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  1. Fuck it. It was late Saturday afternoon and I had just finished running some last-minute errands getting stuff to keep me hydrated for that evening's play session with a FFuckbud in Bushwick. I was a little behind schedule and felt rushed, sweating from the late summer humidity and sexual anticipation. It was a warm day and I was wearing a t-shirt with cut-off sleeves, shorts and sneakers. I took a deep breath to relax as I waited for the Über car to arrive. I stared at my phone screen: the app displayed the driver was a few minutes away. He was kinda hot from the thumbnail image of his profile. OINK! Buzz. My phone vibrated as the screen display got interrupted as a text came in. HIM: SORRY baby. Can't host tonight after all. Something came up. Have to cancel. Fuck it. I texted him back quickly. ME: Dang that sucks. HIM: I know!!! Was really looking forward 2 PNP and getting @ that pussy of urs. ME: K. Another time then. HIM: I'll make it up 2 u next time I CYU. ME: L8R. I was already cleaned out and just a little buzzed. I smoked a little bowl while getting ready earlier to get me in the mood. It was enough to get my manhole hungry. He is one of my regular fuckbuds. I hate it when they cancel as the last thing I want to do is go online and take a risk with someone new. I like playing with the few regular buds I have. We have great connection and they know how to make my insatiable hole feel great. And I give it back in return. Except not tonight apparently. I stared at my phone screen. Now what? I thought to myself. Should I contact another bud at this last minute? Go online and risk searching for someone new? That seemed desperate (well I was sorta...). FUCK IT. I cancelled the Über car. I shook my head cursing at myself. I had a bag of protein and energy drinks in one hand and my phone on the other. Beside me, I had a small overnight travel bag that had some of my favorite toys, various lube and grease, poppers, and my toiletry bag parTy kit. All that preparation for nothing. I looked around me at the storefronts on the block. I live in an area of north Brooklyn that is historically more African American. But that is rapidly changing as it gentrifies year by year as the a new influx of people move in (myself included), priced out of Manhattan and other areas of northwest Brooklyn. I see a barber shop across the street. Hmm...time for a cut, I think to myself. If I can't play, I may as well get a haircut. I usually go to my barber in the East Village but I sure wasn't going there tonight. It had been a few weeks since my last cut and I like to keep my hair short and buzzed fresh. I was overdue. I placed my phone in my shorts pocket, picked up the overnight bag and crossed the street. Some aashole hipster almost ran into me on a Ciibike, oblivious to jaywalkers ruling the street. I cursed at him as he sped by, not hearing me with his headphones on. I was still spitting at the air when I got in front of the barbershop. It was about to close, totally empty except for one lone barber. I entered. "Hey," I greeted him, walking in. "How's it going? Can you do one more today?" The barber looked me up and down quickly as he was putting some equipment away. "It's late." It almost sounded like a complaint. He looked at me appearing to size me up. The barber was in his mid to late 50's, a tall dark, black man with short, buzzed cut hair and a trim beard that had a light salt and pepper pattern. He was about 6'3" and I guessed around 225 lbs of solid man. He looked like a coach for a high school athletic team. He had a handsome face in a rugged way with an impressive squared-off jawline that was framed with a short beard. He was wearing a dark green, button-down short sleeve shirt that served him like a uniform and was snug on his upper body. The top two buttons were undone and I could see short bristles of salt and pepper hair lightly covering his chiseled chest. He was wearing dark blue sweatpants that were a little loose. I couldn't help but notice that he had impressively large feet in his black beat-up sneakers. I could read that he was in good shape for his age. "I just need a buzz cut." My hair was about a half-inch long, too long for my taste. "You can do me quick: in-and out." I smiled at him. "Cool?" He moved towards me then passed my side heading to the storefront windows. "I am just about to close," he announced as he shut off the air conditioner. His voice had a deep weight with an after-tone of a subtle bass. I liked how he sounded. He adjusted the old blinds at the windows, lowering them one by one as the narrow shop got darker. He looked me up and down again. I noticed some pause with his gaze. "I will do you," he said, locking the door and lowering the last shade on the inside of the door. The shop was darker now, cut off visibly from the outside. The small shop had old fluorescent light bars overhead in three parallel rows casting a greenish glow to the room. His dark skin took on another sheen with the absence of natural light from the outdoors. One length of the light on the farthest right ceiling row was flicking on and off, shorting itself randomly, casting stranger highlights on both of us that would materialize and then quickly disappear. "You're in luck, Boy," he finally smiled. I liked that he called me Boy. Was he flirting with me as he read me visually again (or so I thought)? Or was I just horny from my now defunct evening's anticipation? "You're my last customer." He walked into the shop towards one of the corners. "I'll take you." He washed his hands at a corner sink for shampooing customers. He dried them off thoroughly. Nice forearms, I thought; they were thick and solid. "Put your bags down by that last chair," he instructed in that deep tone, pointing to a beat-up leather barber chair. "Sit down." I walked towards the corner, setting the overnight bag down. I placed my plastic grocery bag on the linoleum-tiled floor. The contents fell out, imbalanced and tossed around. My drinks rolled around our feet. "You goin' to do some major exercise or somethin' tonight?" He peered at me and then the various drinks scattered on the floor. "Yeah," I laughed as I looked up at him. "You could say that," I paused. "...special exercises." I knelt down, gathering the various bottles and placing them carefully back in the bag. "They help keep me going." He was now standing beside me, near the counter, getting some of his barber tools out of several small cabinets. I couldn't help but stare at his crotch as it was just a few inches from my face. He turned slightly, opening another cabinet to get some clippers so he was in profile from my viewpoint. WHOA! Nice bulge! There was something definitely in those dark sweatpants. I couldn't stop looking at it, that inner buzz inside me from earlier triggered itself ON. "You done yet?" He looked down at me, a tight smile on his face. "Sit down on the chair and let's get this started." I got up and sat down on the barber chair. It was an old-skool shop; probably from the late 80's when the neighborhood was a lot rougher. I got myself comfortable on the chair which looked like an antique at this point. The leather was well worn on the seat and it crackled as I adjusted myself, straightening my back. There were mirrors all around us at each chair station. There were six chairs in the shop in total, three at each side, with just a little walk space in the center of the narrow shop. You could see your reflection from one side of the room to the other into infinity as the mirrors on each side of the shop reflected on itself. The mirrors were a bit faded, well past their time; some were cracked, including the one in front of us, a hairline fracture that ran diagonally from mid-center on the left side up to the right corner of the glass surface. If I turned slightly, my head appeared split and off-register. The cabinets surrounding the mirrors at each chair station were covered in black Formica, the edges a bit frayed. There was a scattering of photos all around each station displaying men's hairstyles from old to current trends. I looked across from me and observed his personal photos taped around the mirror. A few were with his wife (I presumed) from different eras. He maintained a great body regardless of the decade. I noticed the wife in older photos but only solos of him or with male friends as he got older. There was a photo of him without a shirt, I am guessing from the last decade, probably on some island vacation, showing off his chiseled chest. HOT! I could feel myself starting to sweat slightly. He grabbed a long sheet of white tissue paper from one of the frayed tiny cabinets in front of us flanking the large mirror. I watched our reflection as he proceeded to get ready, folding the tissue as he walked behind me. He wrapped the tissue around my neck and tucked it into my T-shirt collar. He did this quietly as he looked deep into my eyes in the mirror. I watched him in return, also silent. I sensed we were both assessing the situation and measuring each other. I couldn't quite get a read on him. He was making me nervous. He was making me horny. I looked at those forearms again. They were large and thick, a light tangle of dark hair blended with his skin tone. I saw some tattoos on his right arm that I hadn't noticed before. They were faded and old, the black ink almost blending with his dark skin tone. The designs gave away their age as they were soft and fuzzy, the edges blurred by time and unsaid experiences. He reached for a dark sheet that was folded at the edge of the chair arm. He snapped it in the air suddenly, startling me as it sounded louder than it probably was, my senses already heightened. He unfolded it and draped it over me. It was a thin polyester sheet and it created a second skin over my crotch and upper body. He fastened it around my neck methodically. His large hands then rested on my shoulders, brushing the sheet into place. His palms seemed to be wiping away the creases so that the draping of the sheet over my upper body was even and centered. His hands had a weight to them that felt solid and heavy. Impressive. Masculine. Sexy. His fingertips applied a little pressure to the front of my shoulders for a mere moment, a slight massage. I moaned. Fuck it-that felt good! His right hand lifted in the air and disappeared behind my head in the reflection as our eyes met again and traced each other. The palm of that hand now brushed the back of my neck and ran up and down the back of my head, feeling my hair lightly as if we was barely touching it, running up and down, up and down, slowly, gently, almost sensually. It was if he was studying my hair, its texture, softness, healthiness. But his touch seemed to graze over me longer than professionally expected, unmeasured seconds that bordered into inappropriate movements. I moaned a little more, almost embarrassed at my obviousness. "Whatcha want, Boy?" Finally he spoke. The tone was now almost gentle, but just a bit, a decipherable difference I caught in comparison to his not-so-friendly greeting when I had entered earlier. The deep voice seemed to echo for a few seconds in the small, empty shop. Outside the light was getting fainter as the sun had set quickly as the late afternoon stepped into the early summer evening. The broken fluorescent light bar behind us flickered like a signal as if it were announcing the passing of the day. "Just a buzz cut," I stammered in my reply. His large hand ran over the top of my head again, rapidly this time. "What you take? 1.5? 2?" He looked at me. "Huh?" I was puzzled. "What do you mean?" "Clippers. Razor guard size," he answered. "Oh. I think it's usually a 2." I inadvertently brought my hand up to the top of my head as If to measure my hair and our hands touched for a second. He looked at me in the mirror. "Then my regular barber goes more in detail with a 1.5." "Regular barber?" His tone was definitely easing. "Yeah. I go to this Ukrainian guy in the East Village. I had a date that cancelled and saw your shop was still open. So here I am." "A date huh?" He kind of sneered at that. "You don't look like you dressed for any date." Fuck it. What the hell. "Yeah...well it was more a hook-up," I confessed quickly. "He cancelled at the last minute. I was right across the street to meet him when he cancelled. Saw your shop was still open. Figured I would get a buzz here." "Well you came to the right spot," his hand brushed the back of my head again, now taking his time, slowly running his palm up and down, up and down. "You got nice hair, nice texture...very soft." I stared at our reflection in the cracked mirror. Behind us, the fluorescent light bar shorted out for a second or two. He stopped with my hair and walked over to the cabinets and got his clippers ready, plugging the cord in a socket by his right. He approached me and I stared at him, my eyes following him in the mirror as he positioned himself behind me. He flicked the clippers on and it came alive, resting on my head for a second before he started to push it along. The whir and buzz of the vibration seemed like a strange percussion in my ears. He started by running the clippers from the front of my head towards the back. The clippers vibrated in a gentle rhythm over my scalp. I was definitely hyper sensitive with the little toke on the glass pipe from earlier. Fuck it-that felt GOOD-as he raked my head methodically, row by row. It was like an electronic massage in parallel motions going over my scalp. Tiny threads of dark, black hair fell around me, scattering on the sheet on my upper abdomen and crotch, raining down as the clippers ran its path. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation privately. I took in the mechanical buzz and vibration and breathed in slowly. "You OK there, Boy?" He noticed. I opened my eyes slowly, staring at our reflection. My head was on one side of the reflection in the crack of the mirror, his on the upper half. He was almost smiling. "You OK?" He repeated, the voice had a hint of concern. "You looked like you went somewhere down the avenue or somethin'." "Uh yeah," I replied, a little embarrassed. "I just like clipper cuts. It feels good," I admitted. "OK, Boy," he laughed and winked at my reflection. He continued with the clippers, buzzing around the rest of the top of my scalp, then the back and sides. He walked around me, shifting from my right side then to the left, getting in the correct position, gently pushing my head down or to the side to get a better angle. Short, trimmed hair continued to rain around me. I watched him intently in the mirror. His arms flexed as he moved the clippers around my head. The cuffed edge of his short-sleeves were tight around his biceps. I observed his hand, large with thick, long fingers, holding tight on the clippers gliding it around my head. He sure was getting sexier by the minute. "What kinda hook-up you had goin' tonight?" He didn't look at me as he continued to push the clippers around my right ear, carefully and slowly sculpting at the hair edge, repositioning himself to my right side, his large body getting closer to the chair arm, closer to me. I turned my head slightly to him but he quickly pushed my head face-forward with a gentle but in-control force as he continued sculpting the edge around the back of my ear. "What kinda hook-up is it that you got all those energy drinks?" He sneered a little now but continued to put his attention on my hairline. "And what's with the overnight bag, Boy?" Fuck it. Go for it, I told myself. I was already a little buzzed and so horned up. "Well," I looked at his reflection, waiting for his eyes to meet mine, trying to get more of a read on him. "If you really want to know...we were going to parTy and get all crazy and shit." "Watcha talkin' 'bout?" His eyes suddenly looked in the mirror, curious. "You know: parTy?" I emphasized the last syllable. He moved the clippers away from my head, staring at me more seriously in the mirror. "I like a little Tina. Gets me all wild and super horny." He smiled at me and resumed clipping around the right side of my head. "That bitch Tina?!?" He laughed. "She sure is a good time." He smiled wider and continued to carefully trim around my ear and side. "Haven't fucked with that biTch in ages." "So you parTy too?" He got my attention. I shifted slightly in my chair. "Oh yeah, Boy." He looked at me proudly in the mirror, then placed his attention back to cutting my hair. "Yeah, after my wife passed over ten years ago, I got a little crazy for a minute...if you know what I'm sayin'. Few bitches here and there. Some wild ones too! Those are the ones I partied with. GOOD TIMES!" He smiled at that memory and continued with the clippers. "Whatcha get into? You a bottom, Boy?" He stopped for a second, looking at me, waiting for my reply. I nodded as he held the clippers away from my head. "Yeah. I thought so." He stepped away from me, careful to not get tangled with the cord of the clippers, and walked towards another cabinet and adjusted the blade guard. His body was turned just slightly, most of his back facing me. When he was done, he walked behind me, then towards my left side. He brought the clippers back to my head to go in for a finer trim detail. He cranked the lever on the side of the chair as it jerked up a few inches, raising me. My left elbow was now at the same level as his crotch. His body was much closer now. I could feel his body heat. He carefully continued with the clippers, inching his body closer and closer now that my elbow was rubbing against the jersey material of his sweatpants. WHOA! SHIT! He was fucking hard as a rock! He continued with the cut, shifting his body left to right just slightly, back and forth, rubbing his crotch on my elbow. I pushed my left arm towards him, playing his game, adding pressure to his crotch that was now pressing against me. "Ohhhhh...Boy. That do feel good." He stopped cutting my hair for a moment, pressing harder on my arm, his head cocked back, eyes closed. I stared at our reflection. Then suddenly he opened his eyes. "You got any of that biTch in your bag there, Boy?" His eyes spoke of experience and knowledge. I could read that we had something in common... HUNGER. I nodded in the reflection. "Let's invite that biTch to this party then, Boy." He stepped away from me a half step, holding the clippers down at his side. It was still buzzing. From the mirror I saw an impressive silhouette of a bulge growing in his sweatpants. It was huge and thick, stretching the jersey material obscenely. "Boy, I haven't let loose since I don't know when. Haven't made it with a guy in ages either. But you sure are cute. And I sure am horny. I told you you came to the right spot." He paused and gave me a serious glare in the mirror. "Open your bag." The light flickered behind us again. In the mirror my hair was half-done: one side short and buzzed, the other unfinished. I looked a little crazy with this insane half-done buzz cut. I also looked really horny. A bead of sweat trickled down the left side of my forehead. I slowly stood up from the chair, countless hairs trimmed at the same tiny lengths, like black needle tips, littering around us on the floor. I walked over to my overnight bag, bent down and pulled on the zipper. He turned off the clippers, walked around the chair, and set it on the cabinet counter. I dug through the contents, looking for the small toiletry bag that had my parTy supplies. He sat down on the chair I had been on, the leather cracking under his weight and mass as he spread his legs. I stood up with the toiletry bag, placed it on the counter beside the clippers and unzipped it. He watched me silently. I prepared the glass pipe with a good size shard of crystal and carefully heated it, careful to keep the flame at the right distance, rocking the bowl side to side. He started slowly massaging his crotch then leaned forward, motioning for me to step closer. I continued to slowly melt the Tina as he leaned in even closer, both arms about to surround me. His hands disappeared behind my back and unfastened the sheet over my upper body. The sheet fell silently, my trimmed hair scattering into a random, frenzied pattern on the linoleum floor. "Take a big drag, Boy." He instructed. "And I mean a BIG HIT." I did as I was told. I kept the flame under the bowl another second as that lovely light grey cloud formed in the glass bubble. I shook the torch off and he reached for it as I took a long, deep BIG breath as he had instructed, taking as much smoke as my lungs would allow. "Good Boy," he grabbed the pipe. "Hold it in as long as you can. Now take off that shirt. Let me see your body." I lifted my arms and pulled the tank top off and threw it carelessly on the floor. Little bits of trimmed hair fell on and around us. "Nice tits, Boy. You keep in shape." He lit the pipe a few times for himself like I had done earlier, then set the torch to his side. He motioned for me to keep my breath and to not exhale. The magical smoke appeared in the pipe and he took equally, if not more, of a big hit than I had just done. We both held our breaths. He reached over slowly and with his free hand squeezed my right nipple, surprising me. He squeezed it hard. Finally, I exhaled; I couldn't help myself. A huge cloud came out of me, floating slowly over us, temporarily obscuring him from my vision as if he was lost in a miniature chemical fog. And then his face slowly appeared as the smoke dissipated, floating towards the fluorescent lighting, the small clouds taking on another palette. He grabbed me and leaned in closer, our mouths met, his swallowing mine, surprising me. His large and heavy tongue pushed and parted my lips gently at first, then with force, getting my mouth open and wide as he exhaled a huge amount of smoke. I greedily sucked it in. His eyes stared at me. He was different now. This wasn't the barber anymore. This was a Man. And he was hungry with that all too familiar look in his eyes that indicates the biTch was here. His tongue darted rapidly into my mouth, fishing for mine. There was now an electric energy in him that wasn't there before. His tongue gave it away if his eyes hadn't already hinted of it. The tongue danced violently in my mouth as if it were seeking its last breath. I gave it back earnestly and kissed him deeply, sucking in his tongue, adding pressure so hard that our mouths locked into a vacuum. We were both with the biTch now. I flicked my tongue back at him harder and he relented, his mouth first, then his body relaxing. I exhaled back to him. He sucked it in deep then looked at me intently, the madness gone, now only a soft gaze in his eye. His tongue gently coaxed mine and I pulled away slightly, licking his thick, dark lips. He exhaled and a thick cloud surrounded our heads. I took control now. I pushed him gently back on the chair as he reclined at an angle. He is quite tall; his legs were spread wide on the floor despite the chair being higher than normal. I grabbed the pipe and lighter from him and lit it again, inhaling deep as he watched me intently. He grabbed the pipe and torch from me and did the same. I held my breath as long as I could watching him before I exhaled. He held his breath longer before exhaling, our combined clouds fading in the ceiling. We repeated this a few more times, getting more higher. I grabbed the pipe and torch from him and placed them on the counter. I pushed against the foot pedal on the base of the chair, flipping it downwards and stepped onto its flat edge leaning into him. He sat back comfortably, very buzzed, observing me, his arms spread open and resting on his side. I leaned forward and slowly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and pulled it apart. Nice chest. He was still in great shape. The hint of salt and pepper hair that I saw earlier was now all visible. It was light on the upper chest, then thicker near his pecs, visually defining the lower curves of his pectorals. The hair was short and bristly and then it got less dense as it disappeared into his groin. I ran my left hand over his chest, feeling the texture of his body hair, the firmness of his muscles and a slight sweat that was building, coating his dark skin. I reached forward with my body, my abdomen rubbing against his crotch, hard and throbbing, as I leaned in closer and took his right nipple into my mouth. I bit it hard with my front teeth and held my grip. Then I gently flicked my tongue left to right on the tip of his nipple, brushing it lightly with saliva, teasing him. "MUTHAFUCKER!!!" He groaned, sliding up the chair slightly. I looked up at him while biting hard and soft, my tongue moving rapidly. He stared back at me and his body shifted up the chair even more as I felt his hard cock rub against my abdomen. I pulled away and shifted back down, in between his legs, looking up at his crotch and upper body. His massive cock was throbbing under the jersey material of his sweatpants. I positioned my right hand under his left thigh and squeezed tight, pulling the cotton against his leg. His bulge looked massive now, outlined by the tightened jersey material. It pulsed with excitement. I kept rearranging my grip and pull on the material, admiring the view. I lifted my left hand and slowly started feeling his shaft. "You one of those NASTY bitches!" He proclaimed. He was breathing heavy and rapid now, clearly turned on, clearly starting to buzz. I squeezed harder on the bulge. Fuck! It was huge! Thick as a beer can - my favorite! It looked long too - maybe 9"-10". I kept stroking it through the cotton, re-arranging its position on his thigh, checking it out, getting myself turned on with what was in front of me. He pushed my hand away suddenly and I leaned back. He took control and started rubbing himself, gripping the thick base with his left hand. "You like that, Boy?" He smirked at me. There was something nasty about how he said that. I nodded, gripping and squeezing my own dick inside my shorts. He squeezed his cock some more and we exchanged glances of silent anticipation. He was showing off to me and I was a willing audience. He kept grabbing his thick tool, moving it from one side of his thigh, an inch or two down his leg, then the other way, then back, constantly shifting. It looked obscene like some monster about to be unleashed. "You like what you see, Boy?" I nodded, grabbing his tool. I squeezed it hard, loving the weight and mass of it in my hand. I brought my hand to the base of his cock then traced it along the cotton material, rubbing it slowly up and down the shaft which only made him moan some more. My hand encircled the head and I squeezed gently at first, then with a tighter grip, then back to a soft touch. He squirmed on the leather chair as it crackled from underneath him. Then suddenly I grabbed the shaft again and shook it hard as it flopped through the sweatpants material. His hands appeared from the side as he lifted his ass off the chair slightly. Then he suddenly pulled his sweatpants down, thrusting them as far down his legs as it would go. He was wearing thin boxers with a vertical stripe pattern and the left leg sleeve was getting soaked from his excitement. His tool looked even larger now. I pushed back a little to admire the changed view. I grabbed his tool again and the thin cotton was barely covering his shaft. I positioned his cock slightly so it was running down his thigh, the head just visible now underneath the edge of his boxers. I pulled back on the cotton material exposing the head further. Now it was my turn to to moan. Wow. It was a beautiful cock head : round and bulbous and dark. He was uncut. The head was covered with foreskin which was pulled back slightly. Precum was leaking out of his urethra. I slid my finger alongside the slit and placed it in my mouth, licking it while looking at him. It had a slight salty taste. "Oh yeah man," I moaned, finally answering him. "I love it." "Pull off my sweats and boxers," he commanded firmly. I leaned back slightly and yanked them off quickly rolling them through his legs and feet. I kept his sneakers on and tossed the clothing to one side of the floor. His legs looked massive, long and muscular with impressive thighs. There was strength to his legs that I liked. I squeezed his thighs hard several times and then let go. His balls were large and round and pushed the base of his thick tool which was now very hard and swerved to the side by his left hip. I leaned in closer and took in his scent from in between his legs. He smelled of sweat, his own musk and some old-fashioned scent that reminded me I was in a barber shop. I leaned in closer and spit on his balls. His cock shifted. I leaned in more and ran my tongue from the bottom to the top. I repeated this from the left side, then the right, then back to the center, each time depositing more saliva that his testicles were now glistening, the highlights in a faint green cast from the fluorescent lighting. My mouth opened wider and I engulfed as much of his balls that I could fit into my mouth. And then I applied pressure with my lips creating a seal as I applied suction to the testicles inside my mouth. I ran my tongue rapidly over his balls, side to side, up and down, with pressure, without, all at random, driving him crazy. I loved how his balls tasted, a little salty from his sweat, a little pungent in general, and a lot masculine. His cock kept shifting. I released his balls and leaned back for a moment while my left hand cupped his testicles, spreading my saliva gently around his balls. His cock shifted again as if silently wanting attention. I leaned forward once more, grabbed the shaft of his tool and brought my lips to his cock head. I curled the tip of my tongue and flicked it around the rim of his foreskin, just getting a little bit of the tip under the rubbery skin as I pushed it back with my tongue. He squirmed a bit on the chair. I continued around the head, taking my time. It tasted musky and slightly strong, carrying that day with it. I was too high to really care. And then I pulled back with my mouth and rolled the flat top section of my tongue along his cock head, tracing it along the line of his urethra, coating it with my saliva. His ass shifted. And then suddenly I took his whole head in my mouth, the thick massive bulb, coating it with more saliva, sucking on it now with pressure, my tongue dancing inside the hood to the rapid rhythm of my heart beating. "MUTHAFUKKKKKAAA!!!" He yelled, his hands now grabbing tight on the chrome edges of the chair arms. Beads of sweat fell from my face mixing with my saliva on his tool, adding more of my own lubrication. I took a deep breath and my mouth opened wider. I applied more suction as I inched forward-slowly, very slowly-on his very hard shaft. I looked at him monitoring his reaction. His eyes were closed, head cocked back, groaning to himself. "Mutha...fukkaa...Mutha...fukkkaaa..." He was sweating even more than me. I inhaled through my nose again and leaned in another inch, my tongue washing the underside of his shaft. I kept watching him as I took my time, savoring the weight and mass of his tool inside my mouth, enjoying that I was providing him this pleasure. I love how a big cock feels when it fills my mouth, my throat. He was getting harder from excitement as he continued to squirm on the chair. I breathed in again through my nose and now dove in, eyes closed, visualizing my actions inside my mind, taking several inches, then pulling back a bit, then diving back in, then out. In. Out. In. Out. I allowed his stiff tool to fuck my hungry mouth and then very suddenly I dove right in, sucking that thick head into my throat. "MUTHAFUKKKIN' BITCH!" He yelled, almost startling me. More sweat was now pouring down my face. I opened my mouth even more, inhaled again, a big, deep breath through what I could take through my mouth and more oxygen through my nose. I relaxed my muscles more as I let his tool sink further inside my throat, meanwhile applying slight random pressure, massaging his shaft. I kept this going slowly, taking my time, breathing in more air through my nose, wanting it, taking it. He just continued to squirm. Finally I had most of his thick cock inside me, the bristles of his public hair now tickling my nose. I looked up at him. His eyes were still closed, head to one side, mumbling to himself. I stayed like that for awhile, just enjoying the volume and weight on his tool in my mouth and throat. I would pull back occasionally, but just a micro inch, and then sink in, fucking the shaft with my mouth. And then I would rest again at the base, contracting my throat muscles, massaging him, resting in that position, savoring the mass inside me. I started to pull back and sink in again, but building my pace; slowly at first, then more rapidly, up and down, up and down. He was really squirming now and I started to apply more pressure and sucking at the same time. Faster. Faster. FASTER! "MUTHAFUKKKAAA!!!" He yanked me off violently, pulling my head with such speed and force away from his shaft that my mouth made a loud plopping sound as I breathed air again. His tool shined with a coating of my saliva. Pre-cum leaked out of his cock head. I leaned in to catch it with my tongue. But he pushed me away. "FUCK BOY!" He pulled back on the chair now, straightening his upper body slightly, his hands falling back on the arm rests. "You sure know how to suck dick! FUCK! I just don't want to cum so fast! That biTch got me goin' and horny! And if your suckin' dick that good I can only tell what the rest of the evening will bring!" He laughed at that. I licked my lips and then wiped the excess saliva around my mouth and chin with my right hand. I stared at him greedily. "You look kinda crazy with that half-done haircut!" He laughed again, now lifting himself from the chair. "Get up, Boy. Take off those shorts and you get that ass back on this chair." He got up around me, his big, slick dick bouncing around. I stood up beside the chair and stepped out of my shorts, kicking off my sneakers. I had a black and red jock on. He whistled at me when he saw that. "WOO! That sure look good on you! Turn around." I did as I was told, giving him a show of my ass, framed by the black jock straps. "Nice!" He felt my ass. "We gonna have some fun with that later. Now get on that chair!" I got on and he placed the polyester sheet on my upper body again and clipped it behind my neck. He grabbed his clippers from the counter. He still had his shirt on, unbuttoned and hanging loose, and nothing else but his sneakers. It looked almost comical with his swinging hard-on but it actually was kinda hot. I was slouching down on the chair a bit. My legs were spread wide. I couldn't help it. I was horny, that buzz just starting to set... "Ok straighten up, let's finish this cut." He walked behind me as I slid up the chair. As I did, the sheet exposed my crotch. I was getting turned on from the whole scenario. The clippers came to my head and he proceeded to finish the cut. The vibration of the clippers was working its magic on me again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the mechanical rhythm on my scalp. I started to get hard despite the T. "You sure like this, huh?" He snickered behind me. I opened my eyes, looking at him in the mirror. He was intensely focused, being very particular with his methods. After a few minutes he was done and placed the clippers aside back at the counter. He shifted to the other side of the counter and selected a shaving blade sitting in a clear glass jar of sanitizing liquid. He retrieved the blade and dried it with a towel nearby. To his left was a small device that he pressed. Heated shaving cream oozed out if it on his palm. He then walked behind me and applied the warm cream on the back of my neck. He massaged the heated cream slowly, gently, spreading it around the bottom trimmed edge of my hairline on the back of my head. The heat of the warm cream added to the heat now forming in the small shop. A tiny bead of sweat ran down the left side of my face. I moaned again. My breathing was getting more rapid. I watched him from the reflection of the other mirror behind us reflecting on the cracked mirror in front of me. I was nervous and yet excited at the same time. My cock twitched in my tight jock. He held his blade impressively steady and very carefully brought the sharp instrument to the back of my head. I stayed still and tried to concentrate on my breathing, to relax and not move an inch. The sharp edge of the blade made contact with my skin and I felt as if someone had shocked me with a hit of electricity. My senses were so heightened. The edge of the blade felt as if it were sinking into my moistened skin, my sweat and the heated shaving cream mixed into some new lubricant for the sharp blade to glide over me. He applied a tiny bit of pressure that was so faint I shouldn't have felt it. But I did as I flinched as the blade shifted slowly along the bottom of the hairline. And then with a very sudden gesture that was a mix of speed and unmeasured pressure, his hand pushed quickly as the blade separated from my skin. I exhaled as the fluorescent light behind us flickered again. Before I could relax, the blade returned, the coldness of the sharp metal shocking me again. I inhaled and caught that I was holding my breath. He applied that subtle pressure and slight movement and shaved another fraction of an inch or so of my hairline to a fine, crisp edge. I exhaled again and he repeated this over and over until he was done. It was only a few minutes but that biTch made it seem more like an eternity. And yet I was loving it. There was something about the super sharp blade that he controlled that turned me on. He wiped what was left of the shaving cream away with a small towel, still standing behind me. I looked at him in the mirror and it was a little obscene: him standing there with a hard-on, the foreskin pulled back revealing his dark tool and holding a blade in one hand. "Slide down that chair a little bit, Boy," he instructed. "Get that ass just hanging off the edge a bit." I did as I was told. He walked over back to the counter. He dropped the used blade back in the sanitizing jar. He turned around looking at me. "You seemed to like that, huh?" I nodded in silence. "Ok-well that was just for starters." He pressed on the small machine on the counter again as more heated cream oozed out of the tiny nozzle. "Now pull up those legs and hold them. Hold them STILL-you hear? I'm gonna shave that hair around your hole." I was already flying at this point. I liked where this was going so I obliged and pulled my legs up, holding it steady on the back of my thighs. My asshole was in clear view. "Muthafukka..." He paused, eyes staring at my hole. I was already buzzed from the bowl we smoked together and the earlier hit I had done just before leaving my apartment. My hole was clearly showing this. I contracted and relaxed my hole, showing off to him. "HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT!!! Whatcha got there, Boy?" He stepped closer. "Fuck. For a second there I thought I was lookin’ at pussy." A thick finger touched my asslips, sliding around it gently. "That is one beautiful hole you got there." He approached me and bent down for a second, taking a closer view. "Muthatfukka. That sure is pretty." He stood up straight and looked around to his side. He found a small stool and grabbed it with his free hand, positioning it to my left side. He then walked back to the counter and pulled another drawer open retrieving a small hand mirror. "Here-grab this," he instructed. "I want you to see what I'm doing. This is special service. I don't provide this to many customers." He winked at me, laughing a little. I held it with one hand and adjusted it. It was a double-sided mirror: normal reflection on one side, close-up view on the other. He fidgeted around the counter then retrieved a fresh, new blade from the jar. He pressed on the machine again as it shot out more heated shaving cream. He sat on the stool next to me, adjusting himself. His legs were spread open and his thick shaft, now semi-hard hung over the edge. If I had another free hand I would have taken a picture. He looked so hot and strangely odd and menacing at the same time with his open shirt, the blade in one hand, the wad of white cream on the other hand, and his big, uncut dick just hanging there. "Hold that mirror just right now so you can see..." His one hand moved closer and spread the warm shaving cream on my manpussy. He spread it liberally, all around my hole and around my asscheeks. Everything felt ultra-sensitive on my skin around my hole. The warmth of the cream almost felt burning at first, as it was a shocking sensation. But the burn faded quickly to a warm glow. I looked in the hand mirror admiring the view. I twisted my hand slightly and switched to the close-up view. My hole was pulsing from the heat like some strange organism surrounded by white foam. "Beautiful," he was admiring the view. He inched in closer. From the hand mirror I saw the blade-now mega size in the enhanced reflection-approaching my pulsing manpussy. The sharp blade looked menacing and I held my breath as my hole instinctively contracted, the pussy lips folding in on itself. "Fuckin' beautiful," he repeated. The blade came closer to the edge of my hole and made contact with my skin. With his left hand he held my ass, pulling it wide as his right hand carefully glided the sharp blade, scraping with a slight pressure away from my asslips. I watched nervously from the mirror. The fluorescent light behind us flickered again, this time with a slight scraping noise that lasted a second. He held the blade at a slight angle as it glided on my skin. The blade pushed the heated cream aside, exposing a smooth, shaved area near my hole. The moistness of the cream and my sweating made my skin seem to glow with a slight light green tint from the fluorescent lighting. He repositioned the blade just another inch above where he had started and repeated the procedure. And again and again. Each time, I flinched as the sharp blade made contact with my sensitive skin. It was a combination of nervousness and anticipation. I stared at the reflection and admired the view. I contracted my hole, winking at him. "You like that, huh?" He asked. I nodded again, silently. He stood up and grabbed the stool and moved over to my right side of the chair. He set the stool down near me and squatted into position. I admired the view of his impressive cock just hanging out, the hood of his foreskin pulled back a bit more, exposing that impressive bulb. He pulled the right side of my ass as the blade approached. I twisted my hand a little bit to get a better view with the hand mirror. As the mirror turned, I caught a momentary glance at my face in the reflection. I was covered in sweat and didn't even realize it. I adjusted my hold until I had a close-up view of my hole. The blade made contact, the sharp edge startling me again. He pulled carefully, gliding it away from my asslips, shaving the short hairs around my hole. I was exhaling and breathing more rapidly. "Hold STILL-you hear?" he demanded in an authoritative voice. I took control of my breathing, trying not to move. The blade came across further up my hole then glided along the smooth surface of my skin, pushing the shaving cream aside. In a few eternal minutes he was done. "Look at that fuckin' pretty hole," he announced. He grabbed a small towel near him and wiped gently around my manhole, removing any leftover shaving cream that was visible. My asslips were all flared and enlarged, pulsing from excitement and anticipation. I was still holding the small mirror. And then the blade approached again, coming into view in the enlarged oval reflection. He had the blade turned upside down, so the curved, unsharpened edge was pointing towards my hole. It came into contact with my moist asslips, the curved flat edge tracing along the soft folds of the skin, slowly up and down, up and down. I gasped a little, not sure what to expect from him. "I can tell this pussy is special," he said. "Don't see this too often." The blade continued its path along my hole. He pulled it away a few inches, tilted the tip of the unsharpened side and pushed it carefully in the crack of my hole. In the mirror I could see the curved edge of the blade enter my hole a micro-inch. I breathed in nervously. "Don't worry, Boy. I ain't gonna hurt you. Last thing I wanna do is hurt that pussy." He pulled the blade away slowly. "Well at least not with this tool." He pushed back on the stool, wiped around my ass again so it was clean and smooth. He stood up. "Take a look," he insisted. I turned the small hand mirror again for the normal view. Shit. My hole did look pretty. It was still pulsing. He grabbed the small mirror from me and walked back to the counter placing it down along with the blade. He wiped his hands with the towel and threw it aside. His dick was starting to throb. He turned looking at me, that thick tool pointing up and twitching. "Watcha want, Boy?" He stared at me greedily. I was still holding my legs up and apart. I moved my hands to my manpussy, feeling the smooth, hairless skin around it, rubbing myself gently. I looked at him with a new hunger, checking him out, staring at that big uncut dick. My fingers found my hole and ran up and down on my asslips. My hole felt warm and moist, as if it was sweating from the heat of the room and the heat building inside of me. "Fuck it," I begged, pulling my asslips apart wider.
    6 points
  2. I am hoping that this is the right place to put this story. There don’t seem to be any like it, so forgive me if I am mistaken in putting it here. I am a filthy cum slut. I was 23 or so when i figured it out for the first time after hooking up with a super hot couple off CL. I was already pretty deep into PNP at the time and I had only been fucked by a guy a once on the down low at the local Vegas ABS’s, but it was not bareback so it wasn’t great. I used to get really high and go lose myself in the many, many, many cocks that las vegas porn booths have to offer. I would swallow TONS of cum, enough to get full on. But something was still missing, no matter how many dicks I sucked I never felt satisfied. I figured this meant that it was time to offer up my ass to someone for fucking and breeding. So one of the times I was VERY high on tina, I was cruising on CL for some nice dicks to finally breed my hungry hole. I got a message from a SUPER hot couple that was looking for a bottom to share, one was white with a nice thick dick, and the other guy was black with a HUGE cock. We exchanged numbers and I got their address. I was so excited, my dick was leaking in my pants and my hole was tingling with anticipation. I arrived at a very nice house in Henderson, knocked on the door, and was greeted by the white guy, wearing a sexy ass jock and nothing else. I could smell the Tina smoke from the doorway. The smell made my ass tingle even more, and my dick twitched in my pants. I walked inside, my eyes slowly adjusting to the low light and smoky room. I saw the black guy sitting on the couch with a glass pipe and a torch, hitting it hard, smoke billowing all around him. He was naked, with his big semi hard dick draped over his thick muscular thigh. There was the typical bareback pig porn on the TV and his eyes were transfixed on the twink-ish guy getting his pussy stretched out by a HUGE black cock. Seeing his glazed over eyes told me that I was in for a real treat with these two. The white guy lead me to the couch, asked me if I wanted to get more comfortable, and handed me the huge glass pipe they had filled with white tina. I took a few huge hits, standing fully clothed by the couch, them watching me like a piece of meat. After 7-8 big hits I passed the pipe and took off my clothes. As the white guy hit the pipe a few times the black guy asked me if I wanted something sexy to wear. I said yes and was lead to the bedroom, which was FULL of gay posters, and leather gear. Boy was I getting eager. The black guy went into the closet and the white guy came in and stood by the door after passing me the pipe, which I started hitting immediately. As I was hitting it, I saw the black guy pulling out, lacey thongs, short skirts, a fishnet body suit and tons of girls clothing. I was getting super high so I didnt think much of it, until the black guy held up the fish net body suit up to me and said to the white guy “im glad we have a thin, smooth slut to wear this, we have had it so long and no one has been worthy of it”. I was confused and said “You guys want me to wear THAT!?! I have never dressed like that before, and im not sure I am up to it” The black guy looked instantly deflated. “Would you wear some panties? Nothing is hotter than a tweaker slut in some nice sexy panties.” I agreed, like the whore I was on tina. I slipped them on, and instantly loved the way they went up my ass, and cupped my dick so tight. He handed me some fishnet thigh highs and told me to put them on as well, and by this point the idea sounded great. As I followed them back into the living room I looked at my ass, it looked so fucking sexy in the thong and thigh highs. We all sat on the couch, me in the middle. We smoked A LOT! More than I had ever smoked before, and the sight of my legs in the fishnets was making me feel like such a little slut. Without wasting any more time, I took one last HUUUUGE hit off the pipe, and got to me knees, staring at the white guy’s thick hairy cock. My mouth was watering. I took a glance at the TV, and caught a glimpse of my ass sticking out like a whore while on my hands and knees in front of one of the nicest cocks I had ever seen. Feeling instantly whorish I devoured his soft chem dick into my slutty mouth. As soon as it was fully stuffed in my mouth, I let out on uncontrolled moan of pleasure, god his cock felt good in my mouth. I started bobbing my head on his dick, letting my inner slut come out. The black guy shot gunned me a few hits, after which id attack the white guys dick again like a hungry dick slut. Then he got up and grabbed one of the plugs on the table, lubed it up, pulled my panties to the side and started easing it into my tight cunt. I moaned into the fat cock in my mouth and pushed back, feeling the plug rip into me. I instantly wanted all the dick in the world in me right then. When the fat plug was all the way inside my pussy, he moved the thong back into place and pulled my head off his BF’s now erect cock. Roughly pulling my head in front of his growing thick black snake. I positioned the base of the plug right over my heel, and as I put that fat mushroom head in my mouth, I sat down hard on the plug, my heel pushing it achingly deep in my boycunt. I sat there rocking on the plug and slobbering on his dick for god know how long, but I must have been good, because he shot a thick, powerful load into my mouth and held my head into him, forcing his softening dick into my throat. God it tasted good. I got up off my heel, standing on my now wobbly, fishnet covered legs. While trying to stand I somehow found that It feels amazing to pull my thong tight, forcing the plug back deep inside me which I did over and over while waiting for what came net. The white guy wanted to suck the remnants of cum out of that thick black dick, so I sat and continued to chem up pulling the lug into my hungry hole with the thong. Suddenly the black guy pushed his bf off his dick and left the room, coming back with a needleless syringe filled with some liquid. He said to me “get on your hands and knees cunt, face down ass up” when I was in the position I felt my new best friends, my plug and my new black panties being pulled away from my ass. The plug was forced into my mouth, which I sucked eagerly in my horned up frame of mind. Not feeling I was being slutty enough, I put it on the floor, and bobbed my head up and down on it moaning, trying to impress my new friends with my slutty behavior. I felt something go into my hole, then a burn as something was shot up inside me. The plug was put back in my hole, held firmly in place by my sexy black thong. Wow…. Something was happening now. The horniness I felt was shooting through the roof. Standing in the middle of the room, facing the bareback porn on the tv, I started pulling the plug out of myself, then forcing it back in. Over and over and over. I was putting on quite the show apparently because they were both stroking and egging me on, calling me whore, cunt slut etc. Encouraged by the guys I pulled the plug out, set it down and grabbed one of the large dildos on the table, put the base on the floor and positioned my cunt over it. The black guy handed me what he called ‘special lube’, I used A LOT of it to grease up my now insatiable hole. Then with them watching and passing the glass pipe, I sat on the huge dildo, feeling it stretch my hole further than I had ever had it. I rode it like a pro, letting the whole thing fall out, then slamming it back home, sitting as far down as I could. I was passed the pipe, and while keeping the dildo in me, hit the pipe long and deep. My ass ate up the remaining length of dildo as I exhaled. The white guy put his dick in my mouth while I rode the dildo in the middle of the living room in my fishnets and moved aside thong. Finally I told them “I need some dick in me right now, please!” and with that pulled the dildo out, deep throated it and pushed the white guy back on the couch. Without preamble I sat on his fat cock, even semi soft it slid right into my chemed up hole. OH. MY. GOD. It felt like my hole was on fire as he pulled it slowly in and out. When I was used to it, the chemed up whore I am started roughly bouncing on his dick, while begging the black guy to allow me to suck him again. He shot gunned me a huuuge hit and slammed his dick into my mouth, asking me how the special lube felt, I could only moan like a slut around his dick and bounce on his bf’s cock. I was now a full on slut, fully hungry for cum. The white guy pulled out super fast, leaving my hole feeling extra empty, and told me to move to the floor by the sliding glass door In the kitchen, where I could see myself in the reflection, and damn my ass and legs DID look good! I saw the black guy now standing behind me with another syringe full of liquid, which was shot up into my hole, then capped with the plug again and held in place by my new favorite piece of sex cloths. After the feeling of bare cock, the plug was small. They told me to stay there and watch them through the sliding glass window while thy fucked outside. Outside they went, the white guy eagerly bent over the Jacuzzi cover and exposed his ass, which the black guy filled right away. I grabbed the plug, pulled it out, then back in a few times, feeling less than filled. I slammed the plug back in, replaced the thong to hold it inside my hole, and got up and grabbed the pipe. I sat on my heels smoking like a druggie whore until I the black guy motioned to me. Instantly knowing that his big fat black cock would soon be filling my pussy made me reflexively loosen my cunt. As I stood up, the plug fell past my thong, and on to the floor. My ass felt so loose, it needed to be filled! I felt the second syringe hit me as I was standing there, my ass tingled, and I could feel the drugs leaking out and soaking my thong with chem juice. Knowing it would soon be also soaking with cum, sweat and more ‘special’ lube I let it go, knowing id suck it all out eventually. Acting like a whore for these guys was something I was learning to enjoy. I opened the sliding glass door, arched my back, stuck out my whore hole and shook my hips like a wanton whore as I slowly approached them, the sounds of dick and wet hole filling the air. They grabbed me and pushed me onto the jaccuzzi cover, leg up in the air, my eager hole exposed. As the black guy lined up his cock, moved my thong asaide, and started to push in he said “get ready to be bred you little skank”. It was going to be a long night……
    5 points
  3. After he had left his latest load inside my ass, my B/F almost shyly told me a fantasy of which he had been thinking, namely that he wanted to see me getting fucked by someone else and to join in when he was excited enough. Without mentioning that I had had similar thoughts, I replied I was game, and asked if he thought he could set it up. "Yeah, I think I can" he answered. A few days later, on a Wednesday, I received a text from him, asking if I really want to do what we talked about. I replied “If it’s about you wanting to pimp me out, hell, yes!” Two day later, around 3:00 o'clock on Friday afternoon, he sent me another text asking how much free time I had that weekend. I replied my entire weekend was clear. He responded saying he couldn't set it up for my place, but he had set-it up for a local hotel, providing the time, address and room number, and instructing me to meet him there. While this was certainly an unusual set of instructions, I drove to the hotel, and having gathered-up my nerves, I took a deep breath, then another, and finally got out of my car and entered the hotel. As I rode the elevator up to the floor, my mind was racing, wondering if he really had some waiting for me, or was he teasing me, and did he just want to fuck me somewhere different for a change? Arriving at his room, he answered my knock, and no sooner had we exchanged pleasantries, I dropped to my knees, pulled-out his cock, and sucked him for a few minutes. Before long, however, he stopped me, which both surprised and disappointed me, and told me he wanted to set things up. I glance over to the bed and notice that there are nylon straps with Velcro cuffs lying on the corners. He had expressed a fantasy of fucking me while I was tied but had never actually acted on it. I was beside myself. I heard his phone beep, he checked it and told me to strip but leave my underwear on. The cuffs were comfortable but kept me securely in place, spread eagle, face down. Once in place I struggled as he suggested, as if I wouldn’t have anyway. Once he was satisfied I couldn’t get free, he climbed on the bed and I felt him teasing my hole with his cock. I gasped as he slipped inside me and I took a deep breath as he slowly worked his cock completely inside my ready ass. He slowly pulled out then began a slowly building rhythm which I had been dreaming about since his text. As his stroking continued and built slowly, I was beside myself and pulled against my bonds. As he approached the pace that usually meant he was within a few minutes of cumming, he asked me if I was ready. “Oh God! Yessss, Give me that cum!” He slowed and stopped, buried deep inside me. I was beside myself in ecstasy, thinking that he had just bred me. He slowly pulled out of me and left me there wondering if he had bred me or simply teased me. My mind wandered back to his original text, so I asked. He said he had indeed made arrangements. He pointed out the camera sitting on the dresser in the room. That convinced me he had something in mind. I finally asked, since I wasn’t feeling anything running down my scrotum. He told me that I would get his cum when the time came. He asked me once more if I was sure I wanted him to ‘pimp’ me out. I responded that I was here, I let him tie me down, that I was as ready as I was going to get. His phone beeped again. “Okay, let’s get ready.” He stepped over to the dresser, reached into his bag and pulled out a sizable penis gag. I opened and accepted the gag plug and almost got hard as I felt him cinch the strap tight. He asked yet again if I was ready for this, all I could do was manage a muffled 'yes'. He then leaned in close and told me the first guy was on his way up. I couldn't believe it. It was finally happening! I was about to get fucked with my B/F watching, and he had set it up! The moment arrived. My B/F and the new guy spoke briefly, and then the new guy climbed onto the bed. He ran his hands over my ass then plunged his cock into me, and pounded my ass, cumming within about ten strokes. I was almost disappointed that he had cum so quickly. I heard him pulling his pants up and then the door close. I was hoping he wasn’t my B/F’s big 'pimp out' hope and frankly I expected my B/F to climb on the bed to fuck me himself, but then I realized suddenly something warm was dripping down my scrotum. I had just been fucked raw. I tensed up. Up till then I had only been fucked bare by my B/F. I started struggling and trying to get his attention. His phone beeped again. “Hmmmm, that’s the fifth response so far,” he commented, adding “Oh, by the way, there are three guys on their way up. I hope you’re ready, and in case you're wondering, I’ve booked this room till Monday.” His phone beeped again. “I didn’t mention,” he added, “The ad I ran said I had a cum dump willing and ready to take any and all loads up his ass.”
    3 points
  4. The top’s name was Anthony. I had found him on-line using the screen name Hot Rod. His profile had talked about his big hard cock, his stamina, his big loads, all of which really got my juices going, so I hit him up. We exchanged a few e-mails and when I asked for his phone number he gave it to me. Come on guys! That seems trustworthy, right? I usually ask on-line strangers lots of questions but on this night I was so horned up that I just blurted out that I wanted him to come over and play. Right away. Next thing you know, here we are on my queen-size bed, me flat on my back and Anthony, he’s on his knees between my legs, looking down at me with a smug expression. God damn! He’s so HOT! “What?” I said, looking up at him quizzically. “Let’s get you out of those pants,” he said. And that’s just what he proceeded to do! I felt a little vulnerable, naked and my legs spread like that, with him kneeling in between, still fully dressed, looking down at me thoughtfully. That didn't seem to stop my dick from standing straight up however. If anything, I was harder than usual. “Come on, you get undressed too,” I said. “Whatever you say, man,” he replied. With that, he reached up and slowly started to pull his t-shirt up and over his head. My eyes darted to his midsection as the bottom hem began to rise. I wanted to see if he had a nice treasure trail. I like my guys with some fur on their belly and chest. There was a sexy thatch of black hair running down into his jeans. It took me a few seconds for my brain to process the image in front of me. Beneath that glorious trail of hair was a tattoo. It was THAT TATTOO! You know, the universal bio-hazard symbol. When Anthony caught the look on my face he sneered, “Don’t you fret about that! I’m gonna take good care of you.” With that he shoved his jeans down to his knees. His cock sprang up stiffly, long and thick. It was already starting to ooze a clear fluid, tantalizing but undoubtedly toxic. He said, “Don’t worry, baby, all you gotta do is lick it a little, just a little. You know…make it feel good.” As he leaned towards me I couldn't help but moisten my lips and open my mouth. “Yeah, I figured you would,” he said as he rubbed the head of that big cock across my mouth, coating my lips with his slightly salty precum. It was like I was mesmerized. I offered no resistance when his cock began to push into my mouth. God, it tasted good! I moaned just a little when I realized that I was accepting him willingly but I just couldn't stop. “That’s it, baby, get that big dick of mine nice and wet. The slicker it gets, the easier it’ll be on your ass!” As much as his cock was turning me on, when I realized that he was intending to fuck me with it, my fears came roaring back. “No way am I gonna let you fuck me with that cock,” I announced. “I’m not gonna make you do anything that you don’t want to do, baby!” he crooned. “I promise you, I’ll only do what's ok with you, how’s that?” “Well,” I assented, “I guess that’ll be alright.” He ordered, "Now get back on that cock. That was feeling mighty good!” Now that I wasn't so nervous, the idea of sucking on that big-ass cock seemed like a reasonable thing to do. I started making love to that dick with my lips and tongue and throat. I could tell that he was getting into it because he placed his hands on each side of my head, held me steady and then began a gentle yet insistent rocking motion with his hips. Being used this way just got me hotter and my thoughts began to whirl. My desires were taking over and my common sense was melting away rapidly. He stopped face fucking me long enough to pull off the rest of his clothes. He stretched out, lying atop me and applying urgent little kisses and bites, sending me further into orbit. First he worked on my front side and then he carefully turned me over onto my stomach and continued his efforts on my back and neck. “Baby,” he whispered huskily. “You turn me on so much it’s hard for me to restrain myself.” With that, he started to slowly rub the head of his cock up and down the crack of my ass. I tensed up until he reminded me of his promise not to do anything that I wasn't ok with. “Baby,” he said, “let me just put my cock inside you, only a couple of inches. That ass of yours looks so sweet, I just gotta see what it feels like to be inside. Don’t worry, that’s all I’m gonna do.” I thought that his request sounded a little fishy, but he had promised, after all, and I told you my thinking was getting a little mixed up! After a couple of minutes he said, “Yeah, that feels so good…just a couple more inches deeper…just for a minute, ok? I just want to see what it feels like.” Again, I gave my reluctant approval. But this time, after he eased that huge dick in a bit, he caught me by surprise by pulling it back out, just a few inches. When I didn't squawk, he repeated the process, gently pushing in and then pulling back again. “Don’t worry, baby,” he breathed, “I’m not fucking you, I’m just gonna move it in and out for a little bit, just for a couple of minutes. It feels so, so good, baby!” I guess he thought that my shocked silence meant that I was ok with it all because soon his rhythm started to pick up ever so gradually and his strokes started getting deeper. As freaked out as I was, I have to admit that it was starting to feel waves of pleasure washing over me. Faster, deeper, I didn't know what to think. Was he really fucking me after all? And here I was, after all my earlier protests, letting him actually fuck me, fuck me RAW! His breathing was getting more labored, a sign that he was gonna blow his wad soon. His poz load! He was still pumping away deep inside me and I was so dazed by it all that I wasn't doing anything to stop him! Nothing was coming out of my mouth except little gasps of pleasure. I was just about to tell him, “No! Please, no!” when I felt his hips start to jerk as he began to flood my insides with his seed. This hot poz top was actually breeding me and I had let him do it without saying a freakin' word! After several more thrusts he was finally spent. He rolled me over and stared into my eyes. A hint of a sheepish grin played across his lips. “I told you that I was gonna take care of you, didn't I?”
    2 points
  5. After I graduated from college at the end of my senior year I embarked on what is easily the most boring road trip of all time. I had to drive my little car, from Orlando where I went to school all the way up to Rockledge, Illinois where my parents lived. I was transporting my books, papers and clothing, having sold the rest of my stuff on craigslist. So now was in my compact car full of boxes heading northward. I had decided to do the drive in three days instead of two like I had done when I moved to college, and so I spent the first night in Atlanta in a shitty hotel on the ring road. What with packing and graduating and the parties and everything I was completely exhausted by the time I got to the hotel that night, and promptly passed out right after dinner. Now being 22, 5’11” and 150lbs with short brown hair, a tight smooth swimmers body I tended to attract a lot of attention from men, a fact that I took full advantage of. During my four years at college I had gotten used to getting fucked at least five nights a week if not every night, and to be honest usually by a different guy each night. By the time I reached my hotel on the second night in Effingham, Illinois it was four days sense I had last been fucked and I was climbing the walls. I was already on Grindr before I got in the lobby of the hotel, rolling my suit case behind me. I walked up to the counter and gave the guy my name without looking at him, it wasn’t until he asked to see my ID that I looked up from scrolling through trolls and looked at him. He was reasonably handsome although older then I normally go for, he looked to be about thirty-five, sandy blond hair, broad shoulder, and a powerfully built frame. He took my Driver’s license, typed in whatever information he needed from it, and then handed me a key card without saying much of anything. “Alright Mr. Martin, you’re all set. Room 115, just down this hall, last room on the left.” He pointed down the hallway just past the counter and smiled a broad toothy smile. I took the car and nodded, heading back down the hallway, my attention already back on Grindr. The room was larger then I expected, with a nice queen sized bed at one end with a tv on a rotating stand across from it. An archway separated the bed at the far end of the room from the little sitting area composed of a single couch and a coffee table with a lamp and the bathroom. I dropped my suitcase next to the bed got out my laptop and sat down on the little couch. While I waited for my computer to boot up and connect to the hotel Wi-Fi I scrolled to the top of Grindr and refreshed the page. A new profile appeared right next to mine, one of those headless torso pictures. I don’t normally pay much attention to headless torsos, I usually think “what are you trying to hide,” but I was getting desperate so I clicked. He didn’t have his distance shown but he had to be close. The enlargement of his picture was hot though, showing not just his well-built blond haired chest but his flat stomach and deep pelvic v that made my mouth water a little. He listed no stats, which is normally another red flag for me, but I was so horny and he was one of the few decent looking guys from what I could see in a twenty mile radios so I clicked the message icon. Hey what’s up? I opened adam4adam on my computer and changed my city view to Effingham hoping to have better luck there. A few moments later my phone buzzed. I pulled Grindr back up and found a message from the headless torso. Just working. How are you? Alright. Just got into town. Bored n horny. I responded. His reply came before I put my phone down. This town sucks for guys. I’m always horny as fuck. LOL. Any more pics? He responded with a picture of a long fat cock nestled in a thick bush of light brown pubes a thin sliver of well toned abs and a thick blondish treasure trail visible at the bottom of the picture. Damn that’s a hot fucking cock. How big are you? Again his response came before I could put my phone down. 8.5 and thick. What are you into kid? Bottom, the rest is up for grabs. Nice, send me a pic of your ass. I pulled one up quickly on Grindr’s photo log and sent it. Hot. Face pic? I asked. This time his response took longer. In fact it didn’t come at all. Fucking flake, I thought, and pulled up some porn on my computer. I checked Grindr every once in a while is I jerked off and fingered my hole but he didn’t reply back for over an hour. Just as I was thinking I should just finish off and go to bed my phone buzzed again. It was a message for the headless torso who was still the closet guy to me. So you wanna get fucked tonight kid? Yeah. But I need to see a face pic. I sent back. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. I looked at the clock on my computer; it was ten o’clock at night, who the hell was knocking on the door. Shifting my boner so that it was tucked up into my waistband where it was mostly unnoticeable I walked over to the door. When I opened it I found the tall blond from the front desk standing there. He looked even bigger no that he wasn’t behind his desk, I noticed how broad his shoulders were and how massive his pecs appeared to be through the shirt. He looked like a beefy farm hand from a 1970’s porno. “You wanted a face pic?” I heard for the first time a slight country twang in his low voice. “What,” I stammered. “You said you needed to see a face pic before I got to pound that sweet ass of yours well here it is.” He was the headless torso, the front desk guy that I had barely glanced at when I came into the hotel. “Look I’m not really supposed to do stuff like this but I just got off my shift, so can I come in before the night shift guy sees me?” “Fuck, yeah, sure.” I said hurriedly. The massive hulk of a farm hand walked quickly into the room and I shut the door behind him. He smiled that broad toothy smile again and said, “Well I trust you like what you see.” “Yeah, you’re hot.” “Good, then why don’t you strip boy and show me that hot ass.” I pulled my t-shirt off, my heart pounding. I had had quick Grindr hookups before but never had I had a guy show up at my door without my having really invited him over and start to give me instructions. I hesitated for a moment before dropping my briefs and kicking them off. I now stood completely naked in front of the front desk clerk of the hotel I was staying in while he rubbed his boner through his trousers. “I’m Will,” he said and unbuttoned his shirt. His headless torso picture hadn’t been a lie, his body looked even better then in the picture. Now that I could see his perfectly round small brown nipples up close, and that thick blond hair, his bushy pits, the heavily veined and muscled arms I felt weak at the knees. “I’m Tyler,” I answered him, as he undid his belt and dropped his trousers a slightly yellowed jockstrap straining to contain his swelling cock. “Why don’t you get on your knees and suck my cock before we work it up your sweet ass.” He said rubbing his chest with one hand. I didn’t need to be told twice and quickly feel to my knees in front of him. I licked his cock head through his dirty jock tasting the salty taste of old sweat and piss on the fabric. This guy was a pig and I loved it. He brought the hand that wasn’t busy tweeking his own nipples down on the back of my head to hold me in place and moaned, “Go on and get my cock out boy.” I moved his jock aside and the fat mushroom headed cock he had sent me a picture of sprung out accompanied by two large cum laden balls. Not wasting another second I opened wide and swallowed his cock head. Will groaned pushing me down further, forcing more of his cock into my mouth. I gobbled as much of his cock as I could down into my mouth feeling it hit the back of my throat too soon. For a few minutes Will tried to force his cock further down my throat before pulling out and instructing me to lay on the bed with my head hanging off the edge. I had heard this command before and knew what was coming. I got up onto the bed and lay with my head off the end my mouth already open. “Good slut, you’re gonna get the pounding you need just wait.” He slid his cock into my open mouth and using the leverage and angle of my throat to his advantage began to throat fuck me, forcing his cock down my throat making me gag occasionally. Will pounded away as if my mouth were an ass, and I thought that if he fucked me half as hard as he was fucking my mouth I would be set for a week. Spit and precum dripped out of the corners of my mouth as he pounded my face, his balls slapping against my nose. I heard his breathing change and noticed that his balls were retracting slightly. Shit, I thought, he’s going to cum and not be able to fuck me. Just as I thought that his cock throbbed hard in my mouth and began to rocket cum down my throat. He pulled out till his head rested in my mouth shooting his load onto my tongue. It tasted sweet and salty just like his jock. Slowly he pulled out of my mouth and stepped back. I rolled over and looked at him a little sadly, he just smiled and said, “That wasn’t my only load kid, I haven’t even gone soft yet.” It was true his cock was still hard as a rock. “Lay on the bed normal will yah,” he instructed. I flipped around so my head was resting on the pillows laying on my back and he climbed onto the bed with me. Will moves so quickly I didn’t notice it happen, he suddenly was between my slightly parted legs his strong muscular hairy body over mine as he bent down to kiss me. He forced is tongue into my mouth and I quickly opened up for him. He pressed his chest against mine as we kissed, this was more tender and passionate then he had been. I didn’t really notice that he was slowly spreading his knees forcing my legs apart, in fact I didn’t notice what he was doing until he had managed to get my legs spread wide and his hands holding my hips as he rubbed his cock up and down my crack while he kissed me. I groaned into his mouth as he worked his cock closer and closer to my hole. Eventually I felt his warm wet cock head, slick with spit and more precum, press against my hole. He kept his mouth pressed to mine as he rubbed his cock more forcefully against my pucker. His kissing became rougher, more fanatic, and I was so distracted my his quick moving tongue that I completely forgot about his cock pressing against my hole until I suddenly felt his head press into my hole stretching my sphincter across it’s bulbous form. “Wait,” I gasped, feeling his cock sliding a little deeper into my hole, “I have condoms in my bag.” He pulled away from my a little so he could look me square in the face, still pressing his cock into my quivering hole, “I only fuck raw kid. You want this cock you take it as it is.” I hesitated, and he kept thrusting his fat cock into my hole, stretching me wide. I felt his cock head brush against my prostate and gasped, “Please fuck me,” I moaned. “Good boy,” he slid in the rest of the way, my dry hole pulling a little as he did. I couldn’t believe what I was doing, this stranger this man I had never met before was fucking me raw. Up until that moment I had only let my first boyfriend fuck me raw. I had forgotten how good a bare cock felt inside of me, but I hadn’t even asked his status. I was so conflicted between the values and rules I had set for myself, the risks I understood, and the insane amounts of pleaser that this man’s raw cock slowly pulling out of my hole was giving me. “Are you NEG,” I asked quietly. Will laughed, and said, “Doesn’t matter now, your hole’s full of my precum. I leak like a faucet you’ve seen that already.” It was true, when he had been throat fucking me I was astonished by the amount of precum he dripped in my mouth at times it had felt like almost a constant stream. “Do you want me to stop boy?” He flexed his cock inside of me as he spoke. When I hesitated he flexed his cock again pressing against my prostate and I gasped, “No, fuck me. Please, I need to get fucked so bad.” He smiled at me and started to slip in and out of my ass faster, his precum quickly lubing my hole for him. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the euphoria of having my hole used by this massive hulk of a man. Will pushed my legs into my chest giving himself more leverage to fuck down into my hole. I felt drops of sweat dripping onto me as his face and chest started to glisten. His breathing became erratic and I felt his thrust getting rougher he was going to cum in me, I could tell. After a few moments though his breathing returned to normal and he went pack to pounding me deep. “Man you hole feels so good on my raw cock,” he said, emphasizing the word raw as if reminding me of the choice I had made. I loved getting fucked, and I had had a lot of great tops but his cock did feel better inside of me. He was giving me more pleasure then I had had in a long time. My whole body seemed to be tingling, alive with electricity and my lust for Will and his cock grew. His breathing started to get ragged again as he long dicked me, pulling his cock completely out of my hole before slamming it back in to my now gaping sphincter. “I’m gonna cum soon,” he grunted on one of his body rocking inward thrusts. “Where do you want it,” he asked on the withdrawal. I thought for a moment, but I had already decided when I thought he was going to cum before that if I was getting raw fucked that I was at least going to get the reward. “In my hole, I want you to cum inside me.” “You sure?” “Yes, dump a load in me.” “I knew you were a slut bottom when I first saw you,” he said in one quick breath as he slammed into me again and unleashed his second load of the night into my twitching rectum. His cock throbbed as he came and we both held perfectly still. I realized that I was holding my breath after a moment, and just as he finished cuming we both exhaled slowly. We breathed together for a few long slow breaths before Will flexed his cock inside of me again and began to slowly fuck his cock into me again. “You can go again,” I said, surprised. He put his hands on my thighs pressing them into my chest, pinning me to the bed, “There’s plenty more POZ cum where that came from.” “POZ!” I almost shouted trying to push him off. “What are you trying to push me off for kid, you’ve already got two POZ loads in that sweet hole of yours and about a gallon of precum.” “Two,” I said with tears in my eyes. “Yeah I came in you once but just kept fucking.” So he had cum that first time. His cock brushed my prostate again as I struggled and I felt the euphoria wash over me. “I’m gonna cum at least three more times tonight,” he went on, “and they are all going in this hot little ass of yours one way or another.” He flexed his cock, “So we can either do this the easy way or,” another flex of his cock, “the hard way. What do you say kid, you wanna take these loads like the good slut I know you are or am I going to have to make you take them.” I was panting from his slow fucking and flexing his cock against my prostate, it took me no time to think of my answer. “Fuck your loads into me. I want everything you can give me.” After a few long moments he bent low and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my body. Then he reared back, and swinging his legs out, flipped us both over so that he was now laying flat on his back and I was sitting astride him with his still hard cock in my ass. “How about you milk the next one from my cock.” I rode his cock till he unloaded inside of me again, and then he flipped me over doggy style. After that it was a blur as he pounded my hole all around the hotel room, sometimes bending me over the little sofa or pressing me up against the door. Five loads later we passed out on the bed his cock still buried deep inside my now leaking, puffy, fuck battered hole. The next morning I awoke to the feeling of Will sliding his cock, which had slipped out during the few hours sleep that we got when it finally went down, back into my hole. I pressed my ass back against his cock, having completely given myself over to him and his toxic loads. He sank balls deep and holding onto my hips kept me still as he kissed the back of my neck. I suddenly felt a huge warmth inside of me and realized that Will was pissing inside of my ruined hole. I had heard about people doing this but always thought it way too extreme but now that I felt the flood of piss warming my guts is wondered how I ever could have thought so. “Good slut,” he said when he had finished peeing, “now go and let all that out in the bathroom and then ill give you one more load for the road.” He kissed the back of my neck again and spanked my ass cheek as he pulled out. I quickly clenched my hole not wanting any of the warm liquid to escape and shuffled off to the bathroom. I couldn’t believe how much piss was inside of me when I sat down on the toilet and let my ass relax. It was like a never-ending flood. When at last my hole was empty I got up to flush and was surprised when I looked in the yellow water that there was no cum mixed in. My body had absorbed all of that POZ cum while I slept. My heart pounded in fear but my cock was hard as a rock. Knowing that there was only one thing to do I went back to the bed where Will was laying on his back stroking his fat cock and mounted his dick in one swift move. Will actually gave me three more loads that morning and I arrived at my parents house after four more hours of driving with my hole still feeling wet and slick. That night despite my parent’s objections I told them I was going into Chicago to see friends. When I got off the train in Boys Town for the first time in my life I walked I crossed the street and walked right into Steamworks. I paid for a locker, got my towel and spent the rest of the night taking any cock that came my way. I’ve already taken almost a dozen POZ loads, I told myself, so what does it matter what loads I take now. THE END
    1 point
  6. Though a work of fiction in, this story is based on real life events. Part One - The hookup "Hi." "Hey there." That's all it took. He was clearly nervous and it seemed like his first time there, but as soon as I finished those words the young chubby boy was already on his knees, fishing my quick hardening dick from my pants. No talk, no games. Just like a cruising area should be. "Oh fuck. I love your dick! It's so big..." "Not really, it's just a bit over 7inches, but I'm glad you like it babe." And with that he started sucking me. He started gently, just kissing the head, licking my piss slit for any precum. Clearly he did not have much practice but he was turning out to be a fast learner and that was good enough for me. As soon as he started trying to deepthroat it, I knew he was in trouble. This 22yo had just admitted to himself he was gay, this was the third time he had been with a guy, and though he was trying, he was having some difficulty swallowing it all. It wasn't unexpected to feel him tense up as I grabbed the back of his head and started trying to force more of my dick inside his young mouth. "Relax sweetie, I'll never hurt you" was all that I had to say. His doe eyes opened wide, and I could see I had him. Slowly I forced my way inside his throat, ignoring the gagging and the tears filling up his eyes. "See, you have it all in your mouth. Fuck you're good!" I held him there for a bit before pulling out and forcing it all the way in again. Testing his gag reflex before allowing him to get back on working my dick for a while. I don't usually cum with blowjobs, so I just pulled him back up and kissed him. This chubby was now mine and I knew it. Not that I'm a stud or the best fuck around, but when you top, you know when you have a bottom in the palm of your hand. You can see the lust and devotion in his eyes, and you know you can do what you want. "I need you to fuck me." No news for me, but I knew the choice had to be his. "Do you have condoms? I didn't bring any as I thought I was just going to get sucked." A lie. "Fuck. I didn't either." "We can meet some other day and I'll fuck your juicy ass then. In the meantime you can just suck me off" I baited him. "Can you just rub it against my hole? It's been ages since I've been fucked and I've never had one so big. I just want to feel it there." That was it. He had made his choice. "Dude, I love your ass." was all I could say and he spread his cheeks for me and leaned against the car. It wasn't even a hole. It was just a slit of pink flesh, waiting to be opened up. "You clean down there? I don't want to taste nothing funky" I told him before diving in. Clearly, he had never been eaten out. His legs were trembling, his moans were becoming louder by the minute and his hands kept pushing his ass cheeks further apart as he moved backwards and tried to get more of my tongue inside him. I knew he was ready then. I just stood up, and as he had requested, rubbed my fat cockhead on his hole. Once again, I knew I was going to breed him, but he had to make the choice himself. He started trying to get the timing right, moving his ass back as I bucked my hips. My hands rubbing his shoulders and his back, only letting go for a slight slap on the ass. And then I saw him. Just on the other side of the road, looking at us. I recognized the guy fron an earlier conversation; a friend had just pointed him out and told me: "Hey, if you take loads tonight, don't take his...". I understood what my friend meant. By then my bottom was grinding hard against me, oblivious to the stranger watching, he softly moaned "Will you fuck me raw?" "I don't know man... I just met you. It's really not my thing." Another lie. "Do you have HIV?" I loved the mix of desire and fear in his voice. "No! DO YOU??" That fake revolt at the question always works to make them take the final step. "No! Will you do it? But please... don't cum inside my ass." With that I just pushed my head through the tight ring, no condom and only using spit for lube, making him scream in both pain and pleasure. And there we were, a chubby inexperienced 22 year old boy, bending over for my 30 year old thick bareback bear dick. Trying to back away but trapped against the hood of my car as I slowly but forcefully raped open his amazingly tight ass, feeling his ass muscles tighten, trying to push my bare cock out. His hands on my hips trying to stop me from entering him. No sound except for a low continuous moan, the sound of someone who can't even come to terms with asking me to stop, the sound of someone who can't even find the strength to scream as he is grabbed by the shoulders and pulled back on the raw cock tearing him apart. I had him then. And once I had my dick all the way up his ass, I kissed him on the neck and knew what he was about to say before he even said it. "Fuck me please. I'm all yours" Part 2 - The stranger to come soon!
    1 point
  7. My boyfriend is incredibly cute. I love his perky ass and his toned torso. He's got Mediterranean roots and has tanned skin all over. His brown curly hair perches about his 7” uncut cock like a bird's nest, if you know what I mean. He's got low-hanging balls and blue-green eyes. Even though he's nearly thirty now, he's still a twink who could pass for twenty. He's a looker and never has to work out to stay in shape. A few months ago, I started going to a gym. I wanted to tighten up my body a bit and thought I wouldn't mind checking out some muscled guys in the locker room and showers... My schedule was pretty regular, and I often worked out at the same time as a really sexy hunk of a guy. After a few weeks of nodding at each other across the treadmill or bending over the same bench to tie our shoes, Mitch introduced himself to me. He was gorgeous. About six foot tall, with massive arms and a wide flat furry chest. I had only seen him with his shirt off, but I suspected he was packing a nice set of equipment in his shorts... Buzzed blond hair and blue eyes. Delicious. He told me he was in his last year of art school. We chatted it up and he invited me to lunch one weekend. I thought he was asking me out, so I told him about my boyfriend. After all, I didn't want to lead this stud on! To my surprise, he grinned and said, “The more the merrier! I'll invite my boyfriend too!” The weekend rolled around and I headed to the bar with my boyfriend to hang out with Mitch and his boyfriend. Mitch's boyfriend, Carl, was a bit older, maybe thirty, like my boyfriend, and worked in a bank. He was well-dressed, and although much smaller than Mitch, was clearly in good shape too. His fitted business shirt practically clung to his slim chest and abs. We ordered a lunch special that came with unlimited mimosas. After the third round, the conversation turned inevitably to sex. I proudly held my boyfriend's hand across the table and told Mitch and Carl about how proud we were to have a monogamous relationship. Carl smiled and said that he wished he could have that with Mitch. I was confused. Mitch abruptly changed the subject to his art studies, photography and painting. He told us about a new series of photos showing nude couples in intimate moments. He had photographed lesbian couples embracing, straight couples having foreplay, and a few gay couples 69'ing or rimming. It sounded pretty hot to me and my boyfriend and we told Mitch that we'd love to see them. My boyfriend piped up that he wouldn't mind posing together if he'd have us! I could tell that Carl was a little unsure at the prospect, but I was happy to see my boyfriend comfortable enough in our relationship to volunteer to explore it in front of a camera. After another mimosa, we decided to head to Mitch's studio classroom after a work out the next day. The next morning, my boyfriend slept in a bit. We made plans to pick him up after a workout, and I headed to the gym. I was there promptly at 9AM when the doors opened, and saw Mitch a few minutes later. After a half hour on the treadmill, he offered to spot me on the barbell bench. I guess I was feeling cocky, or maybe I was distracted by Mitch's huge bulge in his shorts, but I took on too much weight and Mitch wasn't fast enough to keep the weight from slamming in to my face. If he hadn't caught it when he did, it really might have hurt me! As it was, after a few minutes, even with an ice pack, my right eye was black and blue and so puffy it was nearly closed. I felt awful, knowing that we were supposed to have a photoshoot right after the workout. Mitch got a second ice pack for me and helped me to the locker room where we changed to head out and pick up my boyfriend. In the car, Mitch told me that we could reschedule if I didn't want to pose with a black eye. I didn't want to postpone, so he proposed another idea; maybe Carl could pose with my boyfriend instead. I thought about it and decided that would be fine if it was ok with everyone involved. Mitch called Carl, who was surprisingly keen on the idea, and I called my boyfriend, who was excited, maybe even a bit too excited... Mitch also promised me some prescription painkillers that he had in his gym bag. About an hour later, I had taken a few too many painkillers and had a fresh icepack on my face. Mitch had the camera and lights set up. My boyfriend stripped off his clothes and waited in a robe for Carl to be ready. When Carl showed up, he gave Mitch a huge sloppy kiss and untied his robe, dropping it to the floor. Even with only one eye, I could see his massive tool hanging down, at least seven inches and he was totally soft. His pubes and balls were trimmed close and I noticed that he had a piercing between his balls and his hairy ass. My boyfriend was practically drooling and his cock was rock hard and poking straight out. I sat there doped up as Mitch posed them, with my boyfriend leaning over a chair and Carl behind him with his huge hardening cock laying against his ass. It was then, with Carl bent over away from me that I saw it. A four-inch wide biohazard tattoo above his asscrack. I realized that Carl was POZ! Mitch saw me staring at this POZ guy whose bare cock was hardening and starting to drip precum into my boyfriend's bare asshole. He comforted me and told me not to worry about anything and handed Carl a condom. Carl snickered a bit and unwrapped it, rolling it down onto his now-throbbing cock. My boyfriend knelt down and watched as he did so, not having seen the tattoo or realizing why Carl was bagging up. My boyfriend smiled at me and said, “Since he's safe, maybe we could get a few photos with him teasing my ass with his cock!” Mitch nodded and grunted approval. I figured that it couldn't hurt. Even though Carl was POZ, he was wearing a condom, and it was only for a photos, so I figured Carl wouldn't fuck him for real or anything. Mitch checked on me to make sure I was ok with everything, and he noted that I was getting hard. He told me that I could jerk off if I wanted, that my horniness would only make the pictures hotter. I was feeling groggy from one too many pain pills, and let him unbutton my fly and fish out my cock. Mitch knelt in front of me and shoved my pants down to my knees. As he stood up, he whispered to me that he didn't have a sexual relationship with Carl since he got POZZED, but they often got together with other “mixed” couples to fool around. I started to wonder if Mitch had planned this all along. Mitch got back to his camera, zooming in on Carl sitting down and aiming his hard cock straight up. My boyfriend straddled him, facing us, and the camera, and lowered himself down so that his ass was perched right above Carl's wrapped POZ cock. Mitch was springing sizable wood in his shorts and shucked them off. His cock was springing around right at my eye level as I watched his POZ boyfriend's cock teasing my boyfriend's hole. “How about just the tip,” my boyfriend asked as he forced Carl's rubbered-up mushroom head into his asscheeks. Mitch and I nodded in approval. I realized that my boyfriend had no idea that the dick about to invade his hole was carrying toxic seed, even if it was bagged up. Mitch started to wank as my boyfriend sank lower and lower. First two inches, then four, then six. When he was balls deep, my boyfriend raised himself up. He was relatively composed for having just mounted a thick rubbered-up tool with no lube except for his own ass juices. “Got any lube?,” he asked as he raised up off of Carl's sheathed cock. Mitch said that he didn't, as he had planned on a few intimate poses, not actual ass-fucking. My boyfriend shrugged and pulled Carl's condom off. Before I could react, he had sunk all the way back down onto Carl's bare POZ cock. In one move, we had gone from monogamous to him taking bare cock, POZ bare cock. Mitch told him to hold that pose and react like he was getting fucked bareback. My boyfriend threw back his head and started moaning. Mitch directed him to pull halfway off of Carl's dick so it would look like a fucking action shot. My boyfriend gladly obliged and slid upwards about four inches. Carl wrapped his hands around my boyfriend's hips, helping to hold him still as his knees started quivering. Carl nuzzled his neck and started kissing his shoulder. They held the pose for a few moments, “YES!,” Mitch shouted. “This is what I'm after! Now, Carl, keep kissing him, and lower him down so it looks like you're about to cum in his hole!” Carl raised his hips as my boyfriend lowered himself down, now full to the hilt with bare POZ cock. Carl wrapped his hand around my boyfriend's hard cock as he swiveled his hips a bit. They weren't “fucking” exactly, but I could tell that his cock was moving around in my boyfriend's hole. I was dry-mouthed and the room was full of the sound of camera clicks and deep breathing. Mitch was fisting his hard-on with his left hand while firing the camera with his right. “Got what I need, boys! I think we're done with the shoot.” My boyfriend looked right at me as if to say, “Really? This was just getting good!” And he started to pull off. Carl tightened his grip on my boyfriend's waist and held him still. “Mitch might be finished, but I'm not! He won't let me fuck him anymore. Won't you help me out? Your bare tight ass has gotten me so close...” My boyfriend pulled off of Carl's dick and I was relieved to know that he wouldn't be headed home with an asshole dripping POZ cum. Imagine my surprise when he swiveled around so he was facing Carl and sat right down on his cock again. “Lighten up,” my boyfriend said. “You want to fool around with Mitch, don't you? Well, now is your chance!” I knew he had a point, but I also knew that Carl was POZ and he didn't! I was dumbfounded, partially by the painkillers, and partially by the live sex show happening a few feet away from me. Mitch wrapped his hand around my throbbing cock, smearing my precum all over and then fingered some into his ass. He lowered himself onto my dick, facing away from me, watching the scene too. His muscular jock ass felt so good as it wrapped around my cock. Mitch was groaning and talking really dirty, “You gonna breed my ass? Gonna give me your load, you sick fucker? You filthy pig. Gonna seed me good???” That really got me going, and with the hot scene playing out in front of us, he must have fucked himself on my cock for no more than two or three minutes before I fired off into his ass. “Yeah. Give me that load! Breed me good! Fuck yeah!!!!!” Carl looked right at me. “My turn now. You seed my man, I seed your's!” He maintained eye contact with me as he thrust over and over into my boyfriend's bare ass, shooting his toxic cum deep into my boyfriend's bare unprotected ass. Without moving Mitch's ass one bit, I felt my cock spasm as I shot another load deep into Mitch's guts. Mitch and my boyfriend pulled off of our cocks and started kissing. Carl kissed me and wiped his cummy cock off with his hand. He spun me around and wiped some of his POZ seed onto and into my hole. Mitch got to his knees and licked his lover's load out of my ass and then moved onto my boyfriend's ass, licking out as much as possible. When he had a good mouthful of POZ seed, he positioned me on elbows next to my boyfriend. He went from hole to hole working that seed into both of our asses. I wondered what the chances of both of us getting POZZED from Carl's seed being forced into our asses. What Mitch didn't tell me until later when we were getting dressed was that he set the camera on auto mode and had kept it focused on the whole scene when he stopped shooting. It took a photo every five seconds until my boyfriend and I both had asses dripping full of POZ cum. A few weeks later, I ran into Mitch at the gym. He had a disc of all of the photos and asked how me and my boyfriend were doing. Truth be told, my boyfriend had been hornier than ever and then suddenly came down with a really nasty cold. It didn't dawn on me until that very moment that my boyfriend's cold might be the fuck flu. If so, we had one helluva sexy time POZZING him and I was sort of glad it was all captured on film. My boyfriend and I got tested and were frankly shocked when the results came back neg. Turns out he just had the flu. I phoned Mitch to tell him and he told me not to worry... Ending A: Mitch went on to say that he was starting a new series inspired by our shoot. NEG guys knowingly or un-knowingly taking raw POZ cum. He said he'd love to have us as models before and after our conversions if we were game. He also said that he was taking Carl's POZ loads regularly now and photographing every time they fucked so that he would be sure to capture it on film when he finally did convert. Ending B: Mitch went on to confess that the whole thing was part of his art project. Carl was in fact still NEG, even if he was a bit of a chaser. The biohaz tattoo was only temporary and Mitch was fascinated by how many couples were willing to fool around with him. He had fucked girls, guys, and trans holes and never pulled out. No one had asked him to. He knew that one day Carl really would be POZ and that tattoo would be real, and he would be photographing every time they fucked so that he would be sure to capture it on film when he finally did convert. __________ Nothing would please me more than to see some of you guys take this story and run with it. I leave it in someone else's hand to see what happens to this storyline...
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  8. I met Troy at one of the local bars. He was a hot kid of around 25, only a few years older than me. He was medium height, very slender, but still muscular. In fact, we were about the same height and build. We struck up a conversation and he suggested we go to his place. Although I was hoping for some sex between us, I learned at his place that he was a bottom as was I. We could exchange blow jobs but what I really wanted was to be fucked. We got naked and started making out, but I passed out. I learned later that Troy slipped a heavy dose of G in my drink. When I came to, I was face up and spread-eagle tied to a bed. Standing over me was a sexy biker-type about 40 years of age and built like a brick shit house. “This is a hot boy you recruited for us Troy. Good going. “ Then, to me, he said “How’d you like to join our fuck club? We need another bottom boy. Troy’s the only regular we got right now and we’re wearing out his hole. You like to be fucked boy?” Not answering, I said “Why am I tied down?” The biker said “If you join our club, this is a taste of what you’ll get. You’ll be our bondage fuck toy. We’ll own your hole and you’ll submit to whatever we want to do with it. Does that appeal to you?” While I always fantasized about the bondage and leather scene I was afraid to pursue it. I liked what the biker said but I yielded to my cautious nature and said, “I don’t think so.” At that point, the biker lit a cigarette and brought his face close to mine. “I think I can convince you.” He started stroking my cock. I looked down and discovered that my pubic hair had been shaved, just as Troy’s. The biker kissed me deeply and I had a raging hard-on in short order. The biker said, “You say ‘no’ but your cock says ‘yes.’ If I milk you to orgasm that seals the deal and you’re our new bottom. If you don’t cum, you can go home.” The biker continued to stroke my cock and kiss me. I tried not to cum, but the scene turned me on like never before. I ejaculated a huge load. “Good boy,” the biker said. The biker then placed a collar around my neck. The biker and Troy took me to the clubhouse. I went willingly though apprehensively. The clubhouse was located in the warehouse district in the basement of what looked like an abandoned building. Once inside I surveyed the scene. The room was a dungeon, replete with sling, fuck tables, and bondage equipment. There were about 10 guys in the room, all biker or ex-con types. All were rough looking but sexy as hell. The biker said “Now comes the initiation. We’ll teach you how to be a good bottom slut. From now on, you’ll do as you’re told.” I was introduced to Tina for the first time in my life and was I ever ready to be royally fucked. The biker whispered to me “Are you negative boy?” I replied in the affirmative. He said “Not after tonight. We’re all positive and by tomorrow you will be too. “ I was so high from the Tina that I didn’t care. The biker said, “I’m going to bareback your ass first. Nothing turns me on more than a conversion scene.” He took me to a private room off the dungeon and I had the fuck of my life. The biker alternated between tenderness and rough play. At times he would kiss me while gently fucking then he’d turn me on my hands and knees, spank my ass hard, and rough fuck me. He liked to smoke and blow his smoke in my mouth while we kissed, saying “You’re going to get my cum, my spit, my piss, and the smoke from my lungs. I’m going to thoroughly mark you boy.” And he did all of that. After what must have been 90 minutes he came and I could tell it was a massive load. He brought his face close to mine and whispered “You’ve just been pozzed. I’m your AIDS daddy. I’m in your blood forever now boy. “ He then milked me for the second time that night, saying “You’ll cum on command.” Which I did. After that, he turned me over to the other tops and I was fucked for the rest of night, mostly strapped in the sling. Troy’s ass was well used that night too. At times, I was replenished with Tina. The next morning, with the tops sleeping, I snuggled up to Troy who was resting on a mattress in the corner. He said “Welcome to the club.” We made out for awhile and then I moved to felch his ass, which was ample with cum. He then proceeded to felch my ass. We then kissed with our cummy mouths for a long time. He pointed out a biohazard tattoo on his ass cheek and said “You’ll get one too this morning. One of the tops is a tattooist.” Troy was right. My ass cheek was tattooed that morning. Other tattoos and piercings came later. The biker really meant it when he said the club owned my ass. From that point onward, I needed to be available whenever I wasn’t at work. My ass was pimped out a few times a week to help pay the rent on the clubhouse. I was thoroughly indoctrinated into the BDSM scene. My life was never the same.
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  9. My Boy I hadn't seen my son since my wife threw me out 6 years ago after she caught me fucking our 20 year old brother. The only reason we got married was the fact that I knocked her up and I only fucked her cause I was trying to see if I could be with a woman. The entire time we were fucking I was thinking of her brother. So at the age of 18 we married and tried to make a go of it, but I couldn't resist a nice cock. After we split I turned to the wild side of things and began to party. I started off snorting Tina. After a short time I switched to smoking when the night came that a buddy of mine convinced me to try slamming. That night changed my life. Not only did I learn to embrace Tina I also got knocked up with my friend’s bugs. Now I was responsible for my 18 years old son since his mother was killed in a car accident. I kept in contact the best I could sending him a yearly birthday and Christmas gifts. I would get the customary thank you card back but my ex-wife never wanted me to have any more contact then that after she discovered I was really gay. After picking up Sean and bringing him to my one bedroom apartment he wondered where he would sleep. I offered him my bedroom and I told him I would sleep in the living room sleeper sofa until we could get a larger place. Since I lived in the same area as his high school he could have remained there but asked if He could change schools for the last half of the school year. I agreed to his request without much thought, but there was something about Sean that struck me, he seemed to be more family than by DNA. He wore a rainbow colored wrist band on both wrists and had his hair brightly colored. I decided not to pry and we went about settling into our home. As the work week ended I would normally be preparing to party with my friends but instead I was going to spend it getting to know my son. I came home from work early on Friday getting to the apartment before Sean got home from school. I decided to take a shower to wash away the hard day’s sweat that I had worked up that day. As I was relaxing under the spray of the warm water I heard the bathroom door pushed open. I casually looked over to see Sean watching me as I rubbed soap over my body. For a 37 year old man I was in good shape. I was still had a lean, swimmers build from working out at the gym a few times a week standing at 6 feet tall, I weighed a buck-eighty. I could tell Sean was enjoying what he saw as I soaped up my semi-hard cock that easily grows to 8” when hard. As I rinsed myself off I heard Sean knock and clear his throat. He let me know he needed to take a leak and I told him that we’re both men, he didn't need to knock if he needed to use the can. He came in and I watched through the cloudy shower door as he tried to piss with a semi-hard cock. I then began to see Sean in a different light. At just shy of 6’, he had a lean, thin build and looked to have a grower between his legs like his old man. I finished my shower before he could begin his piss and stepped out to dry off as he tried to hide his excitement. There was no avoiding it any longer, he turned to face me with his cock hanging out when he looked as my cock and licked his lips. I asked him if he saw anything he liked and he simply nodded his head yes and his eyes were locked on my growing cock. Without a word he dropped to his knees and licked my cock as I ran my hands through his hair. I wanted to take him right then and there but my status had me holding back. I couldn't resist his hot mouth as he worked my cock with an expertise that had me blowing my load down his throat in not time. After he cleaned my cock off I looked down at him and let him know that we needed to talk.
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  10. The Mandingo Taggers Lately I have been cruising Craigslist and have found plenty of ‘straight men’ from the non-men4-men sections more than willing to let me suck them off, or on occasion, when I get them really hard, willing to let me bend over so they can unload in my ass. I never tell them I am POZ as they never ask – so I find it hot as hell taking their neg dicks especially from the guys who insist over and over they only play safe until they have a raw hole in front of them. This past weekend I had gotten a good supply of Tina and was horny as hell. I had hit the usual gay websites, picked up a few loads, including two from an AIDs fucker top – woof! It was not enough, I needed more cum and raw dick, so I hit Craigslist, it was about 10:00 p.m., so I thought my chances of getting someone who had been drinking and was horny might be pretty good. One of my favorite sections on Craigslist is the MM4W ads, where two or more guys are looking to gangbang a woman and there are always a few posts that make my ass twitch and ache for dick. This was one of those times as the second ad down was from two black guys who called themselves the ‘Mandingo Taggers’ and were looking for “..a white pussy who can take 10 inch pipe in all 3 holes – fucking NOW!! No GAMES – we fucking NOW!!” There were a few pictures with the ad, the first dick looked long and thick, cut, hard and resting on a chair between nice, firm black legs. The second was long, also cut, dark, and was standing straight up as the guy was taking the picture laying down and in the background is a TV with porn on. Unlike most ads, this one had face pics too. The first guy looked to be in his late 20s, with a thin mustache and a chin beard, white baseball cap, and a gray t-shirt that said ‘Westpoint’ in white letters. The other guy looked about the same age, with shaved head that had 5-oclock shadow, clean face, and no shirt. His face pic was not as clear but I swear I had seen him post in the past on the M4T (Men for Cross Dressers/Transsexuals) section of Craigslist. As I looked at the other ads I noticed these guys had several ads up going back to early that morning looking for a woman to bang. The first one started out pretty PG, “A group of professional well hung black males are looking for One lady for a wonderful GANGBANG experience TONIGHT or later this week.” But as the day progressed and they apparently had no luck, their ads became shorter and more blunt until the one that caught my eye. ‘Mandingo Taggers’ looking for “..a white pussy who can take 10 inch pipe in all 3 holes – fucking NOW!! No GAMES – we fucking NOW!!” When I am horny and fucked up on Tina, I get pretty bold, so I snorted a few big lines, and figured what the fuck, all they can do is not reply. I replied to their ad and attached a picture of me on my hands and knees, my big white ass front and center, and a pair of red lace panties pulled down just below my ass to show off the way to my hole. I have found it is amazing how much ‘straight guys’ are willing to look past if there is a pair of red lace panties around. I told the Mandingo Taggers how much I needed big black dick in my ass pussy, I could take all the pipe they got, and was willing to let them fuck however they wanted to, and would do anything. I ended with, “PS – I can be generous with $300 as I am a bottom guy and know that may not be exactly what you were looking for, but I’m a white pussy willing to please and don’t mind it being anonymous – don’t need to see your faces.” While I had their pics from Craigslist, I knew most of those were fake, so figured they may like that. I hit the send button and waited, assuming I would hear nothing, but about 2 minutes later got an email back. Damn that was quick, and a good sign. They asked for my number to text me to confirm if I was real, I needed to understand they were not gay, but if the hustle was true, they could handle that. I texted them right away, promised my offer of $300 was true as long as they pounded my pussy good. They replied with an address and ‘put the panties on.’ The rush of excitement was amazing as my adrenaline mixed with the Tina and made my ass wet as I thought about all that dick. I did a couple more lines, grabbed my poppers, a small brown bottle filled with Tina, my wallet and headed out. A quick stop at the ATM and cab ride and I was on the other side of town. The address they gave me was in Southeast DC, and a pretty rough part of town, but I did not care, I just wanted some raw dick and I was hoping for even more, hoping they were infected with something to give me as I played roulette with my ass. The front door to the building was locked, the two guards at the desk looked at me, buzzed me in, and when I signed in they sort of looked at each other like “what the fuck?” They must not get a lot a lot of white guys there, alone, late on a Saturday night as one of them stepped out from behind the desk and offered to walk me down to the elevators. Like I said, the Tina makes me bold, and the rent-a-cop was hot, and I swear his left hand was rubbing the bulge that ran down his leg as we walked, so when we got near the elevator I saw the hallway was cleared, took out my small brown bottle, showed it to the rent-a-cop and said, “Hey, before I head up, you interested in a little?” His eyes focused on the bottle, looked at me, back at the bottle, and he said, “Um, yeah, man, not here.” He stepped several feet down the hall, pulled his key ring away from his waist, and turned a lock in a door that had an EXIT sign above it. He stepped through, I followed and we were in a little hallway that led to a back door. I handed him the bottle, he opened it, tapped a small pile of Tina onto his finger, then sniffed it. He repeated that, then handed it to me and I did the same. He shook his head back and forth real quick as it kicked in, said, “Thanks,” then we went back into the hallway and I caught the elevator. As the doors slid close I knew the bulge in his pants was even bigger now – thank the Tina!! I opened the bottle again and did a huge hit, I wanted to be fucked up for this and have my ass relaxed as much as possible. I was tempted to do a booty bump, but decided best not to get caught with my finger up my ass. I stepped off the elevator and started down the hall. The entire hallway smelled like weed, there was loud music, people talking, noisy party place for sure. The apartment number they gave me was the next to the last apartment on the right side. I pushed the little door bell button by the peephole, heard it ring, and waited. A few people came out of an apartment down the hall and went to the elevator but paid me no mind. I pushed the bell again and heard a couple chains undone and the deadbolt turned. The door opened into a dark hallway with the flickering of a TV in a room at the other end. I was enveloped by a cloud of smoke from weed, and knew these dudes were as fucked up as I was, so yeah this should be fun. I could not see who opened the door as he was behind it, but stepped through and into the hallway. A really deep voice said, “Go on,” as he put his hand on my back and pushed me forward. I walked down the hall and into the living room/dining room. The only light in the apartment was coming from the porn on the TV – a bleached blond woman being gangbanged by four big dicked black guys. DAMN! There was a huge couch just to my right that took up most of the living area that was facing the TV. It was one of those deep seated, soft couches made for chilling and near the end was a black guy with some hot tats on his chest, naked, except for a dark colored bandana covering the lower half of his face and sunglasses. He looked like a bandit, but I wanted to laugh as all I could think was how would you do a stick up naked? But he had the gun for it, a huge black dick, sticking straight up, that he was stroking. His dick was shiny from the lube and he was intent on the TV as he was stretched out and laid back, stroking. There was a big coffee table in front of the couch that had a few boxes of Magnums spilling out, ashtrays, some glasses, and several porn DVD cases. Damn – didn’t want the condoms for sure, but if that was the only way I could get their dick I would take it covered if I had to. The guy behind me pushed me forward again, “Let me see those panties,” he said. I slipped my sneakers off, took off my pants, and bent over a little so he could have a good look. As I did I looked back at him. Was not sure which guy he was from the pictures, but like his friend he had a dark colored bandana covering the lower part of his face, but no sun glasses. His eyes were glassy and fucked up looking and he started pushing at my shirt, getting it out of the way. I pulled my shirt up under my arms, bent all the way over, and showed him my white ass and the red panties. I knew this Mandingo Tagger liked what he was looking at as he started pulling the panties to the side and rubbing a thick finger in my ass crack. The guy on the couch was now looking at us as the guy behind me pushed up close so I could feel his big hard dick and started walking me towards his friend with his body. I walked forward towards the end of the couch that had a big bottle of WET lube on it, and turned around so the Mandingo Tagger on the couch could have a look at my ass as I bent over and started sucking the first guy’s dick. His dick was hard, thick, and heavy like a club. Uncut, so that picture was accurate, and I was in heaven. I could not wait to get his dick and was sucking it as best I could. The guy sitting on the couch twirled a finger inside the edge of the panties, and as he stood up, pulled them to the side. He squirted some lube, slipped a finger up my ass, and started finger-fucking me. I was moaning as I sucked and tried to pitch my voice high so it sounded more feminine. He set the bottle of lube onto the coffee table, grabbed a set of the Magnum condoms, ripped one off, and stepped back behind me. I continued sucking the first guy not sure I was doing OK as he was not saying a word or really even moaning, but I just kept at it. I could hear the guy behind me fumbling with the Magnum packet, tear it open, and then felt a line of cold lube squirted down the crack of my ass. His fingers found my hole again and I could hear him jacking his dick, getting it ready. I could tell he had a condom on when he started to push his dick in as it seemed to catch and did not want to go. He pushed, squirted some more lube and I backed my ass up best I could while still keeping the dick in my mouth. The guy behind me grabbed my hips and started pumping – calm, steady, short stabbing pumps. While he had a big dick it just felt like he was only in the outer part of my ass, so my moaning of pleasure became moans of begging, wanting him deeper. Fucking condoms! After a few minutes the guy I was sucking pulled away and went and sat down on the couch where the other guy had been. When he did, the guy behind me started to pull out, and again the condom sort of caught, and I could tell pulled part way off as he had to yank the empty part of it out of my ass as he pulled all the way out. He turned me around and I bent over the soft arm of the couch and guy sitting there guided my head to his dick. My ass was high and waiting and the guy who had been fucking slipped back into my ass. He was fucking me RAW!! He slid in so easily and there was no catching I was sure he was barebacking me – YES!!!! In my excitement I started moving my hips and tried backing up to meet each thrust, while keeping the other dick in my mouth. He must have taken the condom all the way off when we changed positions. The Mandingo Tagger fucking me picked up his pace and was now grunting as he fucked. The guy I was sucking now put his hand on my head and pressed up and down as he said, “Yeah boy, fuck that white girl pussy, fuck her blond pussy.” The guy behind me then put one foot up on the arm of the couch to my right and angled me to the left just a little as he now slammed my ass, while his buddy encouraged him. I was moaning like a woman as best I could with a raw dick in my mouth and another pounded my pussy. “Ugh, uh, UGHH!!!!” The guy fucking me moaned and I felt him unload in my ass. On Tina I swear my ass is more sensitive and I knew I felt every squirt of his cum inside me, and man did he cum. It seemed to take him forever to stop nutting up my ass and once he was done, he continued to work it in and kept pumping. I was hoping he would go for round two, but he dropped his foot, yanked his cock out and said, “Where’s the money?” Damn- guess that was all I was getting, so I stood up, turned and said, “In my left front pocket.” I watched as he walked over towards the hallway, his big dick swinging with each step and wanted to ask for more. The guy on the couch then said, “Keep sucking me.” So, I bent back over the arm of the couch, but he guided me around in front of him so I was kneeling between his legs sucking his dick as he watched the porn. A few minutes later I heard a door close and stopped and looked up and the guy I was sucking said, “He went in the other room. I want to fuck that pussy now.” So I stood up The guy I had been sucking turned me around, backed me up and made me sit on the couch. He pushed my legs back as he half stood/half squatted over my open asshole, his legs spread to the side. He lifted my legs up so they were pushed back by his arms as he leaned forward a bit and I put my arms around his neck. Standing/squatting over my hole like he was, he then put his long arms down each side of my body, with his hands cupping my ass, spreading my hole for his dick. He did not stop and grab a condom – yes he was FUCKING ME RAW too!!! He didn’t grab any lube either, just used what the first Mandingo Tagger had left in my hole as he worked the head into my raw ass and then slid deep in my slicked up guts. “That’s it baby, work that white pussy for me, come on baby, ride this dick – ride Daddy’s dick – fuck – goddam!!” This guy was pretty verbal and I loved it. I pitched my voice again, and said, “Please fuck my pussy, fuck it hard, give me your big black pole, fuck me, fuck me!!!” He started fucking even harder, and the way he was standing/squatting he could really dig and power fuck me and I truly felt like a pussy as he continued to use his hands to spread my hole for his huge black dick. I wanted his cum so bad and was afraid he would pull out, as he got closer. “Please give it to me, please give me those black babies – give me your babies,” I said. This turned him on as he grunted and said, “Oh YEAH”. So I kept it up, “Breed my pussy, cum in me, breed my pussy, GIVE ME YOUR BABIES!!!” His fingers then dug into my ass as he slam fucked and unloaded inside me, moaning, groaning, twisting his face and shaking his head as his load exploded into my white pussy. He only pumped about twice more before pulling out and letting my legs fall. He was breathing hard, stood up, shook his head, and stepped to the other end of the couch, grabbed a t-shirt that was balled up there, and used it to wipe my ass funk off his dick. I stood up, asked him if he was up for more. He just shook his head no, so I went over, picked up my clothes and got dressed. When I reached into my pockets I confirmed his friend had found the cash and told him that, but also realized his friend took my money to get home. “Can I get money for a cab or Metro I asked?” The Tagger just shook his head no and started pushing me towards the door, the bandana still on his face. Fuck! Oh well, guess I could walk if I had to, at least he did not take my Tina. I took a hit of Tina in the elevator and when I got to the first floor passed several people who were just coming in. I stopped at the front desk and the two rent-a-cops I saw when I came in were still there and the one I had shared the Tina with hit his buddy on the arm when I walked up. I pulled my bottle of Tina out, smiled and said, “Hey guys – what’s up? You won’t believe this, but I seem to have misplaced my cash for my ride home. Is there any way you guys might be able to help me out – or maybe I could help you out?” They both laughed and the one I had shared the Tina definitely rubbed his bulge, pointed with his thumb to an open door leading to a bathroom behind them in the office as he said, “Pay to play baby, pay to play,” as he unlocked the office door to the left of the desk and invited me in.
    1 point
  11. Part One Adam's throat was very dry and his stomach was fluttering like he’d never experienced before. He was standing in the park near an old, boarded-up lido, which was largely hidden by some over-grown bushes. The ‘e’ he’d taken earlier was kicking in and the words that he’d heard earlier on the phone that night reverberated round his brain: “If you go there tonight boy, every fantasy you ever had will be explored as you will be used in every way you ever imagined and more.” These were the words that had brought him there that night, as well as having caused his undersized boy cock was rock hard in his shorts. Even so, had you had saw Adam standing there on that dusky warm summer night, all you would have seen was any normal looking late teenage kid, slim fairly athletic body, sporting badly dyed spiked blonde hair, wearing board shorts and flip flops. And yeah, if you had been driving by you may have thought the kid looked suspicious, but then almost all teenage kids in south London these days seem suspicious, so most people ignore them, unless the kids are congregated in large groups. Adam downed the last of his extra strong cider, he’d drunk three already so that mixed with the ‘e’ was having him buzzing, he looked at the scrap of paper on last time even though he’d memorised everything on it before taking a deep breath before walking round to the side of the old Lido, the side that was hidden from the street. Just as he’d been told there was an old large gate and reaching through he found the combination padlock as described, his heart beating like a bass drum in his chest he undid the lock using the code he had written on the paper earlier, once inside he walked round remembering the directions he’d written down, though it was dusk now it was still light enough as he found his way easily and then there it stood before him, the door marked ‘employees only’ and gulping with nervousness he banged on the door three times. The door opened just enough for Adam to slip inside, with his legs feeling like jelly he took steps forward across the fresh hold, the heat that greeted him was stifling and he immediately started to sweat, the smells in there overwhelmed his senses, the air was thick with the heavy aroma of sweat, piss and cum. Adams eyes could not see much in the dark interior as the door closed behind with a loud menacing thud making him jump, as his eyes grew accustomed to the dim light he could see figures moving in the dark, his excitement was just as strong as the sense of fear and danger he could still feel in his foggy mind and because of that he suddenly became frozen to the spot. He sensed movement from all sides and then suddenly body heat behind him and he flinched as big strong hands ran down his back making him gasp out an ‘ohh” before the same hands reached round his body kneading his smooth athletic chest, pinching his nipples hard making him moan and lean back against the big hairy body using it as support whoever it was and he could feel the hot breath of the man against his neck as the hands playing with his body tweaked his nipples like some kind of virtuoso musician as the boy literally sung out in pleasure. Adam became aware of another set of hands running up his legs, gently smoothing and caressing his hairless young legs, in his chemmed mind it felt so dangerous and sexy to him knowing that two strange men were feeling his body and his breathing became heavier as he felt the man feeling his legs run his hands up over the legs of his board shorts pausing for a moment before the zip of his shorts was slowly pulled down before the button holding them was popped and they slid slowly down off his slim hips bunching at his ankles leaving him standing there in his bright blue bikini briefs, other hands came in from the sides and started roaming over his boy body and legs, he could not tell how many. Adam could only gasp as he felt his skimpy flimsy briefs being tugged at and pulled in all directions until he could feel and hear the material tear as his last bit of protection was removed, this action making him loose his footing a bit but the big man holding him kept him upright as his legs stumbled about. A moment seemed to pass and then a mouth engulfed his 5” rock hard teen boy cock as another mouth latched onto his nipple and he loudly groaned loudly as a thick finger roamed between his little round arse cheeks, finding his tight barely legal smooth barely virgin boy hole and pushed in deeply. He swooned as poppers were held under his nose, forcing him to inhale them deeply yet another chemical rush hit his scrambled brain, he felt the man holding him bite hard and then lick his neck in a purely animalistic way, he felt like his entire weight was being supported by the men as every inch of his young nubile body was being explored. The finger was pulled from his hole and he heard a deep gruff voice grunt “fresh meat is good and tight” before the finger was pushed back up him deeply again, Adam felt a deep burning in his arse as the thick finger fucked him with swift deep movements and he cried out in shock and pain but the man holding him up whispered gruffly and deeply in his ear “Don’t worry about it son, let it all go boy, just go with it you’ll feel good very soon and do as daddy says and everything you ever wanted and more will be given to you”, Even in his foggy state he recognised the voice of the man who had told him to go there that night. Adam felt the burning continue in his hole for a little while as the men’s hands and mouths just carried on roaming over and enjoying his body as he squirmed as the burning in his arse continued but soon developed into a overwhelming pleasure, and a need, a need to be fucked badly overtook him and he heard a little voice that seemed to come from somewhere a million miles away even though he knew it was his own cry out in sheer desperation “fuck me daddy, oh please fuck me”
    1 point
  12. I'm a 26 year old, totally cocky straight white jock dude, definitely the alpha dude in my group of buds, but I have have a major dirty kinky secret: I get off being fucked in the ass by guys. It started out just watchin' porn on the 'net and jerking off while fantasizing about being the guy on the bottom, the tops just using me like a hole for cock. I tried to repress the thoughts (and feelings), but shit, the more I tried not to think about it, the more it fuckin' turned me on knowing I had this secret nasty side that my girl and buds had no clue about. First time I was with a buddy kiteboarding in Mexico. A bunch of us dudes were hanging out afterwards and a Mexican dude had Tina and passed it around. I got fucked up big time on that shit and totally lost control. Late that night after my buddy left with some girl I ended up in this dirty bathroom on the beach with my boardshorts pulled down bent over with the Mexican guy that had the Tina fucking me in the ass until he dumped his cum in me and walked out. I was totally freaked out but also horned up big time by how fuckin' dirty it was. Next day I was freaked out thinking my bud would know something was up but it turned me on big time thinking about knowing he had no clue I let some dude fuck my ass. Later that night I was at the bar with my buddy and I saw the Mexican guy again I was both turned on and nervous since my buddy was there. The Mexican guy was cool, though not given up what happened last night. After my buddy left with some other chick I asked the Mexican dude if he had more T. He laughed knowin what I really was askin' for was to get fucked up and get his cock up my ass. So, yeah, I got fucked up on T that night and spent all night like a dirty fuckin' whore being used by the Mexican guy. It was nasty. I sucked his cock let him fuck my face, slap me around, fuck my ass, spit on me and treat me like a total whore and ended up with a few loads of his cum in my ass. Next day me and my buddy drove home - I could barely sit in car with my ass in pain from the cock I took the night before, but man I was boned all the way home. That was about six months ago. Since then I've become a total cum dump for Mexican guys. This shit is totally a deep dark secret but I get off sneaking around without my girl or buddies knowing that I will let any Mexican guy fuck and cum in my ass if he wants to.
    1 point
  13. Today I went for an HIV test and the result was negative. I was nervous because a few weeks ago I spent a weekend in saunas in Montreal and the action had been hot. On my way to the test I was thinking of what would I feel if I tested poz? I would probably want to spend some time in the saunas and this time I wouldn't worry a bit. So, I tested negative and now what? Stay HIV negative by avoiding anon sex and bareback or go back to saunas and darkrooms? Not much point in testing then?
    1 point
  14. His adam4adam profile said "sex is my favorite hobby, but I am picky. I have a great cock for the right guy" and I was intrigued. His profile was what I liked, a bi married total top, my age, taller than me and hung much bigger than me. More to the point he was confident and to me that is really hot. I was afraid he would not be into me because I am not in perfect shape, as one guy said, as he rejected me, that I am "5 lbs away from being a cub". I reached out to him and after a few days we had exchanged messages and found we had mutual interest an apparently I was his type. Message exchange, led to texting which lead to phone calls. All of which were hot and had me worked up. He would text me pictures of his cock and I would forget whatever I was doing and get instantly tuned on. He would tell me how he wanted to fuck me and how he knew I would love it. After a month of this happening daily, I ached to be with him more so than I had with anyone I had not met before, it was in that ache that I decided that I was going to do whatever I could to take him raw and feel him breed me. Usually going bb with someone has been a reactive thing that happened in the moment. This was going to be me going for it from the get go. He, like most bi guys, was very clear he only fucked safe so I had my work cut out for me. I arrived at his place, in the late afternoon. it was a farm and miles from anyone else. I was excited and started to be a little scared. I got out of my car and he came out of his house to greet me. I could tell there was chemistry but we were both being shy. I asked for a tour and he said sure. After a few minutes we got to the barn. Once we got inside he pointed to a ladder that went to a loft, looked me in the eye with lust and said "let's go up there, I want to show you something" I followed him up the ladder to the loft and just behind the hay bales he had set a space complete with blankets, towels, water bottles and a big bottle of lube. As I looked around he stepped behind me with his body against mine and said "this is where I want to fuck you". YES was my response as I pushed my ass back into his crotch. I could feel his cock hard in his jeans as he grabbed my hips and ground into me. It was exquisite, I pushed against him as he held on to me and dry humped me. We didn't talk, just heavy breathing and moans of pleasure. He reached around my waist and undid my belt. My pants fell to my feet and he pulled my boxers down after them. I heard his pants drop and felt his cock slide up the crack of my ass. He played with me like that, his precome leaking all over me. When his cock would pass my hole I would try to push myself onto him but he would move away. I took my shot and whispered in the sexiest voice I could muster, "please fuck me, I want to feel you in me now, just do it, I want you now." He played with my hole with his cock stopping and my hole, I moaned my pleasure and he started to push in but then stopped and pulled away saying "let me get a condom". I reached around and grabbing his 8" cock and said "No, it's okay, I want you raw." He hesitated, I said "I know you want to, I want you too and how often do you get this chance? I am clean, you are clean so let's do it. It is how we were meant to fuck... But it is up to you." I heard him take a deep breath and hold it a second. "I've never fucked a guy raw before..." and then he stepped away from me. My heart sank for a moment I thought he was getting a condom, which was fine because I was still about to get fucked by a big thick cock and I do like that. I heard him squeeze out some lube and felt his cock pushing against my hole. He slid himself slowly into me and I felt the raw warmth of his cock and my whole being twitched with joy, he put his whole uncovered dick in me, all the way. I heard him moan with pleasure and he "Aww fuck, yeah, that is good!" I scream-moaned something unintelligible and the pain/pleasure cascaded through my body. His cock was thick and he went balls deep into me without stopping. I stumbled forward but he caught me and held me onto him. I cried out and swore, it was intense, it was too much. I have come to love that feeling, when a man invades me with his big cock and my whole being focuses on where his cock is. It hurts and overwhelms me but when that passes I emerge changed, I feel an immense amount of pleasure growing internally and taking over my whole body. I love this feeling of surrender to another man, it is that submission that makes me want to feel it all. Pleasure expanded through my body and I got that feeling more so because he was in me with now barriers. He held onto me as he rocked back and forth and slowly fucked me. There were no words, just grunts and groans from each of us. We went through waves where I would milk him with my ass and he would moan with pleasure and increase his pace and intensity and then back off. He knew how to fuck and went at my ass like an glutton! I was in heaven, I got the raw cock on my terms and now my hole was being expertly played by him. He would get close to coming and would pull out and rest his the tip his cock against my hole. I could feel him pulse his orgasm back down and when he was ready he would slide back into me and open me back up. We moved from standing to me being on all fours as he fucked me to the brink of coming and backed down, over and over again. This was turning into a marathon session, but I knew he hadn't fucked a man in a long time so he was taking his time. I was afraid I would get worn out before I got his cum in me so I figured out what to do. As he pulled out to calm down, I flipped onto my back and said "I want to see your cock going into me." And with that he lifted my legs and slid that monster cock back into me. I was hard as I could be and was hoping to cum just from him fucking me but I was more in touch with my desire for him to come in me. As he was reaching that point of no return he I could tell he was about to pull out, I locked my legs around him and beared down on his cock for all I was worth. I was lost to the ecstasy but managed to blurt out "COME!" He hesitated but then pushed back into my willing ass and started pounding me hard, there was no build up just pure pounding away at my hole. I lost the leg lock I had on him and he pulled my legs over his shoulders and pulled my ass up for easier access. His strong hands pinned my shoulders to the floor as he went at me full force. I thought he was close but he pounded me like this for what seemed like an eternity. He was going to come and he was not pulling out! He reared up releasing my shoulders and stopped his pounding, holding me there and his cock starred to pulse. He let out a growl scream and I felt my tenderized hole fill with his warm load, I shivered with pleasure as each spasm of his cock put more spunk into me. He kept coming so I reached for my cock and with a few deft strokes stated to shoot my load out on my belly and chest. We were both spent. I could tell he had no regrets, I didn't either. After I caught my breath I asked how he felt. His answer was, "You were right, that is how we were meant to fuck!" I knew I had converted him. We did it again later that day, so I left his place taking two if his loads. We both knew we'd be doing this as many times as we could. I have fully embraced my desire for fucking raw, I have become a willing cum dump and I love it.
    1 point
  15. This happened to me this morning. This morning I went to the mall to do some shopping, and on the way through I stopped past a toilet beat. I walked in and all the cubicles were empty, so i went in the one closest to the door. A few minutes later two guys came in, one after the other, and entered the cubicles. I did my regular cruising thing and leaned over to check out if they were cruising. The closest one to me was wearing nice black pants and leather shoes, and the other one was wearing red sneakers. Both of them were leaning down to cruise. Score. I hopped onto the floor and slid my knees under the partition, cock hard and legs either side of me. The guy in the middle stall grabbed my cock right away and started doing the suck-jerk combo. His other hand instantly slid toward my hole, and he started gently playing with it. I knew exactly what he wanted. I pulled my cock out of his mouth, got on my back with my legs in the air, and slid my arse under the partition by pushing on the wall. Without hesitation I heard him spit on his fingers and he wiped my hole a few times to get it lubed up. He pulled me further towards him, which meant my cock was also now in his stall. He put his legs either side of mine and just pushed his 8" cock balls deep on the first thrust. Just how i like it. He unbuttoned his blue collared shirt a bit so it didn't get in the way of his cock. His hands grabbed the bottom of the partition and he pulled on them for leverage. On a quick glance i noticed a wedding ring. Probably just a horny closeted married guy, just my type. I looked past his stall to see the other guy on his hands and knees watching me get bred. The married guy grabbed my cock and started jerking it as he fucked me bare, and soon after i heart him try to muffle moans. He was breeding me. He stayed inside me for a few more seconds as i squeezed my sphincter around his cock. But i knew what he was feeling: He had blown, he was done, he didn't need my hole anymore. Married guy quickly stoop up, wiped off, and left the stall while i remained there in my somewhat exposed position. My eyes met the eyes of the guy in the third stall. "Your turn" I told him. He stood up and darted into the adjacent stall, closed the door, and quickly knelt down and fingered my cummy hole. He then stuck his cock in and started fucking me like he was already late from his lunch break. About a minute later he whispered "I'm gonna cum". I stayed silent and took this second anon load. When he slid out of me i got back on the toilet, wiped the excess cum off my arse, and headed to get my groceries. Just as i was about to head towards the registers I was walking down past where all the milk was kept. Walking toward me from the other end of the aisle were a man, his wife, and their two kids. The man was wearing a blue collared shirt, nice black pants, and leather shoes. I kept a straight face as I walked past them, him not recognizing me, and wondered if his wife knew he liked to bareback and breed anonymous guys.
    1 point
  16. "Gosh, I've got your babies in me." He was another tweaker boy. That much I figured out from our conversation on A4A. Of course, he said he only had done it two or three times, but that had the steady tone of a long-time lie. He had partied the night before and was still up; he was also still on tweaker time, arriving about 45 minutes later than I expected. And it was the standard tweaker fidgetiness and indecision, just to add agony to my already swollen and sore balls. Finally, after various false starts, we started to smoke the bong he had made up for us. In my hotel room, we had to be careful of the sweet, herbal smoke, but the old toilet paper in the paper towel tube did the trick. With each toke from the bong, he got more open, telling me about the tina high. But he also asked me my status. When I said poz, he said that we needed to use condoms. When I said bareback, he said only if I pulled out. I said we would see. I also told him I was on drugs, which was true enough, even if I was on a holiday: both from work and from the powerful side-efffects of the drugs. I figured my virus needed a holiday as well. He seemed satisfied with that, and we began to make out. It wasn't long before he wanted to suck my cock. I was plenty happy for that to happen: I had needed some sort of release. Even better, when he climbed into position, he stuck his tight little latino ass right in my face. I dove in, licking out his clean hole, getting him wet and ready for my cock. We continued rimming and sucking for a few minutes. It was the right thing to do: for me to be kissing the hole I would soon be fucking, giving it the best care so that it would take my cock readily. Although that alone would have been enough for me, but soon, he got onto all fours and put his ass in the air. I gave him one last quick ick or two on that hot ass, and then poured some lube on it. It wasn't hard to get two fingers in to him, which made me wonder if he hadn't been fucked already today. He was arching his back and pressing against my fingers, so I knew he was ready for me. I lined my dickhead up with his hole, as he inhaled from the poppers. As the third drug, after the tina and pot, hit him, he pressed back against my shaft, forcing it into his hole. He grunted, and immediately stated to work it deeper into him. I took a hit from the poppers, and helped him, both of us working together to get my cock as deep as possible into him. The fuck went on for quite a while. Just as I was flagging, he would do something like riding my cock hard, totally fucking himself on me, just in time to get me back to a pre-cum dripping hardness. I barely needed to use any lube, I was dripping so much. Of the course of the fuck, we flipped positions, from back to stomach to all fours; we flipped intensities, from slow and gentle to a hard-pounding ass fucking; we flipped intimacies, from slow deep kissing to reminding him of the slut tweaker bottom he was. The one thing that never seemed to happen was my cock falling out of his hole. It was like a vaccuum, keeping me deep in him. Even when I pulled out nearly all the way, I would always sink back in, feeling how his muscules kissed me the entire length of my shaft. I was constantly being reminded of the need to ask him where I would cum; he kept me right at the edge of cumming and it was only through sheer force of will that I didn't blast off right inside of him. "Do you still want me to pull out?" I asked. There was no immediate reaction. I did a hit of poppers, and felt the freedom hit my head. "I'm getting close," I said. With his free hand, he grabbed my hip and pulled me close. The other hand continued to furiously jack off his cock. Surprisingly, he was erect and hard. Between the tina wearing off, the pot, and my hard sahft buried in his hole, he was now a steel shaft, already dripping precum. Hearing no answer, I stopped worrying. I shoved my shaft in him, and pulled it out just as roughly. My balls were throbbing and my cock was dripping. Right as he started to cum, his hole tightened up, grabbing on to my shaft. That was the last straw, and whether he wanted it or not, I started to cum. I hadn't gotten off in two days; normally I jerk off two or three times a day. So, it was a huge, ball-drianing load I deposited into his hole. Almost immediately as his orgasm faded, he needed to push me out. My cock came out clean dn shiny, a thick cord of cum still connecting me to him. "You came in me?" he asked, incredulous, scared, and horned up by the idea. I just nodded. I started to play with his hole, feeling my load and rubbing it into him. "That's nasty," he said, but I could tell he was enjoying it. It was obvious he wanted to embrace his pig side fully, but had not gotten either the courage or the right set of drugs to do it yet. We lay in bed curled up next to each other for a while longer; he would ask me how big my load was, or if I had really cum in him. I was too tired to be committal, usually answering "That's nice," or "It was hot." Finally, I got up and snapped a few pictures of him lying, eyes closed, cum-splattered and naked on the bed. He got up a few moments later to take a shower. As he emerged from the bathroom, drying himself off, he patted himself on the stomach. "Gosh," he said. "I've got your babies in me." I nodded, wondering if I'd ever get to breed him again.
    1 point
  17. Yeah me too Want to watch what happens next. Some vids on NKP go on for a bit longer than the slam, not long enough though. This might sound weird but I like to watch the interactions they have with each other too, or seeing a guy just casually breeding a bottom high on meth, without all the fake moaning. Makes it sleazier more real and hotter for me.
    1 point
  18. My Spanish dude is a horny fucker. He won't fuck me but I've sucked him off three times now, swallowed loads of his cum and he's pissed in me twice. I've got three cum ice cubes of his in the freezer ready to use as lube the next time I get fucked. Can't wait to use them.
    1 point
  19. Got 3 loads from a huge cut black guy I met at a bar last night...huge was in every way..he was 14 in when hard and almost 4 in in width...my spincter is spread wide open today..but it was awesome getting fucked by a huge balck dude..been a fantasy of mine for a long time...and I could feel the cum shoot way up inside me....he is poz ..undetectable and I still have te cum in me....my spincter is streched wide open today....it looks like a whores pussy..lol....walking like gay man who got fucked hard all nigh today...lol
    1 point
  20. A true cumdump isn't picky. He exists for "no loads refused" use and offers up his pussy to anyone to get the sperm. It's the top's right, though, to determine who uses the cumdump whore for group and public use.
    1 point
  21. Still neg and taking probably 3 times as many loads as before I got on it with a good number being poz.
    1 point
  22. guys this fuck bud of mine started fucking me raw a couple weeks ago and I think I may be hooked, gets me pre cumming just thinking about it. thought I'd share my experience with someone who's gonna get it, would love to hear some of yours as well we've been fucking a couple weeks now as college has just started up again. he's on the basketball team and lifts the rest of the time so he's hot as hell. little over 6 feet, short, dark brown hair, big shoulders, some nice abs and an 8 inch, uncut cock. we've been fucking when he gets a chance and one of us has free space (he's figured out that it's way better than jacking off and that I'll pretty much come whenever) but we had been playing safe so far. either I'd swallow his load or he'd cum while fucking me, pounding my hole harder and faster and deeper and god damn it's hot watching him sweat and his muscles flex as he gets off. anyway fast forward and he's got a place to himself for the night, tells me to get my ass over there and of course I shower as quick as I can. we do all the usual oral and stuff, he eats my ass and starts finger fucking me and I'm face down on the bed, moaning and just wanting this hot fucking dude to use me like his fuck toy. he's got three fingers in my ass now and is fucking me good, then he flips me on my back. I pull my legs back for him and he grabs my ankles, spreads my legs wide and starts sliding his cock against my hole, teasing me with the tip of it like usual. the head of his fucking perfect dick is just barely putting pressure on my hole so i can feel it, hot and hard, and I want it bad. he spreads my legs even wider, and pushes my ankles back, lining my hole up with him. suddenly he looks me right in the eye and grins and I feel him start sliding his cock in, so slowly, and I start moaning. he gets halfway in and then stops. 'you want this?' "yeah," I say quietly "I fucking want it." 'you want this raw cock in you? I want to hear you say it,' that was it for me, couldn't deny how bad I wanted him to do it. "yeah man, shoot your cum in my hole," and I don't think I even got that out before he slid the rest of his cock into me. we had the rest of the night, and he spent it fucking load after load into me whenever he got hard. we've fucked raw ever since and all I can say is I want more loads!
    1 point
  23. hahahaha, welcum to the club! It is a slippery slope from here
    1 point
  24. The Barber had me psychologically hooked. He pressed all the right buttons. Some how it was a turn on taking the chance of getting fucked with a big poz cock. He wrote a note saying he was undetectable and there was only a slim chance of getting pozzed , but still a chance seeing how he breeded me deep in my ass.. he said he wanted to fill me up with his big poz cock again. The risky sex had me turned on . I had just taken my first poz load. I figured there was no turning back now. Especially now that I was hungry for his big poz cock. Just thinking about his big poz cock and the way he would talk to me , making me admit I needed his big poz cock would make my cock hard as a rock. I emailed the barber saying I needed another breeding soon..He wrote back saying he was ready.. I wrote back " cum over after work and fuck me on my bed ".. He writes back " I'll be over 8 sharp , leave your door unlocked and be on your bed , ass up and waiting." I did as the barber said , 8 o'clock sharp and I hear the door open. I call out to cum back to the bedroom. I'm naked on my stomach with ass up as ordered. He comes in and takes his clothes off. His big poz cock is raging hard. He says " you need it don't you boy." I said "yes , I need it" He say's " Tell daddy you want my big poz cock deep." I said " I need your big poz cock deep !" He gets up behind me on the bed and starts rimming my ass with passion . He had my hard cock bent back behind me and stroked it as he rimmed my ass.. It felt so damn good , I was totally ready to get fucked in the ass.. He tells me to flip over and he straddles my chest. He grabs his cock and rubs it back and forth across my lips. He commands " beg for it !" I said " please let me suck your big poz cock sir." Just what he wanted to hear me say.. He puts the head up to my mouth as I eagerly wrap my lips over his cock head. I was hungry for his big cock . He slowly starts fucking my mouth. The familiar taste of his precum was on my tongue as I swirled my tongue around the head and down across the underside of his big cock. He pulls away after a couple minutes. He didn't want to cum too quickly.. He soon lies on his back and tells me to mount his big poz cock.. Being smooth I loved the feel of his hairy body as I straddled over his big poz cock that was so fucking hard across his stomach. My hands rubbing his hairy chest.. He guides his cockhead up to my hole and rubs it back and forth. I stayed still enjoying the feel of his cock head on my sphincter. I could feel his precum making it slick. Soon his precum made it slick enough to for the head to go in. His cock head is so fucking big it takes a few minutes. It hurts a little but soon I'm relaxed and the head is in. He pushes his cock inside me with little strokes. Slowly but surely working his big poz cock up my ass.. He say's " tell me you love my big poz cock up your ass!" I said it " I love your big poz cock up my ass!" Soon it was all the way in balls deep. My cock was throbbing hard and leaking precum. My precum had started running down my cock .. As I pulled up off his cock but still leaving the head in , I used my own precum on his shaft before sitting back down on his cock. I started to ride it and massage his balls at the same time to help build up a big load of seed .. Soon I had loosened up and we were fucking .. The barber massaged my ass as his big poz cock kept pumping my ass. I leaned back sitting on it , taking all of it in , as deep as it would go.. .. Soon we switched positions as he wanted to fuck me from behind to shoot his poz load.. I laid on my stomach and he laid on my back driving his big poz cock as deep as he could get it and he kept it in deep , fucking me good . I could feel his shaved balls rubbing my ass with each stroke as his cock . He plowed my insides , banging and massaging my prostate with his big cock head .. The Barber say's " you know if you keep taking my loads deep , it's probably inevitable you'll get pozzed." I said " I know." He took that as a green light to be my gifter and says " it might as well be me that pozzes that ass." He picks up the pace. He starts to breath heavy. I knew he was ready to shoot his poz seed . Barber says " you ready for daddy's poz load !" I said " yes ,shoot it deep!" Soon I could feel his cock pulsating streams of cum deep in my ass.. With each spurt of cum he would grunt and shake , jerking his body as his cock twitched with each spurt of poz cum. He whispers in my ear " good boy , take daddy's poz load" I couldn't help but moan and squeeze his cock as he shot his poz load.. His cock stayed hard and he kept fucking my ass non stop.. Barber say's " I'm so fucking horned up I'm gonna pump another poz load in you." My ass was now really slick from the first load. He starts talking dirty again and say's "absorb my dna , I'm making sure your prostate is absorbing my poz seed ." I took his ass fucking like a true bottom boy.. soon I was close , he was pounding the spot.. Then it was my turn , as he plowed me streams of cum shot from my cock. I moaned and moaned as I shot off a huge load .. He knew I was cumming and kept plowing my ass. I moaned and twitched each time his cock went deep. With each spurt my ass involuntarily clamped down on his cock. He was soon ready to shoot another poz load deep in my ass. He rubbed my back , his back arched as he shot his next load as deep as he could by keeping his big poz cock as deep as he could get it.. I could feel his cock pulsating another orgasm in my ass.. He laid on my back keeping his cock inside me as he caught his breath. He kissed my neck and held me down for 10 minutes before he pulled out , making sure I absorbed his poz seed. My ass was good and fucked and felt wide open from his big cock , cum was running down my balls.. I got up and douched while he washed his cock off. He put his clothes on and left saying he would be back to poz my ass again.. I felt owned and there was no turning back..
    1 point
  25. I agree on this point especially, knowing I'm sticking my dick in a hole that's had any and every guy before me is a massive turn on.
    1 point
  26. At this point, the biggest thing a bottom could do to increase my pleasure is let me whore him out in a bathhouse or gang-bang situation... slip a blindfold on him, stick his ass in the air, and let any dick in the place go up his ass while I orchestrate the scene and feed him poppers to keep him going. Really into taking away all control from a man and turning him into a cum whore existing only for my (and other men's) pleasure. Want to apply? Hit me up via message.
    1 point
  27. We had been chatting on breeding zone, then he emailed pics, he's a handsome man a couple of years younger than me. Just my type. We started texting and arranged to meet today. He told me a couple of guys had already unloaded in his ass and asked if that was ok? I replied hell yes! Went to his place and he's a great kisser with a sexy smile, beautiful eyes and a sexy body. He started sucking me hard, I reciprocated. We moved to the bed and I put his legs over my shoulders and dove in And started to eat his hot ass, then slid my cock into his juicy hole. Shear heaven! I pulled out, bringing some of the cum out, sucked it up and shared it with him in a kiss. I did this a few more times. He rode me while playing with my nipples, his head thrown back in ecstasy. We move to him on his knees, ass up. I ate more cum out of him and fucked him until I shot a two day load, he said he could feel the veins of my cock throbbing as I exploded. We cuddled ang talked for awhile. I'm looking forward to doing it again soon!
    1 point
  28. I have a few that may seem normal but most don't get into... I love to suck on necks, nipples, chests, to leave hickeys. As atop,I think it feels like I'm marking my property. It tags a slut as MINE. Let's others know this fag has already been used. Also, something hot about knowing he'll think of me every time he looks in the mirror for a few days. Also love to fuck women, seeding, and impregnation. Giving Her no trace to find me again. No consequences from my side... Her living a lifetime remembering my using her body for my cruel punishment. Gets me hard thinking of that baby bump and no idea who the daddy is.
    1 point
  29. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  30. It seems to be more that, as a whole, we are taking away the right to choose for ourselves. At least as far as criminalization states are concerned, it isn't that one has a right to not get infected (which means one would have autonomy and responsibility regarding their choices, as in an HIV positive partner who fails to disclose or takes intentional effort to infect another against their knowledge or will and does so (seroconversion occurs), but otherwise an HIV negative person could equally choose to become infected), so much as it comes from the position that infection is always illegal, if a person knows they are HIV positive to start with. What I'm getting at, is that the whole onus is on the HIV positive person. Much as the same as, for comparison, we view statuatory rape. Whether an underage person consents or not is irrelevant, they have no right to consent. Regardless of ones feeling on bug chasing or gift giving, is there a sound basis to tell someone that they cannot choose for themselves whether or not to have sex with a partner thwy know to be HIV positive, whether it is for the express intent of infection or just indifference. States are frequently saying yes, even when transmission of the virus fails to occur, no one has the ability to (as an HIV negative partner) make that decision. The problem is, it gets turned into the issue of the HIV positive partner who "needs help" (or a lynch mob, gas chamber, psychiatric counseling, etc.) What it doesn't become is anything to do with the HIV negative partner and whether or not they have any fore knowledge of the situation. They are an automatic victim in need of support and understanding, not of their choices or indifference to making them, not of the responsibility for ones own health, not of the sex they consented to, but of their "feelings" toward the demon who tried to infect them. It's utter nonsense. Nonsense, unless you start from the position that people do not have a choice. Who needs anti-sodomy laws so long as we can just lock up all the poz ones, based on the notion that their own community will throw them to the wolves so long as they keep buying the narrative that they need not have responsibility for any part of their sexual experience, so long as they are HIV negative, because it's the poz guys fault, because you can't consent to infection.
    1 point
  31. In stark contrast, meth and S**** showed me that I'm a hypermasculine, hypertop. To be with me is to submit to me. Totally.
    1 point
  32. I have a mate who is going through similar. He had been mostly safe top until the start of this year, and then took a couple of raw loads and gradually got more addicted. Our conversations have got hotter, as he finds his way around the bareback brotherhood, and discovers new thoughts and feelings. I like seeing the gradual descent of a man into a pigbrother, a guy who slowly accepts slams or drugs or no longer goes out fully geared to clubs, but starts dressing sluttier and sluttier. He on course to convert, sure, and he'll make a fine addition to the brothers. Once it starts, it's hard to turn back.
    1 point
  33. I had a very determined twink struggle to go down my cock but some wiggling and grasping my legs to pull himself to the balls had my cock squeezed like I was wearing a cock ring. It was so tight I kept cumming every 10 min from watching his fine solid ass flex and gyrate.
    1 point
  34. A couple of weeks ago I had to go and pick up an item of furniture I had bought on a well known auction site. I had been working long hours all week and the guy I was buying it from was busy at the weekend so the only time he could make it was early on Saturday morning. I needed to pick up the item as I bought it as a present for someone and had to take it that night. I was tired after a long and difficult week at work and when Saturday morning came I really didn't want to get up. In order to get there at the arranged time I had to leave about 6.30am. I was really tired and also quite horny. I thought about having a quick wank but reluctantly decided I didn't have time and would have to wait until I got home again. The seller's house was about an hour and a half away and I made good progress and got there on time. The guy who came to the door was late twenties, early thirties, dark haired, glasses, rather geeky looking but somehow quite attractive. He was wearing trackie bottoms and a T shirt. I was still feeling really horny and could not help checking out his arse as he bent over to help me lift the piece of furniture. As he bent down his T shirt rode up and I saw the top of his pants. Suddenly I realised he had caught me looking and I turned away. We carried the piece of furniture out to the car and he helped me load it into the boot . At one point he was bent over the boot of the car and I was just behind him. He pushed back and suddenly I was pressed up against his arse. I already had a semi and I could feel my cock hardening into a full erection. He didn't object and I pushed my cock gently against his trackie clad arse. He pushed back again and I pushed harder. It was really horny but I still didn't really think anything was going to come of it. Then he asked me if I wanted to come in for a while. He led me into the house, through the living room and into the kitchen at the back. He put his finger over his lips and pointed upstairs. I realised that probably meant he had a partner sleeping upstairs and somehow that made the whole experience even hornier. He said to wait a minute and disappeared upstairs. He came back down and almost immediately pulled me towards him. In no time we both had our cocks out and we were kissing and wanking each other off. Soon he was down sucking my cock and I was starting to feel even hornier. I could easily have let him suck me until I unloaded in his mouth but after a while he stood up. It was my turn and I got down on my knees and pullled his trackies and pants down. His cock sprang out and I began to suck him off. I was wanking and close to coming but I really wanted to lick his arse and so I motioned to him to turn round. To my delight he turned round, pulled his pants right down and bent over, pushing his fit arse into my face. I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue right up his hairy arsehole. I rimmed him for ages and he was really getting into it, wanking and pushing his arse back into my face. He turned his head round and whispered "fuck me". I didn't need telling twice. I stood up and began to rub the head of my cock over his arsehole. He reached down into his pocket andal I thought he was going to produce a condom. It was actually a small sachet of lube and he opened it and rubbed some onto his arse. Then he bent over again and repeated "fuck me". I pushed the head of my cock against his arsehole and it slid right up him. He grunted and I began to fuck him slowly. I was so horny. I began to fuck him a bit harder and he pushed back against me. Just as I was getting close to coming he suddenly froze. He pulled off my cock and stood up. I hadn't heard anything but he stood listening for a minute and then relaxed. Without a word he pulled his pants down again and bent over. I didn't want to risk being interrupted again so I pushed my cock back up him and began to fuck. It wasn't long before I felt myself beginning to come. There are few things I enjoy more than spunking my load up a fit lad's arse and before long I was shooting what felt like a massive load right up him. When I finished coming he stood up and I saw that he had also come. He pulled up his pants, kissed me and said "cheers mate". It was a totally unexpected and very horny experience - all the more horny as I'm pretty sure he dropped his pants and took a load up his arse while his boyfriend was asleep upstairs.
    1 point
  35. One day I was IMing with John, a hot daddy that I love to service and he made mention that he would be moving. Being a good boy I volunteered to help. Actually, before you think of me as selfless, my motivation was that he would be employing some of his hot dad friends and maybe I could make some new connections. Before I went over to his house to help, I made sure that I was all clean and wore a jockstrap under my cargo shorts just in case anybody needed a quick fix. When I arrive there were about five older guys, including John, all piling items into the back of a rented truck and various pickups. I was disappointed when, instead of being offered a hot daddy cock, I was offered the other end of a rolled up rug to carry. It took about four hours for us to clear out all of the items from the house and throughout the entire four hours, not a single sexual innuendo was made. It was torture being around all these hot silver daddies who were getting sweatier and sweatier with every passing moment. Finally the house was empty and we all drove over to John’s new house as if we were our own little gay parade. After initial ooh’s and aah’s about how nice the new place, it was off to work again unloading all the items into the new house. Another three hours passed as everything made its way into the house and for most of the time I had a semi-hard-on in my pants watching this big sweaty men lift and carry things. The very last thing to come out of the rented truck was John’s sling. As I squatted down to pick up the bound steel tubes the back of my shirt rode up exposing the yellow strap on my jock. One of the guys noticed and snapped it, almost causing me to drop my end of the sling. “Nice,” he said with a devious smile. We hauled the sling in and got to work setting it up. I was hopeful that maybe they would throw me into it and fuck me, but once it was up they all went into the kitchen and started drinking beers. I followed them, although I looked back at the empty sling with longing. A couple of the guys, including John were seated at barstools in the kitchen and the rest were leaned against the counter on the opposite side. One of them asked where the beers were and instead of answering him John said, “Hey slut, go get my friends some cold one.” “Yes Sir.” I replied The guy that had snapped my jock earlier said to John, “How about he does it in nothing but his cute little yellow jock?” I looked at John and he looked at me, “Well, what are you waiting for slut? My friends want to see that jock.” I took off my shorts, shirt, shoes and socks, folded them all neatly and placed them in the pantry. John didn’t like messes left around the house. I went over to the fridge and got two beers out of the bottom drawer. As I bent over their cat calls and whistles made me get a raging erection that I had no way of hiding in my jock. I took the beers to the intended recipients, opened them and then stood by John. “Good boy,” he said as he patted my naked ass. Talk went back to changes that John was going to make to the house. I just stood there, leaned against John with his thumb hooked into the waistband of my jock and his other four fingers slowly caressing the crack of my ass. Then one of his friends said he needed to take a leak and John volunteered me as the urinal. “Use this slut. There's no need for you to walk all the way to the bathroom.” I went over to the man, knelt in front of him and undid his denim shorts. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and his dick leaped out exposing the fact that he has a huge PA in the head of his dick that was partially covered by some beautiful foreskin. “Put the whole thing in your mouth; don’t want to spill all over John’s new floors.” I put the man’s soft cock in my mouth and waited eagerly until he started pissing. At first he was a little shy, but as he got more comfortable the stream of piss got stronger and stronger. Occasionally I would have to slow the stream by pressing my lips against his cock, but I didn’t spill a drop. When he was done with his last spurts he gave me further instructions. “Now get your tongue up under that foreskin and make sure it’s all clean.” I did as instructed and ran my tongue under his foreskin, tasting the day’s sweat that lurked within it. “Good boy.” He pulled me up by my hair and kissed me, cupping my ass with one of his meaty hands. The friend that had originally noticed my jock now needed to piss, so I was instructed to go over and repeat the process with him. He had on white briefs under his shorts and just pulled them to the side to give me access to his cock. As he pissed in my mouth his cock started growing, at first in length, then to an unbelievable girth. The girth of his cock insured that I wouldn’t spill a drop since it effectively stretch my mouth to its limits, making a water-tight seal. When he was done he took his cock out of my mouth, squeezed a little drop of piss out and wiped it on my lips. “Hey John, how about we use your little slut here and test out that sling?” “Well Dave, I got to pay you all for helping me move anyway, might as well take it out of that whore’s ass.” Dave grabbed my arms behind me and led me to the room with the sling in it. Once we were in front of the sling, he spun me around, picked me up by my thighs and tossed me into the woven leather pouch. Two other guys grabbed my feet and put them in the leather stirrups that hung down from the top of the metal frame. The other two guys secured my wrists in restraints above my head, there was no way I could escape and I had once John placed the ball gag in my mouth there was no way for me to protest. “Hey John, where’s your lube?” “Packed in one of the bedroom boxes somewhere, but I know what we can use on the little fucker.” John left for a moment and came back with a frosty shot glass. “Every time one of my little sluts and I play together I always make them cum in a shot glass and then I freeze it.” He held the shot glass upside down and the heat from his hand made it release, revealing a two-inch frozen cum suppository. He rubbed the frozen treat around my ass hole and the heat coming off of me made it melt, which lubed me up for the insertion. Slowly he pushed the cum-pop into my ass. My dick was sticking out from under my jock, oozing tons of precum. Dave saw this and started stroking me. “Let’s get him all worked up so it melts faster.” With that, John started to work on my nips, Dave stroke and sucked on my cock, another guy tugged on my nuts and another started to open me up with his fingers. Before long I was shooting streams of cum across my face and chest. Dave joked, “I think that means he’s defrosted.” Dave’s thick cock was the first one to penetrate me. Slowly he eased into my hole and let me get used to his immense girth. When he thought I had gotten used to it enough he started power fucking me. It only took a minute before the friction between my tight hole and his thick cock, not to mention all the cum sloshing around in me, made him start shooting in side of me. The other two guys had average dicks and the excitement of the situation made them cum almost the instant that they slid inside of me. Once they were done they made their excuses and left, leaving me with John and the guy with the large PA who had pissed in me earlier. John removed the ball gag from my mouth and introduced us. “Boy, this is Frank. You’re going to be getting used a lot by him in the future since we’re going out and we’re both tops.” I couldn’t help but smile. “I think the little fucker is OK with that" said Frank. “Yes Sir.” “Good boy,” Frank replied. “It’s kind of hot in here, how about we take this outside to the pool?” John suggested. “Sure, let’s undo him.” Frank undid my ankles from the stirrups and John undid my wrists. We walked out to the back and John put a towel down next to the step and sat with his feet in the pool. Frank walked me down to the third step where my legs were in the pool and the top of the water would occasionally graze my balls. John took me by the back of my head and had me start sucking his gorgeous cock that already had me hard again just from looking at it, while Frank shoved his cock and PA in my hole. At first he went slowly, him relishing how tight I still was and marveling at how his cock stretched out my hole in the afternoon sun, me enjoying the feeling of his big PA rubbing against my insides. Slowly he built up speed and I could tell he was working hard from the sweat that would occasionally drip onto my back. Every now and then he would rest inside me, lean over me, placing he furry sweaty chest on my back and suck on John’s cock with me. This went on for twenty minutes or so and then Frank really started to get close and power fuck me. That’s when he really started to like my ass, because the harder I get fucked the tighter my ass gets. Even with all that cum in me I could still feel his hot load streaming inside of me as he yelled out “Fuck!” Frank pulled his cock out and sat down next to John. He had been fucking me so hard that his cock and balls were covering in frothy cum. John pulled my head off his cock with my hair and placed it in Frank’s crotch to clean off while he assumed Frank’s previous position and started plowing my ass. He must have been really excited by watching me get fucked so much, because it only took his a few minutes before I felt the familiar globs of cum being shot into me. He pulled out of me and spun me around so I could clean off his cock while Frank buried his face in my ass. I always thought John was an expert ass eater, but Frank took it to a whole new level. His tongue easily was in me two or three inches and he knew how to move it. As he ate my ass he stroked me. I could feel it building inside me and suddenly I let out a warning, with that Frank spun me around and took my load down his throat. “Thank you Sir.” The three of us spent the rest of the day and evening unpacking John’s things. Occasionally one of them would catch me in a bend over position and I would get another load in me. Finally at the end of the day they sent me home to enjoy some alone time, telling me to think about maybe joining them in their relationship. I didn’t tell them then, but there really wasn’t much to think about. The answer is 'yes'.
    1 point
  36. Personally, i'm not a jackhammer fucker and I like to receive the same as I like to give. If a bottom cums while I'm fucking him, I would prefer that he just stop(.) - allow me to stay inside. His previous fuckings probably haven't left him to feel he can have trust that I won't move (and hurt him). I just want to enjoy the feeling of being deep inside him. As he relaxes we can pick up fucking again. Same when i've shot into him (whether he's cum or not) - i'll go deep as possible and want to stay there while my cum continues to flow into him. I want to leave every drop in him. If we lay still, and i slowly soften, his hole should tighten around me. If we remain in this position, when he/we are up for more motion, i'll start to get hard again and we can do it all over. If fucking is not comfortable for him, it's not comfortable for me.
    1 point
  37. I don't get a good reaction when I mention it during my routine STI tests. I don't insist because I'm not that keen myself about going on PrEP. I definitely do not want HIV in my body because I'm fully aware that being HIV+ would complicate my life. I've never heard of HIV making a guy's life easier. I say this so young guys reading this think more than twice before being the bottom in an anon gangbang. I know many guys glorify their HIV infection and feel proud about being poz. I would too but I would be one of those poz guys who makes it clear tha HIV is not a good thing. I have now slowed down with my sexual activity and I do have regular fuck buddies too. Five years ago I would have been a good candidate because then I was having lots of anon sex. I don't know how I haven't converted. Been really lucky
    1 point
  38. Part 7 Jason brought a rollaway cot and had Scott restrained on his belly and once that was done he and Bear, Jayden and Ben each got their bottom boys rigs ready by first slamming about a third of the fullest rigs they have ever seen and then after releasing their tourniquets pulling back on the plungers to fill them with their positive blood. Bobby and Greg had anxious looks on their faces as they have both fantasized about getting tied up and slammed with poz blood and tina. Bobby had asked if they could restrain him completely and gag him to add to his fantasy and Jayden was happy to and told the others to do the same to their bottoms. Timmy and Scott looked at each other and both saw fear and panic and when Scott tried to struggle that made Timmy even more scared and he started to struggle too. “It looks like Scott and Timmy are having second thoughts” said Hank Jayden laughed and said, ”good thing they can’t move then” Jason looked at Scott and told him to relax as he put his hand on his chest and told him it will all be better soon, you and Timmy are going to be free. Scott and Timmy both settled down and Jason told everyone to find a vein and get ready as I want us to slam them all at the same time. Once everyone was all set Jason told them to push as the mix of tina and blood started to enter the boys. Jayden told Ben that since Timmy had just been slammed he should take most of this himself and only give Timmy a little more Tina plus of course your virus. Ben nodded but he knew what Jayden was doing as once he was rushing on such a huge hit he would lose his hardon and beg for cock and Jayden liked to put Ben in his place. Ben didn’t care but he did want to cum in Timmy so he hoped the rush helped him shoot before he had to stop pretending he was a top and take his place with the rest of the boys. As each needle was removed Phil, Brian and Hank wiped clean each boy’s arm as the tops were already plowing their boys. All around you could hear the bottoms cough and grunt then over the next few minutes all you could hear was flesh slapping and the boys moaning. Ben started pounded Timmy like a madman hoping the friction would keep him hard and Timmy was grunting as he wasn’t yet use to such a pounding and didn’t expect it from his buddy. Jayden called over to Ben and taunted him to see if he could stay hard long enough to breed Timmy and Ben could only moan in reply. Ben’s rush was hitting him so hard and he wanted to switch places with Timmy so bad but just then Brian, Hank and Phil came to his rescue. Brian slid up Ben’s ass as Hank grabbed his tits and Phil pulled Ben’s face to the side and shoved his tongue in his mouth. Ben was lost in the pleasure he felt and started to fuck Timmy even faster and harder as that could Brian’s cock in his ass to go just as fast and hard and in under a minute he starter to scream as he filled Timmy with his load. The guys helped Ben to the floor and Brian started fucking him again as Hank took position to enter Timmy. Jayden smiled as he watched Ben and once Ben was being fucked Jayden turned his attention back to Bobby. He removed his gag and yelled for everyone else to do so also so that they could hear the boys begging. He then looked back into Bobby’s eyes and called him a slut and told him tonight he would never forget as started to get his fingers into Bobby at the same time he kept fucking him. Bobby started to beg to be stretched more and Jayden told him that he wasn’t going to stop until he could get both hands inside of him and then shoved two more fingers into the boy and at that Bobby’s eyes rolled back and his cock while still soft started to shoot off. Jayden announced that his bitch was cumming from getting his hole destroyed. Jason was going easy on Scott and asked him how he was going. “Oh god, Jason, I feel so good. I didn’t know it would feel so good. Wow, faster and harder.” “Yeah, that’s a good boy. You may be Timmy’s Daddy but you’re now my subby and I plan on getting you in my sling many times. I want to have a party where everyone is a top except you and Timmy and you can both get fucked and bred dozens of times. Do you want that Scottie boy?” “Fuck yeah, I want it now. Call me Scottie boy again!” “Oh little Scottie boy loves being my boy, don’t you? I bet you want to call me Daddy too” “Daddy, Daddy harder please” “Oh Scottie boy we are going to have so much fun” Bear told Greg to get ready for his first load and then slammed into the boy all the way and held him tight as his club shoot deep into him. He bent down and kissed Greg and told him that he was happy to have him as his son and told him when he gets the flu he should call him so that can celebrate. As Bear pulled out Phil was there to enter the boy next. Bear went over to Jason and said we need more tops for these boys or they’re gonna kill us, do you mind if I call a few friends. Now that the clubs are closing I know some guys that would love to join us. Jason told him to get as many as he could. Bear made two calls and twenty minutes later eight of his friends showed up and they enjoyed the fucked up bottoms that were all begging for their poz cum. One of the new guys asked is it ok to breed them with my toxic load and then they were all told that every one of the bottoms was converting tonight. The new guys gave the other tops a much needed break and the party went on. Around noontime the next day people started to leave and the party finally started to wind down. Jason passed out some pills that helped everyone left crash and soon the house was quiet again.
    1 point
  39. I used to be like you. I tried everything I could think of not to be gay. But I started sucking cock at 18 and getting fucked soon after. Same background. There is a 12 step program called Sex Addicts Anonymous and if you think it will help you, I say go for it. Or....you could realize that there is nothing wrong with you or your desires. The beautiful thing about it is that we are specifically made this way because there are men who were specifically made to fuck another man. They need us like we need them. Sure society has taught us it is wrong, immoral or whatever, but that is just ignornance. To offer your well prepped hole up to another man to breed takes a certain amount of enlightenment. And a great deal of self acceptance. Realizing we are part of the natural order of things helps us get there, and frees us from that guilt you feel after each binge, much like a drug addict. I am also at this point a middle aged professional. But I know that I am a bottom and that I am at my highest and best the second before a man lets his nut go inside me. Not to belittle myself in any way, or to denegrate any of my other traits and abilities, but at that moment is when I feel the most spiritual. Totally connected to the Universe. The only time close to that for me is when I am creating art. Sometimes that can be the same. Sometimes. Now, the disease issue is completely separate. When we take anonymous raw cocks, we take a risk. Fortunately now there is Prep (Truvada). If I were you I'd do that immediately. At least then you won't have to worry about HIV. There are other infections that are just part of the risk, but they are curable and/or treatable. You have to decide how much risk is comfortable for you. You can take raw cock without being a bath house whore (which by the way is a great thing to be from time to time-no judgement intended). You can develop a "stable" of regulars who will be happy to have an outlet for their own needs. That is what I do mostly. I do binge when I travel and I do that every 2-3 months, but now I am finding I am curbing my over indulgence out of respect and concern for those regulars. I do not want to pass anything on to them that I pick up during a binge. So far I have not. But as for the risk, you have to keep it in perspective. You risk being killed every time you drive your car. Does that fact keep you from driving? Planes crash on occasion. Does that keep you from flying? Let the tops you know be aware that you are there for them. And savor it when you earn their validation in the form of their seed inside you.
    1 point
  40. As the sun peaked through the windows our bottom boy who first seeded Sean when we arrived began to eat the dripping cum from my boy’s hole. Once he had enough cum in his mouth he approached Sean’s head and spit the cum from his mouth into Sean’s right before he kissed him. The two spoke as Sean climbed out of the sling. It was Saturday afternoon and I knew that the baths would be getting a little busy soon. Sean and his new friend exchanged numbers as they dressed and we were off to the baths. Sean and our groups bottom boy, who we learned was named Jonathon, sat in the back seat of my car and made out as I drove us to the bathhouse. I did my best to peak at them as the two young men swapped spit and blow jobs. We arrived at the bathhouse and the parking lot was packed. I knew it was going to be a good night, I just hoped they had a room available. We walked in and found a member of our group working the counter that night. He cut me a deal on a large room as we dropped our clothes off in the lockers and proceeded to find our room. Once in the room I prepared some points for the boys and slammed them up hard. I then did mine and left them in the room as I went to find the dry erase board where I wrote that I had two bottom boys who were taking loads with our room number. I got back to our room to find the boys 69'ing with their limp Tina dicks. I told them to get on all fours and have their asses face the door as I left it wide open. I then proceeded to switch off fucking Sean and Jonathon as guys walked by the open room. It didn't take long for the word to spread and in no time there was a line to fuck the boys. I climbed on the bed near the boys head so that they could take turns sucking my cock as they got fucked. While the action was going on one of the guys who came into the room to fuck asked me if both of them were my boys. I looked up at him and simply answered that they weren't just my boys, but my sons. Both boys looked up at me and I got a smile from Jonathon just before the two kissed and resumed working my cock. I knew about Jonathon’s background, he left home when he was 16 or 17 and began to hustle to survive. I had thought about taking him in before but it seemed a little strange to me until Sean came to live with me. I knew I could get him a job where I worked and help him get off the streets. The boys took a lot of cum that night to where it was dripping from their holes, although I think there was more dripping from Sean’s hole than Jonathon’s. As the crowd began to thin out I knew the time was drifting into Sunday. I asked the boys if they had had enough and wasn't surprised to hear Sean say that he was getting a little sore and Jonathon was eager for more. I got up and closed the door before I rummaged through my bag for the last dose of Caverject I picked up at the party the day before. I had Jonathon lie on his back as I gave the injection to Sean. Sean climbed back on the bed and straddled Jonathon’s chest so that he could feed him is drugged up cock. I pulled out my video recorder (I always took it to partied for just the purpose, to video guys fucking )as I could see Sean’s cock respond as the drug worked quickly. Once Sean was rock hard I notice that he didn't just inherit my gay gene, buy my large cock. Sean moved between Jonathon’s legs where I instructed him to eat his cum filled ass. Sean was quick to comply as he pushed Jonathon’s legs back and lick the cum dripping from his hole. He took a little time to suck some of the cum out before moving up Jonathon’s lean body. As he moved up he positioned his cock at Jonathon’s hole and slid in balls deep. Then he leaned in and shared the cum in his mouth with he adopted, big brother. Sean slowly began to fuck as I asked him if this was his first time topping. He looked at me with a big grin and nodded yes. I could see the pleasure in his face and knew in time these two young, healthy looking boys would be pozzing unsuspecting neg boys around their age. Jonathon was enjoying Sean’s cock working his hole as he looked up and asked if I was serious about him being his son. I told him abso-fucking-lutely. He looked up at Sean and the two kissed again. After the kiss ended it was like Jonathon read my mind when he suggested to Sean that they could play a monogamous negative couple and work to poz them. I could see the wheels turning in Sean’s head he began to fuck Jonathon a little harder causing a moan and grunt to escape from his lips with each thrust. I don’t know if it was the Tina or what, because Sean had good stamina. There were times were Sean would power fuck into Jonathon where I thought he was going to cum. After a good two hours Sean began to pant very heavily and slammed back into Jonathon as it was very evident he was cumming. Sean pulled out and collapsed on the bed as Jonathon quickly moved to clean Sean’s cum covered cock. As Sean’s cock was cleaned I leaned down and kissed my son and commented what a strong orgasm he must have felt while fucking non-stop for a couple hours. Jonathon had a lot more cum dripping from his well fucked ass. Once Sean caught his breath I was surprised to discover that he had dropped more than one load inside Jonathon. Jonathon commented that he could feel Sean’s cock pulse inside him as he continued to fuck. It was approaching Sunday afternoon when we cleaned up and headed home.
    1 point
  41. I could see it in Sean’s eyes that he was enjoying his first fuck and it didn't take long until I was really giving him a pounding he was beginning for when I couldn't hold back any longer and blew my poz seed inside his neg cunt. After I deposited my load I had Sean nursing on my cock while I began to go through my phone texting my party buds. I let them know that I was available to party purposely omitting any information about Sean as to surprise them when we finally connected. I heard back from a couple of my buds letting me know where the party was located. I rubbed Sean’s head letting him know that we were going out and that he should throw on some shorts and a t-shirt. He grabbed a pair of mesh basket ball shorts and a wife beater. I stopped him as he went to grab some underwear letting him know he wouldn't be needing them. We climbed into my car. As I drove off I grabbed him by the neck and pushed his hed into my lap as he began to lick my semi-hard cock through my jeans. We pulled up to a modest house a few miles away and I led Sean inside where we found one of our bottoms in the sling getting used hard. I recognized him as a 20 year old we had recently pozzed a few weeks ago. I figured he’d have a high viral load by this point good enough to help poz my Sean. I introduced Sean to my 5 buds there and suggested that we get him in the sling. The bottom boy was a little disappointed until we told him that he’d get to chance to fuck my boy. Someone produced some Caverject for our bottom boy as Sean got comfortable in the sling. I fixed him a good slam that would have him so fucked up he’d have little clue as to the time he would be spending in the sling. Our bottom boy turned top couldn't wait to fuck my boy and got between Sean’s legs as I began to administer Sean’s slam. I barely finished as he began to fuck my boy with his 7” piece of meat. I imagined he becoming friends with my boy and (between the two of them) pozzing a number of neg twinks. While Sean was getting his neg ass fucked full of very toxic cum I let my buddies know what had happened that afternoon that had me fucking my own son. I could see their cocks stiffen as I told them about his excellent blow job and his first slam. Everyone gathered around Sean as he received a good fucking and a toxic load from our bottom turned top. After he finished up another bud took his place while Sean was fed cock. One by one each of my buds (along with myself) seeded Sean’s hole to the point he had cum leaking out onto the floor. As the sun peaked through the windows our bottom boy who first seeded Sean when we arrived began to eat the dripping cum from my boy’s hole. Once he had enough cum in his mouth he approached Sean’s head and spit the cum from his mouth into Sean’s right before he kissed him. The two spoke as Sean climbed out of the sling. It was Saturday afternoon and I knew that the baths would be getting a little busy soon. Sean and his new friend exchanged numbers as they dressed and we were off to the baths.
    1 point
  42. I couldn't resist his hot mouth as he worked my cock with an expertise that had me blowing my load down his throat in no time. After he cleaned my cock off I looked down at him and let him know that we needed to talk. After my son had finished sucking a load out of my cock he disappeared into the bedroom as I finished drying off. I walked naked into the bedroom to find him lighting up my Tina pipe as I slowly walked across the room to join him on the bed. He took a couple big hits and handed the pipe to me. I followed his lead and took a could hits of my own. I asked him how long he knew. The question had a double meaning, one was about his own sexuality and the second was about his knowledge of mine. He answered both meaning by telling me he knew about my being gay from his mother’s conversations with her friends. Sean knew about his being gay since he was 13 when he was abused by one of my ex’s boyfriends who got Sean to suck his cock while his mom was at work and unavailable to take care of his needs. He went on to tell me that he found my pipe and stash when he was snooping around the apartment one afternoon and knew that we’d get along just fine. He also told me that he wanted me to take his cherry and breed him. I cautiously told him he may not want that from me only to be told as he took another hit from the pipe that he knew exactly what he was asking me. I looked into his eyes and knew he knew what he was asking. As I kissed him he wrapped his arms around me as he lay back and allowed me to climb on top of his slim frame. It didn't take me long to respond as my cock began to harden again. As we kissed he looked me in the eyes and almost pleaded me to seed him but not before he pulled out a couple points from under a pillow as he asked me to slam him up and use him all weekend. I didn't ask him anything more. As I prepped a point for him (and one for me) I explained how to prepare a point. I then asked him if he’d like to meet some of my friends. He shook his head yes and asked if I might take him to the local baths as well that weekend. A smile came to his face as I had his point in hand. I fixed the tourniquet on his arm and looked for a good vein. Sean watched as I explained to him how to administer. I stuck the point in his arm and drew back to register a flash of blood to make sure I was in the vein. I then emptied the contents into his arm and pulled the tourniquet from his arm and watched his reaction. Sean coughed out hard as the slam hit him hard. I prepped a good strong one for his fist slam. Sean began to suck me hardening cock as I applied the tourniquet to my arm. He had my hard 8” down his throat as I registered the flash and emptied the slam into my own arm. I pulled the tourniquet and coughed out as Sean was eagerly swallowing my cock. I flipped us around so Sean could continue sucking my cock while I began to rim his eager ass. He couldn't keep my cock in his mouth as he began to uncontrollably moan. I continued to lick his sweet tasting ass as he moaned and began to beg for me to fuck him. I wasn't one to disappoint my boy and flipped him on his back as I placed his calves on my shoulders. I placed my semi-slick cock with his semi-wet hole and began to push my way inside as I kissed Sean. As our kiss broke Sean looked up at my with a slight look of anguish and pain in his eyes. I continued to work my cock into his hole letting him know that that was all the lube he was going to get as I set to fuck away his cherry. As I began to bottom out balls deep inside my boy’s hole I grabbed the pipe and light the torch. I let Sean know that we were going to shotgun this hit and he was eager to try. I began to draw back a very big hit of Tina and then sealed my mouth over my boy’s as I exhaled the smoke into his lungs which Sean returned the smoke to my own lungs. The exchange went back and forth several times until we both were in need of oxygen. After a good shotgun Sean seemed to be more at ease as I began to fuck at his tight hole. I fucked away at Sean’s hole I could tell I was tearing him up a little bit, not too much, but just enough to be sure his hole would be more accepting to my poz seed. I could see it in Sean’s eyes that he was enjoying his first fuck and it didn't take long until I was really giving him a pounding he was beginning for when I couldn't’t hold back any longer and blew my poz seed inside his neg cunt.
    1 point
  43. I don't know if he's poz, but he often promotes bb vids on his Twitter account. And I know he'll breed when he escorts. I've talked to him about him fucking me and my neg husband raw.
    1 point
  44. my wife has no idea that I fuck men much less than I don't ever use rubbers she doesnt even know that I worship the Dark Lord I love to chant His name when I breed strangers and freak them
    1 point
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