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  1. The sweat began pouring off him, making the taught muscles in his back stretch and strain. His beautiful hole stretched to accommodate me, flushed red as I pulled an inch out then back in. Jake pulled his dick out of Tanner's mouth, coated in saliva and slime. Tanner coughed as Jake shoved the poppers back under Tanner's nose. He breathed the fumes deep, "Again" Jake commanded, gently slapping Tanner. He inhaled again, big black puppy dog eyes staring straight at Jake's cock. "Again!" Jake chided. Tanner inhaled for a third time. Jake put the bottle away, waited as the first wave of amyl hit the boy before reaching down, bringing the boys wet lips to his, passionately kissing him full of his tongue. I heard Tanner sigh. The poppers hit him hard and he lifted his body to meet the kiss, sliding further down my shaft. He sighed again, contendetly ...I pulled him fully onto my lap so that he was kneeling on my cock. "Mmmm" he moaned into Jake's mouth as I bounced into him. Grabbing his firm pecs as leverage, pinching his tight nipples causing him to buck into my lap with moans of pleasure. Jake got up and disappeared into the kitchen, saliva covered cock swinging as he left to get some supplies. I pushed Tanner forward so he was half resting on the chair and began pumping in and out of his relaxing hole, losing myself in the tight folds of his perfect ass. Free to moan, Tanner let loose. Grunting and sighing like a seasoned boy whore. I felt my dick pulse some of my fertile pre seed into him, lubing him up as I went. "Yeah..." He began to mutter "Yes" as I hit his prostate with each thrust. "Fuck" he screamed... "I'm going to fucking cum" he yelled, as I maintained momentum. "No you don't" Jake said evily, I hadn't even heard him come back in. He dropped my supply bag on the floor next to us, and quickly ducked under Tanner...flicking the boys rising balls, boiling with his seed. The pain shot through his muscle frame but wasn't enough, as my anal onslaught drove his prostate into overdrive. "I'm cumming!!" Tanner yelled again, tears running down his face overcome with the sensations his body was feeling. Jake grunted angrily, grabbed Tanner's ball sack, yanking it tight to stop the flow of teen cum from escaping up his neg boy shaft. Caught in an orgasm without release Tanner bucked furiously onto my dick, abandoned to the futile sensations emanating from his ass. His ass walls contracted as the wave of anti-pleasure washed over him, milking my poz shaft for its toxic payload. "Please" Tanner screamed as Jake tightened his grip. "I...Uh...Uh...I've got...to ...Uh...cum!" "Not yet" Jake growled as Tanner's whole frame shook from my physical onslaught. His cunt was red and puffy but, felt like warm velvet inside, slick with friction. My hips took control, I couldn't stop fucking the boy if I wanted...he'd done something I didn't think was possible...he'd taken back the dominance, fucking himself on my thick tool, commanding his pain and my pleasure. "I'm going to breed you son!" I cried "Fuck you full of my poz babies" "You want that? You want my hot poz babies in you?" The boy cried out as I felt my cock expand in his chute. "Tell him" Jake cooed, rubbing the boys sweaty back as he maintained his grip on the boy's balls all the time whispering sweet pig words in the jock's chem sensitive ear. "I want it" he breathed "What?" I yelled, "Please...Fuck me full of your poz cock, I want...Uh....Uh...I want you to poz up my jock hole....please!!" He yelled "You fucking little slut" I screamed, fucking him as if my life, or rather his life, depended on it. He cried out again as another anti-orgasm overtook him. "Poz me up!! Uhhhh!" That pushed me over the edge, my balls suddenly spewed rope after rope of my thick, white death spooge up the boy. "Fuck yes!!" I screamed, feeling my cum, bathing my dick in its warmth as I filled him up. My orgasm swept up from my toes and ended with my sixth, seventh injection of boiling cum up the boy. The boy breathed heavily, pulsing his ring around my dick... "Th...Thank you" he whimpered "Looks like the boy might be learning" Jake laughed, releasing the boy's sack from his grip. "You don't get to cum Tanner till we're sure you're good and pregnant" Jake smirked flicking the boys balls again, making sure the pain registered over and above the jock's desire for release. "How long that takes is up to you..." Jake cooed, "but, the next time you blast that jock boy seed, it'll carry some pretty potent DNA..." "Thank you!" Tanned cried through the pain and I couldn't help but smile broadly...this was going to be one hell of a conversion. I heard Jake rustling in my goody bag and began to withdraw from Tanner's pulsing anus. "Uh...uhhhh" Tanner whimpered, as my dick pulled out. My shaft was covered in pink cummy foam... "Nice" I said..."very nice" My cock head reached his sphincter and I brutally popped it out. He winced as his hole winked shut, a rivulet of my cum dribbling down his crack. As he breathed out hard his hole would open ever so gently, causing more cum to leak out. He sighed deeply, probably thinking he was done. As Jake prepared some 'treats' next to me, I swung our conquest around, planted his sweet mouth on my shaft and fucked my cock clean. We weren't nearly done.
    7 points
  2. Matt: Damn, all these thought running through my head, my chest hurts, even after going to the gym and working out, shit I’m all keyed up, not sure if it’s the realization that I’m now very rich and can do pretty much what I want to, or the fact that in just about an hour I’ll be picking up my son from work to tell him I’m his dad. I need to get these panic attacks under control, the anxiety is making my heart race. I was all nervous and jittery when I drove over to the Lotto offices earlier in the afternoon and turned in my claim form. The receptionist was all congratulations and very consoling as she most likely was used to dealing with excited winners and bringing the back down to earth. She even had a packet of information she thought might be useful to people like me I said thank you to her and then she gave me a big hug and told me everything will turn out just fine, we both laughed, I wasn’t used to getting hugs from strangers, but I figured that was just her way of helping grounding me in reality. I left the office feeling a little less anxious and nervous. I went on a quick shopping spree, wanting to look my best for Jeremy at dinner I bout a teal dress shirt and a pair of classy black slacks to go with it. I hit the gym and did a nice workout my tension was slowly subsiding, and the eye candy looked even more appetizing today but that’s will be a story for another day, after going home and relaxing to some smooth jazz I started making plans for dinner, reciting how I was going to break the news to Jeremy that his search was over, I knew he’d have questions for me, as I certainly had lots for him. I jotted some of mine down on a note pad so I would forget them in the moment, a moment that I knew would be filled with a lot of emotion, and possibly guilt. I ironed my new nice dress shirt and checked my slacks for wrinkles, I went in and took a long steamy shower to help calm my nerves and to soothe away some of the muscle aches that were beginning to surface, due to the stress of everything, not to mention going a little overboard at the gym. I checked my watch it was 6:45 I looked in the mirror, damn I was a hot looking daddy I straightened my tie and walked out the front door, hopped in my car and drove to the mall. After parking I went inside, I knew I was looking good when I notice even some of the Twinkie boys who usually didn’t pay attention to me while strolling the mall were checking me out, I hope my bulge wasn’t too noticeable, as I had a semi from the time I exited the car. I reached A&F about a couple minutes past 7 and Jeremy was gathering his backpack and stuff as I browsed the store, he had not seen or recognized me all dressed up but had begun walking out of the store when he froze and did a double take, turning around to look at me, a big grin formed on his face and I could tell he was fighting the urge to run up to me and kiss me. I walked forward and he smiled even bigger if that was at all possible. We walked to the car I took in his beauty as we walked, this really the first time I had seen him dressed for business, retail that is. He was dressed in a form fitting A&F dress shirt and Low-rise skinny jeans which hugged his ass and package very nicely but still looked dressy, I could tell this night might get a little uncomfortable for him as his semi was already beginning to strain the fabric, it was good they were of a darker color or the wet spot might have become more evident. As we reached the car I took him in my arms and hugged him, realizing that if things went badly tonight this may be my last chance to do so, he leaned in and kissed me, there in the middle of the parking structure. I really no longer cared if anyone saw, this was my Jeremy and I was his Matt for now. We arrived at the restaurant I let the valet park the car, Jeremy thought that was cool but pretentious, but what the hell we got inside and were soon seated at a table near the back. Before exiting the car and turning it over to the valet I had reached in back and retrieved the manila envelope and had brought it to the table. I ordered a bottle of wine to celebrate us finding each other, if Jeremy only knew the implications of that statement at the time, I also ordered appetizers to start the meal J: who what did your unemployment check arrive today, you seem to be throwing money around M: well sort of, I just want this dinner to be special for you and me, it might be our last after what we have to talk about With that I slid the envelope towards Jeremy, he looked at me with a puzzled look then opened it up and took out the document with the wallet sized photo attached at the top J: um what is this, how did you get this picture, what does this all mean? He looked back and forth between the picture, the paternity document and me several times M: let me first say I never knew, I honestly never knew, secondly I never suspected until I saw that photo on your bookcase and put two and two together, as for the test, I have a friend who does that sort of thing in the lab he owns, I got yours from the strand of hair that got pulled out by the headrest. J: oh my god, I don’t know what to do I let him sit there pondering, I didn’t know what I should do either, I didn’t want to alienate him anymore in his confusion J: so what this tells me, you, you are my father M: it appears so, just take your time and let it sink in He sat there with a look of puzzlement and confusion written all over his face, then he began to smile then smirk looking over the document again looking at the picture the back at me then back to the document, he moved the picture aside revealing what was underneath, he looked back up to me and grinned J: so when did you receive this document, did you already know last night when we slept together, before you bred me in the shower Oh god, he had put It together that I knew he was my son when we had sex last night, this could be the turning point of the evening, luck be with me the hot wait staff had chosen this time to bring the appetizer breaking the tension and stalling the inevitable confession on my part M: yes I knew but I only loved you more because of it Oh my god I just said the “L” word he was going to freak out on me for sure now J: so you knew that you were holding your son in your arms and pressing your…. You knew that I was of your loin, of your flesh, and you still held me that way you still did what you did to me, with me I could tell he was upset, I think, I almost seemed like he was struggling to keep his voice down almost whispering to me his hands shaking, this night might turn into an epic disaster and I had no idea how I was going to stop it from doing so M: Jeremy I’m sorry, I guess I let lust rule me, please don’t hate me, we just found each other , please don’t let US end because I was an ass and let my emotions and my lust rule me He sat there then started picking at the fried polenta dipping it into the marinara J: Matt, I have so many questions and I’m sure your answers are only going to raise more but let me stew for a while and let’s just enjoy this really expensive meal you have ordered for us, it’s the least I can do for you right now I could feel his leg pressing harder on mine under the table as we sat and ate, the pressure getting stronger then backing off then increasing again, my cock was straining in my slacks and I was too frightened to reach down to see if Jeremy’s was doing the same. J: so dad, where do we go from here, do we go on like nothing’s changed or do we start anew and go our separate ways and send birthday cards once a year Oh fuck, I couldn’t read Jeremy, was he upset, turned on, exhilarated, then he reached below the table and squeezed my throbbing hard cock, oh shit he knew I had a hard on for him M: um that’s sort of up to you, son He went back to picking at the plate of appetizers, grinning and looking down at the photo and the document, then sliding both back in the envelope our entrees and the wine arrived, the cute waiter pouring the beverage into the glass and offering a taste before completing his service. He looked back and forth between us and smiled, I noted a hint of a tent behind his apron as he turned to leave. J: you know it’s interesting, he never stopped to card me M: he figured you were my date and that you’d be old enough given my respectable age We both laughed the started in on our meals J: so how long did you and mom date? M: what? J: mom would never talk about you, and Uncle Tony only made innuendo about your dating practices M: your uncle tony should talk, bet he never told you about the time I came to pick your mom up for dinner and she had just stepped into the shower, she always was running late and always took long showers, but there I was sitting in the kitchen and shooting the shit with tony, I’ll admit one of the reasons I kept seeing you mom was your uncle he was a hot high school jock just turned 18, well were shooting the shit and he’s rubbing his crotch right there in front of me, he always had me pegged for a gay boy you see, so he’s trying hard to prove it, we can both hear the water running upstairs and he walks over to me and whips out his cock “you like this don’t you Matt you want to suck it deep in your mouth and feel me cum on your tongue” I sucked him for a couple minutes and he shoot quickly and a huge load too boot, with his cum still on my lips and in my mouth he leaned down and kissed me tasting himself on my lips and sucking some of his cum out of my mouth ”I taste pretty good don’t I?” he returned to shooting the shit like nothing had happened offering me a soda to mask the taste and smell of his sweet cum in my mouth, bet he never told you about that Jeremy was intrigued and I could tell turned on a lot J: so answer my question how long, why’d you break it off? M: well we met in a fitness training class in the spring semester, we started going out and saw each other throughout the summer then when a member of my family was getting married I took her to the wedding in august, were we both got plastered and ended up in bed together, I never knew anything had happened just that we woke up together the next day in her bed in the hotel both doubles were messed up so I figured I had gotten cold and climbed in to get warm, your mom was always like a hot water bottle. In September she started to get too clingy and questioning about what I’d do if I got someone pregnant, with hints of marriage it sort of freaked me out so I finally came out to her and she got upset, her reaction prompted me to break it off saying we shouldn’t see or talk till she could accept me for who/what I am J: oh my god, uncle tony was right. I asked him about you when I was like ten and he blew me off by saying something like “he’s the faggot that knocked her up then split” when I asked about the guy in the photo, mom wouldn’t talk about it and when asked why she kept it she’d just say it was the best picture she had of herself as a young woman M: don’t take offence. But she was kind of homely looking most of the time, and if I remembered right she kissed like an old dog all slobbery and always had bad breath, I know I should talk about her that way, just want to know why she didn’t work out as my beard at the time J: beard? What you mean M: you know some homely girl you bring to family gatherings that keeps the relatives from asking too many question, especially if you’re still in the closet to your family J: oh I see M: so since were on the subject, you did bring it up, how is your mom, and why do you have the picture doesn’t she miss it Jeremy suddenly went sullen and tears began welling in his eyes J: mom died a little over a year ago from breast cancer, and I have the photo because I always wanted to remember her as beautiful, not sick and wasted He started crying right there in the restaurant, I reached down and squeezed his knee to let him know I was there for him, he used his napkin to wipe away the tears, J: thanks for being here, it’s been hard for me to cope with her passing. M: I’ll always be there for you till I take my final breath, now that I have begun to know you, that would be true even if you weren’t my son, we have become friends We finished our entrees before they got cold and the cute waiter came back asking about dessert J: the molten lava cake looks good, although not as good as you Did I just hear that wrong or did my son just hit on the waiter and set up for a possible proposition of out cute waiter. CW: well I’ll just bring you some molten lava cake and your check M: you didn’t J: I did, don’t know if you just been to tied up in our conversation to notice but the restaurant is pretty empty now and he has been staring at us off and on since he brought the entrees and the large puddle of precum on the front of my pants is pretty evident and has been since you told me about uncle Tony, and he has noticed and has had to readjust quite a few times under that apron The waiter brought the dessert and two spoons the fumbled around and sheepishly put the check on the table. I’ll get that for you when you’re ready, he had a big smile on his face as he turned and walked away. We dug into the molten lava cake actually feeding each other on occasion like two love struck teenagers. I picked up the check and smiled. He had given us his employee discount and had written on the top “you two are so cute together, the name is Sam, and I’m off at 10” I looked down at my watch and it was already after 10 but as I glanced over he was waiting in the wings for us. I quickly pulled out my credit card and placed it with the bill, upon setting it on the table he came over and picked it up for processing, then hurried off M: he seems a little nervous J: he seems a lot nervous, hope we didn’t scare him away M: I doubt that, you should have seen what he wrote on the check Sam came back with the charge slip for me to sign M: Sam, sorry we kept you past your shift, why don’t you take care of this and come back and join us S: I’d love too but I have to clock out and go catch my bus, it’s the last one and if I miss it I’ll have to wait till 11 for the manager to drive me home M: We’ll take you home I promise just take care of this and we’ll take care of you Sam hurried off with the charge slip, not looking at it when he left then we both heard him exclaim “holy Jesus, mother of god” I guess he just noticed the tip I left him, he hurried back to the table after handing the manager the charge slip to process S: was that a mistake? Did you intend to leave that tip? I nodded yes and he turned and gave the manager a thumbs up S: I want to thank you, and you’ll really give me a ride home I nodded yes as we began to collect out things, the front placard of my slacks was soaked through with pre-jizz as were Jeremy’s jeans, without the apron it also appeared had a sizable wet spot on the front of his slacks as well, we hurried out to the car strutting through the restaurant with an air of devil don’t care. We got to the car and piled in, belted up then took off, I didn’t bother asking Sam where he lived I just took him back to Jeremy’s J: so Sam how old are you S: just turned 18, now I can serve alcohol at the restaurant, make better pay and tips M: so you live at home? Won’t your parents wonder where you are? S: yeah I live with my Dad, my parent divorced when I was younger Sam pulled out his phone and texted something to someone then reached around Jeremy’s seat and began rubbing my son’s chest from the rear seat M: I take it this isn’t your first time being with another guy S: actually I’ve been out to my dad since I was 14 but other than the normal horsing around with my friends, noting sexual mind you I’m still rather virgin, I just saw you guys pawing each other in the restaurant and thought you wouldn’t mind J: I’m not minding one bit We laughed and exchanged small talk all the way back to Jeremy’s finding out more about Sam, turned out Sam and Jeremy went to the same junior high and high school, obviously not at the same time however Jeremy was a senior when Sam was a freshmen. S: I hope you don’t get freaked out but I have a confession, Jeremy I remember seeing you in high school and having a really hot crush on the captain of the lacrosse team that was you wasn’t it? J: oh my god yes it was, I think I remember you too the little red head that kept coming to the games and cheering us on then lurking around the locker room spying on us as we showered S: oh fuck you saw me? J: not only saw you but went home and jacked off over the possibilities of someday meeting up with you when you were older We all laughed at the situation then realizing it was a fantasy come true for both, laughed some more. I parked the car and we retreated to Jeremy’s apartment
    5 points
  3. new chapter in the editing process should be posted soon
    3 points
  4. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 6 We spent the night spooning each other in bed. I woke with morning wood and Zak’s hard cock sandwiched between my ass cheeks. It felt so right waking in his arms with his boned up dick against my body. I snuggled further into Zak and worked his shaft against my hungry hole. Thoughts of last night’s breeding made my cock dance rock hard. Zak yawned and stretched, rubbing his boner tight against me. “Morning, babe.” “Morning.” He sighed and kissed the back of my neck, “Did you sleep well?” “Yep. Feels good waking up with you.” As he snuggled me and ground his cock against me, “Doesn’t feel so bad for me either.” “I can’t stop thinking about last night.” “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?” “Want to do some more breeding today?” “Yeah, I’m game.” “You still have Jonathan’s number from lunch yesterday?” “I’m sure it’s still in my pocket.” “Why don’t you message him and see if he wants to have a drink and some threesome play?” I reached for my phone. Tap, tap, tap….. I tried to reach Jonathan with a text message. “Hey Jonathan….it’s Zeek from yesterday at the restaurant. U have plans today?” I snuggled into Zak again. A few minutes later my cell phone called out to us with a “ding.” I had a message from Jonathan. “Hey Zeek, Glad to hear from u. Enjoyed our ‘bathroom break.’ No plans today. What did u have in mind?” “Brunch and some 3some play?” “Love to. Where and when 2 meet?” Zak was stroking my hard shaft while I tried to concentrate on messaging back and forth with our new play bud. “How about Café Centraal on Kinnickinnic at 11:30?” “Sounds good. Will give me time to get moving. Still lying in bed. Feels good to sleep in on my day off.” “We are hangin out in bed yet too.” “Awesome. Nothing like a lazy start to the day.” I snapped a selfie of Zak and I in bed and sent it to Jonathan with a message, “U need 2b here in bed with us swappin cum.” “U R getting me turned on.” About a minute later pics of Jonathan’s hard rod and tight hole showed up on my phone, “Look forward to seeing u guys.” “Damn, can’t wait to tap that ass again. See U at 11:30.” “Boned with anticipation. Will your BF fuck me too?” “U bet he will.” I snapped a pic of Zak’s cock making sure to not include his biohazard tattoo then sent it to Jonathan with a message. “Here’s Zak’s cock….inked and pierced. You’ll love it…..feels amazing!” By the time I finished texting Jonathan, Zak had his lips wrapped around my shaft and was deep throating my cock. “Fuck, Zak that feels so good.” Between panting, “Jonathan wants…. you to…. fuck him too. I want… to see you… unload your…. poz seed in him.” “We can both breed him, babe.” I pulled Zak off my slick cock. “The thought of pozzing Jonathan has me so close to cumming. My dick throbbed and stiffened over and over. Precum glistened on the head of my shaft. “You better slow down, or I’ll be shooting my swimmers down your throat in no time.” We showered fully erect. I don’t think our cocks dropped to more than half mast the entire time. We made out while lathering each other’s bodies and stroking each other’s rods all soaped up. We both pissed on each other at the same time. Our urine mixed together as it ran down our bodies with our lips locked. On the drive to the restaurant our cocks strained against our jeans begging to be released. “Damn, Zak, I’m so boned up. I can’t get my cock to go down.” “I know, breeding always gets me going too. Try thinking of something else.” Thought I had it licked. I focused on thinking about the landscaping I wanted to complete around my house, but that led to thoughts of Summer, the hot sun, sweaty construction workers, to stripping their shirts off and my cock boned up again. Zak chimed in, “Not working I see. I have a sure way to kill your hard on.” “Go for it.” “Think about a woman naked. Her cunt is steamy and goopy with a yeast infection. When she spreads her legs it smells like a rotting fish.” “Damn, Zak….talk about not only killing my wood, I may be vomiting on top of it.” He chuckled, “Works every time.” We arrived at Café Centraal a few minutes early and ordered a drink at the bar. The bartender was a sexy number with ink up one arm, a trim waist, reddish brown hair and a scruffy 5 o’clock shadow. In no time my cock was boned up again. “Hi guys, can I get you a drink?” Zak blurted out, “I’ll have a stella.” “Bottle or tap?” “Bottle please.” “And you sir?” “I’ll have a Sam Adams……bottle.” “Coming right up.” The bartender bent down to get the beer from the cooler, allowing us both to check out his firm ass. Zak and I glanced at each other. Zak smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. “My thoughts exactly,” I said. “Here you go guys. Are you having lunch too?” “Yes, we’re just waiting for a buddy to get here.” “I’ll start a tab, add it to your food bill.” “Ok, cool,” I added. Swinging my bar stool toward Zak, I motioned toward my crotch and softly stated, “Think I’m going to stop battling the monster in my pants, because he’s clearly winning.” Zak chuckled, “You ARE a horny devil aren’t you, babe?” Jonathan was a few minutes late. He slipped onto the bar stool next to me and nudged my shoulder with his. “Hi, guys.” “Hey, Jonathan.” Zak added, “Hello, Jonathan.” “Zak and Zeek,” he said, “Kind of has a ring to it.” “It’s actually Isaac, but my friends call me Zeek.” “Well, I really enjoyed meeting you both yesterday……. Zak and Zeek.” “Same,” added Zak. “We just ordered a drink, Jonathan. Would you like something?” Zak motioned for the bartender. “What would you like, sir?” Jonathan ordered a brandy and coke. “With Korbel if you have it, please.” The bartender returned shortly with his drink in hand. “Thanks, man.” Jonathan scooped it off the bar, and we shuffled off to get a table. You could feel the sexual tension in the air as we perused the menus. I fumbled on my words, “So Jonathan, I bet it has to feel good being on the receiving end……ah, I mean being served rather than serving…..um….you know, waiting tables.” We all laughed….breaking the ice. Jonathan grinned, “I do like being on the receiving end in more ways than one.” (Thinking to myself) You’ll be receiving a lot more than you realize today. My cock twitched in my pants. “Good because Zak and I are in a giving mood.” (Thinking to myself) Or I should say gifting mood. Zak glanced at me with a cheeky grin that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. Our waiter popped in out of nowhere. He was short and thin, smooth shaven, and proper with his shirt buttoned to his neck. Nice, cute, maybe 19 or 20 and a little nerdy. “Hi, guys. I’m Coty. I’ll be your waiter today.” We all said hello at the same time. He quickly blurted out, “I see you all have drinks. I’ll give you some time with the menus and stop back in a few.” “Thanks, Coty.” As fast as he appeared he disappeared. Jonathan said, “Boy, he’s fast. Too much coffee or something, another cup and he may explode.” “Well, Jonathan, that bubbly personality you bring to your customers certainly stands out.” Zak tapped Jonathan on the shoulder, “Not to mention the added attention you give to some of us.” He blushed, “I do like my customers to leave happy, but yesterday was a FIRST.” Zak inquired with a flirtatious air, “Ok, Jonathan, see anything you like on the menu?” Jonathan smirked then continued to browse his menu. Without looking up he said, “Well, that would be on the dessert menu, guys, but yes I do.” Coty slipped into position at our table with his pad and pen in hand to take our orders. I wanted to tell him to loosen up a bit, unbutton his shirt and let his hair down a bit, but resisted the urge and let the young lad be. I just thought to myself a good stiff cock up your ass would do you wonders, Coty, as I smiled and placed my order. After a short wait Coty promptly returned with our lunch plates. I noticed his glances at the three of us. This was more than looking. This was checking us out in a subtle way. It set my gaydar off. “Is there anything else I can get you guys right now?” Zak said, “No, I think we are good, Coty, thanks.” He shuffled off to the bar area, but every time I looked at him his eyes were glued on us like he was ready to break into chorus of Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out.” About halfway through my Waldorf salad I asked, “Are you guys reading these signals from Coty too?” Jonathan replied, “You mean all the looks and stares from a distance?” “And all the glances every time he comes to the table,” Zak added? “Yeah, my gaydar is ringing like crazy.” “How could we miss it?” Coty returned to clear our plates, “Are any of you interested in dessert this afternoon?” Jonathan replied, “We saved room for dessert, but we’re having that at my place in a bit.” Coty naively said, “Oh, what’s for dessert guys?” Zak couldn’t resist, “It’s not WHAT’S for dessert, but WHO.” He glanced over at Jonathan with a smirk on his face. Coty’s mouth dropped open. The silverware slipped from his hand, and he nervously bent over to pick them up. It took him a while before reluctantly standing up. He couldn’t hide it. The tenting to the front of his pants was obvious. Coty was family too, whether he knew it or not. His face turned three shades of red, “I’ll be right back with your bill guys,” and he scurried off. My cock twitched and half boned in my pants, “I know he’s a little geeky, but there’s something sweet and innocent about him too.” Jonathan added, “Yeah, he is kind of a cute little number.” “He’s definitely a bit closeted or unsure of his sexuality,” Zak said. About 5 minutes later Coty returned. He placed the bill on the table. He could hardly look at us. Mortified, he said, “I apologize guys, and there’s no rush with this; whenever you are ready.” He turned to walk away and Zak stopped him by grabbing his shirt sleeve. Coty let out a little gasp. “You know, Coty, I hope I don’t offend you. There’s no reason to be embarrassed around us. I only said that earlier because we noticed your glances. We’re all gay here. What I said obviously turned you on. It’s cool, and you’re very welcome to join us for dessert if you like.” Coty nervously stuttered, “Ah, th…thanks, but um…..my shift doesn’t end until late.” Then he awkwardly slipped away. I left a note with Coty’s tip. “If you want to explore your gay side or just chat a bit give us a call, Zak and Zeek.” I didn’t expect to hear from him, but you never know. My focus shifted toward Jonathan and us breeding his ass. Zak was so excited at the thought of pozzing him. I’m surprised he didn’t cream his pants on the way to Jonathan’s place. “I can’t wait to dump our loads in his neg hole,” he said. I have to admit my cock was pretty boned up and leaking too. “Ditto!! The anticipation has me turned on big time.” We followed Jonathan to his apartment. My rod was throbbing in my jeans watching his tight ass strolling down the hall to his front door. Perfectly round, and plump, it filled out his pants so sweetly. I could hardly wait to tear those jeans off and bury my dick in his man hole. We no sooner got the door closed and Jonathan stripped his clothes off. His cock stood straight up in the air. He walked over to Zak and started making out with him and pulling his clothes off. As he reached to unbutton Zak’s jeans he was distracted by me pulling him to me, burying my tongue down his throat. I dropped my jeans to the floor. Having gone commando, our cocks immediately touched. We ground our wet shafts against one another, soaking each other with our slick precum. Jonathan pulled my t-shirt off over my head and tossed it aside as Zak slipped in behind him. Zak unzipped his jeans, flipped his hard shaft out, and worked it against Jonathan’s tight hole. Zak grabbed our prey by the hips and pumped his cock hard between his ass cheeks. I made eye contact with Zak as I made out with Jonathan. He winked at me, puckered up and blew me a kiss then shot me a huge smile. Jonathan arched his back and worked his ass against Zak’s poisonous meat. Zak reached in his pocket and pulled out a jacket, “I have a condom, let me suit up.” Jonathan broke away from kissing me and said, “Drop the rubber, get those jeans off, and fuck me with that poz cock!!” With shock in his voice, Zak replied, “What did you say?” Jonathan chuckled, “You came to poz me, and there’s nothing more I want than to charge up. Bury that poz cock in my hole.” My cock stiffened even more. Zak kept grinding against Jonathan’s tight ass, “How did you know I’m poz?” “I’ll tell you later after you both breed my hole.” Jonathan led us to his bed and sat down on the edge. He leaned back with his cock standing tall in front of him. While looking right at Zak he said, “Are you going to get out of those jeans now?” Zak reached down and unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them to the floor, revealing his big, brazen biohazard tattoo marking him as poz and proud. “Fucking hot!!” Jonathan’s cock stiffened and pulsed down the length of his shaft as he gazed at Zak’s poz dick and ink. “Turn around and get on your knees,” Zak demanded and walked toward the bed. Zak greased up Jonathan’s hole with spit and worked the head of his shaft in his hole. I wasted no time in crawling on the bed on my knees and making out with Jonathan slow and deep. Zak shoved farther into Jonathan’s hungry hole raw. He moaned into my mouth as we continued to kiss, and Zak impaled Jonathan all the way onto his rod. Jonathan stroked my pole. Zak pumped his ass slow and deep. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s grip by standing up on the bed before him. After grabbing the back of his head I buried my cock deep in his throat. “Suck my cock, pig,” as I continued to face fuck him. Zak and I were in perfect rhythm fucking Jonathan from both ends. “You like my poz cock leaking poison in your hole, don’t you, pig?” I pulled my dick from Jonathan’s mouth after about ten minutes of deep throating. “Oh fuck, I want your poz loads in my ass so much.” Zak asked, “Yeah? You want my DNA?” “Yes, give it to me.” I stroked my pulsing cock, stiffening even more with each word. “Yeah? You ready for my swimmers to poz you?” “Fuck, yes.” Zak pounded into Jonathan, “Take my virus, pig. Here it comes.” “Fuck!!” Zak’s body jerked as ropes of charged sperm filled Jonathan’s guts. He quickly pulled out of Jonathan, leaving a trail of cream dripping from Jonathan’s stretched hole. “Get over here, Zeek, and get that cock in his cunt.” I scooped up Zak’s seed leaking from Jonathan’s hole and fingered it into his ass. I worked my fingers in and out of his gut then lined up my cock and plowed in. My meat was immediately coated with ass slime and my babe’s toxic cum. Sloshing my rod in Zak’s demon seed with Jonathan’s hole wrapped around my shaft made my cock throb. I worked my boyfriend’s charged load into Jonathan’s intestinal walls with each thrust. It was wet, slimy and incredible. Zak worked his dick into Jonathan’s throat, “Clean my cock off, pig. Suck it all down.” I slowed my thrusts, pumping into Jonathan feeling every inch of my cock slip deep inside. “Fuck your hole feels so good. I love working poz cum into you.” Zak held Jonathan’s head in place on his shaft, and let out a small shot of piss in Jonathan’s mouth. He quickly gulped it down his throat. “Yeah, you like that sweet piss don’t you? Want more don’t you?” Jonathan simply nodded, and I continued to fuck his ass, groaning with each thrust. I said, “You want my seed too, don’t you pig?” He again nodded as Zak fed him his piss. Jonathan devoured every drop of urine into his belly. “Are you ready for more DNA in your ass?” He nodded and mumbled, “Yes,” between gulps of piss. “Fuck, yes, cause I’m getting close.” Zak pulled his cock from Jonathan’s mouth after emptying his bladder. Jonathan licked his lips with piss dribbling off his tongue, “Oh my God that was hot!!” He took a deep breath, “Now give me your charged seed!!” “Fuck, you love that piss too, don’t you?” “Yes. I love poz cum and piss.” “Here’s my seed, pig.” “Fuck, yes.” My cock pulsed and throbbed over and over. “Yes, Fuck, yeah……I can feel you cumming in me.” I grabbed Jonathan’s hips after draining my balls in his ass. With each slow thrust of my cock I could feel our cum gushing around my shaft. As I pulled my meat from Jonathan’s hole he leaned back against my sweaty chest and with only a few strokes of his cock he splattered Zak’s chest with his creamy spunk. “Fuck, I want to poz so much!!” “Well, I definitely have a viral load,” Zak replied. “Awesome. What about you Zeek?” “Not even sure I’m poz yet. I haven’t tested, and Zak’s been filling my hole with tons of his virus.” “So you may be poz already?” “Could be.” “God, I loved that so much. Thank you, guys.” Jonathan kissed Zak on the lips and slipped his tongue in his mouth. We all flopped down on the bed in a clump of sweaty, hot flesh. After catching our breath, Zak again asked, “So how did you know I’m poz?” “Easy. I checked out guys in Milwaukee and Chicago on BBRT when I knew I was moving here. I saw your profile.” “I don’t have face pics unlocked in my profile.” “You didn’t need face pics. Your ink is hot. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw your tattoos at the restaurant. I knew it was you right away from your profile pics.” I said, “So you knew all along when you took my load in the bathroom stall?” “Sure did, and you guys thought you were going to stealth my ass.” Jonathan chuckled, “I would have played along, but the poz talk while taking seed is hotter.” We both laughed. “You’re a sly little devil, aren’t you?” Jonathan grinned with satisfaction, “So you don’t know if you’re poz yet, huh Zeek?” “Nope. No symptoms yet either.” Zak cut in, “But he should be converting any time now, if he hasn’t already. He’s taken a lot of my cum. You may very well have gotten two toxic loads today.” “Awesome!!” The surprise turnabout from Jonathan left us horny as hell. Driving home our conversation about our weekend of toxic play left us with two rock hard cocks wanting release. I pulled into my garage, and we were ready to fire off another load. The garage door closed and by the time I got out of my car Zak had circled around to my side. He tore my shirt off, and pinned me against the car door. His lips were gentle but aggressive against mine. “I want you Zeek. You need another dose of my virus?” “I want you in me.” Zak pulled my jeans to my knees and flipped me around against the car. I heard his zipper fly down and seconds later his throbbing cock was plowing into my hole. It was raw and rough. He pinned my face to the roof of the car and thrust in me repeatedly. I arched my back against his meat. My cock danced with excitement against the car door. The harder and faster he pumped my ass, the closer I got to firing off my own load. I could feel he was getting close too. His panting grew more intense, and he moaned and groaned building toward climax. His shaft expanded and stiffened, opening me up wider as he shot off round after round in rapid succession. His pulsing cock filled me with sensations that pushed me over the edge, and my rod exploded with a huge load of creamy jizz streaking across my car door. Zak pressed his body against mine. His cock still buried deep in my guts. He kissed my neck then whispered, “You know I’m falling in love with you, don’t you?” I rubbed my head against his. “Ditto, babe,” and he caressed my head and body then kissed the back of my neck. The feel of his body against mine sent chills from my head to my toes. I wanted to tell him I wasn’t falling in love with him; I was already in love with him, but I didn’t. Our relationship was still new. I wanted him against me all night, but I knew he would soon be heading back to Chicago. More to come......
    3 points
  5. I was bored and horny, and was just reading through some stories on Breeding Zone with the television on in the background for noise. I briefly remembered hearing that the multi-state lottery was at a large amount and was expected to make someone very rich. The thought played in the back of my mind but I sort of forgot about it as I stroked my boner to the images of the boys mentioned in the stories I was reading. I was mid-forties and in decent shape but life hadn’t been particularly good for me, I was recently unemployed again, having lost my full time job a couple years back, and been filling in with shitty part time retail jobs. I lived in a dingy apartment that had seen better days. It was a nice neighborhood when I moved in, but over the years the management companies changed, as did the nice neighbors, as they moved out in moved trash. I pretty much kept to myself, traveling out for hook-ups, occasionally going out to the clubs and bars, often just hanging around as the cover charge at the clubs was usually enough to keep me sober as, most of the time, I could only afford soda. I scanned A4A and BBRT then came across a hot ad for a cute 22 year old who was into just about everything on BBRT. I oinked him and waited, and waited then went back to cruising the ads, then back to BZ for some more hot stories. I was just about to shoot a hot load to a bug chasing story when my computer oinked in the background, indicating I had a message on BBRT. Checking my mail I found a message from him. H: Hey Daddy, thanks for the Oink, what’s up? M: Just browsing around looking at who’s on-line. H: Anyone catch your eye? M: You did. H: Thanks, I almost didn’t respond when I looked at your age, but your body got me rock hard. M: Then I guess I owe you a 'thanks'. Then BBRT advised me "This member has unlocked his pictures." H: Hope you are even more enticed with my unlocked photos. By the way I want you to know I’m not a hustler, but was wondering if you were generous. There was that question I always seemed to get from the younger crowd, wanting a free ride, a sugar daddy, a john to service. I almost ended the conversation until he continued saying: H: Daddy you still there? Daddy, I meant that I find you interesting enough that I wouldn’t mind if we became friends, not just a casual hook up. But I can’t support you. I’m still in college with two shitty retail/food service jobs, and given the distance it says we are from each other, I guess you’re in a similar boat. Our neighborhood is pretty much a slum. M: Oh so you think I live in a slum. H: That’s not what I meant, but this is certainly a lower income 'hood. Wouldn't you agree? M: Well, I guess you’re right about that. Want to meat up at S for coffee? H: Can’t do that tonight but would love to “meat up” in the morning. I checked out his unlocked picks, thinking 'Damn this kid is cute, and has a great body. I wonder if maybe he has an agenda.' M: Sure. Say about 8:00 or so. H: Sounds cool. My name is Jeremy, by the way. M: Awesome. See ya in the morning then, Jeremy. I relooked at his pictures and began wondering what I was in for, He was 6’1 about 150 pounds had blonde hair, blue eyes and a athletic looking body, looking at that sweet face and juicy cock and tight ass had me extremely hard and dripping pre-cum, but shit he was going to meet up with me in a little over 8 hours, I decided to save the cream for him if he wanted it, after all I could always jerk off to his pics after we met. I turned off the laptop and turned down the volume on my phone and went to sleep, filled with erotic dreams of Jeremy and what we could do together. The alarm went off on schedule and I was up and showered by 7, had thrown together my gym bag and tossed it into my car, going to the gym was one of those little things I struggled to get past in my current financial state, but I figured I was more hirable if I looked good and fit. Around quarter past I drove across the street to the supermarket and did some light shopping, on the way out I stopped off at the lottery machine and purchased a ticket for that night’s drawing. I arrived at the coffee shop shortly before 8 and ordered a white mocha and took a seat facing the door. Just shortly after 8 Jeremy walked in wearing black basketball shorts, a white wife beater, and an oversized hoody, zipped up about half way so that the tank top showed through revealing his muscular hairless chest, carrying a large backpack, his well-toned legs sprouted slightly darker fur, than was on his dirty blond head, he nodded in my direction then went to order himself a coffee. Upon finishing his order he came over and sat down next to me and extended his hand in greeting J: hey there, glad you could make it, I don’t remember if I caught your name on line last night or not M: oh sorry I don’t think I shared that, its Matt J: glad to make your acquaintance Matt His smile was electrifying and melted away any reservations I had about the boy. We chatted for almost an hour over our respective coffees discussing this and that and soon discovered that in spite of our 24 year age gap we had lots in common, and I soon grew very comfortable around Jeremy, almost like he was my son, As we each finished our drinks I asked him if he would like a ride home, having seen the sweat glistening on him when he had unzipped the hoody after sitting down I had concluded he had walked here, not to mention his musk was not only making me hard but he smelled great sitting so close. He accepted the offer and we headed out to my car, upon belting ourselves in I pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. I followed his directions as he led me back towards my apartment, having me pull into my drive and circle around the complex in the opposite direction I would normally take. We rounded the corner nearest his apartment and he turned to me J: you want to come in and hang for a while longer? M: sure J: you can park in any open uncovered space M: tell Ya what I’ll park in my space and walk back to your apartment J: you live here too? M: yeah and it seems not so far from you We both laughed as I parked the car, then walked to his place one building over. We entered his sparsely appointed apartment and were on top of each other as the door closed, his hoody hit the floor first as he lifted my tee shirt off. He began sucking on my quarter sized nipples shortly after we broke our kisses off, his hands found the buckle on my belt and soon I felt my jeans being lowered, having gone commando, freeing my trapped hard cock. I slid his shorts down and fondled his cock through the mesh of his jock strap his precum oozing through the fabric. We stood there groping each other and pressed against the door when Jeremy took my hand and led me to the couch where we began caressing each other anew, Jeremy not allowing me to free his cock from the Jock which was now soaked with his precum, his hard cock straining to be free J: please daddy I want to pleasure you, my release is secondary, please fuck me daddy make me your boy M: you want me to use you as my boy, breed you with my seed J: yes daddy I need you to breed me, make me yours I sank down and sucked the precum from his jock into my mouth then lifted his legs and slathered my spit and his precum on his hole, before rising to my knees and aiming my cock head towards his sphincter M: you sure you want this, there’s no going back J: yes fuck me, give me your daddy seed M: you sure you want my load blasted into your boy cunt? J: yeah daddy give me all you have to give I pushed into the unyielding pucker, but it would not open for me M: you ever been fucked before, son? J: no daddy you’ll be my first Oh my god he was a virgin and he was offering up his cherry to me, I changed my tactics a bit and began licking at his hole tongue fucking him to see if I could loosen him up. I could feel his pucker loosen some after about five minutes of probing with my tongue, I then inserted a finger and it slid in after a brief amount of resistance, I wiggled it around massaging his prostate from within. His tight ring began to yield and loosen enough to slide in a second finger, and after about five more minutes a third, I was now rubbing on that tender spot just inside of Jeremy’s sphincter his moaning beginning to fill the room, I removed my fingers from his hole and replaced it with the tip of my mushroom head, flowing with precum it quickly made the outside ring slippery and slick as I worked my head over his pucker. J: fuck me daddy, do it now M: here it cums son I pushed in as he bucked up to meet my thrust forcing the first few inches into his hole J: oh Fuck, oh Fuck, OH FUCK M: just relax and try to push out a little As he did I could feel his ring relax and I pushed another two inches up into his gut, I pulled out about an inch the slowly slipped the rest of my 7.5 inches into his rectum, he moaned as he felt my pubes on the back of his nuts tickling the taint as I ground my pelvis into his ass J: oh daddy I fill so full, now let me ride it M: mmmm so tight and pulsating around my cock As I rocked back and forth I could feel his ass muscles convulsing around my meat, like Jeremy was orgasming on my cock inside his hole I slid it out the thrust back in, the waves of muscle rippling against my organ increased and I began pumping it in and out of Jeremy faster and faster the walls massaging my cock on each pass, I soon realized I had made the boy have a anal orgasm as I continued fucking him M: I’m going to cum where you want it J: oh daddy breed my ass make me yours forever, give me your toxic seed, POZ my hole I had never discussed my status with the boy but his talk of me POZing his virgin hole just made me harder and after edging in his convulsing hole for about 15 minutes I blasted my cum deep into his bowels. I was still hard after I came so I continued to pump in and out of his flooded hole, I so enjoyed fucking a cum filled hole and then about 5 minutes later I felt the tingling in my balls again and felt the semen shooting from my cocklips again, blasting another load in his gut J: oh daddy we are now one, thanks for breeding me M: it was nice fucking you, you made me cum so hard I rolled off of the boy and we snuggled on the couch for a while before either of us could catch our breath enough to talk M: why’d you tell me to POZ your ass, we never discussed status? J: I just figured, since we meet on BBRT, you said ask me on your profile and you were willing to breed some dumb twink without even asking status or offering yours, you must be POZ M: All good assumptions but in my case wrong J: oh …, sorry hope I didn’t offend you I started laughing then pulled the boy into me and started making out with him, caressing his muscular body and getting him all excited again. M: so are you still negative? Being as you were virgin and all J: yeah I am, sorry about the POZ talk while we were fucking M: no problem, kind of got off on it actually We both began laughing together and resumed our exploration of each other’s bodies and mouths, soon he was sucking in my cock removing the ruminates from our lovemaking, his 8 inch slender cock rock hard, I couldn’t resist as I slicked it up and then climbed in his lap and impaled myself on his drooling member J: what are you doing? I’m all bottom M: you’re a top for now boy, now fuck your daddy I held my ass about three inches away from his crotch and he began thrusting upwards into my willing hole, every now and then I would raise and lower my ass a few inches to get him in me deeper, all the while I had my tongue buried in his mouth and we dueled for oral superiority, he suddenly pulled back J: oh fuck I’m going to cum M: oh yeah give me your toxic load fill me with your AIDS babies wreck my hole J: oh god I’m filling your hole with my POZ cum I ground my ass down into his groin getting as much of his twink cock buried in my ass as I could, I could fill the wetness seeping around his cock pulsing in my hole, I threw my head back and for the first time saw the photos on his bookcase besides the couch. I froze as one in the upper corner caught my eye, it was a man and a woman, the man was in a brown suit and the woman in a teal chiffon dress, it was so familiar, I blinked and went back to Jeremy kissing him passionately, now fearing the photo linked us in a way, that he was unaware of or maybe he was. Jeremy pushed me off and I got up we were both drenched in cum as I had shot again as he was cumming up inside me, blasting both our abs and almost to his neck, Jeremy grabbed my hand and led me to the shower where he tenderly washed me off then himself. J: Matt I have class in about an hour so I need to leave now, if I’m going to catch my bus M: I’ll drive you in if only to spend a little more time with you J: that’ll be great just let me get dressed and I’ll meet you out by your car. I gathered my clothes and hurriedly dressed while Jeremy got himself presentable in the bedroom, I looked at the photo again, not really believing my eyes. I exited Jeremy’s and hurried to my apartment I scrambled around and grabbed a couple dollars for gas then hurried out to the car where Jeremy was waiting for me. I unlocked the door and we both hopped in, about a mile down the road I began to ask the question that was nagging me M: the photo on your bookcase the one that looked like a professional prom photo, might I ask who they are, since it isn’t you J: oh that’s just a Photo of my mom and her boyfriend, she says it was taken when he won a portrait package in some raffle, I always suspected he was the one to knock her up with me, but she never wanted to talk about it but I always suspected. M: hmmm interesting story I dropped Jeremy off at the bus stop in front of his university then did some errands, . I had noticed a strand of dirty blond hair on the head rest in the car, about Jeremy’s color and length, I placed it in a zip lock back, I had a friend who did DNA testing to determine paternity thought this would maybe calm my nerves. it was after 2 when I got home Little did I know how much my life would change over the next 24 to 48 hours.
    2 points
  6. Here I was taking this man’s cock raw, Hell he has been fucking me for almost 5 months now. The feel of a raw cock as it fucks me makes me horny and lust after more cock. This is, after all, why I'm here. Hell, it’s not as if I don’t get fucked raw or fuck ass raw on a regular basis, but there was something more about this man pounding into my hole, making my hole twitch and open up, that gets me more excited. As he always does. At 24 years of age I was desired by older men. Hell, even the younger ones wanted me. My 5’11” height, 185 pound body, tight from running and going to the gym was in good shape at least for now. I keep my chest shaved because that’s how I like it, even though hairy chests are hot in my book. As the pig in me became ever more pronounced I started pumping my nips to make them into fat erasers, ready to be pulled, sucked and chewed on. I had seen a site online with men that had hot bodies and big puffy nips like I was starting to develop and thought Why not? I never knew working my nips could add so much pleasure to the sex. I guess my brain is simply wired for this. How did I get here? I always knew I was gay. I regularly jerked-off in high school fantasizing about my phys-ed teacher, but my first actual sexual experience occurred when I went off to college. I was working at the local restaurant chain when one of the regulars asked if I wanted to hang out with him and he ended up being my first, but, that is a story for another day. My first raw cock was spur of the moment and afterwards I was scared shitless. I had let the guy cum in my ass. Would I get HIV? Was the guy sick? I worried about it until I realized I was boned-up, thinking about what I had done. I had taken raw cock and loved it. After that I never asked tops to use rubbers, and when I fucked a guy I only wore one if the guy asked. The long and short was that if my partner didn't ask we didn't use them, and within a year of this I found I was no longer using them at all. In fact, wouldn't hook up with anyone who wanted to use them. Back to the present, I dropped my shirt and pants, got up on his bed, presented my ass doggy style. I always went commando, so I was ready for this man to fuck me with his nine inch uncut cock. His body was still in good shape and his tattoos made me want him even more. Did I mention I could never get enough and needed him to fuck me and share another of his loads with me? By share I mean plant it deep inside of my ass. As he shoved his cock into my body, he grunted, remarking with annoyance to find there was a load already in my ass as as he liked to be my first of the day. He never liked it when we used any lube although, if it was cum, he would allow it. He pounded me hard from the get go, just to remind me that he was in charge. As always. My ass was pulsating around his cock, milking it, and my slutty inner ego took over wanting, all but demanding that he shoot his load into me. With luck I would get another out of him later. I wanted him to cum in me planting his seed deep into my hole. As he fucked me my thoughts wandered for a few seconds. It wasn't that I was becoming a pig. I was a pig. And a nasty one at that. I couldn't fuck or get fucked enough. Anything the other guy (or guys) wanted to try with me I was happy to go along. I was taking plenty of loads up my ass and was even using a plug to keep the loads up there. I started working my ass and it was able to stay tight, even as I accommodated any sized or shaped cock. And yeah, I enjoyed sucking the guy clean afterwards, tasting my ass juices and his seed. But how still did I allow it to go this far? When Steve spoke it brought me back to the present, asking "You okay?" My response to him was simply "Fuck me harder.” He flipped me onto my back and began piston-fucking, which caused me to moan even louder. I could feel my ass getting slick with his precum. He was a big cummer and I usually left with some of it leaking out of me. He fucked me like this for about another five minutes. He was never one to last too long, and true to form he asked "Where do you want this hot load?" with a special emphasis on the word hot. "Blow your load in my ass! Share your DNA with me!" Then he asked the question he often asked when fucking me, "What do you want from me?" "I need you to POZ me, and mark me as the true pig I am" was my reply. Chuckling, he replied "I think that's just what we're gonna do." His veiny cock was thrusting longer and deeper now, his breathing increasingly labored. I knew he was about to blow his load. And cum in me he did. As always, he filled my hole with a huge load which combined with the remains of the load I had taken earlier. I clenched down to keep his seed in my ass so I would be lubed for the next guy that day. Steve never liked for me to linger so I pulled up my pants and quickly left. As I walked down the hall I opened the door to Eric’s room. He was already undressed and sporting a boner for me. He told me he heard us next door and knew he would be next. At one time he must have been a real looker of a man but HIV and AIDS takes a toll on men especially the men of this ward. Eric was very thin now and had a bloated stomach. Soon he would be bed ridden but I promised him I would let him fuck me until he couldn't any longer. He also promised as he has a very highly potent cum and he was going to make sure that my ass was bred with it. In fact all of the men of this ward wanted to make sure I shared their loads until I had all of their strains in me. This ward was an HIV ward and all of the men in it were infected and sick. How did I become this bottom pig? In fact you may say at this point a chaser, since I was more than willing to take their loads. In fact I needed to, but that's a story for another day.
    2 points
  7. My first cock ever was a dog cock! I'm not allowed to tell you how old I was due to board rules... let's just say, count the fingers on both hands... Loved it then and I loved it since. I even starred in a dog sex film when I was 18 and traveling in Europe. There's so much to like about getting fucked by a dog... the cock size, the knot locked in your ass... the 2 cups of cum they squirt, for TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT... woof!
    2 points
  8. 'BIG BLACK COCK' just sounds so DIRTY, don't it?
    2 points
  9. Jeremey’s perspective: Oh my god it happened so fast, it was incredible, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m just so stoked after meeting the most wonderful man yesterday. His name is Matt and believe it or not, he lives just a building over from me. I guess it was a instance of being at the right place at the right time. Let me back up a little though to tell you how it came to be. I’m Jeremy and I just turned 22 last May. Now, here it is September again and I’m back at the university studying business with a minor in liberal arts. Yeah, I figured if nothing else I could get a teaching credential if I couldn’t find a job in the business world. I grew up in the bay area, the only child of a single Mom. She never discussed my father and it was a taboo subject around her. I have a cool Uncle Tony who is about five years younger than Mom. He is only 18 years older than my age, and has been a good friend and a surrogate dad over the years, especially since he is only 18 years older than me. As far back as I can remember Mom always had health problems and after beating breast cancer twice she succumbed to it a couple years ago. It still makes me sad. I keep a picture of her on my bookshelf, she was so pretty back then, I suspect the dude in the photo was her boyfriend and possibly my father. Uncle Tony is always teasing me how I wanted to have the photo off the credenza, when when I asked my mother why she kept it there she replied that it was the best photograph taken of her in her when she was in her twenties, but I figured she was still in love with the guy. Uncle Tony said the guy had broken her heart, and added he didn’t see why she kept it in such prominent view. Enough about my Mom. I guess I always knew I was different and when I was in junior high. I finally figured I was queer. Yeah, I was clearly gay, after all I found myself lusting after the other guys at school and on the school ball teams. I was a smart cookie and had the good looks to go with it, so you might say I was a hunky geek, which is one reason I got along with my Uncle as he was also handsome and clever. We loved our video games, be it console or computer, but we also loved going out and tossing the ball around. Uncle Tony pegged me as gay long before I wanted to admit my attraction to guys, but he was cool with it and even took me out to a gay 18+ club on my 18th birthday, not telling mom where he was taking me and just telling her to a ball game. It was a night where I received my first kiss from a boy. I was so turned on by the kiss that I creamed my jeans, and ended-up excusing myself and slipping into the men’s room to clean myself up. When I returned to find Tony making out with the stud who had caused my ejaculation. Sure, the stud 20 and really hot, but I started wondering about Uncle Tony. Being an athlete is why I was at University on a partial scholarship, being a gay athlete on scholarship kept me in the closet freshmen year although it didn’t take long for me to figure out my roommate in the dorms was a big old queer, after catching him snuggling and who knows what in our room one night when I returned from the Frat party we had gone too together, I recognized the frat boy as one of the alumni or senior from the frat house we had gone too. I just shed my clothes and climbed in bed, turning towards the wall and tried to go to sleep. “Think he might want to join in the fun” I heard the frat boy said “Nah he’s straight “I heard my roommate say Steve and I became close as brothers and he soon realized that I too was queer and like him seemed to get along better with older guys. I however was still a virgin in all things gay, yeah I lusted after seniors and older students and maybe even had a crush or two on this professor or that staff member but I was too shy/scared to make a move. Steve set me up on a couple of dates with guys in their 20’s a couple times but it generally ended in a hand job and maybe the occasional blowjob. By the time we both moved in together sophomore year, off campus Steve was hooking up 3-4 times a week and I was still a virgin, but he would tell me of his exploits over breakfast or dinner, always leaving me hard, he’d give me a hand job through my jeans or inside my gym shorts kissing me the whole time teaching me techniques to use on guys he had learned from his various dates, then it happened Steve Mr. Safe sex always Top man, slipped up, he had gotten invited to a party with this really hot 30 year old guy and they convinced Steve to kick back in the sling before he knew it guys were caressing his ass and fingering him, he loved being fingered, then some guy had slipped his raw cock in Steve’s ass, I’m guessing he wasn’t that big but just large enough to really gets Steve revved up and moaning, by the time he realized his safe only policy had gone down the toilet the guy had unloaded in Steve’s hole and the next guy slid in using the cum for lube. 3 hours later they helped Steve from the sling and welcomed him into the brotherhood. Steve was confused and when he questioned his date, the answer was that it was a conversion party and that at least a third of the loads he received were POZ. Steve panicked but was totally turned on by it at the same time, his hole dripping with their loads, someone slid a plug into his still gaping ass and indicated it be best to keep the loads from seeping out during the rest of the party. Steve then started fucking whoever’s holes he could side his large cock into, blasting the last vestiges of his negative loads. He came home early in the morning and crawled into bed with me drunk from sex and alcohol, it wasn’t all that unusual to wake up after one of his lengthier dates to find him cuddled up behind me, but he never tried to my knowledge to fuck me, he always said that was for someone special, because you always remember your first. I would ask him about his and he said he remembered but he rather not talk about it. About three weeks after the party I was nursing him during spring break, where he finally broke down and started talking about the party, he had already given me sketchy tidbits of how things went down but left out the juicy ones about him getting bred, now he spilled the beans and told me everything about his date removing his clothes and easing him back into the sling to the guys talking turns filling his hole with spunk, then he dropped the bomb, that he had done it bareback and several of the loads were charged, toxic loads, and that is why he now had the flu. I cried with him but we were both sporting hard-on’s his story had gotten both of us rock hard, I let him suck me off as I jerked his cock to an explosive ending. Between then (spring break) and now he continued to tell me the tales of his exploits getting us both hard and he had helped sign me up for BBRT saying if nothing I’d be able to meet some hot daddies and chat about my fantasies. During the summer we got with Uncle Tony’s help our current apartment, although I was seeing less and less of Steve as he found himself a hot sugar daddy and guess you’d call it fellow gifter I had gone to work and school Monday when I decided to post some pictures that Steve had taken of me on BBRT just to see if it increased my hits. I was worn out Tuesday morning after finishing my morning shift and my first class, I had come home for lunch before heading off to A&F at the mall to work a five hour shift that evening. On the bus ride home I had logged into BBRT to see if any hot guys were on, mainly looking at late 20’s early 30’s when I got an “OINK”, not wanting to use all my data on the bus I waited to check him out till I got home. At first I saw his age and was about to delete the message when I decide to check out the full profile, wow I was glad I did. He was 6’2” 195 short brown hair with a dusting of white at the temples, dazzling smile, average build although it looked athletic to me, his pics were hot I would have never pegged him as being 46 if I passed him on the streets. I decided to be polite and message him saying thanks for the oink, and see what he was up too. We seemed to hit it off good and distance said 0miles so he was at least somewhat close. Then he invited me to coffee, I told him I couldn’t make it tonight but maybe tomorrow morning might work and we set up a time at the coffee shop across from my apartment complex. The next morning I got up early and showered the evenings sweat and funk off of me and threw on a “A” shirt, my favorite lucky jock strap, Black basketball shorts, the kind that show off the bulge if you stand just right and a pair of shorty socks (almost wore my Sk8trs “fuck my socks off” pair but decided they weren’t good for going out in public in mixed crowd) and my favorite sneakers. Grabbing a hoody off the couch I jogged over to the coffees shop raising a slight sweat, god I hoped he liked a little boy musk on his men, I entered the shop recognizing him right off the bat, and I dawned on me I never got his name. I got a regular coffee, not wanting to seem pretentious or not thrifty, I realized he had a latte when I went to sit down. I said hi and inquired what his name was, we talked for what seemed like just minutes but soon our beverages were gone, though I don’t remember drinking mine. We had so much in common and we got along so good, finally realizing we were hogging the table he asked if he could drive me home, I asked if he wanted to come in and chat some more. He agreed and when I directed him where to park he just said he’d park in his space, just on the other side of my building, I was so stoked. We never got to chatting some more or at least not then, we were all over each other as we entered my apartment, not even had the door closed before I attacked him and began macking on his face, he or I led the other to the couch and we were soon naked in each other’s arms, damn he smelled so good, I thought I smelled a bit ripe after jogging to the coffee shop but he ate it up bathing my body with his tongue lapping at my pits to get my essence, we must have made out for at least 10 minutes grinding our engorged cocks into each other then I said it “Fuck Me Daddy” I had never been fucked but I knew, just knew this was the man I wanted to be my first. I presented my ass to him and he slowly lubed it up seeming to have problems with my tight hole. “You ever been fucked before” he asked me “no” I replied then he went into overdrive on my hole licking and fingering it making it open up to his advances it felt like I was entering heaven then Hell as he pressed his mushroom capped head into my hole, my ass was on fire but he held it there allowing me to adjust to the invasion, the pain subsided and he pushed in a little more my hole was beginning to open up for him, then wave after wave of pleasure began to engulf me my ass was pulsating around his hot cock as it worked in and out of my hole, it was the same feeling I got went I stroked my cock past blasting my whole body shuddered my ass was cumming, but my cock wasn’t, the pressure building in my nuts was intense, I wanted to cum but I wanted it to last forever then I felt his cock swell and he asked where I wanted his cum “give me your Toxic load Daddy, Give me your POZ seed” he froze then pumped harder I could feel his cock pulse at its base as blast after blast flowed up his tool and flooded my insides. After he came down off his orgasm he asked why I assumed he was Poz since we never discussed status. I told him I just assumed and he just grinned at me with this evil grin. Then he surprised me by quickly mounting me sliding my aching cock in his hole, “but I’m a bottom only” “you’re a top today, now just fuck daddy” he rode my cock and for the first time in my short sexual life I thought of myself as versatile as I blasted my load deep in this hunk of a man. Then I realized my fucking him cause another eruption from him coating us with spooge. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom where I turned on the shower and directed him to stand under the warm stream, I washed him off, and then he washed cum from me as well. I handed him a fresh towel and told him I’d have to cut our adventure short as my bus would arrive shortly. He took me in his arms and kissed me, then offered to drive me to school. I got dressed for school as he went out and gathered his clothes which were strewn all over the living room then yelled back to me he’d met me at the car. When I got out to the car he was exiting his apartment in an escaping motion like he was trying not to let something out. He opened the door and I hopped in catching my hair on the head rest “ouch” as it pulled a strand out, we drove for a short distance in silence then he started asking me about the picture of Mom on the Bookshelf, I found it weird and just answered the best I could. He dropped me off at the bus stop on campus then indicated he’d call me. I hoped he would, other than his strange questions about the photo I was getting a positive vibe from him, he was stirring feelings I just couldn’t put my finger on, could I be falling for him and he for me. It was happening all too fast, I didn’t hear from him the rest of that day so I messaged him a thanks for the good time then headed to bed as I had a early day again tomorrow, Thursdays were always busy. When came home for lunch there was a message slid in the doorframe I had an invite to dinner I was exhausted as I got off work but checked my messages and there was the invite again, He was on line at the time so we started exchanging messages and I invited him over again but I was running out of messages so he sent his phone number to text him at. I texted him when I got home, damn I was ripe from a day working both jobs and attending classes, my boy funk was strong, I had stripped down to just my low slung jeans, which with me thinking about him all day were quite moist where my cock head lay, He was at my door almost instantly as I set down my phone and opened the door I pulled him inside, he was in just a tee shirt and loose gym shorts his hard cock tenting the fabric, I damn near ripped his clothes off him as he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down off my hips, we barely made it to the couch before we were sword fighting, he lead me past the couch and into the bedroom throwing me onto Steve’s bed and planting massive kisses all over my body lapping at my skin giving me goose flesh it was just after 9 and as tired as I was he invigorated me we made out and caressed for at least an hour before drifting off to sleep. I woke about 2 and slinked out from under his grasp to take a piss I sniffed my body and pits while letting the stream flow, my ripe boy musk had been replaced by the smell of sex, of Matt’s spittle, of Matt in general I smelled him on me masking my funk. I slid back in bed next to him smelling Steve on his pillow and Matt on me I wiggled my ass next to Matt's hardening cock nestling it between my Twinkie butt cheeks and fell back to sleep content to being the little spoon.
    2 points
  10. So a regular fuck bud texted me today and said he was hosting a small party at his house tonight at 8 and invited me over. I went to the gym as usual and made it home and prepped and headed out to the party. There were about 8 guys there all pretty hot and hung. We all took turns on each other and were eating ass and sucking cocks left and right. The poppers were flowing and ass was getting pounded. I got fucked by each of the guys but only got loaded by the host (hot guy with an 8" thick cock) and then this hot fucker with a beard and furry chest. He was fucking beautiful and we were making out while I got fucked and loaded by the host. He was horny and said he wanted to cum I told him to load me up. He seriously fucked me for about 2 minutes before he said it was so sloppy and hot he needed to load my ass too. He then gives me a huge load (he was over 7.5 and average thickness but had a nice big mushroom head). He pulls out and then eats my ass. I pull him up to me and make out with him and can taste my ass on his lips and smell it in his beard. I then am ready to cum myself, so I then fuck one of the guys who is fucking HOT muscle daddy. I tell him that I'm close and he tells me to load him up. I pump him full of a huge load. I clean up and hit the road. I'm exhausted now and heading to bed with their loads in my ass.
    2 points
  11. Tanner's little ring clenched the base of my ever hardening cock like a vice. It was all I could do to rock him gently back and forth, feeling his ass muscles squeeze, then release, squeeze then release...all the while feeling him shiver in the pain and pleasure of my cock expanding his boundaries. A few more gentle thrusts and his little ring slipped ever so slightly up my shaft. The friction of his unlubed hole was intense, I reached under him, the carpet was moist with his pre cum, a near constant stream of his perfect liquor. He moaned around Jake's cock, his eyes watering as Jake shoved almost half of his length down his throat. He gagged, and as his body rocked his ring slid nearly all the way up my cock, his tight little cunt lips tugging on my thick, veiny meat. He nearly slid completely off as he struggled to swallow Jake. I quickly came to my senses and grabbed his hips, keeping my thick head pulsing just past his sphincter. He moaned in pain. He tried cocking his leg, trying to manoeuvre away from my grasp as he finally began to deal with half of Jake's cock lodged in his throat. "Uh uh, boy" I said, matching his movements perfectly, keeping his redenning cunt stretched around my mushroom head... "He trying to run" Jake laughed, throwing his head back and grunting as Tanner started sucking him more easily again. "Yeah.." I replied, as Tanner's hole fluttered around my cock head. "He's tight as fuck..." I called, grunting. Jake leant forward to get a good view, pressing Tanner into his crotch. "Here" he said, reaching under Tanner, milking his dick till his hand was slick with the boy's pre-jizz. I could hear Tanner moan in pleasure as Jake high fived me with his slicked up hand. I took the hint, smearing what I could on my shaft as Jake leant back into the chair to enjoy Tanner's mouth again. My cock shone with Tanner's essence. I leant down close to his ear, breathing in his smell as he broke a gentle sweat. "Ready whore?" I whispered, "Ready to learn that you don't get to decide when I pull out? Ready to learn to take it like a man?" Jake smirked, keeping Tanner planted on his cock. "His eyes say yes" he said "The Fuck I care!" I yelled shoving my full girth and weight back into the boy. Feeling my head pop into his second hole with the force of my thrust. "Gnnnnnnnnhhhh" he cried, choking again...his back arching away from me. I thrust it back down as Jake shoved his long shaft, balls deep into the boys throat. 'A little pain now' I thought, rotating my cock into Tanner's hot ass. He'd learn who was in charge. If he learnt quick, I'd fuck him like a lover...not a master...but he had to learn...
    2 points
  12. "Fuck!" Jake moaned as Tanner began milking his friend's cock - expertly, slurping and licking the round, throbbing head and coating it in his boy saliva. One more finger full of crystal shoved up the boy's cunt and he was ready for a real, deep-dickin' - primed for a deep, pozzin experience. As I worked my second-finger in his expanding cunt, he moaned deeply. "Definitely ready" The chems had taken over, eroded all his resistance and he began pushing his hot arse back on my knuckles. Pre-cum flowed from his cock with every thrust and turn of my fingers and, with each squirt of pure, crystal fluid from his negboy cock he was becoming less of a boy and more of a man. Jake was loving the attention his cock was getting, moaning like it was the best thing ever. I smiled at the perfect corruption before me as Tanner's hole quivered around the knuckles of my two, big digits, the last deposit of crystal finally vanishing into the walls of his arse. The job of chemming this perfect little jock boy was done - now the fun could finally begin. I shucked out of my clothes, letting my cock finally break free of it's cage. It pointed, like a magnet, directly at Tanner's virgin hole. My cock would break Tanner into the world of poz sex - corrupt that perfect little all-star stud into a pregnant little sex-pig. As I spat a wad of saliva on my ever growing cock, I sauntered towards my prize. "Pull your ass cheeks open bro" Jake ordered "I'll keep you balanced on my dick" Jake - what a fucking find! Tanner reached back and pulled his cheeks out for me - revealing even more of the entrance to that perfect, chemmed-up little jock-gut. "Boy, you ready to get fucked" I whispered in his ear "You ready to feel me in you...churning some cum deep in my boy's gut?" He whimpered as Jake pulled his cock out his friend's drooling mouth. "Answer him bro" he said as Tanner bit his lip "I..." he started "I want to get fucked" he blurted, sighing heavily as I vibrated my fingers in his sphincter. "Fuck.." he moaned as another string of pre-cum oozed out his cock. "Yeah, please, fuck me?" he whimpered "I need you to fuck me!" "Good boy" I said, pulling my fingers out his cunt and lining my cock up with hole. "You want me to breed you slut" I said "Yes" he replied immediately "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I rested my throbbing head up against his tiny, unlubed jock-boy hole. A firm but gentle thrust and the tip pierced him - a small way in, just the tip as I parted his velvet cunt for the first time. "Oh baby boy you are just, the fucking stud" I said, pushing a bit further, using my hands push on the small of his rippling back. He sighed deeply as he arched into my cock, piercing him totally - spreading his tight hole open and around my head, popping into him like a Key into a lock. He moaned, I felt his whole body shudder in tenseness as he dropped Jake's dick out of his throat, overcome with the sensations of my rod gliding into him. "Fuck boy" i said, as an inch disappeared up him, his hole clenching my dick whilst the soft walls massaged my sensitive tip. There was a tight corner up his cunt and my cock seemed not to be able to pass. Jake instinctively ready my expression and whipped out a fresh bottle of poppers - putting them under Tanner's nose, telling him to inhale good and deep. As the fumes hit, the kink in his ass vanished and my cock dove a good six inches into him as he gasped for air, shuddering a another fresh dose of negboy cum from his dangling penis. "Nice boy, real nice - just ease yourself into it, let daddy stretch your virgin cunt out - get it good and moist" Another contraction as he took another hit of poppers and my cock vanished up him, balls-deep in the hottest stud I'd ever fuckin' seen - his beautiful pink hole pulsing on my shaft, milking it's toxic payload with perfect rhythm. That's when Jake slowly guided Tanner's mouth back to his long cock by the stud's light blond hair, "Dont let go again" Jake commanded, pulling the boy down onto his cock in one direct movement as Tanner's anus spasmed along my shaft.
    2 points
  13. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 5 We arrived at my house. While Zak chased me to the front door I stripped off my shirt and dropped it on the front porch. I flung the door open and ran toward the staircase with my hard cock begging to burst from my jeans. Zak caught up to me at the stair landing. He grabbed my ankle on my way up the steps, causing me to catch myself as I fell to the stairs. I laughed and turned over onto my back as he crawled up the stairs on top of me. He grinned, “You can’t get away from me, hot man.” I put my arm around his neck and pulled Zak’s lips to mine. As he rested his body on top of me I felt his boned up shaft press against mine. “Like I didn’t want to be caught.” The trail of clothes contnued. I pulled Zak’s shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. The pants were next. After I unzipped his jeans and worked them off his sweet ass, Zak stood up and kicked them to the floor at the base of the stairs. I remained on the steps leaning back on my elbows. He stood before me naked and hard then slowly made his way up the steps, straddling my body. He towered over me with his monster meat dancing straight out at attention and balls dangling above my face. Poison drooled from the monster’s mouth. I reached up to his chest and slid my hand down his abdomen to his cock. I grasped his shaft working more precum from his piss hole and down his Prince Albert jewelry. Strings of toxic juice dripped from his jewelry and met my tongue on the way to his death stick. I ran my tongue across his PA ring, to his gaping urethra, lapping up all his sweet nectar. I licked the head of his beast then slipped his shaft past my lips and down my throat while massaging his low hanging balls. He groaned with pleasure as I continued to devour his cock. Zak pulled his dick from my mouth and straddled my body on his knees. He unzipped my jeans and crawled down a few steps before standing up. Zak grabbed my pants leg and tugged to slip my jeans off, but they didn’t budge because I held onto the waistline. I started to laugh. “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” Grinning, “Yep!!” He yanked harder. I grabbed the handrail to brace myself but still slid down a step or two as my jeans let loose and tore off my body with one swift swoop. My hard rod slapped against my abdomen with a smack. Zak whipped my jeans to the floor with a grin on his face. “Turn over and get on your knees. Get ready to take my poz cock, pig.” Zak smacked me on the ass with his open palm then positioned behind me. He spit on my hole and in his hand and lubed both up. With one swift jab he tore open my hole with the head of his mighty tool. “Woah, Zak!! You mean business.” He showed no mercy and plowed into my ass with the full length of his shaft. “Take my poz meat, bitch.” The more he talked dirty to me, the harder and more turned on I got. “Fuck, yes….give it to me.” As he rammed into me again, “If you’re not poz yet, you will be after today. I’m going to tear you up.” “It feels so fucking good. Fuck me!!” “You like my poz dick in you, don’t you bitch?” “I love it. Poz my ass.” “I can’t hear you bitch. You want it?” “Yes!! I want your DNA in me.” Zak continually pounded into my prostate, pushing me closer to the edge. He again cracked his hand on my ass then grabbed my hips and rammed in me harder and harder. “I’m going to wreck that hole till you bleed, bitch. You’re getting my babies right into your blood.” Zak was relentless. I could feel his PA stretching and tearing my hole up. “Fuck, yes, bitch. That’s what I wanted to see. Look at this, bitch.” Zak pulled out of my ass. I turned my head to see his meat pulsing and throbbing, coated with streaks of red blood. He again slammed his two fingers into my ass and pulled them out with red juice on them (a mixture of poz precum and blood). “Taste my virus in your blood.” I stuck out my tongue and he slid his fingers into my mouth. I sucked and licked them clean swallowing every bit down my throat. “Fuck, that is so fucking hot. Ready for my poz load, bitch?” “Yes, give it to me.” “What do you want, pig?” “I want your poz cum in me!!” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Beg for it, bitch. Beg for me to convert your ass.” “Fuck, please, give me your poz cum. Please charge me up.” Zak increased his force of his thrusts and again grasped my hips. “You loved fucking that waiter, didn’t you, bitch?” “Fuck yes. I loved breeding him.” “Giving him your seed to convert him.” “Yes, I want to infect guys.” “Fuck!! Share my virus. Poz those bareback pigs.” “Yes!!” “Fuck, here comes my poison, bitch.” “Oh Fuck, yes. Give it to me.” Zak thrust into me balls deep, and his cock began to pulse. Each throb made my ass pucker tight around his death stick. I reached for my cock, and just touching the shaft of my rod pushed me over the edge. My cock erupted. As my rod sprayed semen onto the stairs I felt Zak’s jizz coat my bloody guts. My ass was full of toxic seed. Zak pulled out from my hole, and bloody jizz leaked from my wrecked ass. Zak quickly lapped up his spooge then shared it with me in a deep, passionate kiss. Zak laid on the steps next to me, sweaty and panting. I remained on my hands and knees, puffing, and grinning from ear to ear. Being with Zak was exhilarating. He looked into my eyes, and with a serious look on his face reached up to me and caressed my cheek with a gentle touch of his hand. “I know we just met, Zeek, but I know how I feel about you. I want to be with you, two pig partners.” “You mean two poz, pig, partners.” “Yes, two poz, pig, partners.” I leaned over and gently kissed his lips and buried my tongue in his mouth. “I’d love that.” Zak and I showered together, lathering each other up, and boning each other up. I sucked his hard dick, deep throating him and tasting his sweet nectar that I loved. He pulled his cock from my mouth. “Open up, Zeek.” His cock pointed upward in front of my face. I stuck my tongue out to meet a stream of piss shooting from his shaft hole. He filled my mouth with urine, and I gulped it all down my throat. Zak grasped his dick and aimed it at my head, spraying piss all over my face. I lapped it from my lips as it drenched my stache. He continued to spray piss all over my body. I loved seeing it shoot from his dick hole, and again took his stream down my throat. The last few shots of piss ran down my throat, and I again took the full length of his massive meat into my mouth. Zak pulled me to my feet and made out with me while the hot water pounded against our bodies. That evening we cruised the club scene looking for fellow pigs to stealth fuck. I was pretty confident that Zak’s virus was in my system, and that I could very well be poz or pozzing very soon. Either way, the thought of us converting a negative pig together had my dick rock hard sitting at the bar. We scoped out the potential victims, and noticed a cute, trim, blonde haired twink sitting alone at the other end of the bar. He had a nice, scruffy, beard covering his face, and something about blondes and redheads gets me boned, not to mention the thought of our dicks in his twink ass bare. Zak and I motioned for the bartender and bought our twink a drink. The bartender pointed us out, and the twink raised his glass and smiled to thank us. We did the same and motioned for him to come join us. He picked up his drink and made his way to our end of the bar. As he approached us he put out his hand for the customary handshake. “Hi, thanks for the drink guys, I’m Ian.” “Zak and Zeek.” We each took his hand to shake it. A solid handshake, a good sign (I think you can tell a lot about an individual from a handshake). For starters this told me he was confident, and sure of himself. “Different names you don’t hear all the time… nice. Are you two partners?” I looked at Zak, and before I could say a word he blurted out, “Yes, we are.” “You two look good together. Nice ink too, guys. I love tattoos.” “Have any ink, Ian?” “No, but I’d like to. I just can’t make up my mind what to get.” (Thinking to myself) I know what you can get…..a biohazard tattoo after we poz your sweet ass. “Well, Zak here is a tattoo artist. He’s doing my sleeve.” “Awesome!! You do beautiful work, Zak.” Then Zak added, “If you decide you want some ink, I’d be happy to schedule a consultation with you.” “Oh, are you here in Milwaukee?” “No, I’m in Chicago, but I can pack up my equipment and head up here to see Zeek and do some ink work for you.” “Oh, so you live in Milwaukee, Zeek?” “Yep, we’re doing the long distance thing for now. We just met not too long ago.” “Cool.” He raised his glass again, “Well here’s to you two. A handsome couple.” “Thanks, Ian.” “I’ll be right back guys. I have to piss like crazy.” Ian turned and made a bee line for the men’s room. “Sweet, look at that ass, Zak.” “I’d love to tag team that.” “Well, what are you waiting for, Zak?” “Be right back.” Zak was off his bar stool in a flash and heading for the men’s bathroom. Zak walked into the dimly lit men’s room, took a spot next to Ian at the urinal, and whipped out his dong. The urinal was a long trough…..quite the cruisy scene. “Well, your cock is as beautiful as your ass, Ian.” Ian started to piss. “Fuck, are you ever hung, and inked too, so hot.” That’s all it took, and Ian’s cock started to bone up. Zak reached over and put his hand into Ian’s piss stream then licked his fingers. “MMMM, sweet.” Ian stopped pissing and looked at Zak. Ian was now fully erect, “You like piss too?” Zak grasped Ian’s shaft and turned Ian toward him. He got down on his knees and put the head of Ian’s cock in his mouth. “You want my piss?” Zak only nodded yes since his mouth was quite full. “Fuck, here it comes.” Ian let go a full stream of piss. Zak didn’t lose a drop and guzzled all of Ian’s piss from the tap. Zak came up for air, “God, I love piss.” Zak put Ian’s cock back in his mouth and started to deep throat his boned up meat. After a few minutes of sucking a guy stumbled into the bathroom and interrupted the play. “Oh, excuse me guys, sorry.” The guy awkwardly fumbled his way out of the bathroom and let the door close. Zak and Ian laughed. “Guess we should take this to Zeek’s place. Are you game?” “Absolutely!!” Zak and Ian returned to the bar with obvious boned up cocks bulging in their jeans. “I see you two got a little friendlier in there.” “Ian’s game. He’s going to join us.” “Sweet.” I reached for Ian’s package and grasped his hard dick while planting a long, wet kiss on his lips. “Damn, and an awesome kisser too.” We slammed our drinks, and the three of us left the bar. As we walked out the door my cock was already rock hard at the anticipation of filling Ian’s ass with toxic seed. Ian followed us home, and we made sure to not lose him in route. We both whipped our dicks out on the way home. Both our piss holes were already oozing precum as we stroked each other’s shafts. “Fuck, this is our first time tag teaming, Zeek.” “This is going to be so hot.” We offered Ian something to drink, but after one sip of our beer, the bottles sat on the coffee table. Zak grabbed Ian’s crotch, “Now where were we? Oh yeah.” Ian chuckled and unzipped his pants. Zak pulled Ian’s dick out and got on his knees. He held the tip of Ian’s cock in his mouth and downed Ian’s pissed. He saved the last mouthful and locked lips with me, sharing the Ian’s piss with me. I pulled Ian’s shirt off, and dropped mine to the floor, then began to make out with him on the sofa. Zak pulled his shirt off and added it to the pile on the floor. He knelt in front of Ian, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them from his trim body. Ian’s cock was fully erect, a good 8 inches, and leaking his nectar onto his abdomen. Zak wrapped his hand around the base of Ian’s shaft and licked up his sweet juice before slipping the full length of his meat across his tongue and down his throat. I unbuttoned my jeans and worked them to my ankles, and flipped them to the side. Ian stroked my throbbing meat while our lips remained locked, our tongues dancing together. Zak continued to deep throat Ian’s cock, and Ian grabbed Zak by the back of the head burying his dick even further into Zak’s mouth. Zak had unzipped his jeans letting his hard, poisonous monster out to stroke, but kept them buttoned to conceal his biohazard ink. After a few minutes he licked his finger and began working it between Ian’s legs massaging his tight hole. Ian quickly responded, lifting his legs and spreading his cheeks. Zak buried his face in Ian’s ass and licked and probed his hole, working his tongue inside. While Zak rimmed Ian, I engulfed Ian’s cock into my mouth. I could taste his sweet nectar on my tongue as it leaked from his piss hole. Zak worked a few fingers into Ian’s hole, teasing his cunt to open up then buried his tongue in Ian’s ass. Ian moaned and squirmed with pleasure as we worked his cock and massaged his sweet hole. “Fuck, you guys are so fucking hot. I love it.” I pulled Ian’s cock from my mouth, “There’s a lot more where that came from.” I nudged Zak, “Come on guys, let’s take this to the bedroom.” I led the guys down the hall to my bed. My cock was fully erect, anxious to seed our blonde twink. Zak wrapped his arms around Ian’s chest from behind, kissed him on neck, and ground his cock between his ass cheeks. He whispered into his ear, “Get on the bed on all fours. I want to fuck your ass.” Ian crawled on the bed with his ass at the edge for easy access. Zak knelt at the edge of the bed and again buried his tongue in Ian’s ass. He licked and fucked Ian with his tongue, lubing his cunt for his toxic cock. Ian arched his back and groaned with pleasure. I slipped onto the bed on my knees in front of Ian; my cock leaking its juices that I hoped was charged. Ian grasped my dick directing it toward his mouth. He licked the full length of my shaft then engulfed my cock down his throat to the base. Chills shot through my body. I grabbed our blonde twink by the head and slowly fucked his throat, making him gag from the tonsil probe. Zak fingered and rimmed Ian’s man hole, loosening him up. His hole puckered around Zak’s fingers, and Ian pushed against Zak’s hand, working his fingers deeper inside. Ian began to rock back and forth on Zak’s fingers. He was primed and ready to seed. “That’s it, boy. Open up. You’re ready for my cock.” Ian flipped my cock from his mouth, “Do you have condoms?” We prepared ahead of time for this. “Sure do.” I reached for my nightstand drawer and tossed a jacket to Zak then flipped a bottle of lube on the bed next to Zak. Zak stood at the edge of the bed behind Ian with his toxic precum dripping from his PA ring. Ian was mesmerized with the flames of ink down Zak’s shaft, “Fuck, yes, what a hot cock.” (Thinking to myself) Yeah, one hot, POZ cock. Zak tore the package open with his teeth and stretched the condom over his PA ring onto his cock head. Ian continued sucking my pole. Zak looked at me and grinned. He slipped the condom off his cock, unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to his ankles. Zak lubed up his shaft. He lined up the head of his monster to Ian’s cunt and pressed firmly against his hole. My shaft stiffened in Ian’s mouth at the sight of Zak’s biohazard tattoo and poisonous cock about to plow our unknowing, blonde twink. “Relax that cunt, boy. Let me in.” Zak grasped Ian by the hips and slowly worked the mouth of his monster into his manhole, drooling the first bit of toxic juice in his cunt. Ian gasped and groaned as Zak thrust farther inside, tearing his ass open. My cock flipped from Ian’s mouth, “Fuck it hurts.” “I’m about half way in, boy. Just relax, and let my shaft slide on in.” “Yes sir.” Zak again pushed on, further opening Ian up, then buried his cock balls deep inside his neg host. Ian tensed up in pain, “Fuck!!” “Damn, you’re so tight, boy. Feels incredible.” “Fuck, give me a sec. Hold on.” Ian slowly relaxed then began to ride Zak’s tool. “Fuck, so fucking hot,” as Zak began to thrust in and out of Ian. “God your cock feels good in me.” Ian’s hole begged for cock, and Zak pounded his ass hard and rough. He again devoured my cock in his mouth, working my pole, drinking up my precum. I pulled my cock from Ian’s mouth, “Suck my balls, boy.” “Yes sir.” Ian licked, then slipped both my balls into his mouth. My cock stiffened as I stroked my throbbing shaft. Ian sucked my balls for a bit then spit them out and stuck his tongue out at the head of my dick. I slapped my cock across his tongue then again fucked his face. Zak continued to plow our twink’s ass. “Fuck, boy, you’re going to push me over the edge. You have one sweet cunt.” “Fuck, shoot your load, Zak.” Zak asked, “You want me to cum, boy?” I nearly shot down Ian’s throat, knowing he was about to take a toxic load of jizz. I pulled my throbbing cock out of his mouth to save my cum for his sloppy hole. “Yes, fuck…..cum inside me.” “Are you sure?” “Fuck yes….shoot your load.” “You got it!!” Zak buried his cock deep in Ian’s hole. “Here it comes, pig.” “Fuck yes.” My eyes were fixed on Zak’s cock and biohazard tattoo. I stroked my shaft slowly, edging myself so close to cumming. Zak’s meat stiffened and throbbed as he started to fill Ian’s cunt with his venom. “Oh my God, I can feel you shooting in me. Fuck, yes.” Zak’s body jerked and he moaned and panted as he loaded Ian’s guts with his poz cream. Sweat ran down Zak’s face and chest. “So fucking sweet.” Zak pulled his still hard cock from Ian’s hole. The last few drops of toxic seed oozed from his piss hole, and Zak slammed back into his victim, working his seed deeper inside. He again pulled out and poz cream leaked from our twink’s cunt down his ball sack. Ian turned his head to look at Zak, “Fuck, did you just cum in me bare?” Zak replied, “Sorry, we prefer it raw. I couldn’t resist giving you my load.” Ian noticed the tattoo on Zak’s abdomen, “You’re poz??!!” Zak said, “Guess so, pig.” “Fuck, and you just shot in me?!!” “Tell me you didn’t love it. Tell me it’s not what you really wanted.” Ian sat on the bed with a stunned look on his face. His cock throbbed rock hard standing straight up. “Look at your cock, boy. Your cock is telling you the truth.” “Fuck.” Tears ran down his cheeks trying to wrap his brain around what this meant. “I can’t say I didn’t love it, but it’s poz cum.” “And it’s the freedom to be a total pig. Tell me you don’t want that.” “I can’t. Fuck!!!” “Tell me you don’t want more poz cum.” Ian’s cock stiffened and pulsed. “I can’t. I don’t get it. I should be furious, but the thought of your poz cum in me is turning me on.” Zak grinned, “Yeah, boy, you want more poz cum, don’t you?” “Fuck……I do. Why is this such a turn on?” Zak leaned over and gave Ian a wet kiss burying his tongue in his mouth. My cock was rock hard watching Ian’s realization that he wanted this as much as we wanted to convert him. “Just go with it, Ian. You want it, just let go.” I asked, “Are you ready for another load of cum?” “Are you poz too?” “Not sure yet. Zak’s been seeding me good for about a month so you may get a poz load and you may not.” Ian’s cock stiffened hearing those words. He stroked his cock shaft. “I don’t want to resist this. It feels so good.” Ian got back on all fours, “Fuck, give it to me. I want it.” Zak grinned, “Fuck, yeah!! That’s it, go with it. Good boy!!” Zak crawled on the bed in front of Ian, and Ian licked up all his poz cream and ass juice from Zak’s meat. While Ian serviced Zak, cleaning his tool, I lubed my cock with spit and slid right into Ian’s gooey hole. My shaft glided right in all the way, working my partner’s toxic juices into Ian’s intestinal walls. Ian began to deep throat Zak’s cock, boning him up again for round two. I continued to plow Ian’s ass, “Fuck, I won’t last long. What a turn on knowing I’m working Zak’s poz seed in you. Ian mumbled with a full mouth, “Yes.” I pumped his ass a few more minutes as Zak thrust in and out of his throat slowly. It pushed me over the edge. “Here it comes, bitch. Take my cum.” I pulled out of Ian’s ass and shot the first rope of cum across his hole then slammed back in his gut shoving my seed inside. My cock continued to throb and shoot my seed in him. “Fuck, I hope you’re taking poz cum. Take it all.” I emptied my balls deep inside Ian. My cock slipped from his hole. A mixture of our seed tinged with pink oozed from his man hole. I slammed my tongue into his gaping cunt and lapped up our juices. Zak moved in behind me, “Are you ready for more of my poz cum, pig?” “Fuck yes. Fuck me.” I moved to the bed on my back and slipped under Ian to suck his boned up cock while Zak plowed into Ian’s wrecked hole. I stroked my shaft and sucked Ian’s hard cock. Zak pounded Ian’s cunt hard. “Work that seed in you, boy. We’re going to convert your ass tonight.” “Oh fuck, give me your poz load.” “You want it?” “Yes!” “Want to poz up, pig?” “Yes, give it to me.” “I’m getting close, pig. You’re going to get my toxic cum.” Ian’s dick was rock hard in my mouth. Ian exclaimed, “Oh fuck, I’m going to shoot!” His cock pulsed and began to shoot his creamy, neg, seed down my throat. “Here’s my second load, boy. Take that poz cum.” “Fuck yes. Give it to me.” Zak thrust in Ian again and let out a wild moan. “Feel me shooting in you, pig? You’re getting my virus right now.” “Oh my God!! It feels incredible!!” Ian filled my mouth with a huge load of jizz, emptying his nuts into my belly. Zak pulled his cock from Ian’s worn out hole. “Keep that seed in you boy. Welcome to the club.” Before Ian left we gave him our phone numbers. Zak hugged him, “You have a sweet ass, boy. When you’re ready for more toxic seed, or your biohazard tattoo, give us a call. Zeek will probably be highly toxic soon too.” “I will. Tonight was amazing. Thanks guys.” Ian planted a kiss on both our lips then slipped out the door. Next……chapter 6 ASAP.
    2 points
  14. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 1) Kyle was only a senior at suburban Chicago high school. He had just turned 18 and at 5’10” he had a solid, runner’s build. With his good looks he could get any girl (or guy) he wanted, but he hadn’t begun to explore his sexuality, he was a nerd (a very cute nerd, including the glasses) and was more into school and grades. Kyle was fortunate to have a loving mother, but since his father died when he was barley 13. He was without a male influence in his life at the most important stage in his young life, puberty. Even after his father’s death, Kyle was always able to come and go as he pleased. This became easier for Kyle when his mother gave him a car for his 16th birthday. It was common for Kyle to be out all night…that is as long as he let his mom know that he wouldn’t be home. On this particular Friday, Kyle was going to check out one of the major university in the city of Chicago. He drove into the city and parked his car in a lot a few blocks from the campus. He met with an admission counselor and took a tour of the campus. The tour was conducted by a current student at the school. After the tour Kyle was hungry and decided to grab a late lunch. He headed to the student union and grabbed a sandwich and, since he didn’t know anyone at the school, sat at a table by himself. There were student’s coming and going as he relaxed and ate his lunch. Soon a couple of older students, he guessed that they must be seniors, sat down with him. They introduced themselves. “Hey there, I’m Rickey and that’s my roommate Tyler.” As they shook hands Kyle introduced himself, “I’m Kyle.” Tyler commented, “We’ve never seen you here before, where’s a good looking guy like you been hiding?” “I’m not a student here, at least not yet…..I am going to start in the fall.” Rickey then said, “Right on! We’re having a few of our friends over for a party tonight, you should come over. Where are you spending the night?” “Well, I was just going to drive back home after I finished eating. I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.” The two college men invited Kyle to come over and spend the night. The way the two were talking to the high school senior he felt like he couldn’t refuse. He had been to his share of high school parties with beer and pot. He knew he could control himself as to not make a fool of himself in front of a group of college students. “Sure, that sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I figure I will get to make some good friends here before I classes start this fall.” “Right on!” exclaimed Rickey. Kyle finished eating and the 3 left. As Kyle followed behind the two older college men he called and left a message for his mom that he was hanging with a few college guys and wouldn’t be home till the morning. He always felt a little sheepish, but maybe at this party he could break out and be more of a leader. After a good walk the 3 came to an old apartment building. Kyle followed the 2 as they climbed up to the top floor and he wondered to himself why the building looked to have 4 floors but they lived on the third floor. His curiosity would be answered cause as he was led into the only apartment on the top floor he discovered that they lived in a unit intended for the building’s owner. The main floor had a decent kitchen, a large living room with a den and a full bath with there were 4 bedrooms up stairs. “Just you two live here?” “It will be just us two this summer, in the fall we usually look for a few guys to occupy the other bedrooms” Tyler told him. Rickey offered Kyle a beer and the 3 settled in the living room to watch the Cub’s game. The three sat on the large sectional couch across from the 60” plasma with Kyle between the 2 roommates. The sectional was big enough so they had adequate space between each as to not make Kyle uncomfortable. Kyle drank his beer slowly and as he did he began to feel warm. He noticed that Rickey and Tyler had slipped their shirts off and were now just sitting in their cargo shorts. These two had great bodies with well defined pecs, arms and flat abs….Kyle felt a little self conscious about removing his shirt. Tyler made the suggestion, “Make yourself at home, get comfortable.” They could tell that Kyle was not comfortable about taking his shirt off and made the suggestion, “Kyle, it get’s warm in the apartment, why don’t you slip your shirt off…I’m sure you’ll feel cooler with it off.” It seemed like Kyle took that as a command as he removed his shirt to reveal his lean, thin build. Rickey helped boost Kyle’s self esteem, “Kyle you got a nice body for a young dude. I can see a lot of potential for you. You work out at all?” “A little….I’m more into my studies then working out. I run a lot though.” “What do you think Rickey, with a little work and our guidance we could make something out of that body of his.” “Right on!” Rickey agreed. “You really think I could be built like you?” Tyler told the shy teen, “Sure we do.” This brought a smile to Kyle’s face. He drank more of his beer and began to feel warmer and a little horny. Here he was with 2 good looking guys watching the Cub’s and he was getting hard. He did his best to hide his growing erection, but it was not able to and soon both Rickey and Tyler noticed and knew it was time to launch their plan. Hey slid in closer to Kyle and Rickey put his hand on Kyle’s thigh as Tyler put his arm around the teen. Kyle was not quick enough to protest….he actually felt comfortable with what the 2 were doing. Before Kyle knew it Tyler removed his glasses and was pulling him in for a kiss while Rickey moved his hand up his leg into his shorts. This was all new to Kyle; he had never been with anyone sexually except himself. He figured he’d go with it, and if he didn’t like it then he’d know he wasn’t gay. But he was discovering that he did like the way these 2 hot studs were making him feel. He felt his senses going into over load as Rickey played with his 7” cut cock and Tyler’s tongue probed into his mouth. It didn’t take long before Kyle’s shorts and boxers were on the ground. Rickey began to lick and suck Kyle’s cock as Tyler pulled Kyle down to his crotch. As Tyler held his head down he moved his cargo shorts down revealing a nice 8” cut cock. Tyler urged…no commanded that Kyle lick his cock, “Lick my cock, lick it from the base to the tip.” Kyle was in virgin territory and did was he felt was right, just follow their directions. The last thing he wanted the roommates to know was that he was a virgin. Kyle’s lack of experience showed when Rickey told him to suck Tyler’s cock. He wasn’t sure what to do and did the best he could just getting the tip in his mouth. “Watch the teeth Kyle!” Kyle pulled off for a second to say “Sorry.” Rickey could tell that Kyle was about to cum and the 2 didn’t want that just yet. He pulled off Kyle’s cock and came up to kiss he lover, Tyler. The 2 roommates whispered to each other ss Kyle continued to try and do his best to suck Tyler. Tyler asked, “Is this the first time you’ve ever sucked a guy’s cock?” Kyle kept stroking Tyler’s cock as he lifted his head and attempted to deny this fact. Rickey let him know, “It’s ok if you’ve never done this before. We can teach you, we can teach you a lot.” Kyle felt more at ease and admitted the truth, “Yeah, I’ve never done this before….I’m a virgin.” Tyler asked, “So, you think you’re gay?” “I don’t really know….I’ve never been with a girl or guy.” “It’s ok”, Rickey reassured him, “Let’s head up stairs and get comfortable and we can teach you everything.” They headed up the stairs, stark naked, and went into the master bedroom. There Kyle sat down as Tyler stepped into the bathroom for a second. When he returned he had a bottle of poppers, a few white and blue pills and something else that Kyle couldn’t see. Kyle asked, “What are the pills for?” Tyler told him, “The blue ones will keep you hard and horny,” Rickey said, “The white one will relax you.” Kyle naivety showed, he figured that these guys knew what they were doing, they wouldn’t hurt him. He swallowed the pills. “What’s the little brown bottle for?” Tyler said “Those are poppers, they also help relax you when you sniff them” as he opened the bottle and took a couple deep hits in each nostril. He then handed the bottle to Rickey and he did the same. They then handed the bottle to Kyle and he didn’t even hesitate when he took his hits. Kyle’s head was spinning. The ecstasy was beginning to kick in as the poppers hit him hard. The roommates knew that they had him right where they wanted him. Before Kyle knew what was happening Rickey grabbed his left arm and Tyler stuck him with a needle. The next thing Kyle felt was a warmth rush up his arm and felt it difficult to breath. He coughed out a couple times. He heard a ringing in his ears and felt as if he was floating. When he started to gain a comprehension as to what was happening….he was on his back with his legs on Rickey’s shoulders. He looked up at Rickey as he began to realize that he was being fucked. Kyle didn’t say a word, he simply moaned out in pleasure to what was happening. Tyler was over his head and as Kyle came around, Tyler began to feed Kyle his cock. Kyle eagerly sucked it down and, with the position he was in, took it down his throat. With a free hand he reached down to feel Ricks cock sliding in and out of his ass when he made a startling discovery….Rickey was not wearing a rubber. For a brief moment Kyle panicked, he remembered all the lectures and videos he watched in health class on STD’s and safe sex, but after Tyler shoved the poppers back under his nose forcing him to take some deep hits. His head was spinning as he heard the 2 college stud’s talking. “Rickey, this fag can make us some good cash over the next 4 years.” “Right on! With some good training and the proper encouragement he’ll be a perfect addition to our crew. Hey Ty, how much did you give him?” “Close to 2 quarters.” “That’s a good start, we got to get him hooked so he will be depended on us.” Kyle barely heard yet understood what the 2 studs were talking about. “I’m getting close Ty….he’s got one hot ass here.” “Breed him bro, breed his virgin ass.” Rickey looked down at Kyle and told him, “Look at me, keep those baby blues on mine.” Tyler pulled his cock from Kyle’s mouth, “There’ll be plenty of time to teach you to suck cock and swallow cum.” Kyle looked up at Tyler as he spoke and was reminded, “LOOK AT ME BITCH!” as he felt a hand slap him across his face. He looked up at Rickey. “I want you to remember this, always look at the John’s eyes when he fucks you, ESPECIALLY WHEN HE IS ABOUT TO CUM IN YOUR ASS!” Kyle had his eyes locked on Rickey as he heard him start to moan and grunt. He punctuated each thrust with a grunt. Then it happened, “FUCK I’M CUMMING!!!! I’M BEEDING YOUR ASS, YOUR VIRGIN NEG HOLE. IT BELONGS TO ME NOW!!!” As Rickey’s orgasm concluded he ground his cock inside Kyle’s formerly virgin hole making sure that every ounce of his seed was massaged into his gut. Rickey pulled his still hard cock out of Kyle and he was quickly replaced by Tyler’s. “MY TURN TO CLAIM YOUR ASS AS MY OWN!” Tyler exclaimed as he rammed the entire length of his 8” cock inside the teen. With the change in position he was able to get a good look at the cock that had taken his virginity and probably his health. Rickey’s cock was the same length as Tyler’s, but uncut. Since Tyler had his cock down Kyle’s throat he had already worked his balls to near boiling point. He began to breath heavier as Kyle could feel his cock thicken. Kyle had his eyes locked on Tyler as the stud reached the point of no return. “UH, UH, UH, TAKE MY CHARGED CUM YOU FUCKING WHORE!” And Kyle was filled with his second load of poz cum.
    1 point
  15. Coaching and cumcatching The heavy metal doors opened into the high school atrium with a whoosh of air, and immediately Paul felt déjà vu, recalling the hundreds, perhaps thousands of times he’d walked through these doors on his way to class. Now, he was back, almost a decade later, and it felt like he’d been there yesterday. The difference was Paul was no longer a flabby teen with bacne, glasses and braces. He’d grown a few inches at college, gotten contacts, and learned the proper balance of eating right and working out. The result allowed him to strut a little as he passed 4 teen girls, each undressing him with their eyes, gawking at his trim waist, muscular legs, chest and arms, and his firm bubble butt. Yet even with his adult body, ears of college training, and almost 5 years of real world experience, part of Paul wanted to run straight for the dark corner of the auditorium where he spent many afternoons running the lights for shows he never got cast in, eventually memorizing every inch of it so he could do his job in pitch black. He felt invincible in that spot, unseen and in total command. That same dark nook also held fond memories of his first sexual experimentation with handsome, talented, kind, sexy Tom Downey. No one ever understood why tall, muscular, gorgeous Tom hung around with chunky, dorky Paul, but they were inseparable when Paul wasn't relegated to run lighting, while Tommy shined on stage (not to mention on the swim team and baseball team). Most schools would not have intermixed theatre kids with athletes, but Franklin high had been home to one of the country’s top high school theatre programs for almost as many years as it had been presided over by Mrs. Nancy Wheeler. She had started in the mid-seventies and within a few years she’d made the drama department as profitable for the school as any of the athletics, before it became the city’s magnet school in the early 80’s. It was what made Paul, and many others, work tirelessly to get transferred to Franklin. Paul had always dreamed of performing in shows and movies, but Mrs. Wheeler popped that bubble on his first day, informing him he was too plain and shy to ever be more than a techie. It was her m.o. to tactlessly burst kids’ dreams that way, earning her the nickname Pinwheeler. Thus when they both tried out for 'the Tempest' their freshman year, Paul was stuck as a lighting assistant, training to work the control console while getting stuck with other jobs to fill the time. Tom however, got a lead role, and tried to help his bud by requesting Paul be his costume helper. Night after night, Paul pretended not to notice Tom’s hard cock while they hurried to get him out of a complex velvet period costume and into another. Closing night the friends went to the cast party and were talked into smoking some weed with a few seniors, including the only openly gay couple at the school. Stoned and giggly, they wandered around the host's house while Tom confided he'd caught the gay guys blowing each other one night in the parking lot. Paul still can't remember who initiated it, but minutes later they took turns swallowing each others' cum loads in a guest bedroom. Some guys would pretend it hadn't happened and get all weird but Paul and Tom decided they wanted more and began sucking, jerking and fingering every chance they got. By summer break Paul had trained Tom to take 3 fingers before they spent a month as roomies at a theatre camp. Neither duffle bag was even unzipped before Paul bred Tom's hole for the first time. When sophomore year started, Tom's butt was taking at least 10 loads a week. If Tom hadn’t regularly provided some hot ass, Paul would probably have given up on theatre since he was always losing roles to the same boy he routinely cornholed. 'Pinwheeler' assumed Paul had a crush on Tom, and told him once that, just as he would never succeed in acting, Paul had no chance of landing a leading role in Tom's life either. Paul smiled now remembering her words. Last year he’d made close to 3 million bucks acting. He wasn’t a movie star, but he’d gained the skill and confidence in college to get him steady work and recently landed a recurring supporting role on a cable drama series. That's why Paul graciously agreed to volunteer his help when his alma mater sent a letter requesting his expertise judging their short film contest. It didn’t hurt that the new teacher assisting Pinwheeler was fresh out of college, 6’4” with black hair, blue eyes, golden skin, and a thick muscular build. Paul was already planning to come to judge the videos to show Pinwheeler she was wrong, but decided to offer his help from start to finish when he saw Mr. Dick Carson's photos on Facebook. He paused as he reached for the door to enter the theatre room. This was the first time he’d be entering as the star, and after all his fantasizing of how it would be, he suddenly realized he needed to leave that behind if he was going to do these kids any good. Still, he took a moment to relish the look of wonder and embarrassment on Pinwheeler’s face when the whole class mobbed him before he’d even made it through the door. That afternoon, every student in the theatre magnet program watched and listened to everything he said with awe and admiration. At the end of the day, over 200 kids had taken his advices as gospel, and once again Paul found himself surrounded by fans, all hoping he’d agree to help them with some aspect or another of their videos. Mr. Carson stepped in just in time, informing the kids they would each get a chance to meet with Paul as each step of the process was submitted. Paul’s cock twitched as Mr. Carson’s arms guided him into Pinwheeler’s office and away from the kids. Over the next few sessions, the students got less pushy, and Paul found himself really enjoying being able to help them take their ideas and transform them into some truly funny, smart and marketable short films. A few seniors in the group were planning on submitting their films as audition pieces for college programs focusing on screenwriting, directing, cinematography and of course acting. He was shocked to discover that these students hadn’t been indoctrinated with Pinwheeler’s agenda, showcasing the acting talents of all shapes and sizes, while encouraging the beautiful girls and handsome boys to try their hand behind the scenes. Mr. Carson finally explained over drinks one Friday evening, that the administration had been receiving complaints for years about Pinwheeler’s harsh doses of reality and prejudiced approach. It was getting worse now that she was almost 70, so Mr. Carson had been hired to train under her before she was given the option of retirement or demotion. Paul tried not to show his delight in the news, but he did offer his congrats to Mr. Carson, adding that ”the kids are in great hands with you, Mr. Carson. These past few weeks, I’ve seen you open the minds of each kid in there, and I’m sure you’ll continue to evolve the program in many more exciting ways.” “Please Paul, call me Dick. After all, I never would’ve been able to pull this off without your generosity. I’m sure you’d prefer to spend your break from filming somewhere other than back in the little town high school where you were never appreciated.” Paul’s cock hardened slightly with thoughts of all the butts he could be breeding during this time. He and Tom only managed to enjoy clandestine rendezvous once they went to college, before Tom settled down with a girl they knew. Their last shared load was the day of his wedding, his tux pants around his ankles, while groom’s man Paul fished his cock from the fly of his own tux, bent Tom over a catering cart in the dish pantry while the bride and her family took photos, and committed his one and only act of infidelity, sealed with a load of semen deep inside. Paul started exploring his options at school after that, and discovered he had a lot now that he was in shape, taller and his Dick had grown to its full adult length of 8 thick cut inches. At first he fucked every butt that would bend over for him, but was shocked into secrecy when one of his regular cum-dumps was outed on the local late night news. Turns out the slim young preppy guy he’d met online was actually a married father of 4 and minister for an extremely conservative church the next town over. As Paul watched the man’s life dissolve into tabloid fodder and late night jokes, Paul made a rule: always be dating a hot girl, while secretly mating a hot boy, but never let either know the other. So now he was seeing some young actress he’d met doing a commercial, and hooking up with guys online for anonymous breedings. She was too busy to do much more than escort him down red carpets and be “caught” by paparazzi kissing, and his butt boys never saw his face. He’d even found a group in LA that hosted monthly orgies requiring every guy wear a mask. Since he’d been back home, he’d been too worried about being discovered to do anything other than jerk in the shower each morning after his work out. Usually this involved scenarios featuring Mr. Carson or some of the well developed high school boys bent over the editing computer or up against the stall door of the restroom, begging for Paul’s cum inside their holes. Paul came back to earth when he realized Mr. Carson, Dick, had not removed the arm from around Paul’s shoulders since placing it there when he was thanking him. He forgot himself for a second and glanced into Dick’s lap, observing a big lump snaking its way down his left leg, proving that Dick had the right name. “I bet you miss having your girl around especially,” Dick said while beginning to rub his arm down Paul’s back. “saw her on TMZ last month. She is one hot piece of pussy. I can’t imagine having to give up pounding that for a month just to help out an inexperienced teacher and a bunch of snotty brats.” His laughter sent a bolt to paul’s cock, and paul assured him that he was loving the time with Dick, and the kids, finishing (pretty unconvincingly) by adding that he did miss her tight pussy. “seems unfair that you’re being so helpful and won’t get laid till after you leave. Of course you could always enjoy some local fare, especially since there are so many people here who’d do anything to show you how much we appreciate you being here.” Dick chose that moment to move away from Paul, walking over to the bottle on his counter, and refilling Paul’s glass with some cheap rum and store brand coke. “Hell, I can’t even offer you really coke for your cocktails, but you could have your pick of any girl in town and most of the guys.” “Sounds fun until you remember how quickly those guys… and girls would jump online and spill to 4 million of their closest strangers. It would be the end of my relationship, not to mention my trust worthy reputation as the good boy of cable TV.” He walked back over as Paul explained the downside to cheating as a semi-celeb, but didn’t sit. This meant his large unfurling penis was eyelevel with Paul. “that does suck, I just hope you know you have given so much of your time and energy, you’ve earned a friend in me and I’d never do anything to jeopardize our relationship and its future.” Dick rook a step closer. “our relationship and its future…” Paul leaned forward to take a drink and Dick could feel his hot breath through his thin grey work slacks. “I am willing to do anything to secure the future of this program at the school and would never exploit our relationship as friends. So what can we do to ensure you are motivated to return every year and provide your services?” Dick didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he pulled Paul’s head forward until his giant man meat was up against Paul’s face. Once they made first contact, it was only seconds before they were naked on the kitchen floor, 69ing and playing with each other’s asses. Before Paul could catch a breath between inhaling Dick’s Dick, He was being flipped on his stomach and Dick was using the olive oil from their salads to finger Paul’s hole. “whoa Dick, I don’t catch, especially not a massive log like yours. I’m all pitching, but I’d love to take a toss at your butt.” Paul tried to get an angle on Dick’s hole, but Dick confirmed that he, too, was all top. Disappointed, they made the best of it and spent the rest of the evening eating each other’s cum loads. When Paul went back to the house he was renting, he almost turned off the highway to cruise a rest stop, before he reminded himself what dire consequences that could mean. The next few days working with the kids were even more fun than before now that Paul was taking breaks 3 or 4 times a day to feed Dick his load and swallow Dick’s semen. As he suspected, Dick had a hot muscled body, but with much more mass and less definition. Combined with his 9 inch uncut Dick and hairy chest and Paul was hopelessly desperate for each suck session. He even started dreaming about letting Dick fuck him in his almost virgin hole. He and Tom had tried once unsuccessfully (with Tom cumming too soon and Paul screaming in pain), and Paul had tried again his first year in LA with a TV star from his childhood. One of the first gigs Paul got after moving to Hollywood was a guest spot on a failed crime drama about a gay closeted cop and his drug addicted partner. The star playing the gay cop, ‘Bert’, was famous 10 years before for playing a wholesome dad, and he hoped he could redefine his image with the show. Paul played a male prostitute who witnessed a murder, was taken into protective custody and then sleep with the cop. Paul had had a crush on ‘Bert’ since he first saw him, and couldn’t believe that even at 40, he was still extremely well built and full of charm. After some long days filming sex scenes over and over, Bert noticed Paul getting excited while filming. Mortified, Paul apologized, but Bert told him it was no big deal and invited him to dinner to discuss his career. Paul was shocked when he arrived at Bert’s house when Bert answered the door naked. Bert offered Paul a drink while he got dressed, but Paul asked for some cock instead. Bert was all top, but Paul was starstruck, and decided to go for it when Bert told him he had some ghb that would help him relax and enjoy it. Within minutes of drinking it, Paul could barely stay conscious. Without any memory of how he got naked or upstairs, he found himself face down being roughly butt fucked by Bert. The pain was pretty severe since Bert didn’t use any lube, until he shot all over Paul’s hole. Too out of it to move, Bert said something about an encore and the next thing Paul knew, Bert was watching while a short buff, tattooed Latino forcefucked Paul’s stoned ass as well. After the ghb wore off, Bert tried to convince him to try some other stuff and stick around, but Paul politely declined while running out the door. His ads was sore for days after that, and ever since then, he’d only been a top. Now he found himself envisioning Dick stuffing his giant monster cock into his tight hole, and started using magic markers and a plastic ladle handle on his hole when he was jerking off. He was almost ready to ask Mr. Carson to teach his hole a new trick, when Dick got some bad news. Turned out his Mother was ill and he had to run off cross country that night. Paul sucked him off before he left, and prayed for a hot substitute, but no such luck. Finally ready to get fucked, and the guy he wanted to ride was 1000 miles away. That Friday, Paul was considering driving to the next town over for a shady internet hookup when he got a call from one of the students, frantic due to his laptop and thus, his entire film being stolen.
    1 point
  16. I'd always been a pretty straight laced guy. At the age of 30, I'd done my share of partying, but had never lost my head. I'd been safe, responsible. I was proud to reach 30 without ever contracting an STD. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a stiff. I'd experimented with drugs (weed, coke, Tina, g, e) but nothing too major. And I drank. Man, could I toss back the booze! On the particular February night this story takes place, I'd done just that. One drink at eight had turned into multiple drinks at different bars. I'm a fairly decent looking guy, so I've always been able to flirt at least a shot out of a bartender. By the time I stumbled into my apartment, it was 3:00 A.M. and I was trashed. So, I did what any drunk horny homo does: I got online. Usually, I dirty chat until I pass out but, tonight was different. Almost immediately I saw someone I knew: Justin. Justin was a very hot guy I'd fooled around with a couple of times and then lost track of - the way you can with tricks. He had a huge cock, but was always kind of boring in bed. He was pretty vanilla and never had the throw-down that I wanted. So, you can imagine my shock when he typed "Come over. I'm going to slam for the first time and I want you here." Now, I'd never slammed before, in fact I rarely did Tina. I didn't like the fact that I had difficulty getting hard and cumming when I partied. But, to watch a friend get slammed and party who I didn't know particularly well intrigued me. My rising cock sealed the deal. I was out the door and on the way to his house within five minutes. When I got there, the door man buzzed me into the building without even checking with him. I guess I was expected. I got on the elevator and I thought, I'm not going to party even if there's smoking. I'm going to watch him get slammed, see how slutty he gets, and jack off. That's all. This plan was confirmed when the door was opened not by Justin, but by someone else, who introduced himself saying "Hi, I'm Mark." "Hi Mark. Where's Justin?" "Oh, he's in the bathroom getting ready. Come in." Mark had answered the door shirtless and as i looked at his face and body all I could think was, Mark is poz, probably with a high viral load. He had defined muscles, but the were very pale with veins prominent everywhere. When he shook my hand, I noticed his nails were really long and looked kind of sharp, which was weird. Well, I thought, I'm definitely not partying. Do not want to loose my inhibitions with this guy. I walked into the apartment and found Justin getting out of the shower. "Hey, bro!" he said. "Glad you can make it! I really want someone here I can trust." His body was just as amazing as I remembered. t was hard not to stare, he was so beautiful. His dick, even soft, hung longer than my dick when hard. "No worries. The idea gets me hard, man! Watching you get chemmed!" "It does?" He reached out and felt my rising cock in my jeans. "Fuck yeah, dude. I didn't even know you partied!" "Only on occasion. In fact, I'm taking a hiatus to Tina for awhile, and want to end it with a bang." He started unzipping my jeans. I grabbed him and kissed him hard. "Let's get you fucked up, man!" We went into his bedroom. Mark had laid out three full needles in a tray. "Oh, Mark" I said, "Just in case one of those is for me, I can't tonight. I have work early and can't get fucked up - I'll watch you, 'tho." "Really?" he asked, "cause your dick seems to say otherwise" as he extracted my now hard cock out of my boxers. "I know, man. I wish I could, but really, I have to be responsible tonight." "It's cool. I understand." Justin sat down on a chair, worked a belt around his arm and started pumping his fist. His cock looked like it wanted action, so I started stroking it. "Yeah, Ryan!" he moaned. "Keep doing that. I need a distraction if I'm gonna do this." I knelt down and started sucking his now hard cock. It was so big, I had to concentrate to get it in my throat. "Just keep thinking about him, bro, and enjoy it!" Mark said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mark prepare a point, and ever so slowly he inserted it into one of Justin's now prominent veins. I knew Justin was hit - he sucked in his breath, held it, and coughed. This had the mark of a good session. Mark undid the belt and pushed Justin's newly pointed arm up over his head. I sucked his cock down to the pubes and forced myself to hold steady, notwithstanding I really was on the verge of gagging. While I was not interested in any chem involvement, I was very interested in satisfying my slutty tendencies by pleasuring myself (and Justin). Justin leaned back, head against the wall, arm resting on his head. All he said was "Oh, fuck!" "You sure you don't want one?" Mark leaned in and asked me. I shook my head no, Justin's cock still in my mouth. Then, quite abruptly, Justin pushed my head off his cock and stood up, swaying a little. I got to my feet and moved to balance him. "You okay, bro?" "I need to go to the bathroom" as he stumbled into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. "How much did you give him?" I asked Mark. "Not much. Certainly not enough that he should have a bad reaction." "I'll go check on him." I walked to the bathroom door and I knocked. "Justin? You okay?" The door opened and Justin gestured me in. "I'm fine" he said. "More than fine." He grabbed me and pushed me up against the door, shoving his tongue into my mouth. I was stunned. Justin had never been aggressive before, but this new behavior was what I wanted. I moaned my approval of the animal the slam had brought-out in him. "I was just pretending" he whispered, continuing "I just met that guy online and, between you and me, I think he's poz." "I thought so, too" I replied quietly. "I think he might be full blown." "Really? Fuck. That crossed my mind. That's why I did this. Go out there and tell him I'm sick. I'll come out in a minute and tell him I just need to go to bed, that I got too much T. Then, you tell him you'll stay to make sure I'm okay. After he's gone, we'll fuck like sluts!" He shoved his tongue into my mouth again, grinding his dripping cock into my crotch. Pulling back, he grabbed my shoulders and flipped me around, bending me over the sink. Pushing my head into the mirror, he ground his cock into my ass crack, which, I thought, was a whole lot more interesting than if I blew him and simultaneously jacked-off. Just as long as I didn't party. Roughly pulling my head back up, he whispered "Get out there, bitch - and get rid of him." Pushing my cock back into my jeans, I zipped up and left the bathroom to find Mark was sitting on the bed. "Everything okay?" he asked. "Naw, man. He must be a light weight. He's really sick. It was kind of gross." "Fuck. Does he need to go to the hospital?" Before I had to come-up with a reply, the bathroom door opened and Justin stumbled over towards us, and unsteadily moved to crash on the bed, only to slide off the edge of the mattress and end-up sitting on his ass at the foot of the bed. Damn, he's good, I thought. For a second even I was convinced by his act. "I'm so sorry, Mark, I've gotta crash" said Justin as I moved to help him onto his bed. "It's okay. It happens - even to those with experience. It's just a matter of chemistry." I felt a little guilty, doing this to Mark. He seemed like an okay guy, especially for a dealer. And as for his supplies, well, at least some were now wasted. But, at the same time, I needed to feel Justin touch me again like he had in the bathroom. I liked his aggression and was happy to play along if I got a good fucking out of him. "I think I need to rest. Ryan?" Justin weakly asked. "Yeah?" "Will you stay in case I get sick again?" "Sure." "I think I should go," Mark said as he started to put his shirt back on. As he turned from me, I saw a bio-hazard tattoo on the small of his back. Yep, definitely a good thing he was leaving. "Sorry, Mark" Justin continued. I could not get over what a good actor he was. I almost believed he was sick. "I'll talk later." "No problem, really. Don't get up. Rest." "I'll walk you out," I offered. When we reached the door Mark turned to me saying "Glad you're here to watch him." "Yeah, it's no trouble" I said, thinking about how I hoped to be taken care of as soon as he was gone. "If you need anything, or if you want to party sometime, here's my card." He slid his card into my front pocket, letting his hand slide down and then up my hard on. "Thanks, Mark. I might take you up on that." He smiled and walked down the hall. I closed the door, waited a second, locked it, and rushed back to the bedroom. Justin had put on some porn and was standing up, stroking his eight inch cock. "Damn, I thought he'd never leave!" he said. "Come here, boy." Eagerly, I walked up to him. He grabbed me, and planted another intense kiss on my mouth. "Strip!" Without thinking, I dropped my trousers and pulled my shirt off over my head while I kicked off my shoes. "Faster, bitch" Justin said, lightly slapping my face. Damn! Dominate too? This had all the markings of a hot session, particularly as both times Justin and I had had sex, I'd fucked him and our experiences had been very vanilla. This was a whole new side of him, a dimension I liked - a lot. I stepped out of my boxers and stood before him naked, as I reached for cock, only to have him slap my hand away. "Did I say you could touch me, faggot?" he (almost) snarled. "No." "No, what, bitch?" "No sir!" "That's right! Are you going to do what I say?" "Yes sir!" "Everything I say?" "Yes sir!" "You better, faggot, or I will punish you. Believe me!" My hard cock was dripping pre-cum. This was exactly the kind of scene about which I'd fantasized, but hadn't had the guts to actually investigate. I knew I would do anything he said, no question. I felt the part of my brain that made rational choices slowly disappearing. "On your knees, bitch!" I quickly sank to my knees, opening my mouth and moving towards the beautiful cock I was prepared to worship. Justin slapped my face away. "Did I say suck it, faggot? Huh?" "No sir." "Did I even say open your mouth?" "No sir!" "If you can't obey, boy, I'll tie you down and make you obey." Th thought made my cock (and asshole) twitch. Would I let Justin tie me up? I'd never been tied up before. The copious stream of pre-cum seeping down my shaft and onto my balls told me all I needed to know. "Now, stand up." I did as I was told. Although I suspected it might get get me in trouble, I couldn't resist taking scooping up and tasting some of my pre-cum. Fuck! I love the taste of cum! Justin let me suck my finger dry before the punishment came. "Stupid faggot!" he yelled. "Too addicted to cum to listen to simple instructions?" "Yes sir." "Lay down on the bed." I had never tasted Justin's cum. When we fooled around in the past, it had always been very safe. I wondered if I'd get to taste his cum tonight. Now in his dominate, uninhibited, tweaked up state, anything was possible. I wasn't moving fast enough. Slap! Again I was ordered "Lay on the bed, you fucking faggot bitch!" Justin slammed me to the bed. Part of me wondered if his neighbors could hear us, but another part of me couldn't care less. It wasn't my apartment. "Stretch your arms out," he ordered. I did what I was told. Justin pulled ropes out from a night table and tied my hands to the bed posts. Ropes in his nightstand? Had he been planning this all along? Surely not, but what other explanation was there? Had Justin's range of sexual interests changed? For that matter, the question briefly crossed my mind Just how good of an actor was Justin? Had I walked into an elaborate scene he had concocted to get me tied up and helpless? I had come to his apartment thinking I'd be in charge. How wrong my expectations were. In any event, any worries I had melted away with the thought of his amazing cock, and the possibility that I might get to swallow his cum. I wanted to taste him so badly, to feel him shoot his load down my throat. I hoped he'd pull out a little, letting a blast or two land on my tongue so that I could savor it before swallowing it. "I'm going to breed you tonight, boy." Quickly I was pulled out of my fantasy. Breed me? I had never had a bare dick in my ass before, let alone had anyone cum in my hole. I was negative and proud of it. Breed me? This had gone too far. "No, man. No unsafe sex." Justin slapped my face, harder this time. Much harder. I was stunned. "You don't get to say no, boy. In fact, I'm going to make sure you beg for it!" It was then that I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Shit! Someone else was in the apartment. My heart started to race. I pulled on my ropes, but they were too tight. I couldn't get away. It was then that it finally sank in just how helpless I was. I started screaming. Another slap. "Shut up, bitch!" Just slid his belt over my arm. I was trying to absorb Justin's intentions when I saw Mark who said to Justin "Hold his arm down." But how had he gotten back in? I had seen him walking down the hall and had locked the door. Then I began to understand what was at issue: Mark wasn't merely Justin's dealer. Whatever the relationship between the two, Mark apparently had a copy of the key to Justin's apartment. I'd been played. Justin looked down at me and told said "Have you figured it out yet, bitch? Huh? Mark is my master, the way I will be yours. After tonight you will not only be my slave to do with as I please, when and where I please, but you will also have the glorious gift he has given me." I felt the coolness of an alcohol swab on my arm and felt a needle stick me. Mark was inserting a needle into my arm, he draw a small amount of blood, and then the contents of the needle disappeared into my arm. Before I knew what happened a surge of warmth invaded my arm and quickly moved throughout my entire body. For a second I couldn't breath and then coughed, and again coughed harder. Then the transformation commenced: my mind moved from its normal plane of existence and I found myself to be a new man, a different man. Not a man. A boy. A bitch. A hole. And I needed to be used. I needed to be filled. I heard myself moaning uncontrollably as the slam hit me. Wave after wave of it. I couldn't stop moaning the word Fuck. "See?" Mark said. "I told you this would be good." "Oh my god!" I moaned. "Fuck!" I felt a hunger inside me I'd never felt before. I needed to be fucked and I needed to be fucked now! I wiggled my ass around on the bed. "That's it, you fucking whore! You aren't going to fight me anymore, are you?" I shook my head no, still riding the uncontrollable waves of pleasure the slam had brought me. Why hadn't I done this before? "Even when I want to breed your cunt?" I shook my head again. "Say it, cunt!" "No sir!" "You'll beg for it, won't you slut?" "Oh, god! Yes Sir! Please breed me sir!" "Even when I tell you it's a positive load I'll be dumping in you?" "Yes sir, I want your poz load!" "When my master dumps his load in you, you'll beg then too, won't you, faggot?" "Yes sir, I want all the cum I can get!" "That's right. And you were right, boy. He is toxic. His viral load and cell count make him almost full blown. But, that makes you want it even more, doesn't it, bitch?" But, before I could let the thought really take hold, I smelled something under my nose. A hand held my mouth and one nostril shut, forcing me to inhale deeply from my only open airway. Poppers. English, by the strength. I was flying. I knew I'd let and do anything for these two. Even if they untied me. At this point, I wouldn't leave. "Yes sir!" I responded as the poppers traveled to my other nostril. "Good boy!" My new master said. He grabbed my ankles and pushed them over my head. I felt my neck strain as my body was bent in half. Without lube, without warning, what I'd been craving since the needle left my arm was given to me. I felt the head of his dick push into my hungry asshole. The pain was excruciating. But, it only turned me on more. Mark leaned down to my face, held it towards his, spit in it, and said "You are starting to feel it, aren't you? Pain is becoming pleasure to you, isn't it? That will increase. In time, we will teach you to feel even the most intense, brutal pain as pleasure, but your mind and your cock will scream from more. You will need pain to become aroused. Pleasure, sex, your body, your soul, your life. After tonight, none of it will be the same." Justin's cock was all the way in at this point. He had slowly pushed the full length into me, massaging my prostate. I thought I might shoot my load right then, no touching. But, as quickly as that pleasure and gentleness came, it was gone. Justin pulled all the way out of my ass in one quick move that made me gasp. Nothing happened for a moment. I heard a noise to my side. It sounded as if something was being sprayed. "That's it, slave" Mark whispered. "Feel it." Justin slammed back into me, his full length going in so far, I screamed in pain. A new rag was put in my mouth. There was something on it, a chemical. I could tell right away because it was cold. "Breath that in through your mouth," Mark said. "Deeply." I did what I was told. My head started to spin. Between the Tina, the poppers, and this new cold chemical, I had never felt so overwhelmed. Tears streamed down my face from pain, yet my lust and desire were never stronger. I needed more. I wanted more. I moaned for more. "What do you want, bitch?" Justin asked me, as he continued to power fuck my twisted, bound body. Mark pulled the rag from my mouth. I heard the spray sound again. "Everything, sir!" I cried. "You want to be my boy?" Justin asked. "Yes sir!" I moaned. "You want me to use you? Hurt you?" "Please, sir!" "You want me to own you, cunt?" "Oh, god! Yes, Sir!" "Well, you know what you have to do, don't you?" he asked. In another sudden move, his cock was out of my ass. I felt empty. I expected a sudden power thrust that would send me back to the wonderland where pain was becoming pleasure. But, it didn't come. I got nothing. My ass squirmed, seeking blindly for my master's dick. "Oh no, bitch! Not until you tell me. Do you know what you have to do?" "Yes sir." I said, still squirming. I had never felt this empty inside. "And what is that, boy?" The chemical rag was back in mouth, stronger than before. Mark plugged my nose. I had no choice. I inhaled deeply. He removed the rag. "I have to take your master's cum, sir." "Good boy. And why, faggot?" I felt his hand brush against my gaping asshole. I shivered, wanting it to slip inside, needing anything to fill me, replace what was missing. "Because he will give me the gift, sir." "So you do listen, boy. Very good. And you will take this gift from my master?" "Yes sir." "Knowing that we will not stop using you, abusing you, until we are sure you have the gift?" "Yes sir!” "You have pleased your master and my master with this. You quickly have learned that you are not important, just as I am not important to him and he is not important to his master." "His master?" I asked, excited at the possibility of even more men using me. "Yes. His master: AIDS. He is it's bitch. And, soon, you will be it's bitch, too. But, first, you have to ask for it. You have to want it. Only then will I own you." I didn't think. Beyond want, I knew what I needed. I asked. "Please, sir!" "Please what? You have to say it, bitch!" "Please infect me with AIDS. I need it. I need it inside me. I need to be owned by you, master. Please! I'll do anything!" "That's all you needed to say, boy." I heard some movement on the bed and I wondered what was happening. Even though no one was holding my legs, I still kept them wide in the air, hoping. I didn't have to wait long. I had never been this turned on in my entire 30 years. I wanted everything from these men. I needed it. In the matter of one hour, I had changed from a guy valued his negative status, one who never took risks, a guy who fundamentally wanted a regular relationship into a moaning, pleading, bitch who would do anything to make my master happy, even if it meant taking highly toxic loads in my ass. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted more. I felt the head of a dick brush my hole. I moaned. I was going crazy and they new it. From between my legs, I heard Mark say "You stupid fucking faggot!" He pushed inside me, all the way. I moaned in pleasure. His cock was not nearly as big as Justin's, but it was definitely thicker. Feeling my hole stretch in a new way drove me even wilder. "Oh, god, yes! Fuck me!" "You like that poison cock, bitch?" "Fuck yes, sir! I love it!" Mark pushed two fingers into my ass, along with his cock. I had no idea why, but I knew I loved be filled even more! "There's no turning back now, bitch" I heard Justin say. He had taken Mark's place as the devil whispering in my ear. "Do you know what he's doing to you? He's digging into you with his fingernails. Those long nails of his. They are sharp. There's no way it won't take now!" Knowing that Mark was cutting into me, mixing his precum and soon his cum not just into my asshole but directly into my blood caused a lust in me I can't explain. This was happening. Up until know, it wasn't just talk. It would happen. I trembled. An orgasm greater than I've ever experienced rocked my entire body. I shook and moaned uncontrollably as shot after shot of my cum flew, hitting me in the chest,face, and hair. I could feel cum dripping under my blindfold, starting to burn my eyes. "Holy fuck, boy! You're making me-" Mark began to moan. I realized he still had one hand inside me, scraping and scratching me, while his free hand gripped into my leg. His long fingernails sank into my skin, causing me to moan and convulse in pain and pleasure along with his orgasm. I felt shot after shot of his toxic seed shoot into me. With each shot, I knew I would never be the same. Finally his orgasm subsided. I felt his cock begin to slide out of me. My exhausted legs began to fall back to the bed. "Oh, no you don't, faggot!" he said, slapping me sharply where he'd just wounded me. I knew I'd have marks for a while from his claws. "You keep those legs up, boy! Let that cum and blood flow into your body, becoming apart of you." I imagined his virus slowly moving through different parts of my body, taking over. Soon it would be everywhere throughout my body. "I am apart of you now" Mark said. He stood up and crossed to my head, removing my blindfold. "Look," he ordered. "See what I've done? There's no escaping now." I looked down at his thick cock. It was coated in my blood. "Clean it, faggot. Taste what I've done to you." I had no time to protest before they both grabbed my head and forced Mark's blood-covered cock into my mouth. I gagged. "That's it," he said. That's it." Slowly I started to lick his cock. Leftover cum was still seeping out of his piss slit. My desire took over. I started to suck. The more cum I tasted, the more I wanted it all. "That's it, boy. Become one of us." They continued to roughly push my head into Mark's pubes, but they didn't have to. I had surrendered. The taste of his cum, my blood, and my dirty ass became intoxicating. I wanted it all. When all the flavor was gone, I still continued to suck, hoping for just one more little taste, but, I had gotten it all. Mark pulled his cock out of my mouth and inspected it. "You've pleased me, boy. I think you are ready for the final steps." With that, Justin was back between my legs, forcing his long cock to the hilt. I could feel my hole ripping even more. The pain made me moan, I couldn't take anymore. My orgasm was just as powerful. My drained balls pumped and pumped, but little came out. My dry orgasm rocked my balls with pain as if I'd had blue balls for weeks. This pain caused even more pleasure, making me shake and convulse more. "Do you love it? "Yes" I moaned. "And do you love your master?" "Yes!" "Tell him." I looked right at Justin. Our eyes locked. "I love you, Master." "I love you, too, boy." Justin came, shooting his load into my torn up ass. He fell against my chest, moaning into my chest. I felt his tongue tracing my chest and I'd never felt anything like it. The pleasure was coursing through me along with the virus. Justin raised his head up to mine, his red lips moving towards mine. "Now I own you. You belong to me. I control you. You will never again do anything unless I tell you to, do you understand?" "Yes, Master." Justin kissed me. It was the roughest, most passionate, violent kiss I'd ever experienced. "Cleaning my cock binds the deal. Once you clean the cum, shit, and blood from me, we are bound. Do you understand?" "Yes, Master." His cock entered my mouth. I knew what I wanted. All of my lust and longing went into licking and sucking him clean. The taste had the same intoxicating effect, causing my cock to stiffen and drip. As I lay, exhausted, bound to my new masters' bed, I knew that I would never be able to leave, escape, even if I wanted to. I was theirs.
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  17. Double Shot on The Rocks – The wind was rattling the windows as the Arctic air forced its way through the very walls of the apartment. The whole building seemed to be shaking and trembling as the remnants of last night’s storm passed over the city. My hopes for finding a hot dick to keep me warm were dashed as everyone online seemed huddled up and content to stay inside, but then the phone rang. “Hey B,” Victor said. He called everyone ‘B’, no matter what their name was. It was hard to hear him on his worthless cell phone, but I could tell he was outside and even harder to hear when he lowered his voice and said, “I got someone for you. Can we come through? He’s got a big one.” I paused before replying. I was horny, but sometimes Victor was too much. He was mostly straight, but liked to fuck ass raw when he was high and I enjoyed taking his nice 9-inch, big black cock. Victor was also a total freak into role play, verbal, and watching me get nutted up by his street friends. The problem came when he smoked too much and then he became a mess. That Victor I did not like. “Come on B, its bitch ass cold out and we need some place to lay up a few and chill, you hear me? Come on man.” My hungry ass decided for me for me, “OK, come on. About how long?” I replied. I spent the next 10 minutes getting things set up – straight gangbang porn vid playing, a big bottle of lube and some towels discreetly set by the living room chairs, an ashtray and pack Newport 100s out as Victor smoked those too. I also moved my padded storage bench around for extra seating and a handy place to get fucked on, and set a couple of incense burning by the front door so the neighbors would not smell whatever Victor planned to smoke. The phone rang, I buzzed them into the apartment building, and anxiously waited by the front door peaking through the peep hole and watching the elevator. I saw two men get off and come my way so I opened the door and let Victor in, followed by his friend. I closed the door, locked it, and Victor was already soothing his friend like one would a nervous horse at the races, “See man, told you my man B was cool. Look at that? Damn bitch taking that dick! This’ll be good man. Told you we could hang out. Got some smokes too, and plenty to drink.” I went into the living room as Victor and his friend were shaking off the cold and staring at the gangbang flick. The white girl was being pummeled in all three holes and Victor and his friend were both staring at the scene, hunger written all over the faces. “I can hang your coats up if you like,” I offered. Victor and the other guy took off their hats, coats, gloves, and even a couple of sweat shirts and sweaters and piled them up on my arms. While I made space in the closet Victor came down the hall and whispered, “Hey B, I told him you’d help us a out a little aiight? I promise man, it’ll be worth it.” I nodded, familiar with Victor’s old trick of waiting until he got inside my place before mentioning he would want a little cash for his trouble and patted my pocket where I had already counted out some $20s. Victor went on to the bathroom and I went to the living room to ask his friend what he’d like to drink. The guy just stood staring at the TV and I could tell he had already been smoking. After a moment he replied, “Rum,” so I went to the kitchen, mixed him a rum and coke, a vodka for Victor and grabbed myself a beer, which I slammed half of before delivering their drinks, slammed the rest of my beer and grabbed another. They settled into the easy chairs as I perched on the bench like a kid outside the principals’ office not sure if I was going to be punished or rewarded as Victor rambled on about the cold, the porn, and nonsense stuff, while I scoped out his friend. Victor’s friend was a bit older than me, taller, with a beard that was fairly thick and which stuck out giving him a wild look. Up close, he was a bit dusty and had a pretty strong odor like stale piss mixed with sweat, so likely a street dude. I didn’t mind and my ass twitched in anticipation. I downed the rest of my second beer, grabbed another, and quickly finished that one too. I was feeling a buzz now and when I refilled their drinks and grabbed my fourth, Victor emptied his pockets, ready to get the show on the road. I had set out a large, navy blue dinner plate I kept just for his visits. I had learned the hard way that Victor was messy and he did not pay much mind to where he set his hot pipe or ashes. Victor’s drug of choice is crack and while he smokes weed most days, it’s when he smokes crack that he most often wants my raw ass. His friend had still barely said a word since he arrived and Victor was doing enough talking for both of them. I watched their drug dance as they set out their supplies, divided up their little baggies, handed a lighter back and forth, both frantic to get to the smoke. I kept extra lighters on hand and his friend nodded in appreciation when I handed it to him and said in a deep, raspy voice, “Thanks.” Almost like a synchronized dance routine, Victor and his friend moved in unison now as they carefully put the rock in their glass pipes, flicked their lighters, and inhaled the smoke deep while turning their pipes back and forth between their finger and thumb as a smell like burning plastic filled the apartment. Victor finished his rock first, set his pipe on the plate, unzipped his jeans, fished out his dick, and started whacking hard as he talked a mile a minute, saying how wet that white girl’s pussy being fucked on TV looked, how those guys were stretching her good, how he wanted to see the close up of them fucking her in the ass. Victor then got quiet for a minute, his eyes glazed and fixed on the TV as he continued to jack his dick, his mouth silently working, but no words came out. He then stood up, his pants fells around his ankles and he looked at me and said, “Give me a $20 and you can suck my dick for me.” I looked from Victor to his friend, and his friend just continued slowly smoking, closing his eyes as he held the smoke, seemingly oblivious to all else. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a $20, set it on the table by the plate, got on my knees, opened my bottle of poppers and sniffed deep, then slowly slid my mouth down Victor’s drooling dick as he moved his hand up his body and started tweaking his left nipple. Victor was mumbling now, “Suck that cock, suck that cock,” as he pushed his hips forward, his dick sliding in and out of my lips. I would pause now and then to hit my poppers and each hit helped relax my throat, letting me take more and more of him until his balls were resting on my chin and my throat was stuffed with his 9-inch shaft. I was ready to get fucked, so I pulled back, reached around the side of the chair and grabbed the lube, squirted some on my fingers, wet my hole, hit the poppers, shifted the padded storage bench a little, then got up on it on my hands and knees with my raw hole pointed at Victor and waited. I hung my head a little and looked back as Victor inched closer, jacking his dick now, and when I felt the heat from the head close to my ass I angled my chest down, ass up, and pushed back a little. That was all the encouragement he needed as Victor pushed against my ass ring, with only what spit may have been left on his dick from me sucking him and the lube I had fingered into my hole to pave the way. I grunted, opened the poppers, and closed my eyes to enjoy the feel of his black dick starting to open me up. It didn’t take Victor long to get into a steady fuck rhythm and when the scene changed to the girl getting her ass split, he was ready and started bang my ass hard like through me, he was fucking her. “Fuck that pussy with that crack head dick,” I said, “Shoot that cum, shoot it.” Victor liked it when I talked dirty like that, but I did hold back, not knowing what his friend was really into. “UNGH..UNGH..OHH…” Victor grunted as he bred me with his first load. I arched my back, pushed my ass back, and clenched my hole to get every drop. He didn’t stop, and slowly worked his load in, pushing it deeper. I tried to turn a bit to see what his friend was doing but Victor set his hand on my lower back and said, “No, leave it in. I’m gonna cum again, damn that feels good.” I hit the poppers and Victor set to work fucking my ass and giving me load number two and his entire body stiffened and pulsed this time as he drew that load of cum from deep in his balls. Victor pulled out, grabbed the hand towel off the floor, wiped himself off and plopped back into the chair. I turned and his friend was just staring at the movie, his pants were still zipped up, and he appeared to not have noticed at all that I just took some raw dick. Victor fished around in the pile of supplies on the plate, came up empty, anxiously dug back into every pocket, then said, “Hey B, give me another $20 – that was a double shot – I need to run out a minute – and um… give me two more so I can make sure my man here is set up too. I’ll be right be back, OK?” The last part he had directed at his friend who still didn’t really react, and so Victor took that as an affirmative, took the other $20s I gave him, went to the closet, put on just his coat and stuff and stood as I unlocked the door. He paused as I asked, “Is he OK?” Victor gave me a toothy smile and nodded like a bobble head as he said, “Yeah, yeah B, he’s good. He’ll take care of you.” I locked the door, went back to the living room and shyly walked between the TV and Victor’s friend, my naked ass feeling wet with Victor’s load. I sat in the chair, asked if he wanted another drink, he shook his head no so I downed the rest of my beer and went to the kitchen to grab another and when I came back noticed he was watching me. His eyes were focused on me now like they had been the porn. I still didn’t even know his name, and as his stare became more intense and serious looking I suddenly thought, “Great, a dude who goes crazy when he gets fucked up.” He reached into his shirt pocket, dug out a baggy and dumped a few rocks onto the plate – man was holding out on his buddy Victor. As I watched, he smiled a little, filled his pipe, adjusted his position in the chair and leaned back and just as he set the pipe to his lips said in his gravely voice, “Suck my dick.” I grabbed my poppers, took a hit, and was surprised as the guy gave me a look of disapproval. Really? The man with the crack pipe is being judgmental? The poppers’ rush hit so I dismissed it, got on my knees, and fought with his zipper, which to my frustration realized would do me no good as the clasp was broken and there was no way to unzip his pants to get to the growing bulge I was seeing before my eyes. When the guy exhaled he blew the smoke at my face and I tried to breathe it in, my dick getting hard from the nastiness of the scene. The bulge in his pants was now straining the denim as I rubbed it, and he continued to smoke, this time when he exhaled he chuckled a little as I was clearly frustrated I could not suck his dick. A few minutes later, he set the hot pipe on the plate, I sat back on my haunches and hit the poppers again as I eyed him. He grabbed the Newport 100s, tapped one out, lit it, then focused his dark eyes back on me and asked, “So you like dirty dick?” I just nodded, he smiled, “You like big dick?” I nodded harder, hit the poppers, and he smiled. “Are you a hoe?” I nodded again as he placed the cigarette between his teeth, the ashes getting ready to fall off onto his shirt, which they did as he stood up, but he paid them no mind. He unbuckled the belt on his pants, let them fall to the floor and stepped closer to me to let the shadow of dick now straining against his long johns fall over my upturned face. He looked down, more ashes fell off the tip of his cigarette as he pulled the two sets of long johns he was wearing part way down his thighs and let his monster dick pop up over the waistbands. Jesus Christ his dick was huge! Victor was just over 9 and average thickness, this guy was probably 11 and real thick with a slight curve to the left and a head that looked black and blue, not pink like most dicks, and a pile of foreskin that bunched up in rows like a set of collars, making his dick even wider. It was also freaky veiny. Some dicks have one or two big veins running down the top or sides that you notice, not his, he had dozens – big and small - all of them engorged giving his dick a somewhat inhuman or unreal look. The smell is what I noticed next, strong man musk, sweaty balls, unwashed dick, stale chem piss and I reached forward to guide this tasty treat to my mouth. “So what you got for me?” he said. I bent over and spread my cheeks, showing him my glistening, just fucked hole. Nothing. “So what you got for me?” he said again. Oh, I turned, grabbed my pants off the floor, fished out a $20 and laid it on the table beside him. His dick slapped his thigh as he turned a little to look at it, a look of disgust and dissatisfaction on his face. I took out two more $20s and set those on the table too, and he said, “I got that double shot on the rocks for you, now show me that fucking hole.” I leaned forward, bent my knees a little, hoping to give him a nice view. I then stood back up so I could hit the poppers again but he snatched them out of my hand and tossed them across the floor saying, “You don’t need those.” Fuck, I did. He then grabbed my hips with his hands and with his hard dick pressed into my ass crack hobble walked me a couple steps to the left and forward to the bench. The bench shifted a bit as I bumped into it and I tried to edge toward the end so I could get up on my hands and knees with my feet dangling over the end to give him a direct view to the TV like the way Victor had fucked me. He was having none of that and just shoved me forward so my hands slide off the far side and I landed across the bench, arms hanging off the far side, my legs off the front, and ass poking up. I tried to get my hands back up on the edge of the bench and started to push myself up, but the guy used the weight of his body to push me back down, and as he did, a stream of ash fell off the cigarette in his mouth and cascaded down onto the carpet below my head, the embers quickly dying. With his pants still on, the crack head shuffled between my splayed legs, squatted until his dick was hovering near my open hole, then in one move dropped down onto my back with his body, leveraging his feet out a little and thrusting his dick inside me. I yelled “OW OW OW - OH FUCK THAT HURTS!” and my body tensed as I squirmed and twisted, which just let him push in deeper and made him laugh as he grabbed my shoulders to ensure he had me locked in place at both ends and started grinding his dick around, opening me up more. “White hoes get fucked rough and dirty by big black dick. Only way, the only way,” he said, his gravelly voice sounding hoarser and more raspy from the smoke of the crack pipe. He continued digging around in my ass as I moaned and squirmed, the weight of his body pressing me against the bench making it harder to breathe. Now, I do like it when I find top that can really make my hole throb, and few can, so as soon as the initial shock wore off I started to talk dirty, “Please give me that crack head dick. Open me up, fuck it rougher, come on rougher. Make me a dirty hoe for you. Make that pussy ass talk, make it wet, use Victor’s cum. Go deeper – UGHHH – fuck yeah – deeper, Jesus Christ, DON’T STOP!” This time when he laughed the half smoked cigarette fell out of his mouth onto the carpet and began to leave a burn mark, but pinned as I was I could not reach it and all thoughts that I should stop and ask him to get it and put it out were overcome by being stuffed and stretched and used. He continued to fuck me like that for a couple of minutes, then he leveraged himself up on his arms on the bench, lifting his weight off me and angling his dick up and in. Several balls-deep thrusts and I was panting like a greyhound from the force of the fuck, yet my ass was opening up for him, letting his thick dick head pierce me deeper as his rolls of foreskin sent ripples of ecstasy through my guts. His arms must have gotten tired as he did not last long in that position and eased himself back and off my body and I cried out as his dick left me vacant and needing more. “Show me you want my dirty dick,” he said, so I got my knees settled underneath me as best I could and pushed my ass back, silently begging to be filled up again and I sighed as he slid inside me once again, inch after inch of thick beef. He got on his knees behind me and started jabbing my ass ring with tight, hard thrusts, in and out of my hole and then on every 3rd or 4th one he would jam it as deep as he could, piercing me against the bench with his dick, making my gut walls stretch like Silly Putty. I was a slutty, babbling mess needing to be used and fucked and was trying to figure out how to get him deeper inside me when he stopped, “Fucking carpet’s killing my knees. God damn rug burn. Get up.” I turned as he backed away from me, kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his jeans and long johns, rubbed his balls a couple times to readjust them, and picked up his crack pipe. While he set out his supplies and got the pipe ready I picked up what was left of his now extinguished cigarette, squirted a spot of lube on the small burn mark on the carpet, set the cigarette in the ashtray and was practically jumping around needing to get his dick again. I had an idea and quickly scrambled past him, got into the easy chair he had been sitting in with my knees up on the edge, my hands on the high back, and my ass poked out. He was taller than me so the height seemed right and with the chair against the wall there was plenty of leverage, and there was one more thing. “Fuck my ass while you smoke your pipe,” I said. I turned my head to look at him and his eyes narrowed a bit, he tilted his head a little considering and asked, “So you trying to be a crack hoe huh? You think you ready? You think you can handle it?” I just braced myself in response and waited, the CLICK of the lighter, the hiss of the rock as it started to melt and his ragged breath sucking in the plastic smoke told me I would get what I wanted. He exhaled, the cloud descended around me and then he stepped behind me, his still slick dick pressed near my hole. His hands were busy, so I reached around with my right and guided his thick head to my hole and breathed out to relax my ring. As soon as he felt the warmth of my skin wrap around the tip, he flicked his lighter, inhaled, held his smoke then the crack head thrust hard into my waiting ass. That was our rhythm for the next few minutes. He would pull his dick all the way out of my sloppy guts, I would line it up to my pulsing ass ring, he would flick his lighter and heat his pipe and fills his lungs with crack smoke, then when he exhaled he would thrust as hard and deep as he could, busting my ring wide, splitting me open like a walnut. Once his rock was done, he moved his hips a little burrowing deeper, then eased back out. “Wipe it off,” he said in a smoke filled whisper. I felt around on the chair for the hand towel stuffed on the side, reached back and with one hand wiped his dick dry best I could, as well as my hole, then lined him back up on target. “Show me that crack hoe pussy, show it to me,” he ordered so I leaned my face and shoulders into the chair back, reached around with both hands and pulled my cheeks apart so he could see my hole. “Stretch it open, far as you can, time to bruise that shit up,” he now demanded. I obeyed, the feeling of my throbbing ass overriding any logic my mind wanted to put forward. His rock hard dick now shook with hunger as it nestled against my dry hole and with a nudge, firm push, and another nudge he lodged the head of his dick into my ass ring and paused. I heard the flick of the lighter again, but he did not inhale as he shifted his body pressing forward even more, half leaning over me and just as I let out the breath I was holding in anticipation I felt a searing, sharp pain on my lower back just above my ass crack and tried to scream, “WHAT THE FUCK?” A new smell hit my nose, the glass pipe clanged onto the plate as he leaned his full weight into me and said, “Now you’s marked as a true crack hoe.” The fucker had branded me with the tip of his hot, glass pipe – which I would see later left me with a droopy looking mark almost like a half circle or smile. The pain was quickly gone though as he forced his dry dick into me as far as he could and began to bang fuck me without mercy. My hole stretched, pulled, twisted, and split as he picked up the pace, his high driving him into a sexual frenzy of need and want. I could feel his dick swell and started to beg for it, “FUCK MY HOLE, TEAR IT UP, GIVE ME THAT CRACK HEAD CUM, USE THAT PUSSY, FUCK ME LIKE A HOE, FUCK IT, HARDER, DEEPER MAN, DEEPER, COME ON FUCK IT!” Just then the phone rang and I quickly realized it must be Victor coming back, but I made no move to stop his friend and his friend made no move to stop what he was doing as he was determined to get his nutt. Faster and faster he fucked me, his crack high driving him on, pounding me into submission. His breathing got more ragged, his breathe raspy, the sound of spit catching in his dry throat, then someone was pounding on my front door – crack laced cum started to explode from the black dick buried deep inside me, pushing the first two loads deeper as the third was added – the pounding on my front door got louder, more insistent and Victor began to holler, “Come on B, open up. Come on B, hey B, come on B, hey B,” bang, bang, bang. The banging continued like a high school drum line as the crack head finished shooting up my ass. His fucking slowly eased, but he did not pull out. I finally spoke up, “I better get that before the neighbors call the fucking cops,” and started to push back. He placed his hands on my hips, locked me tight against his body and with his dick still hard and deep inside me stepped back as I pushed back off the chair. I was standing up now, slightly bent, and he turned me and slut-fuck walked me towards the front door, his fingernails digging deep into my hips to ensure my steps kept time with his. Well this was new. I slid the chain back and let it drop with a clang against the frame, turned the deadbolt, and opened the door just a crack in case anyone else was in the hall as I sure as hell did not want folks seeing me like this. Victor made a move to push the door open and step in, but my fucker quickly stopped that with his left hand while with his right still gripping my hip tight, turned me to the side so I was facing the big mirror over the bathroom sink. He leaned to the left and said in a voice low and edged with more than words, “Give me the shit.” Victor started to protest, “Aw come on man, let me in, that’s not right man, I….” My fucker said again, “Give me the shit. All of it. You can come back another day and settle up however you want, but I ain’t got what I came for yet or do you want me to come out there and settle my shit with you now?” Victor’s voice got softer as he mumbled in futile protest, his jacket russled, a zipper opened, more mumbling, the sounds of plastic and more. The door closed and I could still hear Victor fussing to himself as he walked towards the elevator. The crack head slid the chain into place, the deadbolt snapped, he then looked and saw our reflection in the big sink over the mirror and slut-fuck walked me forward until I could rest my hands on the bathroom counter. He dropped a pile of stuff onto the toilet – several bags of dirty rock, some metal mesh, some other stuff I was not sure what it was, then asked, “Ready to get marked again as a crack hoe? You best be because I think tonight, you’re going to get more than a double shot.”
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  18. 1 point
  19. corrupting the sweet angelic closeted jock, so evil, i like it
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  20. Any guys in to fun in sportswear? I find it such a turn on and would love more guys to fuck my arse in kit
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  21. Back in August, I had one of those weekends - the type where I get really horny, go online, plan on a couple of fucks but end up getting fucked by a few dozen. It was great, and among the many great (and not so great) fucks of that weekend was a black dude with a thick dick and an amazing fuck technique. Unlike most other anon pump-dumps, BBC (what we'll call him for this write-up) was a nice guy, I stayed in touch with him, and he has continued to fuck me over the course of the past months probably about ten times. Two days ago, BBC gave me one helluvva fuck. BBC has a great ability to mix it up: fast then slow motions, soft then hard motions -- he does it really well and you feel really fufilled as a bottom at the end because 1) he dumps multiple loads and 2) you've been fucked at all speeds and intensities and in many different positions. Monday's fuck was a "pray to God I make it through this" fuck -- rapid fire fucking, deep dicking over and over, BBCs BBC constantly and rhythmically pulling completely out of my cunt then shoving back in. It was one of those fucks where I thought my body was going to split when he thrusted in again. He shot a giant load of cum after about 30 minutes of solid fucking and I had to lay there for about 30 minutes more to regain composure. And that was my last load (well, I've had three since then, but this was noteworthy).
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  22. Geez, it's been forever since I've loaded up a hungry, hairy hole. Dude on Growlr hits me up, this Latin muscle cub I hooked up with years ago. Profile says he's on PrEP now, ask him if he takes loads now too. He answers in the affirmative, I tell him to come to my apartment asap. He's gotten bigger since we last met. He tells me he's benching and squatting more now. I tell him it's paying off and to strip down to his jockstrap. He looks damn fine, bulking up noticeably. I can't get my lips on him fast enough, good thing he's an absolute makeup bandit. He's just as hungry as I remember (less clingy than before too, thankfully; I stopped talking to him for awhile because of perceived desperation but now that I think about it I was going through a bottom phase and didn't really need him), and his cock sucking skills have only gotten better. Before long I have him on all fours over the couch, eating his ass good and deep and thorough like. He's moaning like crazy as we pass the poppers back and forth. After what feels like forever I get off my knees and start rubbing my thick, uncut cock across his asshole leaving a nice trail of slime mixing in with my spit. He is so ready for it, begging me to stick it in. When we used to hook up he was adamant about condoms. I put up with it because he was an awesome lay. But now this time I was gonna breed him real nice and I was hard as a rock in anticipation. I proceed to pound that cub's hole for a good half hour straight, hitting all the angles my left-curving cock can dig out. He had a way of squeezing me at just the right moments, had me edging from inside. Eventually I couldn't hold back any longer. I had him doggy and really plowing away, squeezing on his meaty shoulders and spitting on his back. I took one last hit of poppers and hit the crest, flooding his insides like I'd wanted to all those years ago. He held me inside him for minutes while I dripped sweat on his back and caught my breath. It was one of the better fucks I've had in ages, I think I'm starting to rediscover my topping abilities. I guess it just takes the right muscle cub to bring it out of me.
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  23. I arrived at our meeting place early and my poz bud arrived at about the same time, so we had time to talk and do a little preparing for my arrogant fuck bud to arrive. He was going to get a lot more out of this fuck than he knew was coming. Poz guy and I talked and planned for a bit and then started to make out while awaiting my fuck buddy. I definitely wanted this guy horned up and ready when my fuck buddy got there. We started by kissing some and then, since it was going to happen anyway, got naked and were feeling each other up and stroking each others cocks. He had a lot of precum and it didn't take long before his cock was covered in it and slick and hard as a rock. His cock was about as long as my fuck buddy's, but just short of being as big around. It was a damn nice size though and I couldn't wait and dropped on my knees, and took it into my mouth. I just had to taste it and feel that nice cock throb in my throat a little. We fooled around for about ten minutes when my fuck buddy finally arrived, and his arrival was just in time, as that poz cock was starting to taste mighty good to me and my ass was starting to tingle with a need to be filled. My fuck buddy took one look at us and stripped, saying "It looks like I got here just in time. Another five minutes and I'd have had sloppy seconds." We all laughed a bit at that, but I don't think either of them really knew how close that was to the truth. My ass was ready and in need of filling. My fuck buddy and the poz guy started to kiss, and I went down to swallow my fuck buddy's beautiful cock, to prime him so he would cream my hole good. Poz guy and I traded around after a few minutes and he was swallowing that big cock while I gave some tongue-action to my fuck buddy. The three of us went back and forth several times, as my fuck buddy became increasingly worked up. Yeah, I was determined to edge him, to get him so hot that he would be ready for anything. His cock was about as hard as I could ever remember it and he was panting to plant it in me by the time I lay down and told him to hurry and do me. I was more than ready to be fucked. My fuck buddy lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly entered my hole, a little at a time, teasing me as he went by pushing in and then holding still again. Our poz bud was behind him watching and then, right on cue, commented to my fuck buddy "Damn, you've got a nice ass too," adding "Do you like to get fucked?" My fuck buddy replied "Yeah, but I only bareback with this guy." Poz guy just smiled. As my fuck bud started to finally fuck me the poz guy moved behind him more and started to play with his ass, lubing it, and loosening it up by some vigorous finger play, all the while telling my bud "I gotta play with your ass while you fuck your buddy," and encouraging him to pound my ass good and get it nice and sloppy for him. He kept whispering how hot it was to watch his big cock tear my hole up. Knowing where this was headed, I enjoyed the talk almost as much as I enjoyed being fucked. My fuck bud always took a while to cum so I knew I was in for a good ass pounding, for at least twenty minutes or maybe more. It felt good as he lifted my legs higher and higher and had them over his shoulders, holding me almost upside down as he pounded my ass. It was always a great fuck with him. I could just see the poz guy a bit behind him as he was running a finger into my fuck buddy, and then said he was going for more fingers. My fuck buddy replied "It feels great, and I can feel the tingle of your fingers against my prostate as I pound away at this hole." Soon the poz guy told him he had all four of his fingers in my fuck buddy's ass. He, in turn, was clearly enjoying the anal play, and it helped him pound me hard. The poz guy kept up a steady stream of hot talk, telling us how hot it was to watch me being fucked as he played with my fuck buddy's hole and how hot he was getting too. He also told my fuck buddy how hot his hole was, and commented it was making him really horny too, and that his cock was hard as a rock. He pushed up against my fuck buddy, and ran himself up and down the crack of his ass, and asked how he liked the feel of that. My bud told him it fell good and bet I would love that when he got done with me. The poz guy never moved back away again and kept his fingers probing deep in my fuck bud's hole while his poz cock kept up a smooth slide up and down his crack smearing lots of his precum all over my bud's ass crack and hole and slicking him up even more with the lube there also. My bud was loving the attention and was pounding my hole as hard as he ever had and we were both soon moaning our pleasure a lot. My bud then told us he was getting close and then really started going even faster and harder if that was possible. The poz guy said he was really getting horny for some too, but I don't think by now it was registering with my bud at all as he approached his orgasm. I then notice the poz guy had pulled his fingers out of my bud and had him by the hips with both hands and rubbing his cock up and down his crack faster. My bud looked my in the eyes and told me to get ready as he was going to cum. He then rammed me about three or four more time and buried his cock as deep into me as he could as he grunted out that he was cumming hard. As soon as he came to a halt in me and was cumming the poz guy all at once yelled oh hell I can't take it and rammed his cock home in my bud's hole and said he was cumming too. My fuck bud was so far gone in his orgasm it didn't register at first that the poz guy's cock was buried deep in his hole and filling him up too for a while. As my bud was finally coming down he was telling us that was about the hottest cum he had ever had and then it dawned on him that there was a cock buried in him too. He looked over his shoulder and wanted to know what the poz guy was doing anyway. He told him he was sorry but he just got too excited when my boy came in me that he rammed home in him without thinking or knowing what he was doing. He apologized. My boy told him it was ok but he was not realy happy about getting a load in him. I could tell he was some pissed but kind of shrugged it off as he got up and got dressed and like normal was out of there within just a few minutes of cumming in me. He never hung around anyway more than a few minutes. I was still laying there with my legs spread and like usual, also, after being fucked by my bud I was in another world enjoying the feeling of being fucked and filled. I didn't even notice my boy leave nor that the poz guy was still hard and telling me how hot that had been and he was still damnably horned up by that. I didn't know anything until all at once it dawned on me that my legs were up I the air again and my hole was being pounded again. I came around and looked up and was looking right into the eyes of the poz guy as he was ramming his toxic cock in me now. I yelled what the hell are you doing, I don't want pozzed, just my boy. He just smiled and said he was sorry but that session just made him too horny and he couldn't resist my hole right there in front of him. I started to tell him to get off when he all at once rammed home in me hard and moaned and I could feel his cock pulsing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and he told me OMG that feels good and I am filling you full of my poz seed too. As he said that he leaned down and kissed me and started to pound away again and I could do nothing but thrust my ass back at him as it felt too good to stop.
    1 point
  24. So seems that I'm back up for it Had a business lunch with boss and client from out of town. Got a bit tipsy and ended up back at client's hotel room to "seel the deal" ... ended up getting fucked by both and then by client again in shower and boss sucked me off and I finally came. So glad to be back to taking loads. Also was very hot that client was married (to a woman) and wore wedding ring while fucking me. Wife is home pregnant...so she doesn't need the loads! When done noticed missed call from my bf...what he doesn't know...
    1 point
  25. Two different stories I'll post them each in different posts. Valentines night I had a date with a nice guy. Divorced dad with two sons. He's handsome and seems to be a nice guy. Well we meet up at the restaurant which is between our two houses. The restaurant is in a big shopping and entertainment area. Anyway, we meet up in the parking lot and he gets in my suv. We chat and talk and then start making out, It was hot as fuck. He is a great kisser and very hot. We decided we needed to eat or something else was going to happen. We went inside the restaurant and ate dinner and afterwards we get back in my SUV and start to make out again, fondle and grope. Well we are getting hot and heavy and decide we need to fuck NOW. It was about midnight and a lot of the local businesses are closed. We pull into a Costco and locate the loading dock where trucks back down the ramp to get loaded. Well we're making out and he undoes my pants and bends me over and starts to eat my ass, while he's stroking his cock. I get down on my knees and suck his rock hard cock. He's not the biggest but makes up for it in adventure. He pulls me up and bends me over and slides his raw cock up my hole. He proceeds to fuck me for about 5 minutes (we rush because we're afraid to get caught) and he pounds my ass and loads me. I then clean his cock off and he then sucks my cock and I blow a HUGE load in his mouth. He swallows but then we kiss and I can taste myself in his mouth. Way Hot!
    1 point
  26. When I top...I prefer masculine manly man bottoms and as a bottom myself I am pretty masculine as well...The whole point for me is for 2 real men have sex.....not interested in anything feminine
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  27. Just know this: Once you bareback and take your first load ... you aren't ever going to want it 'safer'. The feel of a raw dick is addicting ... even makes up, somewhat, a bad lay.
    1 point
  28. I looked at him directly, staring into his eyes with a new hunger. He just smiled back at me, almost silently mocking my vulnerability, my need, my anticipation. I scooted down in the chair further, the leather cracking under me, as I pushed my ass over the edge of the seat further, pulling on both my legs further back, my hands supporting them tightly under the thighs. He stepped forward, grabbing his now very hard cock with his right hand, as he stroked it, pulling on the foreskin so that the thick, bulbous head would appear and disappear, almost winking at me, teasing me. "You wantin' some of this Boy?" I looked at his eyes and then at the head of his dick. I nodded. I think I heard myself groan. "What was that?" He took a half step back. "Y-y-yes," I stuttered, nervously, pulling my legs further back and apart. "Yes...Fuck it." "WATCHA say, Boy?" "Fuck it...please," I begged. He smiled and stepped forward slightly, pleased with himself for commanding the situation. He grabbed the chair suddenly and applied pressure on one side so it swiveled clockwise so quickly that I almost lost my balance in my current position. He looked in the cracked mirror over the counter and adjusted the chair back a little bit in the other direction so that we were both in profile in the reflection. He stepped forward again and yanked on the side lever, cranking it up and down a few times until the chair lowered itself a few inches. He stepped forward aiming the thick cock at my manhole and examined the reflection. "Oh yeah," I whimpered. "Please. Put it in!" I looked at the reflection also, pulling my legs further back and apart. He inched closer so that I felt the thick head brush against the outside of my asslips. I closed my eyes and moaned uncontrollably. "You likin' that, huh?" He shifted the cock head a bit, still on the outside of my manhole, brushing against it, up and down, up and down. He pushed the head in just s l i g h t l y as I felt the massive head spread my asslips with a little pressure. I felt a new moistness, his precum lubricating my hungry hole so that it started to feel slick and wet. I moaned even more. "I guess you likin' it then," he replied for me. "But you ain't ready yet." He pulled back suddenly and my hole closed up slowly from the emptiness. I moaned in regret. "Need to get that special pussy of yours really wantin' THIS!" He shook his thick, uncut shaft, taunting me as we both stared in the mirror. I looked puzzled in my reflection. He turned abruptly and grabbed my parTy bag and fished around inside. "This what I THINK it is?" he asked, waving my contact lens case. "Yeah," I replied, grabbing my legs tighter. "It's Tina but grounded into a fine powder." "Perfect," he smiled at me, unscrewing one of the caps. "Just what I was lookin' for." He licked his right index finger (which was massive in itself) and dipped into the container. The tip of his finger was coated heavily with the white magical dust. The Tina covered his finger like a miniature trimmed white glove in contrast to his dark skin. There was so much dust that I couldn't recall if I had ever had such a large booty bump. This was going to B U R N. "I want to make that special pussy sing," he said, examining his finger and then glancing at my hole. The annoying fluorescent light behind us suddenly snapped again, almost punctuating his declaration. I pulled on my legs tighter. He approached slowly, the finger pointing to the ceiling, almost as if he was holding a gun, ready to shoot. "You ready, Boy?" He looked at me perversely. I replied by pulling my legs further apart. "This gonna sting..." He approached as his hand descended to my hole, almost in slow motion. I glanced at the mirror as the Tina-dusted finger found my hole and dug in quickly. "Uhhhhh..." I moaned in satisfaction and in slight pain. He fed me with so much crystal that it seemed to be lining my colon from my hole and further deep inside. It was like a hot lava rolling inside me rapidly, causing tingling and familiar sensations but heightened to a new level. Everything that the Tina dust touched immediately burned. I was on fire and I didn't want it to be extinguished. "Let's let it cook in there," he said into my reflection, winking at me. His finger never left my hole. Instead he rotated it, clockwise at first, applying a firm pressure against my asswall. It burned with every movement. I bit my lip. And then he would turn that thick digit counter-clockwise, making sure to evenly coat my hungry tunnel with whatever Tina dust was still on that finger. I moaned. He continued, slowly fucking that finger in and out, in and out, but never removing it completely so that my hunger continued to build. I felt a sudden mass and couldn't figure out what he was doing as I looked in the mirror again. "You likin' that huh?" He seemed to announce, again pleased with himself. He pulled the finger out almost all the way from my hole that I saw he had curled the finger inside me for extra mass and volume. And then he pushed back in. I closed my eyes. His finger did a dance inside that seemed like forever. He pushed, pulled and turned and did other countless moves, continuing to tease my hole. I was now moaning uncontrollably as the fire inside ignited to a new level, burning hotter and hotter than I have ever felt before. My heart was beating faster that I thought I could hear it. The heat was intense as was my hunger. "Please," I whimpered. "Put it in!" "You ain't ready until I say so," he stated. He leaned close to me and turned his body slightly. "I wanna hear that special pussy sing." He leaned in and kissed me hard, his large lips enveloping mine so suddenly that I almost lost my breath. I inhaled through my nose. Breathing seemed strangely difficult as my heart beat became more rapid and louder. It was the massive booty bump having its effect. I had never been this high so intensely and so quickly. It was alarming. It was exciting. I inhaled through my nose again and let his fat tongue invade my mouth and kissed him back, licking his lips, his teeth, his mouth. We both groaned. I felt a new pressure on my hole. He continued to kiss me, my eyes still closed, enjoying the heightened sensation and the near panic that seemed to be creeping behind me. My heart beat faster and faster. He had two of his fingers inside my hole which was still on fire. The additional pressure eased up as my very hungry hole swallowed his digits. They twirled inside me in every which way, loosening me up, getting me open, hungry. "PUT IT IN!" I yelled, surprised at myself. He stepped back and looked at me sternly. "You like being in control huh, boy? Well let me tell you somethin'. This ain't no booty call. This ain't your spot." He paused and looked around the room. "Remember-you came into MY shop. I make the rules. You got me Boy?" His fingers did a dance inside my hole. He knew he had me. I nodded silently, obediently. The darkness of the early evening crept into the shop as what little natural light left outside faded quickly. The room took on another shade of green, as if the saturation level had been diminished, clouding the room in a subtle vignette of thin shadows at the edges. He suddenly pulled his fingers out. I looked at him in the mirror, dazed, puzzled, selfish in my need to be filled. The emptiness in my hole with its inner fire was maddening. All I could think of was some part of him inside me. NOW. "Put your legs down," he commanded. "You rest for a minute. I don't want you worn out." He turned around towards the counter, reaching for the glass pipe. "We barely started, Boy." He fed the pipe with more Tina and lit it up, slowly cooking it until it was ready. I exhaled a deep breath as my legs came down on the side of the chair. "Relax Boy," he commanded again. "You were getting tense there before. Definitely don't want that." I eased into the chair and slowly pulled myself up to sit a little bit straighter. My heart continued to race, pounding and pounding. I watched him take a big, deep hit from the pipe several times. Then he fished into my overnight bag again, juggling the contents around until he found something. He held a small brown bottle and smiled, handing it to me. He took another big hit from the glass pipe, held it and then set it aside on the counter. He approached me, leaning into me, taking my hand holding the poppers which he steered towards my mouth. He unscrewed the top and aimed the bottle at my lips and silently nodded, commanding me. I took a big, deep breath of a hit as he quickly sealed the bottle. Suddenly his mouth was over mine, exhaling the magic smoke into my lungs, chasing the popper hit. HOLY SHIT! That was a new shotgun experience! The poppers hit my head and made my heart beat faster and faster. I had to shake my head a little from the effect. His face was still on top of me as his eyes stared intensely into mine. Our lips were locked as was our gaze. His pupils appeared to be gradually getting larger, darker, as if they were consuming his irises. Then they would recede slowly, almost back to their original sizes. But before they would hit the origin point they would suddenly enlarge again at a slightly increased speed. Then suddenly, shrink again in some strange rhythm that I couldn't tell if he was somehow silently communicating to me in some new form. I shook my head quickly, shaking it, confused, bewildered, f l y i n g, as the Tina smoke now started to hit me with the haze of poppers. I exhaled back a huge breath and he swallowed my air as his pupils receded to their original size. He pushed away from me, his head and body, retracting rapidly, his large frame silhouetted against the fluorescent green light that appeared behind him on the ceiling, the darkness of his skin taking on a sharp yet faint edge cast by the overhead haze. He exhaled and two fingers found their way into my hole. His head turned slowly at an angle, his right chin lowering itself asymmetrically as he studied my face. I think my mouth was slightly a gape. I wasn't sure. His face was a further distance from mine now. It seemed far away. I couldn't see his pupils anymore or judge their size. His head turned in the other direction as I realized four fingers had been caressing my hole. "I think your pussy is ready to sing." He appeared in focus, sharp. His eyes were all black.
    1 point
  29. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 3 Zak rolled me onto my back and straddled my body with his ass resting on my thighs. He grasped our hard cocks together in his hand, stroking and rubbing our shafts together with each slow thrust of his hips. The verbal talk started. The words used didn’t change so much, but this time Zak’s poz talk had more emotion behind it; a gentler edge. It wasn’t just the heat of the moment. A release of his emotions from the heart, something I was experiencing as well. The intimacy made both of our cocks bone up even more as he continued to stroke our shafts together. “I’m going to make poz love to you, Zeek.” “Fuck, yes. I want all of you. Give me your charged cock. Breed me.” “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” “Yes, please make love to my hole. Seed me again.” “You want that connection with me forever?” “Yes, I want that with you. Poz me. Please do it.” Zak lightly caressed my abdomen and chest, then gently stroked my face and lower lip while looking directly into my eyes. His touch sent a wave of chills through my body. I loved seeing this side of him as much as I loved his pig side. He lay on top of me. Our sweaty bodies and hard dicks pressed tightly together. Zak made out with me, grinding our bodies and cocks together. “I’m going to slide my cock in you, oh so slowly. Give you more poz seed, babe.” He spread my legs, slipped his arms under my knees, and bent my legs over his shoulders. He spit in his hand and lubed up his cock, then pressed the head of his dick to my hole. My ass opened easily, and as he slid the full length of his shaft into my cunt, cum dripped from my ass. His cock glided easily against the cum-drenched walls of my man hole, working his first toxic load deep inside me. A warm, tingly sensation overcame me. My heart beat faster. Zak eyes continued to pierce into my soul. His cock massaged my prostate with each stroke of his death stick. This was no longer fucking. This was intense love making….sharing his body and virus with me, making us one. “Zeek, you feel incredible. I want you to charge up from me so much. I want to share every part of me with you.” “Make me yours, babe. I want your DNA inside me.” My senses were so heightened. I could feel every inch of Zak’s cock penetrating me. It was very intimate and erotic. He continued to pump his cock in and out of me. I repeatedly tightened my ass around his shaft with each pulse of my hard cock. His meat stiffened and throbbed repeatedly in my hole. I wanted to milk every drop of cum from his balls. Welcome his virus into my body. “Fuck, babe, I won’t last long. This feels so amazing.” “Give me your cum. I want it all in me.” Zak leaned over and made out with me. His kisses were warm and deliberate. His tongue swirled with mine as he made love to my hole with slow, deep penetrations from his tool. After a few minutes he turned his head to the side. Our sweaty cheeks were pressed together. He caressed my face with his cheek then whispered in my ear, “Fuck, yes. Here it cums, babe. You’re going to get all my poz seed.” Zak pressed his lips to mine with one long, passionate kiss and plunged his manhood balls deep inside me. I felt his cock begin to pulse once again. Jizz shot from his rod with each throb, adding to his previous load and my blood. He whispered between deep breaths, “I want you so much. Take my charged load, babe. You’re mine, Zeek.” “Fuck, yes. You feel so good. Convert me. Make me your poz pig.” Sweat dripped from his nose onto my cheek. Emotions and our poz talk overcame me. My ass tightened around Zak’s shaft, and he groaned with pleasure. My hole milked ever drop of his toxic cum into my guts, while my cock erupted over and over, shooting creamy white semen onto my abdomen. Zak again pressed his lips to mine like he couldn’t get close enough to me, couldn’t bury his cock inside me deep enough. He held his cock deep in me. My ass pressed tight against him, both of us panting from our intense dance together. Our deep breathing began to relax. His cock slipped from my cum-filled hole, and my ass puckered several times, working his semen further inside me. I wanted his seed to stay in me all night. This felt so right. We lied in each other’s arms and drifted off to sleep for a bit. I woke to Zak getting up from the sofa. “I’ll be right back, babe. I have to piss.” He started to walk toward the bathroom, and I grabbed his hand to stop him. “Uh ah, get back here. I want every drop.” I slid off the couch to the floor. The tiled floor felt cold on my knees, but the chill just made it even more erotic. Zak stood in front of me, his inked cock dangling in front of my lips. I looked directly at his biohazard tattoo and slipped his cock into my mouth. He held my head still with a firm grip on the top of my head. My eyes wandered from his biohazard ink up his body to his eyes, looking directly down into mine. His cock twitched a few times in my mouth, and he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. A few drops of sweet nectar dripped onto my tongue before a full stream of warm piss filled my mouth. My dick boned up immediately. Zak continued to empty his bladder down my throat, pausing just long enough for me to gulp down each mouthful. His piss tasted strong, but so sweet. It was intoxicating, and I devoured every drop. I think in that very moment I surrendered myself to him totally. I was his pig boy and wanted to continue to be his in every way. I swallowed the last of his sweet piss then Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and wiped his piss hole across my lips. “God, I enjoy feeding you my piss too. From the looks of it you like being my urinal too, don’t you?” My cock stiffened as I licked my lips, “You know I do.” Zak stroked the top of my head for a bit, “I love being a cum and piss pig as much as you do, Zeek. I want you to use me any way you like. I want all of it with you.” “I want to experience that with you too. Really explore our pig sides together.” “Good boy. Let’s work on pozzing your ass up then start swapping all our fluids.” There was a pause of silence interrupted by a long, loud growl from my stomach followed by a burp. We both laughed. “Woah, dude. You must be starving. It’s getting late. If you’re cool with it, why don’t you come home with me? We can stop for carry out and you can crash at my place. I’d love to wake up in the morning curled up with you in my bed. We can grab breakfast together. Spend the day together tomorrow if you like.” The corners of my mouth curled up with a grin, “I’d love to. I am pretty hungry too and not looking forward to the drive home tonight.” “Then it’s settled. Let’s get dressed and get out of here.” We flipped our clothes on and made our way to Zak’s apartment. We ordered the proverbial Chinese food delivery in the little white cartons that you see all too often in the movies. It made for a cozy night on Zak’s living room sofa, feeding samples of each other’s food to one another. Our frisky late night dinner led to some playful banter. By morning a trail of clothes strewn here and there lead to the bedroom. I woke curled up naked next to Zak; our legs intertwined beneath the sheets. His body felt warm against my skin, and I gazed at him sleeping for a minute. The sheet draped gently across his waist just exposing the top edges of his biohazard tattoo. I touched his thigh with my hand and lightly ran my fingers up his leg, across his cock and biohazard tattoo to his abdomen. I slowly caressed his belly, gently circling the sunburst tattoo around his belly button with my finger tip. Zak yawned, opened his eyes, and stretched. Good morning, handsome. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him so my head rested on his chest. “I hope you slept well, because I slept like a baby with you beside me. I could get used to this.” I turned over and rested my chin on Zak’s chest, “It does feel good being next to you in bed, and yeah, I slept pretty damn well. I even had an odd but quite erotic dream about pozzing, and you marking my body all over with biohazard tattoos, even places like my hands so I couldn’t hide my poz status to anyone.” We both chuckled. “Maybe I had that dream because my ass is still loaded with your charged seed from last night and that is so hot.” Zak looked at me and grinned, “Don’t worry, sexy man, you’ll be charged up in no time. My virus is probably already in your system. Your body just hasn’t reacted to it yet. Or you could be one of those guys that doesn’t show symptoms and you’re already charged up.” He rolled me over in bed and laid on top of me, “If that’s the case you need to start seeding me too, swap our poz loads.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips then rolled out of bed. He flipped the sheets off me, “Time to get up, babe. The weekend’s a wastin’.” I chased Zak down the hall to the kitchen, and we both hung out together naked. I made coffee and he whipped up some eggs and bacon. Then we sat across from each other at his dining room table. I slid my foot onto his chair, and played with his cock and balls with my toes. Zak’s cock began to bone up. We ate our breakfast looking at each other playfully with grins on our faces. “You better watch it or you’ll find your ass back in that bed taking more poz cum.” “And this is a bad thing, how?” We chuckled a bit and finished our breakfast. “So, what would you like to do today?” “How about hanging out in boystown, shop around a bit. A leisure day.” “I’m game. We could maybe hit a movie later and tip a few at a bar if you like.” “Sure, play it by ear.” This man was too good to be true. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, but in the back of my mind I hoped the feelings I was developing for him were mutual. I was falling for Zak, and there was no stopping my heart. “Ok, Zeek, let’s get in the shower.” “I need to clean my tattoo.” “I’ll wrap it up for you for the day after our shower. After it’s done weeping ink, you can start to leave it open to air.” He got up from the table and peeled the bandage from my arm. Ink was weeping from my tattoo yet. “Lookin damn good, babe. Now get.” I got up and took a few steps toward the bathroom. Zak couldn’t resist the opportunity and gave me a quick crack on the ass with his hand. “Oooh,……… Baby!!” I chuckled and ran toward the bathroom. Zak wasted no time chasing me down the hall. He caught me at the bathroom doorway and pulled me into his arms. His lips pressed to mine, and our cocks were boned up in no time. “See what you do to me every time?” “Well, you have the same effect on me.” We stroked each other’s cocks then Zak turned on the shower, and stepped in. “Are you joining me?” “I’ll be right there. I sat on the toilet. Sorry, babe, I’m losing your seed.” “That’s ok, I’ll be plowing your ass soon enough. I’m glad you have no problem jumping on the toilet while I’m in the bathroom. Doesn’t bother me one bit.” “Glad you said that, because it doesn’t bother me either.” I finished up on the toilet, “Zeek, don’t……Yow!!” Too late…..I flushed the toilet before Zak could stop me. “Damn, that’s cold.” “Serves you right for cracking my ass like that.” “You loved it, and you know it.” “Yeah, guess I did.” I stepped into the shower. It was a rather large walk-in stall with double jets. “Sweet!!” “Isn’t it awesome? Great for showering together.” “It’s big enough for a small orgy.” Zak tipped his head down, closed his eyes, and let the hot water pound on the back of his neck and head. I stood back from him, and took aim. I let out a full stream of piss hitting him on the chest, beard, abdomen, and cock. His eyes flew open, and he immediately dropped to his knees. His rod began to grow as I soaked his face with piss. Zak opened his mouth and filled it full of my piss. He swallowed a bunch and let the rest run down his beard and body. His cock was now fully erect and pulsing as I continued to piss on his face. He tipped his head forward to soak his entire head. The last few squirts of piss shot from my cock, “Damn, babe, that was so hot.” “Glad you enjoyed it.” “Enjoyed it!!?? Fuck, I loved it!!” I cleaned my tattoo, and we soaped each other up. Our shower play was just a teaser, a taste of more to come. We redressed my arm, slipped on our jeans and t-shirts and made our way to boystown. The afternoon was spent walking through the gay district browsing stores like GayMart, and the gear at the Ram adult bookstore. GayMart was most entertaining with cards and novelties. I couldn’t resist stocking up on a few cards. One had a hot naked stud on the cover with a beautiful cock. The outside of the card read, “For your Birthday, let’s play hide and seek…..If you find me, I’ll let you blow me.” The inside read, “….and if you can’t find me, look behind the couch.”…….LOL. The other card had a drag queen on the front with a bitchy expression on her face. The front read, “Honey, another birthday and you still look fabulous!!” The inside of the card had just one word….. “Pity!!” After horsing around all afternoon, we ate an early dinner and decided to check out the movies at the theater. I don’t think it mattered what we saw. We ordered a bottled water and got a small bucket of popcorn then took two seats toward the back of the theater. We had our privacy, just what I was hoping for. Zak held the popcorn bucket in his lap while we both munched away. Every time I reached in for more popcorn I thought of the old story I’ve heard about a guy tearing the bottom of the popcorn container open and slipping his hard cock through the hole. Even though I didn’t think it was going to happen, the anticipation that Zak’s cock COULD be waiting for me boned up sticking through the bottom of the popcorn bucket just made my dick hard. I glanced over at Zak and he looked back at me. I had a sly grin on my face. When he reached for more popcorn I purposely did the same. I took his hand in mine and pressed it firmly against my hard rod. My cock stiffened even more at the touch of his hand through my jeans. After putting the popcorn bucket on the floor Zak took my hand and rubbed it against the hard bulge in his jeans. He returned his hand to my crotch, and we sat there nonchalantly stroking each other. Our shafts were begging to be released from our jeans to start fucking on the spot. Zak grasped my chin with his hand and turned my head toward his. We began kissing and making out in the theater, oblivious to the scene playing out on the screen causing all the laughter in the theater. When it finally finished we both knew where we were heading. We raced to Zak’s apartment like two teenagers about to get our rocks off together for the first time. The door to his apartment flung open and he pinned me against the wall next to the entrance. He kicked the front door closed, and began stripping off my clothes and kissing me at the same time. When the last of our clothes hit the floor, he pinned me against the wall again and made out with me. We ground our cocks together, our lips pressed firmly together with Zak’s tongue buried deep in my mouth. He led me to the bedroom. After stretching a towel across the bed, Zak said, “Lie down on the bed!” I quickly obliged. “No, on your back.” I rolled over and laid back on the pillows. “This is going to be fun.” Zak showed me a wrist restraint, “Give me your wrist, babe.” I did as I was told as my cock throbbed, standing at attention. Zak strapped it onto my arm then secured it to the corner bedpost. He proceeded to strap my other wrist and ankles in a similar manner so I was spread eagle on the bed. “Wait till you see this.” Zak disappeared from the bedroom and returned with shaving cream, a razor and clipper. He crawled onto the bed and straddled my body. My hard shaft spread his ass cheeks open as he worked my cock across his hole. His dick and PA danced in front of my face, pointing straight up. A small amount of precum dripped from the head of his cock, making my mouth water to lap it up. “I can’t wait to feel your rod shooting POZ seed inside me, Zeek.” “The thought of that turns me on too. I’m sure it won’t be long the way you’ve been planting your poz cum in me.” I felt the cold steel of the clipper blade slide across my chest, “Ever been shaved, babe?” “No.” Again his cock pulsed in front of me. It made my cock throb against his hole. “Well you’re going to today, and there’s no way to resist.” Zak raised himself to his knees and dangled his cock in front of my lips. “Lick up that poz precum, babe. We don’t want any going to waste.” I quickly obeyed. The tip of my tongue brushed across his piss hole and circled his jewelry. As I pulled away a string of precum connected my tongue to Zak’s cock head then broke free and tangled from my tongue. I lapped it up and let the sweet taste of my man’s juice slide down my throat. Zak crawled off the bed. He dipped his fingers into a container of white creamy lube called “Shaft.” He grasped my hard rod and stroked the full length, lubing it up. With a firm grip around my shaft he pointed my cock straight up and sprayed shaving cream on my pubic hair. While he slowly stroked my meat I watched as I felt the razor touch my skin at the base of my cock. My rod stiffened in his grip. He stroked the razor across my pubic hair. “Feel that against your skin, Zeek? I’m going to shave all your pubic hair off.” He continued to stroke my hard meat. I watched as he shaved every bit of pubic hair with each stroke of the razor. By the time he finished my hard cock was leaking a ton of precum. He stroked my cock while he cleaned up my smooth pubic area then washed the lube from my cock. Zak again straddled me and sat down, perfectly fitting my hard shaft between his ass cheeks like a glove. He held the clipper in front of me and flipped the switch on before giving me a wink of his eye and a grin. He ran his fingers through my hair and caressed the top of my head. The clipper carved a path across scalp, taking off the first row of hair. While continually rubbing the top of my head Zak shaved off the majority of my hair. He also worked my stiff cock between his cheeks with each pass of the clipper. I could tell he kept just a little stubble for hair length, and I loved the prickly feel as he ran his hands “against the grain” across my head. Between the sensations from my throbbing shaft, aching balls, and the eroticism of being shaved while restrained, I was in heaven. The clipper stopped buzzing and Zak released me from my restraints. “Roll over sexy. We need to finish shaving the back of your head.” He again straddled my torso sitting down with our ass cheeks together. After shaving the rest of my head he massaged my scalp. The pillow was covered with strands of my dark hair, but we didn’t care. I rolled onto my back again and began to make out with Zak. He reached down between us and stroked my cock then slid down my body kissing and licking me from my belly button to my stiff rod. He slipped my cock into his mouth and worked the full length of my meat down his throat. I ran my fingers across his shaved head as he sucked me long and deep over and over. I tipped my head back, and let out a moan as I fucked his face with my tool. He removed my dick from his mouth. With his hand grasping the base of my shaft he licked the head of my meat. “Sweet precum, babe.” Zak again greased up my cock with “Shaft” lube. He straddled my hips, grabbed my shaft by the base, and aimed my cock for his hole. He pressed the head of my cock to his cunt and worked it inside. “I know we’re working on pozzing your ass, but I want to feel you shoot what may be your last neg load deep in my gut.” “Fuck, Zak. I’ll give you every drop.” Zak plunged the full length of my cock into his gut. My cock throbbed. My ass tightened. I buried my head into the pillow, thrust my hips forward as hard and I could, and moaned from the sensations shooting through my body. “Oh…..GOD!” This was my first time fucking Zak, and his cunt felt so incredible wrapped around my dick. My eyes opened wide and I picked my head up off the pillow looking directly into Zak’s eyes. He continued to ride my cock. “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck……I LOVE being inside you.” This was pure ecstasy. Zak’s cock was leaking precum, and dripping onto my belly button. He was driving me wild. With my dick still inside him, I flipped him onto his back. I grabbed his ankles and rammed my cock in him hard and deep. He took the full length of my cock with each thrust. Zak stroked his shaft while I tore up his ass like a vicious animal. “Fuck, I’m going to cum, Zak.” “Give me all that neg seed from your balls. Fill me up, babe.” My body jerked. I moaned and groaned, and my cock throbbed and erupted with each pulse, coating the walls of my man’s hole with my jizz. “Fuck yes, I feel you unloading in me, babe……oh fuck.” Zak’s ass tightened around my shaft, causing my body to again jerk from the sensations. I buried my cock deeper inside him, and while stroking his cock he shot a huge poz load all over his beard and belly. “That was incredible, Zak.” My cock slipped from his hole and his ankles dropped to the bed. I ran my tongue through his beard and down his belly, hungrily lapping up all his poz cum then sharing it with him in a deep, wet kiss. We lie on the bed beside one another, our sweaty bodies touching. “Oh my God, Zak, I love being with you so much.” “Ditto, Babe.” After a long pause….. “Damn, Zeek, you’re a little animal.” I chuckled, “You drive me wild, Zak.” Zak curled up in my arms, “So how long can you stay tomorrow?” I’ll have to head home by around noon. I’m having dinner with my parent’s tomorrow at their house. “I was hoping you could stay until at least dinner time, but I understand. Your family time is important.” “What about your family? Are you close with your parents?” “Ah, the family. Well, I have not seen my parents since I was 18. The day I told them I’m gay is the day they kicked me out of the house.” “That really sucks, Zak. Maybe they will come around.” “I’m not holding my breath, babe. They’re extremely religious. They believe if I had more faith in God, that I could become straight, and……blah, blah, blah.” “I don’t understand how a parent can just disown their kid like that.” “I’m not losing any sleep over it. I think I came through it all just fine. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am now.” “It had to be difficult for you. I give you a lot of credit.” “No, it wasn’t easy, but I’m ok. What about you, do your parents know you’re gay?” “Oh, yeah. They may have their own opinions, but in the end they just want me to be happy.” We stayed curled up in bed for the night, turned on the tv, and eventually the tv watched us sleep. In the morning I woke to Zak’s hard cock lubed and grinding against my hole. My morning wood was raging hard. Zak pressed the head of his cock to my hole, and with an arch of my back he slipped inside. “I can’t let you go home without your ass fully loaded with my toxic cum, babe.” “Fuck, yes, you know I want it. Give it to me.” I got on all fours, and Zak fucked me oh so right, long and hard, doggy style. I reached for his greased up cock, feeling his shaft at the lips of my cunt as he plunged the full length into my hungry hole. I stroked my meat while he tore up my hole. “Beg for my toxic cum, Zeek!!” “Fuck, give it to me. Please give me you poz seed.” “You want it?” “Fuck, yes!!” “Yeah?” “Give it to me. Poz me up. Please charge my hole.” “Fuck, fuck…..here it cums, babe. Take my DNA.” My cock stiffened, and as it pulsed and shot a huge load of cum onto the bed, I felt Zak’s poz load hit my intestine walls. His cock continued to throb inside me, reloading my cunt with his charged semen. He pulled his still hard shaft from my hole and flopped on the bed next to me. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight. Zak kissed me on the forehead, “I’m going to miss you this week, Zeek. I enjoy having you here with me.” “Ditto, Zak….very much so.” After a late breakfast together, and a quick shower, it was time for me to head home. The weekend together was perfect, but passed by too quickly. “Come here, Zeek.” Zak gave me a long hug followed by a sensuous kiss. “I’ll talk to you during the week to make plans for next weekend.” “Sounds good.” “Safe trip. Let me know when you’re home, babe.” I walked down the hall and pushed the button to the elevator. The doors opened and I stepped in. I turned to see Zak standing in the doorway. He waved and yelled to me with a grin on his face, “Nice ass, babe.” I chuckled and waved back. The doors closed, and I was on my way. Tonight’s dinner would be interesting to say the least. I could hardly wait to hear the comments from my mom about my new “look”……
    1 point
  30. I agree. Frigging HOT nasty story! Please, Bobby - hurry up with the next chapters! Smoking my pipe and stroking my cock as I read each new addition!!
    1 point
  31. Another great chapter, you are spellbinding writer and the subject is hot as fire. Holding my breath for more !!!
    1 point
  32. So Names first as the story continues. I'm Kevin and my buddy I mentioned is Jason. So after getting pozzed and making love Jason and I moved in together and while we certainly enjoyed fucking each other what we really wanted to do was share our special poz seen with other neg boys. As luck would have it wasn't long before we met our first candidate. His name was Yousef and he was middle eastern, slender, with mostly fair skin with just a touch of olive and as it turned out very smooth. We had a class with Yousef and he had come over to study one night and in the course of talking after we were done studying and were having a few drinks we found out Yousef was gay and a virgin. It seems he was in the states only for college and that back home being found out as gay was essentially a death sentence. But now in the states he was hoping for at least a couple of years of closeted sexual freedom before returning to his monastic existence. So Jason and I "confess" to Yousef our own recent start as a gay couple (leaving out our poz status of course) and we tell him that we'd love to be an introduction to gay sex for him. To help things along we start showing him some gay porn and quickly we are all tenting our shorts and Jason and I begin stroking his cock through his shorts. One of us on each side of him kissing him and stroking him our hands sliding under the light fabric of his soccer shorts to find raw flesh. Yousef as you might imagine isin heaven and putty in our hands. It isn't long before all three of us are nude and Jason and I are taking turns sucking on Yousef's cock and balls. One of us deep throating his 7" cock and the other licking and sucking his balls. As you might imagine for a young guy who was a virgin Yousef is in heaven moaning and shaking with pleasure his cock leaking a veritable river of pre cum. Jason and I are silently going nuts as well because we know that we are going to fuck him and fuck him raw. The prospect of gifting a virgin with our seed has both of us horny beyond description. After giving him the blow job and ball sucking of his life while Jason works his cock I push his legs up spreading them wide and exposing his virgin cherry. I spend a moment looking at his tight virgin neg ass and nearly cum at the thought of what I'm going to do to him. I start by licking around the edge of his hole and then start working my tongue in and out working to open him up and lubing him with my spit. This is driving Yousef nuts as he's never felt anything like it before and at this point he's in total sub mode totally surrendering his body to us. I start working a finger into him gently at first and then roughly..insistently...like a cock fucking him and his moans become high pitched whimpers that indicate a mixture of pleasure and pain. I can't stand it anymore..I NEED to fuck him hard and deep. Yousef is laying on his back his legs spread and I l move atop him pinning him underneath me. I kiss him deeply for a minute rubbing my pre-cum leaking cock head up and down his crack. "I'm going to fuck you now Yousef" I tell him "It will probably hurt at first but just relax and you'll love it". "Yes Kevin please fuck me I need it so bad" he whimpers. I start pushing into him his virgin ass tight at first and tough to penetrate but then my head begins to open his ass up and I force my cock deep inside him.. As expected Yousef cries out as I enter him shaking and quivering and whimpering about the pain but I could care less. My poz dick is buried in a neg ass and I can already feel my load starting to boil deep inside my balls. I'm not making love to Yousef where I'd gently fuck his ass working to maximize his pleasure along with mine.. This is a fucking..a breeding and I fucking him hard and deep with each stroke. I can tell he's having a hard time taking my cock but I can also sense his pain slowly becoming pleasure. The intensity of it all is almost more than I can stand and I see Jason watching us intently gently stroking his own cock clearly eager for a shot at Yousef's ass. I start talking to Yousef.."Yeah man there my cock is in your ass...its what you always wanted isn't it...fuck man were gonna cum inside you..fill that ass with cum so that you can feel it leaking out..." Yes Kevin" he whimpers.."cum inside me please..." My balls are boiling and I sooo need to unload my poz spunk inside his neg fuck hole. I start driving harder working it deeper trying to create a path for the bug into his system. Then when I can't stand it any longer I bury my dick as deep in his smooth neg ass as possible and my load erupts inside him. I can feel the pulsing of my cock as jet after jet of poz cum fires deep into his ass. As soon as I'm done Jason is there taking my place fucking his own load into Yousef, Once were done we make him take turns licking our cocks clean sucking them dry ensuring he gets every drop of poz seed we can muster into him. Yousef ends up spending the night with us and lets say there wasn't much sleeping as his years of repressed sexual need were fully released. He fucked his last neg loads into our willing holes and we in turn fucked more of our special poz cum into his boy pussy. In the morning before we let him gest dressed I made sure to take another look at his no longer virgin hole. What had been tight was now open and gaping ready to take any cock that came its way.
    1 point
  33. Whoah....this is incredibly hot. My twink cock is ROCK HARD after reading this hehheeh
    1 point
  34. Part 6 The steam made my skin tingle. I was sat on one of the upper ledges of the steam room, enjoying the sensation of it. When I entered, I thought I was alone. It took me a few minutes to notice that there was at least one other person in the room – it was difficult to see anything through all the steam, but eventually I saw him move. I realized, after a few more minutes of only seeing small movements in the steam, that he was playing with his dick. Clearly, he had better eyesight than me, because finally he spoke, saying “You jus' gonna sit there staring all night?” I jumped up. I'm pretty sure that, when I stood, it was with the intention of running out the door, yet my body once again acted of its own accord. I crossed the steam room, over to where the other man sat. Even when so much closer to him, it was still difficult to actually see anything of the man. He sat on the higher of the two shelves, and when I came close, he stopped wanking and held his dick at the base, waving it at me, inviting me by saying “C'mon then.” I dropped to my knees on the lower ledge in front of him, and leaning forward, I took hold of his cock in my hands. It was a decent size: not as big as that of the skinhead or the black guy from the changing room, but still big enough for me to wrap both hands around. I started tugging on it slowly, for which he let out a little grunt of approval. I could just about see him –he was probably his 40's, with a chunky body covered in black hair. All the moisture of the steam room made him look like a damp bear. Normally, such a guy wouldn't interest me at all. He had the scent of sweat on him and was breathing heavily, but all I could seem to focus on was his cock. I lowered my head down and took the tip of his dick in my mouth, sucking on it. I might have been a virgin, but I had given a few blow jobs before, so I wasn't completely inexperienced with it. I took the whole head in and sucked gently while I pumped the shaft. He moaned, and I felt a hand curl up in my hair, pushing me downwards. I complied, and took more of his dick in my mouth. I tried to keep it slow, but it was obvious that he didn't want to wait around. Every time I stopped or slowed down, he'd push my head down or hold it still while he thrust into it. Using my mouth and one of my hands to pump his cock, and my other hand to play with his balls, I went to work. I heard the plastic flaps that led into the steam room move, indicating the entrance of another person, but I paid it no mind. My body was getting hot and light headed in the heat of the room, and breathing was coming more difficult as I worked the cock in my mouth. It was difficult to tell how much I was sweating and how much was from the steam, but I kept on sucking. I remembered that my tongue existed, and started using that as I went down, to tease the head, much to the pleasure of the bear I was blowing. Then I felt a hand on my ass – the same cheek that had been spanked earlier. This was just a gentle rub though, from the person standing behind me. I realized then that, in my kneeling position, I had pushed my ass out, sticking it in the air for anyone to see, if they could through the steam. I still wore my towel around my waist, but that was it. The hand kept squeezing and rubbing while I continued sucking, and to my surprise, I found myself pushing my ass out even further towards the guy playing with it. I could tell the bear was getting close to blowing his load. His breathing was getting heavier, his grip on my head was harder and he was making more and more grunts of approval. Behind me, the other guy spoke, urging “Go on, suck that cock!” The guy's voice sounded familiar. Then the guy's hand slipped from my ass to my hip, and another one joined it on my other hip. Whoever was behind me pressed up against my ass, and I felt his cock right up against me. I moaned, and so did the guy I was sucking. He let go of my head and uttered something that wasn't really words, but I got the gist of it – he was going to cum. I pulled my head up off and started pumping his cock hard to finish him off. The guy behind me, however, had other plans for me. Just as the bear moaned, signaling his orgasm, a hand moved from my hip to the back of my head, and shoving my mouth back onto the cock in front of me, with the command “Take his load!” Not that I had a choice. The bear came and came, filling my mouth up with the salty taste of his cum. It tasted amazing. I had never swallowed a guy's load before, always having wacked them to orgasm, and letting the cum spill on the floor or on the guy's stomach. I never realized what I had been missing. “Yeah, that's it!" the voice continued, adding “Swallow it all.” I did so, taking every drop of it, and sucking the head clean of all traces. All the while, the cock at my ass had been grinding away. When his dick was clean, the bear immediately stood up, pushing me away as he made for the exit, mumbling as he left something that might have been a thank you. I slumped down onto the ledge, suddenly feeling exhausted from the heat. Looking up at the guy who had been behind me, I knew who it was immediately. The glint of the piercing in the tip of his dick, and the tattoo on his stomach gave it away. The skinhead knelt down next to me and leaned over and asked with a grin, “So, what happened to saving yourself?” Then he kissed me.
    1 point
  35. Part 3.1: Where it Began - Induction as a Slampig and Cumdump Part 1 I remember Ricky in his tight jeans and giant, sculpted body towering over me in his living room. In his ripe forties, he was tan with a few wrinkles, spiky gelled hair, and a goatee. He didn’t smile much. He licked his lips a lot, and I wasn’t sure at the time if it was just a habit or if he was hungry for pussy. I would realize soon it was the latter. For me, he was the human embodiment of sex. Ricky’s living room was truly gigantic, with a plasma screen TV and couches arranged in a maze in between with little glass coffee tables in each alcove. A crew of middle-aged men sat in the living room couch maze. All of them were wearing jeans, boots, and tight black T-shirts, like they were members of a cult. Some of them wore ski masks, which I later discovered was a sign they were Ricky’s employees. Human traffickers, if you will, but it doesn’t carry the connotation of kidnapping. These men found slutty boys who live alone and brought them back here and promise a good piggy time but instead, we were made into “house boys.” In other words, we were pampered sex slaves. All of the men were looking at me and talking about me. I was confused, having just left the baths to this place. It wasn’t even midnight yet. Naïve and young, I had no clue what was about to happen. I was told I wasn’t allowed to wear clothes. I had to change out of my jeans and boxer briefs into a dirty white jockstrap. Then, a masked man brought out a line of four other boys wearing nothing but white jockstraps. None of them were older than 21 or 22. They weren’t restrained, but they made no effort to resist. One of them was extremely tall, perhaps 6’2”, muscular, and a total jock named Adam. He was almost as tall as the intimidating men sitting around. He had a boyish face and was celebrity handsome. He carried a metal lockbox. Second tallest was about 5’9”, a tan, blond surfer boy with a swimmer’s body named Joey. He had a perfect six pack. The last two were small, slim boys who didn’t look a day over 15 even though they were actually 18 . One was latino with a Mohawk named Julio. The last one was Benny, a fair-skinned boy with curly brown hair and a giant bubble butt. All of them looked stern and professional, with the exception of Benny. The boys’ eyes lingered on me for a second, but their attention was fixated on the box in Adam’s hands. “These are your new brothers, boy. Meet Adam, Joey, Julio, and Benny. Boys, meet Kevin, the newest member of our family,” Ricky said, gesturing at me. The men cheered. For the first time, I was realizing that this was no game. This was no “night of fun”, it was a new life, and I had no choice. “No, no, no,” I begged. “I can’t – I have work on Monday, I-I..” The men roared with laughter. “No,” Ricky said. “From now on, you will work everyday. At your new job.” The older men started getting festive, laughing and sharing beers. Ricky beckoned Adam over, and the boy placed the box carefully on one of the coffee tables. Shooting me a quick, lustful glance, Ricky proceeded to flick the lid open. He pulled out bags of crushed white crystals on his coffee table, a cut straw, a neat rack of syringes, a coffee straw, a glass pipe, a brown bottle, and a blue bottle. As much as I was scared, my eyes were instantly attracted to the items on the table. “You don’t know you want it yet, boy. But you’re gonna love being my whore. Boys! I have an announcement!” Ricky boomed, and the room fell silent. “In honor of our new boy, we will follow the traditions of this house and initiate our new lil’ chempig. Now... Kevin, if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to make the most of what’s on that table right now.” I looked up into Ricky’s eyes. He ran his rough palm down my face. I worshipped him. “Babe, I want you to have a good time, alright? You have a beautiful pink little pussy, and all these handsome hunks wanna be the baby daddy.” My eyes grew in fear. “Don’t worry – none of them are poz. I know that’s too much for you to handle all in one day, but once they’re done with you, you’ll think of your flesh in a new way. This fuckhole?” A finger slides across the opening of my ass. “This fuckhole’s what you’re worth as a human being. No... you’re less than a human being. That’s something your new brothers will teach you. This fuckhole is what you ARE.” Ricky looked at me affectionately, and then he suddenly spat harshly on my face. The initiation began with crystal meth. The other houseboys served hors d’oeuvres, poppers, packed pizzo pipes, and scotch to the men. These boys knew their place, and the men were familiar with them, saying degrading things to the boys and addressing them by their names as they groped them. I didn’t have to serve the men yet. My job was to get fucked up and get fucked. We started with the booty bump. A masked man, clearly used to this by now, dipped his middle finger into a can of lube and one of the bags of crystals. It resurfaced with shiny shards stuck to it. Then, he slowly, intimately worked his fingers into my hole. Rough, thick fingers usually hurt enough by themselves, but this time I felt a burn in my rectum. It felt inflamed and torn. “Ahh! It hurts! I gasped. The other men paid no heed to my complaints and wasted no time. I was already their prey. Crystal meth was in my system and it was a matter of seconds before the rush hit me. One each grabbed my legs and spread them apart as the masked man booty bumped my hole with small doses continuously. Another masked man (this one giantly muscular with tattoos all over his forearms) gently placed the glass pipe against my lips. This was an especially large pizzo pipe; it was the width of a cock, and the bowl was huge. “Put your mouth on it like it’s a dick, bitch!” And I obeyed. They twisted the pipe so that the hole faced upwards, and crystals poured from the straw into the bowl. It sounded like sand being poured into a jar. I was helpless with two men pulling my legs apart by the ankles as far as they could and one drilling T into my hole. The large masked man clutched my throat and chin as I held up the pipe with my lips. My body was spread like a deer ready to be eaten by wolves. The fingering stopped. The man booty bumping me was now preparing a needleless syringe with more crystals and water. The drugs had hit me a little. I felt a faint ringing in my ears and a wild COCK HUNGER like I have never felt in my life. Suddenly, staying here and being a houseboy wasn’t a bad idea. Ricky would later show me how I would achieve enlightenment every time I got fucked up to get fucked, but this was my first time I thought: I’m a fucking chempig, a slut lower and trashier than any kind of slut, and it took me so long to realize my calling! How arrogant I was to ever think I was anything more than just an object for sex! Now only three men were playing with me, and there were many, many more at the party. Clearly, today was a day Ricky expected to initiate a new whore. Adam, the jock, was drinking a beer in his glorious nudity while the men around them sipped their scotches, smoked their cigars, and felt his body. One of the plumper and well-endowed men was licking Julio’s nipples while fingering him in the ass. The men seemed to have an inevitable soft spot for Benny, and they were casually flirting with him as he sat in Ricky’s lap. No matter what, he was the youngest. Who knew if he was even legal? Ricky would kiss him passionately, slurp his mouth with his tongue. One of the men rolled a joint just for Benny to enjoy. Houseboys weren’t allowed any attachments, but the men sure made love to Benny. But Joey... Joey the surfer is what I aspired to be. The oldest man at the party, a grey fox in his fifties, had licked Joey’s sweet clean pussy until it juiced. Meanwhile, Joey had three blunts in his mouth at a time. If he tried to breathe, one man held a brown bottle under one of his nostrils and clamped the other while another kept his head down to take all the smoke. Joey’s silky blond hair bounced up and down, framing his blissful angelic face. His eyes were closed, focusing on taking the heavy smoke and the poppers at once. All three blunts were on fire, so he wasn’t going easy on himself. This experience was difficult for the Caliboy jock without crystal, but during initiation, only the new boy is allowed the crystal. This is to ensure that the new slut gets completely hooked and dependent, becoming a 100% uninhibited, no-holes-barred chem slave. That’s why he had to be as high as possible and practically half-brain dead from poppers before the grey daddy and a 30-year-old sadistic stripper simultaneously squeezed their thick cocks into his ass. Did Joey scream? Hell yeah he did. Not once did he loosen his grip on the blunts but a guttural yelp echoed across the living room as the two dirty men mercilessly began fucking the living daylights out of the 19-year-old boy. Why did the men treat him differently from the others? Because he was a resilient, unbreakable slut, one who never held back and took anything anyone gave him with pleasure. When Joey spread his legs, he detached himself from reality in that moment and lived for the cock. If it hurt him, he blamed himself and took it anyway, because he’d sooner die before he ruined the pleasure of the men fucking his body in half. The man readied the booty bump, inserting the tip of the needleless syringe into my hole. Meanwhile, a large lighter was lit beneath the bowl of the pipe. He tilted the pipe back and forth a little until potent clouds started swirling around in the bowl. “Suck. Slowly,” he instructed. I obeyed, feeling the ice fill my lungs as a warm liquid filled my ass. He pulled the pipe away and took a hit myself while I held the smoke in my lungs. Little did I realize the other men were smoking as well and before I could exhale, one of the masked men put his mouth to mine and flooded me with more T. Another shot of hot water in my ass. I could feel it start to burn, with the inflammation spreading through my veins. As I felt the head spread over my body from my chest and my ass, I was filled with a wild, insatiable cock hunger. “OHHH! FUCK I’M GONNA CUM IN YOUR ASS!” the grey fox across the couch hollered as he filled Joey’s baby-maker. This turned on the muscular stripper beneath him so much he came with a series of grunts too. “TAKE MY VIRUS, SLUT!” As he pulled out, Joey cum-farted a thick bubbly white stream right out of his ass. I envied him. I wanted the men around me to fuck me like that, but I wasn’t done. While the men continued blowing clouds above me, Ricky walked over, a filled syringe in hand. Inhibitions completely down, I spread my arms, knowing what was about to happen to me. I had surrendered my fate as Ricky’s boy. Ricky would make sure I was flying in pig heaven before I was even allowed to touch a cock. That way I’ll be so outrageously horny I won’t be able to complain when the big strong daddies around me laid siege on my pussy and throat. Six big men held me spread eagle on the couch. One man each held one of my ankles, pulling my legs far apart to expose my pighole. Another was holding the pipe to my mouth and torching it repeatedly, instructing me on when to suck. A fourth held another booty bump to my pretty pink hole, and two men held down my arms. One of them tied a tourniquet around my bicep, making the blood rush to my arm. I had completely surrendered my freedom, unable to even breathe a complaint with the pipe firmly planted between my lips. Ricky swabbed my arm with alcohol, revealing the plump vein on my elbow. With ease, he pinpointed the vein and carefully slid the needle in like a doctor. The entire time, his cold black eyes looked into mine. “Yeah, get this little cumdump ready for use,” one of the masked men said. Ricky pulled back a little, releasing a tinge of red into the point. As he inserted the remaining contents slowly, injecting my throbbing vein with the devil’s drug, the man operating my drugged up hole squirted the booty bump into my ass, and the man holding the pipe to my mouth instructed me to suck. A chill coursed through my body as goosebumps flared all over my arms. Inside, though, fire was coming from all directions: my mouth, my ass, my chest, and my arm. An unreal rush flushed through my entire being, and I felt a strange taste in my throat. One of the men released the tourniquet, and all of it bubbled and erupted into an insane coughing fit. Smoke billowed out of me in puffs. I thought I would die there, unable to breathe and overwhelmed my coughs. I felt the need to get up and tried to squirm my way into a standing position, but my captors got rough and forced me down. “Hey, where do you think you’re going, bitch?” one of them yelled, pulling my hair. “Give him some GHB to wash down the cough,” another one sneered, and they offered me a bottle of coke. I gulped it down hungrily. It tasted terrible, but my body felt warm and soft. By now, I was floating. I had entered a new dimension, where the whole world became a sex dungeon. These men were gods, and the other boys and I were lower than slaves for their entertainment. This was the true order of things. My pupils dilated and my ears started ringing. I reveled in the feeling of being on top of the world, like I could do anything and take cock nonstop for eternity, but I must have fainted or blacked out instantly after that. When I phased in, I felt an unbelievable pleasure ripping through me between my legs and a thick pole in my mouth that made it hard to breathe. I opened my eyes and just saw two eyes through a ski mask looking down on me. Still fully clothed, only with his 9” babymaker out of his jeans, he rammed my slampig hole like he was trying to fuck me in half.
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  36. I always leave a couple loads. I like that the floor gets slippery with spilled cum
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  37. When I woke up the next morning I was still sore and my hole was still gaping slightly. I kept imagining the cum that ejected from my ass and I was craving more. I went on adam4adam and found a guy in my neighborhood. He’s older, late 50’s, latino with a guy and ugly face, but hung like a mule. His cock is Huge, veiny and uncut with a swollen head that glistens when its covered in my spit. I was quick in the emails. “Wanna fuck and load me?” I said “Hell yeah.” He said. “I can be over in ten minutes, I have your address from our last chat.” I left my apartment with nothing but my keys, phone and a bottle of poppers. He answered the door wearing just a tshirt to cover his gut. But that monster cock was swinging in between those older man skinny veiny legs and I wanted it now. I got on my knees taking my clothes off as my mouth found his cock. I sucked like a desperate faggot. I wanted to taste this man entirely to look up into his ugly mug and have him watch me suck him like a slut in heat. He guided me in front of the floor length mirror and I was mesmerized by what I saw: I was fully naked now. His hairy large fingers gripping the back of my head by my hair. My young gym toned body ass plump from running so much. My pale freckled skin and this ugly older man gagging me with his poz fuck stick. I felt cheap and nasty, like a used up poz cumslut. I thought to my self, damn when did this happen to me, when did I become this faggot hole? He forced his 9inches down my throat and I felt his guy hit my forhead when he rammed it in my straining throat. I would gag and he would feed me the poppers. I loved watching myself. I kept thinking of my parents, they would see me in disgust. Their little boy had become a fucked up little whore and he loves it. He pulled me off him and then told me to get on the bed. But I wanted him to watch me get fucked by him. I wanted to give this old guy a show of my hole and his cock. So I told him to lie down and I squatted my ass over him but not facing him. I wanted him to get a great view from behind of his hard raw poz old man cock sliding into my young boy hole. He was definitely more than twice my age, he was older than my parents for sure. I fucked myself onto his bare cock feeling my wet cunt slurp his cock. I felt my hole sucking on that cock. My ass lips protruding out and gripping is rod, sliding over ever vein and ripple of that diseased tool. I looked in the mirror again and saw myself at 25, riding a raw strangers cock that I knew was poz. My gym lean body looked more muscular that night in the dark lighting impaled on that cock. I watched as I slammed myself onto him hitting against his guy and loving it. I love getting fucked by nasty old poz men with crux belly and that wasted face look, this guy was perfect for then and I wanted more of him. Unfortunately he didn’t last long but I worked my ass up on his cock and milked out that load. Jerking my own cock until I came. I quickly got dressed and left. I realized his apartment was real close to ft tryon park and thought “fuck it, might as well cruise for more.” And I made my was to the area of the dog run in search of more disease…
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  38. When I decided to stop condom sex and only bareback I also accepted that I will become POZ. I have been POZ for a year and a half. No regrets at all.
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  39. He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Close to my 1st chem'd POZ fucking....... massive cock trashing my chem'd ass.. can't wait to read more of this!!!!!
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  40. PART 2 [Above: My ass in December 2012, waiting for anonymous dick to deposit a fresh strain of POZ cum.] After showering, I returned to Jake and Trey's living room. They already had a third guy there -- a very handsome dude, a little younger than me, smoking the pipe while Trey sucked his fat dick. "Hey, boy," said Jake. "Meet Beau. I told him that we had a neg hole all hopped up on Tina, and he came right over. Let's just say that he's gonna play a very important role in your pozzing tonight. You wanna tell him why, Beau?" "Sure," said Beau, right after blowing out a giant cloud of white smoke. "Around this time last year, Jake and Trey pumped me full of their sweet poz strain, and I got knocked up with the bug I'd been craving. Since then, I haven't gone on any meds, and my viral load is pretty fuckin' high. I love sharing my virus with boys like you, and especially with boys not like you -- boys who think I'm a neg total top, and trust me to destroy their perfect neg fuckholes with my poison shaft." "Trey and I are on meds," Jake explained. "So we're practically shooting blanks. But Beau here, he can do some serious damage to your immune system. Tell me, then: do you want this stud to fuck you after Trey and I have wrecked your neg hole?" "Yes. I want his unmedicated poz load," I said. Beau smiled. "I think we've got a good boy on our hands." "We definitely have a good boy on our hands," Jake replied. Then he motioned me over to the couch. "Sit down here, boy. Spread your legs. We're going to do a few things to help your cunt get even hungrier." I eagerly walked over to the couch, the Tina still making my head buzz after those first few hits almost an hour before. Jake lit up the pipe, took a giant hit, and blew it in my mouth. Then he handed the pipe and the lighter to me. "Here boy -- I'll teach you. Hold the flame right under the T," he said to me. "See that smoke coming out the top? That's when you start your slow inhale. Slow. Keep it slow. No, keep inhaling. Don't stop. Good boy." They watched me take four giant hits. Then I handed the pipe to Trey and lay back on the couch, lifting my legs to expose my hungry jockhole. "Oh, that's pretty," Beau said, smiling. "I can't wait to destroy that thing." Meanwhile, Jake was dipping his finger into a small plastic bag. He applied a little lube to my hole -- again, those fingers brushing against my cunt drove me wild -- and then he shoved into me with the finger that had been in the bag. There was a sharp pain, followed by a sudden warmth as he roughly rubbed the inside of my hole. Then my cunt relaxed, opened up, and began eagerly swallowing up that finger, then two, then three, with no pain -- just total eagerness for this man to use my butt however he wanted. Jake laughed. "Thatta boy," he said. "Jesus. I can feel this pussy getting hungrier by the second." Then he stood up, his dick looking even bigger, its curve pointing to his steady stream of precum. "You want this poz dick, boy? It's so ready to invade your neg cunt." "Fuck yes," I replied. "Please. Please give me your poz cock. I want to be just like you. I want you to mark me. Infect me. Please, please, please poz me." "You want my strain? Beau here has my strain. You like my strain, Beau?" "Fuckin' A," Beau said. "I'm so proud to carry your strain, and pass it on to every boy I can seduce with T and breed full of my virus." Jake knelt down between my legs, placing the head of his dick against the entrance to my hole. "You feel that, boy? That's my poz cock," he said. "Feel it?" "Oh fuck yeah, I feel it," I replied, squirming with total hunger for this man to transform me into a poz dickpig. "This is the point of no return, buddy. Once I'm inside, you're getting pozzed. In fact, even if I don't shoot a big wad, I'll still be dripping my precum the whole time, lubing you up with my virus. You ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "To get pozzed. To feel your poz dick in me. To beg for your poz cum." He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. He didn't last long. As I watched his muscular chest flex with every thrust, and his abs tighten each time his shaft drove all the way inside me, I could hear his breath grow shorter, his body beginning to shake with an intense need to release. "Tell me what you want, boy," he said. "Tell me now." "I want your poz cum, you fucking stud. Poz me." "What was that?" "I said PLEASE FUCKING POZ ME. PLEASE. PLEASE." "Fuck you, faggot. You didn't. Ever. Have. A. CHOICE." At that, his whole body went into a powerful convulsion as he plunged his cock even deeper. The muscles in his stomach spasmed repeatedly, and he grunted and growled with each pulsation of his stud-dick as he emptied a ballsac full of poz sperm inside my neg guts. Beau laughed. "Congratulations, boy," he said to me. "You are now officially a pig. Hungry for more?" "Yes, please. Please more poz seed. Please." "That's good," Beau replied. "Because that wasn't really a choice, either. But first, you're going to do what a true bottom does, and clean off the cock that just pounded your guts full of sweet poz cum." At that moment, Jake pulled out, and his dick glistened with the deathseed he'd just injected into my hole. I eagerly scrambled to the ground and wrapped my mouth around it, slurping greedily to taste this man's toxic DNA and worship his perfect boy-wrecking dick. "Jesus, he's a good boy," said Jake. As I knelt on the ground, carefully cleaning off my man's dick, I felt something slightly prickly press against the inside of my warm, wet cumhole. "Just hold still," said Trey. "I'm just rubbing the inside of your cunt with a toothbrush. Brushing some of that poz jizz up inside you, giving you little abrasions so that you can welcome more poz spunk into your bloodstream." Hearing that, I arched my back to spread my hole a little wider, allowing the toothbrush to plunge deeper inside my cum-soaked cunt. Seeing that, Jake whistled. "Jesus," he said. "I'd say we've created a pig. And trust me when I say this: this night is going to get much, much wilder. Just wait to see what fuckin' nasty surprises we have waiting for you." I glanced over at Beau, who was busy at work under the desklamp. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but it looked like he was carefully measuring T into little vials. Jake grabbed my head, turned it back in his direction, and impaled my mouth on his beautiful giftgiving cock. "Don't worry about what's next," he said to me. "Just worship my poz cock like a grateful faggot who knows his place." "Thank you," I murmured, as I plunged my hungry mouth down on his poz dick over and over again, with blood and cum oozing out of my partied-up hole. MORE SOON...
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  41. Such a common problem. There's a desire, but then the very real consequenses. Maybe random hook-ups and being fucked unsafe by a bunch of random guys isn't for you. Maybe this is something you need to enjoy in a relationship instead. Sex should be fun and satisfaction - good sex has nothing to do with fear, panic, regret and unwanted consequences. My advice is to just enjoy it as a fantasy - watch the bareback porn, read the stories, masterbate.. have safe sex but imagine you're being bred - until you can find a relationship where you can both be raw cum lovers in a safe environment.
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  42. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 3) “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey. “We need to get you ready for the party tomorrow night. Your ass will bring a nice price with you being fresh meat.” Tyler came up stairs after giving the working boys their assignments for the night. They then took Kyle into one of the bedroom that they used as their party room. This room was well equipped with a couple slings and a fuck bench. Along one wall were a number of dildos of various shapes and sizes and an assortment of butt plugs. The opposite wall had ropes, chains and other restraints some of which Kyle had never seen before. There were a couple of flat panel TV’s hanging in two of the corner’s of the room playing bareback porn. They put Kyle in the sling and placed his wrists and ankles in restraints. He had a perfect view of the TV’s from where he lay. Rickey told him, “You’ll spend the rest of the night here watching porn. The hunger to be fucked will grow in side you all night until you beg to be fucked. Then you will be left here long after that point to think about your purpose here and how you will serve us.” Kyle was given a small slam. Kyle felt a hunger and a need to be fucked at any end. All he knew was that he needed cock in side him as he watches the porn on the screen. He noticed that the guys getting fucked in the porn looked familiar. Then he recognized them as Jim, Bob and David. Every hour either Rickey or Tyler came into the room and gave Kyle some G laced water to drink and a small slam to keep the hunger of being fucked within him. After almost 6 hours of mini-slams and G Kyle was begging to be fucked. When the roommates came in to give Kyle his next “dose” they knew he was almost theirs. They ignored him as he drank down the water and took his slam without protest. After the roommates left the teen Rickey commented, “It won’t be long until he is hooked on meth.” Tyler added, “Yeah, and raw cock and cum.” The roommate continued to give Kyle the same doses over the entire night and as daylight began to fill the apartment they entered the room to find a docile boy ready to submit. Kyle pleaded, “Please, I need to be fucked. I can’t take it any more. I need cock in me. I need to suck cock.” Rickey asked, “Kyle are you ready to go to work for us?” Kyle didn’t even hesitate, “Yes sir, I will work for you as long as I get fucked right now.” Tyler said, “Very well then.” Rickey pulled a very large dildo off the wall, “If you can take this down to the base we will let you out of the sling to rest up for tonight’s festivities.” The dildo was a horse cock dildo, 13” long and 8” around. “Please give it to me.” Rickey and Tyler began to apply generous amounts of Crisco to the dildo and Kyle’s ass. Tyler commented on how loose Kyle’s hole felt and that this might not be much of a challenge. The tip slipped in easily, but then they had some resistance as the dildo began to slide in side Kyle’s hole. Rickey and Tyler were experienced enough to manage this resistance and put a bottle of poppers beneath Kyle’s nose telling him to breath in deep. As the poppers took effect the resistance faded and before they knew it, half of it was in side the teen. Now they had the internal ring to negotiate. Again they gave Kyle the poppers as the dildo was turned and wiggled past the internal ring. It took some doing but it finally “popped” through and after a good 45 minutes of work the dildo was down to the base. The roommates fucked the teen with this dildo for a good 10 minutes insuring that his in sides were opening up. Rickey praised his new working boy, “Very good Kyle. Now you’re ready for a fist.” In his drugged up hazed he was a little perplexed. He thought to himself, ‘A fist? Why the hell would anyone want a fist put into their ass?’ Before he knew what was happening the dildo was quickly pulled from his hole. He felt so empty, still having a need to be filled. Tyler began to finger Kyle’s loose and sloppy hole. And before Kyle knew what was going on, he had Tyler’s fist inside his rectum. He felt full again, but he had no clue as to how full he’d get as Tyler began to work his fist deeper in side his hole. Kyle had no view to see what was going on until he realized that the activities were on the TV screen above them. He watched with disbelief as Tyler’s forearm sunk into him down to the elbow. Rickey let Kyle know, “We’ve always needed a special boy for some of our special clients. I think you will work out well.” Kyle leaned his head back and enjoyed the fisting he was getting. Then Tyler pulled his fist from Kyle’s hole and his restraints were untied from the chains. They took Kyle to an open space on the floor and attached his ankles and wrists together. His ankles were attached to the floor and his wrists were attached to a rope suspended from a beam over head. His arms were stretched up over his head. What Kyle didn’t know was that as Tyler fisted him he also administered a generous booty bump that would make his ass even more hungry for cock. Rickey then asked, “How badly do you want to be fucked?” “Please, I need to be fucked.” “What will you do to get cock in you boy?” “I’ll do any thing you want me to do, please fuck me!” “Gag him Ty.” Tyler placed a ball gag in Kyle’s mouth as Rickey pulled a paddle off the wall. He then began to smack Kyle in the ass over and over again as he hung there. “Remember boy, you said you would do anything, and this is what we need a boy who we can pimp out to out leather clientele.” Kyle took a good smacking for nearly 15 minutes. He wasn’t able to stand up as he was hanging by his wrists. After a few more minute of smacking his ass, they knew Kyle had had enough. They lowered him down and moved him over to the fuck bench where they each fucked another load into his well stretched ass. Tyler said, “Let’s go boy, we need to get you cleaned up and let you rest up before tonight’s events” as they led Kyle to the shower up stairs. It wasn’t a regular tub style shower. It looked more like the kind you’d find in a looker room with a couple shower heads along one wall. Rickey told Kyle to get on his knees and open his mouth. He then placed his soft dick in Kyle’s mouth. Kyle thought he was going to suck Rickey’s cock when Rickey told him, “Don’t think about sucking my cock. I am going to give you something to drink.” Rickey then began to piss into Kyle’s open mouth, “Do the best you can to swallow as much of my piss. It is an honor to get to drink a guy’s piss.” Kyle did his best, although some spilled out of his mouth, he drank most of it down. Then Tyler stepped up and placed his soft cock in Kyle’s mouth and gave him his piss. Kyle did better with Tyler’s piss then he did with Rickey’s. “Hey Rick, he’s a fast learner.” “He sure is. Now let’s get him cleaned up and fed so he can rest up for tonight.” They then had Kyle shower off and helped him with a shower shot to douche out his stretched out hole. They then gave escorted him down stairs and fed him. Kyle was still horny, but as least he as fed and cleaned up. They all sat down in the living room to watch some TV. As the T and G in Kyle system wore off he fell asleep and slept all afternoon. When he woke it was starting to get dark out. The working boy’s were back and they nudged Kyle to get up and ready for the guests. The 4 hustlers headed up stairs. They all stripped down and went into the play room where Rickey and Tyler were waiting. Each one was given a couple pills, one was am ecstasy and there were a couple Cialis to keep the boys rock hard and horny for the guests. Then each boy was given his slam to start the night off. Jim, Bob and David wondered off to different parts of the room to wait. After Kyle got his slam he was helped into the sling and given some extra Cialis. The roommates told the boys that Kyle was to be in the sling all night. Anyone one wanting to seed his ass had to pay extra since he was new to the crew. As the night went on Kyle took loads from all the gusts. He was fucked by old, fat trolls, young hotties, big dick black guys, harry Latinos. All in all he took at least a load from every customer there. It’s know known how many of the guys there were poz or neg all he knew was that he was getting what he wanted, cock and cum in his ass. In his drugged up haze Kyle knew he found his place as a male prostitute.
    1 point
  43. I started hooking up in a park by my house with men when I was 13. If I knew about it when I was 11 or 12, I would have started then.
    1 point
  44. Males need to learn to love their assholes as early as physically possible. No one can threaten you with violation once you know how good it feels to get filled. My colon was shaped just like my grandpa’s cock long before I was old enough to go hunt seed on my own.
    1 point
  45. i certainly can agree that a 13 year old KNOWS exactly what sex is and what his role is.
    1 point
  46. There are some that are not mature even at 18. I, on the other hand, was horny as hell earky on, sucked at 13 and got fucked at 14. Loved it ever since.
    1 point
  47. most people are physically ready by 13, so I'd say that's a good age. We really are the only animals that wait to fuck for years after our bodies are ready.
    1 point
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