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  2. Hosting anon for pump and dump on June 16 (already booked) and 6 or 9 June depending on if there's enough interest to make it worthwhile and the prices don't go up too high. Setup will be hooded up on the edge of the bed face down ass up with door on the latch waiting for you to walk in. No faces or chatting. Not a must on your part but would prefer you to also be anon so putting a mask on as you walk in would be ideal as I'll still be able to see. Happy to go on KIK for better coordination.
  3. I don't know how many of our posters have access to advertisements being put out by Floridian Rick Scott. Interesting, (and scary) is that every year (or almost) he has tried to promote agendas that would eliminate Social Security and Medicare. A few years back that ideology was quickly squashed, and I have heard Trump say he would never eliminate Social Security. What fascinates me is that Scott is using this "prevent socialism" being taught in our schools, as if teachers saying there are dangers with programs that assist millions of Floridians. You can almost read the writing on the wall. Scott has said he wants to eventually moonlight (is that the term?) these programs, though I wonder if his constituents understand exactly what that means. This is Florida, "heaven's waiting room". But many wait quite along time before their number is called. Both my parents lived to be in their 90s, that is a long time to receive Social Security and Medicare. I just hope people wake the hell up and realize what Scott is trying to do here.
  4. Coming a bit late to this topic (and from the UK) surely the verification applies to all sex sites not just LGBT?
  5. Starting January 1, 2025, TENNESSEE will now require the same requirements as Louisiana and Idaho. In fact, Tennessee makes it a felony on websites if they don’t follow age verification rules. They ALSO are including ALL “LGBT” websites in this law. Their intent? To have publishers just BLOCK access to their content so as to remove any access to such content in Tennessee. It’s so draconian for ANY of these laws and especially as the state continues to go after anyone LGBT assuming they’re “grooming” a minor by simply being who they are.
  6. I spent my "formative years" on Long Island hooking up like this in the dunes at Jones Beach between Fields 6 & 9. It was so great and freeing to be doing it under the wide open skies and hot summer sun. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/quick-threesome-fucking-in-the-grand-canaria-sand-dunes/
  7. I try and look at rejection philosophically. Yes it hurts because it feels personal, someone has made a decision that they do not find you desirable. However, a way that I've been able to process rejection is to remind myself that the individual is making a decision for them, and not for the person being rejected. Everyone has their own tastes, and what they look for in a partner so try and compartmentalize things when you feel this way. The person that is going to make you feel like the most special person in the world IS out there. You will find them, keep putting yourself out there and have fun. You deserve it.
  8. Attitude plays a large role. Sometimes I find as much dick as I can get but some other I just can't nail the guys that I like. With time I have concluded that it is what I project and try to adjust my attitude accordingly.
  9. here's my advice: - yes, go to the gym because it is healthier, makes you sleep better feel better and you'll be less likely to fall over and break a hip at 80 the more you exercise now - in my experience, the gym was a great place to find casual sex. when i was your age, i probably had more sex in the gym locker room than i did at home in my bed - stfu. seriously, you are your own worst enemy. i find that being considered "hot" is a fake it till you make it situation and the single most thing that scares horny guys off is a perceived lack of confidence. if you think your body isn't up to code, so will they. horny guys are like animals, they can smell the fear and perceived weakness. be an arrogant prick, even if it's a character you play like an actor in a movie - accept reality. you are a new guy in a foreign land. anti american prejudice is real in europe so accept that only the more open minded guys are gonna give you a chance. try to fit in, but accept that acceptance is not going to happen overnight. have patience and keep working at it till it pays off. you're not 5 yo anymore, instant friends on the playground is a thing of the past. - accept reality. this isn't the local bath house. it's the world's biggest sex mart you're on broadway now baby, not in the local theatre so make sure you project so they can hear you in the back row. - at the end of the day rejection is more about them than it is about you. accept that's it's their loss and dwell on the victories rather than the losses. living well is the best revenge and nothing feels better than accepting yourself for who you are.
  10. Today
  11. Part VI I awoke with a start the next morning. Daddy was hugging me close, his hand resting on my abs, soft cock pressed against my ass. Fuck, I had fallen asleep! Daddy had never allowed that before. I guess I had woken him up too because he started stirring. Fingertips lightly tracing my hard stomach and coming to rest in my little patch of pubes just shy of my dick. Which was rapidly stiffening. Daddy lightly kissed my neck. “Morning baby boy. First day of the rest of your life, you ready?” I reached my hand back, running my fingers through his hair, grinding my ass into his beautiful dick and moaned lightly in response. He kept sucking on my neck, moving one hand under me to grab a nipple and the one on my pubes moved to pull my leg up. His cock now rock hard and nestled between my cheeks. I spit in my hand and moved to coat him with it, pointing it at my hole and easing myself back onto him. The residual load inside me made it a bit easier but I still winced a bit as he bottomed out. The only way I can describe what happened next was that daddy made love to me. Slowly. Tenderly. Deeply. Passionately. I kept my back arched to give him maximum depth and he held my leg up. My hard cock flopping against me as he fucked and maintained his attention on my neck and nipples. I was in heaven, feeling things I’m not sure I had ever felt before. Having this big powerful man behind me using my body for his pleasure but somehow still ensuring I was feeling good made me feel safe and even more committed to his pleasure. I squeezed my hole in time with his outstrokes and soon enough he was holding me tightly against himself as he emptied his balls into my pussy. Smack. He was up and I took him into my mouth. “Time for the gym” Luckily I had arrived in gym clothes so I tossed my running shorts and T shirt on. Daddy’s load leaking a bit from my hole. “I think you need to start wearing more revealing clothes at the gym boy.” “Yes sir. But this is all I have today. I could go home…” “Nah, c’mere”. He grabbed his kitchen scissors and cut the bottom off my shirt, making it a crop top that ended just above my navel, and cut the sleeves off. “There. Now you look like the muscled bottom bitch I know you are in the bedroom. Everyone else should know it too.” To say we got stares would be an understatement. Daddy walked me around that place like he owned both the gym and me. A possessive arm around my waist when talking to his gym buddies some straight, some gay. Spotting me, pushing me to go harder. It was a great workout, and I noticed many a lingering eye even from the straights. Finally finished I noticed daddy talking to one of the straights. A big burly guy apparently named Paul. “Paul is gonna come hang with us. Let’s go” Back at daddy’s place we hung out chatting a bit. Daddy sitting with his arm around me, pinning me close to his body. It felt good. I was his boy and he wanted everyone to know. After a while the talk got a little… slow and awkward. And finally daddy whispered in my ear “Go suck his dick. It’s why he’s here.” Without a second thought I dropped down onto my hands and knees and crawled over until I was between his legs. Not knowing how far he wanted to go with a dude I simply pulled his shorts down in front and let his semi hard cock flop out. He gasped as I let my tongue trace up his shaft from root to tip, circling his head and sucking his respectable 7” right to the base. “Shiiiiiiit” he groaned. Hands on my head he started pulling me into his crotch. “Fuck man, your bitch is good!” “Told ya.” Once my hand went to his balls the show was over. Erupting in my mouth with a satisfying exclamation I swallowed it all, made sure his cock was clean, pulled his shorts back up and went back to my daddy. “Good boy” he said, looking me deep in my eyes. I smiled and cuddled in next to him. “Next time you’ll have to try his pussy. Tighter than your wife’s I bet and it can take a real beating” “I dunno man…. Mouth is one thing but fucking….” He trailed off. But as he cast a final look at me before hurrying out the door I saw a glimmer of something behind his eyes. A curiousity. A hunger. A deprivation from whatever he’s been denied that is now on full offer…. I don’t think I’ve seen the last of Paul.
  12. starting on PrEP is the only way you're going to be safe from the "gift". I had a group of married friends in the '90's( no meds to help prevent) who were on the "DL" and thought it would safe. Discovered some of them were playing away games too when traveling for work. Work transfer moved me away, so I wasn't able to play with them anymore and selectively BB. All 5 remaining closeted guys got sick and plus two wives and today only 1 out 5 guys are undetectable. I was Outed by the group and divorced ('06),so I started BB all the time knowing my fate. I am undetectable today. Get on a PReP meds to be safe.
  13. I agree with JamesL100 ... Berlin (and Germany in general) are known as the Standard of the World for wanton sex on a mass-scale that other cities world-wide try to challenge. Thus, men that love having raw sex on a huge scale are drawn there, either to live or to visit/attend some of the events. While I'm sorry you felt ignored, maybe there's some other reason that happened? Or, maybe there's some other reason. In any event, sorry you were disappointed; better luck next time.
  14. I have a nice face and look great in clothes, although I don’t have a worked out body, especially in the arms. I like going to sex clubs where you can stay partially or fully dressed, like Slammers in Fort Lauderdale or the Vault in London. I find I get a lot more action that way. Of course, if you’re a power bottom that’s looking to get fucked by a dozen guys, clothing can make it awkward. I have a partner and am mainly just looking to get sucked so it works well.
  15. I was 23 when I decided to go to the YMCA in NYC. I had a gay friend older than me who would tell me about his sex adventures in NYC, in places like the Mineshaft, and the YMCA. He was what now is called a bottom and he would tell me about the experience of getting fucked and having a guy shoot inside. In those days being masculine meant you were a top. My friend was a bit feminine which he connected with wanting to get fucked. I was then a masculine young man, in very good shape, but wanting to live the fantasies my friend told me about, like having sex with 10, 15 guys in one night. He described all the "tricks", like leaving the door of your room at the YMCA open for guys to know you're looking for sex. He also told me about being blindfolded. I think I stayed in floor 10th, an all male floor with lots of horny guys looking for action. I first walked around the floor, went up to the 11th floor, another all male floor. It was amazing.
  16. The dark room is a kind of enclosed space among the trees/undergrowth, largely surrounded by conveniently placed logs and fallen tree trunks. The ground is just bare earth. The name is very apt- it is indeed dark in there, and it does feel very much like a room!
  17. Absolutely LOVE being used as a urinal. If I could, I’d spend a whole night at a dive bar in the bathroom taking piss loads from every man that enters.
  18. Yummy! Can’t wait for part 3!
  19. Yup, it's super weird. To me, it's like someone trying to hand you an ice cream covered in a condom and expecting you to be eager. At least these phobic guys are usually consistent about wanting their cock wrapped no matter what hole it goes into. It's the guys who want their dick sucked bare who insist on condoms to fuck that I really don't understand. "So, you have no problem with my mouth and tongue all over your cock and balls for an hour, and for me to swallow your precum and cum, but putting that same cock coated in my saliva into my clean and ready hole and breeding me is a bridge too far?"
  20. Been to Kuma. Small and No private rooms so everything you do is in public…and it was fun being watched, groped and manhandled.Got fucked in the sling, in the steam room, on the fuck bench, and on the big open table. All in one night (in 3 hours) This time around I’d prefer to be in a private setting or at least have the choice…..though I could be persuaded lol.
  21. I keep them in a chest next to my bed for easy access.
  22. Prefer missionary with something propping my ass up, provides the best angle for the right sized top to hit my cum button the way it needs reverse cowboy is a second, love it when I can feel my balls slapping or grinding on his
  23. Near cambridge here. Would love chat or meets. More depraved the better. My tele is BL44UK
  24. Really sorry to read that the Fuck Tree has fallen out of favor. I still jack off thinking about an amazing summer night I spend bent over the tree after finally finding it in the dark. Super erotic, almost like a ritual being there and getting bred.
  25. honestly, i've never felt femme in general. in college i went thru a more "gender neutral" phase which was popular at the time of new wave and punk music and guys in mascara lol but my intro to gay sex and anal specifically was very masc4masc during the political activist gay era - often during the aids epidemic, a hook up would start with foreplay that often felt like a sensuous wrestling match for dominance. a few time i actually threw the match so i could get fucked by a sexy alpha 😜but in general it all felt "real men know how to tske dick" in tone. it took me years to realize what i called "passion" most people simply call "rough sex" lol now that i'm older i somehow seem even less femme even tho im much more of a sub bottom in hook ups. sometimes when a good dicking down has me all wet an open and leaking cum i feel like i've got a cunt but it doesn't feel femme somehow, just me being in touch w this side of the male body and a different kind of pleasure. more like "wow i didn't know a man's ass could do this" - even when i'm enjoying getting my hole eaten out, it just feels good, not femme if that makes sense
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