


As they all caught their breath Al still seemed a bit out of it.


“I don’t want to just leave him hare, he’s a friend” Tommy said 


Zeke nodded and turned, motioning to a man with a biohazard tattoo on his shoulder who had been watching the entire scene. Zeke knew him to be a firm but gentle silver bear and that he had a thing for young redheads.


“Take care of him” Zeke said


The man nodded and guided the still slightly dazed Al out of the backroom and down the corridor, probably towards a private room. Al’s night was not over yet Zeke thought with a smirk


A couple days later when Tommy saw Al in the hall on the way to a class he walked with a confident swagger not bothering to hide the marks on his neck Tommy had put there or the thin leather collar padlocked there.


“Nice collar” Tommy said his own silver necklace bouncing as he jogged to catch up.


“Daddy gave it to me” Al said with pride


“Daddy?” Tommy asked 


‘The guy you two sent me off with the other night. His name is George but he likes me to call him Daddy” Al said without a hint of a blush. 


“Congratulations!” Tommy said warmly as the continued towards class


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Posted (edited)

The day had finally arrived. The day for the promised “get together and talk about old times” meet up with Cal conveniently scheduled when Tommy had a three hour written exam during his last class on Friday. Tommy would not get out till after 6 pm. Phones had to be off during the exam and this building, an old monstrosity of stone and metal had notoriously bad service anyway. So not subtle Tommy thought rolling his eyes. Tommy trusted Zeke implicitly. Phones had to be off during the exam and this building, an old monstrosity of stone and metal had notoriously bad service anyway. 


When Tommy was finally done and walking across campus he turned on his phone and noticed a voice mail from an unknown number. “Stupid telemarketers” Tommy thought but he listened to it just in case:


It started with a couple seconds of the sounds of a busy highway “This is a message fir Thomas (traffic noise) the is State Trouper Ari Burkowitz. Your parents (Traffic noise) have been involved in a car accident, Your mother gave this as the best emergency contact number. They are being taken to (traffic noise) hospital with serious injuries then the call cut off


Tommy stared at his phone for a minute of shear panic then got a hold of himself. The first thing he did was call Zeke and got  his voicemail, he left a message saying what had happened then he tried his mom’s cell phone a number he almost never used because she was forever leaving it at home and when she did take it she usually had forgotten to charge it. No answer, Mom had never figured out how to set up her voicemail. Then he called an Uber and it took a good while to find one willing to make the two hour drive to his home town. As soon as he was in the back seat he started calling hospitals near there but none had record of his parents. Thinking maybe they had not been in the system yet he started again at the beginning and again no records of them being there. 


Then he tried his mom’s cell phone again. To his sunrise she answered.


“Mom!” He practically shouted into his phone “Are you ok? How bad are you hurt? How bad is Dad hurt?” 


“What are you talking about dear? We are not hurt. We are just headed home. We won a free diner and tickets to a play! It was so wonderful we had such a great time!” 


“And let me guess the play started about 6 and you turned off your cell phone.”  Tommy asked dryly 


“Well of course dear. It’s so rude to let your phone go off in a theater!” she said “what was this about us being hurt?” 


“Just a second mom” He said and asked the Uber driver to turn around, They were less than halfway there so he shrugged and did so. Then he explained what had happened 


“Well someone played a very nasty trick on you” She said 


“And I know who” Tommy said calmly 


He was not even surprised when the elevator doors opened ti see Zeke and Cal in bed together. Zeke flat on his back and Cal riding his cock, 




It had been ridiculously easy Cal thought First he arranged to get that little bit of nothing out of the way. Some play tickets and a gift card to a fancy restaurant sent to his parent’s address which he had gotten form Tommy’s school records. Then a recording of lines from an acting class doctored with simple sound editing software and a burner phone to leave the message had done it.


Then he met Zeke at a coffee shop in the same block as his apartment. A wistful “I would love to see the view from the apartment again, wouldn’t it be so much nicer to talk there?”  Zeke had agreed to that easier than he had expected. 


When they had gotten there Zeke had made both a drinks as he always did with guests sitting them on the coffee table then Cal asked “So do you still keep those little crackers I love in the house? The ones from France?” hey were actually Zeke’s favorite Cal could not stand them,


As soon as Zeke turned his back Cal dumped a little vial in his drink then choked down a couple crackers while Zeke told him in no uncertain terms that things were ver between them and that he loved Tommy taking occasional sips of his drink. 


Then Zeke’s words started to slur a bit Cal sat down next to him and kissed him. 


Zeke pushed him away “I just told you. It’s over between us!” he said finishing his drink and slamming his glass down on the table 


Cal ignored him and kept kissing


Zeke tried to fight him off “No I love Tommy!”  but his efforts became more and more feeble and finally he just sat there making out with Cal occasionally murmuring Tommy’s name. 


Cal led him to the bed they had shared so many times before. Took out his phone and started recording 




“Well, you got home sooner than we thought. Zeke thought you would take at least another couple hours to figure it out” Cal said, still sliding up and down on Zeke trying to catch several angles on his phone  


Tommy didn’t even bother responding. He walked to the far side of the room and opened a locked cabinet, flipped a switch inside and walked back, 


“So how did you drug him?” Tommy asked calmly 


“Drug him? He drank to much and practically dragged me to bed telling me he’s always loved me and wanted me back” 


This might have been more effective if Zeke had not moaned out “I love you Tommy, so much, please never leave me”  at that moment proving on some level he was aware of what was going on


“Zeke NEVER lies passively on his back like that. Not for anyone,” Tommy said “I knew he was drugged the moment I saw you two”


Cal Smirked “Well maybe a little something in his drink but it really doesn’t matter. I know ways that would get Zeke hard even if he had been dead for two days and now he remembers what I can do to his body. How good I can make him feel. Yes this time I raped him but the next time he will come willingly to my bed like a dog after a bone” 


That was what Tommy had been waiting for. He took out his phone, dialed the emergency three digit number and said calmly “I’d like to report a rape” 


“You can't be serious” Cal said after he hung up “It’s my word against yours” 


Tommy just smirked and said “You should probably leave. Riding an unconscious man’s cock when the police get here probably would not be a good look” 


Cal got up dressed in a huff and left none too soon, No more than 5 minutes after he left the doorman buzzed and Tommy had him send up the two officers. 


When they got there one said “Everything looks calm here, who’s he?” pointing to the half exposed Zeke. Tommy had left the bed as it was when Cal left. 


“He’s our victim,” Tommy said. Then he took out his laptop accessed the security system and showed them the surveillance video complete with sound Cal putting something in Zeke’s drink from two different angles and then the ensuing conversation and struggle. Then Tommy fast forwarded to Cal admitting he had drugged and raped Zeke. 


The security system was new. Zeke had valuable art in the apartment. The switch Tommy had flipped in that cabinet had turned the cameras near the bed to focus on it. He and Zeke had made some interesting videos…


“Don’t touch that glass we will need it for evidence” one officer said


The other officer said “He is really out of it” Reaching down to take Zeke’s pulse. Then he turned back Zeke’s eyelid and suddenly he was shaking Zeke yelling “Come on buddy! Stay with us! Get an ambulance here! NOW” 




Zeke spent a week in the hospital. There would be no lasting effects but it had been a close thing. Pumping his stomach had saved his life


Cal had been picked up for rape and attempted murder. Under interrogation he had revealed the name of the drug he had used.

“You idiot!” the officer had yelled at him “You don’t use more than a drop or two of that drug!” 


It took three days for Zeke to wake up. Tommy had been limited to visiting for only four hours a day because he was not family and Zeke was not awake to OK further visits. That was one of the first things Zeke handled when he finally woke. 


Over Zeke’s protests Tommy arranged for a councilor  to stop by and talk to Zeke. No matter how much he said he was fine he had been raped and he needed to deal with it. When Tommy laid it all out Zeke begrudgingly agreed and on the councilor’s recommendation sett up a few sessions over the next weeks


On the day Zeke was to be released he was laying in bed going over some papers his office had sent over while Tommy looked out the window, “I was thinking about the trouble you had with visiting me” Zeke said absently still going over the papers “I think we should give each other Power Of Attorney and get married so it never happens again”


Still looking out the window Tommy said “That’s probably a good idea. If we…. Wait. WHAT?” 


“ I think we should give each other Power Of Attorney and get married…” Zeke started but was stopped by Tommy’s scrambled crawling over the rail into his hospital bed to kiss him. 


The kissing went on for several minutes then Tommy pushed away from him looking at him with narrowed eyes. 


“If you think that pitiful proposal is going to cut it you got another thing coming Mr. I want flowers and a ring and swans and Billy Clay serenading us!” He said hotly 


Zeke looked at him with amusement and a tenderness Tommy had never seen there. He took Tommy’s hand and kissed the palm gently “Would you settle for me telling you that I never want to spend a day without you for the rest of my life? I can’t get down on one knee right now but would you do me the honor of marrying me and being my husband?” 


“Well if you are going to put it that way” Tommy pouted then he kissed Zeke again and said “The honor would be all mine so yes… but the honeymoon better be killer”


Zeke laughed 




Behind Zeke’s eyes Ezekiel smiled. Again that had come all from Zeke. He and Tommy had gotten over the first major hurdle in their relationship and things looked bright 



There will be more nasty sex in the next chapter. I promise!


Edited by Scanbu
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To say Zeke was uncomfortable would have been a gross understatement. If you had told hum a year ago that he would be spending a Sunday afternoon sitting by the pool in his fiancé's parent’s backyard, sipping fruit punch from a red plastic cup and waiting for the ribs on the grill to get done at a party designed for him to get to know said fiancé's family he would have told you you were insane. Yet here he was making pleasantries with Tommy’s aunt, a lovely woman who’s biggest concern in life was apparently what color his couch was so she could crochet them a nice throw for it…. Maybe with some matching pillows.


He looked across the gathering, his eyes finding Tommy’s face with it’s amused green eyes, just the color of new leaves in shade, and an impish smile looking back at him to see how he was coping. Seeing that smile become softer as Zeke smiled back with amusement and genuine fondness for this sweet woman who was putting aside a lifetime of unthinking prejudice against LGBTQ people simply because her nephew loved him. 


Zeke found the entire situation.. Enchanting. Here was an entire group of people who were willing to accept him, to include him in the love that was family simply because Tommy had chosen him. Zeke was uncomfortable because it was a totally new experience for him. Growing up his parents had been to extreme, So spiritual and pacifistic that they could not understand their son’s more aggressive nature. “Chill out and go with the flow” was not the answer to everything when it came to raising a child. 


Speaking of his parents… Zeke’s mom and dad sat downwind with many of the younger adult family members and some not so young passing a joint (now legal in the state) around. Their “modern day hippie” looks and liberal views making the members of their own generation in this small town far more uncomfortable than Zeke and Tommy did. It’s not that his parent’s views were wrong. They would work beautifully in a perfect world but this world was not perfect and try as they might to ignore that it never would be. 


They were just as hidebound as the small town conservatives who surrounded them but thanks to Tommy who had invited them without telling Zeke. they were in the same place sharing vires… Progress? Maybe? The fact his parents always had the best weed was helping 


His encounter with his parents, the first in a decade, had been both surprising and brief. They had not smothered him with affection as they had done when he was a child to gloss over there disappointment that he was not a perfect little copy of them, but had hugged him once his Dad saying “Look Son, there is a huge gulf between us and that is our fault. We made mistakes and had no right to try and force our attitudes on you. We were the adults in the situation and we messed up big time. When and if you are ever ready to talk about it we will be there” and then they had converged on Tommy wanting to know this special young man who had cracked their son’s stone heart,


He had heard his mom quietly say “Thank you for showing him how to love, he may not see it but you have changed him so much. I have not seen him so happy since he was about five years old” 

Zeke was happy… and uncomfortable but that’s far better than cold, closed off familiarity any day.


The one outlier to the general happiness was Tommy’s cousin Dale. He was at 31, a more rugged version of Tommy and twice divorced. Pretending to be far drunker than he was he said loudly “I don’t see why little Tommy coming out as the fairy I always knew he was and finding some guy to plow his butt on a regular basis is reason to celebrate” just to share his anger and resentment that others could be happy while he failed over and over. He didn’t care one way or the other about gays he just wanted to ruin things for the fun of it


Silence… Then his shoulders were gripped by hands with long painted nails and he was spun around. His mother, a woman who had spent her life telling him how special he was, telling him that every failure was someone else’s fault. A woman who had defended him when he messed up with indignant “My son would never do such a thing!” knowing full well he had. A woman who had never raised a hand to her precious Son slapped him so hard he saw stars


“Dale Johnson! How dare you? I raised you better than that!” she said anger and shame in her voice 


Many at the party choked on that. This was exactly who she raised her son to be but there was always room and hope for change and apparently he had gone to far even for her this time


“I think you should leave Dale.” Tommy’s das said quietly several brothers, nephews and  uncles and even more sisters, nieces aunts moving to stand together in solidarity with him


“I’m just expressing my opinion! I’m allowed to do that! It’s my right as an American!” Dale shouted 


“Express away, just not in my yard” Tommy’s Dad said as Dale was frog marched to the gate and shoved through. They all heard his motorcycle he had parked in the front yard  as he left. 


“How much do you want to bet he spun out in the grass?” Tommy’s uncle said to his dad


Dale seethed as he rode away. Even his mom has sided with those queers! He knew he had been totally wrong but he didn’t care. He didn’t notice Zeke standing in the gate watching him go. 


The rest of the party was happy but more subdued. Dale had gotten what he wanted even though he didn’t get to see it.


They spent a week at Tommy’s parents house Zeke in the guest room and Tommy sleeping in his old room out of respect. Even a simple blowjob tended to get loud with those two so they abstained, 


On the 4th day of their visit however Tommy’s mom had a doctors appointment in a nearby town and wanted to do some shopping after. As always his dad drove her and they would be gone all afternoon. 


They closed every blind in the house and started getting ready for a scene they both craved. Zeke went full on “poz  leather demon” while Tommy dressed in totally “Boy next door” clothes and they met in Tommy’s room., both set their phones and a couple video cameras in strategic places around the room and began…


Tommy sat at his computer, He was barely 18 and a total virgin. He had been chatting with a man online for a couple weeks. An older man from a distant city. Tommy had told the man all about himself including where he was from and all his fantasies. He had even sent him pictures of himself in a jock showing off his ass and other pictures. The man had responded with pictures of his own, Tall, lean and hung 


Today the man’s responses were taking longer than usual. He explained he was driving and could only respond when he pulled over and parked. 


“I wish you could be here today. My parents are gone and I’m all alone.” Tommy sent 


“I just parked in front of your house” came the reply 


Tommy laughed and then he heard the front door open and close followed by footsteps on the stairs and then Zeke came through the door… in full leather gear… his pants bulging almost obscenely “Hello Boy” he said in a sultry growl 


“How did you get here?” Tommy asked shocked 


“Your house number was in one of those pictures you sent me and you toll me the street you live on. It was simple. You made it easy. Now I have come to claim you and make you my sex slave forever!”( they had written the dialogue in what Tommy termed “Classic VGA porn style” )


Tommy hit play and the most stereotypical 1970s porn music  he could find started playing through the lap top speakers as Zeke crossed the room pulling out his cock and slapping Tommy’s face with it


The “18 year old virgin” got on his knees and started sucking cock like a pro, deep throating Zeke’s massive member with no problem even as Zeke grabbed a handful of hair and stuffed it in


After almost getting Zeke to shoot in his mouth Tommy pulled off and stripped. Zeke guiding him to his bed and binding his writs and ankles with the leather restraints that just happened to be there,,, in an 18 year old virgins small town bedroom… then he mounted the "innocent young man” and rammed balls deep and bare into his “virgin ass” 


Tommy did not have to fake the moan of pain this caused even after months of being fucked by Zeke. The fact that he craved that pain was irrelevant as Zeke began to fuck him roughly 


Zeke had to admit fucking Tommy in his parent’s house surrounded by the posters, trophies and the general clutter of a typical teen’s room was hot and Tommy looked so sweet and innocent when he wanted to it always reminding him of that first night 


“There is something I didn’t tell you before I restrained you Boy.” Zeke said “I’m not wearing a condom and I’m poz. I’m going to cum in you and knock you up with my virus. I'm going to seed you with my HIV. There is no stopping it now! When I breed you I'm going to infect you!” 


Tommy managed to get “Oh no! Not poz!” out without giggling as he “struggled” against his restraints. 


“Beg me for it! Beg me to poz you, you little slut” Zeke snarled and he slapped Tommy’s ass hard


Tommy pushed back his ass like a cat in heat “Ohhh that feels so good! Please cum in me! Give me your dirty seed! Make me your poz cum dump!” spouting such naughty words for a first timer 


Zeke let out a groan “Here it comes boy!” as he rammed in shooting his poison cum deep into his lover’s ass. “You are mine now!”  as Tommy shot his load, his cock untouched as always into the conveniently placed towel under him.


Zeke released him and they turned off all the cameras then looked at each other and cracked up falling onto the bed to laugh and kiss for a while. Tommy would edit all the footage down to a very hot video they would watch occasionally for years 


They managed to get everything cleaned up, showered and dressed normally sitting at diner that evening in perfect innocence. Tommy’s mom was an excellent cook and they complemented her dinner profusely for all that it had been a casserole she had made days ago and frozen


“Thank you dears” She said warmly “And I hope you enjoyed your afternoon alone today. Intimate time is so important for a young couple” she continued with a sly twinkle in her eyes


They both almost choked and Zeke found out where Tommy’s sense of humor came from,




Dale wiped off the counter in his Dad’s shop. He always thought of it as that though his dad had been gone five years now and his mom owned the 49% of the shop that was theirs, Dad had started the shop with money from Ze-corp who despite owning 51% of the shop only took 30% of the net profits now, That had dropped with no explanation a few months ago. Just a memo instructing them to change the percentage they sent. 


Dale had very little reason to complain about their relationship with Ze-corp. It allowed him to combine his inventory orders with other businesses the corporation owned, getting them much better prices. Ze-corp also provided health insurance at a greatly discounted price a small business could never negotiate.


Dale complained anyway. Dale complained about everything. He was convinced that life had somehow cheated him though deep inside je knew it was his own actions that caused most of his problems 


He looked out the front of the shop and saw his cousin Tommy and his fiancé sitting at the outdoor café across the street. He honestly regretted his outburst at the party brought on by petty jealousy but he would never admit that. Zeke seemed to be looking thoughtfully at the shop, As Dale turned away to another task he saw Zeke take out his phone and make a call.


Zeke had been thinking about Dale and what to do about him as he sat looking at the shop. He could crush the man’s life easily but when he looked at Dale he saw Tommy’s face just a little older. He couldn’t destroy someone with that face. He was 50% owner of Ze-Corp, the company his grandfather had built and left to him, Tommy owned the other 50% though he didn’t know that yet. 


When he had figured out that Tommy’s relatives co-owned one of his subsidiaries he had reduced the percentage of the profits they paid. They were Tommy's family and it was a small thing.


Making a decision he asked Tommy to go up the street and get them both ice-cream which would take him at least half an hour because the ice-cream shop was small and busy then he called the Ze-Corp office having them patch him through the local shop here where Dale’s mom answered. He had the Ze-Corp people introduce him and confirm that he indeed was the owner then he explained that he was also Tommy’s fiance and he told her his plan finishing up a few minutes before Tommy returned. 


As Dale closed and locked the front door his mom came out of the office :Who were you on the phone with so long earlier?” he asked 


“Ze-corp” she said 


“What do they want now? Are they raising what we pay back up again?” he asked 


“Sit down and shut up” she snapped, pointing to a chair “What they wanted was to let us know about a new mental health initiative they are launching. For the next five years they are removing any caps on our use of mental health services and will even be covering our deductibles. I’m going to be taking advantage of this and so are you.” Actually Zeke was covering the increased costs out of his pocket


“I’m just fine, I don’t need a shrink! I’m not telling some stranger everything about me so they can judge me!” he said hotly


“You are going to take advantage of this” She said firmly 


“And what will you do if I don’t” he sneered 


“I will fire you, the shop is mine and Ze-Corp’s not yours and I have always had personnel control of it. I get complaints about your shitty attitude constantly and it’s affecting business. You will get help for your anger issues and I will see progress or you will be looking for a job!”


Dale’s mental health journey took years but in the end he became a better man for it. Eventually people forgot the old Dale as they came to know and respect the new one. He would eventually apologize to Tommy, Zeke and the entire family and he was forgiven, That’s what families do,




Ezekiel was pleasantly surprised. Dale had been diverted much earlier than he had thought possible. The most likely future had him deteriorating to the point he would perpetrate a mass shooting incident. Tommy and Zeke would have had several chances to divert him but this was a line he had not foreseen. There was something odd about Zeke and Tommy together. It was like they had access to more paths than they should. So far it had only lead to positive things but it need watching 



Hey folks I hope you are enjoying Zeke’s Tales. 


Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated, 



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1 hour ago, negchaserlooking said:

Of course we are enjoying your story telling. Please it up. But I did think that you might have had ulterior motives lined up for Dale 😁


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Except for during sex Zeke and Tommy were never more connected than when they danced together. Zeke moved with a grace that awed Tommy but Zeke knew Tommy would surpass him soon if he hadn’t already. He accepted Tommy’s hero worship gratefully though


If they were in their private studio at home dancing always led to sex anyway. The hot sweaty rough sex of two bodies worked hard as they moved across the floor together their bodies in unison sometimes and moving to complement each other's movements at others. The dance built the tension between them and the sex released it. 


Today Zeke had simply knelt behind Tommy, who had ended the dance on hands and knees one arm and the opposite leg extended and his back arched, and pushed the extended leg down, ripped open the back of Tommy’s tights and slid into his lover balls deep eliciting that groan of pain they both craved. 


Tommy watched  Zeke in the mirrored wall as he moved his beautiful, lean body in the animalistic ritual of mating his slender graceful hands manipulating his Boy’s body bringing that mix of pain and pleasure Tommy was addicted to.


Pushing back on the cock he had willingly accepted the gift of HIV from the night they had met Tommy worked his hole to pleasure his man as they grinded towards that release they both needed so much. That final bliss coming as Zeke with a loud groan shot his load of viral cum into his Tommy who, hips bucking. shot his own load without touching himself when he felt Zeke pulsing inside of him, filling him. 


Later, after they had showered they lay snuggled on the couch watching the footage from their security cameras of today’s dance 


“See?” Zeke said. It falters there and there pointing out the two awkward steps one his and one Tommy’s 


“Hmmm” Tommy said  “Maybe I can ask Stefan to look at it and make suggestions” 


“Stefan?” Zeke said perking up


Stefan had replaced Cal as Tommy’s modern dance instructor when Cal had been arrested. The tall caramel skinned man with an ass for days gad choreographed the Grammyphone awards  for the last five years and though hung like a horse was a total bottom. He made no secret of his preference for “Hung white boys” but scrupulously kept his hands off his students. Zeke had met him on his first day and wanted to breed him hard and deep. The combination of someone as tall as Zeke and that ass was almost irresistible and Stefan was just as interested


“I'd be happy to pay him for his help” Zeke said 


“Yeah, I know how you want to pay him” Tommy said with a smirk and not a hint of jealousy


The next day, a Friday,  Tommy and Zeke walked into Stefan’s studio classroom at the end of the school day 


Stefan turned from packing his duffle and spotted them “Well! if it isn’t my most promising student and his gorgeous man! How can I help you two?” he asked with a warm sexy smile for Zeke as his eyes roamed up and down his body 


“We are working on a dance and are having trouble smoothing it out. We were wondering if you could make some suggestions” Tommy said raising the laptop under his arm slightly 


“Let me see it” Stefan said and Tommy showed him the video ending with Zeke dropping to his knees behind Tommy obviously rock hard in his tights. Tommy had left that in just for the hell of it. 


“I didn’t know you danced” Stefan said looking at Zeke 


“Evidence of my misspent youth” Zeke said with a smile 


“You are wasted on whatever else it is you do” Stefan said only half joking “I do have some ideas and I may want to show this, with your permission, to some friends of mine who are about to arrive. There they are now in fact” 


Zeke and Tommy turned and Billy and Mike Clay-Blake walked through the door 


Far from being stars truck Tommy shouted “Jeff!!” 


Jeff shouted “Tommy!!” at the same moment and the two rushed to each other and hugged exuberantly.


“Jeff?” Stefan asked


“Billy was his dog's name” Tommy laughed “Zeke this is my cousin Jeff Clayton aka Billy Clay-Blake… Zeke?” 


Then they all noticed the tension in the room as Zeke and Mike stared at each other, anger in Mike’s eyes and apprehension in Zeke’s. Tommy had never seen anything but confidence in Zeke’s eyes and this shook him a little 


“Mike…” Zeke said in an emotional voice “all I can say is I’m sorry. I never should have fucked Doug. That little piece of trash went out of his way to make your life miserable but you never could see it. I even encouraged him to leave you to get him out of your life” 


Mike stood almost nose to nose with Zeke, one of the few men in the world Mike had to tilt his head back slightly to look eye to eye with, then slowly he raised his arms and enfolded Zeke in them hugging him fiercely. Zeke returned the hug with tears in his eyes 


“You were right about Doug, I should have listened to you, but it all worked out and if I had listened I never would have met Jeff” Mike said finally letting go and taking a step back, 


“Tommy, this is my cousin Mike, we are more like brothers though” Zeke said his voice still emotional but happy now 

“Wait…” Tommy said “Your cousin is married to my cousin? That’s just so wrong and so hot at the same time” then “Jeff this is my fiancé Zeke, He’s your cousin in law apparently” 

“Why not? Mike laughed “I  fuck my half brother regularly why not add a little more incest to our lives?” 

Handshakes and hugs were exchanged and families grew 


“If he tops I want to meet this brother” Stefan said 


“He tops and you would love him” Mike said “have you tried Zeke yet? He’s not quite up to my standard but he could make you happy Stefan” 


“Mike is two inches shorter and two inches longer than me” Zeke joked and they all laughed knowing exactly what he meant 


“Hey! Look at this.” Stefan said to Mike and Jeff turning the laptop and hitting play “This may be just what you are looking for” 


“I’m glad you kept up with your dancing” Mike said glancing at Zeke


“I’m just trying to keep up with this one” Zeke said putting his arm around Tommy 


“We are looking for two male dancers with chemistry to feature in our next music video. You don’t get much more chemistry than that” Jeff said “We want Stefan to choreograph the project and were coming to convince him. well at least Mike was going to try to” he said with a wicked grin  “and now I think we have found our dancers too, if you two want to do it”


“We can talk about it” Tommy, Zeke and Stefan all said at the same time 


A brief but serious discussion followed that had nothing to do with music videos. It was agreed that for now it was best for Tommy and Jeff not to play with their man’s cousin. Best to let those memories settle down. Besides, both Jeff and Tommy were kept very satisfied by their men


Mike and Zeke loved each other like brothers but neither was going to bottom for the other but that did not mean Jeff and Tommy could not engage in closer relations… And then there was Stefan… 


The five of them went out for a nice dinner and then they adjourned to Zeke and Tommy’s top floor apartment and the huge bed there

Tommy and Jeff claimed a corner of the bed and began making out. They had been crushing on each other since they were both about twelve and now finally as adults they were going to indulge that crush. Zeke saw how similar their bodies were as they got naked and exchanged shy sweet kisses that grew more confident as they got over their inhibitions and let family love and lust take over 

Then caramel fingers gripped Zeke’s chin turning his head as Stefan’s lips took his. “You hot work to do” Stefan  said breaking the kiss  and Mike laughed 


Not one to be shy Stefan got on his hands and knees, not even batting an eye at the biohazard tattoo above Zeke’s cock, Jeff had noticed it to and recognized Mike’s work, and presented that ponderous bubble ass to Zeke as his tongue languidly toyed with Mike’s P.A. 


Zeke was only to happy to comply mounting and shoving in with a slap that made that ass jiggle


Tommy and Jeff were in a 69 by now, Jeff noting that his cousin’s cock was thicker and an inch or so longer than his. As he sucked his fingers teased Tommy’s taint and circled his hole gradually posing in, finding just the right spot and rubbing. 


Zeke pounded Stefan’s gorgeous ass to calls of “Come on White Boy! Give me that cock! Breed my ass!” and soon dumped his toxic seed deep in the choreographer's silky insides. Then after catching his breath he switched places with Mike so smoothly you could tell they had shared a bottom many times before


Jeff turned his cousin onto his stomach and slid sensuously on top of him taking his time and licking up his spine from tailbone to neck biting his shoulder gently as he slid in to that warm incestuous hole then slowly pumping in and out with more tenderness for Tommy than anyone he had fucked up to that point increasing that special bond they had always shared 


Mike knew what Stefan wanted and slammed into that caramel ass balls deep. His length and girth getting him a grunt of pain and appreciation even from Stefan as he watched Zeke feed him his cock. Mike pulled almost all the way out and rammed back in again making that ass jiggle more as he gave him what he knew he craved. He looked over at Jeff. the absolute center of his life, who was fucking his younger cousin and winked at him. They timed their climaxes to come together and both moaned in pleasure as the bred the ass they were in with toxic cum. 


The five of them spent a pleasant sex filled weekend together and promised to have their people talk to each other to iron out the details of the music video.


In the coming years Jeff and Tommy would work together on many projects and continue building that special bond made stronger by their shared blood as Jeff taught Tommy that pleasure without pain can be nice too




Ezekiel  crossed another thing off his list. Jeff had infected Tommy with The Angel Strain of HIV and if Zeke did not get it from Stefan he would eventually contract it while fucking Tommy, Things were right on schedule



Comments and suggestions are always  welcome 

For details on “The Angel Strain of HIV” see my other story here “Somebody to be mine forever” which tells Mike and Jeff’s story 



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Love how you have integrated these two story lines to make a very engaging and sexy chapter for Zeke and Tommy while keeping Mike and Jeff "alive" and giving us readers more details about their life together.  Thank you for sharing these stories and your writing skills...😀

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9 minutes ago, barebackrnb said:

Love how you have integrated these two story lines to make a very engaging and sexy chapter for Zeke and Tommy while keeping Mike and Jeff "alive" and giving us readers more details about their life together.  Thank you for sharing these stories and your writing skills...😀

Glad you enjoyed it 

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Tommy wiped the sweat off his face. Class was over and it had been a tough one, As usual he and Alan were the last ones to leave there bags next to each other on the bench as they packed up


“Alan is a nice guy, just a little shy. He's really hot though I wonder what he doesn’t talk much” Tommy thought, tossing his towel into his bag and turning to grab his coat. 


He didn't notice the towel was missing till he went to wash it “I must have missed when I tossed it into my bag” He shrugged, forgetting about it. It wasn’t the first towel he had lost this year and the year was almost over. Just exams next week and them out for the summer 

Being wrapped up in his own life and a bit obtuse Tommy was the only one who thought Alan was shy. When Tommy was not around his attitude and stunning looks had the boys all lusting after him. Alan was a bit shorter than Tommy with silver-gray eyes, platinum blonde hair,  a fit, smooth body and a quiet deep voice. A look and a nod towards some secluded area from him was all it took for many of his fellow students to meet him, drop to their knees and service him or even be pushed up against a wall and bred. In many ways he was like a young Zeke though he would never have that intimidating physical presence Zeke's size gave him. Alan's sheet beauty made up for it and had always gotten him anything or anyone he wanted. He and Zeke even shared the same obsession…

In his apartment Alan raised the towel to his nose inhaling the scent of Tommy. His perfect Tommy. He placed it with the other three he had managed to steal in the drawer he kept his most treasured items. A look through Alan’s phone would have found picture after picture of Tommy, concentrating in class, walking across campus, eating lunch and even walking into his apartment building. Inevitably some pictures showed him. That Zeke. The one who Tommy thought he loved. The one keeping Tommy from him


How could he love that old man when he could have Alan just for the asking? Everyone wanted Alan but Tommy barely acknowledged his existence. Alan loved Tommy so much surely it would be returned if Tommy would just notice him! The universe could not be so unfair. All he had to do is tell Tommy that he loved him and Tommy would finally see what he could have and fall into his arms and bed


But there was the problem. 


Every time he talked to Tommy he got tongue tied and flustered. This man who ruled his fellow gay students. Who simply took who and what he wanted then tossed them away could not tell the one who he wanted to give himself to that he loved him. 


Truth be told if Tommy had not blithely ignored his early attempts Alan would have never thought twice about him. 


But Tommy missed them completely  because his mind was fixed on his new, passionate, intense relationship with a man he had loved deeply from the moment they met but who was at that time so mysterious. Possessive, protective and aloof all at once. A man who’s skillful hands were taking Tommy down a path of pain that was pleasure showing him that the true pleasure was not the release of orgasm it was how you got there. Tommy’s mind had been a little preoccupied


Alan could have hired a marching band and walked through the halls holding a huge sign saying “Hey Tommy, want to fuck?” and Tommy probably would not have noticed and being ignored by someone he had decided he wanted was so totally new to Alan that resentment quickly turned to obsession. We always want what we can’t have 


“Next year. Next year he would tell Tommy how he felt and claim his perfect Tommy for his own” Alan thought as he packed at the end of the school year




School was out and Tommy had received top marks in every class. He didn’t want to think about School for the next three months. He and Zeke were in the car driving to his home town for an extended stay. He assumed they were going to stay in a hotel this time because things were just too restrictive at his parent’s house. 


As they neared town Zeke turned on the side road that led to “The Mountain” as the people in town referred to the large hill north of town that held several high end houses. Every town had to have it’s rich section 


“Zeke must have rendered one of the housed for the summer” Tommy thought as they started up the steep road., They passed all the newer houses then drove through the broad band of trees that covered the upper third of the mountain and pulled up to the gate Barrows estate at the top. Zeke’s last name was Barrows…


“No…” Tommy thought as the gate slid open to reveal a large house sheathed in marble in the Art Deco style. Tommy knew the house was considered the best example of some famous architect’s work and was picture in several books on that era because there was a display on the library down in town, 


“You own the Barrows estate?” Tommy asked, incredulously

“We own the Barrows estate” Zeke said absently looking around as if lost in memory “I used to spend my summers here with my grandfather"


Tommy kept to himself that the folks in town had referred to his grandfather as “Old codger Barrows” and there were still legends  about how mean he was. Tommy had SOME tact and he knew Zeke idolized his grandfather 


The place looked so cold and imposing as they circled the house that Tommy wondered if he would ever be comfortable here but as the pulled around the back he noticed a full if small parking lot with many familiar vehicles ranged on the grass along the drive and a huge sign saying “Welcome Home Tommy And Zeke” There was a large party going on by the pool and Tommy’s parents waved. 


“This must have taken some heavy planning” Tommy said as he and Zeke approached the crowd


“My dad and your mom put it together” Zeke said. “Dad grew up here so he knows the house and most of the older help and your mom is a party planning genius” 


“All she does is shout “Free food” and they all show up” Tommy laughed 


It shocked him that Zeke had spent at least part of his childhood not 10 miles from where he grew up


Zeke’s dad came out of the house with about 10 people, He had been giving brief tours as none of them had ever been on the grounds before let alone inside the house and waved. Zeke and his parents were making small steps towards mending their relationship and he smiled to see his dad enjoying showing off his boyhood home


Tommy didn’t see Dale’s motorcycle but his mom said he had been in therapy for months and was showing progress with his anger issues. Tommy wished him luck 


Tommy noticed a helicopter pad off to the side od the house “That’s cool” he said Aeke nodding to it


“You know there is a pad on the roof of our apartment don't you?” Zeke replied "We can travel back and forth in a little over half an hour “ 


“We can come here most weekends then” Tommy said pleased at the thought of seeing his family more. 


As they merged with crowd welcoming them home Tommy saw that Jeff and Mike were there and being treated like just normal family members, The party went on for hours and after they had seen all their guests off Zeke led Tommy to a large bedroom with wood paneled walls, a  fireplace and a huge four poster bed. Too tired to do more than strip and climb into bed Tommy lay with his back to Zeke pressed up against him as Zeke held him. 


“I hope you come to love our home as much as I do” Zeke said kissing his hair “I have many happy memories here and I want to build more with you” 


Anywhere Zeke was was home to Tommy “I’m sure I will” Tommy said and then he drifted off


During the party there had been a discussion of schedules and dates and it had been decided that the wedding would take place the last week of summer, here in a small amphitheater that was part of the original gardens of the estate and the reception would be in the ballroom. 


Tommy lived in a house with am amphitheater on the grounds and a  ballroom… and a nasty hidden dungeon off the master bedroom Zeke had shown him the next morning. There was some very interesting equipment Zeke had had custom built and installed Tommy wanted to try 


Jeff and Mike would be coming back to spend a couple weeks and would stay here at the estate. They were bringing their friends Hank and Buzz, two massive pro football players and John, Zeke's cousin who he was yet to meet


Tommy spent most mornings and early afternoons with family and making wedding preparations then spent the late afternoon by the pool or in the ballroom working with Zeke on the latest dance Stefan had put together for them. The household staff learned it was not a good idea to go near the ballroom when they danced as they might hear or see things they shouldn’t but they accepted it with good grace


The town was big enough to support a small gay bar attached to a very good steak house Tommy jokingly referred to by the obvious nickname that doesn’t bear repeating. Both Tommy and Zeke loved the place.  One evening after a good diner during which the waiter had flirted outrageously with Zeke they decided to go for a walk along the river before returning home, 


They didn’t notice the man in the shadows trailing them


Alan watched Zeke and Tommy stroll along holding hands. He had seen the wedding announcement on Tommy’s social media and had driven all night to reach here. He was going to… going to… well he was going to do something even if he had no idea what that was


That had been a week ago and since then he had skulked about, following Tommy when he was in town. Even going in the same stores and browsing as Tommy shopped hoping Tommy would notice him. He hadn’t. Once he had looked directly at Alan, given a vague smile and looked away his mind on what the wedding colors would be


He jumped as a voice said “I’d give it up if I were you: and a man moved to stand between Alan and the happy couple kissing under a lamp light 50 years away


“You would never be able to get Tommy away from him and why would you want to? Look at them man they fucking glow when they are together. Why would anyone with a heart want to mess that up?” The man continued 


“I don’t know what you are talking about” Alan said stiffly 


“Dude. I have seen you for the last week following Tommy around like a puppy and shooting hate filled glares at Zeke. It’s kind of obvious to anyone with eyes, Just a bit of advice. Zeke is not the kind of man you mess with, I get the feeling he would not react well to someone trying to take Tommy from him. People might get hurt” the shadowy man continued “What confuses me even more is why? You are the most stunningly beautiful man I have seen in my life. That hair. those eyes,  that face and body. I know straight men who have never looked at a man that way before who would dump their girlfriends for a chance with you. Why are you hung up on a guy who is so in love with someone else?”


“He never even sees me” Alan whispered


“Ahhh, now I get it” the man said stepping into the light. He looked a lot like Tommy just older with darker hair “You are not used to fading into the background, with good reason I might add, Don’t take it so personally. Tommy and Zeke are a special case. You could not blow them apart with dynamite. How old are you kid?”


“I just turned 21” Alan responded 


“I’m Dale, Tommy’s black sheep cousin” He said putting an arm around Alan’s shoulder and turning him away from the still kissing couple.  “Come on, let me buy you a beer” and he guided the younger man away. 


They talked until late in the night. Alan was surprised how understanding of his irrational anger towards Zeke Dale was. 


“It’s like that till you learn that though the world does not revolve around you there are good things around every corner” He said “That’s a quote from my therapist” 


Dale talked about his mental health journey and how he had figured out where the help he needed had really come from.  He owed Zeke a lot 


Alan told him about how empty life could be when everyone saw you more as a beautiful object than a person. Yes he tended to cast people aside but none of them had tried for something more either. 


As the sun rose they were still talking, laying on the dew-covered grass along the river walk Alan’s head on Dale’s chest. Dale had been coming to terms with his long suppressed attraction to men. That had been the source of most of his anger. He rose and pulled the sleepy Alan to his feet taking him to his place and texting his mom that she would have to look after the shop today 


As he lay in bed holding this beautiful creature named Alan he finally accepted that he was gay. Holding was enough for both of them now. They both had issues to work through but something unstoppable and Tommy and Zeke had started between them that night and Dale was just as happy to let it grow into whatever the future held for them 


Alan relaxed. He had never slept in another man’s arms before and it felt good



Ezekiel shook his head. It had happened again… A major hurdle in Tommy and Zeke’s life had just… melted away. The futures involving Alan had ranged from ridiculous to dangerous but now Zeke’s compassion for Dale had completely blocked them all. Dale and Alan together had never been in the cards and yet here they were, Multiple bright futures branching out for them


Zeke and Tommy were on a small scale doing his job for him. He had millions of other situations around the world tp watch. Some far more serious involving nations and wars but this corner of the world just kept getting better on its own  as Zeke and Tommy and now the people around them instinctually made the best possible choices that branched out into even better choices 


He talked to Gabriel about it and the determined to keep a close eye on this little corner of the world



As always any comments or suggestions are welcome 



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About midsummer Zeke and Tommy got restless. Small town life was pleasant but it could get boring. They decided to drive about 3 hours north to a larger city there for some variety. The city had a kind of low class reputation as it was not the cultural center the larger cities on the coast were, The main attraction this weekend was the large leather festival where every fetish imaginable would be on display. 


They checked into their hotel which was right on the main festival street Zeke having planned this well in advance, and got changed. As  Zeke stepped into the bathroom to take on his familiar persona that Tommy now called Zeke Evil and Tommy went to work on himself. First putting the patch on his chest exactly where he wanted and leaving it to transfer, then a mirror and some tricks he had learned in his stage makeup class quickly altered his face highlighting his cheekbones and adding shadows that made him look thinner and turned his eyes from innocent to slanted and wicked and finally his hair slicked back and styled to suggest small horns in the front . He didn't have to fake the fading bruises on his torso and ass. During the  summer months Zeke restrained himself less and marks happened. Tommy remembered how each one had gotten there and had gotten there and had to think about something else to get his cock to soften enough to stuff it into his leather pants, a copy of Zeke’s from the same maker fitted skin tight to him. Then he peeled the plastic off the patch he had put on his chest and revealed an exact copy of Zeke’s biohazard tattoo Mike had made for him from the original drawing. He was buckling on a collar of leather and silver as Zeke emerged. 


Tommy had done all of this in secret and he stood apprehensively as Zeke’s eyes took him in noting every detail and even walking around him to see every angle. 


“And so, Thomas Evil is born: Zeke said in a husky voice and then he kissed him passionately


When they emerged from their hotel, Tommy on leather leash, people made way for them. They made their way down the festival looking like two escapees from a very sexy hell searching for souls to corrupt 




Ed sat manning the booth at the leather festival glumly. This had to be the least popular booth here. It was the one you see at every Pride and Festival. The one reminding people to play safe and handing out condoms. The one most people avoided. His relief should be here soon though


Ed was the perfect poster boy for this booth, gorgeous, fit, with a nice cock and bubble ass he had used condoms since losing his virginity to his lover and though they were open the both played only safe. 


He had only been tempted once. He and his lover had made a trip out to the east and he had encountered… well a demon in a bathhouse. 


This demon in leather had flat out told Ed in that sultry, sexy, low voice of his he was going to bareback him and infect him with HIV and Ed had fallen under his spell. Only his lover literally dragging him away had saved him. He remembered the demon’s parting line “I will find you someday Ed and I will breed you”. Ed had shot many a load jacking off to that memory


As he straightened the display no one looked at that same voice that had haunted him came from behind him 


“Hello Ed, I told you I would find you someday” 


Zeke had spotted Ed as they walked past his booth and searched his mind for where he knew him from. Then he had spotted Ed’s lover in a sex tent that was supposed to be a leather shop taking loads from anyone who wanted to stick it in and it clicked in his mind. How poetic he thought wryly as he quickly sketched in the situation to Tommy. Ed was one of the very few who had gotten away.

"He still has that bubble ass" Zeke thought as they approached and he watched the man straighten the display extolling the virtues of safe sex   

Ed just about jumped out of his skin whirling with a choked “You!” as he caught sight of the demon, sexier and more terrifying in the late afternoon daylight. Then his eyes widened further. There were two of them! A younger demon hung on the older looking at him with feral slanted eyes


At this point his relief showed up. A short thin boyish lesbian who looked at the two demons with disdain, She looked at all men that way and Ed secretly suspected that she worked this booth out of a desire to make men miserable “I’m here, you can go now Ed” she said an sat in  the booth still looking disapproving


The older demon walked up and put a finger under Ed’s chin leading him away “Come with me, it’s time, you know you want to, you know you have to, you made your decision long ago” then he walked away and Ed followed the younger demon trailing behind him. He was supposed to meet his lover in half an hour but all thoughts of that flew out of his brain as he walked numbly towards his fate


As they entered the hotel room the younger demon pulled off his shirt, his shorts and his underwear tossing them onto the middle of the bed  then sprang, catlike to sit, his back against the headboard as he pulled out his cock and sat lewdly stroking it. 


The older demon pushed him onto the bed then grabbed  a handful of hair ordering “Suck” and pushed his head down on that waiting cock 


Ed slid his lips over the head and down the shaft tasting salty pre leather and sweat his nose filled with the aromas as he almost choked himself on that hefty shaft 


He heard a zipper slowly being opened and heard “You know what’s coming Ed, I promised to infect you with my HIV and I always keep my promises” that sultry voice said from behind.  then he felt the weight of the older demon’s weight settle on the bed and soon after his probing cock head in his crack zeroing in on his hole. 


As the older demon rammed in balls deep with no warning the younger one held his head down on his cock cutting off any scream Ed might make. Ed whimpers and groaned in pain as his ass was plowed the cock head scraping his inner walls as he mindlessly sucked the cock before him. He saw the younger demon look up and then nod then he began fucking Ed's throat faster 


“Here it comes Ed, my virus to taint you forever. I’m changing your life and freeing you to be the slut you know you are inside” then with one final thrust he felt that evil cock throbbing inside him filling him with toxic seed as the younger demon came down his throat and Ed shot the last truly neg load of his life onto his own clothes pinned beneath him. 


As Ed came down from his orgasm the two demons were on the other bed watching him. he didn’t know what to say so he rose, dressed in his cum covered clothes and walked to the door 


saying “Thank you” as he opened the door and walked out and hearing laughter as he closed it


When he got to the street it was getting dark, Ed wandered through the fair getting fucked several times in various dark corners and tents not making it home till well after midnight where he showered and slipped into bed with his sleeping lover who had secrets of his own. 


Zeke and Thomas Evil wandered the festival hand in hand making several purchases to be sent to the house or the apartment. Later they celebrated their unholy union by slipping into an orgy happening in that same tent they had seen Ed’s lover taking loads in before and seeded as many asses as they could 


Two days later as Zeke and Tommy drove home holding hands they were closer than ever. Tommy’s dark side finally out in the open and united with Zeke’s. Mike, Jeff and crew would arrive tomorrow and they looked forward to the family reunion to come when they did 

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I think we all have an "evil" side just like Tommy.  Most never get a chance to allow this side out completely.  It's great to see Tommy allow "Evil Thomas" emerge and express himself in public.  Your description gave me a vivid mental picture of Tommy in his leather gear walking through the festival led by Zeke and in the hotel with Ed and Zeke.  I think having Tommy fuck Ed with his almost certain toxic cum would have further punctuated the "evilness" of Thomas in both Zeke's and Ed's eyes and increased Ed's desire to refuse no load as he returns to the festival.

Looking forward to Zeke and Tommy's wedding and what sexy things it will involve.  How will Zeke and Tommy consummate the marriage? There are so many pozzibilities?!  Thanks again for continuing this fantastic story line!

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