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  1. Past hour
  2. As a fantasy it can be hot. In real life no. Not at all. I’m glad it’s not legal.
  3. I love the idea of being blindfolded or hooded while getting fucked. My wife and I have talk about the possibility of her setting it up for me to have a blindfolded gangbang with noise canceling headphones on so I can’t hear them if they talk either. The kicker is that there would be at least one guy I know fucking me. So I’d have to wonder who it was. She’d know and he’d know, but I wouldn’t have a clue. I find that to be very hot.
  4. Hello all! I have read all these post for a while. It's sad that there are people who cannot accept a Republican being gay. I am truly shocked ar some.of the comments and the reason is, yes I am gay, I am a republican, do I believe in all republican issues...I can't be man enough and say no. But, do all gay democrats stand up for all Democrats issues...if you do...then you are not doing you job as an American citizen diving in and looking at all the issues. I am not mad or.angry, but I am.sad by allot these comments lump.me in where I don't belong. Time for me to.leave.
  5. A new picture of my dick - taken by a guy I fucked this morning
  6. Usually no. But if I’m being submissive I’ll take it for my Dom/Top.
  7. We either just say “safe word” or use the stop light method. Yellow light means you need to slow down and take it easy for a bit. And red light means you need to stop. Of course green light means you’re good to go again.
  8. Today
  9. This story is one of the hottest I read in a while. Breed on, brothers!
  10. love being filled by pisss

  11. Wish me luck for tomorrow guys. I'll check out where things seem to be happening but, based on the last two weeks, I think I'll spend most of tomorrow in the sauna darkroom. I really need to get my load count up past four loads. The last two weeks I've had someone slide in as soon as someone else has bred me, which is such a fucking turn on. I really want to take guy after guy after guy, all raw and all (hopefully) loading me, not knowing who anyone is. It would be the ultimately piggy session.
  12. Strange thing is that now Larry Hogan former Maryland Governor is blocked by the Trump campaign official Chris LaCivita who said that MR Hogan campaign is over. This is really hard they now block everybody within the party who is not k.ss.ng .ss of Trump.
  13. have had piss load a couple times... very erotic and finished it by drinking
  14. Generally, historically, we don't. This election cycle though, there's something new going on in the Conservative party. That venerable institution has been taken over by mischief-makers that have an aggressive cultural agenda, as opposed to merely a political one. These people, formerly merely "conservatives", are actively trying to subvert our long-standing policy of Freedom of Religion, i.e. the Constitutional right to believe and practice any belief system, so long as it doesn't deleteriously affect others. The Magaroid crowd is hiding their hatreds behind a belief that their own dependency on magical pie-in-the-sky is properly shoved down everyone else's throats. To wit: the boy-blunder of the HoR - Mr. Johnson - has actually said that he is actively attempting to help The Deity he pretends to believe in bring about "the end times" - i.e. the destruction of the current population of the earth, in favor of some heavenly and magical "kingdom" suddenly appearing, as though that all-powerful Deity needed any help in the first place. Even the sheer hubris of that little man is breathtaking. In short, one political party has allowed itself to be overtaken by religious charlatans, and headed by a truly ravening beast, and the other hasn't.
  15. I too would enjoy reading any actual evidence of such an event, rather than rumors of older rumors based in nothing at all.
  16. To the O.P., I've never really cared exactly what the safeword is going to be; that's up to the sub to choose, since it's more likely he'll need to use it, and not me. It's happened that he chooses a word or phrase that I may not remember, and I just write it down on a 2x2 sticky and put it at eye-level on something where I'll see it easily. But the point is, let the sub choose it during the negotiation, and when it's time for the scene, make sure he remembers it.
  17. I think that too - and it's enough to "well up" over. So many, so young, full of life and expectations, cut down before they even reached their prime. Guys that are too young to have lived through it simply cannot understand the horror some of us more "experienced" guys went though. To the O.P. though, I think that often what used to be a constant craving for raw sex gradually subsides into a jar of Lust sitting on a mental shelf, waiting to be called upon. It's why I save the weekends for hitting the fuckjoints, allowing myself the luxury of gradually heating up during the week - in anticipation of the fuckjoints on Fri/Sat nights. At least it works for me ....
  18. Yes it’s very masculine to take a man’s cock, but only if: you never say ‘it’s sore’ or ‘it hurts’ you never say ‘it’s too big’ you never say ‘can you stop now’ you never say ‘what’s your status’ you never say ‘yes but wear a rubber’ you never say ‘yes but don’t cum in me’ Real men take real men’s cocks and know that the top must be the one who dictates terms, and allow the top to be all the man he is. Because when I top… that’s what I expect the bottom to do… to let me be all the man I am. And if the bottom isn’t like that, if he complains it’s too big or limits me in any way … well he’s not a man, he’s just a girl. and I want to be a man.
  19. Maybe it sounds controversial but for me getting fucked is one of the most masculine things. Even if I am a cumdump whore, nothing can make my awareness to my masculinity questionable.
  20. it is ok, it is a smaller place.
  21. Zeke and Tommy, all bundled up against the cold, stood on the apartment roof watching the New Years fireworks. Tommy was wrapped in Zeke’s arms as they gazed into the sky. Red stood nearby holding up his son, who was six now, so he could see better. His mom, who said it was to cold to be outside, sat watching holiday movies in the apartment below When they were in the city, Red's mom and son lived in the old “hookup apartment” on a lower floor in the building. Little Red was a happy bundle of energy who kept them all on their toes. He got into everything and caused general mayhem but they all loved it. Even Zeke laughed when he got home from the office one evening and only realized when he changed out of his suit that he had spent the entire day with two small white handprints on the seat of his pants. “I wondered why everyone seemed so amused today” he said ruefully recalling that Red and Tommy had encouraged Little Red to give him a big hug before he left that morning and that they had been drawing with chalk on some black construction paper tat the time Little Red had run up and wrapped his arms around Zeke's waist before Zeke had picked him up for a proper hug then headed off to work. Tommy and Red utterly failed at trying to look innocent and finally looked at each other and cracked up Zeke got even by telling the boy that the drawers Tommy and Red kept their underwear and socks in was the perfect place to hide jelly donuts. That caused such a mess that they had to replace the dresser. Zeke had always hated that thing anyway. Little Red had the last laugh all by himself though. He spent a spring day “helping” the gardeners at the estate with the spring planting and decided the earth worms he collected were tired… So he put them in their bed, explaining that it was the softest bed in the house and that he wanted his new friends to sleep well The three life partners called a truce at that point, They didn't need to give this little imp any more ideas. He was a big enough hellion all by himself As they watched the fireworks on the roof Zeke thought about how the last year had changed the world and it was just the beginning. Over the next few years society would undergo some profound alterations because of a new drug developed by Angel Research And Diagnostics Taken at the minimum dose the drug they named Paneceanol controlled several major health conditions, it eliminated five of the seven leading causes of death. It also stopped the aging process almost completely Taken in larger, though still safe doses it reversed the aging process quickly. One year of increased dosage took about ten or even more years off your visible age. One side effect of Paneceanol was suspended fertility in women. A couple months off the drug restored things to normal. This offered women the opportunity to have a career without giving up their fertile years. It obliterated one of the pillars of sexual discrimination in the workplace. People were already shifting in their preferences. Younger people were still desirable to some who liked a person with a more innocent, fresh outlook on life but many found someone who looked 20 but had the experience that came with a more mature age preferable Age discrimination was also dying though Zeke foresaw a day when there would be far, far to many twinks in the world. It would be fun to see several generations of twinks competing for attention. He wondered how they would adopt to young thin pretty boys being a dime a dozen in coming years Wouldn’t it be funny if older, more mature, more seasoned looking men became the rarity and thus came into higher demand? Zeke had chosen to take about 15 years of visible age off. He was 45 now but looked and felt the age he had when he had first met Tommy Tommy maintained a young looking 30 making he and Zeke look much closer in age than they were/ They were both thrilled with the changes Red had not started the drug yet. He wanted to wait till he was about the same age as Tommy was now. As he got older he looked more and more like a ginger version of Zeke. How they had not known Red was Zeke’s brother just by looking at his face, Tommy would never know The three life partners rung in the new year together, their bond stronger than ever. The power dynamics had slowly shifted as Tommy and Red grew into confident, experienced men. They were truly three co-equals now. Life was good and getting better every day ********************* Tommy, Zeke and Red were back in school. A new program at performing arts colleges around the world brought in the best dancer instructors to do a two week seminar in each school on a rotating basis. Panaceanol had enabled the best dancers of the last 50 years to come out of retirement and many were choosing to teach. Men and women who were legends the younger generations had studied and tried to emulate were now back in full form, teaching. Tommy has been the youngest to ask to join “The Masters”. He was acknowledged as the best dancer of his generation and had been doing similar seminars for years. Since Ze-Corp was a major sponsor of the program and Red and Zeke went everywhere Tommy did they were in all the seminars. They even helped Tommy with his demonstrations and instruction During the school year they would spend 2 weeks at home and 2 weeks on the road in a different city around the world, They had attended all the other instructors seminars at least twice now and had all learned a lot. Tommy was flattered when the people he had idolized as a boy came to learn from him as well They were in Paris doing a seminar and enjoying the city and all those cute french boys. Theo was with them constantly, guarding them, Theo now looked almost exactly like he had when they had first met them, like everybody’s flamboyant gay uncle. That hid the fact that he was probably one of the most deadly men in the world He and Red had repaired their friendship after the debacle concerning Little Red and they all trusted the man again, though they kept a closer eye on him now They were being given a tour of the centuries old part of the hosting school here by a three students, one whom kept glancing at Zeke with nervous smiles. The boy had light brown hair and darker brown eyes “Some things never change” Tommy thought. Zeke still had that magnetism that had drawn Tommy himself to him that first night over 15 years ago ne of the other student’s was from Nigeria and had skin the color of dark roasted coffee, sparkling black eyes and wicked smiles for Red The third was a corn fed American boy from Ohio who’s dad worked in the U.S. embassy. He went on and on about how it was Tommy’s videos that had gotten him into dance When the tour concluded Zeke casually invited the boys to come back to their hotel suite with them for some fun and games Tommy was not actually a teacher. His college had asked him to represent them in the program but he was not actually part of the faculty. He had no qualms about fucking the students at all Within an hour they had three kinky boys in a row kneeling over the edge of their bed with their hands tied behind their backs and bare neg asses ready for breeding There was no discussion of condoms or HIV status. The three men simply mounted their boys and pushed in. None of these boys was a virgin and they all slid in easily Watching Red’s creamy 10 inches slide into that dark skinned ass was especially erotic. The contrast was beautiful They could all sense these boys were neg and that added to the excitement as they plowed those smooth young holes their virus filled balls swinging with each thrust. They giftedd the boys with toxic poz cum in short order them swapped, each one fucking and loading each boy up till poz cum ran down their legs The next day the three of them went to a resort in the French Riviera for a few days since Tommy's seminar was over. They walked along the beach which was fairly empty mid week. They saw an old friend named Tony sitting at a beach side café and chatted with him for a bit. The four of them were meeting up for dinner the next day They came to an area with dunes and tall grass and were about to head back because of the signs in several languages that said “Private property” when heard the unmistakable sounds of two men trying to be quiet while having sex and not doing a very good job on the quiet part Zeke, who spoke fluent French whispered a very sexy translation to the other two . The two men in the grass were named Pierre and Omar and they were apparently newlywed just yesterday. They had waited to be married to have sex and were both virgins until their first time together. They talked about how Pierre’s dad, who was currently out of the country, owned the estate they were on and had no idea his son had married the grounds keeper’s son. The man would freak out when he found out apparently. The objection would be to Omar’s race and perceived social class not that it was a gay marriage The two young men were in their second year of University and were both pre-med students. Omar apparently got better grades than his new husband Pierre mentioned his last name and the name of his father's company and Zeke was surprised to realize he knew the man. His company was one of two large advertising firms competing for a contract to promote Paneceanol in Europe. Ze-Corp was handling the Euro marketing of the drug as Agnes had no contacts here while Ze=Corp had a strong presence If he has a problem with the race of a potential son in law I’m not sure I want to work with him” Zeke thought. He decided to mention to both companies that Ze-Corp had a strict policy of not working with companies or individuals who had a history of discrimination. Zeke knew it was in Ze-Corps charter but decided to strengthen the language, removing any wiggle room. That would take a shareholder vote but since the only other two shareholders were standing right here he was sure he could get it through He made a quiet proposal to Tommy and Red and they quickly agreed to the changes Zeke had meetings with the heads of both advertising firms next week and he would make sure to stress Ze-Corp’s position on the matter. Ze-Corp was one of the 10 highest valued corporations on Earth now. That gave them quite a bit of sway and it was time to use it for the betterment of the world. Tommy grew excited and proposed a roll out of the new charter policy to all corporate partners and subsidiaries with a not so subtle hint that a ceiling to floor review of all existing relationships would start in six months. They also agreed to change the charter to read “100% of the share holders off Ze-Corp agree that profit is secondary to dealing with partners who take all forms of equality seriously and no partner is irreplaceable” As Zeke and Red agreed they heard applause and saw two heads popped above a nearby dune “That is something we can support!” the man they assumed was Pierre said in only slightly accented English “I guess I got a little to loud” Tommy said blushing but smiling “We know you are a passionate man. We love your dance videos and Pierre has had a crush on your husband since he was about 12. He still loves that Billy and Mike video you two danced in” Omar said, his accent even better than Pierre’s Pierre blushed and Zeke give his smoldering sexy smirk making him go even redder Being recognized happened a lot more frequently since Tommy had shaved his goatee off. He didn’t really mind that much though “I, on the other hand, watch any video with that one,” Omar continued, indicating Red with a nod “is in. He’s pure eye candy and you should feature him more. I watch every video you put out just hopping to see him” “I‘m starting to feel like chopped liver here” Tommy said with a rueful smile “Oh no!” Pierre said “we both think you are hot, We found out the other was gay because Omar slipped up and said how cute you were when we watched you dance with Billy Clay on an awards show! We might nor even be together if you were not so hot!” “Well that’s better” Tommy said “A boy can feel neglected when he has to compete with these two all the time” “Bullshit” Zeke said “You are by far the best looking of the three of us” and Red nodded emphatically “I’m just different from you and your ginger twin, Zeke” Tommy said smiling, feeling loved and appreciated by his men. He returned the feeling in spades “Would you three like to join us?” Pierre asked becoming them Both young men were tall and slim, Pierre was smooth, blond and green eyed, Omar was moderately hairy, and brown skinned. His light brown hair and startling blur eyes made him an exceptionally striking boy They were all surprised by what they found behind the dunes. An inlet further up the beach curved in and ended in a beautiful deep poo. A small, open shelter had been built and It was currently filled with soft rugs and pillows, a perfect place to make love. To the side several chairs sat around an unlit fire pit They sat and talked, the two boys asking them questions about their lives Omar whispered something in Pierre’s ear. He blushed but nodded “I don’t know if you three would be willing but we have decided that we should have a sexually open relationship. We are both versatile but prefer to bottom. We have a friend named Tony who is more that willing to help us out, He has been after us to share our treasures with him for years now but we would like you three to be the first” “Is this Tony a big, substantial man with a rug on his chest and talk so flowery it totally puts you off guard?” Tommy asked “You know him?” Pierre asked surprised Tommy smiled “He’s a special friend of my cousin Jeff and has been trying to get in my special treasure for years. I adore the man, though he irritates Zeke. My treasure is not the only one he wants. He’s a good choice and a good, loyal friend” “We should see if he watts to join in” Red said, knowing it would irritate Zeke. Red adored Tony both for his flamboyant personality and that firm round belly of his. Red liked his big men and was probably the only man in the world Tony willingly let top him “We know he is poz and don’t care” Omar said Zeke, Tommy and Red all had biohazard tattoos and their beachwear didn’t hide them at all You would let him cum in you?” Tommy asked “He’s like us and only plays bare far as I know” They nodded “We never want to use condoms” Pierre confirmed Red pulled out his phone and called Tony who said he would be delighted to join in and would be there soon. The ginger man walked back up the beach to meet his friend and guide him to this secluded spot While they waited Pierre walked up to the distant house then returned “I asked the kitchen staff to bring some refreshments and prepare dinner for six. It will be ready about 5 and they will serve it down here” and he indicated an outdoor dining area off to the other side An efficient staff brought drinks and finger foods. There were some odd looks directed at Omar. Pierre took his hand and said in French “It’s time tp stop hiding my love, If anyone has a problem with my husband speak up now” Zeke quietly translated for Tommy “They are all just overjoyed for you my sweet boy!” a voice boomed in English as Tony and Red walked up. Tony gave massive bear hugs all around, Zeke’s smile was a bit forced as Tony grabbed his ass before letting go The staff fled from this larger than life presence Tony’s hair and fur was salt and pepper though his face was unlined. He4 loomed over all of them. Even Zeke. “So many beautiful boys! So many special treasures to be shared!” He boomed his arm still around Zeke’s shoulder and his hand still on his ass Zeke glared at his grinning life partners as Tony gave his ass another squeeze *************************************************************************************************** Tony has always been a favorite of mine. Next Chapter: Tony goes treasure hunting Let me know who you think should come out on top, Tony or Zeke? Scanbu
  22. Im not very familiar with the scene in NYC and ill be there June 26-July 1st. Ive heard the bathhouses have all closed. Where is a good place to take loads?
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