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  1. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    5 points
  2. I was bored and horny, and was just reading through some stories on Breeding Zone with the television on in the background for noise. I briefly remembered hearing that the multi-state lottery was at a large amount and was expected to make someone very rich. The thought played in the back of my mind but I sort of forgot about it as I stroked my boner to the images of the boys mentioned in the stories I was reading. I was mid-forties and in decent shape but life hadn’t been particularly good for me, I was recently unemployed again, having lost my full time job a couple years back, and been filling in with shitty part time retail jobs. I lived in a dingy apartment that had seen better days. It was a nice neighborhood when I moved in, but over the years the management companies changed, as did the nice neighbors, as they moved out in moved trash. I pretty much kept to myself, traveling out for hook-ups, occasionally going out to the clubs and bars, often just hanging around as the cover charge at the clubs was usually enough to keep me sober as, most of the time, I could only afford soda. I scanned A4A and BBRT then came across a hot ad for a cute 22 year old who was into just about everything on BBRT. I oinked him and waited, and waited then went back to cruising the ads, then back to BZ for some more hot stories. I was just about to shoot a hot load to a bug chasing story when my computer oinked in the background, indicating I had a message on BBRT. Checking my mail I found a message from him. H: Hey Daddy, thanks for the Oink, what’s up? M: Just browsing around looking at who’s on-line. H: Anyone catch your eye? M: You did. H: Thanks, I almost didn’t respond when I looked at your age, but your body got me rock hard. M: Then I guess I owe you a 'thanks'. Then BBRT advised me "This member has unlocked his pictures." H: Hope you are even more enticed with my unlocked photos. By the way I want you to know I’m not a hustler, but was wondering if you were generous. There was that question I always seemed to get from the younger crowd, wanting a free ride, a sugar daddy, a john to service. I almost ended the conversation until he continued saying: H: Daddy you still there? Daddy, I meant that I find you interesting enough that I wouldn’t mind if we became friends, not just a casual hook up. But I can’t support you. I’m still in college with two shitty retail/food service jobs, and given the distance it says we are from each other, I guess you’re in a similar boat. Our neighborhood is pretty much a slum. M: Oh so you think I live in a slum. H: That’s not what I meant, but this is certainly a lower income 'hood. Wouldn't you agree? M: Well, I guess you’re right about that. Want to meat up at S for coffee? H: Can’t do that tonight but would love to “meat up” in the morning. I checked out his unlocked picks, thinking 'Damn this kid is cute, and has a great body. I wonder if maybe he has an agenda.' M: Sure. Say about 8:00 or so. H: Sounds cool. My name is Jeremy, by the way. M: Awesome. See ya in the morning then, Jeremy. I relooked at his pictures and began wondering what I was in for, He was 6’1 about 150 pounds had blonde hair, blue eyes and a athletic looking body, looking at that sweet face and juicy cock and tight ass had me extremely hard and dripping pre-cum, but shit he was going to meet up with me in a little over 8 hours, I decided to save the cream for him if he wanted it, after all I could always jerk off to his pics after we met. I turned off the laptop and turned down the volume on my phone and went to sleep, filled with erotic dreams of Jeremy and what we could do together. The alarm went off on schedule and I was up and showered by 7, had thrown together my gym bag and tossed it into my car, going to the gym was one of those little things I struggled to get past in my current financial state, but I figured I was more hirable if I looked good and fit. Around quarter past I drove across the street to the supermarket and did some light shopping, on the way out I stopped off at the lottery machine and purchased a ticket for that night’s drawing. I arrived at the coffee shop shortly before 8 and ordered a white mocha and took a seat facing the door. Just shortly after 8 Jeremy walked in wearing black basketball shorts, a white wife beater, and an oversized hoody, zipped up about half way so that the tank top showed through revealing his muscular hairless chest, carrying a large backpack, his well-toned legs sprouted slightly darker fur, than was on his dirty blond head, he nodded in my direction then went to order himself a coffee. Upon finishing his order he came over and sat down next to me and extended his hand in greeting J: hey there, glad you could make it, I don’t remember if I caught your name on line last night or not M: oh sorry I don’t think I shared that, its Matt J: glad to make your acquaintance Matt His smile was electrifying and melted away any reservations I had about the boy. We chatted for almost an hour over our respective coffees discussing this and that and soon discovered that in spite of our 24 year age gap we had lots in common, and I soon grew very comfortable around Jeremy, almost like he was my son, As we each finished our drinks I asked him if he would like a ride home, having seen the sweat glistening on him when he had unzipped the hoody after sitting down I had concluded he had walked here, not to mention his musk was not only making me hard but he smelled great sitting so close. He accepted the offer and we headed out to my car, upon belting ourselves in I pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. I followed his directions as he led me back towards my apartment, having me pull into my drive and circle around the complex in the opposite direction I would normally take. We rounded the corner nearest his apartment and he turned to me J: you want to come in and hang for a while longer? M: sure J: you can park in any open uncovered space M: tell Ya what I’ll park in my space and walk back to your apartment J: you live here too? M: yeah and it seems not so far from you We both laughed as I parked the car, then walked to his place one building over. We entered his sparsely appointed apartment and were on top of each other as the door closed, his hoody hit the floor first as he lifted my tee shirt off. He began sucking on my quarter sized nipples shortly after we broke our kisses off, his hands found the buckle on my belt and soon I felt my jeans being lowered, having gone commando, freeing my trapped hard cock. I slid his shorts down and fondled his cock through the mesh of his jock strap his precum oozing through the fabric. We stood there groping each other and pressed against the door when Jeremy took my hand and led me to the couch where we began caressing each other anew, Jeremy not allowing me to free his cock from the Jock which was now soaked with his precum, his hard cock straining to be free J: please daddy I want to pleasure you, my release is secondary, please fuck me daddy make me your boy M: you want me to use you as my boy, breed you with my seed J: yes daddy I need you to breed me, make me yours I sank down and sucked the precum from his jock into my mouth then lifted his legs and slathered my spit and his precum on his hole, before rising to my knees and aiming my cock head towards his sphincter M: you sure you want this, there’s no going back J: yes fuck me, give me your daddy seed M: you sure you want my load blasted into your boy cunt? J: yeah daddy give me all you have to give I pushed into the unyielding pucker, but it would not open for me M: you ever been fucked before, son? J: no daddy you’ll be my first Oh my god he was a virgin and he was offering up his cherry to me, I changed my tactics a bit and began licking at his hole tongue fucking him to see if I could loosen him up. I could feel his pucker loosen some after about five minutes of probing with my tongue, I then inserted a finger and it slid in after a brief amount of resistance, I wiggled it around massaging his prostate from within. His tight ring began to yield and loosen enough to slide in a second finger, and after about five more minutes a third, I was now rubbing on that tender spot just inside of Jeremy’s sphincter his moaning beginning to fill the room, I removed my fingers from his hole and replaced it with the tip of my mushroom head, flowing with precum it quickly made the outside ring slippery and slick as I worked my head over his pucker. J: fuck me daddy, do it now M: here it cums son I pushed in as he bucked up to meet my thrust forcing the first few inches into his hole J: oh Fuck, oh Fuck, OH FUCK M: just relax and try to push out a little As he did I could feel his ring relax and I pushed another two inches up into his gut, I pulled out about an inch the slowly slipped the rest of my 7.5 inches into his rectum, he moaned as he felt my pubes on the back of his nuts tickling the taint as I ground my pelvis into his ass J: oh daddy I fill so full, now let me ride it M: mmmm so tight and pulsating around my cock As I rocked back and forth I could feel his ass muscles convulsing around my meat, like Jeremy was orgasming on my cock inside his hole I slid it out the thrust back in, the waves of muscle rippling against my organ increased and I began pumping it in and out of Jeremy faster and faster the walls massaging my cock on each pass, I soon realized I had made the boy have a anal orgasm as I continued fucking him M: I’m going to cum where you want it J: oh daddy breed my ass make me yours forever, give me your toxic seed, POZ my hole I had never discussed my status with the boy but his talk of me POZing his virgin hole just made me harder and after edging in his convulsing hole for about 15 minutes I blasted my cum deep into his bowels. I was still hard after I came so I continued to pump in and out of his flooded hole, I so enjoyed fucking a cum filled hole and then about 5 minutes later I felt the tingling in my balls again and felt the semen shooting from my cocklips again, blasting another load in his gut J: oh daddy we are now one, thanks for breeding me M: it was nice fucking you, you made me cum so hard I rolled off of the boy and we snuggled on the couch for a while before either of us could catch our breath enough to talk M: why’d you tell me to POZ your ass, we never discussed status? J: I just figured, since we meet on BBRT, you said ask me on your profile and you were willing to breed some dumb twink without even asking status or offering yours, you must be POZ M: All good assumptions but in my case wrong J: oh …, sorry hope I didn’t offend you I started laughing then pulled the boy into me and started making out with him, caressing his muscular body and getting him all excited again. M: so are you still negative? Being as you were virgin and all J: yeah I am, sorry about the POZ talk while we were fucking M: no problem, kind of got off on it actually We both began laughing together and resumed our exploration of each other’s bodies and mouths, soon he was sucking in my cock removing the ruminates from our lovemaking, his 8 inch slender cock rock hard, I couldn’t resist as I slicked it up and then climbed in his lap and impaled myself on his drooling member J: what are you doing? I’m all bottom M: you’re a top for now boy, now fuck your daddy I held my ass about three inches away from his crotch and he began thrusting upwards into my willing hole, every now and then I would raise and lower my ass a few inches to get him in me deeper, all the while I had my tongue buried in his mouth and we dueled for oral superiority, he suddenly pulled back J: oh fuck I’m going to cum M: oh yeah give me your toxic load fill me with your AIDS babies wreck my hole J: oh god I’m filling your hole with my POZ cum I ground my ass down into his groin getting as much of his twink cock buried in my ass as I could, I could fill the wetness seeping around his cock pulsing in my hole, I threw my head back and for the first time saw the photos on his bookcase besides the couch. I froze as one in the upper corner caught my eye, it was a man and a woman, the man was in a brown suit and the woman in a teal chiffon dress, it was so familiar, I blinked and went back to Jeremy kissing him passionately, now fearing the photo linked us in a way, that he was unaware of or maybe he was. Jeremy pushed me off and I got up we were both drenched in cum as I had shot again as he was cumming up inside me, blasting both our abs and almost to his neck, Jeremy grabbed my hand and led me to the shower where he tenderly washed me off then himself. J: Matt I have class in about an hour so I need to leave now, if I’m going to catch my bus M: I’ll drive you in if only to spend a little more time with you J: that’ll be great just let me get dressed and I’ll meet you out by your car. I gathered my clothes and hurriedly dressed while Jeremy got himself presentable in the bedroom, I looked at the photo again, not really believing my eyes. I exited Jeremy’s and hurried to my apartment I scrambled around and grabbed a couple dollars for gas then hurried out to the car where Jeremy was waiting for me. I unlocked the door and we both hopped in, about a mile down the road I began to ask the question that was nagging me M: the photo on your bookcase the one that looked like a professional prom photo, might I ask who they are, since it isn’t you J: oh that’s just a Photo of my mom and her boyfriend, she says it was taken when he won a portrait package in some raffle, I always suspected he was the one to knock her up with me, but she never wanted to talk about it but I always suspected. M: hmmm interesting story I dropped Jeremy off at the bus stop in front of his university then did some errands, . I had noticed a strand of dirty blond hair on the head rest in the car, about Jeremy’s color and length, I placed it in a zip lock back, I had a friend who did DNA testing to determine paternity thought this would maybe calm my nerves. it was after 2 when I got home Little did I know how much my life would change over the next 24 to 48 hours.
    2 points
  3. I guess I should mention, I’m a dealer, distributer, delinquent, deep dicking druggie. My suppliers are good, and my payment varies. When I first moved to this little Texas town, I was just happy to have my own place. Finally out of my parents place. Finally out on my own. Finally able to really pursue my entrepreneurial endeavors. I started selling when I was 15, and over the course of 4 years I’d built good solid professional relationships with the worst types of people. I knew how to run them from city to city, hide them, and just my luck I had such an innocent face, I’d never been busted for anything. Now in this do nothing town I could really be the king of my own area. But this story isn’t about how I became big, or how I dropped out of college but kept my apt only blocks away from campus. This story isn’t about having the best X, T, MJ for miles and how I sold it cheap to all the college boys and girls. This story isn’t about how I found out I was gay, or my first string of gay hook ups. This story isn’t even about how I got pozzed from all the bareback fucking I was doing. No. This story is about Leo. Leo the black haired, dark eyed. 5’9, 195 lbs, 22 year old, natural, muscle jock with an emo/skater self grown self-hatred of how much he wanted big dick up his ass. My God, If I believed in God, I would have said he was Him and worshiped that muscle ass till my dick fell off and then some. How can you describe perfection seriously? The guy looked like he walked off a porno shoot, with a face so sad and mopey that he practically begged to be used. He was huge, and hot, and the moment Jesse, my regular customer, a lil amature tweeker walked in with this hunk shuffling silently behind him. My jaw hit the floor so fast I got a nose bleed. No joke, my nose started bleeding, and sure maybe it was from the line of coke I had a few hours before, but I’d never over done myself before, I was always in control, and seeing him was a whole other story. Mind blown. I regained my composure quickly and tossed away the shirt I wearing as I used it to wipe the drops from my upper lip. I smiled to myself as it was their turn for their jaws to drop. What can I say, I was hot too. Just not Leo hot. I guess I should also let you know that about me. My grindr profile says 5’11 160 Latino Muscular single Jock Tribe. I was toned and slim with good rounded muscles in all the right place just proportionate to my lean frame. Tall, lankey, muscley and just slight peach fuzz of hair in all the right places. I was 27 and could pass for 23 and my swimmer/runner/biker jock frame, yes druggies can also be athletes, have you never heard of Lance Armstrong?, made even the straight boys think twice about their sexuality. You can verify it with some of my straight customers. I made a point to play off my nose bleed as just me taking off my shirt and it seemed like it worked just enough, or maybe the two boys were just taken aback by my sudden strip show, either way, They were fresh out the gym and I was ready to give Leo a whole different type of workout. “Hey sorry about Leo, he just tagged along but he’s cool” Jesse spoke up . It was also the first time I learned Leo’s name. Jesse was a slim tall boy with no muscle, me at 18, with a nice firm bubble butt, not me at 18, and the face of cute little puppy dog, and I still got mine, and yes, I’ve fucked his hole since his freshman year, put so much toxic jizz up his little pussy, made hims scream in high heaven pleasure and pain, turned him into a total cum dump, and helped him through all his latent daddy issues. Basically, the boy be my bitch. He’s working on his master’s in psychology and I could tell he’d been working out, which was the whole reason I invited him over. I wanted to try out the updates on his goodies. From the look of his whining face, I could tell he was kind of hoping the exact same thing, but Leo ironically enough cock blocked us both for totally different reasons. I had Jesse’s bag of MJ all ready to go, and handed it to him with a shrug, and nod at Leo. He nodded back, and unconsciously an evil little smirk crossed my mind. “Gay, Straight, Bi, or you don’t know.” I asked bluntly. I couldn’t remember if the drugs turned off my filter or this was just my natural persona. Leo was taken aback and blinked so fast you’d have thought I slapped him. My evil grin turned into a smile. “Fuck you.” He said and a stupid smile broke out across his face. I smiled back, so I’ll take that as gay gay gay, I thought. “I don’t have any money…” Jesse broke in. Honestly, I had kind of forgotten he was even there. “You know what that means.” I replied moving my eyes slowly back to him from Leo. Jesse broke out in a little giggle and Leo looked at him awkwardly. “You smoke?” I asked him. “Yeah…” He replied knowing that there was something missing in the conversation. Just not knowing that is was my dick up his cunt. “Well lets smoke. Shut the fucking door” I said bluntly again. Jesse instinctively walked to the living room sat on the couch and start rolling up papers. Leo and I looked at each other for a while. I picked up my joint, lit it, inhaled and passed it to him. He took it and did the same. Jesse was right, he was cool. I waved him to living room sitting in a large chair while he took a seat on the couch between Jesse and me. He took another puff of the joint and passed it back to me right before breaking out coughing. I smiled more. As the joint ran out, I lit up a bowl of Jesse’s still unpaid for bag, and passed it around, letting my lips lick around the tip of the pipe as Leo passed it to me, trying to taste his lips off the pipe itself. The high was setting in I could see Leo’s face smiling idiotically and Jesse was in his own little world, looking hungry and begging. I guess now was as good a time as any. I patted my hand on my crotch and Jesse crawled off the couch slowly eyes half open n red and began rubbing his face in my sweat pants mouth open and drooling. I looked up and saw Leo staring while high little Jesse was trying to suck my dick out of my pants. His mouth was open eyes fixed on what he was seeing. Jesse was moaning and drooling a nice wet stain around my cock till finally I push my pants down and let my fat dick slap him in the face. I was only 7 maybe 7.5 inches but the thickness is what got guys. I couldn’t tell you how many inches around it was, but just hold a beer can, its thicker than that without question. My eyes were fixed on Leo as he was fixed on my cock. His eyes were wide, as so many other guys found out before him, my dick was not one to be sucked. My cock was for opening up sweet boy holes. Jesse drooled and licked and stuffed his face, till he looked up and saw me looking at Leo and Leo looking at him. Jesse switched gears and crawled to Leo, He unbuttoned Leo’s pants, and then it was my turn to be surprised. He was sporting a beautiful 8 inch buttfucking pole. Jesse nearly squealed with delight as he swallowed Leo whole causing Leo’s head to fall back and a soft moan escaped his lips. My cock began to drip as I stroked watching Leo receive Jesse’s amazing head. Jesse drooled and slobbered and moaned over and over sucking in Leo’s cock as if he was trying to use it to breath. Leo’s hips began to buck into Jesse’s throat as he was losing control to pleasure and high. His eyes shut as his bucking was getting rougher and rougher then suddenly he opened his eyes and looked directly at me stroking my dick. “I’m gonnacum!” he announced looking right at me. “Cum.” I said softly returning his stare and without breaking eye contact, he shuddered shivered and filled Jesse’s mouth with cum. I nearly came myself. Jesse had just pulled off his cock, when Leo stood up, pulled his gym short up, adjusted himself and made for the door. “I got to go” he said, and without waiting for a response he left. I looked at Jesse who looked just as confused as I was, but I was also pissed. I walked to door locked it and looked at Jesse, “Bedroom. Now.” I said and he crawled to the room, tossing clothes off as he went. When he reached the bed he bent over the side and with out a word, I spit in my hand and shoved my unlubed cock at his hole. He screamed, “DADDY! SLOWLY PLZ!” “FUCK THAT!” I responded. I was pissed, at Leo, at myself. “Fuck slowly!” I pushed my cock at his hole again, it began to open. The familiar hole knew what was coming and was trying to catch up. I pulled out spit on his hole, onmy cock head and pushed again. This time Jesse’s twink hole gripped my cock and he screamed again. I began to shove my cock into the warmth of his ass shoving open the walls of his ass as he screamed into the sheets biting them grabbing ahead trying to pull his body off the side of the bed away from me. I pulled back a bit and saw red on my cock. Fuck it. I thought I spit down where my cock lay on his hole and shoved again not stopping for his screaming for his hole till my balls reached his ass. Usually Jesse was much higher when I abused him like this. And his hole had already had my cock at least once that hour. I just wasn’t in the mood today. I gripped his hips and slammed his hole again and again while he screamed and tried to run. After what felt like only a few minutes to me, I pulled out and could see my cock was covered with pink and redcream. As I flipped him over his eyes were tear streaked. “You want lube.” I asked grabbing the T laced lube. He nodded vigorously while sucking in the tears. “Do you want me to stop?” I asked He shook his head vigorously now and opened his legs and ass. I couldn’t help but lean in a kiss him. Despite it all, he still loved it. As my tongue pushed into his mouth, I pushed 3 fingers and a large glob of laced lube in his hole. He let out a dull but strong noise into my mouth on my tongue as I worked the lube and the fingers in on him, and I kept my mouth on him while I applied a second serving, and by the end of it his moaning softened head rolled back and I pushed my cock back into him. He gasped and moaned, “ Ohhhhhhhhddaaaady.” I fucked him steadly popping his hole again and again, and all he could do was repeat his mantra, “Ohhhhhhhhdaddy” I couldn’t cum. All I could think about was Leo. I smoked and fucked Jesse’s hole all afternoon, night into the next morning till I couldn’t stand it anymore. Jesse’s hole was a gaping train station that could park a ford focus and by the end of it I still couldn’t cum. Jesse lay now on the floor breathing, and had stopped making sounds shortly after 3am. It was noon now and he just lay there. Slowly his legs came down as I left to kitchen and when I came back he was still laying there. I lit up a joint and told him I was going to the gym. I called a buddy of mine to come to the house and watch him while I was out. I came back a little after 5, and heard sex noises going on when I got to my front door. My buddy and another mutual friend of ours were in the middle of plowing Jesse from both ends, when my friend looked up I couldn’t help but notice he looked bored. “What the fuck you do to this guy.” He asked, “His hole is a fucking cave.” I couldn’t help but smile, “Same thing I’ll do to you if you don’t get the fuck out of my house. Take him too” The dressed up and helped carry Jesse out of my house. I wish I could say this was the first time this had happened, but Jesse was a tweaker at heart, and trips to my house usually ended this way for him. I’m sure I’d see him again in a month or two...then after a moment remembering the night before, maybe three.
    2 points
  4. Well I gave SBN a go; not like I expected at all. Door and bar staff really friendly and that always sets a good vibe. The guys seemed to go at it from the start, and there was a pretty good mix of types. However the eye candy factor was high: normally when I'm in a bar I'm usually the more forward type of punter, especially if I want a raw fuck and there are lots of bottoms around. Here, it seemed the opposite with a few bottoms outnumbered by far more tops, and it was pretty hard to get near them. Highlight was a hot tatted muscle guy being banged raw on the table in front of the bar with a spoltlight on them, my kind of place. I even heard a top apologising for wanting a condom and the bottom was, "hey no problem". Will go back. but might just take my gym routine a bit more attention though.
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  5. PART SIX Looking up at Sam as he was inside me felt absolutely amazing. I'd been wanting him ever since we'd taken the E but my feelings had only intensified after he'd fingered me. My ass was desperate for cock ever since then. I loved Sam for awakening these feelings inside me and for his massive cock but for some reason I knew I'd need more. The deeper his cock went inside me, the more I needed. The initial romance was gone, I wanted to just be an ass for his cock, any cock to use. I completely lost track of time while we were fucking, but I wanted it to last as long as possible so his cock stayed inside me. Whenever I felt he was close to cumming, I'd suggest we change positions, partially so he could "cool down", but also so I could taste my ass on his cock. It had always been a massive turn-on for me watching Jessie lick my cock clean after I'd been in her pussy and I wanted to do the same thing for my man. "Babe, please let me cum inside you" Sam pleaded with me. I couldn't help but smile cheekily back at him, "I love it when my man begs." I replied. "How do you want me?" "Get on all fours" and I eagerly got myself into position. He pulled me to the edge of the bed so he could stand up and pound my hole. As he was getting behind me, he slapped my ass a couple of times. I couldn't help but moan as he did it, it felt so good. I was so excited when I felt his big, strong hands on my hips. My hole was gonna be totally used and pounded for this man's pleasure, like any good slut's should. I clamped my ass round his duck as tight as I could while he drove his cock deep inside me. "God I love your ass babe" Sam groaned "Give me your load babe" I panted, "You know I'm your bitch". I knew I was saying it to Sam, but it didn't really matter to me who was fucking me, I'd become a total whore and needed cock and cum. I felt his cock tense up and it wasn't long before I felt that warm rush inside my ass once more. Sam pulled me back onto his cock to fill me right up again, how I loved that feeling of him being balls deep inside me as I took the last of his seed! I continued to work my ass, doing my best to milk him dry in my hole. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I'd have to wait before I had another cock inside me. I needed more. I eased myself off his cock and started licking him clean, savouring his cum. His cock had tasted a little different this session but I enjoyed it so much I didn't care. It must have been that he'd used lube this time. "How long babe?" I asked between tonguing his cock head. "It's gonna be a while" Sam replied "You've taken a lot out of me" "Ohhhhhh..." I pouted. "I need more" "Well, the MC did give me his number when he gave me the pills. I know you didn't really like...." "YES!!!" I interrupted. "I'd love a threesome with him" Sam called him and asked if he was interested. He was almost as quick to agree as I was. We asked for his address and it turned out he only lived a couple of blocks from my place! "Let's just meet him at my place and we can fuck like crazy there." I said "But are you sure?" Sam asked. "It's not too weird?" I lay on my back scooping up and swallowing Sam's (unknown to me) tina-laced cum into my mouth as it dribbled out of me. "Not at all, what's weird about it?" END OF PART SIX
    2 points
  6. Recently I started talking w/ an old fuckbud again. By old I mean we haven't played since I got into a serious relationship. Well Sunday I was horny and decided to hit up my bud. BF was away for most of the day so figured I might as well get my hole filled! FB came over and it was like nothing had changed really! He walked in as I was on all 4's in my jockstrap w/ a nicely lubed hole. Started to go to town on my tight hole. Right as he was getting close to coming I heard the door open and the bf coming home early. I was midly concerned seeings how we have an open relationship but just like to keep eachother informed...and well, this was a bit more spontaneous. He came into the bedroom, saw what was happening and just proceeded to watch and wait for it all to finish. I tried to pull his dick out to suck it but he wasn't having any of it and I started to get worried. The FB finally blows his load up my ass and immediately the boyfriend tells the fuckbud to get on all 4's and lube up his ass! A little perplexed, he went with it and my bf proceeds to pound the living fuck out of his ass. Both were moaning so loud and I was lucky enough to get to watch it all! Finally, I start begging for my bf's cock b/c I want some of the pounding too and he simply says "you already got yours so now you have to watch!" He proceeds to breed the fuckbud and then pull his cock out and looks at me and says "there now you can clean it off" which I was happy to do! He then kicks the fuckbud out and doesn't allow me to change or anything until later that evening (after he gave me another fucking of course).
    2 points
  7. Multiple ass breeding http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=MxRL6-G194-#.VOILNeasUTA
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  8. Next chapter will be posted tomorrow. Glad you guys like where it's going! Any bets that both boys wind up leaking POZ seed?
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  9. Chapter II. Adam proposed that the five of us go back to his studio and get some photos taken. Danny and Sam were all up for it, especially since it seemed likely that they’d get to play with Adam. Three POZ cocks and the two of us seemed risky, but I knew and trusted Danny and Sam. After all, they could have stealthed us the last time we had all played together, and they knew Adam; I wondered how well they really knew him, since they didn’t seem to know that he was also POZ. My boy looked at me as if to say, ‘let’s do this now! I’m horny!’ I nodded assent, and we got the check. Adam had had less to drink, so he volunteered to drive Danny’s car. I sat in the front, with my boy tightly sandwiched between Danny and Sam. Of course, the three of them were making out as soon as Adam pulled out of the parking lot. By the time we had reached Adam’s studio, Danny and Sam were taking turns swallowing my boy’s cock. My boy didn’t even bother to pull his pants all the way up as they stumbled into the studio. Adam led us to a velvet couch in the middle of a big room. The four of us sat there as he switched on lights and got his equipment and camera together. ‘You four want to play as a group or as two couples?’ Sam suggested we do both. My boy and I made out as Adam snapped away. The sound of the camera’s shutter clicking was totally turning me on as I helped my boy slip out of his clothes. Danny and Sam stood over by Adam suggesting poses and camera angles. By the time my boy and I were naked, hard, and dripping, Danny and Sam were ready to switch places. My boy and I got off the sofa and the other guys took our place. They made out as they tore each others clothes off. They were 69ing on the cushions when Adam suggested we join in. My boy and I knelt in front of the sofa as Danny guided my mouth to his cock, and Sam guided my boy to his. We blew them for a few minutes and then Danny and Sam went down on us. God, those POZ fuckers both gave great head. Just then, Sam’s phone started ringing. I was shocked when he popped up off my cock and walked across to his pile of clothes and answered. From the look and sound of things, it was a work call. He needed to go help his boss out of a sticky situation at some country club. Danny looked annoyed, but agreed to head over there with him as Sam was still pretty drunk. They got dressed and headed out. I walked them to the car thanking them for a good time, and for agreeing to still play with me and my boy on safer terms. They both gave me a big hug then hopped in the car, planning to come back and pick us up to drive us back to our car as soon as they were finished. When I got back inside, Adam was standing next to the couch, his shirt now untucked, more or less hiding his crotch. I had noticed before that he must have been getting hard as he photographed the four of us fooling around. My boy was grinning as he posed leaned over the couch, fingering his ass, which was already shiny with lube or something. Adam had me take my clothes off again and stand beside the couch so my boy could blow me. After a few minutes, I really had to piss so I backed away and left the studio, heading down the hall as Adam directed. When I came back a few minutes later, Adam was sitting on the sofa next to my boy’s upturned ass, which seemed totally wet. My boy was pulling his cheeks apart exposing his hole as Adam took some closeups of his winking pucker. It dawned on me that his ass would have only gotten that wet if Adam had been eating him out. I figured that was fine with me. We both knew he was POZ, which meant that if it came to fucking, he’d have to bag up. Adam smiled at me and excused himself to go to the bathroom too. He shirt was still untucked, but I could see a dark spot that must have been precum. I figured he must have been turned on to soak through his pants and his shirt! Alone with my boy, I asked if Adam had been playing with his ass. He confessed, kind of guilty. I told him it was totally fine, and reminded him how much it turned me on to watch him give himself to other guys. ‘Adam doesn’t play safe,’ was all he said. I figured, whatever, then I’ll be the only guy fucking my boy today, but it dawned on me that they must have talked about fucking when I was out of the room. I wondered how much farther my boy would let things go if I found an excuse to leave the room. Adam came back but this time had lost his shirt. Fuck, he had a hot body. Spreading across his massive right pec was a biohazard tattoo. My boy and I both knew what that meant, and I could see my boy drool. Adam picked up his camera again and had me get on my knees. My boy spun around, ass upturned. Adam got on the sofa behind him as he shot my boy deep throating me. Adam nudged himself closer and closer to my boy’s prone ass. I could see he was hard as he pressed against my boy’s ass. My boy clearly liked it as he pushed back. Adam kept dry-humping him as my boy slobbered all over my dick. I looked up to see the tip of Adam’s glistening cock peeking out over the waist of his jeans. A nice uncut helmet oozing POZ precum. I thought that might be the moment to excuse myself, wanting to see how badly my boy wanted this POZ hunk to fuck him. I so desperately wanted to see his hole leaking cum again that it was starting to not bother me if it was POZ cum or not! To be continued…
    2 points
  10. My hard thick wet cock was slipping in and out of his hole like a soft velvet glove over my shaft. It gripped my cock with strong muscled cheeks but opened happily to take the full length and girth massaging my rod covered with special lube and toxic cum. I watched as muscle boy leo arched his back up then curved it down, his face pressed against the bed In high hog heaven groaning in rhythmic gasps as his back and hips moved repeating his catch phrase of the night. “fuckme, fuckme, fuckme” I ran my hands over his wet sweaty smooth ass spread wide but tight for my cock watching it flex as I ran my greasy hands up the small of his back and I followed the curves of his hard muscles up the stud’s back leaning over him, and I began massaging his shoulders right as I began laying my pipe deep inside grinding my balls over his ass forcing him to put his chin to the bed looking forward mouth wide in a silent breathy moan, “ oooooooooofuck” This was heaven. I pulled out and flipped him over running my hands all over his hard body, muscle that had been built from years of training and dedication and I decided all his years of building his slim small frame to this muscled V-shaped ripped stud was in preparation for this moment. For this night. He built himself up to look this amazing so when I broke him, he’d be that much more beautiful broken and lost on my dick moaning for me. He gripped his legs behind his knees pulling them back. Leo’s eyes were glazed but hungry still high and horny and hard. My dick pressed against his hole and as I began to sink in his head fell back rested on the headboard and I dove on his neck licking biting and sucking down to his traps and flicking his nipples all the while slipping myself and in and out of him. I could feel his pulse wrapped around my dick. His breathing was making his ass walls shake as he inhaled quivering and I sunk myself backinto him again and again lost with his hands on my back. As the fuck fest continued though, my high was dropping and I knew what I wanted more than anything now was to push this muscle boy’s limits even further. Filling him up with my toxic juice was just the beginning. I licked his thick neck and lips as I pulled out of him. He made a low sound which part whine part growl as I climbed off the bed. His hands reached for his hole feeling it stretched and wet and raw. Cum began to drip out as the lil cum dump had probably never figured out how to hold it in without a cock pushing it back into him. Leaning over him from the bedside I kissed him deep and he made the whining growl again, “fuck me” he said. “You want more cock baby?” His eyes shut as if the word cock pushed him into a fuck dream, and he nodded hard. “I’m gonna get you some nice big cock, “ As I reached between his legs palming his blinking cum hole. Making him touch himself and shudder, “ and we’re gonna fuck you up really good baby fill you up with cum.” He whined and shook his ass over on my hand nodding. I went to the closet and pulled out a small orange buttplug. Reaching between his legs again I shoved it at his hole which stretched going over the thicked part till the stopper parked over his hole holding the remaining jizz in him, and he wiggled and moaned feeling the stopper against his ass with his hands in amazement squeezing the plug. I could only hope his strong glutes didn’t completely destroy the thing. I got my phone, dialed a number and hung my dick near leo’s face which he immediately took into his mouth moaning thankful. Jamal answered. “Where you at boss” “Busy, how are things” “Full swing here good turn out” which I could already tell from the background noise. “Are Tall and Sam there?” “Yeah there around,” I couldn’t help but smile looking at Leo suckling on my cock and my mind racing. I gave Jamal instructions to pass to Tall and Sam and hung up. I moved Leo’s head to the side of the bed so it hung off, and started feeding him my cock and rubbing it all over his face while running my hands over his body greased with sweat some lube and evidence of fucking. Tall and Sam were good friends of mine. Two married guys who found they liked to get high and fuck around. Tall was, well he was 6’5 and a ginger in his mid 30s. He was a swat officer and was nicely thick all around not nearly as ripped as me or leo but very muscular, and if that wasn’t hot enough, he swung a thick 9.5 inch dick that made him a sex god. Sam was Latino, shorter at 5’6 was a lot more wolf-like than myself or Tall, but his 8.5 was as thick as me and what he lacked in muscles and tone he made up with sheer force, masculine attitude and beast like bed manner. He was a construction worker 4 kids, 3 of whom were with different families and when he and Tall met each other 3 years ago at one of my parties, they put one boy in a hospital with a serious ass tearing. I suddenly heard gurgling and pushing back, which is when I realized I was choking leo, and I quickly pulled off and he heaved water spit all over himself before collapsing completely red n blue trying to breath. I gave him a few minutes to catch his breath while I unlocked the door and left a note on the handle with Tall and Sam’s name which said its open come in. When I got back, Leo had pushed out the butt plug and was obviously just about to start a small freak out. He looked at me and tried to say something but I quickly mounted him face first pushing my tongue down his throat and forcing my cock into his hole fucking him to keep him quiet. Well quiet in some senses anyway. He seemed resigned to let me work on him a little more enjoying the anal pleasure. I fucked him slowly letting his hole get use to opening again. I licked his hard nipples and slowly deep dicked him again and again till after what seemed like an eternity I heard two laughing voices and in the mirror saw Tall and Sam walk through the bed room door. They fell silent when they walked in. They like I had before were taking in the view of Leo for the first time and when they finally found their voices they only said in unison, “Fuck…” As they began to disrobe Leo’s eyes were wide, he was nervous still high and unsure of everything. But before he could voice any concerns, there was Tall kneeling over him with his giant fuck stick. Leo looked at me, then at the fuck stick then at Tall, and Tall just smiled one of his country man southern comfort smiles. “Come on son. “ Leo smiled and took Tall into his mouth. I turned around and saw Sam holding a little bag of goodies from the party. I leaned over Leo as he sucked Tall and whispered in his ear, I’ll be right back, Tall will take good care of you. I pulled out and Leo was breathing hard as Tall climbed between his legs. “Goddamn boy.” Was all I heard Tall say before I heard Leo scream. I turned back from taking the baggie from Sam to watch Tall push hard balls deep into Leo. He pulled out and then dived back in again making Leo scream a second time. And so the fun began. I grabbed the baggie and walked to the restroom humming to the beat of Leo screaming. “AHHH…AHHHHH…AHHHHH. ..AHHHH…AHHHH..AHHHH” It was steady and constant in time with the sounds of balls slapping ass. When I walked back in, Tall was on his knees lifting leo’s muscular legs by the hips on to hip letting him twist to try and run only to pull him back down on his massively big cock. I took out a bottle of poppers and got right behind Leo tilting his head up. Tall took a moment to stop the movement as the bottle was put right under Leo’s nostril. “Breath” I whispered while pushing the bottle up on him. He sniffed deeply. Then a second time in threw the other nostril. “ohhhhhhhhhhh” He breathed out after a moment. I looked at Tall and we both smiled. He placed Leo’s ankles on his shoulders leaned over him and began his real fucking. Music to me ears: “OH GOD OH GOAWD OFUCKGODMEFUCK.” “Fuck Yea” “OHGOAWD” “FUCKING LOVE THAT PUSSY” “FUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKK” “YYYYYYYYEEAAAAHHH!!” Sam walked over to me stroking his thick cock. “Damn…where the fuck did u find this guy” I just smiled and shrugged and pulled on his dick. He walked up to Tall and tapped him on the shoulder making Tall pause and look over already starting to break a sweat. “Sorry” He smiled “ I got a little excited” Leo was opening the bottle of poppers and taking a big hit while Sam was already tapping his ass asking him to flip on his stomach. I winked at Sam as he took a fresh mix of lube Id made from what he brought from the party. He applied it to three of his thick digits and shoved them hard into Leo’s butt. Leo cried out from the assault and quickly took more poppers hard and deep. “That’s right boy” Sam edged while he added more laced lube into Leo’s butthole. “You take big fucking hits of those poppers, if you know what’s good for you. “ Both Tall and I sat back, we loved to watch same work. Leo was laying on his stomach as Sam started to shove his thick dick into him. Leo moaned/screamed as the girth pressed his ass open again. “YYYYYYEEEEEEAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Sam exclaimed as he finally hit balls deep, and then began to really fuck. Beastly fuck. He slammed his cock into Leo hard. The bed was moving forward and back with each thrust. He grabbed Leo’s hair and pulled hit back forcing his back to arch and fucked into him, and he was relentless. When Leo tried to get up and move from the on slaught, as all the boys eventually try to do when Sam really get’s going, Sam just grabbed the sides of Leo’s hips and started fucking him like a dog smashing him again and again hard and ass slapping roughly sweaty greasy till finally Leo started coughing/screaming and then, “I’M CUMMMINNNGGGGGG!” Leo sprayed the sheets and himself with cum. Sam pulled out as Leo fell over to his side. Cum literally fucked out of him, heaving and gasping for air. He looked beautiful. I climbed back on him and continued fucking him. Then Tall. Then Sam. Then Me. We fucked and fucked and fucked, and then, Leo’s hole was so open we were ready to take it to the next level. Leo was riding on top Tall reverse cowgirl style when I climbed between his legs, and positioned my cock right up against his hole already filled with tall. It was so lubed up with cum and etcetera, but even then as I tried to push nothing happened. Leo was looking at me for the first time in two hours, and I put his nipple in my mouth and felt his hole slowly start to give way. He was screaming. I felt Talls cock being squeezed against my invading cock to saddle up right next to his. We all three started yelling too until finally it opened and I ripped through his hole and Tall and I began fucking like a piston into Leo.Then Tall and Sam doublt fucked him. So it went on till Sam and I double fucked him. After that Leo’s hole was so open and raw I’m pretty sure I could have fit my whole arm inside him. Not gonna lie that I didn’t want to try but I was so beat. Sam left first having cum twice and once at the party. Tall stuck around and after a while it was like he was making love to Leo until finally his dick went limp, possibly because Leo had passed out and it wasn’t fun for him anymore, and he left. I looked on at leo and simply rolled a joint and smoked, till I finally passed out in my arm chair. Every hour or so, I’d open my eyes and see Leo still laying there so broken, sticky and wet, and I’d just smile and drift back off to sleep.
    2 points
  11. He was standing in my living room. Twenty two years old , five foot nine 195 pounds of beautiful defined pale light skin smooth latino muscle, yes my boner was instant. He looked around the room as I had shut the door pretending not to notice the buldge growing down my leg. “So I got 10 bucks” He said nonchalantly pulling out the bill. “I figure a dime bag of whatever we had last time. It was pretty awesome shit.” “I’m kinda out of that bro.” I said walking right passed him into my bed room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my pipe and a little baggie of T and let the time beat. Finally I heard him walking down the hallway after me. Leo was hot but maybe slow. He finally opened my bedroom door saw me laying on the bed fiddling with the pipe. “So you don’t have weed?” He said. Standing in my doorway tiny waist but hunky shoulders and chest even his nipples were pointing at me through his black Oakley Tshirt. I couldn’t help myself, I licked my lips a little. “This is all I got till next week.” I said throwing the little baggie of tina on the bed. He looked at it and looked at me. “Ten dollars an’t gonna cover it though.” I continued on. “Oh.” He said finally looking around my bed room. Kingsize bed. Big screen TV. Mirror on the Ceiling and closet by the bed had a mirror door. “That’s cool. I’ll come back next week.” He said but didn’t move from the doorway. “Get in here Leo.” I said I was already stripping him with my eyes. “You’re a cool guy. I’ll give you a free pass this time. Smoke with me.” He paused and looked at the bag. “I don’t know how to smoke that” he finally said. I patted the bed and set up the bowl. “I’ll show you.” I lit up the bowl and took a hit, I made sure to only take a small one. I wanted him to enjoy more of it. Then I held the bowl for him while he put his soft little pink lips on the pipe. I saw his lips on the pipe and all I could think about was fucking his face with his head hanging off the side of the bed while my big balls slapped his eyes. I lit the bowl for him and once there was a big cloud of white I instructed him to in hale. He took it and broke out coughing loudly almost falling back. “That tastes like shit!” He said coughing in between every syllable. I opened a half opened bottle of Gatorade and handed it to him . he sipped it while trying to control his coughing and I took another small hit smiling. I watched as he sipped the Gatorade and wondered how much G was still in it. I pointed the pipe to him again and he put his lips to it and took another decent hit. I put the pipe down and looked at him while he coughed and sipped and watched with my blood pumping the high could not hit him fast enough for me. I got up and walked to my closet stripping off my shirt. Using the mirror I saw his eyes look at me. I saw him lick his lips just a bit before taking another sip. “Take another hit man. “ I’m just gonna change. He looked at the pipe and fumbled with it for awhile while he lit up another hit and I pretended to be looking for a new shirt. When he breathed it out I took off my shorts and underwear off in one swoop and turned around. I was sporting my full hard on. I walked over grabbed the pipe from him and layed down. “What the fuck man” He kinda gasped. “What?” I said like nothingwas happening. “ You already seen me naked bro. it whatever.” I grabbed the remote for the tv and turned on the gay bareback porn that was playing before I left this morning to set up the party . He turned from me and started watching. “Hey Leo?” I finally asked. “Sup” He said slowly without turning from the screen. “You like my cock?” He laughed and turned. “Yeah…It’s nice” “Then suck me off a little bro.” He looked at me and then at my raging hardon. As if trying to think, but the thoughts kept running away from him. Then he climbed over and layed down between my legs, grabbed my cock with both hands, and put the head in his mouth. ‘ohmmmmmmmm” was the only sound he made. “Oh. My. God.” Was all I said. He started to jack my pozz dick into his mouth licking the head having his tounge swirl the fat mushroom head I watched as histight body made his tight clothes move and I couldn’t help it, I start pulling his clothes off. He threw off his shirt, and I laughed a little. He was perfect. Smooth big defined chest, strong abs, pink nipples. I grabbed his dark black hair and pulled him toward me shoving my tongue down his throat. When his tounge pushed back on mine, I started pulling at his belt nearly tearing off his jeans. He shuffled out of them and his boxers and I grabbed his head again and led his high as fuck face back to my cock and started to feed the muscle boy. “Oh my God.” I looked at his ass. Just light small hair practically smooth and so big and muscled I grabbed both cheeks in both hands and he pushed back and moaned. The muscle boy moaned. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed him and got him on his back and licked down his torso. “This is so fucking intense.” He moaned. As I sucked on his nipple, I moved my dripping pozz cock near his hole rubbing and pressing on it. “fuuuck bro that’s hot.” I started to press on it, when he pushed back “Condom bro…”He muttered. Obviously there was not enough G in the Gatorade and I almost instantly felt myself softening. Fuck that shit!!! I nodded but said nothing and passed him the pipe. He lit up as I searched around the closet and pulled out a bottle of lube laced with T. He blew out a fresh hit, and went down on him sucking on his balls. “I’m gonna open you up.” I said as I lubed up a finger and started pushing it toward his hole. He nodded and moaned when my first digit invaded his hole filling his hole with a special mix I put together. “I burns…” He said after a few seconds, but he didn’t stop me. I got a second glob and shoved it in his hole. He winced, but I could feel his hole relaxing. I was looking at him when his mouth started to hangopen and his eyes started to glaze over and I shoved in three fingers now massaging the burning lube into the walls of his ass. He was breathing hard and staring at me with he mouth hanging open a loss for words. Only light soft sounds and tiny grunts were escaping his open mouth as my digits worked tip to knuckle in and out of his hole and my tongue pushed back into his through . his eyes never shut until finally I pulled my fingers from his hole completely. When he opened them, his eyes were in shock. “No,” He whined “ put ur fingers back in. Its amazing” His speech was slurred and slow. “you want something up your ass?” I asked. “Fuck ….yessss…” he said “How bout my raw cock? You want that up your ass?”I started to rub my death stick on his hole. He grabbed his giant legs in answer and was pulling them back. “Fuckkkkkk….” He responded “I said, ‘ Do you want my raw cock in your ass’?” He nodded slow and hard “Yes!” I lined up my cock with his hole and started applying pressure to his lubed up tina filled hole. “You gotta open that hole up for me Leo.” “Fuuuuuuuck:” He moaned as the pressure and lube began to make slow room for his hole. Then our eyes locked and his mouth and eyes opened wide as my head slowly sank into his hole. I pulled back for only a second then pushed forward again, and his hole began to accept the slide going just deeper and deeper. “FFUUUUUCKKKKKKKK.” He said eyes wide mouth wide starting back at me. I could feel the walls of his ass stretching hard to accommodate my penetration. He was breathing so hard and fast starting at me as I slide back and forth opening and pushing further slowly and steadily he started making sounds like animal gasping when my cock was now stretching his hole still half of my cock trying to bury itself inside the muscular walls of his neg muscle boy cunt. And the tightness!!! He was squeezing his hole and ass so hard it was choking my cock but I was so hard and thick it felt like a glove stroking my uncut thickness in him . as the balls finally grazed his ass, he through his head back eyes open at the mirror above watching himself be impaled mouth wide open breathing hard and making sounds and finally uttering the only word he could: “FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK” I looked up and saw my muscle boy. My leo in the mirror muscles and veins glistening so young and clean and neg. So smooth and hard and neg. So young and tight and so about to be filled with pozz cum until my dick falls off. I fell on him throwing my arms under his legs, getting up on the balls of my feet and started to fuck. I licked his neck as his arms grabbed my back and thrust my hips into him again and again, feeling him squeeze his hole tighter only made me want to break him harder. I smash him to his own instruction. “OH MYGAWD” He yelled “FUCKMEFUCK. AWHAWHAWHHHHHAWHAWHAWHAWHHHH…fuuuuuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. AHHHHHH. OH…FUCK…FUCK…ME. FUCK FUCK FUCK. OHMYAWD. Fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk.” Sweat started to drip off of me, and I pulled up wiped my self and started thrusting forward while holding his ankles watching his muscles tense and move and then I felt his hole start to loosen. Slowly at first, it was open, but then it adjusted to my assault and I could pull out completely for the first time and then push back in balls deep. Leo threw his head forward while I did this from tip to base and back again looking at my cock going into him in the mirror. He tilted his head while screaming religious hymns to my dick watching it disappear into his hole. “Ohhhhmaaagawwwd” He said when he pulled his gaze from the mirror watching him fuck . “You like that daddy dick leo?” First words I’d said for awhle. “Fuck yes daddy!” he yelled “You want that daddy cum” “Fuck yess!!” I went balls deep and thrusted deeply from there quickly and repeatedly till I felt my balls boil. He was loosing his mind from the deep dicking I was giving him I yelled: “You like that fucking pozz cock in your hole” His eyes were wide. Mouth open. Breathing hard. “You want my dirty pozz daddy cum in your hole!? He was taking my deep dicking, His face scrunched up. “FUCK YES I WANT UR CUM IN MY ASS!” I pulled his legs apart pushed as deep as I could go and began to unload rope for rope of pozz dirty cum into his neg hole. He moaned and groaned while I continued to push my cum into him again and again till my dick finally softened and I pulled out. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”He whined and flipped over on his knees and hands.”Fuck me!” He pushed his ass back and arched his back. “Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!” He was begging and I hardened instantly. I climbed behind him and slipped my dick into his blinking hole and he moaned and whined and dropped his chest to the floor “Fuck meeeeefuuuuuck meeeeeee fuuuckk meee!” he was nearly crying. I fucked on, slapping his ass. “Who does this ass belong to?!” “You daddy!” “Who does this ass belong to?!” “It’s yours daddy!!!” “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU BELONG TO!!!” “All yours daddy its all yours. I’m all yours! FUUUUCKME!!!” “ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH” I began slamming the muscle boy primally smashing balls against ass while he yelled and begged in sheets and all that could be heard aside from the sound so slapping flesh on flesh and moaning and groaning, and me slapping his ass was him saying: “FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKMMEEEEEE!!!” at the top of his lungs till I blew a second load of thick creamy pozz juice into his neg smooth muscle boy wrecked ass hole.
    2 points
  12. I spent the next week finding out everything I could about him. I was determined to have Leo’s muscle legs on my shoulders, plowing his lil neg hole full of my pozz cum turning him into a high hog jock cum dump. I fantasized about making him all mine keeping him so hooked on on me needing me and my fucking. I was jacking off to him knocking on my door riding the full girth of my fat cock like the stallion he was throwing his head back. My God…I’m hard again. I was in the process of setting up lights for a house party I was hosting. Did it once a month, invited all the hot boys 18 to 45 to get fucked up and fuck each other up. I forgot Cody was still there. He had gotten quiet, but I could tell he was just doing that cuz I had stopped listening. Cody had been one my only real long term relationships. I was his dealer and things took off from there after I found out he was gay. He would get out of class come over get high and beg for dick. Even after we broke up he hung around 5’4 slim twink, but he couldn’t stand sharing me which is why we ended up breaking up. My cock is hunter. Turns out he knew a little about Leo. Leo was a bartender at one of the college local bars. On Ladies night he would strip his shirt and get on the bar and let ladies do body shots off him. He worked out at the college sponsored gym, and as we found out 4 nights ago. He’s notorious for letting gay boys suck his dick. After that my mind went foggy into a fantasy and I had stopped listening. “Anything else?” “I don’t know if he’s gay.” Cody said in the middle of setting up the sling…wrong again…I got down to help, you’d from all the time he spent in it, he’d remember how it goes. I got to Cody grabbed his butt and pulled him away from the sling as I fixed the set up and secured it. “Get in” I told him, and he complied laying down in the sling. I flipped the lights and admired my handiwork. Christmas lights lined the stairway to second floor. Two red lamps lit up the dining area with the stashes of T, X, bongs etc and even though we were both fully clothed, I made the motions of swinging Cody back in forth in the sling toward my crotch as if I was fucking him while looking around trying to make sure this was the best spot in the house. I could hear the upstairs master bedroom which I placed 4 mattresses and the TV was playing a 14 hour play list of porn I’d compiled, yes some homemade. I could see the drugs in the dinning area, I could see the kitchen and all the drinks. The living area had two love seats facing each other and a futon couch facing a giant mirror I’d borrowed from a customer, and in the mirror I could see me, swinging cody. The setup was fairly perfect dim and totally sexual. I’m so glad, I’d bought this place, even though I only used it for parties. “You did good.” Cody whined as I swung him. I let my hand slip under his shirt feeling his small frame, I know he was feeling my semi hardon in my jeans up. After I pozzed him, I figured that would be the end of it, but he started to open up even more begging for more and more raw sex when we were going out. It was just that he couldn’t take me fucking anyone else other than him that would drive him insanely depressed. He had once asked me if he was enough, to which my high ass replied, you would never be enough. Then I fucked him the rest of night while he broke up with me, the whole while begging me to not take my dick out. It had been two years since then, and two months since we last hooked up. I unbuttoned my jeans and he did the same to his and we started kissing as we shuffled out of our clothes. He pulled out a small bag and I grabbed my pipe and let him set it up while I went down on his exposed hole. He lit up and sucked in a nice hit of white smoke, and I went up put my lips to his and inhaled while he exhaled taking it all in, my cock pressed up against his hole. “More spit…” He whined, and I spat in to my cock one, twice, as we shared another shotgun of a hit and finally the fat head of my cock pressed up against his gave way and I entered him. “OHGOD….yes…” his head fell back as I spat more on where my cock met his hole and pushed further into him. His head wagged from side to side and his hips wiggled in a little dance trying to get me all into him. “Push it all in Please. Ram Please.” He moaned and whined and, oh so sorry I didn’t introduce myself, Hi, my name is Ram, wiggled in the sling while my cock opened his hole and the wetness began to cover my cock. “Oh fuck me.” He repeated, “Oh fuck me. Ohhhhh. Fuck. Me.” I really did enjoy fucking him. I looked in the mirror and could see my muscles tensed just nicely watching me fuck my lil twink ex. He placed his hands on his chest and stroked down toward his dick pushing his dick on my abs while deep and grided my dick into him. “People are gonna be arriving soon.” He opened his eyes and looked at me biting his lip knowing what I was saying was we needed to stop. Tonight was a business night for me. “Just a little longer please?” He begged I shoved my dick in hard making him yelp. “How bout I give you my load.Payment for helping me out. Then you start manning the door. I need to go get my phone charger from the apartment.” He nodded sadly as I began to really fuck him “Now.” I punctuated each thrust. “ Don’t. For. Get. Twen.Tee. Dol. Lar. Entrance. Five. For. Members. Lockers. In. The.Garage. Play. At. Your. Owwwwwnnn. Risk. “ “OOoooh” was Cody’s only reply. “Ready for my load baby?” “Just a little more?” Cody whined I grabbed the sling, leaned back on my heels a little bit and began thrusted more strongly. Cody whined and moaned. “Ohdaddy. Fuck…Dadddddddyyyyyyy” “Here it cums boy.” I pushed balls deep into him and felt ropes upon ropes empty into him. He pulled me ontop of him to be feel my body on his while I grinded my dirty cum in his hole and I lifted him off the sling carrying him in the air cock still inside him. We kissed and grinded and I eventually pulled out and began to dress. Cody followed suit as I walked out of the house to my car. Cody was such a good little boy toy and he didn’t really care much for group sex. The only reason he was at the party was to help me, and to hopefully get my dick. I saw Jamal walking up the sidewalk to the driveway. Jamal was my own personal hired thug. Brought him down from Houston with me. He’s a customer up there without any real options just a big frame and a big dick. So when I told him he’d have a steady job with me here, he drove down and been extra muscle ever since. I gave him our usual greeting and told him Cody was inside. He had been trying to tap Cody ever since I told him I would harbor no ill wills about it. Cody loved the thought of Jamal’s big dick but was all weird whenever Jamal would hit on him. Honestly they’d make a great fuck pair. Maybe tonight I’d hook it up for them both. After the party though, Jamal had work to do keeping all my tweeking friends and customers in line. He had a couple questions about the guest list, but I told him the pics and names were inside. Nineteen guys, and if they didn’t match their pic then they weren’t allowed in. more than half were regulars but still, keep you pictures updated people. I walked to my car and drove to my apartment feeling a little horny again, thinking of Cody finally taking Jamals big dick and Jamal’s satisfaction at finally popping the little latin twink. I parked at my apartment, got out my car and that’s when I noticed a figure sort of pacing around my building. The frame in the shadow caught me and I smiled. “What’s up Leo?” I called. The shadow jumped and then thinking better of it waved. “Not much. Was hoping to buy some weed. “ He said nervously. I got up close and opened my door, motioning my head for him to follow. Almost all of my weeks supply, end of the month and all, was at the party. “Well see what I can hook you up with.” I replied. He followed me inside and I shut the door behind him.
    2 points
  13. 1. As I left my apartment building to get some coffee, he was standing at the entrance. He was listening to the phone ringing, but there was seemingly no answer. The only reason I noticed him was to admire the thick arm muscles and the subtle tattoos against his rich black skin. His tight t-shirt showed off his pecs and hard nipples, but it seemed thin in the brisk morning air. He had a small duffel bag sitting on the ground. I didn't bother shutting the gate as I walked away. I noticed he made no attempt to sneak in behind me. Fifteen minutes later I came back with with my coffee. He was gone, and I almost forgot about him. I climbed the steps up to my apartment, depressed by the grey, foggy morning. I doubted there would be any sun today. As I turned into my hallway, I noticed that there was a person hanging out, leaning against the railing. It was the same black man I had seen earlier at the front gate. He was hanging out near my apartment. Getting closer, I saw he had dropped his bag right by my door. "Can I help you?" I asked him. "Does Javier still live here?" he asked me, pointing to my apartment. "No. I live here," I said. "Fuck. I had been looking for Javi. How long you been here?" "About 4 months," I said. I had moved in recently, and still wasn't entirely unpacked. "You know where Javi moved to?" "No idea, sorry." "Damn. Spent all night on the bus getting here. Fucking need a hot shower bro," he said. I looked him over more carefully. He was about six six tall, and pretty much all muscle. Although it was hard to see between in the grey lighting of morning and his black skin, tattoos ran up and down both of his arms. There was a bit of stubble on his face, and his hair was cropped closely. Standing up over me, he was a little menacing. At only five eight, I knew there would be no contest between the two of us. "Well, I suppose you could come in and take a shower. Wish I could help you with with where your friend Javier moved to," I said. "Thanks, bro," he said. He grabbed his duffel bag as I unlocked the door. I let him go in first. "I'm Matt," I said, as he walked in. "Where did you come in from?" "I'm Eli, man. I came from the west side of the state," he said. He was being a bit evasive about where he had come from. I realized he was probably coming from the state penitentiary. He dropped his duffel bag by the door, and looked around the small apartment. "Done it up nice, bro. Much nicer than when Javi was here." I shut the door behind us. I should have been scared, alone with a big black thug, but my cock was twitching more than I cared to admit. "Thanks," I said. I grabbed a towel out of the closet. He had obviously been here before, because he headed straight to the bathroom. Even before he got to the bathroom he had already pulled off his shirt. His chest was impressively muscled, and there were more tattoos, across his chest, and over his washboard abs. I had tried not to stare, but I noticed that around his navel, there was a red biohazard symbol. He tossed the shirt into a corner, grabbed the towel from me, and walked into the bathroom. He was still wearing his grey sweat pants and an old pair of sneakers. He closed the door and a few moments later, I heard the shower start running. I picked up the shirt from the ground; even just holding it in my hands, I could smell the sweat and grime on it. From the size of the duffel bag and the condition of the t-shirt, I guessed he didn't have much in the way of clothing. It was clear that anything I might have wouldn't fit him. I put the shirt on a chair in the living room, and started to sip my coffee while Eli showered. He didn't take long in shower. I had barely started on my coffee when the water was turned off. Eli shuffled around a bit in the bathroom, I guessed he was drying himself off. Soon, he opened the door, and walked out into the living room. He had slung the towel over his shoulder, and was otherwise totally naked. I didn't bother trying to hide my staring at him. His legs were just as well-defined as his chest and arms, and handing between them was a fat yet still limp cock and two huge, low-hanging balls. I tried to focus on his face, but I found myself constantly glancing back at his cock and thick bush. He at least pretended not to notice me staring. "Thanks bro. I needed that. Not had that hot of a shower in a long, long time." "So, what were your plans for the day?" I asked. He had turned around, looking for his duffel bag. His ass was two perfectly balanced black globes, just as hard and perfect as the rest of his body. I wanted to kneel down, spread his muscular cheeks and worship his hole. "Fuck bro, I don't know. Was hoping I could crash with Javi for a bit. And try to have some fun today. It's been too long since I've had the chance." He found where he had left the duffel, and knelt down. As he rummaged through it, his low-hanging balls were swinging heavily between his legs. I guessed they were full of accumulated jizz. I wanted nothing more than to be the one to drain them for him. "What kind of fun are you up for?" I asked. "I don't care bro. Just kick back, have a good time. Javi was always good for a wild party." He found what he had been looking for, and he turned around. He had a threadbare pair of underwear and a small book. "Damn, I wish I knew where he went. Hope his cell is still the same." "Like what you see, bro?" he asked, not yet putting on the underwear. "Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed that he had noticed. "That's cool bro. Maybe we can have our own party," he said. His hand dropped down to his groin, and he started to rub his cock a bit. "I can borrow your phone? Wanna see if I can get a hold of Javi." I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. "Here you go." He took it from me, and started to page through his address book. He let the underwear drop to the ground. "Yo, bro. Gotta be honest. You got any party favors?" he asked me, as he stopped searching through his book. He dialed the phone. "What do you like?" I asked. "I've got some pot and other things." Eli's face brightened up when I mentioned "other things." "Bro, I'd love to smoke some meth, if you've got it." He was slouched back on one of the chairs facing me, his legs spread wide. It was still difficult for me not to stare at his cock. Even half-hard it was massive; a good seven inches long and nearly beer-can thick. I had no idea if I was going to be able to do anything with it, or even if I was going to get to play with our partying. "Yeah, I do," I said. I hadn't even used up my last baggie and had just bought two more grams the previous day. "Well, damn, bro. Share your wealth, and I'll share mine," he said. He shook his cock at me, indicating exactly the wealth he had to share. He held the phone up to his ear and I thought I could hear the sound of ringing. "Right on, man," I said. The ringing had stopped and I heard a muffled answer. "Yo, Javi, my man. This is Eli," he said into the phone. He clicked the volume down a bit, and I couldn't hear the other man any longer. A pause, then "Yeah. I got out yesterday. Got here this morning." I went into the bedroom, and found my pipe, torch, and the full bag of favors. In the living room, Eli was still talking. "Hanging out in your old apartment, actually. Cool guy here now." I rummaged through my bed stand, and found a few tablets of Viagra. "Yeah, totally. We're just getting the party started. You should come over." Supplies in hand, I came back to the living room. Eli had moved to the couch, where I had been sitting. I put the supplies down on the coffee table. "Awesome bro. See you in thirty then," he said, putting the phone down. He looked towards me. I tied to meet his eyes, but was still distracted by the massive tool between his legs. "Javi is coming over in a bit bro. We'll have fun today." He grabbed his cock, playing with it a bit. "Not as big as me. But he's not bad at all and definitely knows how to use it." I wasn't sure about having two strangers in my place, much less two strangers high on crystal meth, but my cock was starting to think for me. "Found a Viagra, if you want that as well?" I said. "You think you can handle me fucking you on V?" he asked, laughing. I stared at his cock. I knew this was going to be a day like I had dreamed of, and I didn't want anything to mess up the party. "I know I can." I said. "Well, get me something to drink. You got any beer bro?" I went into the kitchen, and brought him a cold can of beer. He took the viagra and washed it down. "Just a sec," I said, and went back into the bedroom. I found some poppers and lube, and brought those out. "Right on, bro. This is just what I needed," he said. "The pipe loaded?" he asked. I shook my head no. I sat down on the couch next to him and got a big chunk of crystal out of the baggie. I put it in the pipe. The bowl still looked a little empty to me, so I added two smaller shards. I took the torch and lit it. I melted the shards in the bowl. As I prepared the pipe, Eli watched. He grabbed the lube off the table and poured a little on his cock. When the first thin wisp of smoke curled out of the pipe, I handed it to him, to let him have the pleasure of the first hit. He took the pipe, one hand holding it as his other hand continued to slowly stroke his cock. He held the pipe in his mouth as I held the torch under it. The crystals crackled and smoked in the intense heat of the torch. He emptied the bowl several times, pulling a strong hit. After the fourth or fifth pull, he indicated he was good. I let the torch go out, and he pulled the pipe out of his mouth. He held it for a few seconds. Then, he blew out a thick white cloud right into my face. "Your turn," he said, as the smoke slowly dissipated in the room. I took the pipe and started to heat it up. As I let it melt and smoke, he took another swig of the beer. "You got any porn?" he asked. "Helps me get in the mood." I just nodded, as I took my first drag from the pipe. I felt the drug fill my lungs, my heart pounding in anticipation of the incipient high. I did a proper hit, and held it long, then blew out a thick cloud. I handed the pipe and torch to Eli for him to go again. "What kind of porn are you into?" I asked, right before he took another hit from the glass pipe. "Anything, bro. Gay. Straight. Black. White. I don't care. The freakier, the better." I got up and pulled out something I had downloaded a few months ago. It was a bunch of short gay flicks, mostly hung black guys fucking white guys. It was also bareback, which gave me a moment's pause. I worried it might set the mood for the rest of the day. I didn't know how to bring up condoms for Eli, if one would even fit him. As I put it on, Eli took another hit from the pipe. I came back to the couch just as he was exhaling the hit. He handed the pipe back to me. I put it in my mouth as he lit the torch under it. "Big hit this time, Matt. Gotta get you in the zone, bro." I sucked on the pipe, getting nice thick hits of the meth. Even when I motioned that I had had enough, he kept the torch under the pipe. "Just a bit more, bro," he said. "You're gonna need it for what I have planned for you." I tried to keep on inhaling the smoke as best I could, even as my lungs felt like they were bursting. Finally, he pulled the torch away, grabbing the pipe from my mouth. "Hold it, Matt, until I say so" he said. He stuck the pipe in his mouth and started to do his own hit. I was about to exhale, but he indicated for me to hold it a bit longer. It wasn't until he had taken all of his hit that he motioned me to breath out. Just as I was finished emptying my lungs, he leaned in towards me, making it clear I was going to get his hit. We started to kiss, and he shot-gunned his hit to me. It was far bigger than the one I just did, and he made sure our lips were locked long enough for it to get absorbed. Finally, he broke off the kiss, and let me breath the hit out. I was a little surprised a macho thug type like him would kiss, but I didn't protest the unexpected intimacy. I could feel my body tingle, as the tina started to take effect. I was definitely getting horny and wanting to do more than just kiss and share hits of the meth. I turned my attention to the TV. On screen, a white guy was on his knees, trying to swallow a huge black cock. I looked at Eli's cock, and realized that his shaft was even bigger than the one in the video. "You like it, bro?" he asked; I couldn't tell if he meant his dark cock, or the white guy struggling to swallow the black cock on screen. "Yeah, I do," answering for both. "Why don't you get more comfortable. You gotta get naked like me, man," he said. I did as I was told, throwing my shirt into a corner, then stepping out of my jeans and underwear. My cock was only semi-hard and seemed tiny in comparison to his. "Nice bod, bro," Eli said, running his free hand over my hairy chest and taut stomach. "Not sure how my cock's gonna fit in you. But don't worry, we'll make sure it does." "Hot movie," Eli continued. "Why don't you get down on your knees, and show my cock some love, just like that white boy." I pushed the coffee table back a bit, and knelt down in front of him. Up close his manhood seemed even bigger than I first realized. I had no idea how I was going to take it in my mouth, much less in my ass. "Just relax, and work slowly. I know you'll be able to take it," he said, almost reading my mind. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. As they took effect, his cock no longer seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. I knew I could take it, and further, I knew he would love every second of it. I took his warm cockhead into my mouth, savoring the small drop of pre-cum at its tip. I started to work my way down his shaft, slowly taking more and more of his cock into my mouth. It wasn't an easy or fast process, but it more than satisfied my sudden need for dick. Eli was enjoying it as well. He spread his legs wide, giving me better access to his cock and balls. He leaned back, not caring about anything but the pleasure of the blowjob. After a few minutes of effort, I had barely gotten more than a third of his cock into my mouth. But, it didn't seem to bother him. He was moaning in pleasure, letting me know how good it felt for him. He grabbed the pipe, and lit the torch. I glanced up at him just in time to see him slowly melting the drug in the glass bowl. Right before the smoke began to leak out the top, he looked down at me and said, "Don't stop sucking, bro. It feels fucking great." He put the pipe to his lips and did another long hit. I was glad I had loaded up the bowl, since it he was enjoying big hits. I was feeling like I was almost in the zone, and needed only one more hit before I was completely at his mercy, ready to be used like the cocksucker I was. He pushed out his hit, covering the two of us in a thick white fog. Eli was getting too much pleasure from my oral service, so I knew he wasn't going to offer me a hit off the pipe. Instead, I settled for another hit from the poppers, and did my best to swallow another agonizing inch of his cock. His cockhead started to hit the back of my throat, and I did my best to suppress my gag. But, with my mouth already stretched as wide as possible and his fat cock pressed against my throat, it was hard to do. Even with the poppers, I had to pull off and catch my breath. "Damn bro. Most guys can barely take my head. That was fucking amazing," he said, clearly impressed. "Take a breather," he said, "Catch your breath." grabbing my arms and pulling me up on to the couch. I relaxed for a moment. My hand dropped down to my crotch, seeking out my dick. My cock was still half-hard. The crystal hadn't yet reached it and left it limp and lifeless. It was leaking precum. Eli reached across, and grabbed my cock. "Not bad, man," he said, impressed by its current size. He stroked my cock a few times, but then worked his hand down, grabbing my balls and starting to finger and explore my hole. "You're a tight ass, bro. Literally. Gonna have fun fucking you." He pulled his fingers out long enough to put a drop or two of lube on them. He pushed back into me, getting a little deeper. Even his fingers were big, and I acutely felt the intrusion into my hole. "You ok, man?" he asked. "Or do you need another hit?" He left it ambiguous enough that I didn't know if he meant poppers or crystal. "Yeah. Just a lot bigger than I'm used to," I said. I tried to shift my weight around, giving him easier access to my butt and also trying to relax as much as possible. He didn't stop, but pushed into me further; I could feel his second knuckle slide into my hole. He wiggled his finger inside of me. It sent a shock of pleasure running through my body and I moaned involuntarily. But then, suddenly, he pulled out. I felt empty, like something important had slid out from my body. "Pick out a nice big shard from your stash, man," he said. "You're not in the zone yet." I got off the sofa and down on my knees again. I looked through what was left in in the bag. There was one decent-sized piece of meth left. The rest of it was all small bits or dust. I fished the big one out of the bag, and put it on the coffee table. I grabbed the pipe, but he stopped me. He leaned over and took a look at it was I wondered what he had planned. "Nice, bro. Now, just bend over the table and relax." He paused for a second. "You may want these," he said, handing me the poppers. I took them, and did a huff from the bottle. He carefully picked up the shard of meth. With his free hand, he spread apart my ass cheeks, exposing my hole. I realized he was going to stick the crystal up my ass, not bothering with the ritual of a booty bump. I had heard this was almost as intense as slamming. Terrified of what I'd do flying high, nevertheless, I did another huff of poppers, forcing myself to relax. His finger pushed into my hole, guiding the sharp rock into me. I could feel it scraping up against my tight moist hole, slowly starting to dissolve and enter my bloodstream. He pushed his finger in all the way, first one knuckle, then a second knuckle, and finally the base of his finger. "There, Matt," he said. "Just relax, and let it melt, bro." I took another huff from the poppers as he slid his finger out of my hole. I could feel the shard of tina that he had left behind. I knew it had already started to dissolve, the drug going straight to my brain. I wondered what I would let him do over the next few hours. As his fingertip slipped out of my hole, he gently massaged it, making it close up. "That bump should last you for a good while," he said.
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  14. Chapter I. My boy and I had fooled around with other guys, sometimes together, sometimes separately. I totally got off watching our buddies fuck him bareback and fill him with cum. Nothing was more fun that sliding into his loosened ass and using our buddies’ seed as lube! I’m mostly a top, but it was equally as fun letting our friends cum in me and having my boy top me when my hole was good and sloppy. All of that changed after we had an STD scare a few months ago. We had invited Danny and his boyfriend Sam over to our place. They are both versatile, so we knew we’d all end up getting to fuck and get fucked as much as we wanted to. My boy took both of their loads before I seeded him, and I took Danny’s load before my boy came in me. After they left, me and my boy laid on our bed, tangled in cummy sheets, fingering our holes and kissing. Hot, right? Well, about three weeks later, Danny called to ask if they could come over and talk. It didn’t sound like they wanted to play. Danny told us the big news. He and Sam had both just tested POZ. They thought it had happened when they hired an ‘escort’ a few weeks earlier and he had fucked both of them raw. If that was indeed how they’d both gotten the bug, there was a really good chance that they had pumped both of us full of POZ seed. Of course, we immediately got tested and the results came back NEG for both of us. Our doctor advised us to get tested again in three months just to be sure. The three month mark came and went, and we were tested again, both NEG. After that, we decided to fool around less with fuck buddies, and play safe with them. We both hated using condoms with our friends, but they were pretty respectful. We had some guys over and had them bag up before fucking us. That seemed to be safe enough, so when my boy asked if we could invite Danny and Sam over to fuck us again, I agreed, but adding only if they agreed to play safe. They came over, and both dutifully wore condoms. I wasn’t planning on letting them fuck me, even safe, but after seeing them each sink his cock into my boy’s hole, I needed their cocks too. Sam even joked that wearing a condom sucked, but it made him so much less sensitive that he could fuck longer without cumming. Secretly, as Sam was fucking me and Danny was fucking my boy, I couldn’t help but fantasize about that condom bursting as my gut was filled with POZ cum. But, that’s not how we wound up taking POZ seed. After Danny came in the condom and pulled out of my boy, I fucked him raw. Danny and Sam egged me on to breed him. It felt so strange to be fucking him after two cocks had loosened him up, but with only lube in him; it felt so different. Danny asked if he could take pics of my load dripping out of my boy’s ass, and we were game. My boy told him how much it turned him on to be photographed like a common slut. Sam piped up that we should meet his friend Adam, who was a photographer. A few days later at a boozy brunch, Danny and Sam introduced us to Adam. After a few mimosas and Bloody Marys, Adam pitched something to us, explaining that in his work as a photographer, he did work for a gay website, soft core mostly, but sometimes featured boyfriends. My boy was feeling his drinks, and asked Adam if he ever joined in the action. He winked at my boy, then smiled at me saying, "Only if both guys are into it." Then he clarified his remarks, by shaking his head and commenting he joined in a lot less lately. "Why?" Danny asked. "'Cause I'm POZ," replied Adam. "So are we," Sam responded. Adam chuckled, saying "This just got a lot more interesting." To be continued….
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  15. First post guys, I've been inspired by some really hot content on here and thought I'd stop being a spectator. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Tanner was destined to be an amazing athlete - that's what his coaches had always said, the boy had commitment, drive, energy and, above all else the raw physical stamina and speed needed to be a really great little athlete. He could pretty much get a scholarship for anywhere at the rate he was going and, two-weeks after his 18th birthday had colleges across the country begging him to attend. He was a 6ft tall, blond adonis: soft blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous jawline with a dusting of dark blonde stubble - if athletics didn't want him, he could have made a fortune as a model: every girl who saw him wanted him and every boy was desperate to be him or, be in him. However, as far as Jake had got out of him, he'd only had two girlfriends in the past and never fucked - just some oral. So a tight little virgin too. I'm something of a sportsman myself well.... more of a hunter to be fair I'm 42 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. I'd packed on the muscle and my hairy chest expanded with even the slightest breath. I was built like a bear but with a body carved from stone after spending hours at the gym and on the field. I was a burly guy and, so I'd been told, a hot, daddy type. That suited me fine as I liked nothing more than dicking hot young twinks and jocks, letting them feel safe in my company before chemming up their innoncent cunts with G and Tina and fucking them full of my poz-babymakers. I'd played sports when I was young and there was something about the smell of a jock that got my juices going and, by far, my greatest conquest, was a local swimmer boy - Jake. A few years' ago I'd been at a swim-meat, scouring for talent when he was competing in his first adult competition: by farm the hottest boy in the entire place, fresh-faced 18 year old perfection.Tight, lean muscle, black hair, green eyes, big package - I had to have him. He ended up winning his competition and, that night, having chatted to him previously and asserted myself as a trust-worthy older jock type, invited him back to my room, smoked him out and fucked his tight, gold-medalled cunt into the chem stratosphere. Jake was a favourite bottom of mine from there on in and, right up until he left for college - we'd fucked a few of his school friends and swimming buddies into the poz brotherhood but, our dual hunts came to an end when he left: or that's what I thought. Tanner had applied to Jake's college and was thinking about joining their athletics programme. Jake had been 'buddied' up with the boy to try and convince him - Jake took that responsibility very seriously as soon as he saw Tanner's gorgeous body. I got a phone call from Jake that night, desperate for me to help him 'convince' Tanner to attend. Having heard Jake's description of the little 18 year old stud, I was intrigued and, when Jake mentioned Tanner was going to stay with him at his frat-house for the Easter weekend - couldn't turn down the invitation of pozzing another little jock boy. All of Jake's frat would be home for easter and we'd have his place to ourselves. More to come... Tanner would arrive on Friday and I would arrive on Saturday. Tanner and Jake would spend Saturday morning getting 'sports enemas' at Jake's local health centre ("you know" he'd told Tanner "it's super good for athletes") and then he'd drop Tanner off at the house where I'd be waiting before heading out on an 'errand' leaving me with the hot little, cleaned-out stud. I'd make him feel comfortable, get him used to my presence, spend the rest of the day getting in the boy's head before Jake returned with enough Tina to turn the boy from neg innocent to poz pig in three easy steps. I'd send Jake out to a dealer I knew in the area, a real 'good-guy' with a sweet supply of everything you'd need for a night of long-jock-dicking. He'd have everything I need for a four-day weekend of hole-wrecking. I'd phoned ahead - boys like Tanner don't come around so often; his initiation had to be special, dedicated and long. You don't just fuck a boy like Tanner, you have to ruin a boy like Tanner. "Mention my name to Steve" I said to Jake, "He'll have a kit ready for me - it'll have everything I need" "What about money?" Jake said I laughed, "Don't worry, Steve is going to get paid in other currency" I said, grinning. "Hahaha...sweet" Jake said and disappeared out the door leaving me in my web - waiting for my prey. Saturday came around, I'd flown cross-state rather than drive and got a taxi to the frat house from the airport. The boys were already out so, using the key Jake had sent me, I made myself comfortable, surveying the house for the perfect 'pozzing space'. Around mid-morning the door opened and the boys tumbled in, laughing like regular 'bros'. "Hey there" I shouted from the living room. "Ah, hey man!" Jake said warmly, coming into the room and giving me a bear-hug - fuck I'd missed how that tight torso felt against my own abs. "Hey, Tanner, this is Simon...Si this is Tanner...a hot new recruit" I caught Jake's eyes as he said the last words and smirked. "Hey dude" Tanner said, shaking my hand firmly. He was even better than Jake described - tall, muscular, ripped stud with short, cropped blond hair and piercing baby-blue eyes, thick calves and the roundest, most perfect little ass. The boy was gorgeous, hours in the gym, hours on the track...I couldn't wait for him to spend hours on all-fours. We all talked for a bit, laughed about the enemas (got our little friend talking about sex as quickly as we could) before Jake made his excuses and promptly left leaving me to relax and prep our gorgeous boy-toy. Tanner was awkward at first but, I soon got him talking, confiding in me - it was a gift really, I guess the age differential made boys think I was trustworthy. He told me about the girls back home and how they gave the worst head... "You ever let a boy suck you" I said nonchalantly, he visibly jumped "No!" He said, agitated I laught "jeez dude, fuck! It's just a dick and a mouth - do you honestly think it fucking matters?" He relaxed and, we went back and forth like that for a bit till I made an excuse to look at a picture hanging behind him. I stood directly in front of him, my cock visibly pulling at the fabric of my jeans, pretending to admire the painting. "Dude...you've got a monster..." Tanner said almost without thinking. "Oh, this" I said, forcing a bit more blood into my already firm dick. He looked up at me and, as he did, I saw a tiny window of opportunity. As we locked eyes, I grabbed his chin and softly kissed his beautiful lips. He pulled away for a moment, his chin still in my hand before once again joining my lips against his and kissing. For a boy without experience he wasn't a bad kisser - a bit hesitant but, that would change. I leaned in, lowering myself onto him, straddling him as he sat on the chair. "I've... I mean, I'm not..." he said, braking the kiss. "shhh" i said, pushing my tongue back into him as he moaned. "Don't worry" I whispered back, "we're just fooling around" "Yeah" he laughed, nervously, shifting his weight around on the chair so as not to let his erect cock touch me. "Listen dude, Jake isn't back for ages - let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah?" "Ok" Tanner said, as we kissed again and I slipped my hand up his polo to feel those stong, taught ab muscles. "Jesus" I thought "this boy is going to get so fucked" We made out for a long time, building his trust, elevating the boy's hormones - getting that consuming, teenage testosterone pumping through his veins. We'd moved to the floor and I'd managed to pull his pants and briefs down to expose that round little jock-butt. As we moaned into each other I began pushing the boy's boundaries - literally, maneuvering myself behind him as he squatted on all fours. "Time to show you what your anus can really do" I thought as I spat on my index finger and, finding his virgin tight boy hole, began pushing in. He started to squirm away from me but, I held his legs fast under mine and kept my finger pressing against his sphincter. A bit more saliva and my finger pushed past the tight walls of his outer ring, feeling it pulse and contract around my knuckle. The boy was going to be a tight ride, that was for sure (at least, at first anyway) and, as I massaged the lining of his cunt I couldn't help but loose myself in the silk lining of that glorious little boy-pussy, probing it with my finger like I was making love to that tight hole. It was almost too good; whole minutes passed before I realised I still had work to do - this boy wasn't nearly ready to become the cumdump he was made to be; in one move I whipped my finger out of his puckering hole. "That good baby boy?" I said, as his ass closed tight behind me. "Fuck yeah" he responded, "never knew it could feel that good" "It's going to get so much better" I whispered in his ear, resting my cockhead against his perfect butt as I bit his neck and ear. I felt him tense up as my cock rested against his hole: I loved the electricity that seemed to dance over his skin with the thrill of doing something 'forbidden', his breathing deep, shallow, masculine. "You thinking about getting fucked there boy?" He bit his lip and, I could tell he was still conflicted. "We totally don't have too" I said, teasing his hole with the tip of my finger. "Don't even worry, we can just fool around" I assured, picturing that perfect pink hole stretched about my hairy arm as I massaged some random, anonymous cum into the walls of his teenage, partied-out, boy-hole. "Yeah, maybe..Do you mind? Maybe we could just fool around a bit" he said, as I gently pushed my digit back into him. "...Besides" he moaned as I finger fucked him. "Jake will be home soon" My eyes darted to the clock on the wall above the chair... "8:45pm...15 minutes...Jake better be here then" I thought, as I worked that boy's hole over. There was going to come a point when I'd simply end up raping Tanner without some good ol'fashioned chemical lovin. I pulled my finger out of him and replaced it with my tongue: feeling him contract even more against the new experience: his clothed jock-body shivering in front of me as his outer ring quivered and expanded as my tongue probed deeper.
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  16. The Couple in my life… (part 1) I met this couple online and I was chatting with one of them, true bear, fur all over, hung, beard, stocky, gorgeous. We chatted off and on for several months when he asked if I wanted to meet, of course I said yes without hesitation. They were looking for a third but he wanted to meet me alone first to get to know me before introducing me to his partner, who was a bit older but just as sexy and hot. I met him after work one evening at a local coffee place. I got there first, he walked in and he was so much hotter than in pics. We talked for a few hours and he had to take off because he had an early morning but told me he wanted to meet up again. So we made plans to meet at his office the next day and then go back to his place to have dinner and hang out, his partner was away for the week so it was cool. I met him at his office and he told me to follow him. We arrived at his house and I made sure I had my condoms packed in my wallet just in case the night went where I wanted it. He gave me a tour and there was one room he skipped over. I didn’t think much of it and then he said it was just an empty bedroom for storage. We went back downstairs and he started to prep dinner and poured some wine for us. This led to opening another bottle, and another. We were both pretty lit by the time dinner was ready. Just before dinner was ready he came over and asked what I was into, I explained I am open to anything and a bottom. He got a big grin on his face, leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes, he pulled away and said, this will be fun. He then served up dinner and we continued talking. He asked if I was sub and replied, I can be. Then he asked if I liked enhancements, I asked what kind, he said, poppers, pot, meth, coke, I replied that I loved poppers, pot does nothing for me and I have never tried meth or coke. Are you open to trying he asked, I replied, sure. He got a big grin and said, awesome! Let’s move to the couch…. We get on the couch and start making out hard. He asks me do I like bareback and say no, I have condoms with me. He says ok and make out some more and then he tells me to get upstairs… I reply with a yes sir… He orders me to strip down then to strip him, his body is amazing, and I rub it and kiss it all over. He tells me to get on the bed on all fours and walks out of the room. He comes back and quickly slips a hood on my head. I try to fight and he just holds me down. He whispers in my ear, remember you told me you were sub, now your mine…. I just replied, yes sir. He starts to finger my hole hard, it feels like it’s getting cut up. He pulls his fingers out and shoves them in my mouth to clean them off. I oblige. Then I feel something hard against my hole, it scratches as it gets pushed in, he says, this should relax you some. I asked what the fuck are you giving me, he just leaned in and says shhhhh, its ok. Then tells me to get up on my feet. I can’t see a thing so I carefully get up and stand there; he takes my arm and starts to lead me somewhere. I allow him and don’t ask where we are going, I hear a door creak open and it’s very warm in the room and smells weird. The floor is rubbery and he leads me into the room and then turns me around and tells me to sit up into what’s behind me. I have trouble to he helps me and its cold and feels like its hanging, like a swing. He helps me adjust in the seat and then grabs my arm and I feel him handcuff it to something, and then grabs the other and does the same, then my feet are lifted and locked in place. Good boy he replies. He pulls off the hood and there is a mirror above me, I look around and see that I am in a sling. I am feeling kinda high now and getting very horny. He turns on the other lights and I see all kinds of things, dildos, whips, flogs, the room is a dungeon, this is the room he didn’t show me earlier. He walks over and kisses me, I get a full view of his cock, so not what he said, it’s bigger! And has a 000 gauge piercing. He pulls off the kiss and asks where are my condoms, I reply they were in my pants pocket, and I brought the magnums. He walks into the other room and comes back with my pants and reaches in and pulls out the sleeve of 5 condoms. He looks and me and says, were you expecting to use all these? I chuckle and say, not all of them… he laughs back and says, I’m not going to use any of them.. I look at him puzzled. He walks over to a drawer, pulls out a scissor and cuts all the condoms in half, I don’t use condoms remember, he replies. You want to be our boy then you do it the way we want. You actually will be mine to start, hence why you are here alone with me. He says, I am going to mark you as mine. Mark me? I reply, yes, I am going to fuck you all night and poz you up! I reply no way and start to squirm. Don’t worry boy, you are already on your way. Your hole is nice and raw and I plan on fucking you and dropping my loads in you all night. With that he takes a rag, dumps some poppers into it and wraps the rag around my nose, holding it in place with a ball gag in my mouth. My head starts too spin and he then puts a belt around my arm and pulls out a syringe. I see it’s filled with liquid. He wraps a rubber strap around his arm, injects some of the liquid and pulls some blood out, gives me a wink and says welcome to the family and finds a vein in my arm and inserts the needle, I watch him pull some blood, mixing his and mine together and then jams the contents into my arm. Welcome to the club baby. He pulls the needle out and releases the belt, I feel an instant rush and start to cough and I feel like I’m going to pass out. He walks around and is down by my ass, and says, you ready boy? I just start begging to be fucked. He says, good boy and rams his cock all the way in.. He starts to fuck me hard and keeps say, daddy loves my boys ass… within a few minutes he shoots a huge load in my hole. I beg for more, he just keeps fucking me, he dropped 4 loads in me in an hour. He pulls out, walks over to my head and kisses me. How is boy feeling he asks, I reply, I want more. Fuck me more I beg. He laughs, in time baby. He grabs the strap, hits me full force across my ass, and then wraps it around my arm again. He says, this will help you rest a bit, and then you will be ready for more. He gets another syringe and finds a vein and injects all the contents. He leans in and kisses me and says, get some rest baby boy, you will have a long night. He walks to the wall, getting a big butt plug and shoves it into my ass. I don’t want anything leaking out while your resting, winks and walks out. I look up and see the mirror and see myself laying there. In my haze, I look around and see cameras on the walls, I pass out. More to come……
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  17. Coaching and cumcatching The heavy metal doors opened into the high school atrium with a whoosh of air, and immediately Paul felt déjà vu, recalling the hundreds, perhaps thousands of times he’d walked through these doors on his way to class. Now, he was back, almost a decade later, and it felt like he’d been there yesterday. The difference was Paul was no longer a flabby teen with bacne, glasses and braces. He’d grown a few inches at college, gotten contacts, and learned the proper balance of eating right and working out. The result allowed him to strut a little as he passed 4 teen girls, each undressing him with their eyes, gawking at his trim waist, muscular legs, chest and arms, and his firm bubble butt. Yet even with his adult body, ears of college training, and almost 5 years of real world experience, part of Paul wanted to run straight for the dark corner of the auditorium where he spent many afternoons running the lights for shows he never got cast in, eventually memorizing every inch of it so he could do his job in pitch black. He felt invincible in that spot, unseen and in total command. That same dark nook also held fond memories of his first sexual experimentation with handsome, talented, kind, sexy Tom Downey. No one ever understood why tall, muscular, gorgeous Tom hung around with chunky, dorky Paul, but they were inseparable when Paul wasn't relegated to run lighting, while Tommy shined on stage (not to mention on the swim team and baseball team). Most schools would not have intermixed theatre kids with athletes, but Franklin high had been home to one of the country’s top high school theatre programs for almost as many years as it had been presided over by Mrs. Nancy Wheeler. She had started in the mid-seventies and within a few years she’d made the drama department as profitable for the school as any of the athletics, before it became the city’s magnet school in the early 80’s. It was what made Paul, and many others, work tirelessly to get transferred to Franklin. Paul had always dreamed of performing in shows and movies, but Mrs. Wheeler popped that bubble on his first day, informing him he was too plain and shy to ever be more than a techie. It was her m.o. to tactlessly burst kids’ dreams that way, earning her the nickname Pinwheeler. Thus when they both tried out for 'the Tempest' their freshman year, Paul was stuck as a lighting assistant, training to work the control console while getting stuck with other jobs to fill the time. Tom however, got a lead role, and tried to help his bud by requesting Paul be his costume helper. Night after night, Paul pretended not to notice Tom’s hard cock while they hurried to get him out of a complex velvet period costume and into another. Closing night the friends went to the cast party and were talked into smoking some weed with a few seniors, including the only openly gay couple at the school. Stoned and giggly, they wandered around the host's house while Tom confided he'd caught the gay guys blowing each other one night in the parking lot. Paul still can't remember who initiated it, but minutes later they took turns swallowing each others' cum loads in a guest bedroom. Some guys would pretend it hadn't happened and get all weird but Paul and Tom decided they wanted more and began sucking, jerking and fingering every chance they got. By summer break Paul had trained Tom to take 3 fingers before they spent a month as roomies at a theatre camp. Neither duffle bag was even unzipped before Paul bred Tom's hole for the first time. When sophomore year started, Tom's butt was taking at least 10 loads a week. If Tom hadn’t regularly provided some hot ass, Paul would probably have given up on theatre since he was always losing roles to the same boy he routinely cornholed. 'Pinwheeler' assumed Paul had a crush on Tom, and told him once that, just as he would never succeed in acting, Paul had no chance of landing a leading role in Tom's life either. Paul smiled now remembering her words. Last year he’d made close to 3 million bucks acting. He wasn’t a movie star, but he’d gained the skill and confidence in college to get him steady work and recently landed a recurring supporting role on a cable drama series. That's why Paul graciously agreed to volunteer his help when his alma mater sent a letter requesting his expertise judging their short film contest. It didn’t hurt that the new teacher assisting Pinwheeler was fresh out of college, 6’4” with black hair, blue eyes, golden skin, and a thick muscular build. Paul was already planning to come to judge the videos to show Pinwheeler she was wrong, but decided to offer his help from start to finish when he saw Mr. Dick Carson's photos on Facebook. He paused as he reached for the door to enter the theatre room. This was the first time he’d be entering as the star, and after all his fantasizing of how it would be, he suddenly realized he needed to leave that behind if he was going to do these kids any good. Still, he took a moment to relish the look of wonder and embarrassment on Pinwheeler’s face when the whole class mobbed him before he’d even made it through the door. That afternoon, every student in the theatre magnet program watched and listened to everything he said with awe and admiration. At the end of the day, over 200 kids had taken his advices as gospel, and once again Paul found himself surrounded by fans, all hoping he’d agree to help them with some aspect or another of their videos. Mr. Carson stepped in just in time, informing the kids they would each get a chance to meet with Paul as each step of the process was submitted. Paul’s cock twitched as Mr. Carson’s arms guided him into Pinwheeler’s office and away from the kids. Over the next few sessions, the students got less pushy, and Paul found himself really enjoying being able to help them take their ideas and transform them into some truly funny, smart and marketable short films. A few seniors in the group were planning on submitting their films as audition pieces for college programs focusing on screenwriting, directing, cinematography and of course acting. He was shocked to discover that these students hadn’t been indoctrinated with Pinwheeler’s agenda, showcasing the acting talents of all shapes and sizes, while encouraging the beautiful girls and handsome boys to try their hand behind the scenes. Mr. Carson finally explained over drinks one Friday evening, that the administration had been receiving complaints for years about Pinwheeler’s harsh doses of reality and prejudiced approach. It was getting worse now that she was almost 70, so Mr. Carson had been hired to train under her before she was given the option of retirement or demotion. Paul tried not to show his delight in the news, but he did offer his congrats to Mr. Carson, adding that ”the kids are in great hands with you, Mr. Carson. These past few weeks, I’ve seen you open the minds of each kid in there, and I’m sure you’ll continue to evolve the program in many more exciting ways.” “Please Paul, call me Dick. After all, I never would’ve been able to pull this off without your generosity. I’m sure you’d prefer to spend your break from filming somewhere other than back in the little town high school where you were never appreciated.” Paul’s cock hardened slightly with thoughts of all the butts he could be breeding during this time. He and Tom only managed to enjoy clandestine rendezvous once they went to college, before Tom settled down with a girl they knew. Their last shared load was the day of his wedding, his tux pants around his ankles, while groom’s man Paul fished his cock from the fly of his own tux, bent Tom over a catering cart in the dish pantry while the bride and her family took photos, and committed his one and only act of infidelity, sealed with a load of semen deep inside. Paul started exploring his options at school after that, and discovered he had a lot now that he was in shape, taller and his Dick had grown to its full adult length of 8 thick cut inches. At first he fucked every butt that would bend over for him, but was shocked into secrecy when one of his regular cum-dumps was outed on the local late night news. Turns out the slim young preppy guy he’d met online was actually a married father of 4 and minister for an extremely conservative church the next town over. As Paul watched the man’s life dissolve into tabloid fodder and late night jokes, Paul made a rule: always be dating a hot girl, while secretly mating a hot boy, but never let either know the other. So now he was seeing some young actress he’d met doing a commercial, and hooking up with guys online for anonymous breedings. She was too busy to do much more than escort him down red carpets and be “caught” by paparazzi kissing, and his butt boys never saw his face. He’d even found a group in LA that hosted monthly orgies requiring every guy wear a mask. Since he’d been back home, he’d been too worried about being discovered to do anything other than jerk in the shower each morning after his work out. Usually this involved scenarios featuring Mr. Carson or some of the well developed high school boys bent over the editing computer or up against the stall door of the restroom, begging for Paul’s cum inside their holes. Paul came back to earth when he realized Mr. Carson, Dick, had not removed the arm from around Paul’s shoulders since placing it there when he was thanking him. He forgot himself for a second and glanced into Dick’s lap, observing a big lump snaking its way down his left leg, proving that Dick had the right name. “I bet you miss having your girl around especially,” Dick said while beginning to rub his arm down Paul’s back. “saw her on TMZ last month. She is one hot piece of pussy. I can’t imagine having to give up pounding that for a month just to help out an inexperienced teacher and a bunch of snotty brats.” His laughter sent a bolt to paul’s cock, and paul assured him that he was loving the time with Dick, and the kids, finishing (pretty unconvincingly) by adding that he did miss her tight pussy. “seems unfair that you’re being so helpful and won’t get laid till after you leave. Of course you could always enjoy some local fare, especially since there are so many people here who’d do anything to show you how much we appreciate you being here.” Dick chose that moment to move away from Paul, walking over to the bottle on his counter, and refilling Paul’s glass with some cheap rum and store brand coke. “Hell, I can’t even offer you really coke for your cocktails, but you could have your pick of any girl in town and most of the guys.” “Sounds fun until you remember how quickly those guys… and girls would jump online and spill to 4 million of their closest strangers. It would be the end of my relationship, not to mention my trust worthy reputation as the good boy of cable TV.” He walked back over as Paul explained the downside to cheating as a semi-celeb, but didn’t sit. This meant his large unfurling penis was eyelevel with Paul. “that does suck, I just hope you know you have given so much of your time and energy, you’ve earned a friend in me and I’d never do anything to jeopardize our relationship and its future.” Dick rook a step closer. “our relationship and its future…” Paul leaned forward to take a drink and Dick could feel his hot breath through his thin grey work slacks. “I am willing to do anything to secure the future of this program at the school and would never exploit our relationship as friends. So what can we do to ensure you are motivated to return every year and provide your services?” Dick didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he pulled Paul’s head forward until his giant man meat was up against Paul’s face. Once they made first contact, it was only seconds before they were naked on the kitchen floor, 69ing and playing with each other’s asses. Before Paul could catch a breath between inhaling Dick’s Dick, He was being flipped on his stomach and Dick was using the olive oil from their salads to finger Paul’s hole. “whoa Dick, I don’t catch, especially not a massive log like yours. I’m all pitching, but I’d love to take a toss at your butt.” Paul tried to get an angle on Dick’s hole, but Dick confirmed that he, too, was all top. Disappointed, they made the best of it and spent the rest of the evening eating each other’s cum loads. When Paul went back to the house he was renting, he almost turned off the highway to cruise a rest stop, before he reminded himself what dire consequences that could mean. The next few days working with the kids were even more fun than before now that Paul was taking breaks 3 or 4 times a day to feed Dick his load and swallow Dick’s semen. As he suspected, Dick had a hot muscled body, but with much more mass and less definition. Combined with his 9 inch uncut Dick and hairy chest and Paul was hopelessly desperate for each suck session. He even started dreaming about letting Dick fuck him in his almost virgin hole. He and Tom had tried once unsuccessfully (with Tom cumming too soon and Paul screaming in pain), and Paul had tried again his first year in LA with a TV star from his childhood. One of the first gigs Paul got after moving to Hollywood was a guest spot on a failed crime drama about a gay closeted cop and his drug addicted partner. The star playing the gay cop, ‘Bert’, was famous 10 years before for playing a wholesome dad, and he hoped he could redefine his image with the show. Paul played a male prostitute who witnessed a murder, was taken into protective custody and then sleep with the cop. Paul had had a crush on ‘Bert’ since he first saw him, and couldn’t believe that even at 40, he was still extremely well built and full of charm. After some long days filming sex scenes over and over, Bert noticed Paul getting excited while filming. Mortified, Paul apologized, but Bert told him it was no big deal and invited him to dinner to discuss his career. Paul was shocked when he arrived at Bert’s house when Bert answered the door naked. Bert offered Paul a drink while he got dressed, but Paul asked for some cock instead. Bert was all top, but Paul was starstruck, and decided to go for it when Bert told him he had some ghb that would help him relax and enjoy it. Within minutes of drinking it, Paul could barely stay conscious. Without any memory of how he got naked or upstairs, he found himself face down being roughly butt fucked by Bert. The pain was pretty severe since Bert didn’t use any lube, until he shot all over Paul’s hole. Too out of it to move, Bert said something about an encore and the next thing Paul knew, Bert was watching while a short buff, tattooed Latino forcefucked Paul’s stoned ass as well. After the ghb wore off, Bert tried to convince him to try some other stuff and stick around, but Paul politely declined while running out the door. His ads was sore for days after that, and ever since then, he’d only been a top. Now he found himself envisioning Dick stuffing his giant monster cock into his tight hole, and started using magic markers and a plastic ladle handle on his hole when he was jerking off. He was almost ready to ask Mr. Carson to teach his hole a new trick, when Dick got some bad news. Turned out his Mother was ill and he had to run off cross country that night. Paul sucked him off before he left, and prayed for a hot substitute, but no such luck. Finally ready to get fucked, and the guy he wanted to ride was 1000 miles away. That Friday, Paul was considering driving to the next town over for a shady internet hookup when he got a call from one of the students, frantic due to his laptop and thus, his entire film being stolen.
    1 point
  18. Charlie & Peter (part 1) Jamie was a little surprised when he answered the door and saw his brother Charlie and his brother's friend Peter standing there with duffle bags in hand. Jamie quickly learned that their father found Charlie & Peter in bed together 69'ing in Charlie's bed. And just as their father did to Jamie when he came out, he kicked Charlie out on the street. Charlie packed his things and as he walked over to Peter's house to find him packed up and kicked out by his parents as well. The two high school seniors made a quick walk to the closest ATM and withdrew as much cash as they could before their parents could freeze their back accounts. They tried to make calls from their cell phones only to find their service were blocked. Charlie came up with a plan, to get out of their little Texas town and here they are in Tempe, Arizona at Jamie's door. After Jamie, and his roommate Miguel, welcomed then inside and heard their story Miguel began to think of how he could use these two young studs. It was only a year ago that Jamie meet Miguel and feel under his spell, was introduced to partying and willingly was pozzed by his more superior and dominating partner Miguel. Miguel stood 6' 4" with a muscular build, dark hair & eyes which were a stark contrast to Jamie's 5' 9", slim, runners build with his bond hair and blue eyes. Charlie looked a lot like his older brother while Peter was slight taller with brown hair, green eyes and a nice summer's build. Miguel excused himself and asked Jamie to join him in their bedroom leaving the two teens in the living room. Miguel shared his thoughts about using the teens as delivery boys. Jamie knew he had no choice in the matter as he watch Miguel get out a couple meth pipes and made sure both had an ample supply in the bowl. When they returned to the living room Miguel laid out the ground rules if the two teens were going to keep living their. Number one they had to do exactly as they were told, no questions asked. Number two they were going to go to work for them making deliverIes and running errands. And number three they were to start smoking with them and let things happen add they may. Miguel and Jamie light a could touches and were heating the pipes keying tnt smoke build in the bowl before slowly sucking in the white smoke before blowing it out. Miguel then instruct the teens to take the pipes and do as they had just done. Peter was the first to grab a pipe as Miguel light a touch and heated the bowl. Charlie was a little hesitant but slowly followed his friend lead as his brother headed the bowl. Peter was already sucking in the white magic while Charlie was right behind him in sucking in his own pipe. Miguel had them hit the pipe half a dozen times till he knew they were good and high. Miguel signaled Jamie to make his nice as he moved in to kiss his own brother. Miguel moved in and quickly got Peter sucking on his 8" uncut cock. The teens were to high to know what they were in for until Miguel Suggested that they move this to the bedroom. Once in the big king size bed there was enough room to allow each couple to being to move things along. Miguel watched lot of the corner of his eye as Jamie began to chow down on his brother's neg ass. Miguel already had a lounged finger inside Peter's ass and was ready to start adding some nice shards of Tina. Jamie knew he had to follow Miguel's leed and began to work some Tina into his brother's ass. Both boys complained of the burn only to be quieted by a deep kiss. As the teens were being kissed each was slowly being impaled on a raw cock. Peter was pinned to his back as Miguel's 8"chock was slowly driven inside balls deep. Jamie began to penetrate his younger brother with his own 7"cut cock as Charlie began to moan on pleasure. Soon enough both teens were being fucked slowly by each poz cock inside each of their neg holes. As the fucking progressed the teens had no clue as to the nature of the fuck since this was their first fuck. Each teen was willing enjoying their fuck. Miguel had the ability to cum while non-stop fucking. So after his first load inside Peter's neg ass he grabbed his bottom's hand, guiding it down so that Peter could feel his raw cock sliding in and out of his hole. Miguel then began fucking Peter a little harder delivering a second load while Jamie deposited his first load inside his brother. Miguel quickly pulled out of Peter abd pushed Jamie aside sup that he could now fuck Charlie while Peter was feeling very empty needing anger cock inside him. He pulled Peter over and pushed Peter's head into his crotch so that he could suck his cock clean and get it hard again. Miguel showed no mercy as he hammered away making sure he deposited a couple loads. Like he did with Peter, Miguel pulled Charlie's hand to let him feel his hard, raw cock fucking away at his ass. Charlie was shocked and worried about being fucked raw unlike Peter who accepted the raw cock fucking away inside him.
    1 point
  19. I went to the neighborhood adult store last weekend. In the basement of the store, they have a number or gloryholes and private booths. This place is always a hit or a miss and there are trolls and addicts hanging around. But I usually get to fuck around with at least one hot guy. I sucked a few decent cocks and was thinking about leaving when I saw a hot daddy. I gave him the look and he looked back. I entered one of the booths and he entered the opposite. He pushed his cock throught the hole and I went down on him. His cock rose to a good 7 or 8 inches. I got off his cock and he asked me to join him in his booth. I locked the door as I entered and dropped my jeans. The hot daddy grabbed my hips and pushed his tongue between the straps of my jock and ate my hole out for a good while. Some trolls gathered in the booth nextdoor and I had to swat their paws away from my ass as they tried to grab me through the hole. The daddy was sitting on the bench and pulled me back toward him. I sat back on his lap and guided his big cock into my ass. He reached around and held an open bottle of poppers under my nose and I huffed deeply and grinded my ass downward on his dick. He gasped as I bottomed out on him. He reached around and jacked my cock and pinched my left nip as I rode his cock. After a few minutes he groaned and I made sure he was in me balls deep as he re-charged me. As I drove home, I felt his cum oozing out of my hole, getting my seat damp with his babies.
    1 point
  20. Chapter III. I excused myself to take a piss, knowing that Adam’s POZ cock was about to get much closer to my boy’s raw hole. I made my way to the door and looked back. Of course my boy’s head was turned to Adam, staring at his cockhead peeking out of his jeans. He never saw me open and close the door, then hide behind a stack of boxes. Within seconds, my boy spun around and dove onto that POZ cock. He tugged at Adam’s jeans, popping buttons all the way down, and freeing that big beautiful uncut dick. Adam’s cock was so long that it reach up to his navel before his jeans were unbuttoned, and now stuck out at least 10” from his body. My boy swallowed every inch down to the root. Adam still had has camera in hand and was clicking away. "Better pull off that thing," he smirked, adding "Spin back around so your man doesn’t see you in this position, at least not unless he wants to." He looked up and over towards the stack of boxes. I suspected he knew I was still in the room! I reached for the door and opened it just as my boy swung back around. Adam’s cock was still hanging out, dangling right over my boy’s hole. I approached slowly, transfixed, as I watched a pearl of precum slowly leak out of Adam’s POZ cock and drip ever-so-slowly down and land right on my boy’s asshole. I knelt in front of my boy as he slurped my dick down to the root. I leaned forward and spread my boy’s cheeks. Adam snapped away as I worked that pearl of POZ precum into my boy’s ass. I fingered his ass as my boy moaned on my dick. Adam’s oozing cock was inches away from my boy’s ass as I kneaded his cheeks and worked my fingers in and out, getting him prime, loose and ready to take this stud’s raw POZ cock. I was on the verge of blowing my load down my boy’s throat as I reached out and wrapped my hand around Adam’s manhood. Every moment was captured by the camera as I guided that raw toxic cock into my boy’s hole. Adam thrust slowly forward as his foreskin pulled back. Every inch disappearing into my boy’s ass was rewarded with moans of pleasure from the three of us, and clicks of the camera. My boy gagged on my dick and pulled off to catch his breath. He smiled up at me, ‘I’m finally doing it. Taking POZ cock raw!’ I smiled and nodded to him. Adam began rocking back and forth driving his cock deeper and deeper into my boy with each thrust. He pulled away from the camera and handed it to me, nodding as he did so. I couldn’t believe that I was allowing this to happen, encouraging it even. I took the camera and started shooting. I moved around the sofa as Adam began pile-driving my boy’s ass. Adam’s pace quickened as his breath got more shallow. I knew he was close, and I leaned in as he bottomed out inside my boy, firing off, shooting his toxic load deep into my boy’s gut. I could see his balls clenching again and again, breeding my boy. Adam slowly pulled out, leaving my boy’s ass wide open. I could see white globs of POZ cum start to ooze out. Adam smeared the seed onto his hand and then onto my dick, leading me forward. He took the camera and began shooting as I entered my boy’s slack cummy silky hole. I knew I was working that POZ seed deeper into my boy’s hole, and that sent me over the edge in mere moments. It felt like I came a gallon, relishing the feeling of Adam’s POZ cum slipping over my raw cock, flowing deeper and deeper into my boy’s ass. I caught my breath as I realized that the camera had stopped clicking and the sound had been replaced by clapping. My boy and I heaved as Danny and Sam approached, both naked and hard. Adam patted us both on the back as he leaned forward to kiss Danny and Sam. "You boys finished, or do you want to keep this party going?" My boy grinned and smiled at me as he said, ‘I knew their plan would work!’ Only then did I realize that they had planned the whole thing. Danny started to arrange me on my knees beside my boy, both of us leaning on the back of the sofa with our asses prone. Sam slid up behind me as Danny eased up behind my boy. ‘You fuckers ready to take some more POZ cock!?!’ My boy leaned over and kissed me hard as Danny and Sam fingered our holes. When we pulled apart, we both answered with a breathless ‘Fuck yeah!’
    1 point
  21. This is fucking hot! Been edging so hard waiting for the next chapter. Always love your stories 1981virginia
    1 point
  22. The answer to #3 is easy. Lots and lots of cum.
    1 point
  23. I'm not a gay man in the sense that I only sleep with men, but there are two non-feelings based reasons why condoms suck for sexual pleasure. The first reason is, if you like to go hard (like I do), the friction from a condom can be uncomfortable for both parties. Condoms are designed for wet pussy and lovemaking, not asshole pounding. So hard sex is more difficult. And yes there is lube, but if you're really going at it, who wants to stop and lube up again? The second reason is, for a lot of guys it's hard to finish in a condom. If you can stay hard, it's good for your partner, but after awhile it's just uncomfortable. You wind up jacking off to finish and that defeats the purpose of sex. Plus, if you're on the longer end like myself, most condoms don't fit all the way down your shaft. I usually have about an inch left after I put on a condom. Necessary evil if you're wanting to avoid STDs and pregnancy, but condom sex fucking sucks.
    1 point
  24. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he chided as I got up, pulled on some sweats and strode to the door. Tanner furiously stuffed his throbbing cock back into his pants, pulled his shirt back down and sat back on the couch, trying to look like nothing was happening - pretending to watch T.V "Don't worry man" I said, throwing my head back to shoot him a big grin, "You're already fucking mine" I whispered so he didn't hear. Jake was outside; a large overnight bag thrown over his shoulder and a huge grin on his face. "Come in bro" I said, motioning to the big room behind us with my cock as it tented in the jockey fabric of my sweats. "Nice" Jake said, meeting me in a deep, passionate kiss out of Tanner's line of sight. Jake was such a hottie - I felt up his tight, swimmers torso under the fabric of his polo. "We gonna get this party started?" I asked as we broke our kiss. Jake nodded at the heavy bag over his shoulder and flashed me an evil grin. "Good boy...let's go get this jock tweaked" I whispered in his ear, shutting the door behind him. I felt Jake exhale - raditating a deep desire to initiate his hot little friend into the party-fold. Jake walked straight into the kitchen with his stuff, calling out to Tanner as I returned to the jock's side, still shirtless and tenting: "Hey man" Jake called, "Got the booze - bringin the noise man, what you boys been upto?" Dace was still visibly flushed with sex and still trying to conceal his erection.. I shot him a wink as I joined him on the couch - trying to tease him into a kiss but, getting nothing. Tanner tried to wriggle some distance between us as he answered: "Chillin' man. We've just been, chillin" Jake smiled to himself in the kitchen as he loaded a cap of my potent G into one of the sweet, sugary drinks he'd bought at the market: one capful is usually all it takes to get a jock-boy good and hungry for some raw dick, pushing those boundaries far enough to make them receptive to even darker suggestion. However, no matter how hard you try, there's always a gross after-taste to the stuff I get. It's good but, boy does it taste like crap. Luckily, sugar goes a long way to making it better - not to mention the fact that those cheap, alco-pop flavoured drinks are gross to begin with. Jake popped a bottle of amyl into his pocket and sauntered into the living room as I got up to replace him in the kitchen - I wanted to collect a few 'props' of my own from my play-bag but, also see if Jake could take the next step in his education and chem up his perfect friend alone. Tanner was still in a state of agitation, nearly being outed as a bottom-boy fag had really got to him - he grabbed the drink Jake offered him, downing the tumbler full of chem-pop in one, long hit. He slammed the glass on the little table next to him and scrunched up his face like he'd taken a hit of strong whisky: "dude, what the fuck was that?" He blurted as the taste hit him. Jake looked down at the pinkish liquid in his glass, trying to conceal a giant smirk: "Raspberry-Nado" he said, remembering the label. Tanner squirmed, shaking his tongue in the air. "I know, I know" Jake said sipping on the 'same' drink - "It's fucking gross dude but, it gets you totally fucking blitzed...Honestly, I've already had one on the way over - it gets better the second time, promise" Jake said, handing Tanner his own drink and shouting to me in the kitchen to 'bring more booze'. I smiled to myself - Jake really was a hot little find, a real dom-top, chemslut in training. He was a natural and I couldn't help but be so proud for having brought that out of him so young and perfect. He'd corrupt so many fucking boys - he had all the hallmarks of becoming a man no boy could resist.
    1 point
  25. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=IrARu-G298- Spanish Duo Having a sex show on Cam4 from dressed to cumming ...
    1 point
  26. As the clock reached 9pm, I pulled my tongue out of him - kneeling behind him to admire my work. Tanner's little boy-pussy was begging to get filled as it glistened with spit, radiating jock-boy warmth. Tanner's cock had snaked out of his briefs and was oozing a stream of clean, teen-boy pre-cum; a whole silver thread of it connected his cock to a pool below. As I looked at the boy before me I couldn't help but marvel at his genes. Surfer God body with the face of a chiseled jock model - their wasn't an angle, pants around his knees, t-shirt pushed up his back, from which he couldn't be admired; his sparkling, innocent eyes fluttering against the pleasures emanating from his anus. "I'll get you there" I thought to myself as I dove under him, looping my tongue about the string of pre-cum oozing from his cock. Swirling it around my mouth: savouring the sweet, salty taste of his negboy juice - like 18 year-old, fine fucking wine: this boy literally tasted as good as he looked and I licked up every last drop of his perfect pre-spunk from the floor under him - running my tongue across the slick floor till it was clean and gone. As I finished, I quickly tossed Tanner around, pulling his tight, tan frame under my naked, muscled body, joining him in a deep, penetrative cum-kiss - pushing my slick, pre-cum covered tongue into his surprised mouth, forcing him to taste it, enjoy it: his own, pure, sweet teen-boy pre-jizz, swirling it round his hot mouth as I held him in place. He barely resisted; his senses in overload. He made a vain attempt to try and kick me off him but couldn't - or didn't. Either way, he eventually let out a deep sigh and reciprocated the kiss, swapping his sweet nectar back and forth with me, eventually swallowing it as we broke the kiss. "Such a fucking slut" I thought, running my hands through his blonde hair. The door-bell rang as I wiped my mouth along my forearm, smelling remnants of his precious pre-jizz in the fur of my forearm. Tanner suddenly seemed to wake-up as soon as he heard the door-bell. "Fuck!" he almost yelled, fumbling to get out of me like a caged animal. "Come on Dude" he whispered, nervously struggling to pull his jeans up from around his knees. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he chided as I got up, pulled on some sweats and strode to the door.
    1 point
  27. between the two, definite effeminate bottoms. i will say though im not a huge fan of guys that are really in shape (big muscles, washboard abs, huge pecs etc. looking like they just came out of a fitness magazine). not my cup of tea at all. i REALLY like guys that are plain or not too attractive (very fat guys/super chubs with lots of rolls, very skinny guys, old men that are over the age of 60, guys that are not attractive to the general public, guys that you would never expect to be fucking).... these guys make me weak. love them!
    1 point
  28. My bud lonestarboi called me up and said a ginger massage client of his wanted to be mounted while being massaged, and since lonestar and I hadn't seen each other in a while, lonestar wanted me to come over. When I got there, the client was on the table face down. As I was getting undressed, lonestar came out of the can and began to massage the client. I rubbed my cock down with Gun Oil and began to fuck. As I was, another one of lonestar's buds comes in and strips. He unleashes a magnificent, thick, long, uncut cock and shoves it in the client's mouth. As the client sucks, it grows to what I find out is a genuine 11 inches. Watching this cock makes me horny, and I ask if he wants to be bred. Bigcock tells me to breed his cunt. I immediately shoot my load, and pull out. As I do so, a glob of my load slips onto the table. Bigcock smears it all over his cock and tells the client, "I'm gonna use his cum as lube" and shoves it in. I go to clean up, and as soon as I finish, big cock walks in the bathroom to clean up. I go to get dressed as the masseur is fucking his client. I ask if he can feel our loads in there, and he says, "Fuck yeah" as he adds his to the collection. He turns the client over, and as I'm leaving, realize it's someone I've known for at least 20 years.
    1 point
  29. greedy cunt wasn't satisfied with a condom fuck so ... http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=MYhXu-G698-#.VNelwvmsVIF
    1 point
  30. Hey Brad- I try to get a room at the Residence Inn by Marriott, on 14th and K street, I think. It is at Thomas Circle area, and there is a 24 hr CVS next door, but most important, the gay bar Green Lantern is right across the street, down the alley, from the hotel, so you can score and head back to the room, play and return for more. And if you are connecting off hook up sites, guys can drop in the hotel and go to the room, breed your hole, head over to the Green Lantern, have a drink and get their 2nd cumming and drop back in for round 2, maybe even dragging a buddy along for extra sloppy seconds
    1 point
  31. (part 3) Charlie and Peter were ready to crash after their first night of partying I Tina. They were able to get about 6 hours if sleep before they woke up together in bed. Since Miguel and Jaime were working on last minute party plans the teens Miguel allowed them to user their master bedroom. It was easy for Miguel to arrange the weekend party. He had his usual supplies for the weekend and placed a couple calls to get stone extra T, G and X. Miguel had held these parties before. He only invites select individuals who he knows. Those that attend pay a simple entrance fee and the party favors are included. Miguel had bought the old house that he used for theses parties. It was a simple 3 bedroom with pool in back. Parties like this were not a money maker for Miguel. He looked at out as good customer relations. His profit margin fir this party was far below what he typically makes over a decent weekend in sales, but wartime has a good time and what he loses in sales for this one weekend he'll makes up for in sales the following weekend. And with Charlie and Peter to help with sales, Miguel figures he can pick up some extra cash pimping their asses out to their clients. It was late afternoon when the teens woke up. They laid in bed and talked about last nights events. Charles was still a little freaked about the drugs and the raw sex. Peter seemed top accept what had happened and actually was turned on over the entire situation. Peter doc his best to calm Charlie down and to accept their fate. Peter held Charlie in his arms as they talked an d it seemed top calm him down. As the teens were laying I bed talking Miguel came in telling then to get up and eat a good meal before they were to leave for the party. Charlie & Peter fixed a good meal as they continued to get used to the idea of thirty new life. Both boys knew that if they had not taken the bus to Phoenix they'd be homeless and outed I their own home town. After the boys were done eating Jamie took them into the bathroom where they were told to shave down for the party. Both boys recall that Jamie was rather smooth with trimmed body hair. The teens weren't that hairy to begin with do it was easy for them to trim and shave Edgar they needed to in order to be ready for the upcoming event. Once they were ready the four of them headed out to the house. They had to make a stop I the way to pick up the extra supplies. When they arrived at the house Jamie showed the two teens around and then had then help set up the slings while Miguel fixed the supplies that the newbies would use over the weekend. It didn't take long for guests to start to arrive. The newbies were allowed to mingle with the guests until enough had arrived to get things started. Jamie told the boys to strip and climb into the slings in the living room. Peter quickly tossed his shirt and jeans aside and eagerly climbed into one of the slings. Charlie followed his friend and tossed his clothes side joining his friend in the sling near his. Miguel came into the room with the supplies that would keep the newbies flying am weekend long. Miguel told Jamie that the points were numbered and that the newbIes would get slams at designated times. This reminded Jamie of the weekend that Miguel introduced him to slamming. It was also when Jamie was pozzed and he knew the fate his brother and Peter were about to experience. Jamie had no regrets over those actions, he just wasn't sure that it was the right thing for his brother. As the newbies relaxed in the slings Miguel explained to them how the next few days were going to go. He first explained that they would be getting slams if Tina at regular intervals. They were free to get out of the sling if they needed a break, but that they weren't to be to far from him or Jamie. Miguel would administer Peter's first slam while Jamie would give Charlie his first slam. Miguel explained to the teens what to expect as they experienced their first slam. Jamie told Charlie to relax and that he was going to enjoy himself over the next few days as he applied a tourniquet to his left bicep while Miguel fix the same to Peter. Both Charlie and Peter watched as their arm was wiped with alcohol and then the point was stuck into a nice vein. After registering a flash of blood to masks sure the needle was in a vein the contents were emptied into each teen. The tourniquets were pulled off and burn boys coughed out as the drug worked into their bodies. Any fear Charlie had quickly disappear as he rode the strong rush he was experiencing. Both boys looked at each other and smiled as they were experiencing their first slam. The only only words spoken were from Peter who simply said 'FUCK YEAH!', and Charlie added 'OH YEAH'. The guests quickly gathered around the two teens as they were cock hungry ready to be fucked. It didn't take long for the fucking to begin. Both Charlie and Peter were definitely into this scene which pleased Jamie. One by one each guest fucked and seeded each teen. At precise times they were each given another slam to keep the high. when the boys were also provided water and G laced juice and Gatorade to keep them hydrated, energized and horny. When things slowed down the boys were taken out of the sling and out to the pool to get refreshed. While in the pool the two boys compared their night so far. Charlie admitted that he was nervous at the begging but after the first slam he was really into everything. Peter admitted that he was loving the drugs and he could definitely get used to this lifestyle. The rest of the weekend progressed the same. Both boys were fucked by almost every guy who came to the party. The few who didn't fuck the two teens were total bottoms that attended the party. When Sunday afternoon came both boys were ready to crash. After being awake for three straight days they were ready to crash.
    1 point
  32. (part 2) As the sun peaked through the windows as Friday dawned upon the bedroom, Charlie and Peter were sucking each other's cocks as Miguel fucked Jamie reminding him who is in charge in the relationship. Charlie and Peter were ready to crash as Miguel deposited a load inside Jamie's well used ass. Miguel left the the naked boys in bed to make arrangements for the newbies welcome into his business and family that he had always wanted. Jamie knew better then to follow him but Miguel came back to the door and motioned for him to come to the living room. Charlie and Peter had a brief discussion as they passed out about the fuck they had received. Both were not sure what to make of the raw fucking they dad received. They nth knew from health class that v they should use condoms fir fucking to prevent HIV but Peter find the raw fuck exiting where Charlie was scared. Peter told him that he shouldn't worry, at least not anymore. If Miguel and Jamie are HIV+ it's too late, they will be HIV+ soon as well. Peter's cock became very hard and he couldn't resist fucking Charlie in his state of mind. Peter climbed on Charlie's back, pinned his varms to the bed and forced himself between his legs and as he forced his hard cock inside his friend ass he whispered to him how much me had been wanting to fuck his sweet ass. Miguel explained to Jamie his plans for the evening. A party at the house with all welcomed to come fuck the newbies and seed their neg asses while they are tweaked out on nice slams am weekend long. Jamie want all the Ken in the idea until Miguel reminded him of his own welcome over a year ago, right before he told his old man he was gay. Jamie's chick began to thicken a little as Miguel noticed and said (while stroking his growing member) that he knew Jamie would be 'UP' for it. During the planning they heard Charlie's whimpers. They looked into the bedroom to see Peter fucking Charlie. Miguel commented that it looks like Charlie was going to be like his older brother, a submissive bottom. Miguel was already figuring that he'd have to effectual out later I his place one rung below his own boy Jamie. This weekend (and weekend to come) should do the trick. If not he'd lend him to his friend for a few days. Miguel cock grew stiff as he watched Peter fuck Charlie and left Jamie to carry out his instructions for that night's festivities as he went back into the bedroom and mounted Peter's ass as he was fucking Charlie. Miguel grabbed Peter's hips and rammed ask 8"if his cock in balls deep forcing Peter to collapse on top of Charlie as he pounded home his dominance into Peter's hole. He reminded both boys that they were to do as they were told or they'd be out on the street. Peter began to enjoy the fucking he was getting and tried to move a little inside Charlie's home as Miguel wasted no time and seeded the twink. He then instructed Peter to pound as hard as he could into Charlie and cum inside him. Peter wasted no time and after having Miguel fucking him came quickly. After which gee told Charlie's to clean Peter's cock off. Charlie was a little hesitant about doing this but knew he had to comply as he saw the look I'm Miguel's eyes. After Peter's cock was cleaned he told Peter he was to suck a load out of Charlie and swallow it before they were allowed to get some rest that they would need since they were going to a party this weekend. Not really knowing what he really meant about the okay, Peter began to longingly suck Charlie's cock. When Charlie finally came it was a big load to that Peter did his best to swallow down. It wasn't the fist load he had eaten (and it wasn't going to be his last).
    1 point
  33. I am getting addicted to snowballing. getting the mixed taste of cum, lube, saliva and ass juice is priceless
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  34. HottieNaughtyBois rule as well. <grin> Thanks everyone who read and enjoyed.
    1 point
  35. And then there was the virgin... Now your probably thinking that the odds of a true virgin agreeing to take a poz load his first time being fucked are basically zero but there are exceptions to every rule. So Jason and I met this Freshman kid Tom at a gay social event. In talking to him it came out that Tom had recently come to terms with his being gay and wanted to talk with a poz guy about what that was like. We told him we could help him with that and invited him over to our place. When we got there we told him we were poz but keeping it quiet but would be happy to talk to him. He told us that he was a virgin but had been jacking to gay porn for a while and found he really liked playing with his ass and got turned on by seeing guys who were total cum sluts getting fucked and dominated by other guys. He's thought about it and realized that going down this road probably meant getting pozzed so he wanted to be sure he knew what he was in for. We talked for a while and laid out the benefits of being poz if one wanted to live an utterly uninhibited gay life. Tom was your basic 18y/o nerd. Skinny even waifish, white, with glasses and an analytical approach to everything. And both Jason and I had grown rock hard and the thought of pozzing his tight virgin ass. We asked Tom what he was waiting for? Was he ready to lose his cherry and get pozzed? Because if so we had some experience in the field and would love to help him explore his future as a gay cum slut. His last concern though was what if he didn't like getting fucked? What if it hurt too much? Our reply was that based on what he'd said so far he'd never be happy as a top. HIs true calling was being bent over talking raw cock and he knew that. He looked at the ground for a min thinking over what had been said and then looked back up at us fear in his eyes.. "Will you be my first fucks?" Tom asked. "It won't just be a fucking it will be a pozzing you know that right?" "No going back" I told him.. "Yeah...I know..." he said.. "Stand up and strip naked I told him". Now both Jason and I are more lovers that rough Dom tops but something in us said that was this kid needed and wanted wasn't to be made love to.. It was to be used like a piece of meat. Tom seemed to know what to do and quickly stripped completely down his breathing getting more rapid and when his underwear came off we saw a very hard small 4" cock sticking out. "Look at that Kevin" Jason said "its hardly big enough to be called a dick at all..He's tiny Tom". Tom's face went beet red at this and we could see he was ashamed of his small cock. I walked over and stroked it a bit Tom looking at the floor in shame.. 'You know its a good thing your a bottom cum slut because this wouldn't please much of anyone" I told him.. "On your knees bitch" Tom immediately complied and we proceeded to take turns fucking his throat gagging him as we shoved our full length into him milking our precum into his mouth and making sure he drank every drop down. Tears ran down his face but his small cock was if anything even harder that before and leaking a copious flow of precum down the shaft over his little balls and then onto the floor. It was time to stop playing and fuck his virgin ass. We got him to the couch on his back and pushed his legs over his head spreading them wide to expose his cherry fuck hole. Even spread wide like this it still looked impossibly tight. We flipped a coin to see who would be first and I won. I debated for a second just shoving it in without lube but decided that given how tight he looked that would be a bit much. So with Jason holding his legs and Tom trembling in a mixture of fear and anticipation I started off my working my tongue into him. He was tight but gradually his hole opened up a bit and I switched to working a lubed up finger into him. Tom meanwhile was moaning and trembling clearly having never felt anything like this in his life. I kept going until I had two fingers into him and figured that he was now ready. I mounted him and guided my thick cockhead to his tight hole. I pushed the tip in just a bit and looked into Tom's face. "This is it" I told him "I''m going to fuck you and take your virginity and seed your neg hole with my poz cum. From tonight on all your are is a sex toy for real men with real cocks". "Yes he whimpered.... fuck me...poz me..." I could have just shoved the length of my cock in with one thrust but instead I went slowly at first until the head had entered him before burying my shaft in his ass. Tom cried out whimpering in pain his body shaking and tears on his face. I was slow at first as I began to fuck him but began to pick up steam as felt him relax and heard him begin to moan. His eyes were shut but it was clear that he was beginning to enjoy his first fuck as his ass relaxed. Soon the sounds from him were those of pleasure and I could feel my load building in my balls. "Tell me you want it! I ordered him.. "Yes please .... give it to me...yes....cum in my boy pussy" I felt my cock throbbing ready to explode..."This is it I'm going to poz your cunt". As I said that I drove in deep and felt my cock let go squirting jet of jet of poz cum into his neg hole. At the same time Tom's cock erupted squirting shot after shot of some of the last neg cum it would ever produce over his chest and face. I could see Jason was dying for his chance so I pulled out and yielded Tom's ass to him. Jason moved in and started by working a toothbrush up into Tom scrubbing his hole vigourously..."Owww..Owww it hurts owww" Tom whimpered. "Shut up bitch and take it" Jason replied. He pulled the tooth brush out and showed it to Tom blood on the bristles. "Yeah see that our poz loads are getting into you for sure". WIth that Jason mounted him and in one swift thrust pounded his cock in deep. He fucked him hard working his cock in deep until filling Tom's guts with his own large load of poz cum. We took Tom to bed that night and both fucked additional loads into him. In the morning we woke up to Tom sucking our cocks and begging us for another fucking. "Please fuck me again my ass feels so empty without cock in it". It was clear that Tom had become the cum slut he was born to be.
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  36. My favorite topic! I've got lots of fetishes. * rough nipple play - lick it, bite it, twist it, pull it, suck it, clamp it ... * armpits and manscent - i'll lick them and savor it * sweat - especially from hairy guys/cubs * piss - drink it, drench me, in me... give also * ass-to-mouth and cumplay - use my spit as lube to breed me or others - felch and snowball the load that I breed in * rough sex - spank me, slap me, spit on me, punch me, blindfold me, tie me up ... and i can give also! * being whored out and taking anon loads - new fetish, still work in progress lol
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  37. Part 3 I felt someone get behind me, hands on my hips to steady me into position. For the first time, I felt a man's cock pushing into my arse hole. I gasped in pain as my hole was forced open, and then the head burst into me and the shaft slid into me with a delicious, slippery rush. More poppers were thrust under my nose, and I sagged in surrender to the plunging cock fucking me. I managed to look back over my shoulder to see a fat, sweaty guy thrusting his belly against my naked bottom, a snarl of pleasure on his ugly face. "Fuck the little bitch!" Someone whispered. I felt his thrusts become more urgent, his cock stiffening and then, with a loud grunt he pulled me into him, flopping and jerking against me as he filled me with cum. After a few moments, he slid his cock out of me and I felt wetness around my hole. The stocky guy stroked my hair and rubbed my back. "Good lad," he said. "Let them breed you.." I felt his hands on my buttocks, pulling the cheeks apart and another man got into position, mounting me like a pig as I bent forward against the urinal. A long, thin cock slid up me and began to move slowly, sexily in my hole. I looked back to see the thin guy with the sunken cheeks and realised what was happening. I panicked and tried to get up, but strong hands held me bent over and the poppers were held to my nose despite me shaking my head, and I felt my body start to melt. "Too late now, you little bitch." Whispered the stocky guy in my ear. "Time to join the club." I felt the cock in me swell and throb as it squirted it's dirty seed and knew I was being bred. Tears splashed into the white bowl of the urinal, but when he'd finished I just stayed there, no longer needing to be held down, and spread my own cheeks to receive the next diseased cock...
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  38. So Names first as the story continues. I'm Kevin and my buddy I mentioned is Jason. So after getting pozzed and making love Jason and I moved in together and while we certainly enjoyed fucking each other what we really wanted to do was share our special poz seen with other neg boys. As luck would have it wasn't long before we met our first candidate. His name was Yousef and he was middle eastern, slender, with mostly fair skin with just a touch of olive and as it turned out very smooth. We had a class with Yousef and he had come over to study one night and in the course of talking after we were done studying and were having a few drinks we found out Yousef was gay and a virgin. It seems he was in the states only for college and that back home being found out as gay was essentially a death sentence. But now in the states he was hoping for at least a couple of years of closeted sexual freedom before returning to his monastic existence. So Jason and I "confess" to Yousef our own recent start as a gay couple (leaving out our poz status of course) and we tell him that we'd love to be an introduction to gay sex for him. To help things along we start showing him some gay porn and quickly we are all tenting our shorts and Jason and I begin stroking his cock through his shorts. One of us on each side of him kissing him and stroking him our hands sliding under the light fabric of his soccer shorts to find raw flesh. Yousef as you might imagine isin heaven and putty in our hands. It isn't long before all three of us are nude and Jason and I are taking turns sucking on Yousef's cock and balls. One of us deep throating his 7" cock and the other licking and sucking his balls. As you might imagine for a young guy who was a virgin Yousef is in heaven moaning and shaking with pleasure his cock leaking a veritable river of pre cum. Jason and I are silently going nuts as well because we know that we are going to fuck him and fuck him raw. The prospect of gifting a virgin with our seed has both of us horny beyond description. After giving him the blow job and ball sucking of his life while Jason works his cock I push his legs up spreading them wide and exposing his virgin cherry. I spend a moment looking at his tight virgin neg ass and nearly cum at the thought of what I'm going to do to him. I start by licking around the edge of his hole and then start working my tongue in and out working to open him up and lubing him with my spit. This is driving Yousef nuts as he's never felt anything like it before and at this point he's in total sub mode totally surrendering his body to us. I start working a finger into him gently at first and then roughly..insistently...like a cock fucking him and his moans become high pitched whimpers that indicate a mixture of pleasure and pain. I can't stand it anymore..I NEED to fuck him hard and deep. Yousef is laying on his back his legs spread and I l move atop him pinning him underneath me. I kiss him deeply for a minute rubbing my pre-cum leaking cock head up and down his crack. "I'm going to fuck you now Yousef" I tell him "It will probably hurt at first but just relax and you'll love it". "Yes Kevin please fuck me I need it so bad" he whimpers. I start pushing into him his virgin ass tight at first and tough to penetrate but then my head begins to open his ass up and I force my cock deep inside him.. As expected Yousef cries out as I enter him shaking and quivering and whimpering about the pain but I could care less. My poz dick is buried in a neg ass and I can already feel my load starting to boil deep inside my balls. I'm not making love to Yousef where I'd gently fuck his ass working to maximize his pleasure along with mine.. This is a fucking..a breeding and I fucking him hard and deep with each stroke. I can tell he's having a hard time taking my cock but I can also sense his pain slowly becoming pleasure. The intensity of it all is almost more than I can stand and I see Jason watching us intently gently stroking his own cock clearly eager for a shot at Yousef's ass. I start talking to Yousef.."Yeah man there my cock is in your ass...its what you always wanted isn't it...fuck man were gonna cum inside you..fill that ass with cum so that you can feel it leaking out..." Yes Kevin" he whimpers.."cum inside me please..." My balls are boiling and I sooo need to unload my poz spunk inside his neg fuck hole. I start driving harder working it deeper trying to create a path for the bug into his system. Then when I can't stand it any longer I bury my dick as deep in his smooth neg ass as possible and my load erupts inside him. I can feel the pulsing of my cock as jet after jet of poz cum fires deep into his ass. As soon as I'm done Jason is there taking my place fucking his own load into Yousef, Once were done we make him take turns licking our cocks clean sucking them dry ensuring he gets every drop of poz seed we can muster into him. Yousef ends up spending the night with us and lets say there wasn't much sleeping as his years of repressed sexual need were fully released. He fucked his last neg loads into our willing holes and we in turn fucked more of our special poz cum into his boy pussy. In the morning before we let him gest dressed I made sure to take another look at his no longer virgin hole. What had been tight was now open and gaping ready to take any cock that came its way.
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  39. Getting my hole filled with anonymous loads. Talking multiple loads, keeping them inside and using them as lube for other cocks and toys. Public sex. I've been naked and fucked in parks. Large insertions - big toys and fists.
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  41. It's been a week or so since I wrapped up this story and have a few random thoughts. :-). Not really sexual stuff. Just my thoughts on the story itself. So if you are looking for the good stuff you may want to skip this. 1. Have seen some frustration around the fiction section over "abandoned" stories (frustrations I share at times...hate getting into a story and then it never gets finished). Looking back at this story, I'm hoping no one that way about Breakdown. For me, the story was about the main character finding himself in a situation that brought out his inner slut (in this case breaking down in the middle if nowhere and his night getting fucked by Wes and Ken). The aftermath chapter was mainly just there to show that this wasn't a one time thing but has profoundly altered his self-image and future behaviour. I can, however, see how some might feel I just abandoned the story. 2. For some reason, I had a hard time writing this one. Part of it was work being really busy but I also struggled with the story itself....which I had to push myself to finish it off. Which is odd to me because it pretty much went the way I planned it. Other stories I've written (here, Nifty, etc) the stories seemed to flow better but they also went in directions I didn't originally plan. 3. I did end up liking this though and will almost certainly carry on the student"s sexual adventures. That will be a new story though and probably a new thread as that will be a different story than this one. (I will probably even have to give him a name <lol>. ) 4. In this story the character was left nameless and is never really described in too much detail as he is intended to be an "every man" (or at least an "every-gay-college-student-leaving-home-for-the-first-time-who-doesn't-realize-he-is-gay"). In the same way, in my previous story(Gay, Married,and Horny) the lead character"s job and a lot of other details were left vague so you can project whatever you want on him and the other characters. 5. Wes and Ken were named after two friends from high school that I really lusted after (although I was too closeted to admit it to myself at the time). 6. And lastly....yep, my stories take place in a wonderful world where you can have repeated gay sex without any "accidents". Not to mention where all hot strangers are open to gay sex, where you can get caught having sex at work and get away with it, etc. :-) Just my rambling thoughts.
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  42. That is the end of this story (for now... may revisit some of these characters again in the future). Sorry for the delay in completing... life has been hectic for a bit. Hope you enjoy it anyway.
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  43. Chapter 2 "Hello?" Paul answered curtly, annoyed that someone was calling his private line less than 6 hours into a 3-day weekend, also happening to be the exact moment he chose to start jerking off. "Hi, I mean hello, sir, um, is this Paul, excuse me, is this Mr. Bishop?" The nervous teen voice at the other end of the call confirmed Paul's suspicion that one of the students was finally using the number they'd be given to invite him to some stupid high school bash or ask for an autograph. "Who's asking?" Paul responded, trying to sound less upset than he was. "This is Daniel Jacobs, sir. I am extremely sorry to call you this late," the boy sounded mortified, which melted Paul's anger a little, especially since the 'late' call was coming at only 9 pm. "but I am fu- um, in trouble Mr. Bishop. I was at the gym this afternoon and my locker was broken into, and my backpack with my laptop was stolen, and it had all of my finished footage from my project on it. Plus, I had just come straight from the editing lab at school, so all my back up disks and equipment were in it too. My teammates are freaking out, and I, well, I don't know what to do..." Paul felt awful when he heard the quiver in the boy's voice that made it sound like he might break into tears. Thinking back, his voice made it seem that he may have ben crying before the call too, which immediately made Paul ashamed for the rude way he'd answered the call. "ok, Daniel, right?" Paul asked in his softest, most calming voice. "Yes sir." Daniel sniffed. "First, calm down and take a deep breath. can you do that for me?" Paul waited until he heard the boy do as he asked. "Good, now don't panic, remember that I have copies of everything you've finished as of mid-week this week, so all you've lost is the stuff you hadn't edited yet... you did turn in your assigned deadline work this week, didn't you?" Paul remembered that a few of the groups had been lazy about turning in stuff on time since Mr. Carson had left town, and he wondered if this boy was playing him somehow, creating a fake robbery to get an extension on the final deadline, when he or his teammates hadn't been doing the work required. "Yeah, we did Mr. Bishop, you even screened some for the class the next day cause you liked our opening sequence so much, remember?" Daniel pointed out. Paul remembered the film now, and was positive the boy was on the level, since the film was one of the best in the school, and showed an immense amount of work by the team members. All he wondered was why he couldn't remember a boy named Daniel on the team, since he had taken some extra time for them that week. "That was your film? Of course I remember it, you've all done an amazing job putting it together, I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall you being on the team Daniel." Paul admitted, hoping the boy wouldn't be more hurt than he already was. "Oh sorry sir, that's my bad, the guys call me Dingo, so does Mr. Carson." Daniel, aka Dingo, said, and suddenly it dawned on Paul who the boy on the phone was. Paul had noticed Dingo from day one and often imagined it was his ass taking Paul's raw monster cock when he was jerking off. Dingo was taller than every other student participating in the project, standing almost 6' 10" tall, but was blessed not to have awkward bone structure or off-putting facial features as a lot of giant guys do. His perfectly formed bubble butt was always wrapped in baggy bball shorts, creating many opportunities for Paul to enjoy the view of it. The sight was enhanced with strong lanky muscles, smooth pale white skin, light blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a smile to die for. He was captain of the basketball team, nicknamed due to his miraculous vertical jump shot, and had turned down multiple full ride offers from some serious ball schools in order to pursue his dream of attending USC film school to become a director. Dingo was one of the shunning stars in the magnet program and Paul knew he had to do whatever he could to make sure the boy got his wish. "does that ring a bell Mr. Bishop?" "No one can forget you man, sorry if I was short when you answered, you caught me during.... something. Anyway, don't panic because I keep all the stuff you turn in and can easily get a copy to you this weekend Daniel, sorry, Dingo." Paul's cock was still fished out and began to harden again, imagining how grateful Daniel would be, not to mention his team, which consisted of two other young hot guys, and two somewhat attractive girls. "I like when you call me Daniel sir, it seems more professional, like it will on my films." Daniel's voice was calmer now, and his tone suggested he was relieved. "Man you stopped me from having a heart attack, or being murdered by my group. I just wish I had sent a copy to my cloud when I finished it tonight, so we didn't have to re-film the last scene and edit it all over again." "it's lucky you're ahead of schedule, I can get a copy of what I have tomorrow, and you'll have a week to finish up." Paul was stroking softly to Daniel's male team members' butts and faces floating in his mind. "I couldn't possibly put you out any more sir. I feel terrible asking you as it is, but I’d feel much worse knowing you cancelled your weekend plans to save my butt,” Daniel protested making Paul smile, and stroke harder when he mentioned his butt. “I appreciate the consideration, but based on the rest of your work, I am guessing you will use every possible second to get the ending exactly right. Besides, the only plans you’d be interrupting would be reading some screenplays my agent is sending me, since my girlfriend cancelled her visit this weekend.” Paul lied to reinforce the lie he’d fed the students on the first day about how his girlfriend would be flying out to see him on the weekends, which meant he wouldn’t have time to come to their parties or meet them for work sessions. This allowed him to gracefully decline invitations and subtly concrete the idea that he was straight as an arrow. “Are you sure you’re not just being nice? Because I could really use the extra time, since we’re all going nuts trying to find replacement equipment and schedule the actors and everything.” Daniel was giving in, and Paul was starting to precum. “I’m happy to help out anyway possible. In fact, I’ll bring over my camera and computer for you to use over the three day weekend. Then, on Tuesday, you’ll be able to finish using the school’s editing lab.” Paul said while trying to cover the growing excitement in his voice. “You gotta be the nicest movie star in the whole world Mr. Bishop,” Daniel gushed. “My crew will be on their knees tomorrow when you arrive.” That image almost made Paul explode. “What?” “We’ll get on our knees and kiss your feet or build you a shrine or something. We’ll do anything you want to make up for this, Mr. Bishop, anything!” Daniel promised. The idea of the teen boys on their knees offering anything Paul wanted was too much and made Paul cum, covering his sculpted chest, even hitting him on the chin and lips. Paul had to let the phone drop to the couch cushion at this side and bite his lip so the boy didn’t hear him groan as he came. When the orgasm subsided, Paul whipped the phone to his ear. “…there Mr. Bishop? Hello?” “I’m here Daniel, sorry, just dropped the phone for a moment. Why don’t you text me when and where you’ll be filming tomorrow and I’ll stop by with everything I have, okay?” Paul said, disguising his heavy breathing as best he could. “I will sir, Thank you so much, and have a good night.” Daniel hung up, and Paul let himself breathe normally again. After he’d cleaned up the cum running over his firm pecs and pooling between his abs, he opened his briefcase and pulled out the materials the students had turned in that week, and popped in the dvd of Daniel’s group. Watching it now, after his conversation cause him to notice much more about the boy’s bodies and performances. The film was about a family who invite a foreign exchange student into their home, never suspecting the boy is manipulating them with lies and misunderstandings, causing their secrets and insecurities to come out. He begins by getting each member of the family to confide in him, and then exposing their secrets to the others so they are all angry and untrusting of everyone but their foreign guest. He then works to corrupts the brother and sister, which the mother questions until he ‘accidentally’ leaves out his diary, explaining his deep commitment to his religion and his promise to save himself till marriage. With the father, he shows interest in his job and all the activities he loves, which the kids can’t stand, finding out the dad was once a compulsive gambler. With the parents thoroughly fooled, he bullies their teen son to sneak out to parties and clubs, making sure the parents discover and blame the son and not him. He even tries to take the blame, but they believe he is only trying to cover for the boy, which makes them even more confident that he is perfect. Meanwhile he seduces their daughter and convinces her to make love. Paul had stopped watching at this point before, since it was one of two dozen films he needed to watch, but continued now and couldn’t believe what he witnessed. In the next few scenes, the boy manages to get the mother to act on her desire for their next door neighbor, sets up the father to take up gambling again, and gets the daughter to invite over a friend for a threesome. The final scene they had edited features the son fighting with the student for getting him in trouble, but forgiving him when the foreign boy tells him he is sorry and cries over possibly losing the only friend he has in the world. When the son goes to comfort him, they end up kissing, which got Paul had as a rock once more, since the boys in the film were the two friends of Daniel’s. Before the action got good, the screen went dark, causing Paul to dive for his bag again, digging through it for a copy of the script they submitted. Skimming until he got to the shot of the boys kissing, he read on to the next scene, in which the foreign exchange student is being dropped at the airport. As he hugs each of them goodbye, he turns back and hands the Father a film he’s made of his trip. When they get home the family watches in horror as the film goes from innocent shots of scenery and touristy places, to hidden camera views of each family member engaging in salacious acts. The daughter in the threesome, the father losing $12,000 at seedy bar, the mother beginning to undress with the neighbor before the lights go out, and the son drinking, smoking pot and finally sleeping with the student. A voice over comes in, with the foreign boy explaining his film’s purpose: to show the seedy side of middle-class America, calling it “Waking from the American Dream.” When the film-within-the-film ends, it reveals a college professor watching it in his office, while the foreign boy sits across from him, interviewing for entry to a film school. The professor puts the foreign boy on the wait list, obviously upsetting him for a second, before he composes himself, thanks the professor and leaves. The professor is then seen packing up and leaving for the night, driving home and going inside, where this filming switches to a shot from outside his window. Once he kisses his wife, the professor sneaks into a desk drawer and takes a swig from a bottle. The voice over begins again “Subject hides a drinking habit from wife and faculty, corroding their relationship and impairing his ability to do his job. Our goul? To expose his deceit, dissolve his marriage, disqualify his tenure, and ensure his replacement with someone who recognizes and admits brilliant applicants. Watch his destruction in ‘Waking the American Dream, part two.’ Paul loved the rest of the script and couldn’t wait to see Daniel and his friends complete the last few scenes. He made up his mind as he drove to their film site the next morning that he’d stick around for a while and watch them get to it. When he arrived, he was happy to see they were all set up to film the scene with the family watching the film. Daniel ran out of the house with his two male teammates, who played the foreign exchange student and the son, to help carry in the equipment Paul brought, even though it all fit in one box. “Thanks again, Mr. Bishop, you’re saving our lives. By the way, these are my co-producers and two of the actors in the movie, Steve and Justin.” Paul shook their hands and let them carry in the box containing the camera, tripod and laptop. “Nice to meet you guys, and call me Paul, it feels like I’m someone’s dad when you call me Mr. Bishop.” The boys all laughed, a little more than was necessary, obviously excited to be getting some private attention from someone they thought of as famous. Justin and Steve went inside and started to set up, while Daniel and I followed and went over their schedule for the day. “We just have the one scene to film here at Steve’s house which should only take an hour or so, then we’re headed to Justin’s dad’s work which we set up last night to look like the airport in one of the hallways. Then we’ll shoot in his office, which we tried to make look like a professor’s office, before we head to my parents’ mountain house to shoot the final scene and do some reshoots around the Jacuzzi to look like a party, since we lost all the stuff we shot at the real party two weeks ago. If absolutely necessary we can finish up any reshoots or ADR on Sunday and have all day Monday to edit so we can just do the opening and closing credits on the machines at school.” Daniel was totally focused as he explained the plan, almost eliciting a chuckle from Paul if he didn’t think it would have made Daniel crazy wondering what he was doing wrong. In truth, Daniel’s attitude and vision reminded Paul of some of the directors he’d worked with back in LA. The humorous part was comparing the memories of those short, balding, hairy men, to this muscular Nordic demigod. Inside, Paul met the two girls on the team, who played the daughter and her friend, as well as being in charge of the sound and lighting. There were also two boys from the basketball team who volunteered to help by holding the boom, and operating the camera, and the actors who played the father and mother, who turned out to be Steve’s actual dad, and his Aunt who taught acting at the university an hour away. It was too bad that she didn’t have the class of the students from school, as she spent every second they weren’t filming trying to convince Paul to take a look at her reel or come speak with her class. Finally, as much as he enjoyed watching Daniel film, Paul couldn’t take any more of the woman’s incessant jabbering, and snuck out in the middle of a scene. From his rented car, Paul texted Daniel how great it looked, and to call if he needed any more help, before heading back to his rented house and spending a couple hours looking at the films from start to finish. Once he’d managed to get that done, he started feeling bored and, unable to read the screenplays from his agent, since they were on the laptop he’d left with the crew, he wandered the house looking for something to do. Finally he ended up doing laundry and drinking a cape cod made from some smooth vodka he’d been sent as a thank you from a car company for whom he’d recorded some voice over tracks for their commercials. He was about to make a second when his phone rang. “Mr. Bishop? It’s Dingo, sir.” Daniel said, sounding almost as panicked as he had the night before. “I told you to call me Paul, Daniel. What’s the problem?” Paul said, anticipating something terrible had befallen his laptop or camera. “It’s our schedule Paul, one of the actors had to run out of town for the holiday and didn’t call to tell us until about 10 minutes ago.” Daniel’s speech was getting faster as he went on. “We have sent out texts and calls to all the guys who could play him, even called a few women thinking we could make him a girl, but everyone who we can find has already been in the movie as somebody.” “Which part is it?” Paul said, wondering who they could possibly need to film that could be either sex. “A professor who interviews Bashir, our main character,” Daniel explained, “in a pivotal scene which shows the audience the point of Bashir’s behavior. He also has a few more shots in the” “I read the script,” Paul cut him off. “The Professor is crucial to your plot, can’t one of your parents play him?” “You read it? Really? What did you think?” Daniel suddenly switched gears, totally awed that Paul had taken the time to read the script. “Yes, really, and it was very well put together, but stay focused Daniel, what about a parent?” Paul smiled as he said this, enjoying the boy’s idolatry of him, but trying to stay on task. “Right, parents, no. All of our parents have been in it as teachers and neighbors and waiters and stuff and they all have little lines. We tried calling Mr. Carson, but he told us he won’t be back from visiting his Mom till Monday night or Tuesday. The guy who was playing it was a friend of my Aunt’s from her Improv troupe, but he only did it cause we were gonna pay him $100 for the afternoon of filming.” “$100 for a student film? This guy was ripping you off!” Paul got angry about the sleazy improve guy, but also over reacted a little since he had hoped Dick would be back before then so they could spend a day screwing. “Tell you what, gimme 30 minutes and I’ll provide a person to fill the role, ok?” “Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Bish-, I mean Paul,” Daniel answered sounding like a kid hearing he gets to go to Disney world. “Just tell whoever it is to bring a suit coat and button up shirt if he can and we’ll provide everything he needs.” “Will do,” Paul smirked, forming a plan. “No guarantees on his acting abilities though.” “No problem, any one will do,” Daniel responded, obviously splitting his focus between the call and the film crew so they’d be ready. “We can edit his scene to no lines if we have to. See you soon.” Paul pulled into the parking lot of the office 25 minutes later. He walked in, carrying a garment bag over one shoulder, running the lines in his head after memorizing them on the fly. He got off the elevator at the 9th floor as the text directed him to, and saw the high schoolers bustling around an open office door just down the hall. “Where do you want me?” Paul startled them with his question. “Anywhere you want to watch, Paul,” Daniel said, crossing to shake his hand again. “Where is the guy?” “You’re looking at him,” Paul responded, watching as each of their faces turned from shocked to ecstatic. “No shit?!?!” Justin shouted out, pushing past Daniel to Paul. “Justin!” One of the girls screamed. “Don’t say shit in front of Paul Bishop!” Paul laughed and told him not to worry about it, asking where he should get changed. Daniel directed him down the hall, giving his teammates a dirty look before showing Paul a private washroom where he could change and put on makeup. “Sorry, they’ve been super stressed since we found out all the work we have to re-do.” Daniel continued talking, sitting on an arm chair in the bathroom, showing no plans to give Paul any privacy while he got ready. “It is a huge relief knowing you’ll be doing the final scene for us Paul. If the others had known I bet they’d have stuck around to help.” “I noticed it was down to the five of you on the team, what happened to the volunteers basketball guys and Steve’s dad and Aunt?” Paul asked nonchalantly, while stripping off his shirt and shoes. “They were tired of waiting around,” Daniel turned his eyes down to avoid glaring at Paul, but occasionally snuck peeks at Paul’s tight physique. “so we figured we could finish things here and at the Professor’s house, since the scenes only feature two people, and I sent them home,” “Smart move,” Paul paused to talk just as he’d finished sliding the shirt over his bare shoulders, before unbuckling and pushing down his jeans, leaving him in white designer briefs. “You want to tell me how we will be shooting the scene?” “What? Oh yeah, sure.” The high school boy’s eye were no longer discreet as they worked over Paul’s buff legs, full package and up his cut abs. He reviewed the shooting plan, including which angles would be shot and with what lenses and angles, while Paul finally pulled on some slacks, buttoned and tucked in his light green oxford, and pulled on his grey silk suit coat. At that point, Daniel got one of the girls to come in and do Paul’s makeup(which turned into Paul giving her a lesson in proper application), while Justin ran the lines. Two hours and a dozen takes later, they’d shot the scene from 5 angles, some close up, some two-fers, and even some impressive shots from above and out the window. Overall, they all felt they’d learned a lot from Paul’s expertise, and Paul was impressed with their creativity and willingness to learn. They completed with some random footage of Paul locking up the office and going to his car (which was actually a very nice Jag owned by one of the girl’s grandfathers). From there they drove the jag onto a trailer attached to the back of Steve’s Father’s truck, which had a tripod secured in the bed to film the car’s drive to the ’professor’s house.’ Paul was amazed they had thought of something so elaborate, and was really wowed when they explained that they’d simultaneously be filming from a cell cam in a following car for the creepy footage. They drove about 45 minutes to the house, getting plenty of footage, while Paul “drove” the jag with Daniel hidden in the backseat, communicating by cell with the other two vehicles. He felt bad that the 6’10” guy had to spend the 25 minutes bent in half, but didn’t mind once he adjusted the rear view to see Daniel’s ass. At the house, they pulled the Jag off the trailer, did two shots of Paul pulling it into the drive. The final shots were all done with the cell cam, to reinforce the idea they were shot by “Bashir,” and involved nothing more than one long continuous shot of Paul walking in the house, kissing one of the girls (who wore a wig), waiting for her to leave the room, pulling out a bottle, taking a swig, pouring some into a can of coke, and sitting on the couch and drinking. Paul liked this kind of filming since it let him sit and drink over and over, especially when he found out the bottle was a real bottle of Johnny Walker Black. When they finished, and the girls ran out the door to make it back to town to meet some friends, Paul was feeling the liquor enough to make him give each one a huge hug before they left. Daniel asked Paul to watch the footage they’d shot, while he, Steve and Justin went out and took apart the set up in the truck before it got too dark. Everything he saw impressed him, some of it so much, that he pointed out specific shots to the boys when they got back in. When he finished discussing it with them, he realized it had been almost 80 minutes since they’d shot the final scene. Paul, slowly sobering, knew the boys still needed to film some of the party scenes, so he decided to get out of their hair, until he realized his street clothes, cell phone, and wallet were locked in his car, 45 away at the office building. As they set up for the party, he pointed out his situation and asked to borrow a phone to call a cab. “Oh crap Paul,” Daniel said, stepping in to apologize. “I totally forgot you didn’t drive here. Give me one second to tell the guys where to set up, and I’ll drive you back myself.” “Don’t stop working to do that,” Paul stopped him. “You guys are so close to being done, just finish the filming and I’ll catch a cab.” “A cab would take at least half an hour to get here,” Steve interjected, setting up some lights on the deck by the Jacuzzi. “and it will cost a fortune to drive you back to the office.” “Yeah, plus Rick is on his way with the party supplies,” Justin added, tossing empty solo cups into the Jacuzzi and around the deck. “He’d be happy to drive you back into town.” “Rick?” Paul asked, turning to Daniel, worried about having a strange guy acting as his chauffer, leading any number of outcomes, from benign annoying celebrity worship to crazy stalker kidnapping. “Steve’s brother who’s in town from college for the long weekend,” Daniel explained while setting up the tripod. “He has some stuff he is dropping off here for us, and agreed to stay here tonight and tomorrow night so we can stay and work without our parents around to interrupt. If you’d rather not catch a ride from some guy you’ve never met, you can take my truck and Rick can drive me down tomorrow to pick it up.” “I think I’ll wait to meet Rick,” Paul said, leaning in to Daniel. “But I might take you up on that if he’s nuts.” They laughed and Paul shed his jacked and went to the powder room to wash off his makeup. When he re-emerged, the guys were filming a party scene which looked pathetic since only Steve and Justin were in the shot. Paul stepped in, insisting Daniel join them, and then using lots of trick angles and close ups to make it look like more people. After a few short bits, Paul sniffed a cup that one of the guys had been drinking from, and recognized the smell of the Johnny Walker. “You guys really drinking?” Paul asked, stopping the boys in their tracks. They all began stuttering a response when Paul laughed. “It’s cool guys, just be careful and don’t ever tell anyone I was here when you did, okay?” The guys agreed, and they filmed a few more takes of “bashir” forcing “the son” to take shots or encouraging him to smoke some weed. They paused when the doorbell rang and Daniel went inside to show Rick to the back deck. “…traffic getting’ up her was murder Dingo,” Rick sauntered out in front of Daniel. “Took me a fuckin’ hour and 15 to get here bro. You guys start the party without me?” He laughed and turned to meet Paul’s gaze, which made his eyes grow HUGE. “Holy shit, you’re…you’re…fuck! You’re that dude from that show man!” Rick grabbed Paul’s hand and pulled him in for a bro hug, not letting go. “Fuckin’ a, these shitheads told me they had a famous teacher but you’re for real!” “Thanks man,” Paul said as he pushed Rick off, as nicely as he could. “Steve says you’re his brother Rick, right?” “Yeah man, shit!” Rick continued freakin out a little, before turning to his brother and the other two guys. “You didn’t tell me you invited Hollywood elite, or I’d have brought more shit!.” “His name is Paul Bishop, Rick,” Daniel said, trying to get Rick to calm down. “He’s been helping us finish this one thing then he’s gonna head back to town in my truck.” “Aw seriously Dingo?” Rick looked crestfallen. “You gotta stay for some a drink and smoke, Mr. Bishop.” He pulled his backpack off and brought out a pipe already loaded with weed. The boys all looked horrified, which made Paul laugh since he had no intention of stopping their fun on a holiday weekend. “I’m so sorry Paul,” Daniel quickly pushed past Rick while Steve stepped up to take the pipe and stuff it back in Rick’s bag. “No big deal guys,” Paul smiled. “In fact I would be down to smoke some before I go.” “See he’s cool,” Rick said, pulling the pipe back out and lighting it up. He took a huge hit and coughed as it came out. In a show of good faith, with one eye on the camera to be sure it was off, Paul took the pipe from him and took a hit himself, controlling it so no coughing occurred. “Gangsta!” Rick proclaimed, slapping Paul’s hand and bumping his fist while Paul passed the pipe to the others. “Lets get in the fuckin cuzzi and finish this bowl.” With that, he ditched his coat, and cap revealing a closely trimmed head of honey colored hair, around his handsome very defined bone structure. Off came the shirt, showing his ripped, though skinny chest, covered in a well groomed layer of hair, and a tattoo across his right arm of some cheesy barb wire design. Suddenly he tore down his board shorts, leaving him in some grey cotton boxer briefs, which Paul purposefully didn’t check out while Rick hopped in the water. “We still have to film some more drinking and smoking shots,” Daniel objected, when Justin and Steven began to follow suit. “Let’s film it in the Jacuzzi,” Justin shot back, stripping off his button down short sleeved shirt and undershirt to reveal a trim but undefined chest with a dusting of dark black hair leading from his belly button to his waistband. His skin was somewhere between olive and brown, leaving Paul to guess that he was of Mediterranean descent. His black slacks came down revealing dark green boxers and hairy legs. “It makes more sense that way when there are less people in the shot.” “Plus it’s fucking hot out here,” Steve argued as his polo came up over his head full of curls the same color as his brother’s. His chest was slightly thicker than rick’s but he was also defined and covered in hair, but it was less groomed and more wild, with some curl across his upper chest. His khakis hit the deck, providing a clear view of his white boxer-briefs. “You want to join us, Paul?” Daniel’s eyes turned to look at Paul, and Paul tried to gauge whether they were asking for permission to do it or permission to stop it. Unable to decide, Paul began unbuttoning his shirt and toeing off his black loafers. Daniel sighed and pulled off his ball cap, before peeling away his polo, then his white wifebeater. Paul pretended to be looking at the buttons on his shirt while check out Daniel’s tall, slim, smooth buff body. Most guys that tall are so skinny it looks painful, but Daniel obviously worked like made to have thick arms and pecs. They were still developing, but Daniel was not ashamed of them. Paul decided to be brave, and shucked his slacks, showing off his perfectly fitted white briefs, before stepping into the hot tub. All eyes fell on Daniel who loosened the belt on his jeans, sliding them down his slim but manly hairless legs. He was wearing some basketball shorts, with a slight waistband of some sort of undies peeking out above them, but he got in wearing both, to Paul’s disappointment. They passed the pipe and drank beer and whiskey while Rick admired and commented on how ripped and toned Paul was, which led to Paul describing his workout routine to them. After the second bowl was finished and they’d filmed plenty of shots of each of them drinking and smoking, Paul hopped out to put the camera far enough away to keep it from getting wet. “Damn Paul, what do you do to get your ass like that bro,” Rick said, digging through his bag for something. “Cause that shit is as round as any bitch I’ve ever seen.” The guys all laughed, and Paul hopped back in, ignoring the question. Without provocation or permission, Justin reached over and ran his hand down Paul’s abs, telling them all they had to try it. Paul was surprised when Daniel was next, letting his hand go from the nipple down to the waist of the white briefs. “That’s television abs, but feel the real deal,” Daniel flexed his stomach, and Paul and the others all took their turn. Somehow they ended up each feeling everyone else from tit to treasure trail, before Rick finally focused, reached back in his bag and pulled out a funny looking pipe and a baggie Paul figured must have been coke. “Who’s down to kick this shit up a notch,” Rick said, smiling and shaking the baggie. “You game tv star? Or too chicken shit?” “Not chicken shit, but not into coke bro,” Paul responded, “but I won’t judge if anyone else wants to.” “It’s not coke, tv.” Rick pointed to the pipe, “this is crystal. But whatever, more for me and my bros. Who wants to get spun with me?” The guys all looked at him silently. “Make up your minds,” Rick stood and stepped out of the tub, revealing the outline of a semi hard lump snaking down his right thigh to a thick head in his wet, darker undies. “but I’m loading this over on the deck lounges if anyone is up for it.” As he walked over, Paul turned to the boys expecting them to stay put. He was unprepared for Daniel to shout “wait up,” and go to follow. The other two rose to join, and Paul gave in. He was grateful for all the booze and pot, because his dick would have been hard as a rock otherwise. As it turns out, he had nothing to hide, since Justin’s boxer’s tented impressively and Steve’s white boxer briefs became see through, showing his almost fully hard 7 inch cut duck tucked across his right thigh. Daniel’s short effectively obscured anything going on his groin, but Paul figured he was probably in a similar predicament as his two hs buds. When they sat around an unlit firepit, Daniel flipped the switch, turning it on, and then pulled the extension cord on the lights they’d used to light the filming, leaving them with only some inside lights bleeding through the glass doors and the fire light. Steve sat next to Rick on the porch swing, with Justin on a lounge chair next to them, so Paul took a seat next to Daniel on the other lounge he’d turned sideways so they could both face the fire. Daniel seemed even bigger when they were almost naked and sitting in low light, making Paul feel as though he couldn’t speak without leaning all the way into the center over the pit for the others to hear and see him. Rick had poured a good size pile of little crystals into the clear glass in his hand, and lit it before inhaling, waiting for the rocks to melt. When he finally had them smoking, he inhaled long and deep, and told Steve to open his mouth, kissing his brother and shotgunning the smoke into his lungs. “Jesus,” Justin said shouting but at half the volume. “Nice tongue action, fags.” “Fuck you lesbo,” Steve said, punching Justin’s bicep. His voice also low, as if dimming the lights lowered the volume as well. “It saves smoke, haven’t you ever shot gunned before?” Justin shook his head, so Steve lit the pipe and motioned for Justin to do the same thing he’d done. Their shotgun had much less contact, proving Rick and Steve had more experience doing it and didn’t mind sharing a little spit if it meant a bigger hit. Justin took a hit, which Steve had to light for him, and coughed before he could turn to either Steve or Daniel with a shotgun, blowing out stiff clouds of white smoke. He handed Daniel the pipe, and Daniel hit it like a pro, no need to have Rick or Steve show him how. He didn’t offer to shotgun Justin or Paul, instead blowing a steady white stream straight across the fire to Steve’s place on the swing. He handed Paul the pipe, who handed it to Rick without taking a hit. “Come on Paul,” Daniel said, breaking the smoke silence. “Let us get you high. It’s the least we can do after all the ways you saved our asses today.” “Thanks but you gotta remember how many people watch me like a hawk,” Paul put up his hands as Rick tried to pass it back to him. “If you guys try this shit, you only have to hide it from your parents. If I try it, I have to hide it from the world.” “No one here is gonna tell anyone,” Daniel said, grabing the pipe from Rick and taking the lighter to the round end. “We could all lose our futures at college, not to mention go to jail, if we did. Just do it tonight.” Before Paul could refuse again, Daniel put the stem to Paul’s lips and told him to inhale. As if he was a dog, he did it without thought, inhaling until his lungs were so full he thought he’d burst, when Daniel moved the pipe away and told him to exhale, placing his full pink lips just a hair from Paul’s. Paul shot gunned into Daniel’s mouth, desperate to follow the smoke with his tongue, but holding back instead to pull back and watch as Daniel repeated the exhale with a load as big as the one he’d taken first hand. “Fucking epic man,” Rick added, taking a huge hit and then turning and shot-gunning it into Paul’s mouth, but making full contact with their lips. After that they kept the circle going, sometimes shot-gunning, sometimes not. Paul lost track of how many hits he took, and began aching for the pipe to be back in his mouth. They decided to return to the hot tub after Rick loaded the pipe for the third time. When they stood to walk over, Daniel, Steve and Justin started a tweaker conversation about the film, but Rick grabbed Paul and held him back to keep smoking. They took some hits and Paul asked Rick what got him into Crystal. “Tina is the preferred name,” Rick said, lighting another rock in the bowl. “I started about a year ago after I joined this frat at school. Some of the guys sold it on the side to make some dough, so I tried it out. That’s how I ended up fucking around with dudes too.” Paul coughed. “*coughcough* you *cough*…you’re gay?” “Nah bro,” Rick said taking another hit. “I just fuck around with guys sometimes when I get spun. Gay dudes get the best shit. Steve knows I suck dick sometimes or cornhole the occasional fag to get some good shit. I had to ride this huge ass cock last week to get my hands on this stuff, but my bro doesn’t know I’ve done that, ok man?” Paul Nodded, and took another big hit, shot gunning with Rick, and letting Rick kiss him a little after. “He also don’t know I let his drama teacher, Mr. Carson, use my holes sometimes. That dude fucks like it’s his job, and gets the best shit I’ve ever smoked.” Rick was openly stroking his cock through his wet boxer-briefs when he wasn’t smoking, and Paul could feel his own hard cock expanding inside his white briefs. He couldn’t tell if he was hardening from watching the 20-yr-old next to him or because his regular fuck buddy was a perverted tweaking top who traded drugs for straight ass. “Damn Rick, aren’t you freaked someone will find out?” Paul said pulling back from a shotgun that had gone from smoke to making out. “Sometimes, so I always make sure the dudes I play with have as much to lose or more than I do. Plus I’ve gotten used to taking big cocks when I party, and I am not sure I wanna give it up. Speaking of which, once the jailbait goes inside to edit their film, I’d trade my left nut to have your big ass dick in my hole in the Jacuzzi.” Paul jumped a little as Rick began stroking his cock through his white briefs. It took no time at all for Paul to double check they couldn’t be seen from the hot tub, before he returned the favor, reaching into the grey boxer brief pouch to stroke Rick’s 7 cut inches. Rick moaned softly, reaching his other hand around and under the waistband to grope Paul’s cheeks, with the rare swipe of a finger in between to tease his hole. Paul grunted each time the finger made contact, and Rick smiled, working Paul’s briefs down below his stiff, dripping hard 8 inches, and under his bubble butt. Paul returned the favor and moved both hands around to finger Rick in earnest. Rick let Paul slide his finger all the way in, but took the hint to only tease the outer ring when he tried to reciprocate and Paul’s cheeks squeezed shut. So on they went before Paul went for another hit and Rick pulled his hands away and reached to the bag of tina on the swing. “You wanna get really high and fuck like nothing you’ve ever tried,” Rick whispered, opening the baggie and fishing out two larger crystals. “Just slide this up your ass and wait for it to melt. It’s called a booty bump.” Paul watched with anticipation as Rick returned his finger to Paul’s rear, this time pushing the shard of tina past the sphincter and deep inside on the first shove. Paul whimpered, but willed himself to stay put. Rick handed him a shard of equal size and Paul repeated the action, only getting a moan of pleasure from Rick. Once they were sure the crystals were in place they went back to stroking one another and smoking the bowls. After about five more minutes, Paul forgot to stroke the dick and instead began rubbing Rick’s chest and ass between hits. This led to the two of them sinking back onto the swing and feeling each other all over and making out. They started to get in position for Rick to lay back and get fucked, when they heard a splash of people getting out of the water, and hurried to get their underwear back on all the way before Steve rounded the corner. “Stop boring Paul with stories of your glory days in the high school musicals,” Steve told his brother. “and come share the goods with the group.” Rick and Paul got up to head back, and Paul was pleasantly surprised to find his cock had gone soft, as had Rick’s. He remarked on it and Rick told him Tina sometimes did that, but not to worry, it would get hard later when it needed to. They went back to the Jacuzzi and hopped in, Rick loading a new bowl and passing it around. He also provided a bottle of ghb that each of them took a small amount of. For a while they just sat in the hot tub and chatted about the film before somebody questioned why Daniel didn’t just play the professor, since he hadn’t acted in the film at all. “You know Dingo can’t be on screen man,” Steve said after a big hit. “We don’t have a wide-angle lens.” This got laughter from Justin and Rick, and a confused look from Paul. “You know why he’s called Dingo, right tv star?” Rick said, shot gunning with Paul, before Paul shook his head yes. “Not the bullshit basketball reason, but the real reason?” “It’s cause he’s got a Dingo in his shorts and that thing will drag you in and devour you whole if you get it angry!” Steve interrupted, and He, Justin and Rick all erupted in even louder laughs, which Paul couldn’t help but join in on. Daniel was even chuckling. “You gotta see it Paul,” Justin said, “go on and whip it out for Paul, Dingo.” “Nah man, no one wants to see that shit,” Daniel scoffed and splashed Justin. “I do,” Rick volunteered. “I’ve been hearing about this shit for years and you never prove it. I bet he’s got an apple dick, you know, big dick, no stem.” This got a laugh from all of us, which didn’t last long. “Oh yeah bitch?” Daniel stood up and pulled down his shorts revealing a pair of Joe boxer bikini briefs with a bulge running half way down his extra long thigh. “Meet the dingo!’ With that, he pulled the side of the bikini’s away and out sprung a good nine inch uncut pink cock, that even soft was as thick as a can of soup. The entire group went quiet, while Daniel smiled, lifted it up, smacked Rick across the cheek and lips, tucked it back in and sat down. The laughter that followed made each of the almost hyperventilate, and when they’d calmed down, it was decided they’d better go inside. Rick stopped Paul again, and they each took another, bigger slug off the bottle of g before following the teens. Once they were out of the pool, Daniel tossed towels to each of them and directed Steve, Rick and Justin to use the downstairs showers while he showed Paul to the master bath and used the other upstairs shower himself. Paul was incredibly frustrated that he wasn’t going to get to use Rick’s hole yet, but he consoled himself by stripping nude and climbing into the hot steam shower, sitting down on the stone bench, and jerking himself to hardness, while working a finger in his tight ass. Frustratingly, he found his dick didn’t want to get all the way hard, his head was spinning from the ghb and his butt was hungry for more than just his finger. Hoping out of the shower, Paul toweled off and swerved into the attached Master bedroom, going through drawers and closets before discovering a black dildo about 8 inches long and pretty wide. He ran back to the bathroom, poured oil over it and moved onto the bed. Stroking his stiffening cock, he lowered his hole over the wide dick but couldn’t get his hole to open enough to take it. He cursed slightly, imagining Dick Carson named below him and tried again, still with no luck. He added more oil, and tried a third time, just as Daniel burst in with a pair of shorts for Paul to wear. The shock caused Paul to lose his balance and fall, impaling himself on the first four inches of cock, causing him to scream. Daniel began to apologize, but instead of leaving, he turned around, locked the bedroom door and walked over to wear Paul had fallen back on the bed and was groaning. “I prayed for your ass Mr. Bishop.” Daniel said before grabbing Paul’s legs and folding them back over his torso till his knees hit the bedspread next to his ears. “AAAAhhhh, dammit Daniel, that hurt, what are you doing?” Paul whimpered, trying to move away but with no leverage to go anywhere. “I’m gonna help get this thing out, so don’t move sir.” Daniel put his body over Paul’s holding his legs back, freeing his hands to take the oil from next to them on the bed, and reach down to start pulling out the big black dildo. Paul started to scream again so Daniel covered his mouth with his own, forcing his lips to meet and meld with Paul’s. “There now it’s almost…OUT!” The head popped out and for a moment Paul floated between consciousness and passing out. When his senses returned he looked down to the space between his legs and Daniel’s impossibly long torso to view the same monstrous cock he’d seen in the hot tub, now four inches longer, red as the devil and pulsing with each heart beat. “Oh God,” Paul cried, sure that he would die if Daniel fucked him with that beast. “You can’t do this to me Daniel. You’ll kill me. Please I’m not gay and I’ve never been fucked.” “Mr. Bishop, right now I don’t care.” Daniel moved his crotch forward until the dick head smeared the oil against the hole. “I’ve never been inside anyone before. Not a mouth, not a pussy, nothing. So tonight you’re taking all of me, and I’m sorry. Try to relax, they say it makes it easier.” The next thing Paul felt was the thick cock of a high school boy as the head worked past his sphincter and inched up and up until it reached the second barrier. With a grunt and a thrust, Daniel pushed past that one too, causing Paul to pass out. That relaxed his hole just a little more allowing Daniel to continue until almost all of daniel’s cock was inside Paul’s butt. Just as he felt his big balls and light layer of blonde pubes rub against Paul’s ass, someone knocked on the door. “Hey Paul, you in there man?” Rick called from the hallway. “He’s still in the bathroom Rick,” Daniel called out. “We’re just discussing the film. How about going down to the family room and turning on some music or something till we are ready to join you dudes?” “Sounds good man,” Rick said, heading to the stairs. Daniel looked down to see Paul coming to below him, making his anal cavity start to twitch and tighten. Paul opened his eyes just as the loud music began to float up to them on the bed. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Bishop.” Daniel repeated one last time before slowly removing his cock all the way except for the head and then pushing it back in. At first it was as if Paul was being pulled apart and pushed into a tiny ball at the same time, pain overloading his nerves until he could no longer struggle. Once he gave in, he began experiencing something like the start of an orgasm, but not just in his cock, but everywhere in his groin and ass. Two minutes and some faster thrusts and the orgasm was building. Two more minutes and Paul was throwing his head back as ass-gasm after ass-gasm racked his toned, perfect form. It took less than ten minutes before Daniel lost all control, made half a dozen powerful fucks and realized what was happening. “Sorry Mr. Bishop, but I can’t hold it, I gotta shoot. I gotta shoot. I’m…I’M…FUCK!” The cum rocketed so hard out of Daniel’s dick that, combined with the pulsing of his shaft against Paul’s prostate, and the teen abs rubbing his dick, Paul had a real orgasm and sprayed them both, all over. It seemed to take hours and be done in seconds at the same time, but neither pulled apart when it was finished. They kissed and Daniel released Paul’s hands, which let Paul feeling the body above his. He was still spinning from the tina and G, but managed one coherent word. “More.” Paul whispered before grasping Daniel’s butt cheeks and pulling his hips against him. Daniel obliged, taking 15 minutes the second time, and enjoying the extra lube his first load offered him. Paul was overwhelmed and passed out when Daniel had orgasm number two. So Daniel pulled a blanket over Paul’s well-used, chiseled body, shining from pools of cum in the dim light from the bathroom. Daniel got off the bed, put on his shorts and went downstairs to join his pals. When Paul awoke in the dark room, he felt the tongue pressing against his hole, and happily discovered it had retightened. He wanted to reach for Daniel and pull him back up to fuck him some more, but something had his hands pinned. He moved against the restraints, realizing they were hands. “Shit, he’s waking up,” Rick whispered from behind his head. “If you wanna lose that cherry bro, you better put it in now.” Paul panicked as Steven popped into the beam of light provided by the bathroom, and winced as he felt the boy ram in all seven thick cut inches at once. His hole may have had some lube from Daniel’s cum, and was stretched by it as well, but it was still new to this experience and fought and grasped the dick at each opportunity. He felt something burning along the dick, and realized it burned the same way when he’d had a booty bump before on the deck. Steven didn’t use any of the gentle thrusts Daniel had used, instead he was full throttle from the start. It only took five minutes before he added his load to Paul’s ass, but it felt like an eternity to Paul who was now much more aware and knew that his mouth was stuffed full of something to keep him quiet. Steven sweat and huffed and he pulled away, replaced by Justin almost before Paul could take a breath. Just had a shorter dick, around 6 inches, also cut, but it was as thick as Daniel’s. He power fucked Paul just as Steven did, but he’d go all the way in and out each time, making Paul scream into his gag everytime the thick brown head of his dick slammed back into the asshole. Luckily Justin was the fastest yet, breeding Paul after three minutes. When he finished, he slapped Paul and laughed. Paul had very little fight left, which worked out well for Rick. Rick had his brother come hold Paul’s hands while he used his 7 and a half inch cut cock to make love to Paul’s hole. Paul began to enjoy the fuck so much that his cock got hard again. “Get your mouth on his dick little bro,” Rick ordered, grabbing his brother’s curls and forcing his head down to Paul’s cock. “Ew, no way Ricky,” Steve fought and pulled as much as he could while his brother held him by his hair. “that shit if for faggots.” “You want me to show Mom and Dad the pictures of you getting sucked by that boy from your film class? Then you suck his dick and swallow his cum.” Rick’s blackmail did the trick, and Paul’s cock grew in the boy’s mouth. Some thrusts from behind and a little tongue and Paul began shooting down the boy’s throat. Rick followed right behind him, pumping load four into Paul before collapsing on his brother’s head and making his bro lick his cock clean. They argued about something as they left the room, Justin snickering and following after our into the dim hallway. A sound came from the opposite corner and Paul focused enough to lift his head. He could just make out a form in a chair, holding something with a blinking red light. As the form stood up, Paul could see it had to be Daniel based on the height and frame. As Daniel stepped into the light from the bathroom, the thing in his hand was revealed as a camera. “Sorry to do this, but it is my insurance that you won’t tell anyone what we did once you leave.” Daniel explained as he set the camera on the dresser by the bed. “I didn’t mean to force myself on you like that, but I to have that ass, you understand?” “You can’t keep that tape, you have to destroy it,” Paul sat up, and felt woozy still. They must have given him more ghb as well as the booty bumps. “I can’t Paul. It’s my insurance.” Daniel lit the pipe and put it to Paul’s lips. As upset as he was, he was desperate for the high like before, so he took a giant hit, and didn’t fight Daniel as he kissed him and sucked down the smoke too. “Not just insurance that you won’t tell, but insurance that I will get to do it again.” Paul heard the last part too late, as Daniel pushed him back, turned him onto his stomach and pinned his hands before inserting his cock once more. Paul screamed and screwed his eyes shut for the first few thrusts, opening them to find Rick holding the pipe for him to smoke. As Daniel took his time and raped Paul in every position he could, Rick kept Paul busy with either the pipe or his dick in Paul’s mouth. When the sun started to peek in through the curtains, Daniel had shot twice more inside his ass, and Rick had cum once in his mouth and once all over his face, all on camera. Paul tried to think of a way out of this without ruining his career or destroying his reputation, but kept coming up empty handed and asking for more tina. Coming soon Chapter 3: Dick Carson returns, The films are screened, Paul goes back to Hollywood
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  44. 7. "You just guess you are?" Eli asked. He pulled hard on the cord for the beads and they shifted violently in my ass. Even as rough as it felt, my ass still tightened. It craved every perfect feeling. "I am," I said, correcting myself. "Good answer," Eli said. "I was worried I was going to have to make you take my cock." "Or you'd have to give him another booty bump," Javier added. I was worried that he was going to give Eli ideas. Unfortunately, Eli had already gone there. "Nah, at least not yet. Gotta let that first one dissolve before we give him more." I had a bit of a reprieve. I was tweaked higher than I had been in a very long time, maybe ever. Any more crystal, and I wasn't going to be able to control myself. All I could think about was sex: big, raw cocks entering me, raw dicks abusing my holes, and getting all that thick spooge inside of me. "How's it feel up there?" Eli asked me, jolting me back to the present. He was pulling the beads up and down in my ass. "Really good. But not as good as your cock," I said. "Right on," Eli said. "Don't worry. We'll fix that soon enough." He started to pull on the cord and extracted the two beads from my gut. The last bit of the shard scratched the walls of my ass, but the crystal stayed where it belonged, inside of me. "Fuck, here comes the last bead," Eli said. My hole stretched wide as the first bead slowly emerged; I hoped it was clean. Eli didn't pull it all the way out at first; he played with it a bit, letting the crown emerge, then gently pressing it back into me. "Damn. Hungry hole, keeping every drop of sperm inside you, huh?" I just nodded. Even though Eli was being rougher than I would have wanted, nothing he did hurt. The fat bead stretched open my hole and that was an unfamiliar sensation. It had been a long time since I had played with the beads and I needed to get used to them. "Last one. Just one more to go. You ready for it?" Eli asked. "Do a hit of your poppers." I opened the bottle and inhaled deeply. Eli watched me and waited for the moment when the poppers hit. When the first wave washed over me, he pulled on the cord. He pulled out the bead in a fast, smooth stroke. I almost didn't feel my ass open up and let the bead pass. But I did feel my hole try valiantly to close up again. "Nice. Closed up so nicely." "That's gonna look damn good stretched around your cock, Bro," Javier said. He was still at the head of the bed, playing with his cock, and dividing his attention between the TV and the two of us at the base of the bed. "You gonna fuck him good and hard?" "Not sure I'll be able to take that," I said. "Of course you can," Eli said. "All it takes is spit and determination." "And poppers," I said. "And a bit more tina never hurts either," Javi added. "You've got everything you'll need." "Be gentle," I said, but it seemed pointless. "Of course," Eli said. "First time, I'm always gentle." He dribbled some lube on my hole. It was cool and soothing. "First time is about showing you just how good it can be. After that, you'll be so eager for my tool, we can get freaky. Real freaky. Rough and raw, like you need to get fucked. Like I need to fuck." He slid a finger into my hole slowly and carefully, before adding another squirt of lube after a few strokes. Only when the one finger slid smoothly in and out of me did he slide in a second, greasing it with even more lube. "Feel good?" he asked. "Oh god, yeah," I moaned. Everything was lining up perfectly: the natural cycles of need and desire, the bowls of tina I had shared with them, the fucking Javier had just given me, all the poppers I had done, and now Eli's slow and dedicated finger-fucking. It was time for dick in my ass again, and the dick I wanted was Eli's fat, black anaconda. "Give it to me," I begged. "Not so fast there, muscle boy," Eli said. "We're gonna go slow the first time. Don't want to rip you in two." A third finger had joined the other two and it wasn't long before he had worked in a fourth. "Still feeling good?" he asked. "Damn right," I said. "Would feel even better with that dick up there." Javier roused himself, kneeling next to Eli, and watched him stretch open my hole. The Latino ran his finger around the edge of my ass, right along the slippery margin where my hole ended and Eli's fingers entered me. "Damn, that's such a nice piece of ass," he said. "You know you wanna fuck it good. You know you have to fuck it hard." "I know I do," Eli said. He pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his cockhead, pressing it up against my sensitive ass. The head of his dick was just about the same size as his four fingers and my hole took the head without any trouble. "So fucking hungry. You see that bro? Just about ate my dick." He pulled out and slicked down his shaft with more lube. "Let's see how that hole reacts with a hit of poppers?" I held the bottle of poppers to my nose and breathed in deeply. While I was inhaling, Eli lined his cock back up with my hole. We both paused for a moment and waited for the other to be ready: me with the poppers rushing through me, and Eli with his cock perfectly aligned. "Here goes," Eli said, as he leaned in, pressing his dick into me. There was a slight bit of resistance from my ass but it was nothing against my body's hunger and Eli's desire. His cockhead overcame that tiny hurdle and slipped into me; he was stretching me out and filling me. "Oh damn," Eli moaned. "So hot and still so tight." He slid in maybe an inch, and then pulled almost all the way back out. "Gotta hold back. I can't go all in yet." "Oh, fuck me, please," I begged. It was going to feel amazing when his entire thick shaft was inside me. I couldn't wait for that feeling. "I need you in me. All of it." "I think your eyes are bigger than your hole right now," Eli said. He slid another inch into me, before pausing. "Getting used to it?" he asked. "Damn, it feels so good inside me." I was getting opened up further than I had ever been before. I was not just loving every minute of it, but rather, needed it in ways I found hard to admit, even to myself. "I want all of it," I continued. "Every single inch." Until all of Eli's cock was in me, happiness was going to be impossible. "It's a damn hungry hole, isn't he?" Javier said. "It'll swallow up your cock without a second thought." He reached under me and grabbed my cock. "But see that the tina is getting to you," he said. My dick was still soft and small. I didn't say anything. I was floating in a perfect sexual bliss. I was just waiting for more of Eli's monster cock to enter my hole; Eli had shoved in another inch or so and it felt like he had gotten at least half of it into me. Javier shuffled over to my head, and waved his erect cock in my face. With these two hard dicks, my cock didn't matter. It was better that it was flaccid and soft; it was one less thing for me to worry about. Instead, instinctively, I did what needed to do, and took the Latino's cockhead in my mouth. "Oh, fuck," Javi moaned, before forcing more of his shaft into me. "Both ends again, huh, Matt?" Eli asked me. "Must be in pig sex heaven." I nodded, while both men pressed their cocks into my body. Javier's tool quickly hit the back of my throat and Eli's shaft filled up more of my gut than I imagined possible. "Getting used to it up in there?" I nodded again, and then did a hit of poppers. It wasn't easy with Javi's cock rammed deep in my mouth. As soon as I was done, Javi took the bottle from me and inhaled from it and then handed the bottle to Eli. Soon, all three of us were grooving on the heady mix of poppers, G, and tina. We stopped caring about anything other than our assigned roles: mine, to provide pleasure to these two men, and Eli and Javi, to use and abused my body for their pleasure. The two men no longer went slow, and pressed their tools all the way into my mouth and ass. I was in a poppered-up daze, and gladly accepted their invasion. Javier was in my face with his dark cock. It was the one I had no choice but to focus on. His cockhead was pressing against the back of my mouth and was insistently demanding entrance to my throat. I swallowed and let my throat open up for him. He took the cue and invaded my already sore throat with his hard shaft. Even though he had shot his wad only a few minutes earlier, he was again thick and erect. I choked down the last few gulps of air while Eli thrust his cock further into my ass. Despite forcing such a massive rod into my hole, he remained true to his word, staying surprisingly gentle and steady with his penetration. As Eli predicted I was in pig heaven. Once more, I was being spit-fucked by these two hung thugs. Our sexual needs were perfectly complimented: Eli and Javier on top and me on bottom. All morning we had been doing drugs and they were kicking us into high gear. All three of us were enjoying the waves of pleasure washing over us, crashing and breaking in harmony with one another. As each tina high built, Eli would start fucking me harder. Javier would follow him and the two would get close to cumming. Just as I thought I couldn't take it any more, they would back off to a slower pace, concentrating on probing the unexplored reaches of my body. We all got lost in the pleasure of the drugs and sex. Almost unnoticed, a phone would buzz on the bed table, or out of the corner of my eye, the video would start over again. At one point, On-screen, I saw the white guy getting stripped down to his jock again and then service the two black men. The parallel between the porn and my own life was not lost on me, except the difference was the utter physical reality of my world. I could taste the pre-cum leaking out of Javi's cock into my mouth and I could feel the slow entry of Eli's slick, thick dick into my hole. The smell of the room, a heady mix of lube, sweat, drugs and sex, and the sounds of flesh making contact with flesh complimented these sensations. Time slowed down. Or it sped up. It was hard to tell and it was even harder to keep track of what had just happened and what I was eagerly anticipating. Had Eli already cum in my ass, or was he still fucking his way to orgasm? Was the drip from Javier's cock pre-cum? But he had already fucked my hole, hadn't he? Responsibilities and obligations to the outside world were forgotten; my only task was to suck and get fucked, with the occasional break to hit the pipe or take sniff from the poppers. "This is it," Eli said, "Such a nice hole." "Isn't it?" Javier said. "Just dripping pre-cum here." "Me too. Hand me the poppers?" Eli asked. Javier handed them over and Eli did a long hit. He handed them back to Javier, who also took one. As the drugs hit the two men, they leaned in over me, and began to make out. "Good to see you again," Eli whispered into Javi's ear. Javi must have agreed, because they continued to make out while sliding their cocks deeper into me. I didn't think they meant for me to hear their interchange; the relationship between the two men was a complex one. Eli had gotten the full length and girth of his cock into my hole. His thick shaft was stretching me wide open as his balls slapped against my ass. He had been right; he had relaxed and opened me up with an expertise and perfection so intense that now, I couldn't imagine getting fucked by someone smaller than him. Nor could I imagine what it would have felt like had he tried to use a condom. The thick rubber would be tight and hard against my ass, tearing at it and roughing it up. Instead, it was the warmth of skin against skin, with just enough lubrication to let Eli's cock slide in and out easily. It would be especially hard to go back to using condoms after today. Before, I had switched back and forth between raw and rubberized sex. Partying always made the difficult choices between pleasure and responsibility easier: pleasure always won. And now, on this grey February morning, pleasure was the only thing on my mind. The pleasure of a hard, erect black cock dripping pre-cum into my ass was one of the best of the many. "How are you doing?" Eli asked, stopping his make-out session with Javier. I thought he was asking me, but then he continued. "Enjoying that warm mouth?" "Oh hell yeah," Javi replied. He thrust his cock all the way into my throat and filled me up. "And you?" "Fucking awesome," Eli said. He pressed his cock deep; for a moment it felt like the two men's shafts would touch in the middle of my stomach. "Poppers?" he asked. Javi handed him the bottle, and he did a hit. "Let Matt have some," Eli said when he was done with his hit. "He needs it more than we do." "That's very true," Javi said. He pulled his cock out of my mouth just far enough for me to breath. He held the bottle under my nose. Another wave of tina pleasure was building up in my body, pushing me to find greater pleasure and more intense stimulation. It made me inhale deeper than ever before. "Good?" Javier asked. I took another long sniff before I nodded. He then took the bottle for himself. "You liking this?" Eli asked, this time directing his query at me. "Damn right," I said. "You can fuck me harder, if you want." "Be careful what you ask for," he said, as he pulled his cock all the way out before roughly pushing it back in. "You're not yet ready for a real hard fuck from me." He pulled out once more, then slammed it back in. My world turned white with pain, and I gasped, doing my best to not bite down on Javi's tool. "Yeah, didn't think you were," he said, as he slowly rocked back and forth inside me. Even these small motions re-ignited the *******s of pain, and I struggled to keep my composure. "Careful there. Watch your teeth," Javi said. But, he still kept his cock deep in my throat as Eli continued to pound my hole. Neither man was giving me any respite from the relentless attacks. Finally, the burn in my hole died down, soothed by Eli rubbing Javi's sperm into my ass. Finally able to think, I turned my focus to the Latino's cock, lavishing attention on it to make up for the inadvertent use of teeth. "Oh, that's how it is supposed to be," he said, luxuriating in the exquisite blowjob. I took the bottle of poppers from Javi and did one more hit. I had to get my mind right again and forget the painful assault that the two men had been waging against my body. As the warm waves of pleasure covered me, I opened my holes more than I ever thought possible. I was turning into a vessel for these two men, and I had to make sure they enjoyed every moment of it. "Oh damn," Eli muttered. "Getting balls deep into this muscle slut. Those poppers are working their magic." "You know it," Javi said. "The tina isn't hurting him either. His throat is making love to my cock." While Javi was talking, Eli's cock had found a new part of my gut and promptly anointed it with pre-cum. I was hungry and just the pre-cum wasn't enough for me. I wanted his seed in my hole. I wanted him to mark me permanently. "Please, shoot in me," I begged, focusing only on my utter and complete need for spooge. "Yeah, slut? You want my load up your ass?" He gave me two hard slaps, first on one cheek, then the other. "Hot fucking muscle ass, taking my big black dick." "He's a natural at it," Javi said. "This your first black cock, stud?" I shook my head no. It wasn't my first one, but it was the first one in a long time. "No," I managed to choke out hindered by Javi's cock still in my mouth. "He knows what he wants," Javi said. "He knows what's good," Eli said. "Hard, thick black cock ripping open a white hole." I nodded in agreement. Eli gave me another slap on the ass, pushed his dick deeper into my hole, and then asked, "You think you can take a real fucking now? Nice and hard?"
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  45. I have had a couple of encounters with thai guys when I have been working in London. Both started with a good massage, and both loved to fuck raw. no questions, just a good time. I didnt catch anything, but can recommnd them, coz not only are they hot, but they know how to please.
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  46. 5. "Damn, Matt," Eli said. "You holding out on us?" Eli was still deep in my throat, and I was only barely able to speak. "It's G," I managed to croak out, hoping that at least they'd be able to figure out what I had said from context alone. "Fuck yeah," Javier said. "This day just gets better and better. Plenty of tina. Hot white muscle stud ass that's totally up for bareback. And now some G to make it all the better." He was silent for a second. "Damn, it tastes awful," he said. I wondered how much he had done. "Some muscle ass will get that taste out of your mouth," Eli said, laughing. "And hand me the bottle." Once more, Javier's tongue was on my ass, pushing in and opening me further up. I squirmed, trying to get more of his tongue into my hole. "Easy there, cowboy," Eli said. "You'll get what you need soon enough. My turn on the G now." He slowed down his thrusts while he was swallowing a capful. "You want some too?" he asked me. "Of course you do." I nodded as best I could. "Right on. Let's do this properly," he continued. He slowly pulled out of my throat, until his cockhead was the only thing still in my throat. Then I could finally lift my head and look around the bedroom and the scene that was unfolding. As I shifted, Javier stopped rimming my ass and stood to watch me get dosed as well. Eli was looking down at me with an evil grin on his face. In one hand, he held the open bottle of G; in the other, the cap for the bottle. He pulled his dick the rest of the way out of my mouth; it stuck straight out in front of him and glistened from my spit. Carefully, he measured out a small capful of the liquid. "Ready for it?" he asked me. I nodded, expecting him to pour the contents of the cap into my mouth and letting me swallow it. Instead, he just stood there and said, "Open your mouth." I did as he instructed, and opened my mouth wide. With a set of precise moves that was surprising given the amount of crystal he had done and the sheer size of his tool, he maneuvered his cockhead back into my mouth. With his head lodged securely in my mouth, he poured the thick liquid on the top of his cock and let the bitter liquid run down his shaft, right into my mouth. "Be sure to get every drop," he said, with a chuckle. "Every drop." I craned my neck up, getting the entire length of his drug- contaminated dickshaft into my mouth and then wrapped my lips around his fat tube. The foul taste of the G had filled my mouth, but the pleasure of having his cock in my mouth again more than made up for it. Fastidiously, I licked every drop of the G I could find off his cock. I swallowed as much as I could, and also swallowed more of his thick tube. As I sucked him off, Eli started once more to drip pre-cum. The salty fluids helped to wash down the G as well as get rid of the foul taste stuck in my mouth. As I worked on Eli's cock, Javier returned his attention to my ass, his tongue probing and penetrating my hole. "You think he's ready?" Eli asked. He tossed the capped bottle of G back to Javier. "Yeah, I think so." Javier had also found the bottle of lube, and poured some on my hole. "At least, I'm ready. And that means he should be ready. Especially after everything he's done this morning, don't think he's got much choice in the matter." "Hear that, Matt?" Eli asked. "Hope you were planning on Mexican today, because that's what you're going to get. At least to start out." I nodded as best I could and prepared myself for the next intrusion into my body that these two men were planning. Javi poured some of the lube on his cock, rubbing it and getting it slicked up for my hole. Intellectually, I knew I was doing something dangerous: letting a stranger fuck me raw. But the crystal had been driving my needs for a while plus now the G was kicking in as well. I was turning into a being that lived only for sexual pleasure and that would only be satisfied a huge penis in every hole that I had. Involuntarily, I had already started wagging my ass at Javi. I was completely ready for his invasion even while I was still sucking hard on Eli's shaft. "He's ready for it," Javier said. "Look at how his ass is begging for my cock." He had lined up his cockhead with my hole but was just barely pressing it into me. His teasing was driving me crazy. I needed his cock inside my hole and I needed to be fucked hard until he shot his load all over me. Or, even better, in me. As best as I could, while I was sandwiched on my back between the two men, I tried to get him into my hole. "Whoa there. Plenty of time for you to get properly fucked today. Let's start out nice and slow." The anticipation was excruciating. I could feel Javier's cockhead slowly working its way into my body, but I wanted it all now. I had stopped caring about these men's needs, and all I cared about were my pleasures, desires, and enjoyment. Eli noticed the change, and quickly reminded me about my role as the designated bottom in this three-some. "Hey Bro, Don't stop sucking my shaft." Eli's cockhead was pressing against the back of my mouth. I needed to take all of it and once again, I needed him fill my throat and choke me. By then, Javi's cock had pressed deep into my ass, and I gasped a bit as he went deeper than I had been penetrated in a long time. Eli immediately saw his chance and forced his cock into my throat. The GHB was definitely starting to kick in for me: instead of immediately choking on his thick black shaft, it let me relax and appreciate the fat black shaft stretching my throat open. I fell easily back into my role as a plaything for these men. Javi was now balls-deep in my ass, and Eli was steadily shoving the full length of his shaft into my throat. All of us were deep in the haze of the drugs: the crystal was fueling our descent into sexual sleaze, the GHB was pushing our limits of pain, and the poppers were melding it all into a single pleasurable sexual blur. "His hole feel good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh fuck yeah. Hot, wet, and just tight enough." Javi pulled out, then pounded his back into me. The force of his stroke through the length of my body and it forced my head up against Eli's muscular thighs. Eli's dick went deeper into my throat. "Get it lubed and opened up for me," Eli said. "I've built up a big load." He punched my chest. "You're going to be dripping sperm by the end of the day, muscle stud." My response to his prediction was to open my mouth wider and attempt to get the last inch or two of Eli into my throat. I had decided that my value to the two men was only in how much dick I could take and how deep I could take it. It seemed like I was coming up short in my efforts to please Eli: my attempts at deep throating him felt far short of what I wanted to be able to do. It would be a holy act for me to choke on Eli's cock. It would mean that I had taken so much cock I was gagging, unable to breath. I had subsumed my own pleasure for the horny, hung ebony god. "Oh fuck yeah," Eli moaned. Eli and I seemed to have a connection between the two of us, something more intense than just his fat cock filling up my throat. Partially, it was that Eli innately knew how his face-fucking was pushing me to my absolute limits. It was clear that he loved those moments where he hit the limit of my cocksucking ability. He did his best to find them and to make them last for as long as I could stand it and then some. In the most intense of those moments, he took me to a new level and pushed and expanded what my throat and I were capable of. When I craved relief from the intrusion or even just a breath of air, I had a glimpse of what religious ecstasy must feel like. Despite this being just sexual pleasure, something far more earthly and profane, I was making Eli into my personal savior. He was pushing me: making me become a better cocksucker, a better cum hole, a better faggot. It was a perversion of what, by all instincts, I should have wanted, but fueled by the drugs and desire, it was exactly what I needed. It was not just Eli who was working to push my boundaries. Javier was trying just as hard to find out how deep he could press his hard cock into me. He had gotten in further than I could have imagined, and his raw cock was sliding into virgin territory. First, he had opened up my throat for Eli, and now he was getting my ass ready for Eli's monster. That was not to say that he was just a warm-up; Javier's fuck was more than enough by itself. His hard brown shaft was sliding in and out of my hole and I could feel him dripping pre-cum into me, lubricating each stroke. As I focused on his thrusts, I realized that he wasn't wearing a condom. Even though we had discussed it earlier, it was still a shock to me. It had been a long time since I had barebacked, possibly too long. Il craved the intimacy and closeness, but I knew that the lifelong dangers far exceeded the ephemeral moments of pleasure that raw fucking gave me. Before I could make sure that they still planned to pull out, Eli shoved his cock back into my throat. At the same moment, Javier slammed his raw cock back into my asshole. Impaled on both ends by these dark, hung men, I had to force myself not to cry out in a combination of pleasure and pain. I also had to confront the truth: that if Javier had put a condom on, I wouldn't be able to take his cock. A rubberized cock would have been orders of magnitude more painful than the natural perfection of raw sex. Prioritizing pleasure and the continuation of the fucking, I no longer worried about barebacking. I embraced the rare opportunity to enjoy sex the way it was meant to be. "Here," Eli said, handing me the bottle of poppers. "Do a hit." He pulled his cock all the way out letting me breathe normally. I gasped and inhaled deep gulps of air while I unscrewed the top of the poppers. I lifted my head just enough to sniff the sweet vapor from the bottle and keep it from spilling on me. The entire time, Eli's hard cock, glistening from my spit, was just inches away from my face. Javier had also slowed down his ass-pounding but had never completely stopped. I had just a short break in order to re-charge before I was once more spit-roasted between the two big cocks. "Thanks," I said. My throat was sore. The combination of smoking the crystal and the deep throat-fucking from both dark-colored men had taken its toll. It was hard to even just talk and it would be even harder to allow Eli's massive tool to fill my throat up again. But, finally, the poppers started to take effect, and I didn't care about my sore throat anymore. All I cared about was more cock, and Eli's was right there. It was waiting for my attention and I needed to give it pleasure. "Please?" I asked, tilting my head so that I could take the tip of his dick back into my mouth. "Fuck yeah, cocksucking muscle man," Eli said, as he took a small step towards me. I had to stretch my mouth wide open to accommodate Eli, but I was past being just hungry. The only thing that could ever possibly satiate my appetite was his black dick. Before I could even get used to his presence back in my mouth, he had pressed his cockhead against my throat. His tool was demanding an immediate entrance. I swallowed slightly, letting my throat opened up for him. He slid right in, right as Javier did another hard slam into my ass. I needed to gasp for air, but Eli's fat shaft had already filled up my throat and it was impossible for me to inhale or exhale. I closed my eyes and ignored the urgent messages from my body. I had little choice but to concentrate on the two pieces of prime manflesh filling up and using my body. Flying on the poppers, and with the crystal hitting deep in the primitive, pleasure-seeking part of my brain, I didn't care how debased I was. I had a black cock fucking my mouth and a thick Latin cock fucking my ass. I was only living for pleasure and especially these two particular pleasures: sucking cock and getting fucked raw. I would do anything to make them last forever. "Oh yeah," Javi said, pressing his cock into my hole. "That's what you need to do, relax that hole and enjoy it." He grabbed my hips and pulled me down on his hard shaft. "Dripping my pre-cum into you," he said. "Same here," Eli grunted. "Nice tight throat you've got. Thank god Javi opened it up for me." In a small, almost natural action, I reached over my head and wrapped my hands around Eli's muscular ass to pull myself down on to his cock. The extra leverage let me get all the way down on Eli's thick shaft but also forced me stay there. I had to fuck my own throat with his cock. Earlier, Eli had been the one forcing himself upon my throat, now, I was the one doing all the work. It was a small change of physical responsibilities, but a huge mental change. Sex was no longer just something these men were doing to me. Instead, sex was something that I was a full and willing participant in. I was the one making myself to choke on Eli's fat, black shaft. I was the one fucking myself on Javier's engorged brown dick. And I was the one enjoying every agonizing moment of it. I had been holding on to the bottle of poppers tightly, like a talisman that would protect me. Eli reached behind and took the bottle of poppers from my hand. With it no longer in my grasp, I realized how critical it had been to my ability to take the two cocks. Almost as soon as I let go of the bottle, I started to gag on Eli's shaft. Eli noticed my discomfort immediately. He rested a hand on my exposed throat. Lying on my back, my head slightly off the bed, I felt very vulnerable. "Go on, muscle slut. You can do this. Just focus on how good my cock feels. How good Javi feels fucking you." "How's it feeling for you?" Javi asked Eli. "Fucking amazing. I can see my cock stretching out his throat." Eli pulled out, and then pushed back in several times. He tightened his grip around my throat, blocking my airway but also letting me feel his thick shaft filling me. "Damn, that's hot," Javi said. Eli released his grip, and unscrewed the cap from the poppers. He held the small brown bottle under his nose. Even over the noises of me slobbering on his dick and Javi thrusting in and out of my ass, I could hear him take a long hit from the bottle. "Damn, best feeling in the world. Doing some poppers while a hot guy worships your cock," he said. He passed the bottle to Javier. "Or getting to fuck a tight muscle butt," Javi said, before slowing down in order to do his own a hit. I wanted to join these two men and do a hit, but I could barely breath with Eli's dick deep in my throat. Inhaling the poppers would be too much. "Oh damn," Javi moaned, as he sank his cock back into my hole. "So fucking hot and wet," he said when his balls hit my ass. The two men leaned across my body and braced themselves against each other. They started to kiss. I was surprised by the action. Earlier, when they had kissed, it was always to shotgun a hit. Now, it was for other purposes: their own pleasure and the pleasure of using me. On the street, in a club, kissing would have made these two men so much less masculine. But with me sandwiched between them, their hard cocks buried in my mouth and my ass, it was just another way for them to use me. I wasn't part of their intimacy; I was just a set of holes for them to use and enjoy. All I could do in response was to open my throat and relax my ass, letting them penetrate even deeper into my body. "Oh, fuck, nice," Eli moaned, before once more locking lips with Javier. As they kissed, there was a change in the pace of the two dark thugs' fucking. It was easiest to tell the difference in Javi's strokes as they made out. It wasn't they had gotten any more gentle or easier to take. Instead they were slower, deeper and more intense. He was no longer relentlessly forcing himself on me; he knew that he could enjoy my ass as long as he wanted. He wasn't going to rush the experience. He was taking his time to explore my hole and open me up. Eli was almost the opposite; he had sped up and with quick, short strokes, he was doing his best to render my throat raw and ragged. With his faster pace, there were, at least, more opportunities to catch my breath. However, the cool, fresh air was a flame on the increasingly sore flesh of my throat. "Nice to see you again, finally," Eli said, breaking off their kiss for a moment. "Definitely," Javi replied. "And this is a good way to get re-acquainted." "Fuck yeah," Eli said. "I've been dreaming of something like this for months now." Javier shifted his position and rested an arm on my chest. I saw Javier sucking on Eli's nipples, and then Eli moaned in pleasure. "Oh god," the black man said. This was not the first time that Javier and Eli had played. They knew each other's turn-ons plus had spent the entire morning egging each other on to do more drugs and to use me to the fullest. Realizing this made me feel even more like a toy than before. It wasn't me who was important; they could and would use any bottom to get their pleasure. I was no more critical to the endeavor than the choice of lube; as long as I fulfilled my proper and correct role, they would get off. I was totally tweaked out by this point, the G was starting to take effect, and I still had some residual effects of the last hit of poppers. With all these chemicals mixing in my body, not to mention their hard cocks dripping their pre-cum into me, I was in sex-pig heaven. I didn't care if I was just a toy. I didn't care about anything, as long as it meant that I got fucked. As long as I got their cocks and their jizz. Eli had returned his hand to my throat. He squeezed it slightly and held me down on his cock while Javier sucked on his nipples. I hadn't been expecting him to try to choke and hadn't gotten any air before he did it. But the black man was oblivious to my discomfort, thinking only of the wet hole his fat, hard cock was buried in and the warm mouth gently sucking on his nipples. Not until I started to choke on his cock and scraped my teeth across his engorged shaft did he notice. "Careful there, Matt," he said. It was the first time he had actually used my name. "Watch those teeth." "Maybe he needs another hit of poppers," Javier said. "Or something more?" "Poppers can't hurt," Eli muttered, as he held the brown bottle under my nose. I inhaled deeply, knowing that the drugs would soon make nothing but cock matter. "You ready for a hard fucking?" Javier asked me. "Oh yeah," I grunted, Eli's cock still in my mouth. "Fuck my hole good." "You still want me to pull out?" Javier asked. "Still want me to waste my sperm?" "Fuck no," I replied immediately. Now, with the drugs hitting me hard, it seemed like a criminal offense to make this man pull out. Taking his cum would be such a small thing. It would be such an easy thing to do. I wouldn't have to do anything other than let Javier be the red-blooded man he was. He would naturally fill me with his thick spooge, and I would gladly let him. "Fuck me. Shoot your load in me." "He's finally getting the hang of this," Eli said. "You gonna let me cum in you as well?" At that moment, the poppers kicked in. Suddenly, the idea of Eli fucking me wasn't so scary. I knew I could do it. It would hurt, but the pain would be just what I needed. "Of course. You just need to fuck me hard first." "Oh, that's not going to be a problem at all," Eli said. Simultaneously, both men slammed their cocks back into me. I gasped, but that was quickly squelched as Eli's fat shaft slid into my throat. "So fucking nice," Eli said, as he wrapped his muscular arms around Javier and the two men kissed deeply. Javier's cock responded to the kiss. It poked deeper into me and found fresh territory to explore and mark. Meanwhile Eli's dick stayed deep in my throat and dripped pre-cum directly into my gut. "I know," Javier said. "I can do this all day." "No reason we can't," Eli said. He started to play with one of Javi's nips, which caused Javi to slam his cock into my ass. "Oh fuck," Javier said. His hips started to buck wildly. "I'm getting close." "Breed that muscle boy ass," Eli said, egging him on. "I want to watch you shoot your load up there. Lube it up for me." I needed to beg Javi for his load, but my mouth was stretched wide open and filled with the black man's hard cock. It didn't matter. Javier had been pushing deeper into my hole and clearly had no plans to ever pull out. "FUCK," Javier grunted, with one last forceful thrust into my ass. Even though his balls were now tight against his body, his last plunge was hard enough to make them slap against my ass. "I'm going to cum," he said. For a brief, magical moment, his hard shaft was still and unmoving, buried deep in my hole. Then the first volley of sperm traveled down the endless length of his cock. It forced his dick to swell, just as his thick load gushed out of Javier's engorged dickhead. "Oh God," he moaned. "Take my jizz." "Oh yeah," Eli said, his arm cradling Javier's head as he kissed him. "Come for me, man. Fill that guy's ass for me." Javi was now on autopilot as he executed the ancient yet familiar rite of orgasm. He plunged into my hole, each thrust marked with another jet of white-hot spooge. I was relieved that Javier was finally cumming; his cum was lubricating my hole and made his relentless pounding much easier to withstand. It would also make Eli's inevitable assault almost bearable. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck," Javi repeated, unable to express his emotions in anything but the shortest and simplest of phrases. His orgasm was something that he was trying to share with the two of us, but fundamentally, it was something that was deeply personal and intimate. This rite was the most fundamental act of being a man: the rite of injecting semen into another subservient man. I was the perfect foil for Javier: I wanted men to fuck me and inject their loads into me more than anything else in the world. Forced by the tina, all I was thinking of was Javi's dick shooting in me; all I wanted next was to get the same treatment from Eli. "Fill him up," Eli said. "You know he wants it. He needs your spooge bad." I was tightening my ass around Javi's cock. I was trying to milk out every last drop of his hot jizz. "Fuck, man, you're a hungry hole," Eli continued, turning his attention back to me. I was almost choking on Eli's cock, but despite the discomfort of the full, fat length in my sore throat, it was a small taste of cocksucker heaven. "Can't get enough cock, can you?" My mouth and throat full, I didn't try to reply; I just swallowed. It would massage the entire length of Eli's fat dick, giving him the pleasure he so richly deserved. "Hungry cock slut, huh?" Eli said in response. "Keep that up, and you'll get another big load in your gut." Javier was slowing down his pounding and tried to catch his breath. He was still in a tight embrace with Eli. "Yeah, make him choke on your load," he said, urging Eli on. "You need to get that first load out. Then you'll be able to properly enjoy him." "Oh fuck Bro, you know it." Eli placed a hand on my chest. He braced himself against my body and then used the leverage to push deeper into my throat. It was probably only a quarter of an inch of cock, but it felt like a foot of solid steel shaft. The tip of his cock felt like it was already in my stomach and he was dripping his fluids directly into it. "Can't hold off much longer," Eli said. His balls pressed against my nose, blocking off my last source of air. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to stand his throat fuck, but, at the same time, I didn't want it to ever end. I would withstand Eli's onslaught for as long as I had to. It was my job and purpose to get him off, no matter how he wanted to do it. "Oh hell," Eli grunted. My lips stretched even wider around his cock as his balls unloaded their payload of semen. It first went into the base of his erect cock. Then the spurt traveled down the length of his shaft before finally squirting out of his thick dickhead straight and into my stomach. He never gave me the choice of whether to swallow his load or not: I had to eat it. Of course, if had asked, I would have begged for his jizz. "Oh fuck yeah," he moaned, as another discharge rocketed down his shaft and into my gullet. "Let him taste it," Javier said. "Let him know you're cumming in his mouth." Eli slowly pulled his dick out of my throat. He took his time because several more spurts of sperm landed in my throat. His sperm was thick and it helped to soothe the raw and sore parts that he had been using and abusing earlier. When his cockhead was in my mouth, he held it there. He filled my mouth quickly with his hot cream. It was surprisingly tasty, almost sweet. Rather than immediately swallow it, I savored it, tasting its warmth and aliveness. "Fuck, the guy loves it." "Why wouldn't he?" Eli asked. "Fucking Grade-A man juice there." He turned to me. "You going to get every drop of it for us, cocksucker?" Since my mouth was no longer totally full with cock, I could answer Eli. "Of course man. Every single bit of it." "Good man," Eli said. "And I'm not quite done yet," he continued. He slid his cock in and out. His dick was no longer pumping out cum. Instead, it was now more a steady dribble of jizz. I was more than happy to lap it up, getting every fertile drop and swallowing it. Finally, his cock leaked the last bit of sperm into my mouth. I savored it, but also ran my tongue over his sensitive head. I was hoping for one more drop of his sperm. "That's all for right now," he said, gently pulling his cock out. "But don't worry, there'll be plenty more for you later today." At the same time, Javi had pulled his softening cock out of my ass. "Time for a break, I think," he said. "Catch our breath, recharge pipe, and then another round?" he asked. "Sounds good to me," Eli said. "Looking forward to fucking his ass. Especially that I can take my time and do it properly." I shuddered a bit, wondering if I would ever be able to fit his thick tool into my hole. Even though Javier had just stretched me out and lubricated me, Eli still seemed dangerously big. "But first, I want to hit that glass pipe again. And I bet Matt here wants to clean off your man pipe."
    1 point
  47. Just my opinion,but by the time you are prancing around in a gay club wearing underwear and hustling tips your straight label has been compromised.Sooner or later curiosity alone will get you naked and experimenting with any of the hard horny men whose lust you have aroused.Maybe you might accept a blowjob at first,then a bit more,soon you may be naked smoking dope getting buzzed.Then a naked hard to holds poppers under your nose and you give in,and take cum bareback like men ought to.Maybe inside many straight guys there is a gay slut waiting for a chance....
    1 point
  48. 4. I lifted my head up a bit to see what was happening. Crystal-dazed, it took Eli a moment to realize it was his turn. He leaned up in the bed and grabbed a towel to wipe off his hands. He took the glass pipe off the bedtable, examined it closely, and then frowned. "Needs more," he said, and grabbed one of the bags of tina. He carefully stuck the stem of the pipe into the bag, scooped up some of the crystals and tapped them into the bowl of the pipe. He repeated these actions several times, finally filling the bowl of the pipe with the tina. Eventually he was happy, and put the bag back on the bed table. Eli swung his legs over the side of the bed, stood up, and grabbed the torch. I watched as he melted the crystals. I wondered what he was thinking. Javi was dividing his attention between Eli and the TV screen. On screen, I knew that the scene had shifted, and the bottom was now getting fucked by one of the tops. Javi was clearly getting inspired by the porn, and got on the bed, kneeling down between my legs. He spread them wide, exposing my hole to the cool air. "Want a hit?" Eli asked Javi, indicating the crystal-filled pipe. Javi nodded, and Eli handed him the pipe and torch. Javi did a hit, and held it as he returned the tools of the trade to Eli. "Fuck," Javi said, exhaling a thick cloud that fell slowlyto the ground. "Good shit, isn't it?" Eli said. "Our friend Matt here doesn't skimp." He was standing in front of me, his cock hanging heavy in front of my face. I knew it would be just minutes until my mouth was stretched wide around it. "Your turn, Matt." He bent over me, and stuck the stem of the pipe in my mouth. "Suck on this glass cock, and then I'll feed you a real cock," he said, as he held the torch under the pipe. "And none of those pussy hits you've been doing." I sucked on the pipe. Eli had loaded the pipe up well, and it was easy to fill my lungs with the cloud. After draining the bowl a few times, I nodded, but he just smiled and said, "Three more, Matt. And then hold it for me." I did as I was told, inhaling deeply from the pipe three more times, before mercifully, Eli pulled it away from me. My lungs were full. "My turn," he said. He turned around, facing the TV, letting me get a good view of his butt. It was just as muscular as the rest of him, a perfect sculpture carved out of dark ebony. "Blow it up my hole, Matt," he said. I lowered my head, pressing my face into his crack. He assisted by taking a short step back, which pushed his ass right into my face. His butt was just as muscular as it looked, and I had to grab it with my hands to separate the meaty cheeks. Nestled between the cheeks, surrounded by a spray of hair, was his hole. I started to lick around his hole, tasting the last bit of soap from his shower and some sweat. "Fuck yeah," Eli said, as my tongue flicked across his hole. He lit up the torch. "This is the life. Getting my ass kissed by a white gym rat and partying with my bro, Javi." Javier laughed, and I felt him spread my legs further apart, exposing my vulnerable hole to him. "Feel free to blow it up there, Matt," Eli said, as he flicked the torch and started to suck on the pipe. I exhaled, trying to get the smoke into Eli's hole. I did an only adequate job of blowing it up Eli's hole, but as the last of the cloud escaped my lungs, Javier grunted in approval. "Finally, Matt. You did a real man's hit." It didn't take long for that fresh hit of crystal to hit me. It made me feel good. It felt right to be on my back in my own bed, my face deep in Eli's ass and my tongue probing and penetrating his ass. He was forcing his ass against me, getting my tongue even deeper in his hole. I didn't care what this looked like any more. All I wanted was to make him feel good, feel like a man, and if that required me licking his butt, I was more than happy to do it. I could only imagine what his life in prison was like. These pleasures seemed like a small reward for the time he had spent behind bars. It wasn't even a reward, strictly speaking. I knew in my heart that these things: drugs, sex, my submission, were things Eli deserved. He deserved for me to be licking his ass, for me to be making him feel so good, and for me to be getting his cock hard. Eventually, I'd let him penetrate me, first my mouth and then my ass. He'd and use me for his pleasure, and no matter how aggressive or forceful he was, I'd take it. He knew that. Javi knew that. They knew it was my role for the day, to be something the two men used for their pleasure. As I rimmed Eli, he did another hit off the pipe. I wondered how much he had been able to party while in prison. As well, I wondered how much a guy of his size would need to get a good tweak going. I didn't really care; I knew if I ran out of tina, more was just a simple phone call away. I'd buy as much as he wanted. I wanted him to be as high as he wanted. When he exahled the hit, he relaxed a bit, lowering his ass a bit further onto my face. I responded by forcing my tongue deeper into his hole. I was enjoying this. I knew that each minute my tongue was up his ass was a minute where his cock wasn't stretching out my throat. But, as intimate and close as the rimjob was, I knew I'd eventually have to take his cock, anyway he wanted to give it to me. "Ready for the real thing, Matt?" Eli finally said. He stepped back, and turned around. His cock was hard now. It was big enough that even hard, it couldn't stand up straight, but hung down, the fat head just barely touching my lips. "Time for you to swallow it all." I opened my mouth wide, preparing myself for him to enter. "Think he can take it all?" Javi asked. "I know he will. He doesn't have a choice." Eli leaned in just a hair, but more than enough to steer his cockhead into my mouth. There was a tiny bead of pre-cum at the tip. I licked it up eagerly. His shaft was still wet from the lube. I didn't mind it at all, since I knew the lube would make it that much easier for him to slide into my throat. "You'll want this," Javi said, and pressed the poppers into my hand. Eli pulled his cock back just enough for me to do a hit. I inhaled deeply, I needed all the help I could just to take Eli's cock. "That's an ok start," Javi continued. I did another deep hit, then handed the bottle back to Javi. "Give it to Eli," Javi said, refusing the bottle. Reluctantly, I reached up and handed the poppers to Eli. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to be doing them while I was still getting used to his cock in my mouth. But Javi's tone made it clear I had no choice. "Right on," Eli said. "Let's get this started." He leaned in again, his cockhead brushing up against my lips. I opened my mouth, and his dick entered me. Even though I had been on my knees worhsipping him earlier in the morning, this was the first time all over again. It wasn't so much the physical challenges of Eli's thick cock in my mouth, but the mental effort required to understand my new position and my new role. I had a black man's cock in my mouth. A huge black cock, and I was hardly fighting it as it pentrated deeper; Eli didn't wait to press up against the back of my throat. I gave up the last resistance to penetration; I found myself craning my neck to get another millimeter or two of Eli's shaft inside of me. "Hungry, aren't you?" Eli asked me. He did another hit from the poppers. "Ready for more?" he asked me. He was asking me if he could push past the back of my mouth and into my throat. I could tell this was transitioning from a blow job to a face fuck, and I found myself wanting that change. I wanted to make Eli happy. Allowing him unfettered access to my throat was the smallest thing I could do. I nodded, and Eli pushed his hips forward. I swallowed slightly, and his beer-can cock entered my throat. Immediately, I was choking, my gag reflex kicking in hard as his massive tool blocked my throat. "Just relax, Matt" Eli said. "Your throat feels fucking awesome." I concentrated on his cock, forcing my rising panic to subside. It wasn't easy, but the initial terror passed, and I began to feel a faint glimmer of pleasure in his thick hardness dominating my body. As Eli forced another inch of his cock into my mouth, he ran a finger down my cheek and along my throat. "Fuck Eli, you can see his throat stretch," Javi said. His hand still on my throat, Eli traced out the bulge from where his pole was. His casual touch me feel very small. I was turning into little more than a hole Eli was using. I wondered if he would have been just as happy with a sex doll. But even if I was his first available hole, he had still picked me. His cock was in my throat, he was hard as a rock, and it was my body he was using to get off. "Like that, huh," Eli said. Javi batted my cock, which, despite the tina, had started to get hard. I realized I liked this role, a plaything for these hot black and latino men. "Want more?" Eli asked. Without thinking, I nodded yes. I wanted all of Eli's cock inside me, even if I was going to have to fight against my own gag reflex. "Right on," Eli said, and another inch of his shaft slid in. My throat was stretched wide, and now, I couldn't even breath. But it didn't matter. What mattered was this dominant black man getting his cock serviced. And for me to do it without complaining. Another inch of dark meat slid into me and I repeated the now familiar process of fighting back the urge to gag. "Almost there," Eli said. "Just another bit, and you'll have swallowed the whole thing." He did another hit of poppers. I badly wanted one as well, but my position made inhaling from the bottle impossible: Eli's balls were slapping against my nose, and my mouth was filled with his cock. In a slow, relentless grind, he pressed the last of his dick into me. His thick pubic hair was on my chin, his balls now resting against my nose, and his cockhead felt like it was right in my stomach. "I didn't think he could do it," Javi said. He had stopped playing with my cock, and was now starting to finger my hole. It wasn't going to be long before my other hole was going to be penetrated and filled. "I knew he could," Eli said. As they nonchalantly talked about me, all I could think of was getting this thing, this beast, out of my throat and getting some fresh air. I did my best to relax, to gently nurse Eli's cock, and let him know I was here for whatever he wanted, no matter how it made me feel. "Need some air, Matt?" Eli asked, noticing my discomfort. I nodded eagerly. It seemed like years since I had last had a breath. "And I bet you need another hit off the pipe as well," he continued as he started to pull his cock out of my mouth. The entry had been difficult, but it was easy compared to him pulling out. I could feel each inch of his cockhead as it rubbed against my throat. The flare on his head acted like a squeegee, wiping up any saliva that might have lubricated its passage. This blow job was only going to get worse from here on out. When it was just Eli's cockhead in my mouth, I could finally breathe. I inhaled deep breaths through my nose and I opened up my mouth as wide as I could. He pulled the last of his cock out. My throat had managed to get him a little harder; his shaft was now sticking out straight in front of him, not hanging down as before. "Nice job Matt. Get me hard, and there weren't any accidents with your teeth," Eli said. It was a bit sad that his small compliment made me happier than I had been the entire morning. "Want the pipe?" Javier asked Eli, leaning over to grab it off the bedtable. "Sure. And I bet you're up for a hit as well?" "Right on," Javier said. I leaned up enough to see him starting to heat up the bowl. "I'm itching to get inside him," he said. As the white fog began to escape from the top of the pipe, I knew he was talking about my ass. Strangely, I was looking forward to these men penetrating me. I was in an exceptionally good mood and felt open to just about anything. "Perfect bro," Eli said. "You've done a great job of opening him up for me." Javier finished sucking on the pipe, and handed it to me. It was still hot and smoking, so I took a few puffs before the bowl cooled down. "That's not a hit, Matt," Eli said. I exhaled; it seemed like a decent sized hit to me. But Javier just shook his head as he exhaled: the smoke surrounded his head completely. "Let's try this again," Javier said. As he spoke, he grabbed my legs, rolling me up a bit. He leaned in, and buried his face in my ass. His tongue flicked across my hole, teasing me and opening me up. "Fuck, that's good," he said slightly muffled, his head buried in my crack. I examined the pipe. There was still a big pool of crystal, so I lit the torch, melted it, and took a long hit. As I sucked on the pipe, Javier's tongue explored more of my hole and got ever deeper inside me. I squirmed a bit, trying to get more of Javi's tongue in my hole, while trying to manage the smoking glass cock and torch. "Whoa there, cowboy," Eli said. He put a hand on my shoulder, and pressed down to keep me in place. "You're gonna get more dick than you can handle soon enough. Just relax for now." Unable to get any more of the crystal, I let the torch go out, and passed the pipe to Eli. "Hold it," Eli said, as he sucked on the last bit from my hit. "And open your mouth for me." My lungs were full of smoke, but I was able to open my mouth enough for Eli's cockhead to slide in. He exhaled, then immediately did another hit. "Ready?" he asked me. I nodded and he pressed his cock into my mouth. The head first pressed against the back of my throat, then slid all the way in. This time I didn't gag. The tina had finally overwhelmed my desires and all I wanted were both of these men inside me. I was enjoying Javi rimming me, but now I wanted his cock. I knew it would be so easy and quick for him to enter me: slide a condom over his cock, smear a bit of lube, and he'd be in deep before I realized it. And I wanted all of Eli's cock back in my throat. I knew I'd have a wicked sore throat in the morning, but it was something I badly wanted. Tomorrow, I'd endure it as a badge of courage and maybe even find a way to enjoy it. "Slides right in," Eli said. Once more, all I could see were his heavy balls and some of his ass. Even so, I could hear the pleasure in his voice. This was what he wanted: his brain bathed in crystal, his cock hard and buried inside of me, and his friend opening up my ass for his use. "Ready for more?" Javi asked me, taking a brief break from licking my asshole. I immediately knew what he meant, and I knew I was ready for it. More than just ready, I needed it. I needed a hard cock to brutally fuck my hole. "Oh, I'm sure he is," Eli said, answering for me. "But his mouth is full right now. And he can stop holding that hit whenever you're ready. But the longer, the better." Eli pulled his cock out just enough for me to be able to breathe again. I took the opportunity to exhale. I was surprised at the size of the hit; the smoke engulfed my head, and slowly drifted down to the ground. "Not bad, Matt," Eli said, also impressed by the hit I had done. My mouth no longer full, I took the opporunity to speak, "There are condoms in the bedtable," I said. Then Eli stuffed his cock back in my mouth. "Great," Javier said. Before I could say anything else or even get one last breath, Eli pressed his cock back into my throat. This felt amazing; a thick, hard cock in my throat and a warm tongue right against my hole. I forced myself not to gag, thinking about the pleasure Eli must be feeling, being able to dominate me so completely. Unfortunately, Javier stopped licking my ass, which made it harder to ignore Eli's shaft pressing into me, blocking my ability to breathe. Javi pulled open the drawer, and I could hear him looking around in the drawer. "You got any Magnums?" he asked me. "I hate these regular rubbers." Still impaled on Eli's shaft, I couldn't answer him immediately. I heard him rummaging through the drawer, and I wondered what else I had in there. "Just pull out before you cum," Eli said. "Matt'll be cool with that." I heard what Eli said, but it never got through my brain. I had a massive black cock deep in my throat, and my ass was itching. All I could think about was pleasure: my pleasure in getting fucked, Eli and Javier's pleasure in using me. All I wanted was to have fun: to get my face and ass fucked hard, to let these men get off using my body for their pleasure. A condom seemed so unimportant in the moment, compared to the critical pleasures that I needed to give and get. "Yeah," I said, as best I could sucking off Eli. "Just pull out." I doubt they could understand what I was saying. But, it didn't matter. Javier had found something in the drawer. "Is this lube? Or G?" he asked. I knew what it was. It was a small vial of clear liquid hiding in the back of the drawer. I had noticed the G looking for the Viagra, but thought neither of them would be interested in it.
    1 point
  49. 2. I tried to relax, bent over the coffee table with the shard of meth dissolving in my ass. I watched the porn, trying to take my mind off my current situation. On screen, the white guy was bent over a couch, and the black guy was poking his uncut cockhead against the white boy's ass. It wasn't going to be long before I was in the same position. Eli's cock was now hard as a rock, and he wasn't going to be satisfied with just my attempts at deep throating his tool. "Get up on the couch, bro," Eli said, after a few minutes. My hole was tingling, almost burning from the bump that had melted inside of it. It wouldn't be long before I was going to be wagging my butt, begging Eli to stick his tool up there. "Nice ass. Enjoyed that view. It's gonna be a pleasure getting in there and breeding your hole a few times." I sat on the couch and draped one of my legs over Eli's massive thigh. This position kept my hole exposed to Eli. He didn't waste the opportunity, and started to finger my hole. We were both getting lost in the drug-high, feeling the tweak come on strong. "What were you doing on the west side," I finally asked. "I was in the state penn, bro," he said. "Free and clear yesterday afternoon." "For?" I asked. I hoped I wasn't going too far by asking him. "Got in a fight, and ended up punching a guy out. Got a year for it. Just think of it as a year at the gym though." With his free hand, he rubbed his chest, squeezing his massive pecs. I leaned over and nibbled on a nip. I was surprised at just how muscular he was; I kept finding new mounds of muscle to worship. Nor did he have an ounce of fat on him. "Not worried by that?" he asked. I shook my head no. All I could think about was how much I needed some cock. Any cock. And his was right there, hard and ready. "Guess it takes more to scare you," he said. I was still locked to his nip, so I just nodded in agreement. He had moved beyond just playing with my hole and was now sticking a finger up there. I had relaxed a lot since he had given me the booty bump, and his finger had slid in easily. "Still pretty tight," he said, not quite agreeing with my feeling. "Gonna have to let Javi go in first and get you opened up properly." Almost as soon as he said that, my phone rang. I had to disentangle myself from Eli: finger out of my hole, no longer licking his pecs, and my leg off his thigh. "Hi, this is Matt," I said, finally able to answer the phone. "Hey, it's Javier, Eli's bud. I'm at the front gate," the voice on the phone said. "Come on up," I said. "You know where it is." I buzzed him in, and hung up. "It's Javier," I told Eli. "You gonna meet Javi at the door like that? Totally naked?" he asked. "He'd dig that. Get him boned right up." "Why the hell not?" I said. I got up and headed to the front door, my dick swinging in the air. A few moments later, there was a knock. I opened it, and Javier was standing there. He wasn't as big as Eli, probably about six feet high, thinner, but still muscular. Instead of Eli's stubble he had a small goatee. I couldn't quite tell his race; it was a mixture of Afro-American and hispanic; maybe blatino was the best description. Like Eli, his hair was shaved short. The light drizzle had wet it down a bit though. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. "Damn. You guys didn't waste any time getting started." he said, eyeing me up. He walked in, and I shut the door behind him." "Yeah, we have," I said. He paused in the hallway and looked me over. "Turn around," he said. I did as I was told, feeling acutely naked and vulnerable. "Very nice," he said and smacked me on the ass. He took off his damp jacket and I hung it up. Then we both went into the living room. "Hey Eli. Good to see you again bro," he said. "Man, Nice to see you again too," Eli replied. "When you get out?" Javi asked. "Yesterday. Just got here this morning." "Well, welcome home. Got you a little gift." Javi pulled his wallet out from his pocket. He opened it, and took out a small bag, placing it on the coffee table. Even from the doorway, I could see it was stuffed full of tina. "Fuck, that's totally awesome. Hope you don't have to be anywhere today." Eli turned to be. "Got another V for Javi?" "Yeah, I think." I went into the bedroom, and found an extra tablet. I came back to the living room by way of the kitchen, getting Javier a beer. I handed both of them to Javi. "Right on! Gonna be a fun day," he said as he popped the blue pill and took a swig from the bottle. He turned to Eli. "You're looking good. How's everything going?" "Don't ask. Cunt of a nurse was fucking things up. Gotta see Weiss this week and get my meds right." Eli grabbed the pipe off the table. "But let's think about better things. Like getting you up to speed with us." Eli took the torch and started heating up the glass bowl. Javier sat down on the couch and took the pipe's stem in his mouth, letting Eli handle the torch. He took a long hit, and held it. Eli motioned to me "Shotgun it from him, Matt" I kneeled down in front of Javi, and took his hit. Like Eli's hits, it was big. I knew I wouldn't be able to take many more hits from either without getting way too far gone. Almost as soon as Javi had finished pushing out the hit to me, he took the pipe and torch, and started to heat the bowl again. "Gotta catch up with your guys," he said. "Good plan," said Eli. "Matt's just done a big booty bump and its barely taken effect." "Sweet," Javi said, "And you? Where are you?" As he finished speaking, he put the pipe in his mouth. I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and exhaled it. "You know me. I've been sucking on the glass cock ever since I called you. And Matt's been sucking on my cock. Take the next one as well, Matt," Eli said. Javi was puffing at the pipe hard, getting as much of the vapor as he could. Finally when he stopped, he motioned for me to lean in and take his hit. It was even bigger and stronger than the first one Javier had done. I inhaled as much of it as I could, but even so, there was dense fog that escaped. "Nice," Eli said. "You'll catch up with us soon enough." "I'm feeling a bit already," Javi said. "But this bowl is spent." Still kneeling down in front of him, I took the pipe from him. He was right. The glass bowl was almost empty. As I was examining it, Javi stood up, and pulled off his shirt, throwing it into a corner. "Use my stash," he said, indicating the bag he had put on the table. "And don't skimp on loading it up." Hands shaking from the hits I had already done, and the booty bump starting to kick in, I emptied nearly half the bag into the bowl, filling it well. Javi kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his jeans. He wasn't as muscular as Eli, but was still well-defined. Across his dark chest, there was a smattering of hair, and a bit of it was grey. It was surprisingly sexy on him. He was wearing a pair of boxers and already, there was a definite tent growing in them. He sat back on the couch. "You should have the honor of the first hit, Eli," he said. I lit the torch, and melted the mass of crystals in the bowl. As the pipe began to smoke, Eli took it from me, and started to suck down the vapor. I held the torch under it, making sure he got a good hit. As he finished, he handed the pipe to me. "Your turn, Matt," Eli said, trying not to let any of the smoke escape from his lungs. I shook my head no. I was already feeling pretty far gone, and wanted to slow down a little bit. "Don't be a pussy," Javi said. "I want to see you do a hit." I reluctantly put the pipe to my mouth, and lit the torch. As I did my hit, Eli shotgunned Javi. The two of them started to make out as they finished exchanging the cloud. Javi reached down and pushed down his boxers as they made out. His cock sprang free, sticking straight up. Not as big as Eli's, it was still a very respectable eight inches. At the base, there was a thick bush and a pair of heavy balls. As I put down the pipe, Eli broke off his kiss with Javi. "Give me your hit," he said to me. "Then take Javi's hit." I leaned over towards Eli, and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Immediately, Javi grabbed me, and I was forced to inhale his hit. It took me a moment to realize that this was the one that Eli had started. We were all sharing hits now, making sure that the drugs had maximum effectiveness. Even third hand, it was bigger and stronger than the one I just done. I being taken far further than I had ever planned. "Wow, that was weak bro," Eli said, as he blew out the hit I had shotgunned him. " You're in the big leagues now. We're going to have to get you used to what a real man does." "No kidding, man," Javi echoed. "Let's do this right. Hand me the pipe," he said to Eli. Javi grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down to his crotch. "Suck me off," he said, as he lit the torch. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth, feeling the firm warmth of his head fill my mouth. Javi was taking a long hit on the pipe, enjoying the combination of getting high and getting his cock licked to a firm erection. Eli was the biggest man I had ever encountered. Luckily, Javi wasn't as big. As his cock got harder, I realized it was going to be about nine inches long, and reasonably thick. I hoped that he was going to be the first to enter my hole, since he would help me get ready for Eli's monster. Javi finished his hit, and let the torch go out as I continued to service him. He turned to Eli, and then shotgunned the hit to the muscular black man. Once done, Javi relaxed and let the waves of pleasure wash over him. "Hot movie," he said, kicking back, watching the screen as he kept a hand on the back of my head. There was just enough pressure from Javi to let me know I shouldn't stop servicing his shaft. I kept up my efforts, trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. Eli finally letting out his hit. "Yeah, it is," he said. Noticing my efforts on Javi's, Eli asked, "How's that feel for you?" "Pretty damn good. But it would be even better if I could get into his throat." I knew it was less a request than an order. I pulled off his cock just long enough to grab the bottle of poppers and do a huff. As my attention returned to Javi's cock, Eli lit the torch again, getting ready for another hit. I ignored the sound of the torch and the faint smell of the crystal and focused on the shaft in front of me. I opened my mouth and worked my way down as far as I could. I made sure to get his shaft nice and wet. The extra lubrication would help me when I eventually had to force it deep into my throat. As Eli drew on the pipe once more, I felt Javi's cockhead hit the back of my throat. I swallowed, then forced myself to do what I knew I had to do. I could feel Javi push into my throat. The poppers were filling my mind, and all I wanted was to get as much of his man's cock in my mouth as possible. I tried not to gag. Javi needed a man to worship his cock, and I was lucky enough to be the cocksucker he had chosen. Even if it was because I was the only one there, it was still an honor to be on my knees, Javi allowing his cock to press into my throat. Once his cock entered my throat, it was surprisingly easy to take all of it. My lips soon hit the base of his cock, his balls right up against my chin. There was no response from Javi other than a low moan of pleasure. Still keeping his hand on the back of my head, Javi leaned over, and shotgunned Eli's hit. The two men stayed lip locked, enjoying a long kiss. I watched these two strong, masculine men kissing each other. But their intimacy and closeness only made them more desirable and more unattainable. They were sharing something between them that I wouldn't ever be able to understand. I knew I was just their toy for the day, something to help them relate to each other. I was providing them with the drugs they were flying on, the porn they were getting turned on by, and most importantly, the two holes they would be abusing all day. All of this, I glady gave for their pleasure. "Nice," Javi said, as they both blew out their smoke. Even though they had swapped the hit back and forth a few times, my head was still wrapped in a dense cloud of smoke. I knew they were both getting a good tweak going. I hardly knew either of them, and what I did know about the two wasn't good. But yet I was getting them high, and allowing them get me higher than I had ever been before. I knew the day, maybe even the weekend, was going to be a memorable experience for me. However, at the moment, my world was Javi's cock. I wanted it inside of me. I wanted to keep it hard, to show how much of a man Javi was, and how easily he had dominated me. At the very least, I wanted Javier to acknowledge me as a cocksucker. "Bro, you feeling good yet?" Eli asked Javi. Out of the corner of my eye, I could Eli was still stroking his massive cock. "Yeah, definitely getting there," Javi answered. "Cocksucker is doing a great job on my cock, and the favors are definitely fine." He took the pipe from Eli. "One more for me, I think," he said. "Share it with Matt, man. He needs it bad, especially after that last pussy hit he did," Eli said. "Right on." He lifted me off of his cock. "Ready for a proper hit?" he asked me. I was already missing the feeling of his cock in my throat, and I could only nod in response. To my surprise, he put the pipe in my mouth first. I had thought he was just going to shotgun his hit to me. But he held the torch under it. "You need to do a proper hit first," he said. I waited for the bowl to fill with smoke before I started to pull. I did several distinct huffs, each time making sure the bowl re-filled with the thick smoke. Each drag I thought would be my last, until I looked at Javi or Eli, and knew they wanted me to do at least one more. Finally, my lungs were full and I simply couldn't do any more. "Now, that's how a real man hits the pipe, cocksucker," Javi said, giving me a sign of his approval. I had a sudden rush of pleasure from his small acknowledgement, thinking I might just be able to share in the bond these two men had. But I quickly realized it was only the favors doing the thinking for me, making me feel more connected than I had any right to be. "Give it to me," Javier said, leaning into me. Our mouths met, and I exhaled my hit into his mouth. He didn't try to break off the kiss, but instead pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was a nice bonus, and I was glad to share the intimacy with him. He held the hit for longer than I expect, the entire time his tongue was probing and exploring my mouth. His cock had already done one round of exploration, and his tongue was even more proof how he had easily laid claim to my body and holes. Finally, he blew the hit right back into my mouth. I wasn't expecting it, but was able to inhale a good bit of it. Even so, a lot it was lost in a thick cloud around our heads. Despite being passed back and forth, it was still strong hit, at least as strong as any I had done. I knew I was going to soon regret partying so hard with these men. I wasn't sure of my choices or actions. My only guide to what to do was to make sure these men were hard, they were happy, and any of their desires were satisfied "There's another hit for you, cocksucker," Javi said. "Getting you where I want you." "Right on," Eli said. "Got any left in the pipe? You're still lagging behind me and the cocksucker." Javier took the pipe from me, and looked at it. "Still enough for at least one good hit." The bowl was warm from my hit and began to smoke quickly as he held the torch under it. Javi puffed a few times on the pipe, clearing out the bowl, and then began to suck on the glass cock in earnest. It seemed like he was on the pipe for an eternity, but my sense of time was so distorted, it was probably less than a minute. Finally, he let the torch go out, and took one last drag, emptying the bowl. "Spent?" asked Eli. Javi nodded, and I took the pipe from him in order to re-fill it. Before I could do anything, Javi grabbed me. He wanted to shotgun the hit to me. I shook my head no. I was really starting to feel the tweak, with my cock throbbing and my hole itching. Even as I started to smack my lips involuntarily, a classic sign for me of being tweaked, Javi locked onto my mouth and pushed his hit into my body. I inhaled as he wanted, and it filled me up. I held it as long as I could, as Javi explored my mouth with his tongue. Eli leaned into us, pushing Javier away. He forced his lips against mine, rubbing his thick stubble against my face. I knew what to do, and exhaled the hit into his waiting mouth. He sucked it in, fast draining my lungs. I had to break off the kiss, just to get some air in my lungs. Before I could breathe, Javi grabbed me back, and re-filled me with more of the drug. Eli and I sat there, letting the tina soak into our bloodstream and head to our brains. Finally, Eli exhaled. Only then did I feel ok in exhaling my own hit. Neither cloud was as thick as earlier ones, but they still were getting the job done. "Good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh yeah. Time to have some fun," Javi said.
    1 point
  50. a truly hot Daddy/boy fuck session needs to have the Daddy in control of the boys body so he can show the boy what his little bod is for. Daddy should always be firm and forthright in his domination over the boy, but must also be caring, encouraging and should make his boy feel like he is the most desirable, sexy, beautiful creature in the universe. Daddy should teach him that his boy has a pussy, not in a demeaning "feminized" sense, but the receptacle of a primal breeding urge that turns all of Daddy's lust and animalistic needs to the need to procreate and create more life force between Daddy and boy. the mere act of the loving, perverted, thrusts of a large Daddy dick into a smooth shallow slimy boy's anus transforms it into a pussy, because Daddy is putting all his strength and love into his boy who becomes a beautiful temple of their life force creation. Daddy's seed in the boy's pussy consecrates this holy temple. Anyways, that is more or less how i've felt about every really good and hot connective fuck I've taken from a knowing, responsive and responsible Daddy.
    1 point
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