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  1. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass. Tommy was lucky that he was slammed, rimmed and bumped because I didn't stop pushing my cock into him until I was in all the way. The boy was lost in everything he was feeling and I let him enjoy it for a couple of minutes then I told him it was time to really break his cherry and I started pounding his hole hard and fast. His cock had shriveled up and I told him to look and see how his cock knew that it no longer mattered and it went to sleep. Oscar stroked Tommy's face and told him that many men liked to punish a whore boy's hole and he would soon get use to and maybe crave it. I told him that he should get use to being bred to because a good whore boy never asks a top to put on a condom and takes every load without question. Often a man will be quick to cum in you and toss you away but others will want to do other stuff so you will never be bored I told him. Oscar started to push his monster cock into Tommy's mouth so I just fucked and when I felt my seed boiling I told Tommy he was about to get his first load. Oscar stepped back to watch and I was happy to look into Tommy's eyes as I filled him with my seed. Tommy's eyes nearly rolled back as he took his first breeding and his cock got hard again and when I saw it twitch I thought the bitch was gonna cum but he didn't however he'd need to learn how if he ever wants to cum. When I pulled out of his ass it looked a mess with cum, ass juice and blood so Oscar called Bobby over to lick it clean as I walked around and showed Tommy the same was on my cock and he was going to lick it clean. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them.
    4 points
  2. My previous doctors have run blood and urine to test me for all STDs and everything has always come back clean, I recently switched doctors two weeks ago and it was the first time a swab test (both oral and anal) was done on me. I tested positive for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. I had been tested two weeks before the results as well my blood/urine were clean. And with this occurrence once again, my blood and urine were clean. My doctor informed me that doctors MUST swab, I have been with several doctors and never been swabbed before for STDs so clearly this is not some standard procedure doctors follow. PLEASE have all your doctors swab you or the STDs tests do not count. I'm even asking friends who have doctors if they swab and everyone is telling me they rarely get swabbed at all. I'm glad what I have is treatable, I'm very worried about any resistant strains I might have but I have to hope for the best. I'm really hoping that someone will read this and get swabbed, I showed no symptoms and there's no telling how long I've had this for at all.[
    3 points
  3. Part 1: An unexpected finding Ryan ended up returning home from his trip a day earlier than originally planned. Three days with his family was one day too long, and he told them he needed to get back to finish a school project. Ryan felt a sense of relief when he entered the apartment and made his way down the hall to his bedroom. As he passed by his roommate's door, he heard music coming from Donald's room - which was a bit unusual. Ryan was about to shrug it off when he heard what he could only perceive as some kind of high-pitched howling noise. Startled, he paused in his tracks and put his ear next to the door to try and figure out what was the source of the noise. Ryan's eyes widened as he listened through the door. He couldn't quite understand the words being shouted by Donald. "fuck yes! Give me that poz cock!" was the only phrase he thought he understood. He wasn't sure he heard it entirely correctly. It didn't make sense. "Paw's" cock? He wondered? More phrases would clue him in. An unfamiliar voice dominated now, "yeah, take my poz dick you little chaser bitch. Tell me how much you want it!" Was this a joke? Ryan wondered. He had some vague notion of HIV chasers, or whatever they were called, but he couldn't have heard right. Donald was gay but Donald .. well .. was a nerd .. a major book nerd. And Donald never seemed to hook up. He was just odd-looking. Ryan was trying to picture his awkward roommate getting fucked. No way, Ryan thought as he continued to listen in. "I love it! Fuck me with your big poz dick! Fuck my neg ass!" he heard Donald answer the unfamiliar voice. "You want it deeper?" asked the stranger. Ryan still couldn't believe what he was hearing as he heard Donald answer back - and not in Donald's normal soft-spoken, often unintelligible mumble. There was conviction and determination in his voice. "Fuck yes! Pump every inch of your poz cock into my ..." There was a pause. Ryan wondered if they may have detected his presence beyond the door. Then he realized what happened, apparently the stranger must have obliged. Donald seemed to have a difficult time verbalizing, " ... my .. fuck yes! my fuck ! my ass! I want your toxic jizz ... " and Donald trailed off. It was difficult to piece it all together now since Donald wasn't exactly creating full sentences. The stranger was easier to understand, "you want my super high viral load?" The stranger's question was just as alarming as Donald's answer, " yes! fuck that death seed into me. pound me .. ugggh .. pound me with your deathstick!" Ryan's heart was racing. Was he literally hearing someone get fucked to death? Should he do something? What could he do? They seemed to be consenting. Ryan scurried into his bedroom and quietly closed the door. He convinced himself he must have heard wrong. But, even through two closed doors, the chasing unfolding in the other room remained evident. "Poz my ass! Fill my neg ass with your poz load!" Donald said urgently. The stranger seemed quieter now for some reason. But, Donald's voice continued to carry, "Yes! I love it!!! Breed my ass! Convert me with your sexweapon!" Ryan's anxiety level was escalating and then he noticed something slightly familiar as well. He felt his dick hardening quickly. "I'm going to cum in you!" he heard the stranger now much louder. "You sure you want this load?" "God yes! Give it to me! Use my ass! Flood my guts!' Donald shot back. Ryan's mind was racing. He still couldn't totally understand what was happening. But, he also couldn't stop picturing a big dick only a dozen feet away. Maybe it was just an automatic response to the sounds of sex. Whatever the reason, Ryan pulled down his shorts and started to aggressively jerk his own dick that was quickly nearing climax in only a matter of seconds.. "YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!" the stranger's voice boomed. Ryan was about to explode with unexpected intensity. He heard Donald cry out, "Yes ! Oh FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!" Ryan knew the sound of an orgasm anywhere. His mind went blank and he exploded as well. Gobs of cum spurted out of Ryan's dick. One phrases echoed in his head as he nearly mindlessly jizzed .. "You're gonna get it." As the noise subsided, Ryan started to come back to his senses. He looked down at his hand, dick and the carpet and was shocked by the volume of cum that had landed everywhere. He sat on the edge of his bed, and froze in shock and disbelief. What had Donald done? And what did I just do?" Ryan wondered.
    3 points
  4. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 5 So there I sat posed to give the password to the barmen holding my breath finally exhaling. I called the barman and as he got close I gave him the password saying it made me excited a little as I said the words “Bug Chaser”. With that he turned and walked out from behind the bar. As he positioned himself in front of the group of us announced “Okay gentleman we have ourselves a conversion party. Bottles of Water are on the house. Bug chaser come here and stand before your gifters”. As I walked to the front of the crowd to stand there. A lot of things raced through me. Fear Joy Excitement. Turning and facing my breeders. “Here he stands before you” “gentlemen you can now go get your party toys and gear for use on this bug chasers cunt” the barman said. I stood there seeing the glint of evil in them. I was having the best night and this was going to top it off. As I watched most the crowd go of to the lockers apart from two of the group. Soon the crowd was back with bags or small pouches. As they assembled again the barmen spoke “we have before you the bug chaser how bout we find out where he wants to be converted tonight?” an applause went up. “Lets see” from the crowd. The barmen turned to speak and even before a word I cried out “the sling room”. “good pig you know how to make it special.” Came from the crowd. “There you have it the cum pig has made his choice” “give me ten minutes to set the lighting up so it’s a really hot encounter the cum pig won’t forget” “you all can now get ready for the party to start” the barmen spoke and as soon as he finished he went off. With that I rejoined the group. And as I did I could see what was been pulled from the bags. Leather gear and toys of all shapes and sizes I saw a toilet brush been withdrawn from one bag. “Come hear” I heard from one of the guys getting out the leather. As I got close he said “These should fit you put them on”. I was handed a harness and leather jock to get into. So I slipped the jock on and was struggling to workout the harness. He saw me struggling and offered me help. As he got me into the harness and tightened the strapping to the best fit. I could feel his flesh against mine. And a hard erect cock pressing into my butt. “All of us here have one thing in common” he whispered “we are all members of a club” “each of us here was converted by AIDS DADDY” As the barmen came back from whatever he was doing he said to the group “the room is set up for your depravity tonight” “enjoy” The guys lead off and one of them grabbed me “if you want pics get your phone we will take pictures for you” he said. I was a voyeur and had always wanted my true piggy self been captured in moments of joy. I spun and went to my locker took my phone out and took it with me. As I saw them and feeling them grab at me as I walked to the room it was time to take position in the sling. Two of the guys where making adjustments to the sling. Lowering the head of the sling down. When they were done they motioned me into the sling. Poppers and phone in hand I got in and positioned myself where I was comfortable. The stirrups got lowered to hold my ankles in place and have me spread wide. My hole was aching for the next cock to invade it as my ass swung there in the air. . I rested the phone on my belly and then took a big sniff of the popper first the left then the right. I gave myself a few seconds of the buzz before I had my next big inhale. Putting the cap on I rested it in my hand. Looking at the guys in the room I said “I’m ready for your toxic juices breed my hole and convert my sinful needs into a freedom to do as I please.” “Okay guys lets start so who in the pack is going to go first” came from the guy close to the door. From outside I heard “me, I will” and as I got ready with another snort of the popper I saw my next invader. It was the guy that had helped me into the harness. My hole was now feeling a little dry, the guy was closing in on me. And my ass opened up a small amount of cum started to leak from hole. Running down my crack. He gave me a glance “how many loads are in you right now?” he said and as I answered “I’ve had six loads” and with that I saw him go down. He went down and started to rim my hole getting my ass slick with spit. As he spread me open looking into my spunk filled hole “you’ve gotten some good loads now for more” came the words from the first in the party. He stood up and as he did gathered the drops of spilling cum from my hole onto his cock. I turned my head up to face the mirror as I watched him enter me. First it was just the head of his cock then came an almighty push slamming the eight inches he packed into me. The sling moved as I hit his base bouncing back out before coming to rest again. Slowly I felt him pull out and in the intensity. I focused on the mirror. Watching as he slid out and his cock glistening with the toxic cum I already had loaded in my bowels. As he pushed in I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his cock but didn’t see it long enough to make it out as he slammed in again. My cock throbbed as he hit inside my ass clamped down. “What a well trained hole you have pig” “big sloppy cunt yet the power to still grip onto a cock” came as I released his cock from my grip. .Feeling him now working his cock around, inside my hole to find his next probing attack. Soon though the thrusting stoped and he had me squirm for his cock. His cock flared on my ass lips. “I’m going to fill you with viral juice” he said. Looking at him I replied. “Yeah give it to me, pump my stomach full of your death seed” and with that he started to pound my hole with fury. My ass loose and been pounded by his eight inches. Now and then I’d grasp his cock like a vice to make him quiver. Finally after a good eight minutes. Seeing the sweat dripping on his face. “Do that one more time and I’m going to fill you pig” as if by command my body responded and clasped down. “OH YOU filthy pig” ”Fuck”, he cried as I felt the familiar warmness of gushing seed flowing in. “That’s it pig take that filthy seed in you” “become one with us”, he bellowed as the last drops gushed from his now empty sack. Impaled and full. He looked down and said if “I’ve got the energy later ill be back to plant some more in your sweet hole pig”. With that his softening cock slipped from my hole. As he turned around he shouted “NEXT” and left the room.
    3 points
  5. Part 2: An unexpected encounter Ryan laid in bed staring at the ceiling. It was time to wake up, but Ryan was more groggy than usual. He didn't sleep very well. The events that unfolded the night before ruminated in the back of his head and he tossed and turned while concerning phrases like "Big poz cock!" and "Deathstick" haunted him throughout the night. Maybe I'll just forget about this and jerk off, Ryan thought. Ryan started stroking his cock and felt that familiar arousal building. He still couldn't shake what he heard out of his head though as he tried to pleasure himself. "Use my ass," Ryan remembered hearing. Despite recalling the events, Ryan's dick hardened quickly. Damn, I have to pee, Ryan realized. He decided to not let his urge to piss disrupt his morning jerk. So, he released his thickening member and groggily made his way out of his bedroom. He paused at the doorway to see if the coast was clear. He was relieved to not hear anything and opened up the half-closed bathroom door. Ryan stopped abruptly at the doorway as the door swung open. All Ryan saw for the moment was cock. Big massive cock. Taken by surprise, he stood silently with his mouth agape. The big cock dangling a couple of feet away was almost hypnotic. But, Ryan forced himself to stop staring and his eyes moved slowly up a six-pack of tan abs to a a very toned chest, until he finally met the dark brown eyes of the tall figure in front of him. "Oh sorry, Donnie said you weren't home," the stranger said as he pissed into the bowl. Ryan was shocked and confused and not putting it all together, "Donnie?" "I mean Donald .. your roommate," the stranger clarified. "Oh right," Ryan said feeling stupid for not making the obvious connection. His eyes fell onto the monstrous dick once again and admired it while the stranger continued to piss. "Not to worry .. he's passed out. He was exhausted," the stranger offered, perhaps trying to ease the awkwardness for Ryan. A long pause followed. Ryan was entranced. He felt a sense of jealousy. Donald got fucked by that? He was thinking as he continued to stare. "I'm almost done," the stranger assured Ryan. "Umm .. it's okay. You don't have to rush," Ryan answered. The stranger felt odd as he continued to piss, while Ryan continued to stare. "Did you need to grab something in here?" the stranger asked. "Huh?" Ryan was again distracted and not processing well. "Oh .. no .. I just have to pee when you're done." Ryan looked down at his feet as he realized he was staring. The stranger finished peeing, flushed the toilet, and then stepped towards Ryan. "I'm Gabe," he said holding out his hand. Ryan looked up and shook it somewhat hesitantly. Ryan was using not shy. But, he was definitely unprepared for this introduction. "Well .. this is definitely the strangest way I've ever met someone," Gabe said trying to ease the tension, "Donald said he had a roommate, but he didn't mention how sexy he was." Ryan glanced at Gabe's cock again. Damn it, Ryan thought, I need to stop looking. "Thanks," he replied softly. "It looks like you liked what you saw, though," Gabe said smiling broadly. "Huh?" Ryan looked down after Gabe pointed at his groin, only to realize he was sprouting a massive boner that was peaking out of the top of his briefs. "Oh yeah," Ryan laughed nervously, "morning wood." Another pause followed. Gabe couldn't miss the sexual interest. Ryan was too scared to make any advances though. Despite being turned on, he knew Gabe had HIV. And this just wan't an option. Gabe stepped close to Ryan, and towered over him by a foot. He leaned in closer and whispered into Ryan's ear "I saw you staring. Don't worry. If you want it, I'll give it to you." Ryan felt Gabe's long and thick member brushing against his stomach. Despite being aroused, he still felt immobilized. "Leave your number on my car windshield if you want it," Gabe whispered. Ryan could feel the heat of his breath on his ear. "It's the Camry." And then, Gabe left quickly as his schlong graised against Ryan's stomach as he departed. Ryan quickly shut the bathroom door. Fuck, hes hot, Ryan couldn't deny. He was too hard to piss and decided to take a shower instead. He couldn't get Gabe's hot body and gigantic dick out of his head. His boner would not go away. So, Ryan decided to jack it, and maybe he'll stop thinking about it. Gabe's offer lingered in Ryan's head. "If you want it," he remembered. Ryan stroked his dick as the shower doused his thin frame with steaming water. I WANT IT Ryan told himself as he stroked more furiously. And then, he imagined himself on all fours, begging for it like Donald did. Yeah I want it, he imagined himself saying to Gabe. He imagined Gabe answering back like he previously heard saying YOU'RE GONNA GET IT. Ryan couldn't control himself. He jacked with vigor. He softly verbalized his desire, "fuck me with your big poz cock." He was surprised how turned on he was as heard himself say it. "Yeah, use my ass. Fill me up with your poz cum," he softly said imagining Gabe deep inside him. Ryan's orgasm was inevitable, "fuck yeah, I want that poz cock" he tried not to say too loudly as he shot his load onto the tile in front of him. His orgasm seemed incredibly intense and nearly unstoppable. Finally, he felt his cock pumping, but no more jizz followed. After some long deep breaths, Ryan returned to normalcy. And he reflected on his "session." He decided that it was just dumb role play. That's all. No need to be worried.
    3 points
  6. I decided to do something special for my boy's birthday. We planned a night of clubbing and dancing at a few of our favorite bars. I was hoping to line up some dick to share for later that evening. After work, we met at home to shower and change. I helped him clean out his asshole and rimmed him good. I squirted a heathy amount of lube up his tight pussy and fingered it in. I could have dropped my load up his hole right then and there, but I wanted him to be hungry for what was to cum. It's worth mentioning that neither me or my boy have been tested in about a year. We swore it off after discovering the joys of POZ cum and barebacking. We got to the first bar around 10, still too early for things really to be hopping. We had a few drinks, shucked off our shirts, and I dry-humped him on the dancefloor, rubbing my hard cock through my jeans against my boy's bubble butt. I knew that always got him going. We were about to collect our things and go when we ran into two friends of my mine from work, Juan, who was coincidentally the first load I took that I later found out to be POZ, and his boyfriend Mike, also POZ. I knew they had an open relationship, not unlike mine and my boy's, that included sharing our boys' holes and being open to POZ cum. Turns out that it was Mike's birthday too. Who knew? We invited them on our pub crawl. On the cab to the next bar, my boy sat in front, I was in the middle of the back seat, with the POZ couple on both sides of me. No sooner than the cab had started to move, those boys were all over me, unbuckling my jeans, and tweaking my nipples under my shirt. My boy looked jealous of all the fun crying, “Hey? What the fuck? I thought this was supposed to be my party?” I made Juan stop jerking me through my brieds so I wouldn't cum too soon, and promised to make it up to my boy later. But that didn't stop me from tongue-fucking Mike's mouth the rest of the way to the next bar. We got there around midnight and it was really jumping, one of my favorite bars, half dancefloor and half darkly-lit bar with semi-private booths. I saw one of the hottest go-go boy bartenders in town behind the bar. Doug is about 6'-0”, dark black skin, buzzed hair, and piercing grey eyes, not to mention his ripped body, shown off to great effect my the tight Calvins he was sporting. The size and shape of his basket left little to the imagination, but much to drool over. I went up to get a round of drinks and Doug charmed me with his smily flirty self. I slipped him cash and he promised to personally deliver the drinks. When I got back to our booth, I was not surprised in the least to see my boy sitting between our POZ friends, with his legs open side, jeans unbuttoned, and two hands down his pants, while he was busying himself kissing one then the other. “Mind if I interrupt,” I asked? My boy just moaned in reply. He did manage to pull himself off of Juan's tasty lips when he saw Doug walking up, balancing four double gin and tonics on a tray with one hand. Let's just say his waiterly skills were not what my boy found so impressive. Drinks were handed around and Doug leaned far over the table to give the birthday boy a kiss, a long sultry, deep, almost violent kiss, and then whispered something in his ear. I could tell he was loving every second of this attention. Doug sauntered back to the bar, we quickly downed our drinks, and Juan and Mike went to dance. I scooted over to my boy and asked what Doug had whispered to him. “Oh, he just asked if I wanted to see his tattoo later...” What tattoo, I thought? This hot piece of meat was wearing sandals and briefs and nothing else, so where and what was it? My boy got up to take a leak, so I went back to the bar to flirt with Doug some more and ask about that tattoo. Doug was checking out some college kid's fake ID when I got to the bar, but the kid was cute, so he made him a drink anyway. Ah, the corruption of youth. Doug winked at me and then asked if there was anything he could do for me. I asked if I could see his tattoo. He grinned from ear to ear and pulled down his briefs. Around the base of his huge stunning chocolaty well-groomed cock and balls was a biohazard tatt, barely visible against his dark skin. He covered up and then asked if he could show it to me again later. I let him know it was Mike's birthday too, and we made plans to meet up as soon as his shift was over and have a little private party back at our place. I gave him directions and asked him to give us a few minutes to get home and settled. After several more rounds of drinks, and some anonymous blue and pink pills, we couples piled into a taxi. I asked my boy if he had had a good party, and he frowned. “I was hoping to have some cock lined up for tonight. I've got a prelubed hole gone to waste. Shit, and I forgot to leave the bar without seeing Doug's tattoo.” I promised my boy that the party was only just beginning and we had a long night ahead of us. Juan and Mike were too busy missing out to hear anything. When we got home, I turned on some music, and headed to the kitchen to make another round of cocktails. When I came back with the drinks, all of the boys had their shirts off and were exploring each others' bodies with hands and tongues. I shimmied out of my shirt and was about to drop trou when there was a knock at the door. Oh shit, I thought, must be a neighbor coming to complain about the noise. I was happily surprised when Doug was standing there, with a bouquet of roses. I invited him in, and he presented half of the roses to my boy and the other half to Mike. They both thanked him by shoving his tongue down Doug's throat and feeling him up. Doug asked the birthday boys if he could give them a special show. They both drooled with excitement as Juan and I settled down onto the sofa. Doug started to strip until he was back down to his briefs, only now there was a translucent wet spot at the tip of his hardening cock. Mike and my boy got down on their knees and leaned forward, taking turns working Doug's growing cock through the cloth. It didn't take long for Doug's dick to shoot out over the elastic waist. My boy took the opportunity to start sucking on his plum-sized cockhead. Doug worked Mike's pants off and boy boy shimmied out his. Mike pulled down Doug's briefs and went to work on his balls; only then did he notice Doug's tatt. “Oh yeah! There's something extra special in this sauce, isn't there?” Doug just grinned. Facing us, Doug leaned forward and worked his hands into their undies. He took both hands, swirled them around his dick, getting them shiny and wet with his precum and my boy's spit, and began fingering their holes. Juan leaned forward and ripped off Mike's briefs, and I did the same for my boy. Juan and I were trying to kiss, but were too distracted by the live POZ sex show going on just inches from our faces. Doug spun our boys around so they were now facing us, demanding that they get our jeans off and show us some appreciation. They went to work undressing us and started gobbling our cocks. I grinned at Juan, got up, and switched places with him, so now my boy was blowing him while his boy was blowing me, all the while, their asses being toyed with by a ripped black POZ go-go boy. Doug lapped at my boy's hole, then Mike's hole, back and forth until they were both ready. He plunged bare into my boy's quivering hole all the way to the balls. After a few strokes, he did the same for Mike. They were both squealing with delight. I had never seen a POZ black dick stretch my boy's hole, and it got me so close to cumming that I had to pull Mike's mouth off. I scooted underneath so I could suck his dick and finger my own hole with some of Mike's POZ precum, and watch Doug's assail more closely. Juan matched my position and started deep-throating my boy's dangling cock. Doug couldn't hold back much longer and started to cum in Mike's hole, but pulled on and shot the rest on his back. With both hands, he scooped up as much as he could and fingered it into the boy's gaping sloppy holes, open and stretched after their pounding. Mike shot buckets into my hungry mouth, with such force that much of it went straight down my throat. My boy came shortly later all over Juan's face. I wiped it up, lubed up my dick with my boy's load, and spit Mike's load on Juan's dick. Juan leaned over and spread his boys asscheeks for me as I entered Mike's ass. I was obliged to return the favor and spread my boy open wide for him to use and abuse. I savored every inch of Mike's sloppy hole, so filled with a mix of Doug's cum, and my boy's cum as lube on my dick that I could hear a squelching sound. Knowing what toxic goo I was working deeper into his pussy got me off quick. It was only a matter of minutes until I added my own spooge to the mix. Juan must have felt the same way, cumming only seconds after me and breeding my boy with his own toxic cum. Covered in sweat, I shared a passionate kiss with Juan before pulling out of his boyfriend's sloppy cunt and started rimming my own birthday boy's ass. I fingered some of his loads out, tongued out some more, and lapped up the foam around his hairy hole. With a full mouth, I kissed my boy hard, sharing so much cum that it dripped all over both of our faces. In our cumfest, we hadn't even realized that Doug had left the party. I found scrawled on a note on the table by the door from him: Happy Birthday boyz. Hope you like your gifts. Here's a number ***-***-**** to call when you're all ready for your own tatts. I can get you a deal. Love, Doug.
    2 points
  7. I took my boy to TRIBE in Seattle last weekend. We've partied at people's houses and our hotel room a bunch of times however never at a bathhouse or place like TRIBE. We'd planned this weekend for almost a month and he was nervous,eager and scared all at the same time. I got us one of the larger rooms - the one downstairs that opens to the video lounge area. After a little time getting comfortable and going over our favorite letters of the alphabet Gee and Tee - we ended up WAY beyond horny as FUCK! Ready, I took him for a walk around the place ... cruzed the rooms downstairs, showed him the shower area and then took him for a lap upstairs through the MaZE and glory-hole stalls. Every turn we took guys' would show their interest - reaching out, touching at his smooth boy body or giving him the "fuck-yeah" look. It was actually very sweet, like we were taking a walk in the park as I led him from place to place holding his hand. Ha! Once back down stairs I took him to the shower area. He is 5'11" and not more than 155lbs. His body is beautiful and mostly smooth with lightly hairy legs and the beginning of a happy-trail. I think its adorable that he thinks his ass is too big ... let me tell you how magnificently FUCKING perfect it is - rounded with a firm toned shape that somehow seems to always show off his fuck-hole when he bends over. In the shower tho - he just stood there with the hot shower water spraying down on him. He kinda wiggled around a little while I soaped him up making sure his body was smoothly covered and then rinsed off. Making sure his ass was ready I fingered his tight hole for several minutes and envied how his seven.5 inch cock just hung there slightly hardened yet still swinging around as we moved in unison. Gawd it was hot. Once back in our room we kissed and suck each other for a while. We even flip-fucked each other a few times between dosing each other up a few more times. Eventually I started fucking him with the door slightly open so that others could tell there was something going on. In time my boy was like ... "open it up so people can see us" at that point I knew this was gonna be the kinda night we had been talking about for weeks. Over the next several hours there were four or maybe five different guys that came by and joined us - two who would come back several times. He even fucked one of them twice! As the first part of the night progressed it was always some version of him getting his hole pounded by my dick and his face fucked by one hard cock or another. Later on, while guys were working over my boy's holes - I found myself sucking his dick purposely aiming my ASS at the now completely wide open door. Once someone started to eat-out my ass I complete bottomed out - fingering myself, wiggling and shaking my gaping tongued hole for guys in the hallway to see. It didn't take long until my ass had a big cock of its own. I thought yeah I was getting fucked by the same guys who had just fucked my boy or who were waiting in line to fuck him next - FUCK yeah! At one point I scooted up and whispered to him "are you ok, can I leave for a couple minutes?" and he was like, "sure just leave the door open." I was in fucking heaven and so was he - SLUT. Standing at the far end of the hallway leading to the video room I could see into our room. It was without any doubt the hottest sex in the building. My sweet 22 year old bottom boy on his hands and knees getting pummeled HARD from both ends by two guys Id never seen before. They were slamming his holes like he was some kinda rag-doll fuck-toy with a semi hard cock swinging back and forth between his legs and up against his stomach - SLAP slap SLAP! What makes it even better is that he makes this kinda whimpering sound when he's really into "it." Between the Slap of his his cock and the sounds of the the guys fucking his holes, I could hear him moan and wimper 15' away. It was so fucking hot I couldn't hardly stand it. So rather than join back in ... I went upstairs to round up at least one more guy. I found him clicking away at one of the guest computers. He was maybe 28 or 30, medium height and had a VERY fit smooth ripped body. Now my boy prefers men my age with hairy chests but I didn't really fucking care - this guy was HOT and I wanted him fucking his sweet boy-hole. As the night progressed we started calling this guy Kentucky but initially my approach went something like this, "so if you like fucking young guys - my boy is downstairs getting his ass pounded right now, I want you to go fuck him too" He said, "I'm gonna go get my friend, what's your room number?"
    2 points
  8. It was getting dark when I pulled into the car park by the playing field. There were very few people about and one or two other cars. I got out and went through the trees to the old, brick public toilet on the far side. It was run down and dirty and the only visitors were guys like me, looking for sex. I had been introduced to the place by a friend a couple of weeks previously. It was really sleazy, and the guys who went there were mainly older and not particular about hygiene. I stepped in through the dark doorway, my nostrils immediately filled with the rank smell of piss, poppers and sweat and I felt the hairs stand up on my neck. It was much darker inside and I felt rather than saw a number of men around me. I stepped up to the pale urinal, pulled out my stiffening cck and waited, my heart thumping in my chest. They moved in on me, a dry, horny hand feeling my hard-on and another feeling my arse through my jeans. A bottle was pressed to my nose at the same time as a warm, wet mouth engulfed my cock. I groaned as the poppers kicked in, my legs turning to jelly and my will-power evaporating. Someone started to try and kiss me, rough bearded face and fat lips slobbering over mine. His tongue slid into my mouth as another mouth sucked my cock. I gasped with excitement and lust, even as my mind was repelled by the thought of what I was doing and the terrible, terrible risks I was running. I felt hands on my belt. The guy sucking me pulled my trousers open and dragged them down, followed by my underwear. I felt the cool air on my naked backside as I stood there with my clothes around my ankles beng kissed, sucked and fondled by god knows what kind of ugly trolls. The bottle was held to my nose again. This time they held my head, forcing me to breathe deep until my head was spinning and I had to hold onto someone o stand up. "Yeah", said a dry, throaty voice " he's gettin' into it now. Oh yeah, we got a live one here." My head was pulled forward and down and a thick, sweaty cock slid into my mouth. It tasted so good and the poppers were so srong I just started sucking greedily on it, the hairy, fat beely pressed against my nose. "Fuck 'um," commanded the voice, adding "Here's some lube." I felt fingers between my chceeks and something cold and slippery being smeared on my arsehole. I started to panic, this was getting too heavy, but it also felt soo good, soo dirty. I felt hands on my hips and a man's cock probed my arse. I reached back and grabbed it. No condom. He was going in bareback! He slapped my hands away and carried on pushing forward. I felt the meaty head slide into me. There was still time to stop this. I could just push them away and go, but still it felt soo good, sooo dirty. Again poppers were offered to me, and this time I took the brown bottle and inhaled greedily, thinking to myself 'Oh my god - I'm going to let him'. Then his cock burst into me and the shaft slid up me in a delicious rush. I bent over, holding on to the thighs of the man in front of me as I was fucked, my mind screaming at me to stop even as I pushed back to meet his urgent thrusts. "Come on, fuck him!" called-out a voice. " Shoot up him," said another, adding "he wants it bad." Oh my god, I'm going to let him. I knew I should stop now, but I was going to let him. "Here it comes, bitch!" The guy pushed his flabby belly hard against mt arse and I felt his cock thrb in me. I was horrified, afraid, excited and disgsted as he slowed, stopped, then pulled out his greasy cock and I felt his cum trickle over my balls. I stood up, panting for breath, aware of myself as never before and suddenly I knew what I wanted. I saw several pairs of eyes glittering in the dark around me and with a shudder of surrender I turned, bent over and spread my cheeks the tears of joy in my eayes as the next cock slid up me.
    1 point
  9. I hooked up at STEAMWORKS with a scruffy bottom who had a sweet, tight ass and who was hungry for fuck seed. He left the door open when he came in my room, so I knew he din't mind being watched while being fucked, which is a turn on for me. Then he suggested I take him to the fuck bench and fuck him in front of other guys. What a fucking turn on. He sucked cock while I bred him. It was hot to have guys come up and feel my balls and bare cock. Anybody else hooked on giving a bareback sex show?
    1 point
  10. this is the story of how i became a bottom bitch for the city's best BBC escort PART 1 His name was Tom. We met right after he moved here, he wasn't in the trade at the time. young, actually; he was 19 and I was 23. I was a tall, thin, hung, vers guy at the time. 6'4" 190, with a very thick 8" uncut cock that got a lot of attention. Of course, I suspected his black dick was even bigger. Our first few meetings were just awkward casual stuff, making out here and there, nothing serious. That changed though, one night, when he invited me over to his new apartment. I didn't really know what to expect, but given how hot he was, I was never going to turn him down. Black guys in my town were very rare, and he was 6'1", 200lb, built and packing a 9" uncut thick piece I'd only begun to play with. I knew I wanted him, I just didn't know how badly. At any rate, he told me to head to his place that night, and I obeyed. When I got there, he was chilling on his couch, smoking a joint and watching some bareback porn. I immediately noticed the glass pipe and a small bag of crystal on his table; i'd done the stuff only once before, and I ended up getting raped all night by a guy I'd never seen again - but it was one of the best nights of my life, all the same. I sat down next to him. "You smoke t?" he asked, caressing my thigh. "Done it before, never smoked it though." "You'll like it." he said, as he reached for the pipe and lit it. He took a huge toke, winked at me, and tugged at my shirt. I exhaled as I fell into him, and we kissed gently as he blew the smoke back into my lungs. "See? Have some more." He passed me the pipe, and torched the chamber for me, as I sucked it back, several times more. I sat back, as he did the same. All of a sudden, my body was buzzing; my ass was tingling; my cock shriveled into my balls. As he finished toking, I took off my shirt. "That's better. Make yourself comfortable." He put down the pipe on the table, and sat back down on the couch. All of a sudden, I noticed that his cock was hanging out of the top of his sweatpants, half hard and drooling from the tip. I couldn't stop staring at it. I was transfixed - it was so big, so beautiful, a real man's dick, and I wanted it. Bad. "You like that big black dick, don't you? Why don't you show me how much you like it?" He grabbed my wrist, and drew my hand right onto his dribbling, half-hard member. I grabbed on like my life depended on it and started stroking it. "Show me how much you like that dick, boy." I fell off the couch to my knees, and started sucking on his dick. I couldn't wait to see it erect, it was already huge in my hand, i knew it would be choking my throat in no time. "Yeah, suck that dick, show me how bad you want it." His dick was still semi-hard so I could take it to his balls, but with every stroke it was stiffening, and hitting the back of my throat. "Look at me while you suck my dick." I realized I'd basically tuned out, eyes closed. I looked up. His eyes were locked on mine. It was a completely different person than I'd known before we smoked up. He stroked through my hair, and then grabbed it firmly. "Look at me while you suck my dick," he told me, staring right at me. "I promise," I babbled between strokes, unable to resist. I kept going down on him, eyes locked on his - and his cock just kept getting bigger, and bigger - i couldn't take it anymore. "Good boy. I love watching those sweet white lips on my nigger meat." He pulled me up by my hair and kissed me. "Those lips on my cock head, that's what really gets me off. It's so sensitive - I want you to work that head for me, okay babe?" I nodded, and he pushed me right back down into his crotch. As I engulfed his cockhead with my lips, he kept stroking through my hair and staring right into my eyes. With every moan his cock got harder and harder, until it was an enormous 9" wrist-thick piece of big black meat. "Look how hard you got me, boy. What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" He pulled me up by my hair again, and reached around to finger my hole. I moaned. "What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" he repeated. "I want you..." I whispered. My grip tightened around his now rock-hard, 9x7 uncut member. "WHAT?" "I want you." I said, a little louder. "You want me to WHAT, boy?" "I want you to fuck me." "You want me to fuck this little white hole do you?" he asked as his finger slipped inside me, and I groaned. "Yeah, it looks like you want some nigger meat in this white boy hole of yours." A second finger pushed its way in. "You want me to fuck this white boy pussy?" His fingers were pushing deeper and deeper, and I was losing control. "Tell me." He pulled out completely. "What do you want?" "I want you tu fuck my white boy pussy." I said, surprising even myself. He rubbed the fingers he'd pulled out of my ass against my lips. "Get on the bed and spread your legs, I want to eat that hole before I fuck it." He slapped my ass and pushed me off the couch in the diretion of the bedroom. Obviously, I didn't need any further encouragement - all I could think about was his throbbling, droooling, massive cock. I basically leapt onto the bed into the doggy position, legs spread wide. "That is a nice ass you have there, boy. Now you hold still." He grabbed my ass cheeks and groped them, then spread them, and started licking my hole. I lost my mind immediately; the combination of the foreplay and the tina send me completely over the edge. The more he ate my hole the more I needed him, as his tongue drove deeper and deeper into me. It was the most overwhelming rimming I'd ever received. It didn't last long, as he could clearly sense how hungry I was. "That is some nice white boy butt you have there, boy," he whispered in my ear, as he slipped his thumb back into my asshole. "Are you going to let me fuck it?" "Yes, please, please fuck my white boy hole!" I nearly shouted, as his thumb rubbed against my prostate, and my shrunken cock dribbled precum. He added another two fingers to his assault of my ass, pushing deeper, making me moan louder and louder. Then, with three fingers up my ass, he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me back towards him, sitting me up on the bed. "I will. First, smoke a little more, okay?" He wiggled his fingers inside of me as he stared into my eyes. Then with his spare hand he picked up the pipe from the bedside and passed it to me along with a lighter. "I want to see you take three big tokes, and then I'll fuck this white boy pussy." He thumbed my prostate again and I groaned. I held the pipe as he lit the torch. One. Two. Three. He stared at me through every one, massaging my ass with his fingers. There was no escape. With every breath I was losing control more and more. "Good boy. Hold still, I need some too..." he pulled his hand out of my ass, and the feeling of emptiness was overwhelming. "Oh no please don't-" I squealed. "You want to get fucked, don't you? Now shut up and spread your hole again while I get ready to fuck you." He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up and kissed me, and then threw me back down onto the bed. "On your knees again, I want to see that hole," he demanded, as he lit the freshly-loaded pipe. I got back up into the doggy position, with my legs spread again. Now that my ass was lubed and fingered it was cold as hell, as well as tingling with hunger to be filled. I was intensely embarassed by my cold, wet rosebud being exposed to the world but knew I had no choice whatsoever. I heard him put the pipe down on the table, and then heard a slapping noise, which was him fastening a cockring to his giant 9" cock and big black balls. "Does that white hole want to get fucked?" he asked. I moaned. "You want some nigger meat in that white boy hole don't you?" I moaned again. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want it in you." "I want you to fuck my boy hole," I whimpered, and his hands slid along my hips. His cock slipped through my asscrack, and then rubbed back and forth against my hole. "Tell me you want this nigger meat in your white boy hole," he said, breathing on my neck, his massive, throbbing cockhead pressing, ever so gently but firmly, against my asshole, threatening to enter, but not quite. "Beg for this nigger meat, or you're not getting fucked tonight." "Please, please, fuck my white boy hole, fuck it with your nigger meat, I need your nigger meat in me please, please, pleasssseeee..." I didn't have to fake my petulant tone as the threat of not getting fucked at all, with my ass already wet with anticipation, my whole body shaking with desire, had sent me into complete overdrive. Amd as I kept shouting please, please, please, he thrusted his whole nine inches balls deep into me in one swift, brutal stroke. I froze in ecstasy, as he nibbled my neck as his balls slapped against mine. "Oh am I ever going to fuck this hole of urs. Why didn't you tell me you had such a sweet little pussy, boy." He pulled his dick out to the tip and thrust it right back to the balls. "You white boys have the nicest pussy, and it loves getting fucked by nigger meat don't it?" He continued thrusting into me, over and over. I couldn't even speak, the pleasure was overwhelming. He drove his cock to the hilt, and grabbed my wrist. "Why are you jerking yourself?" his deep voice whispered into my ear again. I didn't even realise I had been furiously masturbating my limp dick since he'd begun fucking me. "That little boy dick isn't going to get hard tonight. You're a white boy pussy, that dick ain't good for nothing. Do you want to get fucked or not?" "Yes, yes, I want you to fuck me, please...." "Good boy," he grabbed both of my wrists and shoved me down onto my stomach, and started thrusting his cock into my ass over and over. "A pussy boy like you doesn't touch his dick. Not if he wants to get fucked. All you need to worry about is how you're going to take this nigger meat, understand? My cock is the only one you're going to think about." I swear i could feel his dick harden even more and push deeper and deeper into my ass. "Tell me, pussy boy, that you won't touch yourself again." "I'm your pussy boy and I won't touch myself again I just want you to fuck me with your nigger meat please please keep fucking me with your nigger meat that's all I want..." He moaned, and shoved me down and doubled his pace of thrusting. "Good. If you need something to do with those soft white boy hands of yours, play with my nipples or my balls, keep your back arched... or smoke some more tina like the slut you are." he suddenly lifted me up and thrust the pipe into my face. "Breathe in, slut." He pushed his dick in to the balls again, and I could feel it throb it was so hard - was he ever getting off on this. So was I. I sucked in deeply. "See? No need to fight it, you have such a hot ass, it deserves dick in it." He took the pipe from me and inhaled a few times himself; each time I could feel his dick harden and heat up, like a threat, or a promise. He dropped the pipe over the bed and grabbed me tightly again. "I thought your white boy ass was going to turn out to be a bit of a slut, but I had no idea what a pussy little bitch you'd turn out to be," he roared at me, as he drilled my ass from behind over and over. He pulled out suddenly to fip me onto my back, and I instincively pulled my legs into my air and he slid his massive cock right back into my ass and continued fucking me. "Turns out you're a born pussy boy, aren't you. Look at this little pussy dick." On my back, there was no hiding my normally 8" dick shriveled to the size of a peanut. He stroked it idly, as if it were funny to him. "This is the last time I ever touch your dick, bitch. Understand? I don't ever want to see it again. All I want is this sweet white boy hole wrapped around my nigger meat. Deal?" He gripped my tiny, soft dick tighter, and picked up the pace of his fucking. "Deal!!" I moaned. "So you're not going to tuch your little boy dick ever again around me? Because you want this nigger meat in your pussy so bad?" "Yes I promise I'll never touch it again I just want you to fuck my white boy pussy!" as this spurted out of my mouth to my own surprise, he grabbed both of my legs and shoved me flat into the bed to fuck me even deeper. "Oh boy, you really are a bitch aren't you. This white ass is just desperate for big black cock. Why didn't you tell me you were such a slut?" He suddenly pulled out of me, and flipped me back onto my knees, and thrust three fingers deep into my hole. "Hahaha, look at you, you're not even going to budge as long as I'm in that pathetic little pussy of yours." He kept fingering my hole and it was true; I couldn't move, it was too fantastic. "You're completely addicted to nigger meat, and I'm going to show you what that means. You're mine now, boy, and I am not letting you go. This pussy is too sweet." I moaned and moaned as he continued fingering my ass. Little did I know what his other hand was up to. "Hold still." His hand withdrew, and I groaned - "HOLD STILL I SAID!" and I didn't dare budge. "A slut hole like this deserves a treat," he whispered. I could feel his cockhead return to my hole, rubbing against it again, this time with a warm tingling sensation. And with one fluid motion he was buried in my ass again, but this time with it came an enormous burning and then an overwhelming pleasure. He'd covered his massive erection in meth and was pounding it into my asshole - and now he was in complete control. Before I could even adjust to the overwhelming sensations he resumed fucking me silly. "What a slutty white boy you are, letting ur ass get booty bumped by nigger meat, what were you thinking? " he boomed, hammering my ass over and over, grabbing my hips tightly, pushing deeper and deeper into my ass than ever before, the meth setting it all on fire with need. "You can't say no to big black dick like this, can you? This pussy is all mine now." "ohhhhhhhhhh" I whimpered, the only word I could muster through the sensory overload. His cock driving the booty bump back and forth into my ass was only making him stiffer and stiffer, and I could barely understand anything beyond the massive black cock that was filling my insides with pleasure. "I'm going to fuck this sweet white boy pussy of yours all night long." He pulled his cock out to the head, and slapped each of my cheeks, and then thrust it back in to the balls. "But you want me to fuck you all night long, don't you boy?" "....yesssss....." I moaned, struggling not to black out. "Yeah? You want your white boy hole bred by this nigger meat don't you? Your boy pussy likes being filled up doesn't it?" My tiny boy cock was frantically spurting precum as he told me exactly what I already knew. There was nothing I wanted more than this god of a man to keep fucking me. "And you're not going to touch that little white boy dick either, are you?" He laughed, and flicked my soft dick with his finger. He pulled his dick out entirely and slapped me across the face to get a response. I nodded frantically and licked hungrily at his nipples. "Yes, I just want to be your boy pussy, I want you to fuck me all night, I want you to breed my hole, please keep fucking me, please, please, please!!" As I submitted completely he rammed his rock-hard cock back into me, drilling me over and over as I screamed nonsense, as his dick kept stroking me deeper and deeper. "GOOD BOY." He locked eyes with me again, and continued fucking me with long, steady strokes from head to balls of his fat 9" cock. "I am going to breed this hole. Repeatedly. As long as you keep being such a well behaved little bitch, you are going to get this dick in you. And that's what you need isn't it?" He pulled out his dick to spit on my hole, and started circling his cockhead around it. "You're addicted to nigger meat now aren't you." "YES YES I'M ADDICTED I NEED IT IN ME PLEASE PUT IT BACK KEEP FUCKING ME I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME ALL NIGHT LONG AND BREED MY WHITE HOLE OVER AND OVER" I was thrashing around, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. He grabbed me by the throat and drew me to him. His eyes locked onto mine again, dead serious. His cockhead slipped into my hole, just barely. "This is what you are now. A pussy full of nigger meat. What a lucky boy you are. Lots of bitches want this cock, but I picked your pussy to fill up tonight. " I just nodded, as his steel-hard cock slipped back into me. He smiled, and began fucking me relentlessly. "Let's see how many loads I can leave in this hole for you... here comes number one!" He kept fucking me harder and harder. He started groping me frantically, as his cock swelled within me. He lifted me up entirely, and threw me on top of him, and began slamming my ass from below. I started cumming from him fucking me, my tiny boy dick spurting jizz onto his chest. He grinned, slammed his big black cock as deep as it'd go in me, and shot his massive load deep into my guts. I crumpled on top of him, and he kissed me on my neck. "Stay here with me, boy, and I will keep that pussy feeling good." I did. We fucked for another eight hours. He had three more major orgasms, but who knows how many loads he left in my ass. He fucked a few loads out of me as well, without touching my cock of course. We finished well after dawn. When he finally let me go home, he left me with instructions. Keep all his cum in my ass as long as possible, When I came back, I had to wear a jockstrap to hide my cock if I ever wanted to get fucked again. I had to stop shaving my ass crack, as he liked it hairy. And I had to show up spotlessly clean and ready to fuck all night long next time he asked, because once he started in on my ass he couldn't stop. And obviously, I had to smoke tina with him. I agreed to everything instantly. The next time couldn't come soon enough.
    1 point
  11. I was walking in my favorite sex club, the smell of sweat, cum, and poppers were in the air. I was intoxicated by the smell and my hole was buzzing, in the video room, my SIR had made a big show of breeding my hole, a few guys added their sperm and felched my used furry black ass. My SIR kissed me, told me I was his good boy, and sent me to play on my own, to find a hole to breed. This was the first time that I had been out in a week, as I had recently had the fuck flu, which, of course, derailed my play time, but my SIR, my POZDADDY was proud of me: I had taken his seed, his virus. I had earned his collar and a permanent place in his life. Not the usual thoughts one has while walking through a dark and dingy sex club, but I couldn't help myself, and I found myself wondering if I should find some condom queen and stealth him, or just look for a bareback slut, or hold-out for the willing and honest bug chaser? I heard grunting, I heard a voice beg "More, harder." The voice made my blood boil. I knew exactly who it was! Instantly, a huge grin crossed my face. Perfect. Just too fucking perfect. A huge, 'roided-out tattooed Daddy that I knew from the gym walked out of the booth, his dick (sporting a PA) flopped out of his jeans. My prey. I walked in the room, and there he was bent over... a blindfold around his eyes... my younger brother. I was instantly hard. On the floor I saw discarded and semen-filled condoms. Such a waste, still, if he is playing safe, then he's probably neg. Perfect, I thought. Without a word, I bent down and tongue-fucked my younger brother's used hole. I gotta admit, although I grew-up hating my brother, I was hard as a rock, if only because undeniable that nice asses ran in our family. Or was I hard because I knew what I had in store for him? My dick got even harder when I glanced on his hand and saw his wedding ring. I spread his bubbled ass cheeks apart, unlike me, his ass is nice and smooth. He whimpered like the bitch he is as my tongue went in deeper. Usually, I hate the taste of an ass that has been tainted by latex, but all I could think about was infecting his body with my, my SIR, my POZDADDY'S virus. I lined-up my bare cock and nudged his hole, at the same time, catching sight of the biohazard tattoo that I sported on my torso, below my navel. Still wordless, I grinned. Then my brother pulled out a condom and handed it to me. I opened it, took out the condom, and threw it aside, I held poppers to his nose. In his fucked-out and popper induced haze, he didn't register that I wasn't wearing the condom as my bareback, incestuous dick entered his hole. I grabbed his ass, and began plowing his hole. I wondered how many men had fucked him that night, and how long he had led a secret life of being a bottom bitch, while married to my sister-in-law. Heh heh, he'd be a poz bottom bitch once I was done with him. I thought about all the times he was favored as we grew up, and imagined my dick was a gun, and my semen were the bullets. As he knew it, his life would be over. "Oh man, that feels so fucking good, so fucking amazing!" I thought how my family had disowned me, and how vocal he had been about not wanting a faggot for a brother. Who's the faggot now, I thought. He was in a darkroom, bent over, his estranged older brother's poz death stick violating his lying, cheating ass. This was too good, this was too much. My nuts began to boil over. The trigger went off. I let loose my potent, high viral load poz sperm deep into his guts. He exclaimed "Holy shit! Wha... wha... did you cum in me! You better not have!" as he took off his blindfold. I laughed as his face went pale, remarking with a smirk "You're hardly in a position to make demands... baby brother."
    1 point
  12. I met Brad on-line about five years ago. I was a curious horny young gay boy fresh out of the closet. I'd found myself hooking up a lot. I'd always insisted on a condom and found that the majority of the time I used one. But there were those few occasions a persistent guy would get his raw cock deep in me. OMG it felt fucking great. As soon as they bred my hole I'd feel instant regret and fear. Then I started up a chat with this hottie on a bareback website I had stumbled upon. We began to talk about how hot it was to take raw cock and that we both secretly loved the feeling of a stranger pumping his load into us. We talked almost nightly through instant messaging. Before long we were encouraging each other to take loads. I was always scared to actually go through with it with just anyone. I must have asked the first few guys about their status half a dozen times before I actually hooked up with them. One of my hook ups introduced me to partying. It was a moment during my early barebacking days that I was starting to revert back to safer sex. I was repulsed at the idea of doing any sort of drug. I wasn't even much of a pot smoker. But he convinced me just to try it. He shows up at my door. He so didn't look like his picture. He was much older. But he was still rather attractive and had a very nice bulge in his shorts. I led him into my room. He immediately sat his bag down and began to pull out his pipe followed by a torch. I knew he was bringing dope but I guess it hadn't occurred to me how we would be doing it. He lit the pipe up. I noticed that the bowl had a very large amount of Tina in it. He took a large hit and let out a large cloud of smoke. I was in awe. I was scared. I was intrigued. He groaned a little and asked if this really was my first time to party. "Yeah", I said. "Don't worry baby, first hit and a cap of this G, you're going to be taking my cock all night". He put the pipe up to my lips and basically told me how to inhale. He lit the pipe and I watched as the substance began to melt. I was inhaling slowly and steadily as he had told me. The vapor quickly shot through the stem and into my mouth and lungs. He said "Keep going baby. That's it" I continued to inhale. I was half expecting it to be like pot. I thought I might start choking. But this was really smooth. I really didn't feel anything. After a moment I took in all I could. I put up my hand to signal him to stop. He pulled the pipe away and I exhaled. It wasn't quite the large cloud he let out, but looking back, it was respectable. I began to tingle a bit. My cock instantly started leaking precum. I felt GREAT. The he handed me a cap full of something he had poured from a Gator aide bottle. I didn't think twice about downing the substance. "That's going to hit you in about 15 minutes or sooner. Its great shit" He said We chit chatted a bit. I noticed I was talking extremely fast and as each minute past I grew desperately horny. "Fuck I need that big cock. This shit is great. All I feel is the need to have cock in me" I said. "Good, cause I want to fuck your cute ass. You're going to be leaking my nut out of that pussy all day tomorrow" "Oh, well see I normally take it with a rubber" "I didn't bring any and honestly its a turn off when I'm high, let me fuck you bareback. I go soft with a rubber. I just took a Viagra and I want to make sure you're ass gets all the hard cock it can handle." I looked at his now exposed cock. It was large. He hadn't lied about that. It was about 8 inches and very thick. I feel silly now. I guess i thought I would see signs of an STD. Soon my own cock ass (aided by the chems in my system) gave in. "Okay, well fuck it. I rarely do this tho, but I can't help but want it. The idea of going raw is really a secret turn on." "Fuck yeah, you should do it more often. I love feeling my cock deep in a boys hole...just skin on skin." I didn't really needed to be convinced....just needed to get beyond that initial knee jerk reaction of saying no (A habit I didn't get out of until much later BTW...oh all the raw cock I could've had...*sigh*). He lubed his dick up with a little tube he had pulled from his bag. He spread my legs apart and soon was sticking his fingers in me to stretch me open and get me wet with his Eros. It felt great. I was starting to buck on his finger. I had my eye on his throbbing cock. There was a small stream of pre cum flowing down his shaft. I wanted it bad. "Fuck yeah...you got my dick hard. That ass is tight. Its not going to take long to breed your hole." He flipped me over and lined his dick up with my ass hole. I felt the pressure of his dick pushing into me. It was like being fucked for the first time. My head was swimming. My ass hole was hungry. He didn't go inside slowly. Once he popped past my hole he sank down inside of my ass. Normally I would have yelled out in pain. But I was in heaven. I didn't give a fuck that he was doing me bareback. I was actually more freaked out afterward how much I wanted it. I didn't think about stds or the bug (that comes later). I just wanted him to fuck me...hard. That's exactly what he did. He was fucking me with hard long thrusts. "Oh fuck yeah baby, that hole is fucking tight as shit. What a little whore you turned out to be. Taking that stranger cock raw. I'm going to get you high as fuck tonight and tear your ass all up. Take that cock you slut" I was bucking back to meet his hard thrusts. He was pounding me really hard. The slapping of our skin was audible in the room. He was hitting my prostate. My cock was leaking my pre nut all over the sheet. I was in heat. Soon he started gasping. "OH FUCK YEAH TAKE MY LOAD!!!" he yelled out I felt his large cock throb as he stopped thrusting. I could feel a warmth and wetness inside of my guts. I wanted to jerk off myself but my cock was limp from the Tina. He laid on top of me. He was exhausted.....I was hooked...I couldn't wait to tell Brad. (more to cum....I'll get to the bug chasing and the depths of my depravity in later stories...my first attempt so feed back would be threesome) Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1270842365&file=/2063/357174.html>
    1 point
  13. This is a story I wrote a while ago, and was posted on the old bugshare site. It's based on a collection of my personal experiences, its about 60% fact, 40% fiction. I'll be posting it in installments, to make it easier to read. I hope you guys like! It was one of those long days, my classes were boring as hell, I just couldn't wait to get home, get online and find a hook up. It was one of those excruciatingly hot and humid August afternoons, if you've ever been to Florida that time of year, you know what I mean. I kept looking at the clock, the last hour of school just dragged on and on. I started thinking about the guys in my class, wondering what their cocks were like, wishing I could get the chance to service each of them after gym, baseball or basketball. Imagining their hot sweaty cock and balls, the intoxicating scent of their young sweaty masculinity, just as I was day dreaming and starting to feel my cock start to stiffen, the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran for the door, I didn't want anyone to see my harden through my loose fitting mesh shorts. I got home a couple of minutes later, sweating from the bike ride, I didn't waste any time getting up to my room and get on my computer to find some cock. I was SO fuckin horny, I kept sniffing my pits, they smelled so fuckin good, I had just a little bit of blonde wispy hair under my arms, but the funk was full on. I got online started cruising for guys in my area, I like guys that are older than me, and definitely kinky, I don't do vanilla at all. After a couple of hours I was about to call it a night and sign off, then I got a message from a guy about 20 minutes from me. He was 32, muscled, completely hard bod, smooth chest and 8.5 inches of thick uncut pierced cock meat. He was a man of few words, he asked me my age, and then wanted to know what I was into. I gave my standard reply "I'm into everything, I'll try anything twice" he asked "Are you sure about that? If you agree to meet me, I'll hold you too it." I got so fucking boned when he said this, I told him that I liked it really kinky, and I love being hot and sweaty and not taking a shower. He asked me if I would be able to spend the weekend at his place, I didn't see why not, tomorrow was Friday, I didn't have anything due at school so I agreed. He' arranged to pick me up from school the next day and told me not to shower between now and then. The next day dragged even longer than the day before, all I could think about was the hot dude with his hot cock pounding me, wishing it was 3PM already. My classmates noticed my funk, the jocks in my class were sat behind me, they started thrown erasers and paper balls at me. One of them threw a paper plane at my head, with a note written on it. "Hey fag what the fuck is that stench? You smell like my balls after a game, bet you fuckin like the thought of my balls, I bet you wanna blow me now fuckin queer." of course I got rock hard reading that, thinking about the hottest jock in school and me goin down on his sweaty balls after a game. Fuck, is it 3PM yet!? 2:58…2:59..3:00… FINALLY!!! I ran out that door so fuckin fast, I bolted down the street, around the corner 2 blocks away where we'd arranged to meet. I got there, and there was no car. I was panting so hard from running, I had to sit on the curb. The sun was beating down on me, it had to be 90+ degrees. I sat there waiting, had I been stood up? I figured I'd wait 15 minutes then leave. I was soaked through from sweating, and decided to leave, just as I got up and started to walk away a black mustang sped around the corner screeching to a halt next to me. I stood there and looked, the windows were blacked out making it impossible to see inside. I started to walk down the side walk, and the car followed me, and stopped when I stopped. I got the hint. I moved towards the door and opened it and got in. The leather seats were ice cold, and the AC was on full blast, it felt so good. I turned, and looked at the driver, the guy was exactly what he described and looked like in his pic. I looked down, and there it was in all his glory, his thick uncut cock hanging out of his cam shorts. He didn't look at me, he just pulled away and said "suck it".... I didn't need telling twice, I went down on him like my life depended on it. I slurped at his cock, and played with his PA it tasted so good, I rolled back his foreskin which revealed a decent amount of dick cheesy, FUCK YEAH! I wasted no time in going down on him and cleaning it with my tongue. His cock was getting harder and harder, making it more difficult to deep throat, I had tears in my eyes, but refused to give up. I could smell the scent of his balls and ass, I was in fuckin heaven! I gave him head for the whole drive, we stopped moving and he slapped me on the head "get the fuck off my cock you fuckin queer" I kept sucking for a little while longer, thinking he'd like it… he slapped me on the head and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me off his cock. "When I tell you to do something you fucker, you fucking do it, got it?" With that he grabbed my jaw forcing my mouth open, hacked and spat a huge lugie into my mouth. He put his hand over my mouth and clamped my mouth shut "Don't swallow fag, let it sit there in your mouth… good boy savor it… roll it around on your tongue… good boy now swallow" I did as I was told, it was so fuckin gross, how fucked up do you have to be to spit snot into another dudes mouth and make him swallow it? Then I'd noticed we were parked on his driveway, he looked dead ahead, not even glancing at me, and said "We're going to pull into the driveway, I'm going to get out and go into the house, you will stay here. You will drink this bottle of water" he pointed to a bottle that I hadn't noticed yet in the cup holder. "You will have 5 minutes to do this, after exactly five minutes, you will get out, strip naked and leave your clothes here in the car. The car keys will be on the rack next to the door, you will lock the car and take the keys with you. Once inside there will be a blind fold on the door handle to the right. Put the blind fold on and stand with your hands behind your back. Got it fag?" I wasn't expecting such detailed instructions, but figured what the hell "Yeah I got it" he hit me on the side of the head again. "Thats Yes Sir, fucker! You better learn quick, or you are in for a whole lot of hurt this weekend boy". He got out of the car, and went inside, closing the door behind him. I began to think to myself that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Then I remembered the water, and if I didn't drink it, he'd hit me again. I'd already lost 3 minutes. I grabbed the bottle and chugged it. It tasted weird, kind of like almonds I guess, a really funky after taste. I drained the bottle, at least thankful for the refreshment, I'd been dehydrated from being out in the sun. I followed the instructions he'd given me, and was just reaching for the blindfold, when I heard him yell "YOU'VE GOT 10 FUCKING SECONDS FAG" I panicked, and put the blindfold on, and was just putting my hands behind my back when he slapped me on the back of the head. "That was for taking 3 minutes to start drinking the water, and dude you fuckin stink! Do you even know how to fuckin shower?" He raised up my arm, grabbed my head and forced me to smell my pits. They were pretty rank, probably the sweatiest they have been in a long time. The scent was intoxicating though, I began to feel light headed. He let go of my arm, and began to caress my naked body. He ran his finger down my spine, into my crack, caressing my warm, wet sweaty hole. He put the finger under my nose and told me to sniff. Fuck was it hot! It was a mix of sweat, and my natural boyfunk that had built up over the last two days. It got me rock hard. I was beginning to feel really light headed, as if I was drunk. Then it came to me, and I said "Sir, what was in that water?" He just hit me again, and laughed. Fuck, I knew it he's gonna fucking drug me and kill me. I was about to reach up and take off the blindfold when he grabbed my arms, and cuffed them behind my back "Nice try fucker, but you aren't going anywhere. Remember when I asked if you were sure you'd try anything twice? Yeah, I know you're thinking you're in deep, and trust me fag, you are in deeper than you will ever fucking realize" Then his tone changed, he spoke softly and whispered into my ear "All you have to do is relax, and trust me. I'm not going to do anything you won't be begging for" then he laughed again. As he said that, the room began to spin, I was unsteady on my legs. He was much taller than me, I'm only 5ft 6, he had to be at least 6'2 - he must have seen me begin to sway, I felt his firm hands on my shoulders holding me from behind. He gripped me tightly, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, it gave me goose bumps. He felt so close to me, and yet somehow so far away. I felt that I wanted him to hold me tightly, embrace me, I wanted him to touch me, to feel me, to make me shiver from the inside out. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to show him what I was willing to do for just a second of affection. Then, he spoke "Boy, I can feel your heart pounding inside your chest, are you nervous? are you scared?" I replied, "No Sir" the grip he had on my right shoulder tightened, his left hand moved down my smooth chest, wiping away the perspiration that betrayed me he stopped over my heart - and embraced me so tightly, I almost lost my breath. "Well fag, you should be nervous, you should be scared, but I'm going to show you the time of your life, and trust me, this won't be something you will ever forget" My heart rate went through the roof, I was nervous as hell. "On your knees boy, and open your mouth" I did as I was told, my mind was racing, my heart pounding, I felt like I'd just downed 5 double shots of Jager. "Open your mouth wider boy!… wider… until it fucking hurts OPEN IT WIDER!" he hit me again. "Don't close your mouth boy" and with that, I felt the sudden clink of metal hitting my lower teeth, I felt the heat radiating from him. He slowly rubbed the head of his cock over my tongue, teasing me, making me want to close my mouth. His cock started to slide further back, filling all the available space in my watering mouth, it was beginning to swell and get harder. Pushing further back still, I tried to resist the urge to close my mouth but couldn't. I closed my mouth. The slap on the side of the face stung, it burned more than anything I'd ever felt. Fuck that hurt! "I told you not to fuckin close your mouth! DON'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" He grabbed my jaw and squeezed my mouth open and rammed his cock all the way into my mouth down to the base. His pubes went up my nostrils, the scent of the sweat that lingered on his crotch got me so rock hard, I forgot the stinging. I couldn't breathe, his prick was engorged to its full length and girth and wedged into my waiting throat. His hand on my jaw, and the other on the back of my skull holding me in place. I was beginning to panic, I started to gag and yet he held me firm. My eyes were watering, I began to try to pull away and then… reprieve. He let me pull back but just an inch, before slamming his cock back into my throat and I choked. He started pulling his cock just to the back of my mouth and then slamming it in, and started skull fucking me. He didn't give a fuck about me. He'd look down at me, just grinning, as if the more pain I endured, the more turned on he was. He spat in my face, his warm saliva and snot dribbling down my forehead onto my already tear soaked cheek. I couldn't move, he just kept slamming his pole into my face with reckless abandon, I was crying, I had snot pouring out of my nose, I had spit hanging from my chin. It went on for what felt like an hour, but was probably less, I had no reference as to how long it was, other than it felt like an eternity. Without warning, he pulled out, and pulled me to my feet, pushing me face first against the wall. He pushed his body against mine, his arm raised above my face so his pit was level with my nose. The stench was gloriously offensive, he rubbed his arm pit into my face, making me lick it "clean". He was marking me with his scent, like an animal, I moaned. I felt pressure against my ass, his cock still dripping with my own spit was rubbing against my hole mixing with the sweat that had built up in my crack. I began to moan louder, my breathing turning to a pant, I was intoxicated by the ripe stench of his sweat and musk. His cock began pushing harder… fuck was I ready for this? Can I handle it? Fuuuuuuuuucccck I had no choice he gave one last push with his hips and he broke into my hole. He continued with the push, forcing his way into my hole, his cock just kept going and going invading my tight hairless boyhood. "Yeah fucker, you're good and tight, yeah thats it tense up, it just makes me wanna fuck you harder. Your fuckin spit is the best fuckin lube boy. My PA is rubbin against your insides boy, its gonna get you all worked up on the inside, my precum is leaking out into your sweaty hole" Then it hit me. He's fucking me without a rubber! I freaked, "You're fucking me raw? What the fuck dude! Take that fucking thing out of me!" I tensed up my hole trying to push his pole out, I tried to break away from his grasp. But his hard body had me flat against the wall, he was bigger than me and stronger than me in every way. "Come on faggy, I know you like this, and you trying to get away from me, that just makes it hotter, I'm just gonna fuck you harder now" With that, he pulled his cock out all the way, I saw my chance, I tightened up my hole as best I could and tried to move my ass out of line from his cock. "Haha you sneaky fucker, nice try" he bit the back of my neck, fuck did that hurt as he sank his teeth into me he rammed all 8.5 inches of uncut pierced meat into my hole all the way to the base. I screamed so fucking loud, I saw stars, and he picked up the pace pounding my hole harder and faster - slamming his cock into me over and over again. The pace picked up, I was begging him to stop "I'll do anything, please just don't cum in me!" he stopped, and whipped his cock out of me hard and fast, it burned my hole so fucking much! He whipped me around and kneed me in the gut making me fall to the floor. "Open wide fucker!" and he slammed his cock into my throat. As it was sliding in, I saw that it had blood and shit on it. I wanted to puke, this was fucking disgusting! He didn't give me a chance to fight, he was always a step ahead of me. Holding my face he maintained a fucking rhythm, he was thrusting harder and harder into my face, he began to shudder and groan… oh fuck this is it… with one last thrust he slammed his cock all the way into my throat, spasming he began to shoot rope after rope of hot thick salty cum into my gut. I began to choke and gag, he pulled back, I choked and snorted again, the cum went up my nose, I coughed and sneezed it out. He kept his cock in my mouth clean it fag, you made this mess, not me" I was shivering and shuddering from what had just happened, mindlessly, I sucked and cleaned his pole as best I could. His cum dripping from my nose to my chin, and on to the floor. I felt abused, broken and stupid. He stood towering over me, watching me, laughing. I moved to stand up, I needed to get out of there, I'd had enough. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, pushing me back to the floor. "Where the fuck are you goin? Did I could say you could stand up? Well pig? Tell me did I fuckin say you could stand up? NO! So sit the fuck down!" I just starred at him, I wanted to hate him, I wanted to scream, but all I could do was look at the sweat beading on his ripped chest, those perfect abs, and the smell and taste of his cum in my mouth. "Stupid faggot, don't you remember? You said you'd try anything twice, and you are also here for the weekend. We're only just getting started" Weak, and out of breath, I sat defeated on the floor against the wall. My hole was burning, sweat was dripping into my eyes… I didn't have any energy left. My head was still spinning from whatever he'd put into that water I'd drank earlier. He didn't give me a chance to rest, he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me up. He dragged me down the hallway into another room, and pushed me through the doorway. "Don't even think about moving punk, or I'll kick your ass into next fuckin week." I didn't even have the energy to reply to him. I heard him close the door, and walk down the hallway. I must have passed out, I don't know if it was a minute or an hour, I was brought-to by him kicking me in the back "What the fuck are you doing fag? I didn't tell you, you could pass out. Drink this, now. He handed me ice cold water bottle, I didn't think twice, I was so thirsty and dehydrated I needed it badly. "You'll be full of energy in a minute boy, but I'm impressed you're still conscious, that makes me think I'm not working you hard enough" With that, I finished the bottle of water, I felt a little better, the room was no longer spinning. I presumed it was night time, as sole window in the room was dark. I began to realize what was around me, there was a sling hanging from the ceiling… boxes stacked floor to ceiling on one wall, each with pictures on it, I couldn't make out what they were. There was a rim seat, a dog crate, on the back of the door were several dog collars and leashes hanging up. To my left there was a leather padded bench, the floor was concrete, with a drain in the middle, and there was a sink in the other corner. I thought "what kind of sick fuck is this guy?" I was about to find out. "Get up and lay on the bench boy" I struggled to get up, but did as instructed, fear was now returning. He began to strap me to the bench, first he stretched out my arms and strapped my wrists and upper arms down to the bench, then he strapped my ankles and thighs. "Now boy, you're gonna have to trust me implicitly, you are about to experience what it means to be a true submissive whore. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, you lay perfectly still and don't move a muscle no matter what. The hard way, you resist, and you will be in more pain than you can ever imagine." I just laid there, unable to move, staring straight up at the ceiling, regretting every second. "By your silence, I presume you're going to take the easy way. He started moving around the room, taking things out of drawers, laying them on the floor. He then tightened the restraints around my left arm. It almost went numb, I felt a cold wipe go across my skin, and then a prick. Then I realized… oh fucking hell… in my mind I was screaming, it took all the energy I could muster not to move. Then, it happened. He grabbed my head, and said "look me in the eye pig, and don't blink" he released the the restraint on my arm. "THREE TWO ONE" BANG! I was terrified, there was a bitter taste in my throat, a fraction of a second later I lost my breath. I was gasping for air, choking. My ears seemed to explode with a deafening ringing. I couldn't stop coughing and choking, my mind was reeling. "Fuck yeah pig! Yeah! Thats my boy!!! You're mine now!" My heart was about to explode out of my chest, then the rush began to wash over me. All I could say was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…" He was grinning, "theres no turning back pig"… he released the restraints, I immediately sat up and the rush just kept coming, it was fucking endless. "Now pig, there won't be much need for restraints, I know you are the kind of punk that will follow any order now" With that, he pulled out another needle, stuck it in his arm, and pushed the plunger. He didn't cough like I did, but I could tell he was just as high. He pulled out the needle, and held his arm out to me "Lick it pig" I went and licked the blood spot from his arm, it tasted so gross but I loved it. He wrapped a cock ring around his dick and balls, and got rock hard immediately. "Fuck yeah pig! You're gonna get it all tonight" He pushed me back to the bench, grabbed my legs, threw them over his shoulder and pushed his pierced pole into my hole all the way in, no lube. FUCK IT FELT SO GOOD. He started slamming my hole, hard and fast, I began to moan, getting louder and louder. "Fuck yeah piggy, you like that? Yeah you're gonna be my fuckin slut all weekend" I could only reply with "Yes Sir, thank you Sir!" he was splitting my hole open, and I didn't fucking care, I just wanted my hole filled, and to please him to show my gratitude for showing me this twisted fucking world. He pulled his raw cock out of my hole and flipped me around to suck him clean, as I was sucking him clean he leaned over my back teasing my hole with his fingers "damn piggy, that hole is still tight, I think we need to stretch it a bit more" I didn't say anything, I just swallowed his cock to the base, and tried to relax my hole even more, a sign for him to keep probing at it with his fingers. He pulled his pole out of my mouth and balanced his balls on my lips, "you ever been fisted punk?" "No Sir, please Sir, I want to be the best pig I can be for you Sir. I will do anything for you Sir." He pulled back, "be careful what you wish for pig, you know I can make it happen". "Please Sir, I'll do anything, even something you haven't done but want to do, I will be that pig. I will do it Sir". He didn't need any more encouragement, I was back on the bench, he handed me a fresh bottle of poppers and told me to breathe deep twice in each nostril. While I did that, he brought out a squirt bottle, and squirted lube on to his hands. I went to put the poppers down, he told me to keep them in my hand, because I'll need them. With that, the high I was experiencing went to the next level, the poppers hit, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I felt him apply pressure to my hole, he started sliding a couple of fingers into my hole. They just slid right in, no resistance. He just kept sliding them in and out, over and over again. He added a third, twisting it around my hole, making me squirm and writhe begging for more. He kept adding more lube, and I kept inhaling the poppers. Then he got to all four digits, and started to push the thumb in… fuck, I was in heaven! He just kept working my hole over, pulling in, out twisting it, changing hands. Then he told me to take two deep hits of the poppers and to push. I did as I was told, and the pressure against my hole was immense. He told me to keep breathing deep breaths, and with that the rush hit me, and his whole fist slid right up into my shitter. I immediately began to piss myself, it trickled all over my chest, all over his arm… it was so fucking hot! "Damn pig, you gotta be careful, you're starting to impress me, I might have to raised the bar on you". All I could do was lay there in ecstasy, he gradually started pulling his fist in and out of my hole, never quite getting to the point where it would fall out, always holding it right at that threshold. He was driving me crazy, I wanted to do anything for this dude. He must have been working my hole over for what felt like 10 minutes, but he pointed out, it had been almost 2 hours. Ok punk, we need to pace ourselves, this shit will get you going for a good 12 hours, but to make the most of it you gotta rest every once in a while. He began to pull his fist out of my now gaping hole, 3-2-1 push, I pushed. It plopped out, and so did half the lube he'd put up there, and I'm sure some shit as well. My hole was gaping, it was gasping for air, just like me. I kept letting out wet farts as the air was escaping. Fuck it felt so good, and yet so empty. I reached down, and began teasing it, showing it off to him. He hocked back and spat a wad of snot onto my hole. I eagerly pushed it in. "Thank you Sir" My hole was so fucking sloppy, but I felt it beginning to tighten. I still didn't have full control over my ass muscles yet. "Sir, do you have anything I can put into my hole to keep it loose for you?" He didn't say anything, he got up, rinsed his hands off in the sink, and opened one of the drawers on the wall. He pulled out two huge butt plugs, one slightly larger than the other, and measured them against his fist. He took the one that was slightly smaller and set it on the bench. "Have at it pig… but just before you do, get on the floor face down, ass in the air… get that ass as high up as you can" I did as commanded, he stood up, lined up his still hard cock to my hole, and prized it open just a little with his fingers. I felt him spread my hole and push the head in about half way. The next thing I know, I felt a warm sensation in my now well used cunt. "Fuck yeah pig, you like me pissing in your hole?" Fuck I didn't even think about that! Damn! it was so fucking hot, he even let out a fart as he was doing it. He pissed for what seemed like forever, and he stopped just as it began to trickle out of my hole and down my thigh. He grabbed the plug and pushed it straight in, no warning. Just an hard shove that almost made me fall flat on the floor. I was even more full now, than when I had his fist in me. "Stay like that pig, don't move" He left the room, while I was just kneeling on the floor, my face against the concrete. Then I heard his voice from down the hallway, it sounded like he was on the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I didn't care either. I was more interested in feeling that hot steaming piss in my hole, and the plug that was forced into it. He came back, and ordered me to stand, as I did, I felt another rush of the drugs kick in, he noticed me wobble a slightly "That will be the tina in my piss, you just got a secondary high pig" Fuck it felt good, all I could manage was "Thank you" he handed me more water which I drank in record time. As I was drinking, he walked around me, eyeing me up. He leaned in from behind me and whispered in my ear "Have you enjoyed pleasing me so far punk?" I was in the middle of downing the water and just nodded. "Good boy, so are you sure you will do anything for me?" I nodded again. He grabbed my flaccid cock, and balls and tugged tightly, making me wince. "You have a nice tool pig, theres nothing that turns me on more than a total bottom slut with a huge cock and low balls that he doesn't use. You know, I bet that cock of yours would look even better pierced. What do you think punk?" He didn't give me a chance to reply, he shoved his rank sweaty arm pit into my face and held it there "Yeah, I think you'd like that punk, me marking you with my scent, and marking you with a ring through that pretty little cock" I can't deny I'd always fantasized about getting a PA, but never had the guts to do it. My head was swimming again, fuck this turned me on! "Good thing for you punk, I've got a couple of buds on their way over here now, and one of them is the best piercer in town. I'm sure he'd do one for you, in exchange for some servicing, I'll even give you another slam to help you decide, what do you think?" I didn't need to say anything, my cock betrayed me, it went to full on hard in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, I thought you'd like that pig". Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1272730477&file=/2063/513973.html>
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  14. I had always been curious about PNP. My first experience with chems came after a long day with benzos. It was a Friday night and I was home alone. I had been surfing porn for quite a while and decided to surf the casual encounters when I stumbled across an advertisement from two guys looking to PNP. The proposal sounded interesting, on spontaneously I sent a quick e-mail knowing full well I might never hear back from them. To my surprise, a couple minutes later I heard a "Ding." We exchanged a few emails and I was on my way to their house. I wasn't sure what I was getting into, but was horner then all hell and trembling with excitement. You see, prior to that night I had only consumed alcohol, smoked a small amount of pot and taken prescription drugs, and the last had been only in prescribed dosages, and that specific night I swallowed a few relaxers and gulped-down a couple of beers. I entered the house and introduced myself to my host and his friend. I explained that I had never partied like this before, and for that matter, I was mostly straight and had only ever gotten head from guys before. They made no big deal of it and we walked back to the bedroom, where gay porn was playing on the two televisions. My libido began to rise, and the anticipation of getting head from one or both of the guys was leading me on wards. One of my hosts instructed me to get comfortable which I took to mean to strip, but I chose to leave my boxer shorts - at least for the present. I climbed into bed between my two hosts, tense, to be sure, but the guys made an effort to reassure me everything would be fine. I had a great view of both televisions, and was happy to accept the offer of poppers "Just to relax." I took a few deep breathes and instantly my cock began to twitch, oozing out a little precum, my head began to pulsate, my butt began to dilate and a warm sensation overcame me. One of my hosts offered me a cock ring from a selection that was in a tray on the dresser. I had never worn a cock ring before but figured "What the hell?" My host assisted me in donning the cock ring, firmly strapping my cock and balls in a leather cock ring. My cock began to engorge, and I admit the addition of the cock ring made me feel particularly kinky. I did another hit of poppers and started to stroke my cock, which quickly rose to full erection. The accessory made it look extra large and engorged, and my balls began to swell as they filled with cum. Naturally we all did more poppers when then one of guys reached into a night table for a glass pipe. I had never seen such a pipe. One of the guys loaded it, and his buddy lit the bottom. 'This will be very different then smoking pot', I thought. Once it was going, I was presented the pipe for the first drag. I took a couple deep inhalations, and held them in as I did with pot, passing the pipe to the next guy. One of the guys told me not to hold it for too long, so I exhaled. I didn't initially feel anything, so was happy to take a couple additional hits off the pipe, whereupon one of the guys reloaded the pipe and leaned into me, and kissed me, shotgunning the smoke into my lungs. We traded the smoke back and forth repeatedly, taking one hit after another. Then all at once I knew it was kicking-in: a warm rush came over me and I found myself staring deeply at the porn on the television. The next thing I knew the two guys began touching my body all over, and I can honestly say it felt great. My cock sprang back to life as one of the guys began to give me head. Soon I was rock hard, even while wearing the leather strapped cock ring. I asked for the poppers and took several deep hits. I was swimming in bliss. There were a variety of sex toys scattered across the bed, including a dildo so big I couldn't imagine anyone could get it in his ass. The next thing I knew the guy giving me head was lining up his fingers and drilling my asshole. I usually didn't enjoy anyone playing with my ass, but that night my hole seemed to be eager and open-up to accommodate whatever came its way. The guy giving me head paused in his oral attentions to ask if I'd like to party some more. I said "Sure" without any hesitation. He reached into his bag with a lubed up finger and when he withdrew his finger it was covered with crystal powder. His friend asked if I wanted some Maximum Impact and handed me a sock. I inhaled a couple of times and was promptly sent to the next dimension. Sensing I was ready, his buddy inserted his crystal-covered finger into my eager hole. It burned, and was a bit rough going in, but he continued to massage my asshole with his finger and soon enough my ass was craving more. I found myself turning my attention to the other guy, eagerly stroking his cock while he inhaled the Maximum Impact soaked rag. I switched from stroking his cock to going down on him - hard. His buddy stopped sucking me, which allowed me to I feverishly pleasure his buddy's cock. Next thing I knew I was on my knees trying to suck both cocks, as my asshole throbbed with eager anticipation. It demanded to be filled. I grabbed one of the smaller toys, lubed it, and slid it right in. To this day I marvel how easily it slid in. I resumed sucking cock as the guys fed me poppers and as they played with the toy in my ass. The experience was so hot I distinctly remember thinking I couldn't believe how easily I had made the jump from a border-line fag to pig. One of the guys turned over to show me his ass. I instantly began tonguing his sweet asshole, as his friend reloaded the glass pipe, lit it, and handed it to me just for a break. I happily accepted it, and puffed away. After another hit of poppers my head was spinning. I lay back on my back and soon enough one of the guys was sucking my cock as I orally gratified his buddy. Then we formed a cock-sucking triangle, with some ass play also involved. Not bothering to ask this time, one of the guy proceeded to shove a huge clump of crystal into my eager ass. This time my ass asked for more stimulation and I grabbed the largest dildo on the bed, handed it to whichever guy was in the best position, and gestured for him to slide it into my ass - which, I'm proud to say, I was able to accommodate without any difficulty. I honestly marvel at what I accomplished, but what is there to say? My ass swallowed it whole - with ease. I had become a professional bottom cock sucking ass slut. My motto could have been "More poppers please and then a couple more inches." We played almost until sun rise. I had done things I had never even imagined doing. My hosts recommended I have a nice hot bath when I got home, which I did, but I was still horny and eager to party some more.
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  15. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 1 Like all I was on a well earned two week holiday back home. Planned well in advance, making bookings for the hotel to stay at and the flight arrangements handled. I was so looking forward to the get away to go catch up with old mates and to also indulge my self some at the sauna I used to haunt when I still lived there. I’d pretty much covered of most things I had to do in the first few days back. Seeing the family, and a few of my friends that had been available. By the fourth day I felt toey so I checked the usual spots hitting up the apps and cruising the web listings to see what mischief I could get into. Instead of getting lucky happened to find a guy I’d lost contact with many years ago. I remembered he’s old nickname been Boof! though I couldn’t recall his real name. After a couple of messages and pleasantries we agreed to catch up for a coffee in an area of town called Southbank River Parklands. As I made my way there from my hotel in the city I realised it take me around fifteen minutes by crossing the bridge. Walking there I couldn’t believe the changes this part of town had gone through. Id sparred plenty of time so I could find the coffee shop and just as I did I heard Boofs voice. “Over here spunk butt” and looking into the coffee shop I saw him at the window. So I quickly made my way round to him to avoid my discomfort in hearing my old sauna name. As I gave him a hug and caught up. He said “Now what do you want ill go get it as I’m the owner of this place” bit stunned I asked dumbly “you playing me” to which he smiled and replied “Needed a change in my life, was tired and burnt out and thought I’d risk doing something I always wanted”. So I quickly said “Happy to have anything on offer” and he said great “I’ll get the mocha lattees going”. And as he stepped behind the counter to make the coffee I had a look round at his coffee shop. Boof was soon back with coffee and had even brought out a biscuit for each of us. I smiled and he said “come on we will sit out the side in the garden” so as we jostled through and found our selves in the garden which I could tell was only used for patrons having meals we had the garden to ourselves and we started chatting about what I was up to on my trip. Gave Boof the usual response, family, friends and fun and Boof enquired “And what fun is that”, to which I said “Misbehaviour”. Heartly Boof let out a laugh and went “Are you all set. Need anything” and that’s when I remembered Boof knew me very well that I would be looking for a few enhancers. I replied “Hadn’t really planned to take any on this trip” then it hit me maybe it was what I was after for when I got naughty later on. In mid thought Boof caught my attention by saying “you very shore about that spunk butt”. And in a flash I said “fuck yeah and what’s available”. Not long after he’d told me what I could get it was been arranged and they’d meet me here in the garden for coffee with Boof. So my enhancer deliveries arrived by the couriers at the coffee shop as Boof and I continued our catch up. It was now about mid afternoon and I was really now set. I thanked Boof for a great day and the help. He replied “Spunk butt show them how good that hole is and have fun”. I left a little more excited as this changed the whole outlook of my trip. I’d be very toey very horny and wanting cock. It wasn’t to long and I was back at the hotel. Thinking of what I had to take and the mischief id get up to. I quickly was on the phone to the remaining friends I wanted to catch up with about plans and what we’d do and when. As in my mind the hunt for cock was starting that very night with a trip to my old sauna haunting grounds.
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  16. I had been told on a handful of occasions throughout my stay in New York City about a bar known as The Eagle in the Chelsea are of Manhattan. "You've got to go to The Eagle" "You'll get what you want in The Eagle" "You've never been to The Eagle?" and so on. I was told it was a leather bar. Which at first put me off going, I'm not exactly a gay scene member. I'm a pretty regular bisexual guy who's interested in the world of kink without being a regular participant. Besides the only leather I had with me were a pair of regular boots. The idea I had in mind was leather ass-less chaps with a hardness and gay policeman's hat. I wasn't about to dress up as a member of the village people just to get into a club. After I was enlightened to what the place was actually like, I thought it was worth going. "Maybe on a quiet night" I thought, that way I wouldn't be bombarded with too much to process and I'd be more comfortable sat at the bar. I decided to go on a Monday. If I had checked their website in advanced I would have found out that Monday was actually foot fetish night. Now I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this fetish but if I had of know I probably would've went on another night. I head to the bar which opened at 9pm and made my way upstairs. On the quiet nights only the upstairs section of the three storey bar was open. I was greeted by a shirtless barman who looked like Chuck Lidell(ufc fighter) and ordered a drink. He was friendly and welcoming and very open from the get go, he explained to me why there was foot fetish videos on the TV screen, and two guys tickling each other in the corner. I felt a little embarrassed, he asked me about my type as he saw that none of the 9 patrons were talking to me. I told him I was into older guys. "You'd like my friend Kurt, he might be here later" "Cool" I thought. I observed as the barman played cupid with people sitting at the bar, those he knew previously and those he just met. He seemed to enjoy this, but was in no way forced like the barman at Stonewall. He was a really cool barman, didn't pretend to like anyone he didn't like but wasn't rude either. If he wasn't a bottom I'd be very keen to let him fuck me. I wasn't his type anyway, he was more into Latin guys. Speaking of which. A midget parks himself next to me on a stool at the bar. Is midget correct term? Dwarf maybe? Anyway he was about 4 feet tall, Latino, very confident. He immediately struck up a conversation with me. I was the only Irish guy he had ever met. We made some small talk and for whatever reason he wanted to show me some leather harness he bought. He had a picture on his phone. As he flicked through the pics of this unimpressive harness, in a very obviously deliberate move he "accidentally" brought up a picture of his dick(which to be honest was impressive given his size) "Oops, I didn't mean to show you that.....what do ya think?" "Very impressive" I answered smiling. I for just a second contemplated having sex with this guy, just so I could say I was fucked by a midget(dwarf ) however he was being a little overbearing and I soon became uninterested. He got up to use to toilet and never came back. In his place, sat an older black guy who worked just down the street and was just popping in for an after-work drink. He was friendly and interesting and we seemed to be getting on. "Can I swap shoe with you?" "What?!" This was an odd request. Then I remembered where I was. "Just for a few minutes" I hesitantly obliged, it seemed to give him a lot of pleasure. A German man in full leather(pants, boots, and harness) sat beside me, he had a strong BO. Not a bad smell, but a strong smell of sweat, quite nice actually. He joined in on our conversation and filled me with compliments. He leaned in for a kiss, as we were kissing a felt a hand slide down the back of my jeans and grab my ass. I thought it was the German but it was the black guy, I guess he wanted a feel. He then pulls me in for a kiss. The German shoves both his hands up my shirt and feels his way around. "You taste great" says the black guy. His hand sliding further down to the point where I'm sitting on it. His finger pushes into my hole. We all go in for a triple kiss, I'm getting horny. "Come with me" says the German. and takes me by the hand to the toilets. For whatever reason the black dude didn't follow us. Inside the toilets were two older leather guys, one taking a piss into the other guy's glass. He then taps his dick on the rim of the glass making sure every last drop had gone in. Without hesitation, the leather sub knocks back the entire glass of piss. "You find that horny" enquired the German. "Yeah it's hot" I replied. He pulled me into a cubical and shut the door. "Get down" I squat in front of his leather pants in the piss soaked cubical. He pulls out a bottle of poppers and takes a huff. He then feeds me some. The club music begins to pound heavier as does my heartbeat. He pulls out a semi erect penis with a large Prince Albert through the head I place it in my mouth and taste the metal. He pushes his semi soft cock down the back of my throat with gentle thrusts. The feeling of the metal sliding down my throat is new to me and very pleasurable. I take it down and swallow, massaging the head with each gulp. His crotch smells as good and strong as the rest of him, and the high from the poppers heighten this. I feel his cock harden with my lips. He puts the bottle under my nose again "Breath deep" I get nice and light headed, he begins to fuck my throat as he sniffs back the poppers. I see people in the corner of my eye looking in. It gets me going. I start to gag on his cock as he fucks harder and harder, I sense he is close to blowing his load down my throat. I pull back but he pushes my head against the cubical wall so I have nowhere to go. He fills my mouth with his cum, it tastes great. "Open" I open to show him his load. He spits in my mouth and slaps me on the cheek, I swallow it all down. As we leave the cubical and old man grabs me by the arm "I was watching you in there. You're a dirty little boy" This was all done in a very creepy way, that made me feel kind of intimidated, he was really grabbing my arm tight. "Let go of him" said the German guy. and he brought me back to my seat. As I got back to my seat I was scolded by the barman. "You should've let me know you were going to the bathroom, here I held your drink. Next time tell me. Anybody could've put something in there" Oops. I was very impressed that he cared enough to hold my drink and give me a lecture. Luckily(or unluckily depending on your fantasy) I wasn't spiked. "Anyway, Kurt is here, he's at the end of the bar" I excuse myself and head down to see Kurt. He's about 6 feet tall. Wearing jeans large black boots and a sleeveless shirt. He had a bald head and a goatee. Fitting my type(or one of my types) perfectly. Right away we got on great, I felt immediately comfortable around him, and his Texas charm was working wonders. We had a few drinks and he invited me back to his place. The barman looked over and said "See I told ya" he had certainly done his job as cupid well. Just as the place was filling up we decided to leave. Kurt took me to his place in Hell's Kitchen and up to the apartments rooftop. We took in the view and he offered me some weed, I accepted and he gave me a blow back from his joint. This let to a few minutes of passionate kissing. He was probably the best kisser I've ever been with(boy or girl) he knew his way around a mouth, his lips were soft and beard felt great. After a few minutes of swapping spit we moved downstairs to his bedroom. We both undress. "You've got a great ass" he remarks, I thank him. "I'd love to rape that!" "You can" I reply. I feel his body, he is in great shape. His dick is very long. I comment on the size of his penis and he tells me not to worry. "I'll go slow at first" I suck his dick for some time he loves it. Then he parks me on all fours in front of him. He taps my hole with his large dick. "Breath" I take deep breaths as he pushes his dick into me. I feel a shock and push forward, bashing my head off of the headboard. We both laugh before he gives my head a gentle kiss. He is such a cool guy it really makes me want to please him. "Lay on your back" He grabs my ankles and stretches my legs apart, he plunges his dick down in one go, it takes the breath from me but I have nowhere to go. So I take the shock, he begins to fuck. "Yeah exactly like that, fuck your boy hole" He is getting me extremely horny "Fuck me, that's so big" I tell him. "Yeah? You like me raping your ass boy?" I feels so good I can barely answer. "I can tie you up and just rape your hole all day long. If you scream I'll shove my sock in your mouth....Or maybe something else" With that he pulls out and straddles my chest. Pulls my head up by my hair and jams his cock down my throat. I gag a lot and start to drool over his cock. He then buries it back into my hole and fucks. He leans in so my legs are over my head, wraps his arms around me and tongues my mouth and he pounds my hole. This angle is extremely sexy and I can feel his dick pushing through my second ring, it feels amazing. He then turns me around and pounds me from behind, still penetrating my second ring balls deep in my ass. "Im about to cum boy" His speed picks up and I start to loose my breath. "You want my load?" "Yes Sir!" I bellow out. He shoots in me deep, balls deep right into my guts. It makes me hot how deep his dick is in me. "Your turn to cum" "That's ok" I reply, sensing that he might be tired from his machine like fucking. "No way. I'm not the only one having fun tonight" If I could marry that man I would. Where are these kind of tops in Ireland? "Come here" He places me on top on him straddling, with his large dick still in my ass. I grind it deep as I jerk on my dick. It doesn't take much wanking until I blow a huge load on his hairy chest, I collapse, sweaty and exhausted. He pulls my face towards him and makes me lick the sweat and cum from his chest. "Now that's hot" he says calmly. I fall asleep in his arms. He woke me in the morning, fucked another load into me and sent me on my way. We got to know each other before I left and met a few more times, he was one of the nicer guys I met in the states and is the kind of guy I'd do anything sexually with. Those kind of guys are hard to come by, especially at home. Makes me glad I listen to the advice and finally went to the Eagle. My first time there was a resounding success and pretty soon I became a semi regular. Hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. Sorry this entry didn't come sooner. Still trying to come to terms with my recent diagnosis and events surrounding it. So some days it's hard to write about my experiences as I just don't have the energy, I may be a little depressed. Pretty soon I will report on the meeting I believe got me infected, which will be hard given that it has come to light that the guy knew he was positive and told me otherwise. But I think it's the most important part of my stay there, so it's coming up soon. Thanks for reading
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  17. Part 3: A Change of Perspective Feeling a bit restless, Ryan checked his phone again. No new messages. Damn. It had been over 24 hours since he left the note on Gabe's car windshield. Why was this taking so long? Ryan wondered. Over the past day, Ryan couldn't think of anything but Gabe. But, he also needed to reconcile his feelings. He decided that he just liked the idea of a big poz cock. And he wanted to howl like his roommate, Donald did the night before. I don't want to get pozzed, Ryan assured himself. He made his way into the kitchen to look for a snack - or maybe something to take his mind off recent events. And then, he saw Donald. He hadn't talked to Donald since he'd been home - and their different schedules often meant they didn't cross paths most days. Donald was a night auditor at a nearby hotel. Ryan was in college for perhaps a few years longer than one should be. "Hey," Ryan said as he made his way toward the fridge trying to act as normal as possible. "Sup bitch," Donald said walking by Ryan and slapping his ass. Ryan was stunned. Donald didn't talk like this or act like this. And there was something else different that Ryan just then noticed. "Heh .. oh .. no glasses?" Ryan asked. "Ditched them while you were up north," Donald answered, "got tired of them and got contacts instead. Ryan immediately thought of Superman and Clark Kent. Donald looked strikingly different. It wasn't just the lack of glasses. He seemed less odd without them for sure .. but Donald had a confidence he didn't have. "When did you get back?" Donald asked. "Oh .. this morning," Ryan lied. He didn't want Donald to know he heard about his chasing sexcapade. "Anything new with you?" Ryan asked. "Nahh .. same old .. picked up some extra hours at work is all," Donald unknowingly returned a lie with a lie. "And speaking of work .. I'm back to it. Later skinny ass bitch!" Donald gave Ryan another slap on the ass and made his way for the apartment door. A bit stunned, Ryan uttered "yeah , later man." Ryan didn't quite understand Donald's new strong persona. But, he had to admit, he kinda liked it. And, as if social circumstances weren't awkward enough, Ryan's phone buzzed. Oh shit, he thought, it's Gabe. The text message that followed was simple enough. "You're gonna get it." the message read. It seemed fitting. The note Ryan wrote and left on Gabe's windshield was simply enough. Ryan simply wrote "I want it." Another text messsage followed. "how do you want it?" Ryan thought for a moment, and the answer came very easily Ryan: i want it like how Donald got it. that sounded hott! Gabe: oh, u heard me pound his fuckhole huh? Ryan: yeah. i want ur big dick owning me too. Gabe: mm hmm. so u like hung guys? Ryan: fuck yeah! Gabe: why not let Donald fuck you then? Ryan paused for a moment. That wasn't an option. And although Ryan didn't know for sure, he couldn't imagine Donald's slight frame packing a big dick. Ryan: you're saying Donald is hung? Gabe: yeah. he's about as big as me. i though u two fucked around. Ryan: no. i never thought of him like that. Suddenly, Donald became a lot more interesting to Ryan. The new attitude, a big dick. Wait .. not Donald. Not odd geeky Donald. Ryan tried to dismiss the notion and focus on his goal .. Gabe. He wanted Gabe. Gabe: u know im poz right? Ryan sighed. He knew he shouldn't keep the conversation going, but felt compelled. Ryan: yeah that's cool. Gabe: are you poz? Ryan: no, i'm not. Gabe: you want to get pozzed? Ryan didn't want to think about that. He just wanted to get fucked. Ryan: I wanna feel your big dick inside me. Gabe: my big poz dick will cum inside you if I get that ass. Ryan: can I just suck it? Gabe: no. Ryan waited for more. Nothing followed. Fuck, Ryan thought. Ryan: i think ur hott af Gabe: thanks Another long pause. Ryan: i never done this before. Gabe: done what? Ryan: let a poz guy fuck me. Gabe: but u left me a note saying u wanted it right? Ryan: yeah.. i want it. bad :-/ Gabe: well, u gotta be very clear that u want my poz cum in ur ass ass. dont leave any room for doubt. Ryan stared at the screen. Why am I still talking to him? Ryan wanted to stop talking, but he couldn't ignore how much he wanted to feel Gabe inside him. He also couldn't ignore his dick hardening in his shorts. Ryan: i want you to fuck me with your poz cock. Ryan's hands were starting to tremble .. was it fear or excitement? He wasn't sure. It all felt so terribly wrong, but so undeniably compelling. Gabe: and? Ryan tried to remember what Donald said to encourage the ass pounding he overheard. Ryan: i want you to blast your poz cum deep inside my ass. Gabe: i see Ryan put the phone on the kitchen counter and quickly pulled down his shorts and started jerking. He was too turned on. Gabe can be mine, he thought. He pictured Gabe's big dick again inside his mind. And then imagined little Donald getting fucked while Donald's big dick swung back and forth as Gabe pounded him. I want that, Ryan thought. He picked his phone back up. Ryan: how many times have u and donald fucked? Gabe: idk ..15-20 times i guess now. we started a couple weeks back. Ryan couldn't believe it. Donald was a player. Maybe it's true. It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for. Gabe: but i only fucked him for the first time the other night. Ryan: huh? donald isn't a top. Gabe: could have fooled me. he pounds ass like a pro if u ask me. The fact was that Ryan didn't know. He just assumed that little Donald must be a bottom. Little Donald, Ryan though, I guess he's not so little either. Ryan: then why did he let u fuck him? Gabe: he wants to get pozzed so he can enjoy converting little neg bitches too Ryan thought about the playful slap Donald just gave him minutes ago. And it made him even harder now. I bet he wants to poz my ass too, Ryan thought to himself. Ryan: that sounds hott Gabe: yeah. nothing hotter than pozzing a neg boy's hole. except maybe for when u get it. and ur gonna get it. Ryan's heart was pounding so hard, he thought it might jump out of his chest. He wasn't even touching his dick and his dick was involuntarily twitching up. Despite trembling hands, Ryan managed to tap out the message: poz my ass! i want u to pound me just like u did donald. fuck me like a little chaser bitch Gabe: i shoot big loads. ur ass is gonna get filled. Ryan quickly texted back and hoped he was using the right verbiage " hell yeah! shoot ur viral load deep into me." Gabe: ur ass is gonna be my poz cum receptacle. Ryan placed the phone down on the counter again. He started jacking again with his eyes closed. His phone blinged again. Gabe: i only live a couple of blocks away. u want it now? Ryan read the message. He knew that he had a big decision to make. A BIG decision, he mused to himself thinking about Gabe's big dick again.
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  18. A bit of explanation: It’s been a while since I uploaded any more of Pozdaddy, but I haven’t been idle: I’ve started the first edit towards (hopefully) publication. Part 29 shows the major change in that I dropped the name Pozboy, leaving Mabon more accepting of his real name. Other changes are so far minor and make little difference to the alpha version you’re reading now. I don’t anticipate any further major changes like this, it’s just that having started editing before completing it’s easier for me to keep to the new nomenclature. Pozdaddy 29 “Okay, boys, finish these beers quickly and go for a wander. Think of it as an informal promo for the video. Let the guys think you’re anybody’s for a drink, but you’re sticking with me from now on” I look down at Bryn, “we’ve just finished a porn movie, the one that’s playing through there: I want to get the first batch out as large as possible, before copies start circulating.” “They don’t allow cameras in here, but the mind is a camera too: make sure they remember you.” “Okay Bryn, a brief rundown on what you’re letting yourself in for. If it’s a one nighter, I’m fine with that. You leave in the morning with the ability to say I got fucked over (in a good way) by the guys in that movie. The safer sex rule kinda lapses if you’re on PrEP – Got tablets with you?” He nods. “You come back for more: that’s the beginning of a relationship. I know that Mabon and Mochyn take every opportunity to play, but I’m secure enough not to worry about it. If nothing else, I’m too damn old to keep up with them...” I smiled. “What we have between the three of us is complete honesty. They know, and have served, the guys who trained me, who are amongst my best friends. It all depends on trust. And yes, trust has to be earned, both ways round. There are things I want to do with you that right now aren’t such a good idea because the trust isn’t there. It’s something that you grow into.” I lean back on the couch, and indicate that Bryn can relax. “So, what are you looking for?” Bryn takes a deep breath and shakes his head slightly: “What I saw on screen excited me: made me realise I need more than a dick up my ass and a cup of tea in the morning with an exchange of phone numbers you never call. I didn’t know before tonight that you three were a triad, but watching you together, and in retrospect the bits of the film I did see, make me realise that you’ve got that ‘something more’. And it’s that ‘something more’ I want to explore. I need to learn about myself, and it seems that giving my self to someone else is a good starting point.” “It’s not easy: nothing worthwhile ever is. It wouldn’t be the first time either Mabon or Mochyn have felt the belt across their backs because they’ve fucked up, or just because I’d decided that I wanted to. I get off on making men hurt.” I reach forward, pinch both his nipples and start increasing the pressure. I pull him towards me so that his mouth is in reach of my growing hardon. He licks at it cautiously, which only makes me increase the pressure. By the time he’s got my dick in his mouth my fingers are hurting. I release the pressure and lift his face up away from my dick. “Yes, I think there’s potential there. Right now, you’re a one nighter: think of it as an audition. If I, or either of the boys, think you won’t fit, it’s possible we might know someone who’d be a better trainer for you. It’s not a rejection, just us not starting something that wouldn’t work in the end, when we’ve a good idea of who’d have better use for you. Questions?” “If I’m acceptable, Sir, would I be allowed to continue in my job?” “Yes, but you won’t become a permanent guest: when you’re with us, you’ll contribute to household expenses as appropriate. I’m comfortable, not made of money: the boys both work in the business with me. If you were unemployed, I might go as far as employing you as a housekeeper until you can find a better job. You’ll continue to live where you are at present, but be prepared to spend a lot of time in my house.” “I take it that I’ll be at the bottom of the pecking order...” “Correct – unless one of the others fucks up: I have reversed their positions before now, so you might get a temporary promotion that way.” “No more questions, Sir. Please give me a chance...” I look into his eyes and see that distinct pleading look, at which point I know he’s ready to start. “Two things: if Mochyn gives you an order then Mabon does, Mabon’s order comes first. Similarly my orders come before those of either of the other two. Secondly, stop words. “Green” for go, you’ll only use if asked, same with “amber” for that’s about all I can take – you’ll be asked about that later. “Red” is a total refusal and ends whatever’s happening. You’ll be escorted to another room where you’ll explain the problem fully and honestly. The words “please”, “yes” and “no” are just sex-words and mean little more than grunts.” I pick up my beer and pour some over my boots: “clean them.” Down to the floor in the classic pose of submission immediately. I point out a bit he’s missed, which he cleans up, and then tries to go for the sole. “No way – fuck knows how often the floors get cleaned here.” He looks up... “I need to talk to the owner for a couple of minutes. Go and request my boys to lay off what they’re doing and to come and dressed. We’re going home.” “I’m not one of your boys, Sir?” “Not yet. You might be. But not yet. Go.” I quickly retrieve my clothes, dress, and make my way to the front desk. While ordering our taxi, we establish that they can probably shift fifty DVDs to start with. We’re making small-talk when the boys finally show up ready for the off and our car turns up. “One of the boys will drop them off as soon as they’re ready. G’night.” The journey home is silent: I want Bryn just a bit worried about what he’s got himself into. Back home, the sauna’s apology for the last time is still holding good: no charge for the car. I let myself into the house and sense that Mabon and Mochyn have an idea how I’m planning things. Bryn is confused. When all three are indoors I lock the front door. “Dress as you were in the sauna. Bryn: naked. All three of you in the cellar in five minutes.” Just time to change into chaps, boots and harness, then the boys follow me down and stand in a row in front of me, legs a foot apart, hands behind backs. I indicate the ceiling rings: “String him up, and use the leg spreaders: best have a look at what I’ve brought home.” The boys move quickly and efficiently getting Bryn into position. I take a dollop of lube and shove two fingers into Bryn’s ass. Obviously the first thing in there today. I work my fingers around and feel him loosen and relax onto my fingers. “Mabon: Mochyn in the same position facing the wall.” While Mochyn’s being restrained I add the final touch to Bryn: a spare collar. Fingers back up his ass, three this time and he works to accommodate them as his dick hardens. I shove just a bit harder and he gasps; I nod at Mabon who takes a belt across Mochyn’s back. No sound from Mochyn. I start working the fourth finger and again a gasp - another stroke of the belt for Mochyn. I pull away completely and he’s silent. When I start pushing my dick in I can feel him struggling for silence. A fast learner. Further in and he loses his fight for silence. This time the belt across Mochyn’s back is hard enough for him to cry out. I pull Bryn against me and whisper in his ear “that’s one” before continuing to fuck him. I catch some of the precum from his dick and feed it to him before starting on his tits, all the while pounding his ass. “Don’t you dare cum...” Each time he makes a noise Mochyn gets it again, and if Mochyn makes a noise, I keep count. By the time I’m ready to cum, I’ve got my hands on Bryn’s shoulder, pulling him onto me (the boys had the sense to allow a reasonable amount of slack). I feel my balls tighten, my dick becoming the centre of everything as I spray his guts. I stand there, revelling in the hot, wet stickiness of his ass as my hardon subsides and I eventually pull out. Bryn is still high on the fucking, his dick dripping. “Mabon – get Mochyn free to move again. And Bryn... getting noisy aren’t we? Some sort of ulterior motive? I made it seven...” Within a moment or two, both are standing with me. Running my hand over Mochyn’s back I remark “Yes, I think you were well named... Mochyn: give him what he earned from your squealing and then the pair of you get him into the sling.” Mochyn’s taste for the theatrical shows through as he snaps the doubled-over belt a few times before laying down a series of seven belt marks on Bryn’s back, one for each of the strokes he took because of Bryn’s noise. Then the boys have him tied into the sling in record time. Mabon steps up and with one smooth thrust he’s balls deep, thanks to my cum. Mochyn takes Bryn’s dick in his mouth as I warn Bryn not to cum. Then I’m pulling on Bryn’s tits while rubbing my balls over his face, challenging him to get my dick in his mouth. It doesn’t take Mabon long to cum: he can never resist using his Dad’s cum as lube. He pulls out slowly, allowing Bryn’s ass to close as much as it’s going to before signing to Mochyn that it’s his turn. I’m getting hard again now so focus on getting my dick down Bryn’s throat, leaving Mabon to keep Bryn aware of his tits. The beer starts getting to me so I let go in Bryn’s mouth – good lad, he swallows it down leaving only bare trickles running into his beard. I’ve just about finished pissing when I see Mochyn’s tell-tales and know he’s going to shoot. I move to a position just behind him so that as soon as he’s cum, I can get my second load in. Mochyn finishes and moves round so Bryn can get a mouthful of his cum-soaked dick, while I glide in – none of the pressure needed the first time. I love the feel of an ass with several loads in it, and just hold my dick still while Bryn tries to grip my cock. He’s so relaxed that I can barely feel the pressure his muscles bring to bear, but taking it slow and gently, feeling our mixed cum dribble out of his ass, does it for me and I suddenly speed up and add another load. Bryn’s dick is rigid: “Mabon: suck and bring him off.” I pull out. “Mochyn, felch out all you can and get it into his mouth”. Both accomplish their orders more or less simultaneously, while Bryn is almost trembling in the sling. I slowly unstrap him, noting that Mabon and Mochyn are sharing Bryn’s cum, and bring Bryn back to his feet, and maybe, Earth. Two two-way kisses turn into a fourway slobber with the cum now dripping out of each of our mouths. After a while, I pull free. “Okay, boys: tidy up in here, then a drink in the kitchen.” I get rid of my leathers where I stand, leaving them for the boys to take care of and head off upstairs. In a generous mood, and a wish not to be woken in the night by the need to piss, I open a bottle of wine and try to remember where Mochyn keeps the glasses now... The boys come into the kitchen and Mabon and Mochyn look halfway horrified that I’ve managed to pour four glasses of wine all by myself. “For fuck’s sake, sit down: there’s a conspicuous lack of invisible buttplugs on the chairs. And drink as you please: this is social...” I turn to Bryn: “So do we wave you off into the morning sun or do you still mean what you said in the sauna?” Hesitantly, he says “Sir, I think I could learn a lot from all three of you. Just never experienced anything like that before...” I hold his eyes: he soon drops them. He finishes his wine in one swig and gets on the floor between my feet, his eyes focussed on my dick, which he briefly tastes at intervals, the intervals getting shorter as he realises he’s not being shoved away. “Looks like learning has started already. Mochyn, take him upstairs and get his puppy-bed out, show him how to make it up and put it away.” As they leave the room I hold Mabon’s eyes. Hold them. “You’ve just spoken a volume or two... Think you’re ready for your first boy?” He nods, cautiously. “Okay, junior top, give me a boy to be proud of. You can leave your collar off from now, unless you fuck up. But in public, you’ll still defer to me, take orders and so on. But one hint of bragging, even in private, and you’ve proven yourself unworthy or the trust both I and Bryn are placing in you. Stand up.” He does so, and I turn him round to reach into his ass with my tongue as he bends over. “That’s still mine, always will be, just how our clan works. Like Ken and Bill still own a part of me. Upstairs now and make sure that Mochyn has got Bryn nicely put to bed.” So nicely put to bed, in fact that Mochyn is fucking Bryn’s face. Mabon and I get into bed before calling Mochyn over to his usual place. I’m finished for the night. I turn onto my belly with Mabon and Mochyn on either side. “We’ll talk some more in the morning...”
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  19. It doesn't happen all that often, but I have milked a number of boys. The routine I have developed is to have the boy jerk off for about 15 minutes or so to get him going with anticipation of having his cock controlled. I then restrain his wrists and ankles to the head and foot boards and jerk him until he's beyond begging for a release. It takes getting a rhythm going and pulling back when I sense he might shoot and different jerking techniques like firmly grabbing his cock and jerking him or going loosely up and down his cock with my hand and also resting him for a few minutes every so often. It's all about keeping him on the edge over and over but denying him an orgasm. The most effective way of making the boy squirm and lose control is to put a thin, small toy of about 6 inches in him and have his cunt muscles draw it in and out massaging his prostate while I own his cock. Keep this up for a couple of hours and he will shoot a massive load that just keeps on spurting. And then flip him over and breed him - he's so spent at that point that he's just all cunt wanting to be bitched out by Daddy.
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  20. I had recently moved to Sacramento as a junior at sac state. I moved here after finishing up my two year stint at a community college in a small town in northern California while living with my parents. Being gay and living with my parents I only had the opportunity to play with a few men before moving to Sacramento. From a young age I always had an attraction to dominant older men. Looking back on it the craving no doubt developed from a few experiences I had at a much younger age. I moved into a studio in downtown Sac and I was free! For the first time I had privacy and could get online and find men whenever I wanted. I had been in sac for a few months and already had my fill of random hookups with men. Mostly older daddy types. There was one particular guy who caught my interest. We hooked up on several occasions. He was in his late 50s. I met him online and didn’t know much about him. I would walk a few blocks to his apt, give a knock and walk in, He was usually sitting there naked in the living room, stroking his 8 in cock watching some of the nastiest porn I had ever seen waiting for me. He was a scary character, He had a look in his eye that he was one sick mother fucker, he lived in a very seedy area of town, and his apartment always smelled of cigarettes and cum. This particular night he had offered to get me high. I loved smoking weed before having some fun with a complete stranger. Took the inhibitions away. But I was young and dumb I had no idea what this stuff was going to do to me. I walked in and he was stroking his dick as usual , I came in stripped down and started blowing him. I worshiped his cock while I watched him smoke the clear glass pipe in his hands, after a while he said it was my turn. I sat next to him on the couch as he helped me light my first hit. I relaxed as I watched the young guy on the television get fucked by three older men in what looked like a very poorly done possibly home made porno. But none the less it was very real, very sick, and very fun to watch. About three or four hits in and stroking my cock with the old man next to me I realized it had hit me. All I wanted was to swallow the guy being jacked next to me. I got on my knees like we had always done and continued to worship his cock. After what seemed like ages of drooling all over his cock he gave me another hit and asked me to get on the couch and take another hit while he ate my asshole. I remember blacking out to the feeling of him massaging my hole with his tongue. The next image I remember is opening my eyes and looking up at him as he was fucking my ass, I felt my hole literally throbbing for more, I struggled to slide my ass down a little so He could get his cock deeper inside me, I slipped in and out of consciousness as he fucked me for what must have been most of the night. When I woke up I was alone on the living room floor, I gathered my clothes , and stepped outside into daylight. As I walked the few blocks back to my apt the full weight of what I had done set in. About six months later as I looked for my usual weekend hookup and I saw him online, As I read his profile my heart sank when it read he was HIV+ as of only two months earlier. Sure enough I went in for my own test and I was Poz. I had fucked several men bare before that point but I know deep down in my heart that was the night I was lost forever.
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  21. That is one of my ultimate fantasies. I wish there was something similar near me but I can't find a single one in Britain. I know you can buy a milking machine but it wouldn't be the same experience, enjoyable but not as hot.
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  22. I am a 72 year old slut - been rather impotent for several years. I get excited but my cock stays limp, which is fine because I love to get as much cum as I can in my cunt.
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  23. Years ago I bumped onto a site called milking.com. Site was only one or two pages ("More coming soon!)" and advertised a facility where guys (gay or straight) could go to get milked by machines. Upon arrival you would have to undress and were blindfolded. You would then be led to a barn with benches with holes in them. Guys would lay face down on a bench and a milking device (similar to cow milking or nowadays the Venus2000?) would be attached to their cock. The machine would then milk you over and over and over as long as you wanted or until you couldn't take it anymore. Even though it was totally anonymous and the guys wouldn't be able to see the other ones getting milked they would still hear each other moaning and cumming (was the idea), adding to the experience. Once done you would be led back, unmasked, get dressed and be on your way. The idea was fucking horny and I returned to that site many times to see if it was fully up and running. Of course at one time when I went back again the site didn't exist anymore. I just tried again and all you get in Google is pics from chicks milking guys.
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  24. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 4 I paced myself for a bit as I sternly cruised who was in the downstairs part. As I got to the video room I could hear the chatter coming from within. “Glad a pig bottom came in tonight so need to unload in an unsuspecting victim”. I was aroused by all this poz talk and soon found a dark room near the video room. As I positioned my body across the bed and positioned my legs so my ass hung right out showing my hole. I took another inhale of the popper. My world went red with joy as I felt the touching on my ass. “How many loads you taken?” came from the man behind me. ‘I’ve had four loads so far” I replied. I felt the man move behind me and squat and lick my hole. He started to spread my hole open and a drop of seed started to run from my full cunt. “Good pig” I heard followed by “I’ll be adding to that when the rest of my buds arrive”. I took a hit of the popper and heard the man leave as the next guy came in. I soon felt the sharp prickling of the Prince Albert again against my hole and realised I was going to be impaled on it again. My head was a spin and he said “your such a good hole to breed. I want to give you another hot load” I braced as he pushed himself in the nine inches and almost beer can sized thickness was pushing into me when I had my next hit of poppers. This time it wasn’t as rough as earlier and for the next five minutes he was just sliding in and out of my wet hole. Occasional id feel a small stab of pain when the pa missed the entrance. But I was thoroughly enjoying taking this cock. Second time round I was just in daze. Slowly my senses had started to come back to me and I could now feel the pa cock stabbing my insides hard again. I couldn’t contain myself any longer I screamed out loud enough everyone could here. “Yeah breed this neg pig hole” it was just enough to have me feel myself milking that cock. “Fuck pig you know how to turn a poz man on. Your going to be bugged by the end of night” “fuck yeah take my second dirty load you dirty pig” and with that I felt him ramping up his thrusting I was now in so much pain as I felt the load hit my punctured walls. Such a burning sting arousing my sense that I was bug chasing and had been wanting this free willed sex. As the last of his thrusts stopped I knew he’d finally finished shooting his load. “Thanks pig I’ve really drained all my toxic juice in you” “I’ll be messaging you on the site to find out how sick you are in a few weeks”. He said very weakly drained of his energy. As his dick went limp in my hole and I felt how we had some how both gotten very sweaty in that fuck. I was breathing heavy and with his limp body on me I said “I think you need this room more have a rest and thanks for charging my hole” he allowed me out from beneath him and as I got my towel and poppers. I knew I was needing a break and a steam would be perfect so off I went with the load id gotten leaking out my hole. The steam room of the sauna was always good could find a spot and spread out also had a small locker that matched the locker upstairs so you could put your poppers away from the heat. As I stored my popper in the locker I saw the bio hazard tattoo guy again. He’d just come back or had been in a room. He winked at me and said “Buddy of mine is in there you’ll be wanting his load to”. Curiosity now got the better of me, I decided to take the poppers in with me if I was going to have sex in the steam room. With all the changes the rest of the place had gone through id thought the steam room would of to. But it was still the dark dungy place old pine wood seating one top one back running the length of the wall and around the corner to the darkest spot. Still had a shower in the corner for a quick cooling cold blast. But it was the two rooms in the steam room one wanted to be in. both had a bit of long bench in them to so one could climb on and then spread there legs and ass open. I chose to go in to the second one as it allowed you to see through to the dark corner. As I placed the towel on the bench beneath me and got in position with my ass over the end I saw the guy the bio hazard guy had told me about in sitting on the bench stroking his monster cock in the dark corner. Hearing the creaking sound of the bench the guy moved round to the room. Looking at him there was something familiar to him. A distant memory from my haunting days of the past in the sauna. As he came into full site I recalled his name, the years hadn’t diminished his bearing manly build. The only change was the face some what stricken no longer the black hair but bald and a salty beard. “Hank is that you” I asked and got no reply as he came closer to inspect me. He stuck his rough fingers in my juice filled hole. “I’ve waited a very long time to have you again boy” he said as I continued to look at him and seeing him still stroking his thick veiny cock. He was big at about eleven inches. My thoughts couldn’t stop thinking “who are you when did we meet?” I asked. As he plunged his rough fingers into my cunt again. “I haven’t gone by Hank in year’s boy” came his reply. “I’m surprised you recognised me” I was lost in thought going back to the very first time I entered the sauna how scared and timid I was and how this man before me changed my life that night showing me the ropes telling me the tricks. And then letting me suck him off in the sauna. “You’ve grown boy no longer an innocent but knowing what you want. The place is a buzz of your exploits tonight” I didn’t know what to say back to Hank after he said those words. “By the way kid I go by aids daddy now” I was now in complete shock but out of nostalgia I reached for his cock and felt its veiny thickness. “You know I started to frequent this place quite regularly after that first night when I sucked on your cock just over there by the entrance’ “I wanted to feel you fuck my tight hole so many times” I said to him as I rubbed his leaking precum on my hole. “Tonight breed me with your aids load” I whispered. “I’ve got nothing to loose from it just more freedom. Breed my neg pig hole with your seed like I know you want to” I taunted. He then came down to my face and said “I’ve been waiting so long to fill you with this cum boy” “that I still desired your butt to have my deadly seed in it” “I waited to long and when you moved away I started coming again I missed my chance” “hoping you’d come in” “tonight I’m going to breed you like I should of back then” and with that my hole opened up and I felt his flared cock head enter my hole. I screamed in joy inside me and reached for the poppers. In haling in the steam room I went in to a cloud of red haze. I could feel his cock pushing in my wet hole. But it didn’t feel so wet as I slowly took his monster cock. As he slowly grinded his cock into my hole I was lost in Sodom delight my eyes shut but feeling the presence of Hank above me as this monstrous red figure that was going to change my life yet again. He took it slow like a lover would to start just getting me used to his immense size in me. It felt like an hour had gone past I was feeling dehydrated and sweaty. His cock continuing to work its way deeper into me. I lost control and my body started to orgasm. I was impaled and my ass just start to clasp on to Hanks cock for dear life. Hank just pulled me up a little and started to thrust. I could feel my ass linings pulsing and clamping his cock as he slid in and out. “Damn” I heard cried by Hank. “Fuck you have a talented hole” he screamed” “No wonder the wire is a buzz about you” once again id gotten in sync and as hank rammed me and pushed my bowels open “Breed my hole this pig wants its freedom” I cried screaming “fill me with that death sticks load” “Pregnate me with your toxic juice” words just kept coming from my mouth as we continued to fuck there . My hole was so sloppy now and I was been fucked on by the full eleven inches in and out. I couldn’t take any more and as my body went into shock in a second orgasm I clasped down again on Hanks cock fully inside and deep in side me felt the hottest load I’d ever felt in my life. It was hot and stinging. And as his dick went quickly limp in my hole. I thanked him for the gift. Kissing him and saying “I think its time we both get some re hydrating done”. Hank left first and as the door closed id finally regained some sense of where I was positioned I pulled myself back on the bench and got my feet on the ground grabbed the poppers and threw the soaked towel over my shoulder. I went up stairs and Hank was talking to about twelve men at the bar and as I got close to the exit to throw my wet towel in and grab another I heard “Get over here” It had come from one in the crowd I knew that and as I walked to get a drink of water or something “we are all here now” “hope your enjoying your breeding pig” it wasn’t the crowd it was coming from the speakers. A bit of an evil grin came up on my face as I got to the bar. Asking for a bottle of water. I grabbed the drink and headed of to the locker to get my smokes and have a bit of a break. Checking my phone I saw a text there is thirteen of us here we are gathered up at the bar. I replied to the message and took the phone with me and went to have my smoke as I got to the smoking area. A new message came through reading it said. Be at the bar area with the rest. The venue is now a private party for your breeding. You need to speak to the counter staff and say the words bug chaser. Finishing my smoke I headed to the bar to say the words. As I got close to the bar I saw it was only eleven pm damn I thought I’ve got thirteen here to breed me till dawn this is going to be good. As I stood at the bar one of the gents said “just wait a minute’ the counter staff are just doing a check down stairs to see if anyone is floating about in any of the rooms’. I suddenly realized I was in a den of poz vipers ready to breed my hole. I turned to the guy and said “Can I go put my smokes and phone away I’ll be right back”, I quickly put my phone and smokes away in my locker and grabbed the pill id pulled out earlier. Time for this I think. As I shoved it under my tongue and went back to my bottle of water at the bar. Taking a big gulp the tablet washed from under my tongue and down my throat. It be half hour before I felt the effects of the ecstasy id just taken.
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  25. Tommy slam was only .15 because I wanted him to remember getting his cherry destroyed and later I could slam him out of his mind. Once he got control of his breathing I removed his arms from the restraints he reached for his cock but I grabbed his hands. "Tommy tell us are you ready to be a whore?" "Oh, George please do it make me a whore. I want you.." "Tommy, boy, it doesn't matter what a whore wants. It only matters that a whore does what he is told. Do you understand?" "Yes, I'm sorry, George, what do you want?" Oscar handed me the poppers and I held them to Tommy's nostril as I held the other and told him to inhale. Three times I had him hit the poppers then I told him to lick is finger and get it into his ass. I told Tommy to keep fingering his hole as I introduce everyone to him. Knowing I couldn't give him two straight weeks of abuse alone I invited many friends and after this weekend we will visit many other people. I choose tonight's visitors based on various fetishes or types of sex I wanted Tommy to be exposed to so that two weeks from now we would have made up for lost time. The last person I introduced to him was another twink whoreboy, Bobby, and then I told Tommy to stop fingering himself and then I told Bobby to rim Tommy. Tommy again reached for his cock so I restrained his arms again and told him he was never again going to touch himself but would learn to cum from being used. Tommy was moaning like a whore from the rim job so I pulled his head aside and shoved my cock in. For a virgin boy he wasn't a half bad cocksucker but I wasn't planning on dumping my first load there and told Bobby it was time to bump Tommy. Bobby had an evil grin as he bumped Tommy and I think Bobby was enjoying corrupting another boy. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass.
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  26. I pulled up in front of Tommy's apartment and he jumped right in and as I sped away I handed him the knockout pills and without a word being said he took them. When I first started chatting with Tommy I never expected this but believe me that when a twink jock cherry boy tells me I can do whatever I want then I'm going to fulfill my fantasies too. I told him to remove his shorts and throw them out the window and I was amazed he did it without hesitation proving he was ready. When we met previously he told me he was a virgin but did jerk off however couldn't find privacy often and hadn't cum in nearly a month. I told him if he wanted me to make him a whore he couldn't jerk off again until we got together. Now without his shorts i could see the front of his jockstrap was soaked which told me he obeyed but I asked him when he last came and he said a few weeks before we met. I told him he was as good boy and to close his eyes and and to go to sleep and he soon passed out. Watching him sleep so innocently made my cock drip knowing what we were so going to do to him. Two hours later we pulled off the highway and another half hour later we arrived at my friend Tom's farmhouse. The guys heard me pull up and soon a dozen studs were on the porch watching me and Tom carry our guest into the house. The party had started earlier and they already had a couple of whore boys to play with but everyone held back waiting for me and Tommy to arrive. The pills should wear off soon and we put Tommy in a sling while we waited. Once we saw his start to come around I put a rubber strap on his arm and found a vein as he opened his eyes. He started to look around the room and I let him see and hear what was happening to the other boys and to know it would happen to him soon too. Oscar was a pimp we knew that liked dealing with white twink boys and loved breaking them in with his black ten inch cock that looked more like a fucking rolling pin it was so thick and straight. He stood next to me and when Tommy turned towards me he gasped when he saw Oscar's tool. "Tommy are you ready to become the whore that you know you are?" I asked him. "Are you ready for me and my friends, like Oscar here, to use you like a ragdoll?" Tommy clearly was nervous and didn't answer right away so I told him to wait a minute before answering as I pushed the needle in his arm and drew back turning the contents red and then pushed it all into his vein. One of the other guys wiped the injection site and even put a bandaid on him as I removed the strap and told Tommy what to expect.
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  27. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 3 I quickly headed upstairs to check my phone and also have a smoke in the smoking area. I was feeling good and checking my adds again and found I had another four messages I replied again with where I was at and that id be here for some time. Quickly I got replies back saying they’d be not long. Feeling good I went back to the locker put my phone away and decided the spliff id gotten from a friend be a good idea. So I took it out and had that. And could feel the next buzz. I knew I had to get down stairs quick and find a place. As I got down the stairs I took the final walk way which lead into an orgy room. When I entered could see a guy in the dark corner. As I covered my head with the towel I bared m hole for all to exam. Having forgotten that I was carrying the toothbrush it dropped to near my legs and under my exposed hole. Taking a hit from the amyl. L pushed my hole back and raced myself. Soon I heard shuffling then the hands start to touch my exposed hole. A finger slid and found I was wet from the earlier load and heard some chattering. I then felt a brushy beard on my hole licking and spreading my ass to taste inside. As I moaned in pleasure he had gotten fully erect and I could feel his cocking pressing to go in. As I braced and felt the guy enter my hole I was completely consumed by the thickness of his cock had to be close to the size of a beer can. As he slowly stretched me on his cock I could feel the other load ease my passage. I was ready and started to thrust back. Slowly bit by bit my hole took more of his length. as I let out a hale as I came to the base and under the slight belly. I initially started rocking on his cock going forwards and then pushing back soon he took the movement and held me in place. Each time he pulled out could feel him thrust back into me the full length and then we got into sync. His thrusting and my ass clasping on started to push him to the brink. He stopped deep in me and my ass clasped down again. I heard him cry “take that seed you cum dump. Of fuck yeah. Oh ar argh. Woof.” Id just taken about six shots of jizz, from what I felt shoot into my hole. He pulled out and through the commotion id missed the others entering. Soon id hear some whispering but my head was covered with the towel so I couldn’t make anything out. The only distinct word that I did hear clear was NICE. Then the next guy got behind me and gave my ass a few licks to approve of the hole covered in juice. Again I heard talking “look what this pig brought into play with” I soon realised it was the toothbrush. Then I heard another voice saying “scrub that hole with it before you breed him” my ass puckered as I felt the dry harsh bristles and the edges of the brush rub my hole. From then on I felt him scrubbing my inside with the toothbrush slow for a bit then hard and fast. He’d turn it a bit then start it over and do over and over again till he’d turned it 360 degrees that should just about do it. And he ripped it out. I felt pain but I was so ready for the next cock to flood my insides wasn’t long I felt the movement and brought my hole into position. Spreading myself out his cock plunged in. I couldn’t help myself I was enjoying this treat. He pounded my hole hard and slammed his dick as hard as he could in each time. I was getting of on the abuse my hole wanted more. My hole felt so dry to me a deep burning sensation had taken the earlier slick feeling away. With each stroke I started to buck back and get in rhythm I needed the seed and as before id clasped on to the dick I was been ridden on. “oh baby fuck boy take my dirty seed’ he cried as he yelped ‘oh yeah and arghhhhhh! I was been flooded and soon felt it deep in my cunt where the burn just wasn’t going away. He slipped out his cock from my dripping hole, and bent over me and whispered to me “be proud pig that’s one great hole you have hope you enjoy my toxic seed in there” and I moaned out my approval, The next guy came up to my hole and just rubbed his cock over my arse. I could again feel something sharp but could not work out what. As it seemed to come from his cock, reaching down to find out what it was. I felt the guys size about nine inches length and nearly as thick as the cock id taken earlier. I hailed my approval of this cock and with a bit of a push back I was sliding back on his monster. The previous guy moved round to my front where I could see him. He feed me his dirty cock to clean. As I started to clean I could see streaks of red on his cock I thought my god is that blood but some how with the guy behind me driving that sharp edge into me and impaling me inside the guy was getting off and talking really dirty” fuck yeah dirty pig. Enjoy my freshly pierced cock. Enjoy that barbed pa in you Pig” I got to cleaning the cock in front of me and as it shrunk and limped from my mouth the guy bent down and asked ‘what’s your locker number I want to leave you my number’ so I quickly told him my locker number and saw him leave. I then started to focus on the cock that was intruding my hole and took a big inhale of the poppers. My head snapped round in joy as I found myself totally piggy and wanting more seed. My ass was starting its usually clasping on to the cock and I got into rhythm again and as soon as I was enjoying it the cries began. ”take that poz load you dirty pig. Fuck milk that load out. Yeah get every last drop of poz seed pig”. My ass again felt flooded and as he pulled out seed rushed out and found its way to my hanging balls. What dripped out was scoped up and pushed back into my hole. As soon as he backed away I realised that was another load down. And id have to move on. To another spot to get more there was no point in wasting time. Since I was now full of spunk. Felt just like time for a shower to wash my face and sweaty skin and to take a short break. Tonight I was going to service as many cocks as I could and as the hot water streamed down and caressed my body I found id gotten a big thick hard on. Shower done I retreated upstairs to the bar to get a drink. I grabbed another alcoholic drink and needed to pace myself I wanted this all night I was in such a good place. Heading to the locker to grab my smokes and phone I found the phone number on the piece of paper wedged in the grill and hanging there. It read. Your one good pig boy glad I got to breed you with my toxic seed. If you want more message me. Flipping the note over me saw the number. I put it in my locker for later grabbed one more enhancer and headed to the garden for the smoke. Taking a sip from the drink and taking the enhancer. I checked my messages once more, two hours in and I had four loads and the guys that messaged where due very shortly as I checked the clock. As I finished the drink and went for another smoke I was joined by another patron. He lit his cigar and just stood eyeing me. As I finished my smoke and was finished with the drink I got up and started to leave the garden. “Be seeing you soon pig, hope you like dirty old men” came the words from the guy with the cigar
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  28. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 2 I was on my bed in the hotel cruising for bareback sex on the usual sites posting my ads up to where I’d be going and seeing who’s attention I was catching. I had my shower and got prepped for my outing to take as many loads as possible. Getting myself a drink from the mini bar in the room I took one of the first enhancers I’d be taking through the night. As I checked back in on my ads I found I had six messages over the couple of places id posted it to. I quickly replied to all the messages and sent them off saying id be heading to the sauna very shortly and would be there for a while to feel free to arrive when ever they would be able to make it. Normally I’d check out the profiles before replying but I wasn’t wasting time. I soon made my way from the hotel to the saunas some forty minutes later. My mind was a buzz of the old days at the sauna. As I got close there had been changes in the area so I still hoped the sauna was there. I found my way into the entrance of the sauna as you had to negate a walkway to the carpark to enter the sauna from the back. As I rounded and headed to the door could hear faint sounds of chatter which gave me a sign there where patrons there. I went up the flight of stairs to the entry point paid my entry got my towel and locker key and was buzzed in to the change rooms. I got out of my gear wrapped the towel around my waist and got myself settled with setting my locker so when I came back for the other enhancers they where easy to access. I then stilled myself grabbing the bottle of poppers I’d brought along to help things. I transversed from the locker room into the lounge and little bar area. And ordered myself a drink. As I sat on the stool chatting to the staff member having the alcoholic drink I was very much starting to buzz and knew I needed to get down stairs and start having fun. It wasn’t long until I got myself aquainted with the new layout of the place. Where everything was which rooms had more lighting or not. Where best to position myself for my night of debauchery. I was feeling good and thought id quickly to back and check if id been messaged back. Sure enough had six texts saying when they would be in so replied back and thought great going to get fucked and loaded tonight. I went back down stairs and found the glory holes it was a dark corner except for a bit of red light. This just felt like the perfect spot start with getting some cum. As I squatted and waited to see from which of the two rooms I was going to get cock from. Id put the poppers down and was looking for it when I stumbled on a toothbrush on the ground. I soon found my bottle and was taking a snort when I saw movement. Putting the lid on the bottle I steady myself for what was to come. My first cock of the night was average size and cut. As his cock rose to fullness in my moist mouth, I could here his moans and feel his balls tighten. I sucked on it to wet my lips with cum. As I went back and forth and him thrusting through the glory hole I knew it wasn’t long. He let out a defying moan and as his cock exploded the cry of “ugh ugh” as the last of his spoiling load came to and end. My mouth was wet and it was a good load so decide to rub some of it up against my aching hole to get it lubed and ready now that it wanted cock in it to. The rest of the spilled cum went down my throat. I had only just cleaned my hand of cum, I’d been using to lube my hole when I caught the next guy entering the room beside me. As he walked in I could see the faint outline of a tattoo just above the pubic hair but didn’t make it out what it was as he closed the door and put us both into darkness. As his cock entered the glory hole straight away could smell the staleness of cum on his cock. With another big inhale of the amyl I started to suck his cock trying to make out what the tattoo was but been cut from full sight still couldn’t see or make it out. His cock was uncut tasted manly with all that cum and what ever else was on it. As he became fully rigid in my mouth his forskin pulled right back and his helmet was down my throat oozing precum, I wasn’t putting this cock to waste down my throat so I got repositioned and allowed his hard cock to enter my cum lubed hole. As I backed down on his cock coming through the glory hole his girth was still getting bigger in my hole as I got to the end. When my ass hit the wall between us, I moved forward some and started over. This was a good feeling and soon I had the poppers to my nose for more inhaling. Pushing back to the wall and feeling the cock inside me. With one mighty slam I pushed myself right down his cock and stayed on it. Not moving from the wall as a muffled moan came through the air. Soon I could feel him thrusting into me as I stayed in position. Taking the popper and enjoying the first of many loads I hoped to get that night. As his momentum picked up gear and I could feel his cock throb I knew it was coming close to an end. I bucked down hard pushed myself harder into the gloryhole so my hole would open right up and as I did he cried “fuck take it take that load take all of it you cum pig” as his cock softened in my hole and finally came out. I thought I would try to get another look at the tattoo, so I picked up my towel and bottle of poppers put the toothbrush I had found on the floor in my towel and let myself out of the room. As I opened the door and my eyes adjusted to the red light I could see the guy that I had just gotten the load from. Giving me a wink and saying “thanks”. I looked down and saw the bio hazard tattoo. As I left the area in a buzz I strolled around to see who was around. To surprise, one of the rooms I hadn’t been able to check out on an earlier round was free. It was a sling room decked with a mirror above it so one could see what happened. My arousal grew, knowing later I would be in the sling, my ass fully loaded, only too ready to take even more. But my thoughts were focused on the bio hazard tattoo I had seen as I wondered 'Why would someone get that? '.
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  29. kinda like those potato chips.....you can't stop at just one!
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  30. i love hairy ripe armpits! all my regular fb know not to use cologne or deo. i nuzzle up in that pit and sniff and get that stink all over my face.
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  31. I only had it happen one, was sucking a guy and thought he was cuming but it just kept coming and I quickly realized it was piss. He was holding my head to his pubes so I kind of had to swallow
    1 point
  32. Just finished up with one of my busiest and sex-filled weekends in a long time and got some great fun along the way. Even started to notice a big bruise on my right chest -- hopefully it's the result of hot sex this weekend, but damned if I know how I got it. Friday started with a 20-year-old athletic black top coming to my place. We'd been trying to meet up for months after chatting on A4A, and the wait was worth it. Flat on my back, legs in the air and feeling his arms and abs as he pumped his 9 inches steadily, it wasn't long before we both erupted. Load No. 1 complete. With my roommate at work for a few more hours, I wanted to make the most of having the house to myself, so I hit up a FB that I've seen probably 8 or 10 times now. Tall, well-built white guy and packing 8 1/2 inches himself and gets rock hard without even trying. He lasts about 15 minutes, and after trying to hold off longer, couldn't hold it and shot deep. Saturday mid-afternoon I got a text from last night's 20-year-old black top. He was bored at home and watching football, and he said the games were making him want to fuck. So with the roommate at a concert downtown, I invite the kid over and we have an exact repeat of last night. Same position, same everything, and it was perfect. That night I had plans to meet a committed couple who I'd been wanting to be with for months. Work schedules always got in the way, but we finally made firm plans to meet at their place. Both versatile tops, mid-40s, both on the bear-ish side, which is a fun change of pace for me lately. I get there and we all immediately click, talking about football and just casual chit-chat over a glass of wine. Finally the clothes come off, and they both take turns tagging my ass. They'd said earlier that they were both undetectable, and neither wanted condoms, so I obliged. One had a PA, which felt amazing, the other had pierced nipples that I couldn't stop pinching and fondling the entire time (and he loved it). Between the two of them, they probably spent 45 minutes fucking me before finally shooting. We laid in bed for another 30 minutes making chit chat before I left. We agreed that we definitely want this to happen again. Even though my ass was starting to feel a bit sore at this point, I hopped on Grindr just to see who was on, and immediately a 25-year-old hit me up. Cute enough guy, white, 25 or 26, said he was vers and looking for company. I wasn't far away at that point, so I headed his way. I knock on the door and turn the knob and immediately see him sucking the dick of a beautiful black kid, probably 21 or 22 I'd guess. So while the host sucked, I walked in and didn't say a word as I stripped the hot kid's shirt off and start running my fingers up and down his abs and chest while I kissed his neck. He had to be at least 9 or 10 inches and easily the thickest beer-can dick I've seen in a while. I don't have a lot of experience in 3-ways, so I'm not sure exactly what etiquette is, but after about 10 or 15 minutes of watching the other guy suck his dick, I was ready to get pounded (my assumption was that the hot kid was a top, or at least versatile). So I suggested we all head to the bedroom, and while the host stopped off in the bathroom, I laid down on my back and watched as the hot kid slid up between my legs, spit on his deck, lifted my legs over his shoulders and slowly pushed inside me. He felt amazing, and with my ass already lubed from the earlier tops, he felt smooth as silk. The host walked into the room within about 2 minutes, laid down beside me and started lubing his ass. The hot kid took the hint, pulled out and went to slowly push into the host, but that didn't last long. After about 30 seconds of trying, the host said he couldn't take it because it was too big. So the hot kid moved back to me while the host jerked off watching my ass get stretched and worked over by the hot kid's tool. Within about 10 minutes his pace picked up, and he asked if he could cum in me. Of course, I said yes, and felt him shoot probably the biggest load I've had all weekend. He pulled out and walked into the bathroom, and next thing I know the host has his face and tongue buried in my ass and licking out the day's results. Little did he know he was sucking out 4 loads from that day, not just one. After all that, I was exhausted and ready to go home and collapse. Today, my ass is definitely sore, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it.
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  33. Week 3 When I woke Monday I went and picked up my check and had my blood drawn. The guy who drew the sample told me that I didn’t look all that good. I told him that when I woke up I wasn’t feeling all that well. He suggested that I go home and climb into bed for the day. After taking my check to the bank I did as he suggested and spent the next 3 days in bed. I woke Thursday starting to feel better and was grateful since I did not want to miss the next trial session Friday night. I headed to the testing, received my shot and got fucked like I had the previous two weeks. I saw the hottie and his roommate who double fucked me the week before. Half the night I spent with them tag teaming me, fucking and seeding my hole. After we were all done we exchanged numbers as the sun came up. Week 4 The week started like normal. I picked up my check and had my weekly blood draw when I was asked if I’d like to make some extra money this final week. I was interested in more money and asked how. I was told if I consented to spending the weekend getting multiple doses of the drug. The testing would start as early as I was available Friday and would last until Sunday. My interest was definitely peaked so I asked how much more could I earn? If I was available the entire time I could make $750. I could get an extra $250 if I was willing to try multiple forms of the drug. That made a total of $1000 I would make in addition to the $750. I couldn’t resist and agreed to the weekend testing. When I arrived Friday afternoon I prepared for a long weekend of sex. I was taken to the sling again and was prepped for my shot. I didn’t say a word as I laid there as the fixed tourniquets on both my arms. The shots were administered in both arm at the same time, but the tourniquets were removed one at a time. First the right one was pulled off and I felt the drug work into my chest as I coughed out and with no warning the left one was pulled off and I felt that hit me hard. As I lay there I began to hear a ringing in my ears and had a little trouble focusing as I felt something cool being inserted into my ass. I faintly recall someone saying that I was given a suppository that would slowly melt and ass to my high. My high, I thought this was a sex enhancement drug not a drug that gets a guy high. I was trying to comprehend what was being said but all I knew was that I needed to be fucked. It didn’t take long before I was starting to get fucked. One by one each guy began to fuck me as I began to feel a slight burn in my ass and felt the feeling of the drug begin to get stronger. As the weekend continued they kept giving me one form of the drug or another. At one point I was taken out of the sling and I was laid over a bed to allow my ass to rest. As I lay there and fed a nice cock to suck I felt a stinging on my low back. I had no clue what was going on. I was then put back in the sling where the fucking resumed. I guess that it was Sunday as I began to come around. I was no longer in the testing facility. I did not recognize where I was until I saw a guy with a towel over his shoulder that read “The Boys Club”. I knew this to be the local bath house near campus. I was trying to figure out how I was now at the local bath hose when I felt a slight sting on my low back. I got up and as I wondered around I found a key around my wrist. It had a number on it that I was told was a locker where I would find my clothes. As I pulled my underwear on I felt a sting as the waist band rested on my low back. I walked over to the mirror and looked to see a tattoo half hidden by the waist band of my underwear. I lowered the band so I could see the full tattoo to find that same strange symbol I saw on some many guys who fucked me over the 4 weeks of the trial. As I was looking at the tattoo a guy walked in and asked if I liked his work. He continued that they didn’t see many guys my age who bug chased and then celebrated testing poz with a biohazard tattoo.
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  34. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Worthless Cumdump Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): +44 (0) 7841350562 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): B1 1TX - Birmingham UK Times you're generally not available: Weekdays between 9-11 Age: 33 Height: 5"11 Weight: Dunno. but slim Ethnicity: White, British
    1 point
  35. I recently joined BBRT having had some success hooking up on some other sites. I found a guy nearby. His profile said that he was top versatile, slender with red hair, and he was a bit younger than me. I'm turned on by guys of all ages, races, and body types, but slender and ginger are two of my favorite things. I hadn't been fucked for quite a while, so I thought top versatile would be fun, so we ended-up meeting at his apartment. He was much better looking than his profile pictures suggested, and it didn't take long until we were naked, rolling around in bed. The taste of his kisses and sweaty body, along with the sight of his slim sexy body dusted with ginger fur, made me rock hard. I would do anything with this guy. He was sitting on top of me pinning my arms out, kissing me, when he said "I want you inside me" and impaled himself on my rigid dick. Being totally versatile, I was more than okay with this turn of events. I rolled him onto his back and began fucking him with long slow strokes, kissing deeply. He discovered my nipples are hard wired to my cock and as he began twisting them I picked-up the pace and the intensity of my fucking, cumming deep inside his sweet ass. I decided I needed to kiss and eat his sweet hole, as I find the taste of a freshly fucked, cum-filled ass drives me wild. My tongue in his tender hole and my beard between his cheeks drove him crazy. Then I lay back on top of him, and my still hard cock found it's way back inside his warm wet hole. We laid there kissing and chatting with my cock inside his ass. Before long I was once again sliding in and out of his velvety hole. We fucked in every position, our bodies soaked in delicious, salty sweat, until I again came inside him, this time more violently than before. I rolled off him onto my back and he straddled me, 69ing, taking my wet dick in his mouth while I kissed, licked, fingered and ate his delicious hole. He had the butt of a 20 year old, hairless with a perfect hole. Then I felt his tongue probing my hairy butt hole, and he said "Now it's your turn." He folded me in half, head against the head board, knees behind my ears, butt hole straight up. My hole gets pretty tight right after I cum and his cock was bigger than mine, but I was so very turned on by this guy that I had no trouble taking his fuck stick. Balls deep in my hairy ass he began pile driving my defenseless hole, with thrust my head banged against the headboard, my hard cock inches from my face, dribbling cum. Sweat poured off of him as he pounded me. I was in heaven! Finally he collapsed on top of me, spent. We took a short break to rehydrate and catch our breath. He noticed that was still hard and asked if I was on Viagra, but I wasn't - I was just was totally turned on by him that the chemistry was amazing. When we made it back into the bedroom, I climbed back onto of his wonderful cock, riding it while we kissed. It was his turn to fuck me in every position imaginable. He totally took control of my body, twisting and turning me as he pleased. His big cock punching into every corner of my guts. We ended up at the edge of the bed, me on my back with my legs on his shoulders. His cock got bigger and harder as he got close to shooting. He came violently deep inside me. I could feel the flood of his hot cum filling my guts as he continued to drive his pole into me, each thrust prodding more juice. He pulled his softening cock out of my battered hole and fed it to me. The taste of his dick glazed with his cum and my ass was driving me wild. I needed to cum again and it was his turn to get a post cum fucking. His hole was slick from my previous loads so my cock easily slid in his ass. He had nearly fucked the cum out of me so I knew I would not last long inside his sweet hole. He pinched and twisted my nipples very hard as I fucked him and soon I was shooting my third load in as many hours into him. I kept cumming for sometime, filling him to overflowing. I quickly pushed his legs back and buried my face in his ass. His butt hole was full of my cum, my tongue lapping it up then kissing him deeply. We showered together but sadly I had to leave, as I was going to be late for a meeting at work. I kept his cum inside my ass, and my butt hole and nipples were wonderfully tender and my hole dribbled all afternoon.
    1 point
  36. Absolutely. I love to show off---and encourage other men to use the hole I'm fucking--for my felching pleasure....
    1 point
  37. 4. “I’m going to go jump in the shower,” Ryan said, slapping me on the ass as Tommy pulled off his shirt. I had assumed Tommy he was somewhat twinkish, and therefore was completely unprepared to see his tight runner’s body was completely covered by thick dark red hair. He smiled at my obvious shock. “I started growing chest hair when I was twelve,” he said, his fingers hooked into the waste band of his track pants. Dropping them to the the ground, he stepped out of them, standing in a pair of white briefs that barely contained the considerable bulge that was forming there. Do all of Ryan’s friends have big cocks? I wondered. “Well, are you just gonna stand there bustin’ out of your briefs or are you going to fuck me?” I asked, quickly becoming more comfortable with my new lust for cock. “You’re really ready to get fucked again, after your stepbrother just bred you like that.” I found his Irish accent intoxicating, and perhaps for that reason the thought of turning down his cock didn't even cross my mind. Whatever the reason, now that I had had a taste of bare sex, I was insatiable. “Hell yes," I responded as I flopped back on the bed, drew my legs into the air, exposing my cummy hole to his inspection. Just to further entice him I added "Plus all that cum up there will make great lube.” Tommy didn’t need to be told again, he tossed his briefs aside his uncut cock springing up. “You’re more of a cum slut then I am,” he said, lining up his still sheathed head up with my swollen hole. We both groaned as he sunk into my wet guts, my hole quickly opening to take his uncut, beer can of a cock, to the base. Tommy leaned forward, holding his cock inside me and kissed me softly. He slowly rocked his cock in and out of me as we kissed, his hands roaming over my body. I groaned into his mouth, waves of pleasure coursing through my body. Tommy seemed intent on making this one last as he slowly pumped my hole. “Simon was the one who POZed me,” he whispered after a long time, “he picked me up at a bar one night and convinced me to take him raw and after about a week of him filling me with his spunk I caught it. Best gift I’ve ever gotten.” He kissed me softly again, but started to fuck me a little harder his thrusts eliciting little squeaks and grunts from my occupied mouth. “Did you even like guys before Simon fucked you,” he asked a little while later. “Sorta but I’d never done anything,” I answered in the same soft whisper tone. “So you went from being straight to getting fucked by your stepbrother and all of his friends in one night. Damn Simon’s good, and I’m fucking grateful cause I thought you were so hot.” He drew his cock all the way out and slammed it back in again several times, a soft squishing sound now accompanying his thrusts. He shifted his weight putting his hands flat on the bed over my shoulders and rocking his hips forward to pound into me harder. I stared into his brilliant green eyes as sweat formed on his face from the effort of his fucking. As I looked at him I noticed a sweaty, bushy, dark ginger pit just over my head. I sat up a little and licked it. Tommy groaned a little and I continued to lap at the musky pit until I was eating out his pit and he fucked me all the harder for it. After about twenty minutes as Tommy’s thrusts were starting to get rougher and his breathing irregular I head Ryan get out of the shower and go into his room, talking to the two men who had been sleeping in there. “I’m going to cum in you,” Tommy panted. “Do it, please!” “God you ass is so good!” “Thanks, your cock feels ama…” I never finished that sentence as Tommy slammed into me as hard as he could, his entire body shaking with the force of his orgasm. He let out a long calming breath as his balls emptied into my guts. He kissed me again and pulled out slowly. “Stay there,” he said, heading to the door, “sounds like the other two are up and ready to breed your hole as well.”
    1 point
  38. hey there. I like the redesign but I am an encountering a problem with my groups. I am logged in and all but when I go to the groups I belong to, I do not have access to previous posts and can't start a new thread. When I click on a group I don't belong to, they all say that i can't join the group. In the previous site one had to opt in to Groups and HIV fetish, etc. Is that still around? Am I missing something? Thanks so much!
    1 point
  39. Name: Leo Cell number (text and voice): +44 7976 466 698 (prefer text) Location: Bristol, UK BS4 4HP Times you're available: Different days and times ... text to find out Age: 30 Height: 5'9" Weight: 180ib Ethnicity: Caucasian Amenities: Parking near flat
    1 point
  40. hi im a cumdump in the UK Im Mark Mobile. 07816581260 im in Rowley Regis b65 9rj I work shifts so free various times Im 35 5ft10 15stone Im white.
    1 point
  41. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Dayle Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 07866017981 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): uk, manchester, m3 Times you're generally not available: weekdays and late at night usually dont work for me Age: 27 Height: 6''3 Weight: 117 lbs Ethnicity: White
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. The guy that slammed me first sounds like Beau only he was/is neg. we got together last week and as he started fucking me he asked me if I took poz loads. I told him I never ask. He got worked up over the fact that I could be poz and not know. we decided to get a poz guy so he can watch me take a poz load so he can fuck it in. He is the devil and he is my angel. I hate him for the path he showed me. I love him because he set me free. I love the slam and the way my body craves raw cock for hours on end. He doesn't give a shit about me and I find him irresistable.
    1 point
  44. I took my Son to the hospital on 6th November so we could get the results of the tests on the bloods the Doc's had taken a couple of weeks before. We were both quietly confident that a combination of My HEP C virus being good and potent right now and an INTENSE, DEDICATE & FREQUENT PROGRAMME. We'd been mainly doing: DIRECT DELIVERY (rig drawing the MAX it would hold and immediately into his vein) - mostly mixed with METH. DRY FISTING my Sons cunt, getting the ground prepared by tenderising it and once nicely mashed using a RIG TO SPIKE THE HEAD OF MY DICK until it was my BUG LOADED BLOOD was running good then a good long grinding fuck with my BLOOD as the only lube Also (my personal favorite) sharing BIG TOYS used hard on each other so they were coated with DNA - Liked it because I got to take his juices in me, so more "sharing and bonding" with him. Usually it was the boy reminding me that it had been "a couple of hours since his last BUGGING" immediately followed by him asking if he could have another one now - made me smile every time... Also made me FUCKING PROUD and as HORNY AS FUCK that he was not a passive receiver of my HEP C, but a PREDITORY and FOCUSED CHASER!! Anyhow My Son and I are WELL PLEASED TO REPORT THAT WE GOT A VERY POSITIVE RESULT!!!! He's as pleased as fuck and one HAPPY PIG. ME, Yeh there's a little macho pride in me SCORING A DIRECT HIT FIRST TIME. I'm just as happy to give this TWISTED LAD what he wanted. We BOTH feel that our BOND SOLID and MORE SO now that it will always be a fact and nothing will change this..... HE GOT HIS DISEASE FROM HIS LOVING FATHER. We've already decided on our first action now our initial goal has been reached.......ANY BUG HUNTING PIGS ARE INVITED TO GIVE ME A SHOUT...... We would like to offer and DOUBLE DOSE HEP C POZING TO ALL COMERS where we can make the logistics of getting together work. If you want a "reference" to suggest if you're going to GET THE BUG?? That'll be provided by my Son who'll be next to get his BUGZ into you. Why we want to do this you ask??? Simple, he's like a kid with a new toy - wants to use it asap. We both appreciate the bonding qualities for us in working together to the same objective as equals... OH YEh, ITS WELL TWISTED AND HORNY. So come on YOU BUGS CHASERS, If you ***GENUINELY WANT THIS GIFT, THEN WE'D CONSIDER IT AN HONOUR TO HELP A FELLOW PIG*** PLEASE.... GENUINE REQUESTS *O*N*L*Y*. At the same time come on PIGS, take control, take the opportunity, and take the next step along the TWISTED ROAD!!!
    1 point
  45. Here's what I think you were asking for with the Red Devil and continuing into 2 additional parts: Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 1: When I was 18 I went to a Halloween party with a bunch of other gay freshmen. The Halloween party was hosted by an older man who got off on all us college kids. There were other older guys all aroud too. I went as a lifeguard in red trunks and flipflops. I was real tan then and I've always had washboard abs and real nice body. I could feel the eyes of everyone burning into me when we wlaked through the door. I looked at the other hot guys around the party. There was a Roman gladiator. There was a priest. But the best was this older muscle guy who was some kind of demon or devil. He had huge pecs and was completely painted red. He had a shaved head and long horns. All he was wearing was a leather thong and heavy leather boots. I noticed him following me with his eyes. They were bright blue. My dick stirred, but then a drink was in my hand and my friends distracted me. I danced with my friends for a long time. We drank a lot and started getting horny. The whole room was getting horny. My friends and I did some tequila shots and soon enough began feeling it. Then some of them started making out, which got the room started, and many people started disappearing into other parts of the house. I went to piss and in the hallway found the first fucking session going on. A kid from my Econ class was dressed like a lifeguard like me and some hot dark haired guy from a different school was fucking him. He was dressed up as a mechanic with his overalls open down the front to expose his dick. I stopped and looked. The guy wasn't wearing a condom. I was shocked but started to get hard. I went on to the bathroom door. Someone was in the bathroom so I got stuck waiting. The kid from Econ was moaning loudly. The top was fucking him so hard you could hear his hips slapping against my buddy's ass. My buddy reached out and jerked me off through my shorts and we looked at each other, both of us completely amazed at what was going on. The mechanic guy fucking my buddy started grunting and said "I'm fucking cumming!" My buddy tried to pull off but the mechanic dude held his shoulders in place and unloaded inside him. My buddy looked panicked. The top, on the other hand, pulled out, smiled and walked out to piss out the side door. I was about to follow when the bathroom door opened. "Can I push it out?" my buddy asked. I told him sure. I was jealous yet was also glad I wasn't in his position. We went in the bathroom together to discover another kid from our school getting barebacked in the shower. I knew what bareback was but hadn't done it before. I was too hard to piss so I left my buddy to push out the cum and deal with everything by himself. Walking through the house I saw it had evolved into a full on orgy. The 'priest' was getting fucked by a 'doctor' in the kitchen by the vodka. A fairy with a real great ass was barebacking the shit out of a construction worker on the floor by the 'fridge. In the dining room, Peter Pan from my college was on his back on the table with the Roman gladiator's huge bare dick up in him. I watched as a quiet guy from my school who was dressed up like a ghost was coaxed to his knees by a slightly older dude dressed like a cop. I was starting to feel kind of left out and went back to the living room. People were still dancing there, even though it was definitely more sexual than before. The hot red demon dude was still there, and he followed me with his eyes. I could tell he was claiming me. He walked confidently to me and we exchanged greetings. His red skin looked so real I asked if I could touch it. "Sure" he said. His chest was hard. His abs were firm. His arms were big and muscular. Next I knew he was kissing me. His lips were powerful. His tongue took control. His strong hand enclosed mine and pulled me behind him away from the living room. There was no point in resisting, and for that matter, I didn't want to. In the dining room, the Roman gladiator bellowed and came powerfully in Peter Pan's ass and my shy ghost buddy was taking the bare dick of the cop like a champ. The scene in the kitchen revealed a new set of men fucking each other. The bathroom door was half open and my buddy from Econ class was bent over taking more bare cock. I heard him ask for a load from the 'sailor' who was barebacking him. The sailor grunted and seemed to be unloading as my demon-hunk shoved me against a wall and started making out with me again. Soon my dick was in his mouth and I glanced over to see my buddy getting yet another bare dick up his hole. While the beautiful demon man ate my dick, I saw him release his dick from the leather thong he was wearing. He unbuttoned it and fell to the ground. His dick was probably eight inches, uncut and was also painted red. He had gone all out. I leaned against the wall and moaned - the blow job felt so good. Then before long I felt his manly fingers probing my ass. I knew where this was going. I was going to be his boy. He was going to fuck me. I opened my ass to his fingers. He turned me around and pulled my red shorts the rest of the way off. I was completely naked. He ate out my hole while another kid from our school unloaded in my buddy's ass. I didn't feel bad for him anymore. I wanted to be him. I wanted to feel the demon's cock in my hole. My wish was soon satisfied as the demon man stood-up, picked me up in his arms and laid me on the center island in the kitchen. I looked into his blue eyes. He positioned my feet on his shoulders. I thought of asking for a condom, but I already knew there were no condoms here. And I didn't want him to put one on me. I wanted his seed. He spat on the palm of his hand and lubed up his cock. I felt the head pressing in. It hurt. I relaxed and coaxed him in. He kept pushing until he bottomed out. "Fuck yeah" he said. "You like my demon cock, kid?" "Fuck yeah" I said. "Give it to me." "Oh I will" he said with a deep laugh. He started fucking me. His dick felt hot, his muscles straining to get it all in me. My buddy took a break from the orgy to come watch me get barebacked for the first time. "Fuck that's hot" I heard him say as the eight inches ramrodded in and out of my ass. I just threw my head back and let the demon stud take over. His raw dick plowed me and his hands held me down, pulling at my flesh. He was owning me. "You're mine" he hissed. "Fuck yeah" I said. "Take me." He picked up the pace and started grunting. I thought that meant he was going to cum and I started squirming. I wasn't really ready. "Cum in his ass!" someone said. It was my buddy. I looked at him. He was jerking off and the mechanic from earlier was behind him about to enter him again. "Fuck yeah" the muscular red demon man said. "Here it cums." I panicked but was really turned on and started panting "yes" over and over. The beautiful muscular demon man growled and then let out an animal roar as he bucked into me. I could feel his cock growing and pulsing as he shot inside me. He shot for a long time like he hadn't cum in a long time. "Fuck yeah" he said. "Take my demon seed faggot! You like that? Ung!" He slowly pulled out and I saw the red make up had all come off his dick and it was coated in cum. I hadn't cum yet and stood erect leaking precum. "Hot" said the man dressed like a demon. "No turning back now, cumslut. Go get some more." And then he disappeared. Egged on by my buddy I took the mechanic's third load of the night right there on the kitchen floor, and then my buddy unloaded in me. Finally, I found the shy kid in the dining room again. The demonic stud was finishing up inside him. "No, don't cum in-" he didn't get it out when that animal roar happened again. I quickly took my place there and didn't last three strokes before I dumped a white hot load deep in his panicked guts. When it was starting to wind down and my friends were pairing off or calling taxis, the demon stud found me again. "You're mine tonight" he said. I looked into those piercng blue eyes. "You're getting more" he said. I willingly held out my hand and felt his strong hand wrap around mine again. That was how it started. **************************************************************** Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 2: We got in the car and started driving away. I was scared. My friends had left together or with other guys we knew. Here I was with a demon man who's name I didn't even know. I had cum in my ass. It was still up there. It felt amazing. I asked his name. "Tonight you call me 'master' and I call you whatever the fuck I want" he said. "Breakfast tomorrow we can do names and favorite tv shows." My cock roared back to life. "Ok" I said. "Ok MASTER" he corrected me. "Ok master." I looked over at his body, which glistened red as we passed under the streetlights. His dick out in the open since he didn't bother to rebuckle the leather thong he was wearing. He was hard too. I was dizzy as we drove. I was totally shitfaced. Thank god the demon guy was driving. He handed me a tube of something. "Rub that on my cock" he ordered. "Yes, master" my dick leaked precum through my lifeguard shorts. The tube contained red make up. I took a glob and massaged it into the head and up and down the shaft. He moaned his approval. "Good boy" he said. "Now let it dry." A large glob of precum bubbled up from his nuts through the slit and stayed there. "Lick that off but don't fuck up the make up" he ordered. I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned over I carefully extended my tongue, tasted just the precum and felt it transfer itself to my mouth. I pulled away and swallowed it. "Good job" he said. I let my hand rest on my hard cock and stroked some. "You have a choice" he said. "Either one-on-one with me or one more party. You're getting fucked either way." "Another party" I said. "As long as you still fuck me again." He laughed a deep dark laugh. "Oh I will" he growled. My dick jerked. He made a turn and soon we were going off onto a country road I'd never before seen. Two more turns and we went down a long dirt road. At the end was a country farm house decorated for Halloween, a number of cars parked around the yard. We got out and walked up onto the porch. From inside you could hear a throbbing dance club style beat and a lot of moaning and grunting. A stunningly gorgeous guy slightly older than my age stood on the porch dressed like a Greek god. He smiled and held out his hand. "Keys please" he chirped and winked at the older guy. "Good to see you" my demon master said. He felt behind the Greek god's ears. "Whoa" he said. "Did you get the fuck flu?" The god beamed. "Yep. I'm acute right now." He looked down at me. "Freshman?" "Yes" said the red muscle dude standing beside me. The gorgeous key taker leaned down and kissed me. "I'll see you later for sure." That whole exchange was way over my head especially since I was drunk, but when I asked a question, my master just kissed me and we did a shot together in the kitchen. People were fucking all over the place. Fat guys, thin guys, young guys, old guys, all over the place, there was a mass of fucking flesh. My dick and ass were hungry to get in on the action. "Master, fuck me please" I asked. He looked at me in his demon red makeup with those piercing blue eyes and horns and said "The real fun is out back." He led me by the hand outside to a bonfire, surrounded by six or seven guys. All were dressed like the guy who broght me - demons of different shades. All were huge, muscular guys at least five or ten years older than me. I longed to have all of them inside me but didn't think I'd get that lucky. I was introduced as "the new recruit" and felt myself massaged on all sides by muscular hands. I threw back my head and looked at the moon as I was lifted up and stripped of my shorts. My legs were spread and hands probed my ass, my hole. My dick stood straight up towards the sky and the warmth of the fire made me sweat. I was placed on a picnic table and given another shot. My head was swimming. I thought I might pass out. "Am I his first poz load?" someone asked. I had no idea what he meant. "No" said my master. "I loaded him earler." "Hot" came the reply. I looked up to see a hot dude maybe 27 years old with bulging muscles, ripped abs and piercing blue eyes. He had horns on too, was also dressed like a demon, but all painted white. "You ready?" he asked. "Totally" I panted. I felt his slick cock pressing against my hole. He took his time on the outside, massaging all around. It took too long so I worked myself down onto his dick, getting splinters in my back and not caring. Grunts of approval went up from the crowd as he pierced me and I cried out in pleasure. I felt all pf him up inside me as he started fucking me hard. He threw back his head. Silhouetted by the moon I could see his form as he strained and bucked and thrusted. He leaned close and whispered in my ear. "Fuck I'm gonna cum! You want it?" "Yes" I replied. "Unnnngh!" he grunted, and came inside me. A cheer of approval went up. "Yeah! Convert him! Load him up! Charge him!" I felt complete and still wanted more... and I looked around at the men I hoped would give me more. So naturally I begged for it there on that table. ******************************************************* Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 3: While still inside me, the white demon man was handed a tube of make-up and he smeared red all over my chest. He set it down, pulled out, and used his dick to push his cum back into me. I felt flushed from all the alcohol and was in a frenzy to get fucked more. When a blue-painted demon man lined up against my hole I put my feet around him and pulled him in. In ten seconds his balls were slapping against the lean muscles of my ass. I could see the veins in his arms as he held me down, controlling my responses to his violent assault on my ass. His face was painted blue but I could see a beard, a strong jaw line, a muscular neck. He leaned down and kissed my adams apple with a lot more tenderness than I'd expect. I smiled at him and stroked his cheek and his beard. All of a sudden his expression became very gentle as he sighed a gentle "Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhh!" He collapsed on top of me and I could feel his balls pulsing as he finished unloading deep in my gut. I heard my "master" laugh and say "Keep the scene going, you fuckin' softy!" The blue demon kissed me gently and then applied more of the red make-up to my neck and shoulders. He carefully pulled out, making sure not to spill any cum, and made way for another man. This guy was Italian-looking, was not painted any color but had a great furry chest and leather as well as horns. His dick was uncut and I wanted to taste it. I got off the table and sucked him. He grabbed my hair and took control of my rhythm, burying his huge fuckstick in my throat and blocking my windpipe. As I struggled for air, he held me in place. I could taste his precum filling my mouth and throat, but as I couldn't fill my lungs, I started to get scared and tried to pull away. He forced me down harder, then yanked me to my feet by my hair. He kissed me passionately, feeling my body while his tongue went as deep as his precum faucet had a minute ago. He looked me deeply in the eyes. "Can I hit you?" he asked. "Not hard enough to hurt much at all." I was so drunk and horny my dick pulsed its permission so I said 'yes'. He backhanded me, sending me sideways onto my knees. It didn't hurt badly but I was drunk so my balance was off. My "master" lauged again and said, "Easy Tony!" "I didn't hurt him" Tony said, yanking me to my feet. "Did I, slut?" he asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Good" he said. "Now time to get fucked." He roughly bent me over the picnic table and slammed into me. A cheer went up from the crowd. He pummeled my ass so hard my face was hitting the table. I was so turned on I liked it and I reached back to spread my ass cheeks apart for him. He grunted loudly, ramming me. "You like it, don't you slut?" he roared. Under his onslaught I couldn't even respond. He grunted loudly on every deep violent stroke into my ass, then he started shouting on every stroke, timing his exclamation for each down stroke: "Fuck! Fuckin' whore! Take that! Cock! All the! Fuckin! Way! Up! In! There!" "YEAH!" I managed to yell. This was so fucking intense. "YEAH!" he screamed back. He went back to gunting and groaning on each stroke with increasing intensity, then went verbal again, "Yeah! Yeah! Yuh! Yuh! I'm ready! Get ready! Here it cums!" By now the crowd was roaring. "Ready? Ready? YOU READY? READY? AAAAGH!! AGGHHH! AGGHHH!" With the last thrust he collapsed silently on top of me and lay there breathing heavily for a minute or two. I was really close to cumming. He smeared some of the red paint on my ass, then he was replaced by one after another. Each fucked me and bred me and filled me and painted me red. My buzz was starting to wear off and I was getting tired in the blaze of the bonfire. Finally it was my master's turn. I looked deep in those blue eyes and welcomed him as he brought me one last shot of alcohol for the night. I gulped it down and set it to the side. He entered me gently, owning me. "You've done very well" he said. "Thank you master." "I can't hold out long because I've been jerking off, watching all these men fuck you and breed you, but I want you to ask me to cum in you." "Cum in me please sir" I asked. "Like you mean it" he demanded. "Please, sir, cum in my ass!" I pleaded. "Fuckin' say it like a man!" he growled. "Fuck me sir! Cum in my ass!" I yelled. "LOUDER! Want my fuckin seed bitch?" he roared angrily, pouding the fucking shit out of me. "FUCK YEAH SIR! GIVE ME THAT FUCKING LOAD YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! FUCK!" "OH, FUCK YEAH! THAT'S MY MAN!" he growled and he threw his head back and roared like a lion as he emptied himself into me. I reached for my cock to finish myself off but hands grabbed my arm and restrained me. My demon master looked down at me, panting, and smiled. He placed a pair of costume horns on my head, took my hand and helped me stand. Cum ran down my leg. I felt dirty and complete at the same time. In the firelight my shadow was 40 feet long. My horns pointed into the distance towards the field and my shadow dick was long and erect, pointing maybe five feet towards the porch. A cheer went up. Someone handed me a large hand mirror: I was totally red except for my dick. I looked like a younger version of my "master." He hugged me, wet with sweat that started to smear some of our makeup. "Do I get to cum?" I asked. "In a second" he said. "Now you've made some fuckin' stupid choices tonight. You didn't ask the HIV status of a single man who barebacked you tonight. You took all those fuckin' loads and you begged for them." I was really scared all of a sudden, but my dick didn't go down. "All the guys are negative, aren't they?" "Every last load you begged for was poz" he said. "FUCK!" I screamed. "What the fuck were you thinking?" "What were YOU thinking?" he asked. "If you had asked any one of us we would have told you." He put his arm around me. "Now if you want, I can get you showered and get you to the hospital for a single shot of an antiviral that will block your conversion, but you can never come to this party again and you can never see us again." My dick still was hard. "Or, we can finish the job and make sure it takes. And you'll be welcome here anytime." The other men looked on. I was still fucking horny as hell. I don't know why, but I reached up and kissed him and let my weight slump into his arms. He kissed me deeply and lifted my legs. A cheer went up from the crowd. "I'm scared" I said as I felt his dick enter me. "It's okay" he whispered and kissed me. He fucked me there in the dirt, gently and sweetly. We breathed heavily and panted, but not a word was said. His breathing got jagged and I knew he was depositing his bugged-up seed inside me. I reached for my dick but he held my hand away. "That was poz load number 14, little man." "Wow" I said. "We're mostly on medicines and don't have a lot of The Bug in our cum because that's what happens over time. The door guy, though. He's freshly converted. He's got a HUGE viral load and he's your final top for the night. You WILL be positive after this. You ready?" I nodded. The stunning gorgeous guy who took the keys came towards me. He smiled and kissed me. "You'll be so glad you set yourself free from ever worrying about this shit again" he assured me. I was soon on all fours as he slid his nine inch fuckstick into my cum-lubed hole. He fucked me hard for a good five minutes. "Oh yeah! You like it?" he asked encouragingly, almost with a chipper edge in his voice. I couldn't lie. "Yeah" I grunted in reply. "Me too! Oh, fuck your hole feels so good." "Fuck yeah!" I breathed. I gave over to it, and soon he was holding onto me by the shoulders to keep from knocking me over from the force of his fucking. "Oh fuck yeah! I'm gettin' close! Want me to convert you?" "FUCK YEAH!" I roared. "OH FUCK! I'M GONNA BLOW! I'M GONNA FUCKIN' BLOW! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I'M FUCKIN' INFECTING YOU! FUCK YEAH! FUCK! FUCK!" I found myself screaming, "Fuck yeah! Fuckin infect me! Fuckin infect me! Fuckin infect me!" along with him as the Greek god unloaded in me. Simultaneously I felt my master's mouth enclose my dick and I started shooting, squirt after squirt after squirt filling his throat. The gorgeous guy collapsed onto me and we fell into the dirt. He left his dick in me. As we lay there he told me what to expect. How I didn't need to be afraid. How there would be hard days during the acute phase. Some bad reactions to medicine at first, but he told me about hot fuck sessions he'd had post-conversion, and I felt him get hard again inside me. He fucked me in the dirt for another few minutes and unloaded in me again. And again a few minutes later for a total of eighteen poz loads. I didn't think I had any more energy that Halloween night, but then my demon master told me about one more surprise he had in store for me. Finally, as dawn began to creep across the Pennsylvania sky, I began to grow tired, ready for sleep, and terrified of what I had just done: I, a college freshman, painted in red demon paint, surrounded by men in various states of demon attire, most of whom had intentionally fucking infected me with HIV. And by the end of it all I had willingly accepted it. As my head began to clear, my demon master took me into his arms and kissed me. He held me as my brain took in the enormity of what had just happened. I had WILLINGLY given up my HIV- status. Yes, they had first just worked on my naivety, but at the end of it they had told me. Bluntly. Directly. FUCK! I lay in the dirt, cum oozing from my superfucked ass. And I grew hard again for reasons I couldn't understand. My master then revealed his surprise. He led me to the shower in the basement of the adjoining house. One by one, the men who had pozzed me washed themselves, clearing away the makeup that had obscured their features. Some were pasty. Some were tan. Some were hot. Some were not, aside from their bodies. One by one, I saw the demons in their undecorated, masculine glory. Finally it was my turn. The red make up was washed off, and I was just as I had been. I kneeled there, dripping, before my master, who had showered with me. He stood over me, and I recognized him as the professor of martial arts at my school. I had registered for one of his classes. He swore me to 'fucking secrecy you fucking bitchcunt slutwhore.' I easily swore. Then, there in the leaky, rough shower in the basement of this old farmhouse, I got down on my knees and worshiped the man who had owned me. I licked his veiny cock, his shaved, muscled chest. Finally, the reality of my new life set in as he bent me over, instructed me to brace my arms against the rough stone walls of the basement, and lined up at my hole. He wasn't gentle. Frankly, he was vicious. He rammed into me. He tore me. He fucked me so hard, I almost cried, but I wanted it. I felt him tearing the flesh in my hole and my cock got hard again, bobbing jaggedly between my tired legs as I looked down. Precum dripped from my fully erect cock. Finally, makeup free, costume free, just real poz-on-neg, he warned me: "I'm ready. You want my load?" I just kept my mouth shut. I knew what a bottom was for. Without an answer from me, he just kept it up, and finally he just stiffened there in the shower, silently depositing his infectious load in me. No disguises, no pretending - just raw, man on man sex in the most base animal way. "FUCK YEAH!" I cried. "INFECT ME!" He did. After that, it took a while 'till I was ready to go see what had happened to me. I kept finding myself avoiding all the guys I had met on Halloween night, but I kept finding myself on sites like rawtop.com, thebreedingzone.com, barebackbastards.com, bugshare.net.... reading stories, fantasizing about being pozzed. All the sites were great, but thebreedingzone.com was (and still is) my favorite. The total experience was new, scary, yet exciting. What kind of fucking LUNATIC fantasized about being pozzed?!?!?!?! I tried to understand. Finally, I chatted with a guy who helped me understand. It was about FREEDOM. The freedom to FINALLY fuck without fear, because the worst fears happened and could be managed with medicine when the time came. Life wouldn't end, sex wouldn't stop... it just would get better from a lack of worry. So finally I got tested, and of course was poz. And I got myself onto the email list for the hottest fucking poz party in Pennsylvania. And you want to know the hottest fucking secret of all? Aside from the location and the specific costumes and such... a whole lot of this story is true. I got pozzed, and I loved it and I knew it was happening, and it was the last fucking thing I ever expected as it went down. Fuck yeah.
    1 point
  46. I would have done some terrible things to be the lucky dirt bag to pump his poz load in your unexperienced boy hole. Every guy here dreams of sticking there poison cock in your hole hole while you roll your eyes back in your head and enjoy it. What a good little bitch boy.
    1 point
  47. Continued... My master then turned away, and went to prepare some slams, he laid out about 8 rigs on the counter… I thought, fuck, how many fuckers are coming?! While doing this, he gave me instructions to collect a box from the garage, which I did without question. As I was walking through the house, I could see it was dawn, the sky was just turning pink… fuck, I thought to myself, it's Saturday already!… I retrieved the box from the garage and promptly returned to the playroom where he was waiting for me. "On your knees pig" he didn't give me a chance to obey, he pushed me to the floor with a single thrust. "Right, now I'm only going to tell you this once, if you don't listen to everything I say, and you step out of line because you haven't paid attention, you're gonna be fuckin sorry you worthless piece of shit" I gazed up at him, my head still spinning trying to process what he was saying, but I was so fucking high, and sore, all I could think about was his fists in my hole and that beautiful cock of his leaking precum onto the concrete. He continued "You will do exactly as I say, when I say. You will not embarrass me in front of my superiors, you will not embarrass me in front of my equals, and you sure as hell won't embarrass me in front of any other subs. You will be the lowest of the low, and you will do as you are told, whether its from me, another master or his subs… because even those fuckin pussies are Alphas. Do I make myself clear fucker?" I nodded in agreement. With that he retrieved what looked like a chain and butt plug that looked like a tail of some sort… what the fuck?… he put the chain around my neck and locked it together with a padlock. He then commanded me to get my face on the floor and ass in the air. Instantly, he ripped out the butt plug that had been in my hole, and replaced it with the puppy tail. It amazed me that I didn't even flinch, the puppy tail was a little smaller than the plug, so the piss he'd deposited earlier started leaking out and dribbling down my leg. I tried to clench my ass muscles together to secure it, but couldn't move them at all. I looked up at him, towering over me like Goliath, and he sniggered at the sight of me looking so pathetic and useless. With that, the doorbell rang. My heart started to pound again, not knowing what to expect from the others he'd invited over. "Ok pig, this is your moment to shine. Get in the dog crate, ass first" He didn't give me much time to move, I crawled over to the crate and backed myself into it. It was really a fucking tight fit, even for someone as small as me. The crate appeared to be custom made, the door was actually two doors one half hinged up, the other down. I realized that my head was sticking out of it, even though my ass was pressed up against the metal bars at the back. He started to close the door, and thats when I noted that the door was designed so that the occupants head would stick through a round opening in the door when closed. I couldn't move my head to the left or the right, and my entire body was pretty much immobile. "Don't fucking move bitch" my Master said… I couldn't help but think sarcastically, "yeah, because I have so much room to move around in this thing"… of course even when high as a kite, the true sarcastic teenager in me came out… luckily, I kept the thought internal. I could hear the front door creek open from down the hallway, there were several new voices echoing towards me, it was hard to make out how many guys there were now. They didn't come to the play room though, which I thought was odd. It seemed like they were having a good time in the house, already. I was beginning to feel left out, I could here Sir laughing and joking, I even heard him bark some orders to (presumably) another sub. I'll admit, I even think I began to feel a bit jealous of whomever he told to suck his cock. It felt like forever until I heard footsteps coming towards me from down the hallway, there was the distinct clinking of chains echoing towards me. By now I was coming down from my high and craving more meth. The door opened, and Sir walked through, I was so happy that he was back I was actually smiling… even after what he'd been doing to me! Then in walked another leather daddy, he was a lot older, about 55-60 bald with a grey beard and a huge hairy gut hanging over his leather chaps. Then behind him came the other sub being dragged through the door by a chain. He was tall, and completely hairless from head to toe, and was insanely thin… he almost looked like he was about to croak! He was completely naked except for the heavy thick metal ankle restraints that chained his feet together, and he had the same restraints around his wrists which were behind his back. The slave didn't look at me, he just kept staring at the floor. My Master looked at me "Pig! This is Master Lars, you will do WHATEVER he says, you will obey EVERY command he gives you without question. You will show the same amount of respect to him as I expect you to show me, do I make myself clear?" I could only stammer a feeble yes, my mind was once again racing… what the fuck was this pervy dirty old fucker going to do with me and his slave that looked like he belonged in a morgue? ... I should have the next part finished in a couple of days ;-)
    1 point
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