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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2015 in all areas

  1. This is a very cool community. Thank you rawtop for creating a place where we can meet others like us. :-) With exceptions that are too few to innumerate, I am a total bottom (i.e., every once in awhile, I enjoy sticking my cock in a warm ass, butt am not obsessed with it like I am receiving). For me being a bottom refers to my ass, hole, cunt, pussy, not my mouth.... I can use my mouth, and even like to, but not for long. My main desire is a top who's main desire is a guys ass, hole, cunt, pussy ( or whatever he may call it). One of my fantasy desires is to meet someone who is a groomer. To me a "groomer" is someone obsessed in the opposite way that I am (i.e., they are obsessed about man hole), but has taken it to another level when it comes to getting what they want. They have turned it into an art form. We all know that getting a bottom is easy, so "art form" is far from necessary, but it is a way of making sex more exciting for both parties. Here is an example of what I am talking about: Before moving I had a FB who I would describe as a "groomer." I met him on CL. His ad said that he liked to give massage and thats what I responded to. It took me quite awhile before I figured out this guy is a groomer, though looking back I can see how he controlled things right from the beginning even though I thought I was the one getting (a massage). He always wanted me to host and he always had certain ground rules (of control it turned out). He always wanted me to leave my door unlocked and be waiting in a darkened room lying face down naked and blind folded. We got together dozens of times, but I never saw him once. The first time he came over, he gave me a long, sensuous massage (all face down, which should have been a clue for me). He was so good at what he did that when he left I felt both totally relaxed and totally wired. He managed to get me totally sexually aroused and hungry, but didn't sate my arousal, just provoked it. He was already "grooming" me for the future. He only teased my hole. I found out later he did that for 2 reasons: one, to gauge me (i.e., find out if I was a bottom), and two: to make me hungry for more. He left my ass twitching I was so horny for more. After the first time, his "massages" became more and more focused on my ass. He always took the time to massage the rest of my body, but that became a short (but never felt hurried or rushed) procedure. That was a huge part of how hot this was, he never felt like he was in a rush or hurry, which spoke to me of perfect control, because no matter how turned on I was, he was always in control. What I learned, over time, was he was into opening my hole. That was his real desire all along. He got totally turned on by controlling and opening a guys cunt. He never fucked me, which at first both frustrated me and left me wanting more. He would use his mouth, hands and toys. Part of what made this very sensual was being blind folded all the time. I could tell that he brought toys and lubes because he would lay them out on my bed so they were touching my body. I couldn't see the toys, but I could feel them against me. Like a blind person, I could only imagine what was coming. He was so slow and purposeful about how he did things, I often couldn't figure out what he was doing. He wouldn't let me talk, but was very verbal, but not in a loud or forceful way. He would be working a toy into my hole and would encourage with words like "that's it, open your cunt for me...," which totally made me compliant. He liked to rim me after opening me with toys... or I thought he was rimming me. I found out after awhile that his rimming was really sucking on the edges of my cunt, helping it to rosebud (he took a picture of my cunt and sent it to me after one session and he had thoroughly rosebudded it and I didn't even realize it when it was happening). I moved away, but he told me after I moved that he had planned many things for me that we never got to. One was to tie me up spread eagle on my bed and pimp my hole out. While he didn't want to fuck me himself, he liked owning my hole and doing with it as he pleased. What made it so hot was how he did it. He was almost stealthy about getting what he wanted.
    4 points
  2. I've been thinking about this more today, and you're right, I really feel like this is my role in life. Although mainstream society would not accept or acknowledge it, at least currently, I feel like there are some boys who are born simply to service cocks and provide sexual relief for men - this is what they are best at in life. In a more open, liberated society there would be official "jobs" for boys like us - perhaps we'd even get paid, but i'd gladly do it for free! I see it as a public service in the same way as a dentist or a barber is providing a service. Any time a man is horny or needs to shoot a load, he can come visit one of us. And what could be more selfless than giving a guy pleasure and helping him to cum? Seriously, there's nothing I enjoy more than getting a guy's dick hard and helping him to cum. I feel so proud and happy when I see him get an erection or shoot a load because of something i've done for him!
    3 points
  3. After Adam, it was a while before I barebacked again. I had sex with Aaron again over Christmas, but other than that I really wasn't messing around with guys much. I was working really hard and my firm is the kind where I can work late (past 8pm) and they provide dinner and you get a car to take you home. That seemed so much easier than any other way of working and I needed to keep my billing hours up. Basically, this is why I wasn't fucking around much. One day, I went home at 8pm because I wanted to jack off and then work in my underwear with the tv on. I would feel more relaxed. I also popped on AOL and a4a, no grindr yet, and was chatting with guys while I worked. Both my profiles were very clear, SAFE SEX ONLY. I found this really great guy, John, and he was one of those guys that gets me to open up easily and he was also hot. He was shorter than me, 5'11" and had a baseball player's build - big arms and shoulders and strong legs with a tapered waist and tight stomach (no abs showing like me, but I was just thinner). We had a good time chatting while I worked. I worked like this at night a few nights a week over a period of a few months and I'd regularly chat with John. John was a great guy, living in the suburbs about an hour away, and I was never sure that I'd meet him. I learned that he was kind of slutty, which I liked. He dated a lot of guys, but was never finding someone he really wanted to date long term. His parents and friends were cool with him being gay and he still lived at home, which was a nice suburban house with a hot tub and pool, nice backyard, deck. I told him about Will and Aaron. I told him that I was mostly a bottom, but was working a lot and not doing much with guys. We talked about music, movies, etc. and had a really good time chatting. It was easy. One night we chatted about bareback and safe sex. I admitted that I had fucked bareback with a few guys. He responded by saying that my profile said safe sex only and I said, I really want to use condoms, but I can get carried away. He said, he'd done it with and without condoms. I asked how he made is decision about condom use and he said he could always tell when a bottom was slutty enough to fuck without condoms. I asked how and he said sometimes by how they act or what they say, but usually how they act and what they say when they are naked. He said the key was whether or not the bottom specifically mentioned a condom once they were about to fuck. He asked how I decided and I told him it was usually spur of the moment and I didn't think about it. But, I did say with Will it was an active decision. He said he understood and we chatted about other things after that. Later that week, John invited me to a bbq he was having. His parents would be out of town and he was having a bunch of guys over to hang out, drink, smoke a little, and that I should definitely come. I was nervous about meeting him in person. What if he didn't like me once we met? What if his friends thought I was ugly? What if...What if...etc??? These are all things I thought and never said to John. Instead, I said what do your friends know about me and he said that you are hot, tall, smart, and a good guy. I asked if they knew what I'd told him about getting barebacked. He said, "No way. That is our secret." I told him I'd decide that weekend based on my workload but I really wanted to meet him and he said he hoped I'd come. The Party That Changed Everything I decided to go to the party. I thought it would be great to make some new gay friends since I still didn't really have a "core" group to hang out with regularly. I was also really excited to meet John. I didn't know if we'd date, have sex or just be good friends, but I really wanted one or more of them to happen. I was also nervous because I was worried he wouldn't like me, etc. It was really warm out, so I wore a tight polo shirt and shorts that showed off my ass. I also brought a small trunk bathing suit with the "football pants" ties in the front and a tank top in case we swam. John had also said I could stay over if I was took drunk to drive home. So I brought another shirt too. (I am kind of a clothes fanatic. I like to look good.) I got there and I was really nervous. I waited outside for a minute in my car thinking I would just leave. Instead, I saw some hot guys going in and I decided to get out of my car. I rang the bell and John opened the door. God he was fucking gorgeous.....he looked exactly like I'd always hoped he would - the high school baseball star, but aged 27. He was excited to see me and gave me a huge hug. I was so relieved. He took me out to the deck where guys were chatting and hanging out, swimming, drinking, etc. It was like everyone knew each other. John said they all knew each other from dating, the suburban bars, high school, etc. Every guy was bi or gay. So many hot guys. John could see I was nervous and a bit out of place. He took my hand and said, "You are so hot. I'm so glad you came. Let's get a drink and I'll introduce you to people." We got vodka lemonades, I made mine strong to calm my nerves. He introduced me around and by the time we got back around to the drinks, his two best friends were in the kitchen. He left me with them and I had a couple more drinks with them. Greg and Andy, the best friends, and I decided to go swimming because we were drinking too fast. They already had their suits on and I said I needed to change and Greg said, "Just go naked." We all laughed. I went to the bathroom and slipped out of my clothes and into my suit. I came out and the guys in the kitchen stared. Greg sad, "I could tell you had a great body, but damn John can pick the hotties." I blushed and a few guys said they liked my suit. We went out to swim. It was fun. We laughed and played around and eventually Andy and I were in these floating chairs. Greg or one of the other guys brought us drinks when they refilled. It was an easy day. I was getting a little drunk and the food was ready. We went inside and a few guys were standing around chatting and eating. One of the guys was telling a story about a really slutty hookup of his that he met at the bar last weekend. Brief story, the storyteller who was totally hot - short, tan, ripped body and a good solid face - said he met this dude, they danced, and then went to the parking lot and instead of leaving, the guy let him fuck him right there. The storyteller ended by saying he was such a slut, he begged me to cum inside him. One of the guys said, "Did you?" The storyteller said yes. I was getting a bit hard, but hidden behind the breakfast bar, my increasingly hard cock was hidden from view. John appeared next to me just as the conversation became one of safe versus bareback sex. Most of the guys said they only did safe sex. The storyteller called out one guy he'd fucked bareback and the guy blushed and agreed he had no always used condoms. Greg and Andy and John all said that bareback sex was hot, but they usually did it with condoms. Everyone seemed to look at me at one point and I said, I always use condoms. I was so embarrassed that I'd had to say anything. John put his hand on my ass and squeezed. I looked at him and he winked. After that, the party broke up into groups again. People swimming, drinking, the music got louder. I was hanging out with Greg and Andy and John. Greg got his pipe and we smoked some pot in the back yard while sitting in some awesome patio chairs. I was high and kinda drunk by now. Greg was generous with his stuff. He was really nice. I was now only in my tank top and swimsuit. Greg brought the conversation to tops and bottoms. Greg and Andy were versatile and had fucked each other a few times. John was almost always a top, but had tried bottoming. I admitted I was almost always the one getting fucked. Then Greg, who I guess was the aggressive one of the friends, brought the conversation back around to the bareback discussion. Under some pressure from the guys, I admitted that guys had fucked me bareback. Greg was interested and asked me details. I shared as we smoked some more. John was smiling and said, "I was keeping your secrets, but get you a little drunk and high and you open up so easy." We all laughed. At this point, it was getting dark and the party was breaking up. Some guys had other stuff to do and still another larger group had planned to go out to the bars after John's party and John let them all get changed in his house. It was now down to Greg, Andy, John and myself. John said, "We have a ton of booze left, let's get drunk and everyone can stay over." I agreed. We helped John clean up and hung out on the deck drinking and talking. I was getting cold so John told me to come upstairs and he'd try to find something to fit me (I'm 6'2". He's 5'11". Might be a challenge.) We went upstairs and we quickly found a tee shirt and light jacket, but the pants were an issue. We ran to his brother's room (in Europe for the summer) and he came back with some sweat pants that barely fit me. He said, "Sorry best I can do." I dropped my swimsuit and put on my briefs and the sweatpants. That's when John kissed me. I was really turned on and kissed him back and we made out. After a few minutes John said, "Let's go back downstairs." He put on sweat pants and sweat shirt and we went downstairs. The other guys had jackets or jeans on because they were cold too. We had some more drinks and then Greg says, "Look what I found in my jacket pocket?" It was a little bag of white powder. He asked us if we wanted to do some lines of coke. I admitted that I never had. The other guys said, "Don't worry. We'll take care of you if anything goes wrong." I was nervous but I did the lines with them. I was high as fuck from the booze, pot and now the coke. I was also so horny from being around the hot guys in swimsuits and making out with John a few minutes earlier. I went back inside to make drinks and John came with me. He asked how I was feeling and I told him I was good, but really high and horny. John kissed me again and we went to the living room to make out on the couch. Our clothes came off pretty fast and soon I was straddling his lap in just my underwear. He was just in his sweat pants. I do remember that he didn't put on underwear earlier because I could feel his hard cock pushing on me through the sweat pants. The other guys had come in to get drinks and see if we were alright. They saw us making out and Greg laughed and said, "Alright John!" Andy punched him in the arm and they just watched. I was so high and turned on that didn't care. After a while, my underwear was off and John's cock was out of the sweat pants. He bent me over the couch and started eating my ass. I could see Greg and Andy kissing and they were stroking each other's cocks, but they were really watching John and I. John ate my ass like it was his fucking favorite thing to do. He stayed at it forever. I remember giving him head, but not as much as I remember how he ate my ass. I was pulling my ass cheeks apart as far as they would go. He was definitely inside the outer sphincter penetrating me with his tongue over and over like he was fucking me with it. I was a fucking bitch in heat. He stopped and laid his cock on my ass. I looked back at him and said, "Condom and lube?" He said, "No problem. Be right back." Greg and Andy came over at this point and ran their hands over my ass, but nothing more. They went over and sat on the other couch and took off their pants and kept stroking their hard cocks. John came back and lubed my ass and I lubed his cock and he called his friends "pervs" but didn't tell them to leave and neither did I. He sat on the couch and handed me the condom and I straddled him and we made out some more. At this point his friends were directly behind me about 8 feet and I couldn't care less. I wanted John so badly. As we made out his cock kept rubbing against my ass and on my hole that he had opened up so much. I still had the condom in my hand. He reached down and held his cock to make me moan more as I rubbed my ass on it. I kissed him hard and just started to back my bare ass down on his cock. He looked into my eyes and I just kept sliding down. I winced and halted and he grabbed both my hands. He could feel the unopened condom in the one and squeezed that hand. I slid my ass further down on his cock and said I want this. He moaned and let me start riding his cock. I heard his friends say something, but I didn't care. I was just loving riding John's cock. it was 7" cut and felt good sliding in and out of my bare ass. I didn't care that his friends saw be getting fucked barebacked. John bent me over the back of the couch and started really fucking me. At this point Greg came around and put his cock in my face. I started sucking his Greg's cock. Now I was getting spitroasted by these two guys and John called me a slut and said my ass felt so good. He fucked me for like 10 minutes and I was sucking Greg and licking his balls, but my focus was on John so I'm not sure how much attention Greg's cock was really getting. John said, I'm coming and he blew his load in my ass. He kind of collapsed on top of me and kissed my neck. I stopped sucking Greg and kissed John. John slipped from my ass and I turned over and he stroked me and went to suck me. Greg walked around and picked up my legs and stood in front of me and pulled me forward until his cock was lined up with my ass. I saw the condom on the couch between John and I and he saw me look at it and said, "No way am I using that after I saw you take him bareback." He then slipped inside my ass. Greg didn't last long and he came fairly quickly, but his cock was thicker. John then fucked me again and came inside me. Andy came by jerking off on the other couch watching us. I came as John was fucking me the second time. Greg and Andy fell asleep on the other couch and John and I went to his bed. He sucked my cock in bed and I came again. It was an awesome night. I woke up before everyone in the morning and was taking a shower when I heard the door to the bathroom open. It was Andy. He said it was really hot watching me getting fucked last night. He also said he's glad I felt comfortable enough to let him watch. Then he got in the shower with me. Andy pushed me against the wall and said it was his turn to fuck me. He was such a nice guy but this aggressive side was hot and I got hard. He squirted some shampoo on his cock and slid it in my ass. He said, "I'll be quick because the shampoo will burn in a bit." Andy just went to town on my ass. He fucked me hard and quick and then came in my ass after only a few minutes. I was so turned on that I came on the tile wall. After we finished Andy picked my cum up with his fingers and ate it. It was an awesome morning. We drove to the city and all went to brunch. John, Greg, Andy and I hung out until mid afternoon and then they went back to the burbs. John and I chatted again after that my phone and email. He said he felt uncomfortable dating me because I'd let his friends fuck me bareback. He said I was too slutty for him, but he wanted to be friends. After that conversation, our friendship fizzled. Greg came into the city to go to the bars a lot more than the other boys. He often slept over at my place when he didn't pick up a boy and he fucked me a lot. I always took his load and never asked him to use a condom. Greg disappeared from my world one day and I haven't seen him since although he and Andy still talk sometimes. Andy and I only fucked a few more times including a couple of 3somes with Greg, but Andy got a boyfriend by the next year and they moved to Hawaii and got married. Seriously, Andy is an awesome guy and we are still friends. I'm not sure his husband knows all about me, but once when his husband was drunk he called me a cum dump and I just smiled. John's party basically blew my mind. I almost never used a condom since I slid down on John's cock with the unopened condom still in my hand. There are a few more stories of me slipping further into being a cum dump from my online hookups which became more frequent, to boyfriends, to poz guys, to my first real fuck buddy. More to come......I hope you guys still like it.
    3 points
  4. With a big nod to Scottyrim’s story “Steamroom.” ____________________________________________________ When I entered the steam room, the hot moist air billowed around me and then settled down again as I eased the door shut behind me. I looked around me and saw two young guys were sitting on the right side platform and they were jerking each other. On the left side, two guys were sitting towards the back. The two young guys were rather well built,but the the two on the left looked a bit gaunt and wasted. I knew what that meant, although I had to admit that they still looked kind of handsome. I sat near the two guys on the right and attempted to join in their play but they made it plain that my participation was unwelcome, so I sat quietly for a while, enjoying the stress-relieving heat. As I looked around the room, my eyes kept returning to the two guys in the opposite corner. Each time I looked, their eyes were gazing at me steadily. Neither hostile, nor friendly, they just seemed kind of curious as they looked back at me. I smiled nervously and this got their smiles in return. One of them, he was the shorter of the two at about 5’10”, got up and came over to where I was sitting on the wooden platform. He had a very nice cock, somewhat swollen from all the heat. It waggled temptingly back and forth as he crossed the room, making it impossible not to stare at it. “See anything you like?” he asked. I was too tongue-tied to respond. “I do,” he continued, and with that he reached out, put his hands on my bare shoulders and pushed me flat onto my back. My legs were still hanging over the edge, bent at the knees, so that my toes were just brushing the floor. Then he leaned over and started gently manipulating my cock. I was getting charged up and it felt amazingly good. I didn’t know what to think. My mind was racing. This guy was pushing all the right buttons but he was clearly in the grip of the virus. I knew that what we were doing was safe but it somehow seemed to be going awfully fast. I knew we should stop at some point but I could not clearly figure out what that point was going to be. All I knew was that I was getting hotter and hotter and it wasn’t the steam. He kept stroking, squeezing and tugging my dick, rolling it in his hand and gently pinching the head. My eyes closed, and my head began rolling around with my mouth agape. The massage stopped and I felt a hand gently grip my chin. I opened eyes and looked up as he turned my head towards him. I saw that he had moved up along my body, walked around the end of the platform and was now right next to my head. “You like that, don’t you?” With that he leaned over me and his cock swung forward and hovered over my still open mouth. He gazed at me calmly and said, “There’s something you can do for me!” I shook slightly as a thrill or shiver ran through my body. “Relax! Everything’s gonna be okay.” With that, he smiled and lowered his cock into my open mouth. I moaned in surprise and fear as well as sheer lust. He repeated, “It’s gonna be okay.” Now, I’m a born cocksucker so my mouth knew what to do. I suckled on the head, then moved up and down his growing shaft. I felt his hand return to fondling my dick, but when I twisted my neck to look down there I was shocked to see that his friend had taken over that task. I hadn’t even heard him get up and join us. He nudged his way between my knees. When he suddenly widened his stance my legs were spread apart. His cock was fully erect, not too thick, but about eight inches in length. At this moment I knew I was in great danger. Here I was with two men clearly infected by the bug. One was see-sawing his cock in and out of my mouth, and the other was standing between my legs, his hard cock already starting to drip toxic pre-cum. The two young guys opposite had ceased their play and were silently staring at the unfolding scene with a mixture of wonder and horror. They could see that I was in trouble. With the stranger’s dick in my mouth I couldn’t do much more than utter moans which could have meant anything. I gazed at them with mute appeal. Could they possibly save me from this situation? With relief I saw that one of them jumped up and hurriedly left the steam room. Help would be here soon, I thought, until he suddenly returned alone. He had gone to retrieve his phone so that he could capture the events on video. Despite my fears, I was also consumed by sexual need. These two men had seduced me, with hardly a word being spoken, and now I was teetering on the verge of the unthinkable. I looked up. The first guy smiled reassuringly. I could tell from his unwavering expression that there was no chance of stopping them. Some part of me had already surrendered to their will. It was simply understood that I was going to bottom for them. Here and now, with the other two as witnesses. The taller of the two gaunt men began to nudge into me with his cock. “Uh-uh!” said the shorter man. “Today, I go first!” With that, he changed places with his friend. As he entered me, my toes began to flex and curl as the flash from the phone camera lit up the room.
    2 points
  5. Part 3: Closer Sorry it's been a while on the update here. Eric had finals last week. And then things started getting very interesting. Needless to say, I signed the contract last week, and I added a note to it "sorry for cumming on it" after I signed it. I slid it underneath his door and anxiously awaited. A few days later, I received a package in the mail. The return address was left blank. I wasn't sure what to expect. As I opened it up, it was obvious who it came from. It was a white cock-shaped dildo. I'd guess around 8 inches in length and somewhat thick. And, at the base of the dildo cock in magic marker, the handwritten word "POZ" appeared. A bottle of KY was included in the package. And a note. It took me a few moments to process what I was looking at. I definitely wasn't expecting this. The note read "Use this dildo to practice taking poz cock. Mine is longer and thicker, but this will be good practice. While you fuck yourself with this dildo, remind yourself that you are being fucked by a poz cock. Text me a picture of it inside your ass so I know you are still serious. And I will give it to you soon." I didn't waste any time at all. I never used a dildo on myself before. It just felt weird. I applied lots of lube to my hole and the dildo and started forcing it into me. I paused for a moment as I noticed the "POZ" lettering at the base. And then I did as instructed. I imagined being fucked by Eric's poz cock. I could have cum in a few seconds, but then remembered I had to take a picture. I was only able to get the tip of the dildo near my hole as I took the picture. I made sure that the POZ lettering was clearly legible. I wanted him to see the evidence of my willingness to take his cock. After snapping the pic, I worked the dildo inside of me and imagined the pozzing that awaited me. Within a few minutes, I shot my load all over my stomach and chest. Even though I just came, I was still turned out which was rare for me. I texted Eric the picture and texted a few words with the pic. "I want ur poz cock in me so fucking bad!" And then I waited for what seemed to be an eternity. It took Eric a day reply to my text. I've never been so eager for a hookup. What was this spell he had over me? I didn't care. I wanted him. And that's all that mattered. His response once again wasn't what I expected. It read "My viral load is very high. One fuck should do the trick."
    2 points
  6. Been lurking here for a long time. I finally got the courage to take that next step. Im gonna change a couple of details so that this is fictional now. The truth is much stranger than fiction, sometimes. I had a crush on my neighbor, Eric for months. And I was so sad when I found out from another friend that he was poz. Somehow, he seemed even more attractive since he was "off limits." I would never have thought I might pursue a poz guy. I guess you could say that I kinda got obsessed with him. I'd see him in the community pool. I'd see him go out for a run. I couldn't help but to notice that huge bulge and that tight body. Well, let's move things along. Eric was in his third year of law school. I was going to school part time and working part-time. I started saying hi to him as he would set out for his run. Before I knew it, we were chatting all the time. And I was probably obvious that I liked him; and I could tell by the way he looked at me that he wanted me too. Fast forward a few more months; and we are best of friends and the sexual tension is building. I fantasize about him throughout the day. I cum thinking about him before bed every night; and jack off to him in the morning. I want him. Then, I found this web site when I was searching about sex options with a poz guy. And maybe that didn't help .. or did it? One night, we are drinking and talking and I finally got the courage to tell him I wanted him to fuck me. His response wasn't at all what I expected. In short, he told me that he would prepare a contract for me to sign to make sure that I would not hold him responsible if I got pozzed. That same night, he told me that his health insurance had lapsed because he was too old to be on his parents policy. And because of a paperwork screw up, he has 90 days without coverage. In other words .. not on meds right now. And likely "very detectable" as he put it. Damn .. I was upset but also turned on. I just sorta assumed he would be undetectable. A few days later, I found the contract under my apartment door in a simple brown envelope. I opened it up and saw one of those plastic "sign here" things pointing to the signature line. As I read it, my nervousness unexpectedly began to turn from fear into anticipation. Here's how it read: I, _______________________, affirm to be of sound mind and judgement and do solemnly swear that I will not hold Eric X (last name removed for privacy), hereafter known as "the top", responsible civilly or criminally for the contraction of HIV, or any other disease or ailments that result from my consensual sex with said person. I understand that the top is currently un-medicated and has a high viral load; and that my consensual unprotected anal sex may result in the contraction of HIV. I further agree that the following activities are permissible, as described in the following vernacular language to clarify the terms of this contract: I may get fucked in the ass by the top's big cock. I will let the top shoot poz cum deep inside me. I will not ask the top to stop once my ass is penetrated with his big dick. The top can pound my ass as deep and hard as he desires. I will not try to pull away or prevent his poz cum from filling my ass. I further agree to hold an empty bottle of HIV medication in my mouth as a reminder that an un-medicated poz load will be fucked into my ass. I can not release the bottle of medication from my mouth until the top instructs me to do so. After the top cums in my ass, the bottle of said meds will be placed in my asshole to prevent poz cum from leaking out. Furthermore, the top has my explicit permission to electronically record the aforementioned sexual activities and use for his own purposes. Prior to sexual activities, I will declare, on video, that "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." I concede that the sexual activities described above may result in personal serious illness or possibly death. By signing below, I am literally signing my life away. I fully consent to being fucked to death by big poz cock. I trembled as I read the contract. And as I read through the contract the second time, my cock became as hard as it ever had. Should I sign the contract?
    1 point
  7. Becoming a Bug Chaser Note: This is pure fantasy and never happened. Maybe someday though. As I waited in the doggy style position on my bed with my ass presented towards the door I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I was supposed to be a good boy. I never did anything wrong. And most importantly, I always played safe. Why was I being so reckless? The door opened and I shivered. This was it. I heard the door shut, then came the creaking of my floor board. Before long there was a metal clang, and then finally the sound I had been dreading most. The snap of my bare ass getting smacked. "Fuck!" I screamed as the man hit me with his bare hand. "Yea the little slut likes getting his ass smacked doesn't he?" I heard a deep voice say. "Yes Sir," I screamed even though I hated it. "Please hit me again!" The man smacked me again before pulling my cheeks apart and diving his tongue into my hole. I had already loosened it with a dildo so I was able to feel his tongue actually slide inside. The man pulled away and dug his fingers into my cheeks. "Tell me what you want boy," he said. For a moment I hesitated, but then I decided to cross the line I could never go back from. "I want your poz cum up my neg pussy Sir!" I hadn't actually been sure I'd be able to say it out loud in person, so when I did I was ecstatic. I broke into a wide grin, some of the tension melting away from me. "Yea. That's pretty stupid boy," the man said before taking a quick lick of my hole, nipping it with his teeth, and inserting a finger while scratching the insides. "Why would you want toxic, dirty, virulent poz loads when you're neg? Up till now you've never let a dick touch your hole without a condom, right boy?" I took a breath, let it out, and then started reciting what I had been practicing all day in anticipation for this moment. "Because I want to be a bug chaser Sir! I want to be a cumdump for strangers and refuse no loads while looking for poz ones! I hate condoms! And I don't want to use them ever again! Please breed me! Give me your AIDS Sir! Knock me up! Corrupt me ! Convert me from a condom only, stand-up member of society into a sick, twisted, perverted, disgusting bug chasing cumdump who lets anyone fuck him!" I couldn't believe I was saying all this. It wasn't a fantasy anymore. It was real. I was getting bred for the first time by a stranger. Not just that, I had purposely looked for a poz guy with a high viral load who loved gifting bug chasers. The it hit me. I really was a officially a bug chaser. My grin didn't leave for the rest of the day. "Yea you nasty pig," the man said lining his dick with my hole. "You filthy bug chaser," I heard him spit, and then his cock started sliding into me. "You want my load, huh? You want my AIDS babies?" "Yes!" I screamed, pushing my ass into his pubes so his raw, poz dick went deeper. "I'm a sick, disgusting, twisted bug chaser! I want poz loads from strangers! Destroy my neg pussy!" "You got it boy." He started fucking me relentlessly. It felt like an hour but was probably more like fifteen minutes. The most intense fifteen minutes of my life. The man fucked me nonstop, only sliding his bare cock out for a few seconds here and there, each time sticking his fingers into my hole and scratching around. It was so painful, but I was euphoric the entire time. I was being the whore I'd always dreamed of being. Every time he'd call me a faggot, cumdump, slut, bug chaser, damaged goods, or no longer neg, I felt a sense of fulfillment I had never felt before his raw dick slid into my now condom free, neg but soon to be poz hole. And then it happened. He started speeding up, digging his fingers into my shoulders so hard I was sure he had broken the skin. "Here it comes bitch!" the man screamed. "This is it! I"m converting you! Your neg ass is getting bred for the first time with my potent poz cum! Your life is over! I felt him shoot into me, its heat melting into my body creating a craving for cum I had never known was possible. My life flashed before me: -The first time I was fucked with a condom -The guy I kicked out who tried to stealth me even though discovering that made me harder than I had ever been. -The guys I turned down online because they were poz or wouldn't play safe. -The first time I found Breeding zone, found a story about bug chasing, and shot the biggest load of my life. -Admitting to myself I wanted to be a cumdump for strangers, especially those who were poz. -The first time I talked with a guy online about wanting to take poz loads up my ass. -And finally, an hour ago when I set up this meeting with a stranger to fuck me bareback for the first time and fill me with his highly virulent poz load. The man fell on top of me, trapping me beneath him. As I lay there panting, taking in what had just happened, I started to feel guilty. I felt around to my battered hole that was still stuffed with the man's dick, needing to confirm that the intense breeding had really happened. Flinching as my fingers made contact with my hole I felt a cool, sticky goo that I smothered my fingers in. Bringing them back to my face I saw my fingers covered in pink tinged cum. I was horrified and disgusted with myself that I had willingly done something so perverse. But when I stuffed my fingers in my mouth, licked them, swallowed, and then went back for seconds, I knew the man was right about my life being over. At least my life as a responsible boy who didn't make stupid decisions, chose his sex partners selectively, and always used condoms. From that day on I'd be a whore, a cum dump, and a bug chaser.
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  8. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
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  9. My head hurts. I don't know why I have migraines on Sundays, but it happens about every other week, hangover probably isn't helping. I guess I fell asleep on the couch again, slept wrong, so groggy, so sore. Well, I went out last night and I guess I drank too much, I don't remember how I got home, but I'm glad I got home safe. I need to get up and move, take a piss. I noticed I fell asleep with my contacts in, it always takes a couple minutes before my eyes get a chance to reopen. I started moving my eyes while they're still closed, I started to run my hands down my face and a sharp pinch jolted me when my palm pressed on my nose. Did I get punched? I gingerly started feeling my nose. The pain made my eyes start to water so I can try looking, no bruising or blood, but I saw something silvery out of the corner of my eye. I knew something had happened. I started to roll out of the couch, my body was aching all over, my legs were a bit wobbly. I needed to get to the bathroom to see what had happened. As I was starting to straighten up, my chest and back started to itch as I slogged to the bathroom. I turned the corner and was stunned. It wasn't me in the mirror. There was this punk version of me. I saw a mostly shaved head, except for a dark red Mohawk. The shine below my nose was a thick nose ring and matching rings in my earlobes. Then it dawned on me, the itching, the soreness. Quickly I peeled off my tee shirt, and a sharp snag on my chest made me recoil in pain. After a second I was able to see the cause: my right nipple was now pierced too and a large tattoo encircled it. It took me a moment to recognize it- a biohazard symbol. I panicked, realizing my back itched too, I spun around and contorted to try seeing what was behind me. In the mirror, it was an even larger and colorful tattoo, a biohazard symbol with the word 'POZ' above it and 'whore' below it. I stood there breathless. A lot happened last night, more than just getting drunk and blacking out. The pressure in my bladder reminded me I had to piss again. I unzipped my jeans and reached to displace my briefs... I felt leather. I let my jeans drop to the floor. I was wearing a leather jock strap. I shook my head in disbelief. I still needed to pee so I pulled down the jock pouch, started to relax to urinate and then I felt some other new pressure coming from my asshole. As I stood there urinating in the toilet, I spread my legs a little and reached back with my left hand to feel the base of a butt plug. This wasn't a good sign. I pulled the jock strap all the way off and squatted down. I had to get this plug out of me. I beared down and the rubber plug started moving, and I gently pulled on it with a free hand. It got to the point that it just snapped out of me. The sudden release made my cock jump and spurt out some precum onto the leather jockstrap I just peeled off and dropped on the floor. I picked up the plug and looked at it- it was covered in thickened lightly pinkish goo. I stood back up in disbelief, dropped the plug in the sink and walked away. My hole started to clench back up and my cock was at full attention. Between my hole feeling empty and used to the plug that was inside me and a case of morning wood, I had to rub a load out, so I walked back to the living room to put some porn. I threw in my favorite gangbang flick and plopped back on the couch. As the video started loading up, I saw new dvd case on my coffee table, it had a hand-drawn biohazard sign in sharpie on it. Curious, I picked it up and opened up the case, and found a folded paper note in it. It read: "Last night you said you hated the bar whores, mostly because you wish you could be more like them. Your wish was our command. Enjoy ALL of your Gifts!" followed by another biohazard sign.
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  10. There used to be two bathhouses in the place I live. One was known for the older crowd (and still exists), the other was visited by younger guys (but burned down). I usually went to the sauna were there were a lot of daddies, but I wanted to see what the other bathhouse was like too. I went to the bathhouse after work and arrived pretty late. There were a lot of twenty- thirtysomethings there. Really not my type. I did see one older guy with white hair and potbelly. He was cruising on the second floor. I first tried the facilities, the pool (always feels nice to swom naked) the steamcabin where there wasn't a lot of action unlike the other bathhouse and the whirlpool. In the whirlpool this 35 year old guy kept brushing up my leg. He obvioulsy liked me. I wasn't too sure about him. I let the guy fondle me a bit, and he kept asking me things like if I go to this place a lot. After the bubbles went away in the whirlpool I went upstairs, hoping to lose the guy. I saw the older guy groping some dudes, but they all kept rejecting him. I almost felt sorry for him. When I walked by he grabbed my crotch too. I stood still and let him feel me up a bit. "Let's go into a private room" he whispered in my ear. I obliged and walked into a cabin. The man looked happy and why shouldn't he. He finally found a young boy that wants to be intimate with him. "You look gorgeous, what's your name?" he asked. I told him my name and then he asked me age. At the time I was 24. Being the shy guy I didn't ask his name (wasn't interested in it anyway) or his age. Most men lie about it anyway, they always say there are younger, not realizing I get turned on more by old fuckers than young ones. If he told me he was 40 I would've been dissapointed while would he have said he was 60 I'd be superhorny (exaggerated example of course). When he knew my age he began grinning even more.He looked like he hit jackpot. Of course he also asked what I liked and wanted to do. I choke on this question. I would love to say I want to suck his old cock and get my ass rimmed so he can root my young ass better. But I'm too shy to say stuff like that. So I didn't say anything at all, I just mumbled a bit. When he asked a second time I softly said "everything I guess". The old man looked at me with a smile "you're so pretty" he said. Yeah that's another thing I don't like, guys who act like they are in love with you. I'm not looking for a lover, I'm looking for anonymous sex. "You're a bit shy aren't you?" I nodded. "I won't do anything you don't want to do" he assured me "I don't have a lot of sex these days" he admitted "I hope I can please you". He began sucking my pencil dick and after a while he asked if I wanted to suck his cock. Of course I wanted to do that and put my lips on his hard cock. It didn't take long before he began encouraging me, moaning that I did a good job, how this wasn't my first blowjob and that he enjoyed it because he did't have a mouth on his cock for so long. It almost made me feel special, sucking on a cock long abandoned by others. "Stand up" he told me. When I stood up he looked at me again, admiring my body once more "turn around and show me your cute ass". As soon as my back was turned to him he grabbed my ass. Squeezing my not so full asscheeks. He took a step forward so our bodies were pressed against each other and he was humping my ass. "You have such a great body, I want to enjoy it but also make it feel good for you. Please go on all fours so I can lick your ass." Oh yes, I definitly would like that. When I was on hands an knees I pushed my ass up in the air, give him nice acces to my boicunt. "What a nice pussy" he said when I showed him my hole, and then he stuck his tongue there. His stubble felt great on my ass. I began to ponder how naughty it was, being naked in a booth with cumstains on the wall, having a guy who is older than my father licking my ass. And boy did he lick. He slobbered all over my ass. He was like a starving animal feasting on my asshole. Suddenly he stopped, placed his dick against my hole and pushed right in. It hurt and I groaned. "Relax, relax, just wait and it will feel nice" he assured me. At one hand I did like it his cock was already buried in my ass (saves the hassle of doing it slowly which I find less comfortable), however I wasn't too pleased he didn't use a condom. "We should do it safe" I whimpered. He looked at me with a friendly smile "Oh you're so sweet" he said "I know we should do it safe but I don't have any condoms. I haven't fucked a boy like you for quite some time, please let me fuck you". I looked at him. I always figured only those dominating bald leather gays were the ones to look out for. Not this old guy who probably hasn't fucked someone (without paying) for quite some time. Besides I didn't bring any condoms myself and his cock began feeling nice in my hole. When he noticed I didn't try to argue he began fucking me. "I want to fuck you so bad" he said "I haven't cum in some days and I want you to have it". My cock became rockhard when he said that. It's so horny when someone wants to breed you. Being barebacked I decided to lose my shame and encouraged him "Yes fuck me daddy" I blurted out. He enjoyed that "yes son tell me how much you like it" he said moaning. "Fuck my pussy with your old cock, make me pregnant" I said without shame while vigoursly jerking my own cock That really did it for him, he gave one big thrust so his fuckmeat was as deep as possible in my bowels. Then he unloaded. My first breeding. I felt his tick slimy cum in my ass. At that point I shot my own load on my towel. As soon as I came I wanted his cock out of my ass. I stood up, so his cock slipped out of my ass. I wanted to check my ass with my fingers, it felt really slippery and wanted to make sure I wasn't bleeding or something, but the man grabbed my hand. He asked me to stay, but I thanked him for the session and quickly left the booth. When I walked downstairs I felt the cum trickling down my leg. It was the most intense and most intimate fuck I ever had and I didn't even know who that guy was. I bumped into the whirlpool dude. "So there you are" he said. I wasn't in the mood for him. He looked at the old man who walked behind me. He grabbed my arm and said into my ear "Whatever you do don't go with that guy. He's known as an unhealty man, rumors are he´s poz. He's always harassing guys with lies and wanting unprotected sex. I hate to see you fall into his hands". I turned white and my heart began to beat faster. I excused myself to go into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and began pushing his cum out of my ass. When I looked in the bowl I saw a pinkish mixture of body fluids. Fuck.
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  11. Ari and I had been together for about a year. We met at a local gay club on 'studs in suds' night, which is where all guys are expected to show up wearing only undies and an under shirt, (or less), to party and dance in a dance club full of soapy suds. We were both in our early 20's, drunk, covered in soap and nearly naked, so it wasn't all that unexpected when we ran across each other, even given the size of the crowd. Over the year since we have enjoyed a growing love for each other, while still being able to enjoy outside fun. We agreed upon certain rules, however: we would only play with others while we were together, only play safe with others, always tell the other if we were flirting with someone else, whether online or in person. What I hadn't told Ari is that I love poz play. i have tried to get him to play bare with a few of our random hookups but it never panned out. Online I talked with guys almost daily about taking poz cum or watching it get shot into my boyfriend's vers hole. I want to be pozzed so badly but Ari would never approve, unless it was his idea, (even if he didn't realize as much).
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  12. Hello all. This is my first story I have written. It came to me in a dream (probably after ready this forum before sleeping) and I knew I had to write it down and share it. Since it drives me absolutely insane when the other writers here don't do it, I will promise to write one installment every night for your guys until it is done. I know how this story ends, but I am writing it as I go. I'll be as surprised as you if the characters end up doing something unexpected. I wanted this to be the deep breath before the plunge, so bear with me. We will get to the action quickly. Also, in case I wasn't clear when I said this was a dream, this is complete and utter fiction for your entertainment and enjoyment. If you have feedback or suggestions on how I can improve, please let me know here or through e-mail. If you want something to happen, email me and I will try and incorporate it into the story if possible (or use it for the next one.) Part I I waited patiently on my couch with my eyes closed and focused on my breathing. With my hands resting on my knees, I waited. I was only wearing an old pair of worn jeans that has slowly shrunk over the years. My bare chest rose and fell slowly as I breathed in and out. The temperature was the delicious cool after the sun set on a hot day. I had built up some sweat doing my Friday evening exercise, and could still smell it coming from my armpits and crotch. I had just finished cleaning up the house, and preparing everything for my guest. He would arrive here at the nice part of town, pull up to my house, come inside, and see another well off house with matching furniture and wooden floors. He would see the organized kitchen, fridge full of food and (unknown to him drugged) beer, and the living room with the large TV and couch. Nothing would arouse his suspicions. Everything was in place, there was the only one missing piece. I smiled to myself as I sat there like a spider in the center of his web. I wondered if spiders enjoyed the false calm they projected as much as I did. Hunters with their deadly snares in place, hidden in plain sight. They waited motionless in their elaborate trap, confident that their prey would willing come right to them. The thrill of the hunt battled with the predator's steel resolve, and I felt my cock pushing against the denim of my jeans as my blood pulsed in tune to my increasing heartbeat. I could feel the head of my cock forcing it's way down the leg of my pants, leaving a trail of precum as the foreskin pulled back further and further. I always was a heavy leaker, but while it made for some very embarrassing moments in puberty, I love having my hard cock covered in natural, tasty lube. There was nothing more arousing than seeing my bare, wet, hard dick buried deep inside a man's ass or mouth, watching it ooze into them drop by drop . I knew that inside that crystal clear liquid was my sweet venom opening the path for the rest. They were always hungry for more, in the end. I had to take a deep breath and stop myself from grabbing my dick through the jeans and squeezing it hard. It was enough trouble getting into these jeans even without underwear. The thought of having my cock soaked and at full mast like a caged animal when he arrived caused another pulse of blood and precum to rush down my shaft. But no, I had to stay in control. I didn't want him to see another hunter. I wanted him to walk through my front door and believe that tonight was for him and his pleasure alone. The best prey were the ones who thought that they were the true hunters, the apex predator, masters of all. With their perfect bodies and looks, every urge they had was satisfied by some worshiper who obeyed like a trained dog when given orders. Built by endless hours in the gym, they could pick any man they wanted out of the crowd and have their way with him. Nothing that entered their limited imaginations was denied them. Their lifetime of dominance was what made them always fall into my reach. They lacked the wariness of smarter creatures who knew that there was more than one type of hunter. They would roam and rely on their will and brute strength to dominate, instead of waiting and using cunning, patience, and preparation. I heard a motorcycle pull into my driveway and took a final moment to get back under control. I got down on my knees and put my hands behind my back. I knew what he wanted to see as soon as he walked in the front door. I kept a small smirk on my face as my chest rose and fell slowly with each breath. He would want to see some rebelliousness, so he could enjoy breaking me in that much more. This would be a weekend he would never forget, but not for the reasons he expected.
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  13. I was laying on my bed, wearing nothing but a jockstrap, my ass wet with lube. I could hear moaning and yelping from another room in the house. I knew I was next. It was my Daddy’s idea. Ever since he knew I was gay, he told me that my sole purpose in life was to take the seed of proper men. Mom and Dad were divorced, so it was easy for him to introduce me to the world of gay sex. From the age where he decided I was old enough to fuck, Daddy regularly pounded my tight little ass until he dumped a huge load into me, a load that inevitably spilled out out of my sore hole onto the bed sheets. Daddy is generally a nice guy, but he set a special rule when we first started fucking: while I would basically have perfect freedom when out of the house, when we were together, he would treat my ass however he wanted. Daddy is a rough fucker, and never cared if it hurt or not, but eventually I grew to like the warm sensation I felt when he came in me. He never wore a condom. He never talked about it. I never asked. He had a smooth muscular body and thick dick and to say 'no' to him would be stupid. Soon, he started to whore me out to his friends. Some of them were fit and hot, and I loved taking their loads, but others were older or looked drug-addled, and I was terrified they were going to hurt me at first. Daddy had one guy forgo lube as Daddy wanted the guy to fuck me dry until I bled. Eventually, when school finished, Daddy was self employed as a carpenter, so I wasn't surprised when he told me I wouldn't go to go to college, but I was somewhat surprised when he said my full-time job would be to be his fuck toy. So, when Daddy came from work we would usually have a light dinner, then I would get ready, we’d spend three to four hours fucking, then chill the rest of the night; often we would end up sleeping together, and sometimes we’d fuck again in the morning on the weekend or before he left for work. Usually it was just him, but there were often one or two visitors during the weekdays, usually his friends. He said he mapped out my future for me, and that I was going to become a proper cum-slut. I grew addicted to the sensation of somebody’s cum filling my ass, and it became my favourite part of being fucked. It wasn’t enough though for him. Though I accepted my Daddy fucking me unprotected, I knew about HIV and poz guys. I didn’t want that at all, and I would always ask him if the next guy he was setting me up with was clean - he always gave me an unconvincing nod or ‘yeah’.. One day, he told me upfront he was fed up of it and said he was going to get me to stop worrying. So he arranged a party over the internet somehow. Anybody under 50, but they had to be poz. He kept me updated on the details of who was coming, what they looked like and if I liked the look of them or not. To keep me horny, he didn’t fuck me for three days before and order me not to jack off. I was terrified, and I didn’t think we would actually go through with it. I quietly protested, telling him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it, until the night before, when Daddy told me to shut up or they were going to fuck me without lube. I did as I was told. He invited a few other 20 year old bottoms to come earlier and placed us in separate rooms. I never saw them, they were quickly brought upstairs to the spare room and study. When the party arrived they would fuck and seed each boy in turn. I was ordered up to my room, as I could hear the guys laughing and talking downstairs as they grouped up in the living room. It eventually died down as they went into the first room with the first boy. I prepped myself, almost automatically, and I heard the first boy cry out, followed by a cheer. It was two hours later, and I was getting really nervous. I could hear the second boy moaning loudly in the room next door. A load grunt and a few cheers told me he had just taken another load. I snorted some poppers and tried to forget that my Dad had gotten these guys here to basically shorten my life. As I heard muffled conversation, I lay on the bed, face down, trying to relax. Suddenly the door opened, and they filed in, talking excitedly amongst themselves. I didn’t look at them; I got on all fours and pressed my face against the sheets, my ass wide open. Two big hands took hold of my slim waist, rubbing the band of my jocks and I felt a wet cock slap into my ass crack. The mumbling died down to murmurs of approval as the unseen top slowly ushered his rapidly hardening dick into my ass. Suddenly, he gripped my waist hard and plunged his cock into my soft hole. It hurt - even through the poppers, it felt like it was tearing me in half. I yelled. The tops around me cheered and goaded the top to fuck me harder. All I could do was gasp with pain. Even my Daddy had never fucked me this hard. I spent the next five minutes trying to tell myself I was loving it, but it just hurt so much. Soon, he slowed down, and pressed his body to mine. I could feel hair and muscle, and smelt sweat. My ass just started to twinge with pleasure. “You want my load, faggot?” he grunted. “Yes, sir.” I whimpered. “I got a little present for you. You know what it is, fucker?” “Yes sir.” “You want it?” “Yeah…” I felt a cold flush as I said the words. He picked up the pace. The pain and pleasure I felt was unbelievable. I commended my soul as he roared and I felt a huge rush of warm liquid inside my ruined hole. I gasped and groaned in ecstasy as I felt his cock pump it directly into my intestines. It was worth all ten minutes of pain. He pumped a few more times and pulled out and exhaled, drenched in sweat. The guys around me cheered, and one guy with a deep voice said “You know you liked it, boy!”. The fuckfest lasted two more hours. Every time they fucked my hole hard and every time it got a little easier to take thanks to the huge amount of poz cum in my hole. I didn’t care anymore. I never looked directly at any of the tops, I just did what I was born to do. A couple of them whispered that they were going to pose me up, and I just whimpered. Daddy got in front of me on the bed and made me suck his cock while I was plowed from behind. Every time I took a load, he told me to let it run out my ass, until the sheet under me was soaked. Eventually Daddy was the last person fucking me. He clapped my shoulders and rammed me into the bed, spilling his seed into my already flooded ass. I didn’t retrain myself - I yelled and screamed like a little bitch. He whispered "I fuckin’ love you” before he pulled out and the guys started to leave the room, some of them complementing me as they walked out. I was nothing but a hole to my own Dad. I felt so ashamed. I also felt horny. I jacked off, fingering my wet hole as I heard the guys leave. Daddy didn’t even come back. He simply turned the lights off and yelled ‘“goodnight”. I slept on the drenched bed. We didn’t talk about it. The next day, I washed myself carefully. A tiny bit of red came out of my ass. I told myself it wasn’t blood. The next day, it was back to business as usual - Dad came home, we would spend the evening screwing. My ass was tender, but I said nothing. I noticed one difference though - Dad didn’t invite anybody to share me over the next few days. A few weeks later, I came down with a fever. I had muscle pains and a headache and wanted to stay in bed. Daddy was, however, very excited. He told me I had the ‘fuck flu’ and went on the internet. An hour later he told me to go downstairs, lube up and wait on the couch. I staggered downstairs and did as I was told. I knew what he meant, I was just to sick to care anymore. After fifteen minutes, I nearly fell asleep on the couch, when the door opened. The guy standing in the doorway was solidly built, with a mass of body hair and a short black beard. Daddy greeted him and pointed to me. Dazed, I turned over as he undressed. Daddy was getting people to fuck me while I was sero-converting! I got rock hard despite my headache. The hairy top started to gently fuck me and while my ass felt great, I felt like I was going to vomit. He took his time, fucking me in every position until, while I lay flat on the couch, begging deliriously for him to cum. Sure enough, he dumped a load. He thanked me with a kiss, dressed and left. With cum dripping out my hole, I looked up at Daddy, who was undressing. “I don’t think I can take another…” I felt pathetic. “Yeah, you will. Got another dozen lined up over the afternoon. Gotta keep that bug charged up.” “Couldn’t we wait until tomorrow?” I pleaded. He came over and kissed me. “I’m gonna guess you got maybe ten years left in you. I’m not wasting money on meds for your hole, babe. Every moment you’re not fucking is a moment wasted.” The door opened again, and kept opening the entire afternoon, as more and more tops walked in, each man dumping his load into my ass as I sucked my Daddy’s cock. At one point there were four guys waiting in line to fill me up. I nearly passed out, but eventually, in the early evening, Daddy told me to take a shower and get ready for dinner. I left a trail of poz cum on the floor to the bathroom on the second floor. As I clambered up, he told me he was going to dump another load in me tonight, before we went to bed, and there would be more of the same tomorrow. Daddy and I are still together. He threw away most of my clothing, except for my underwear and jockstraps, and yes, he still fucks me in every day. Sometime he takes me out to restaurants to eat, but otherwise we never leave the house except to go to mostly sleazy clubs and occasionally to the house of one friend or another, where I am always filled up with cum. Sometimes Dad is too lazy to cook dinner, so on those days I am usually fed nothing more than the cum from whatever top is around. Daddy loves to remind me I have only so many years left, and I don’t deserve anything but more loads. I get dozens of different tops every week now, and they talk shit, telling me they’re fucking me to death. I’m absolutely nothing to them. It’s soon going to be winter, and Daddy says I’ll freeze if I don’t get enough hot cum loads inside my ass. I'm going to do my best to stay warm.
    1 point
  14. i dont know why i did it. when i read his profile he seemed hot, right? and it said his HIV was undectable. so i thought it was safe. he was super fine. looked like one of those swimmers from the olympics. and he was packing a huge dick. i never did nothing with a poz dude before. maybe because i drank some, thats maybe why i said he could come hang. when he got to my place, he told me that his doctor changed his meds and that his virol (sp?) load might be super high. i wish he told me that before i was already turned on and had a boner. he had a big boner. his huge boner made mine look so small. but i didnt care. i guessed i was just going to suck his dick. he put his big dick into my mouth and it felt so good. but i kept getting more turned on. he kept asking me like "do you want me to fuck you?" and i did but i was afraid so i said i don't know. he told me to lie on my stomach and i dont know why i did. next thing i know his tongue is in my butt and it felt so good. i didnt want him to stop. "if i fuck you now, you might get aids. are you okay with that?" he asked me. i told him i didn't want aids. then, i felt him try to put his dick in me. "hey" i said, "i dont want aids!" but he was already pushing it inside me. i know he herd me. it was feeling good now though. and then he just told me, "im gonna fuck your ass good." it felt so good, all i could do was just say "ok." he started fucking me! i had an hiv dude fucking my ass! this was crazy. i told him "maybe should stop. i dont want aids." and all he said was, "does it feel good?" so i said "yes, it feels great!" he started fucking me even more deeper. it felt wonderful. "i really like that!" i said real loud like. "oh, you dont care about aids anymore now?" he asked. i guess i was just so horny and it was feeling so good now so i told him "i dont care! fuck your aids into me!" i didnt think he could fuck me any harder and deeper, but he did. it kinda hurt sometimes but more than that it felt awsome!!!! "you are liking my aids dick in you now huh?" he asked. all i could do was like clench my teeth and moan bc the pain and good feeling was so much. the pain started going away and my dick was so hard it was gonna bust. all i could think was that i was getting aids but it was a hot fuck. this guy might have aids and i like him fucking me ! my orgism was getting to close. "im about to cum . you want it?" he asked me as he slammed dick into me. "YES! I want aids!!!" was all i could yell. it felt amazingly! he fucked me even more quickly and i felt wet inside. it made me cum bc it felt all so good and wet ! "You're getting aids" he whispered into my ear as he slowed down. i felt his dick jerk as he came inside me. i came too. it was insane! he left kinda quickly after that. i texted him "thanks for aids cum! i loved it" i hope i hear back from him soon. i had no idea getting a hiv dude to fuck me would be so hott!
    1 point
  15. I was at the office today and really bored so I thought i would go on bbrt and i found a top who was very nearby and wanted a pig to take his load before meeting his friends. The only problem was he could not have guests and I was at the office. We tried to figure out and it became complicated but I was so horny for cock and cum. I decided to take the plunge and ask him to come to the office but told him I would meet him in front and we would need to fuck in the bathroom (which is never used on the weekends). He said sure. He came over and was hotter than I thought - we went to the bathroom I sat on the toilet and sucked him till he got hard. He then commanded me to turn around and spat on my hole. He shoved his very thick cock inside me and pounded me until her shot while i was bent over holding onto the toilet. He zipped up and left I pulled up my pants and went back to my desk feeling his load wet on my pants and oozing out from my hole.
    1 point
  16. best is when a top's fucking me and tells me he's going to cum inside me deep. The best is if he can keep fucking and give another. Rare but the ultimate is he cums, stays inside me and falls asleep or just lays on me with his dick still up my ass, then starts fucking again in a few minutes or hours never taking his dick out.
    1 point
  17. points made guys...now lets get back to writing or reading or jacking or whatever may be fun... I do understand how anxious it can be to wait for the next post or chapter or edition to cum out and create fresh new eruptions in our hard as rock cocks... and unfortunately our frustrations are heightened by the many examples of the unfinished stories that haven't been updated in years even... butt guys, even though these writers may not be on their knees writing theses things up, they are still servicing us ...and for a lot less than the corner hustler charges... they are taking us to xxxciting places in our minds- touching a nerve that goes all the way down to our dicks... and for this I think most of us are xxxtremely grateful, thankful, and appreciative and would love to get on our knees and service you... and it takes a lot of time and effort and thought and jacking to create these stories, to post them, to proof them hopefully and then to repeat the process over again for each update...and for this-- Thank You-- and we'll take what you give us (butt please keep in mind I am a top) \ +69
    1 point
  18. It could be someone just bullshiting, a lie of the anti-PrEP/anti-bareback crowd, or it could be true. Nothing is 100% certain and effective. While PrEP greatly reduces the risk, I'm sure every expert will say there is always the possibility, however slight, of still being pozzed. I'm on PrEP and have been taking poz loads since being on it, and am still neg. However, I accept that there is always that slight chance, but it is probably far, far less than playing with random guys without being on PrEP.
    1 point
  19. you're right, you weren't REALLY being rude... and of course your opinion is welcomed, but being told to hurry up and finish is a big piss off when i'm fucking a raw hole and i feel the same here... if i'm taking my time enjoying the fuck, being told by a demanding btm to hurry and finish just makes me want to hurt the bitch, make him realize that my cum is being shot into his body, so i call the shots, what you fucking want when i'm giving the fuck doesn't matter.... so if you are going to give your own commentary on something that you have spent maybe 20 mins of ur life reading and jerking ur dick to verses the amount of time it takes to acually "write" something beyond an amazon comment bar, be ready for a lashback
    1 point
  20. Thanks again for all the feedback guys. I am enjoying writing these stories. The next one is started.
    1 point
  21. Tonight. In an adult bookstore. Thru a gloryhole.
    1 point
  22. Last night I met up with an older daddy. When I arrived he opened the door butt naked. He was bald, rather skinny but with a beautiful 8" cock. Drank some beers while sucking each other's cock before moving to the bedroom where we continued to 69. After a while he got on all fours and I started fucking him from behind. Damn he was tight. It didn't take me long before I started moaning, signaling I was about to cum. He started moaning too so I took that as a cue and filled his ass. Then it was my turn. I asked him to lie on his back while I slid his 8" into my hungry hole. He went wild, bucking like a bull while I rode his dick. I rode him about 10 minutes before his eyes rolled back and I felt him loading my pussy. We got back to the kitchen, drinking some more beers and we talked a bit. It wasn't long before I had my lips around his beautiful cock again, making him hard in seconds. I leaned over the sofa and he took me from behind. My ass was making sloppy noises from the previous load. I was in heaven. This time he lasted half an hour before he filled me. I asked him if he had another load for me and he said yes but give me some time. So we went back to his bed, playing with each other a bit. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was lying on my belly and he was poking at my hole. I shifted position a bit and he slid in easily. It wasn't long before he dumped his third load in my pussy. He was totally spent, so we said our goodbyes and I went home happy with a well-bred hole.
    1 point
  23. OMG What Did I Do? Part VIII Have to do a lot of thinking about what to do now. I definitely want to see, up close, and maybe even touch my online guy's huge cock, but to suck him? I am not sure I want to go that far. I love my boyfriend and we have never cheated on each other at all. This would be a big thing. I just can't seem to get that huge cock out of my mind though. What to do, what to do? I finally went to bed early as I was completely worn out from today and my mind going a million miles per hour. I barely felt my boy climb in bed when he got home from work. I did manage to roll over and give him a big hug and kiss, though, before my eyes closed again and I was out. That night I think I was dreaming all night long about huge cocks and gallons of cum flowing all over me. Woke up the next morning, a Saturday, with my love playing with my cock and ass. It felt wonderful. I turned to him with a huge smile and kissed him deeply and lovingly. We made love until past 10 AM. My hole was really feeling used and yet wonderful. I loved having it used and filled full of cum and my love always filled my hole good. We finally got out of bed and grabbed a snack as it was so late and we didn't feel like breakfast. My boyfriend headed to the den then as he had a lot of paperwork to catch up on from his busy week at work. I puttered around for a while and then got dressed in a jock strap, shorts and Tshirt and decided to go for a long walk and maybe a little running too. I grabbed my bag and out the door I went after planting a huge deep kiss on my boys lips. He told me to have fun and wished he could go to get some more exercise in, maybe tomorrow we could go together. I was half way to the trails when I remembered that THE guy might be there and then decided that he probably wasn't this late as yesterday had been fairly early in the morning. It was the only walking/running trail in town, so I didn't have much for options for my walk/run. I parked and grabbed my bag to put my shirt in as it was already getting pretty warm out. I opened the bag and found I had not emptied it from the day before and there was my huge dildo and my cock almost immediately got hard and my ass was twitching thinking about what had happened. I put my stuff in the bag and strapped it on and turned up the trail at a slow trot. As I approached the trail split I could not help but look up where I had been yesterday watching. I thought I saw a movement there and stopped to look. I was sure there was someone up there and now I even heard something from that direction. Curiosity got me then and I proceeded to sneak up the trail to see if I could see who was there. I moved a little to one side and soon could look into the little area there and almost fell over. There HE was, lying on a blanket, nude, but on his stomach so I could not see his cock again. I stayed still as possible, watching him and hoping he would turn over so I could see his huge dick and finally get over wanting to see it. I told myself that is all I really wanted is just to, one time see that magnificent monster, and I would be gone and not worry about it again. I stood there waiting and waiting. I was starting to get a little tired of the same position but was almost afraid to move for fear of making a noise and alerting him someone was watching. His head was turned away from me and he was almost but not quite full sideways to me. Then he moved and I held my breath. I was disappointed again as he turned onto his side now, but facing away from me and I still couldn't see. I was almost ready to scream. I decided it was time to try to back out of there as I didn't think I would ever get a look. I had just started to turn when a couple of guys came along the trail. I froze in place so they would not see me and watched them until they were out of sight. I was just getting ready to take a step when I heard THAT voice and it was right behind me. He was asking me why I didn't come and join him as he had been waiting most of the day now. I almost fell over from fright. I slowly turned and there he was about 2 feet from me but he had on jogging pants now so he was still covered although his cock seemed to be at least a little hard as there was starting to be a tenting in them almost down by his knee and a small wet spot there that had to be from his precum. I looked him up and down almost drooling and then looked him in the eyes as it dawned on me I was staring like a virgin or something. He then took a step and put his arm around me and started to escort me towards his blanket. My knees were almost like rubber and I could hardly look up as I kept looking at his cock under those sweats bouncing as we walked. My own cock was hard as it could possibly get. As we got to the blanket, he grabbed and helped me off with my bag, tossing it to the edge of the blanket. He then gently pushed me down saying to have a seat and get comfortable. I sat down and my eye level was pretty much looking directly at where the head of his cock was and it was very obvious now that it was getting harder and the wet spot was now a good 5" around from precum. I could do nothing but sit and stare. He then knelt down and asked if I wanted anything to drink. He told me he had tea or Cokes in his cooler. I opted for a can of Coke. He handed me one and grabbed one for himself also. We opened them and I took a quick sip to try and calm down. I finally was able to look up and he was smiling. He told me he just knew I would be back for that bj today. I stammered that I had thought he would be gone by now and was just taking a jog and walk for exercise. He smiled more and told me it was probably in the back of my mind and that is why I came up there. I decided it would do no good to argue the point, besides, maybe I had subconsciously thought he might still be waiting. He reached out and started to rub my leg, telling me he loved the taste of my cock and cum from yesterday and really wanted more of it. His hand went higher up my thigh and then into my crotch and grabbed my hard cock which also was leaving a huge wet spot on the front of my shorts from precum. He pulled my shorts away from my body and ran his other hand over my stomach and down and into my short rubbing my hardon through the jock material. I was almost ready to blow my load right then. He let go then and pushed me over onto my back and started to pull my shorts off of me. I lifted my ass up and then he all at once grabbed my jock strap and pulled it down and off too with my shorts. He then pushed my shirt up and I lifted up and helped pull it off over my head and then kicked off my shoes and socks and was then naked laying there. He sorted of whistled and then his head came down onto one of my nipples and started to nibble and lick it and then across to the other one. While he was doing that one of his hands was caressing my neck and head and the other one was rubbing my legs from my knees to my crotch but not touching my cock. He was driving me wild again. Then he looked up at me and asked if I had my dildo with me. I nodded and looked at my bag. He reached over me and got it and unzipped it and took out my huge dildo and then found my lube also and brought them over and laid them beside me. He then continued to lick my nipples some more and then very gently started to kiss his way up till he got to my mouth and then kissed me and I returned the kiss and then his tongue was in my mouth and I was sucking on it and our kisses got hotter and hotter. I felt like I was burning up we were getting so hot. Then he broke off the kiss and started kissing downward, lower and lower again, stopping to kiss and suck each nipple again and then downward again to by stomach and then down lower until I felt his nose bump into the head of my cock. It twitched then and again I thought I was going to blow my load but he moved away a bit then. He continued downward clear to one knee and then kissed his way back upwards on my other leg till he was again at my cock. I was almost delirious. The pleasures going through my body were out of control. I had no idea of anything by his lips burning and caressing my body. Then he opened his mouth and took in the head of my cock. He kind of just stayed like that for a bit, driving me crazier wanting him to take the whole thing in and devour my meat. An eternity went by then and finally I felt my cock slowly entering deeper into his mouth until the whole thing was in and his chin was bumping my balls. He held still again and the ever so easy he let my cock loose until only the head was still inside his mouth and then down went his head again and back up and down. My cock was throbbing and I had no idea what was keeping it from erupting but I did not want it to yet as I wanted this fantastic feeling to never end at all. The heat of his mouth was almost unbearable and was driving me on and on and on into a place I had no idea about before, only that it was marvelous and I never wanted it to end. Then he all at once let my cock rest with just the head in his mouth and was moving about some. He then turned around and FINALLY I got to see his huge cock and it was right in my face. It was very definitely a good 11" long for sure. I was in a daze as I reached out for it and then found out how truly big around it was too. My hands came to within about an inch of getting around a beer can but I was a good three inches short of reaching around this monster. I was shaking so badly I thought I would fall apart at any moment. I gently ran my hand up and down that magnificent beauty of a cock. I faintly heard a groan come from him and then his mouth was back on my cock again. I almost jumped into the air when his lips engulfed my dick. I regained a little composure and started to examine this huge monster I had my hands on. As he was sucking my cock so good again, I felt his hands on my ass then. He had grabbed the lube and my dildo and was lubing me up too. He then pushed my dildo into me until it was buried in my hole deep as it could go. He then started to ram it in and out of me like he had the day before while sucking me with renewed vigor. I could not help myself then and opened my mouth up and all I could get in was just the head of his huge cock. The taste of his cock and his precum were fantastic and I started to suck for all I was worth. I was beyond caring at this point and did not even think of my boy as I was in another world completely.
    1 point
  24. I'm proud of the slut I am. Nothing better than having my body used for another guys pleasure.
    1 point
  25. A few years ago, when I first came out and was still discovering myself, my first visit to a sauna was also my first real breeding. I had plenty of experience with other guys and had fucked bare a few times but mostly when I was still a teen and still fooling around with guys my age or was just too in the moment to worry about condoms. I'd seen TIM porn so knew what breeding was but didn't specifically seek it out at the time - what really turned me on was the beefy tops and slutty bottoms. I worked in a restaurant and the crew would go or for few drinks after work most nights, one of the guys was a few years older than me and knew the scene well so I hung out with him whenever I could. We'd go out to the gay bars and he'd give me pointers on culture like where the best places for rough trade or underground leather bars. I think he liked showing off his experience but pretty sure he also got off on how easy it was for me to pick up since I was 20, tall good looking and eager. Late one Sunday night there was no talent at the bar so my mate says he's going to a sauna. Normally I would have let him go by himself but I was a bit drunk and a lot horny so I said I would go too. So, 10 minutes later we've paid our entry and just wearing a towel and locker key. My mate quickly points out the main features and disappears off to the glory holes. I wasn't really sure what to do so went exploring to find out where everything was and to see who was there. It was pretty quiet in the porn lounge and in the maze around the private rooms so I made my way to the basement where there was a big spa and steam room When I got to the spa there was already 2 guys there really into each other and I felt uncomfortable interrupting (how little I knew!) So had a look in the steam room instead. It was a big U-shape room and when I opened the door I immediately noticed a cute guy sitting near the door, I gave him a quick smile and quickly went in and sat down a few meters away on the same side of the room. He was about my age but hairy and a bit husky which was totally my type. He also looked nervous and neither of us was really sure what to do next. As I started to relax I noticed a guy had got up from the other side of the room and came over to sit down next to me. He was an older guy, maybe 40, I think he was mixed race or pacific islander because he was darker, waxed body and buzz cut - total beef with defined veiny muscles and big hard nipples. As he sat down he dropped his towel and pressed his thigh into mine. His cock was already hard and he stroked himself with one hand and opened my towel with the other which got me hard immediately. I went to start pulling him but he swatted my hand away and put his hands on the back of my head and pushed me down into his cock. His dick was average, about 6.5" cut with a curve but I greedily started sucking and felt him respond immediately. He kept one hand on the back of my head, holding me down and used the other hand to tweak his own nipples. I was so turned on I kept trying to get his cock and balls into my mouth at the same time and gagging which he must have liked since he was growling and I could taste pre-cum. After a few minutes he pulled me off and stood up, at first I thought he was leaving and I must have looked panicked cause he looked back and said "we ain't done yet boy" (first words we'd exchanged so far!) I went to lean forward to keep sucking him but he pushed me back, then stood in front of me, grabbed me by the knees, pushed them apart and pulled me forward at the same time so I was on my back with arse hanging off the bench and he was between my legs. I knew he wanted to fuck me so I lifted my legs and tried to line up my hole with his cock. My arse was soft and wet from all the steam and his cock was still hard and slick with spit so he pressed the head against my hole and pushed all the way in one long stroke. I gasped as he entered me and it occurred to me that he wasn't using lube or a condom but before I could think about it he was pulling out and slamming back in. He fucked harder with each stroke and as I slid back on the bench he kept pulling me forward so his balls would slap against my cheeks. As he grunted and plowed me I realised there was another guy about the same age standing next to him fucking the cute husky guy the same way. The other guy was taller, white and a muscle bear with big hairy barrel chest and belly and was grinning. They were both really aggressive and fucked hard so the husky guy and I were pushed against each other pretty quickly. I was so turned on I forgot about being nervous and as soon as we were close enough I reached out and started kissing him and rubbing his chest, he did the same and also started rubbing my cock which was leaking pre-cum everywhere. The top fucking me sorta chuckled and lifted my arse up as he slowed down for a bit then started fucking me even harder The other top was slowing down and he asked the guy fucking me "you nearly ready to swap dude, I wanna cum soon" without slowing down my guy snorted and said "I've already dumped two loads in this one, you can have him when I'm done." It took me a moment to realise what he meant but as soon as I did I wrapped my legs around his back and tried to pull him even deeper into me, he responded by grabbing my arse cheeks and forcing them apart even further while fucking me harder than ever and I started whining like a bitch on heat. After some brutal pounding he slowed down again and this time I felt him thrust deep into me and hold it while his cock spasmed and he pumped his third load into me. He finally looked me in the eye and said "now we're done boy". As he slowly pulled out there was an audible slurp and I could feel a huge glob of cum slide outta my hole and splat on the tiles. I hadn't really noticed the crowd watching us until then, but as soon as they all saw I had been bred they got really excited. He stood between my legs for a few moments and I could feel him pushing some of the cum back in my hole as it leaked out. As soon as the other top saw he was done he pulled out of the husky guy and said "all yours bro, think I opened him up a bit for you" and a few of the guys watching us laughed. As they changed places I got a better look at the other guy and his huge cock. It was about 8", torpedo straight and thick as his wrist with a massive purple head. The first guy didn't wait, he slipped straight into the cute husky boy and started jackhammering away whereas the top about to fuck me was taking his time. He slipped a few fingers in my hole, testing how lose I was and then rubbed his fat cock head up my crack, teasing me. I lifted my legs to receive him and started panting again - I wanted him in me so bad. He gripped me under the knees, lifted my legs up and open and started thrusting into me in one movement. Even though my hole was wet and stretched from the first top, this guys cock was so fat he had to force it and I felt every inch as it tore me open and couldn't stop myself crying out. My pain receiving him must have turned him on even more because I'm sure I felt his cock get even harder as he pushed it all the way in. He held it in me for a moment while he adjusted my legs and I reached forward to pull my arse cheeks apart again and said "please don't stop" he grinned and pulled all the way out really fast so I could feel my gape before he slammed right back into me and I cried out again. As I was getting punch fucked the husky guy was really enjoying his fuck and watching me cause he kept trying to kiss me and was tugging my nipples. I got totally lost in the moment, threw my head back, wrapped my legs around the top and said "fuck me daddy, fucking destroy me!" Both tops laughed and kept pounding us both. After a few minutes it felt like my hole was on fire and his breathing was getting rougher and his strokes were getting longer. I looked up at him and before I could stop myself said "cum in me daddy, please cum in me, I want your seed daddy" he was concentrating real hard so didn't really react but a moment later I felt his cock spasm in my hole and his whole body started rocking as he roared "awwwww FUCK!!!!" I felt him jerk in me a few times and knew each movement was another squirt of hot cum. As soon as he had finished cumming his cock stated to soften in me so he pulled out, still panting. I felt another big load fall out of my arse. He scooped up some of it with his fingers and wiped it back on my gaping hole, chuckling. I tried to clench so no more would escape but was so wrecked my hole felt like it was inside out. The other top finished at about the same time and once they were done with us they grabbed their towels and just walked out, cum still dripping from their cocks. Husky guy and I were just lying there, both panting from such an intense session but still horny as fuck since neither of us had cum. He leaned into me again and he kissed a bit then he asked if I wanted to go upstairs, then we grabbed our towels and got up leaving a small group of disappointed guys. It was actually really hard to walk at first, I could feel juice running down the insides of my thighs and it felt like my hole was pinching between my cheeks with every step, especially stairs. We went up to one of the private rooms - he went in first and I closed and locked the door behind us. When I turned around he was already on his back, puckered hole ready. I climbed on top and slid my cock in him without a second thought. His arse felt so soft and warm and as I lent over him to suck his nipples I could feel his furry belly and hard cock rubbing against me. I knew I wasn't going to last long and so did he cause he was panting and said "I wanna cum dude, are you close?" I replied "so close, I wanna blow in your hole" he just moaned so I started licking the head of his cock as he pulled himself and I fucked him. I tasted the pre-cum almost immediately and he started bucking his hips and crying out which was all I needed as he blew thick ropes of hot cum all over his furry chest and belly I shuddered and thrust as deep as I could and started cumming. We were both shaking a bit and moaning "oh fuck" as we orgasmed, I held my rapidly softening cock in him as long as I could while I lent forward again to lick the cum out of his fur. I know he wanted me to feed it back to him but it was so good I swallowed every drop. Eventually my soft dick fell out of his hole we kissed each other one last time and I unlocked the door and left.
    1 point
  26. Part 2: No matter how turned on the contract made me, I couldn't quite bring myself to sign it right away. That nagging doubt in the back of my mind. I don't really want to be pozzed, I reminded myself. And then I found myself imagining Eric's cock entering me. His big cock. His big poz cock. No matter how hard I tried to ignore the thought, I kept ending up jacking off as I re-read the "terms" of the contract. I couldn't help but to fixate on my requirement to declare "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." And I couldn't help but to say that to myself every time I came since reading the contract. And how did Eric know I would be receptive to such twisted language? That question was answered when another envelope appeared under my door a couple of days after the contract. The letter inside it was short and to the point. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but to look at your laptop's history when we hung out last week. You visit some interesting sites. ;-) I'm still awaiting your signature. Don't let this offer expire. I felt ashamed for a moment. But that quickly passed as I realized that he was obviously okay with dozens of visits to BBRT, and A4A and this site. I tried to remember if I even visited any forums besides this bugchasing forum. Oh gosh, I don't think I did. Well, he knows how to entice me, I realized. And then it occurred to me that he's not just trying to tell me what I want to hear. He wants to poz me! Why else would he pressure me. Eric wants to get off on pozzing my ass with his big cock! And within a couple of seconds, I went from shame to insatiably rock hard. I went straight to my desk, and pulled out the contract from the drawer. I jacked my cock furiously as I re-read the terms; and the second letter. His dark desire to control me was intoxicating. Holy shit, he wants to fuck me to death! He wants to murder me with his big cock! "I want HIV-cum fucked into me!" I nearly shouted as I shot my load.
    1 point
  27. Continue of Part 1: Once safe in the car, I tried to calm him down through the space in the window- "Dude I was just sending a text while watching u walk off from that scene! You need to relax, bro- need a smoke?" I could see the wheels turning in his brain. His eyes were a warm brown and u could see the attempts of a chin strap starting to form on his face. He was torn by want and image- a true struggle for such a young man. In the end, image won out; "whatever, fag." As he walked back to where his board layed on the ground i couldn't help but admire how the sweat and sun highlit the muscles of his tapered back to his pantline. Once his board was retrieved he disapeared into the crowd and I went back to watching the young meat on display. I was watching one boy intently. Blonde hair, with a waiflike build that if not for the tattoo on his back i would have worried we was too young; but the looped tribal ink told me he was open for business. I loaded a bowl of herb i had prepared laced with Tina and was about to take a hit when there was a knock on the driver's window. I nearly jumped out of my skin but was relieved to see it was the guy with anger issues with a look of shame on his face. "Hey dude," he said through the crack in the window; "I'm sorry about earlier... If you're still offering I'd love a smoke." Outwardly and inwardly I smiled- he's mine. With my head I motioned him towards the passenger side while I took my hit. I unlocked the door and blew my smoke towards the ceiling while he climbed in. I rested the pipe on my thigh, right near my crotch as he got comfortable in the seat next to me. Out of my periphs I saw him watching the pipe in my hand. "I'm Chuck," I said as i brought the pipe up to take another hit. "Jordan," he answered as I lit the crystallized herb. "How old are ya, bro" I struggled from coughing to keep the smoke in. "20" LIAR! "I'll have to check your ID, dude, nothing personal just want to make sure you aren't a teen." He shifted in the seat to pull out a purple duct tape wallet from which he pulled an eastcoast ID. The picture was pretty dark, and it was hard to tell for sure if the kid in the picture was the same sitting next to me. I suspected a fake. Indeed first name Jordan, but the year didn't match. I again asked, "how old are you?" He sighed as he admitted to being 18, but in 2 months he would be 19. According to the ID this was true, if it was a fake he remembered the details well enough... either way, at this point I didn't much care. I handed him the pipe and watched him take that first hit of what he thought was just green. He closed his eyes an leaned his head back as the smoke started to flow into his blood. His Adam's apple stuck out like a shelf. He smoked to hand it back to me but I told him to take a few. As he sat back, relaxing and feeling the tina begin to work with the herb I asked him what was going on- who was the 'cunt' he was so pissed off over. After a couple of hits he looked at me with a tear in his eyes as he said that his girlfriend back home had gotten bored after only a week of him being away and had hooked up with two of his friends. I struggled not to laugh as I said, "You've been here a week, so how many times have you hooked up?" He turned bright pink and tried to deny it but i simply put my hand on his arm and looked him right in the eye- dude to dude. "Well," he began; "my second night here i let a dude blow me cause i was super horny and he was bitching about missing his bf back home... but that isn't cheating, and letting 2 dudes breed you is!" He pressed to justify how he wasn't wrong but she was. "I agree!" I assured him as he took another hit. He again leaned back to feel his hit, his hand with the pipe falling to his lap. Using the slightest pit of pressure, I rubbed the back of my hand against his crotch as I took the pipe from his hands. The feeling of my hand against his junk made him jump but relaxed hen he realized I was reaching for the pipe. I took my hit as he continued about how unfair pussy can be. "Well, Jordan, that was the end of the green. I have booze and something stronger at my place if you need." He couldn't resist. I slowly drove back to my second apartment- my place is grand and lush- but I never bring my hookups there. Since I could afford it, I also rented out this piece of shit apartment in a building that was probably going to be condemned in the coming years. This is where I bring my hookups. Can't rob me if you don't know were I live.... Once inside he jumped on the old ratty sofa I got at a thrift store and took a deep sigh as he let it all hang out. I asked if he wanted a drink. I brought him the beer he ordered as i went into the bedroom to get the supplies. More to come if there is interest....
    1 point
  28. There's nothing like the feeling of a cock unloading in your ass.
    1 point
  29. Short but sweet - is this short Twitter video what you mean?
    1 point
  30. Mostly the top wants the final encouragement and confirmation that you desperately need his seed. Depending on the position I usually grab is ass and push him into me. Make him pound me as hard as he can while looking him into the eye to see him orgasm. Love that bit!
    1 point
  31. Completely agree that cheating is a fetish for me. I love getting fucked and loaded...but cheating while doing it makes it even hotter...and the best is when the guy fucking me is also cheating.
    1 point
  32. Hey I love watching guys cheat. Anyone out there got any vids they can share of them cheating?
    1 point
  33. I'd be glad to make one with you. Just give me your bf's email where I'm to send a copy of the video. I love cheaters who are into that: having no control over what happens to their cheating vids & pics.
    1 point
  34. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy. Tommy knew this was going to hurt bad and maybe for days but he needed that cock inside him. The poppers helped and made him want it all in him fast and he started to beg for it as he cried. "You want me to shove it all in and rip you open, boy?" "Yes give me all of your cock. Hurt me, I don't care just fuck me and ...." Oscar slammed into Tommy and the boy screamed and George told Bobby to make out with Tommy to try to quiet him. After trying several times but not able to quiet Tommy we had Bobby cover his mouth. Tommy stopped screaming but kept crying and Oscar told Bobby to move because he wanted to hear Tommy. Oscar taunted the boy as he fucked him as fast and as hard as he could. He told Tommy he asked for it and begged for it and was going to get it. Oscar had paid five hundred dollars and he was going to get his money's worth out of this boy. Normally a boy was out of commission for a week after one of his brutal fucks but Oscar loved knowing that there wasn't anyway this boy was getting a break and knew they'd slam him with a .5 once Oscar finished wrecking Tommy's boyhole. Tommy's crying turned Oscar on and he knew he wouldn't last much longer and he told Tommy to beg for his load and it would all be over. Through the pain Tommy heard and begged to be bred. Oscar started breathing harder and then pushed all the way into Tommy and held still as he shot into the boy. Oscar collapsed and stayed on top of Tommy until he felt his cock start to go down and he had Bobby bring him a big butt plug which he pushed into the bloody hole as he withdrew.
    1 point
  35. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them. Oscar told Bobby to bump Tommy and make it big. As Bobby went for the supplies Oscar talked with Tommy. "Tommy, since your a whore now and you can't suck my tool I guess you'll let me just fuck you." Tommy clearly was nervous and actually started shaking. "I won't fuck you boy, not even with you being a whore, unless you beg me too. Do you want me to wreck your new boyhole and make you cry like a little boy?" "Oh, sir, I can't take your cock, it would kill me." Bobby returned and showed Oscar how big of a bump he had and Oscar nodded for him to shoot it in Tommy's hole. As Bobby stepped back Oscar pushed a finger into Tommy. "OK, Tommy, let me just finger your boyhole and see if I can make you horny, isn't that fair?" "Yeah that's nice. I wish I had more practice because I want to please you. Could you use two fingers, please" Oscar pushed a second finger in. "I knew you'd like these fat fingers of mine. Here taste them" Tommy licked then started sucking on them and Oscar knew the bump had started. "I bet you'd like three fingers in you, just ask me" "Yeah please give me three fingers, please now" Oscar pushed three fingers of his other hand into Tommy as he finger fucked the boy's mouth. A minute later he pulled his hands back and looked at Tommy and could see the hunger in his eyes and asked him, "Tommy is your boyhole feeling empty?" "Please put your fingers in me" "No, Tommy, nothing is going near your hole again until you ask, no beg, me to fuck you and wreck you, and ask me to hurt you. I want to hear you cry because you need me and you want me to break you." Tommy started to shake for a few moments and then looked at Oscar and begged. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy.
    1 point
  36. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass. Tommy was lucky that he was slammed, rimmed and bumped because I didn't stop pushing my cock into him until I was in all the way. The boy was lost in everything he was feeling and I let him enjoy it for a couple of minutes then I told him it was time to really break his cherry and I started pounding his hole hard and fast. His cock had shriveled up and I told him to look and see how his cock knew that it no longer mattered and it went to sleep. Oscar stroked Tommy's face and told him that many men liked to punish a whore boy's hole and he would soon get use to and maybe crave it. I told him that he should get use to being bred to because a good whore boy never asks a top to put on a condom and takes every load without question. Often a man will be quick to cum in you and toss you away but others will want to do other stuff so you will never be bored I told him. Oscar started to push his monster cock into Tommy's mouth so I just fucked and when I felt my seed boiling I told Tommy he was about to get his first load. Oscar stepped back to watch and I was happy to look into Tommy's eyes as I filled him with my seed. Tommy's eyes nearly rolled back as he took his first breeding and his cock got hard again and when I saw it twitch I thought the bitch was gonna cum but he didn't however he'd need to learn how if he ever wants to cum. When I pulled out of his ass it looked a mess with cum, ass juice and blood so Oscar called Bobby over to lick it clean as I walked around and showed Tommy the same was on my cock and he was going to lick it clean. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them.
    1 point
  37. Tommy slam was only .15 because I wanted him to remember getting his cherry destroyed and later I could slam him out of his mind. Once he got control of his breathing I removed his arms from the restraints he reached for his cock but I grabbed his hands. "Tommy tell us are you ready to be a whore?" "Oh, George please do it make me a whore. I want you.." "Tommy, boy, it doesn't matter what a whore wants. It only matters that a whore does what he is told. Do you understand?" "Yes, I'm sorry, George, what do you want?" Oscar handed me the poppers and I held them to Tommy's nostril as I held the other and told him to inhale. Three times I had him hit the poppers then I told him to lick is finger and get it into his ass. I told Tommy to keep fingering his hole as I introduce everyone to him. Knowing I couldn't give him two straight weeks of abuse alone I invited many friends and after this weekend we will visit many other people. I choose tonight's visitors based on various fetishes or types of sex I wanted Tommy to be exposed to so that two weeks from now we would have made up for lost time. The last person I introduced to him was another twink whoreboy, Bobby, and then I told Tommy to stop fingering himself and then I told Bobby to rim Tommy. Tommy again reached for his cock so I restrained his arms again and told him he was never again going to touch himself but would learn to cum from being used. Tommy was moaning like a whore from the rim job so I pulled his head aside and shoved my cock in. For a virgin boy he wasn't a half bad cocksucker but I wasn't planning on dumping my first load there and told Bobby it was time to bump Tommy. Bobby had an evil grin as he bumped Tommy and I think Bobby was enjoying corrupting another boy. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass.
    1 point
  38. I pulled up in front of Tommy's apartment and he jumped right in and as I sped away I handed him the knockout pills and without a word being said he took them. When I first started chatting with Tommy I never expected this but believe me that when a twink jock cherry boy tells me I can do whatever I want then I'm going to fulfill my fantasies too. I told him to remove his shorts and throw them out the window and I was amazed he did it without hesitation proving he was ready. When we met previously he told me he was a virgin but did jerk off however couldn't find privacy often and hadn't cum in nearly a month. I told him if he wanted me to make him a whore he couldn't jerk off again until we got together. Now without his shorts i could see the front of his jockstrap was soaked which told me he obeyed but I asked him when he last came and he said a few weeks before we met. I told him he was as good boy and to close his eyes and and to go to sleep and he soon passed out. Watching him sleep so innocently made my cock drip knowing what we were so going to do to him. Two hours later we pulled off the highway and another half hour later we arrived at my friend Tom's farmhouse. The guys heard me pull up and soon a dozen studs were on the porch watching me and Tom carry our guest into the house. The party had started earlier and they already had a couple of whore boys to play with but everyone held back waiting for me and Tommy to arrive. The pills should wear off soon and we put Tommy in a sling while we waited. Once we saw his start to come around I put a rubber strap on his arm and found a vein as he opened his eyes. He started to look around the room and I let him see and hear what was happening to the other boys and to know it would happen to him soon too. Oscar was a pimp we knew that liked dealing with white twink boys and loved breaking them in with his black ten inch cock that looked more like a fucking rolling pin it was so thick and straight. He stood next to me and when Tommy turned towards me he gasped when he saw Oscar's tool. "Tommy are you ready to become the whore that you know you are?" I asked him. "Are you ready for me and my friends, like Oscar here, to use you like a ragdoll?" Tommy clearly was nervous and didn't answer right away so I told him to wait a minute before answering as I pushed the needle in his arm and drew back turning the contents red and then pushed it all into his vein. One of the other guys wiped the injection site and even put a bandaid on him as I removed the strap and told Tommy what to expect.
    1 point
  39. I hooked up last night with a fuck buddy from my pre-poz past. We always had hot sex before and he is a very hot professional type latino and is very passionate. We sort of lost contact because he had a boyfriend and when I tested positive in April of 2012 I cut off all but one of my regular buds. I just didn't want to have to tell him because he and I know so many people in common. We recently reconnected on Grindr and I knew I still wanted it. I was nervous about disclosing my status change since he always knew me as a neg bottom. Shortly after I got to his place he received a text. He asked me if I was up for making it a threesome. We've done that many times in the past. I said sure. He then asked me if I was poz friendly. I said "I'm glad you brought that up". All he said was "Me too". It was that easy. Then we had incredible sex for two hours. Disclosure doesn't have to go badly.
    1 point
  40. I've noticed since being on PrEP that although I will take basically any load, there is an extra thrill if the guy is Poz or if I suspect he is. It's kind of a rush that I think comes from doing something I'm not supposed to. Partly from cheating on BF and partly the risk.
    1 point
  41. Just started cheating with my partner's hot friend. He was totally against it at first but now loves sharing my ass behind my partners back. Today we met up for a quick secret lunch fuck. As he was sliding his cock in and out of me, he dialed my partner's cell phone. I freaked out but he held me down and kept pumping my ass. He had a 5 minute convo with partner while fucking me and I was so turned on I came without touching myself. Couldn't make any noise or else partner would hear over the phone. After he gave me his load in my ass, he told me next time come to him with a load from my partner already in my ass.
    1 point
  42. Nice fucking story....I have experienced a very similar story myself....but yours was well-told
    1 point
  43. Love breeding cheaters, the younger the better
    1 point
  44. After college, Matt and I finally had our first apartment. Throughout our time there, we befriended and bi guy named Jamie. He's 6'1", 145 pounds, blond hair, blue eyes, 8" cut. The three of us had our fun many times until Jamie met his girlfriend, Kael. She was a cute little thing, about 5'3", 110 lbs, shoulder length brown hair, and green eyes. I had told Jamie of my fantasy to see a straight couple "rape" Matt. Now, Matt is a sexy twink, 130lbs, 5'8", brown hair and eyes, 7" cut. Unbeknownst to me, Jamie and Kael had discussed my fantasy. Kael found Matt to be very cute so she wasn't too hard to convince. One night, the four of us were at our apartment having some drinks, when Jamie said he needed to speak privately with me, so the two of us went into the bedroom, and he closed the door, at which time Jamie said, "By the time we go out there, Kael and Matt are gonna be going at it." I scoffed, not believing him, but Jamie said to sit with him for five minutes. So we sat and talked and after five minutes had passed, we walked out into the living room. To my surprise, I found Matt shirtless and Kael, shirtless and bra-less, with Matt sucking on her tits. Jamie smiled at me and told me to sit down. I sat on the opposite couch as Jamie went over to them and joined matt in sucking on Kael's nipples. After a minute or so, Kael extracted herself from the two guys, only to have Matt and Jamie begin making out. Not to be left out, Kael undid Matt's pants, and extracted Matt's cock, which, to my surprise, was rock hard. As Kael took Matt's cock into her mouth, Jamie stripped-off his clothing, revealing his rock hard 8" cock. He grabbed Matt's head, forcing his cock down Matt's throat. Kael stood up and took off her pants and panties. Now all three were naked. Kael straddled Matt again and began to rub her pussy on Matt's cockhead. It crossed my mind that Matt had never so much as kissed a girl before the night began. Matt was moaning with every teasing motion of her pussy. This gay twink was dying to plunge his cock into her smooth tight pussy. Kael commented how she wasn't wet enough yet. She stood up, Jamie pulled his cock out of Matt's mouth and pulled Matt onto his back. Kael then straddled Matt's face. Although Matt protested, Kael lowered herself down over Matt's mouth, rubbing her pussy lips on Matt's lips. Eventually Matt began to tongue her pussy as Jamie fingered her. Kael was moaning as Matt's tongue entered her pussy and he could taste her. Kael was basically thrusting onto Matt's tongue. Finally, after getting wet enough, Kael moved from Matt's face and grabbed Matt's cock and sat on it. His bare cock slid into her wet pussy as Jamie began to fuck Matt's mouth again. Kael was going right for it. Riding Matt's cock hard and fast. Kael told Matt, "Give me your cum, you queer. You know my pussy feels good. Cum in it!" Matt had began to thrust into Kael, clearly enjoying himself. As Matt began to get into it, Jamie lifted Matt's legs up and began to eat his hole. Matt began to thrust harder and deeper. He grabbed Kael's hips and took control of the thrusts. Matt was getting close. Jamie, removing his tongue from Matt's hole, told Matt to cum in his girlfriend. Matt didn't wait much longer. He thrust into Kael and with a telltale moan and shot his load deep inside of her pussy. Kael lifted off of Matt and once again, straddled his face, lowering her pussy onto his lips and told him to taste his cum. As Kael did this, Jamie slid his bare cock into Matt's hot ass, pounding him, clearly extremely turned on by seeing Matt cum in his girlfriend. Kael fingered herself as Matt aggressively ate her out. Kael was moaning and told Matt she was about to cum. Matt felt Kael's cum coat his mouth and face as Jamie thrust deeper inside of him. Kael pulled away and Jamie and Matt began to make out. Jamie was moaning into Matt's mouth when he broke their kiss and said, "Here it comes!" as he came inside of my boyfriend. As Jamie pulled out, Matt was left with cum in his ass and his own cum mixed with Kael's on his face.
    1 point
  45. A recent thread "WASTED CUM" made it clear that there are plenty of cumhungry bottoms and plenty of frustrated Tops who have trouble finding a warm wet hole to unload in A lot of cum is being wasted RawTOP said he would regularly use a cumdump in his neighbourhood - if there were one. My solution: THE CUMDUMP NETWORK The Cumdump Network is a network of bareback cumdumps devoted to the worship of and relief of cocks. Their philosophy is that all cocks and cum are sacred. No cock should ever be without a warm wet hole to cum in. No man is ever refused entrance. No load is ever refused. The network is primarily concentrated in the major cities. The reality of working life means that most cumdumps can provide at least two hours service per week, or per night depending on other commitments. Cumdumps within a city or rural area agree a weekly rota system. In very large cities they might be able to provide a round the clock service - depending on the number of volunteers. Tops who want to unload simply visit the website, type in their area and find the stats and mobile phone number of whoever happens to be on duty at that time. It would make sense for a serving cumdump to have a friend in the house to answer calls, open the door and provide a degree of security. Cumdumps may agree to specific requests ( as to clothing for example and whether they accept piss and other games ) in advance, but the basic scenario is that a Top turns up and finds the cumdump naked on the bed, arse up. All Tops are entitled to both oral and anal service and of course it is ALWAYS for the Top to decide where he chooses to dump his load. There may be a small glass jar or bowl beside the bed for tips, but tipping is completely optional. The services are ALWAYS free. Any tips would help towards the cost of laundry, lube and poppers ( if used ). I can foresee circumstances where a Top might be refused admission on subsequent occasions ( theft or violence for example ) but the over riding philosophy is that the service is freely available to ALL men. No cock or load is refused. Being a dedicated cumdump is a vocation. It is a form of self sacrifice. Cumdumps risk their health to provide pleasure. It can have a spiritual component. I already have large brass and silver candlesticks for a phallic altar. I just need to find a suitably attractive phallus/dildo to place on it. Not all cumdumps need to buy into the religious component, but an oath to serve cock can help to reinforce commitment. Some cumdumps just want the regular no strings sex and that is fine. Just a few thoughts of mine. I know that Ted's Cumwhores operates on a similar basis. Comments welcome
    1 point
  46. The worst reaction i have received is never hearing from him again. At least not yet. It's been over 2 years. He'll call, right?
    1 point
  47. As a top, not that you asked, if it's too big it would bother me. Mainly because if you get too stretched out, I can't feel your hole when I'm pounding you. I prefer my sluts to be tight and be able to milk my cock, lots of friction to start and having to thurst a bit hard to go balls deep. I'm pretty sure keeping your hole stretched like that overnight is counterproductive. Then again, there's something sadistically fun about fist fucking some slutbox who has a hole that easily takes my entire hand past the wrist.
    1 point
  48. Part V As his groans got slowly louder, I continued to pull on his 10 inch shaft from the root down to his glans. I would gently drag the loose skin with my hand on the upstroke before clenching hard on the steel shaft on the downstroke. Each time my hand reached his bloated mushroom, a fresh pulse of precum was squeezed out by the pressure. Slowly the rest of his body was starting to move, only to be quickly constrained by his bindings. His head began to roll, and more groans of pain and pleasure finally started to pierce the murky cloud surrounding his brain. As I slid my hand up and down, I kept his cock pulled back and pointed straight at the floor. The first thing he would see when he opened his eyes would be his throbbing, bare dick oozing a strand of clear sap down to the floor, and my hands pulling and plying the things he cared about most. Even as he struggled to finally open his eyes, the feelings of bliss emanating from his shaft had combined with his instincts and muscle memory of a lifetime of fucking, causing him to try and buck his hips down into my steady hand. I could tell exactly when he finally regained consciousness, as the thrusting stopped and he just stared at the confusing sight in front of him. I kept steadily stroking, and waited for the realization of his circumstances to finally sink in. As that knowledge sank deeper and deeper through his confused state, his fear started building like an avalanche. His system was blasted with a surge of adrenaline, and suddenly he began thrashing against his bindings like the helpless prey that he was. I laughed as he whined in terror and finally started to realize the totality of his situation for the first time all evening, far too late. A cold sweat instantly broke out all over his body and I could imagine smelling the stink of pure fear as more and more adrenaline poured into his system, causing his bound muscles to tremble. He finally stopped flailing in the chains, and I stopped pumping his cock to watch with awe as every muscle in his body seemed to contract at once. He heaved against his bindings, unable to breathe as tremors ran down his arms and legs from the exertion. I half wished the chains would snap after witnessing such a desperate display of harnessed power. But the hunter knew that his web would hold, as it always did. I decided that to distract his fear before he permanently damaged himself. Letting go of his dick, I pulled his huge balls away from his body and tight in his sack, and then slapped them hard with my free hand. A shock wave tore through his body as pain overrode fear inside his panicking brain. His desperate strength left as quickly as it came, and he futilely tried to curl into a ball only to again have his limbs snap against their bindings. As he lay loose in the air, I returned to stroking his cock, kept firm despite the fear and pain by the Viagra that would keep his unwilling tool stiff through everything to come. I only needed two inputs to begin breaking him in, pain and pleasure. I never believed in whipping my prey to cause them pain. I would never ruin all the pleasure to come of feeling their perfect skin as it strained to contain their toned muscles. No, the ultimate tools for both were already bare and exposed in the palms of my hands, and I used one to punish and the other to reward his actions. The quicker he learned, the less pain he would feel, and the faster it would become pleasure. I did not bother to remove his ball gag since there was nothing he was capable of saying that I hadn’t heard before with begs and pleas. I knew he had never shown mercy to any of his conquests, concerned only with his own gratification no matter how much pain he caused. As the pain that had lanced through his gut finally started to ease, I could tell that his blind panic had subsided as he stopped attempting to frantically break himself free. I could see him realizing his predicament with confusion. Sensations of pleasure started to seep through that confusion as I continued to methodically milk his still oozing cock. Never changing my speed or motion, I saw his throbbing cock start to take control as it slowly inundated his brain with wave after wave of satisfaction. Each passing minute caused more and more involuntary impulses, and soon he was curling his toes and using all of his will not to once more buck his hips into my relentless hand. He began to sweat from all heat and hormones released in his exertions and the primal parts of his brain mistakenly prepared for sex. I steadily continued on and on with no regard for his deteriorating situation. I waited patiently until I finally got the signals I was waiting for. A groan quietly escaped from around his gag, and I saw him close his eyelids and he tried to fight back the waves of pleasure pushing deeper into his system. I stood up from my chair and released his nuts from one hand while keeping a tight grip on his rod. My arm was pulled up and back from standing, and his shaved cock could only follow. Soon it was pointed directly behind him and I could see the muscles connected to his shaft pulled taunt in protest but lacking the strength to escape my vice. I continued to incessantly slide my hand back and forth, but now would alternate every other stroke by dancing my fingers across his exposed glans. I gathered all the precum that kept collecting in his well and began to slick the rest of his shaft by corkscrewing my hand as it moved back and forth. Once it was glistening in the light and still involuntarily flexing from my service, I knew it was time to break the next wall. I reached out with my free hand and laid it deep on the bottom of his back. He froze, suddenly yanked out of the sensations his pleading tool had been feeding him. I smiled as I began sliding my hand across the soft, warm, hairless skin and then up his spine toward his neck. I felt a sense of pure satisfaction that came from caressing and connecting with each curve of perfect flesh, like a boy touching a forbidden masterpiece in a museum. Each muscle underneath his skin seemed to clench and ripple with a mix of anticipation and revulsion as my hand pressed gently against it on its journey upward. I felt the hot sweat which had channeled down from his huge shoulder blades as my exploration continued. Finally, I reached his neck, and slowly slid my hand up into his damp hair. Moving up to his crown, I curled my fingers deep into his tussled hair and then steadily pulled his head back. Immediately, his massive neck muscles tensed as he resisted my tug and pulled his head down with a garbled shout. Holding firm on his hair, I released his cock with my other hand and it rapidly swung forward to slap loudly into his abs. Pulling back my hand, I slapped his balls again, and another surge of agony radiated across his suspended and bound body. Blinded by pain, I yanked his head back until his back was fully arched up, exposing his quivering washboard abs and pecs. Holding him up, I reached around him and latched onto his nipple. I slowly tugged and twisted it back and forth, until moving on to grope his shoulders and biceps. Learning quickly to avoid the agonizing pain I could inflict, he again went limp as I pulled and plied his sweat-covered body. After returning one hand to again knead his monster cock while continuing to desensitize him to my roaming fingers, I soon had him dripping more precum like a leaky faucet. Helpless to stop my manipulations across all his sensitive parts, I edged him closer and closer to cumming. Sensing that he was right on the edge from the relentless up and down all over his pounding staff slick with his juices, I quickly encircled his massive sack and eased his balls away from his body before they could deliver their payload. His cum was separated by a ring of clenched fingers from reaching his quivering shaft. I remorselessly continued to grind back and forth, listening to his panting moans as he begged and flailed for release. Minutes of sweet torture passed, and soon he was delirious with need. His entire pelvis was involuntarily rutting in a desperate attempt to create any sensation that would release the pent up load, and his eyes had rolled back as pure lust blanketed his brain. Seeing this bound, sweat-covered demigod twisting, shaking, and moaning in absolute sexual frustration finally broke the dam of control inside of me. I released his glazed and raw cock to watch it desperately flex over and over as it sought anything to help it blast out its load. Keeping his balls clenched behind my iron grip, I watched as slowly his body descended from the precipice. Exhausted muscles finally surrendered and he collapsed limp against his manacles. As his chest heaved for oxygen, and a shower of sweat continued to fall from his body. After another minute, I finally relaxed my hand around his quivering balls, and smiled with satisfaction as he didn’t cum. I walked around my helpless stud, and came to a stop near his hanging head. Looking down at his beautiful panting body, I knew my wait was finally over. I had completely broken down his body, and now I was going to brutally fuck his mind.
    1 point
  49. Part IV As I walked down the stairs to my basement with a case of clean beer, I contemplated how easily he had fallen into my reach. If he had bothered to do a more thorough search of my house, he might have found out sooner that he was walking into a trap. But thankfully for me, men like him could never imagine himself as the prey. His long history of dominating other men had eroded everything but the slightest sense of caution. It was the same with all other apex men like him. I enjoyed the irony of making their greatest strengths into their biggest weaknesses. Since they hunted alone, they were easily isolated and then subdued. And now I was going to use his perfect body against him and slowly devour him. I finished descending the stairs and stopped to admire the sight in front of me. Hang down from the ceiling were two chains that were linked to the bottom of the floor, forming an X at chest level. Connected between the lower parts of the chains was a solid rounded bar level with my waist. I had draped my blond stud across the bar with it pressed into his bent midsection as his limp arms reached for his toes. I had then taken each of his arms and bound his wrists above and behind him to connect to the upper links of the chains. Also binding his ankles, I curled each of his legs back and attached them to the upper chains as well. The end result was breathtaking, as his back formed a canyon of thick muscles covered with perfect, hairless skin. His chest was jutting out below him with his large nipples still red and inflamed from my earlier abuse. His calf muscles pressed tight against his hamstrings and bulged out to the sides having nowhere else to go. Behind the bar his round balls hung vulnerable between his open legs. His huge dick was still completely stiff from the Viagra and the foreskin had stretched back completely, exposing his raw red glans. It pointed straight under the bar parallel to his abs and down to his hanging head. Even as I drank in the sight of his twisted limbs and contorted muscles, my gaze kept being pulled back towards his magnificent ass above it all. His huge glutes were compressed by his raised legs behind him, and formed perfect bubbles of muscle that remained pliant and malleable as he was passed out. His legs had been slightly pulled apart so that his butt cheeks formed a widening valley from his lower back to his perineum. Deep between his globes I could see his bare sphincter gently closed and motionless. Inside his mouth there was a ball gag, and a strand of spit was dangling down and forming a puddle on the floor. After getting him locked in position, I had taken the liberty of removing all of his pubic hair. I had also pried apart his cheeks and denuded the hair in the valley around his untouched asshole. I loved the sight of his pale cock stripped as bare as he was, exposed and waiting to be used. I didn’t think it was possible, but it looked even bigger without his thick blond bush sprouting around the base. His ballsack was next, as I gently pulled and kneaded his nuts to get the skin taunt enough to scrape. Even with his mind knocked out, his cock seemed wide awake, and started to flex as the loose skin was pulled further down his shaft. A drop of precum formed at his slit, but I refrained from indulging its cry for attention. I finished with his ballsack and cleaned his taint, and continued all the way up to his glutes. As I pulled his cheeks apart, I gently dragged the blade around his hole. As I went back and forth to make sure that every hair was removed, his sphincter felt the cold air and started to involuntarily clench and release. The blade paused as I looked at his innocent virgin hole, and imagined all the things that were going to happen to it tonight. I felt my own cock twitch in my pants as it screamed out exactly what it wanted to do and a burning desire spread all the way up to my gut. I had to lean back and take a deep breath before I could continue to work steadily at my task. The time was fast approaching with my needs and urges would be fully satisfied, but now was not that time. I finished another step in removing one more piece of his alpha masculinity and took the blade back upstairs to grab some refreshments. I grabbed a chair and put it down behind him. Sitting down, I took out a beer from pack and leaned back to enjoy the view as I took a sip. I knew I could do whatever I wanted to him even if he wasn’t out cold, but it wasn’t just his perfect body I wanted to destroy. First I wanted to slowly and methodically break his will. I wanted him to experience every stage of his downfall, and fully feel the pain, pleasure, and fear I would use to do it. I waited patiently for the drugs and alcohol in his system to wear off. I drank slowly so I could enjoy a slight buzz without being impaired for rest of the evening. I smirked as I sat there drinking his beer, staring at the results of where his lack of control had gotten him. That and his throbbing pole of meat which was the real cause of his predicament with its single-minded lust to be satisfied. As I got close to finishing my first beer, I head a small groan coming out of him. All the blood that had collected in his upper body from gravity would definitely not be helping him make a comfortable journey back to awareness, but I knew that soon he would be ready to begin. I put down my unfinished beer and leaned forward in my chair. With one hand I reached out and circled it around his bare, exposed sack. I gently pulled his balls away from his body and began kneading them in the palm of my hand as he gave out a louder groan. With my other hand I reached between his legs and wrapped it around his shaft. The waves of heat from the blood in his cock caused me to squeeze hard as I felt the veins pulse across my palm. I gently pulled his 10 inch cock back and down between his legs until it was pointing straight at the ground. As he started to come around, I began slowly sliding my hand up and down his manhandled dick. The drops of precum fell from his slit to the ground below faster, released by my manipulations and pulled by gravity. Soon there was a string of slime stretching out from his mushroom head as his cock became fully awake. We were finally ready to start.
    1 point
  50. (This is a long one. Once I started writing it I couldn't stop. You'll understand why.) Part III I put the case of beers down on the couch next to him and got back down on my knees between his legs with my hands clasped behind my back. Once I was back where I belonged he reached over and took the first beer out of the pack. Using his bare hands, he flexed his huge arms for a second and the cap popped off the bottle instantly with a hiss of escaping air. He kept his eyes on my as he took the bottle to his lips and took his first swig. He washed it around his mouth as he enjoyed the first refreshing taste of his favorite drink, then finally swallowed in one gulp. “Mmm. Just how I like it.” He brought the beer up for another mouthful and quickly gulped it down. I watched his adam’s apple bob up as he drank it and let me eyes dart down from his neck to his crotch before quickly returning back to his face. He smiled again and gave a small laugh. “Looks like you can’t wait to get started, bitch.” He reached up with his free hand and wrapped it around the back of my head. I could feel the strength in his arm as he slowly pushed my willing head down into his crotch and began grinding himself against my face. “You’re lucky I am ready to get serviced. It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like making you wait for this as long as a dog like you deserves.” I took in his smell with deep breathes as I felt the heat of his hand pushing me in harder mixing with the heat coming from his rapidly hardening cock inside his jeans. I heard him take another deep draft from the bottle as he groaned with the pleasure of a satisfied man. Inside his jeans I felt the monster stirring with life as my mouth and nose were dragged back and forth over his covered cock. I could almost hear the fabric stretching and creaking like an iceberg as the heat continued to spread into his massive tool. I knew that soon the monster would be awake, and that it would begin to start making his decisions for him. He downed the rest of his beer and tossed the empty bottle on the couch next to his helmet. Moving his hand from the back of my head, he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled my head up to look me in the face. I was breathing heavily and felt another leak of precum come out in my pants. My own cock was getting uncomfortably hard inside the tight jeans, but I knew there was nothing I could do to adjust it without getting punished by him. He smiled as he saw how worked up I was becoming without being able to relieve myself. He liked seeing me in discomfort, unable to help myself as I became dedicated to servicing his needs over mine. “Looks like things are getting tight down there. We can’t have that, can we? Take off my jeans, boy. Now.” I moved my hands quickly up and unhooked the first button. As I worked, he reached over to grab another beer and repeated his display of power by easily popping off the second bottle cap. His upper body was a ripple of muscles under his tight shirt as he brought the beer to his mouth and took another drink, watching me all the while. I had a hard time focusing on his pants with that kind of display going on above me, and I knew he liked the overpowering feelings he was producing in me. Everything was going exactly as he expected. I finished with the buttons and grabbed his jeans on the sides with both hands. He slowly lifted his ass off the couch, and again I paused as I saw the muscles in his stomach clench into a display of perfection. I knew this was a man who could fuck someone’s brains out from any position he pleased for as long as he wanted. He reached over with his free hand and slapped me not so gently on the side of my head. “Hurry up, bitch!” I quickly pulled the jeans past his ass cheeks of solid muscle and down to his large quads. He settled back down on the edge of the couch and I began the difficult process of working his jeans slowly down the rest of his legs. He was wearing black boxer briefs that were working overtime to keep the massive bulge of his cock pressed against his body. I could tell that even just barely hard, they were already losing the battle. He must have had a six inch log of a dick even when he was fully soft, and things were already well past that point. I watched the mound throb as more and more blood began collected in his snake with each passing heartbeat as the restriction of his jeans had finally been removed. As I tried to move his jeans further down his legs, it seems to hit a snag every time I came across another knot of muscles. He has a perfect covering of light blond hair that went all the way down his legs, and it turned golden at times. It took me a long time to finally get those jeans down before he finally lifted his feet and let me slip them off completely. My gaze travelled up his muscular legs back to his crotch where his dick had begun to tent against the tight briefs. Again he reached out with his massive hand and forced my head back down into his thinly veiled crotch. “Put your hands back behind you and get my cock hard and wet.” The heavenly smell was almost overpowering now as my nose was mashed back up against his cock, and I used my tongue to bathe the massive ridge that was forming inside his briefs. The stink was even stronger down near his balls, which looked huge even between his massive legs. I licked up and down the fabric surrounding his shaft, drooling with desire as I tried to lick and taste as much of him as I could. He let me work myself back and forth and coax his huge cock to full mast while he slowly finished his second beer. As he tossed aside his second beer, I wasn’t sure if the viagra was starting to kick in or if he was able to get his massive dick hard so fast without it, but it worked for me regardless. I knew his huge cock would remain rock hard all night, and that he had that much less blood in his system to use for his brain. He finally grabbed my hair and pulled my head up a second time to stare me in the face. I was sweating and panting from the heat of being pushed down into his crotch, surrounded by muscles and skin radiating heat. There was drool covering face all the way from my nose to the bottom of my chin, and he saw exactly what he wanted to see in my dilated eyes as I panted heavily. He knew he was in total control, and that I would do whatever he wanted immediately. Keeping hold of my head, he said, “Take off the briefs and get to work you filthy cock hound.” I reached up and dug my hands into the tight waistband of his briefs and began trying to peel back his snug briefs. They were so tight I ending up having to pull them straight down since there was no way they would stretch enough to release his massive cock without hooking on it. As I pulled them down more and more, his cock began to bend down with it like someone was pulling on the branch of a tree. His blond bush came into view, along with a blast of heat and scent as the prison door for his cock was finally being opened. I had to pause and take a long drag as I was overwhelmed by that blast of pure testosterone and sex. Still holding my head in place with one hand, he reached over with his other hand and slapped me out of my bliss. “You aren’t done yet, slut. I’m not going to tell you again.” I started pulling again and the stem of his dick was revealed sprouting out of his bush as the rest of his dick was being dragged down with the briefs. More and more of his perfect dick became visible as the briefs went lower and lower. It felt like it was taking forever to free this python from its cage as it went on and on. Finally, the pressure built up to the breaking point, and his cock snapped past his descending waistband to swing over like a falling tree and slap against his lower stomach. He kept a firm grip on my hair as I involuntarily drifted towards his freed monster. I had to stretch my arms and back to get the briefs down off his legs while he kept my head locked in place. Finally naked from the waist down, he kept holding me above his cock with both hands and began to flex it like was doing pushups. As he did this, I saw beads of precum building up on the tip of his slit, and his foreskin pulled back further and further. The huge head on top of his 10 inch dick was emerging like some kind of sped up timelapse of a growing mushroom, as more and more precum continued to collect and then drip down onto his white shirt. “Now you’re going to take all of that, bitch, and you are going to choke on it until you pass out or I finish using you.” He released my head and I quickly leaned forward and began licking the nectar from his cockhead. I engulfed his cock and then pulled it straight up so I could get it deeper in my mouth. It was straight as an arrow, and it throbbed with heat as it invaded my mouth. I could feel the softness of his skin like it was silk, and underneath that silk I felt the steel of his stem that forced its way closer and closer to the back of my mouth. As I dove down and feasted on his dick, he reached over for his third beer and again moved to pop the cap. He paused as he focused on the bottle, and had to take an extra second to move his fingers into the right position. Then, with another surge of muscles the cap flew off and joined the others. I slowly kept working my mouth deeper and deeper down his cock, trying to get my mouth accommodated to his huge girth and length. I doubt it would have been easy even if I could unhinge my jaw he was so big. My drool started to coat his sword all the way past his balls, but no matter how hard I tried his blond bush seemed unreachable. Between swigs he would reach down up with both hands and force me on his cock. He would get it right to top of my throat and I would gag as my body tried to futilely rear away, only to have my head remain locked between his powerful hands. I somehow managed to keep my hands behind my back as he did this again and again, stopping only to get another mouthful of beer. I was slowly working my way further and further down his shaft, but this monster seemed unending. As he finished his third beer, he dropped it next to the others and then again grabbed my head. Forcing my head up slightly to make me look at his eyes, my mouth still wrapped around his oozing dickhead, he said “Time to take it all bitch. I don’t care if you are ready or not.” I was already out of breath, but we both knew that nothing was going to stop him getting what he wanted now that he had made up his mind. Grabbing my ears he forced me down as far as I had been able to work and then began to push down with his hands while simultaneously lifting his waist. I could feel his dick forcing its way past all resistance like a juggernaut as he pushed his slime covered cock deeper and deeper into my throat. My nose finally sunk deep into his bush, but his dick was lodged so far down my throat I was unable to breathe. He groaned as he bottomed out his gigantic rod in its new hot and wet home, and then began flexing it inside my esophagus. “Mmm, that feels great, fuckhole. You better get used to this because I’m going to spend a lot of time parked right here this weekend.” As he held me there longer and longer, I began to feel a burning sensation building up in my lungs. Instinct caused me to start trying to pull off of his baseball bat of a cock to free up my airway for more oxygen, but I saw the muscles in his arms and chest flex and hold my head like it was in a vice. From the fixed point of my head, the rest of my body started to spasm, and my hands finally came forward and tried to grab on to the top of his giant legs. I tried to push off his body by using his legs as leverage, but underneath my hands they clumped like braided steel wire and he lunged his hips forward even more, grinding my nose flat into his brush and probing the back of my throat even deeper. He tossed his head back and groaned as I was forced to look up at this demigod of tensed muscles as his cock choked the life and resistance out of me, second by agonizing second. My legs and arms started to shake as he looked back down at me, breathing hard and swift with exhilaration as he used his body to dominate me. He felt the pure power of being able to take me to the brink, and that we both knew that there was nothing that I could do to stop him. More precum pumped down my throat as he broke down the final walls of any resistance that I had left. As my twitching got more and more feeble and my body was forced to become a tool for his whims he looked back down at me and stared into my bulging eyes and said, “I own you, slut. Never forget that I will use you for whatever gets me off, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.” I stopped fighting and went limp, and he basked in my total surrender. Finally, he let go of my head and I fell like a ragdoll to the ground, gasping for air with a horrible sound. I hacked and coughed between breathes, trying to clear my throat of all the slime he had pushed in there with his cock. He laughed as I lay at his feet, and then grabbed the bottom of his shirt and began to peel it off of his chest and over his head. Even as I lay there, I was forced to watch as he lifted his arms above his head as he finished removing his shirt. Finally revealed in his full glory, I began getting enough air inside my lungs as I looked upon this blond statue of sculpted muscle and golden skin. With his 10 inch dick jutting out straight, hard, and covered in my spit, he completed his final step of showing me how he was my better than me in all things, and that I was privileged to be used by him and his magnificent dick. As I finished coughing, my throat raw and my lungs finally heaving less for air, he swayed slightly then leaned back on the couch and grabbed his fourth beer. He attempted to open the bottle, but his hands had trouble getting a good grip on the cap. Slightly frustrated, he had to carefully place his hands and felt like it took more strength than usual to finally force the cap of the beer loose. Figuring that it was the alcohol, he took a deep draft and downed half the bottle before pulling it away from his lips. Everything was going his way this evening, and the cock slave had finally been broken in. Now was the time to get drunk and enjoy using his slave long and hard all night. Looking down at me with reddening eyes, he said “Get back to work on my dick, cocksucker. You’re going to swallow everything I give you.” I crawled back between the pillars of his legs and used my arms to steady myself on them. I took hold of his glistening cock and pulled it away from his stomach to get it back inside my aching mouth. He closed his eyes as I began to lick and bob up and down his shaft, using one hand to pump the root and the other to pull and twist on his heavy and loaded balls. He began slowly thrusting his hips up and down as finished off his fourth beer in another quick gulp and settled back to be serviced. I kept using my tongue to probe his slit and fish out his sweet precum as it continued to flow like a slow lava fountain. I alternated between bobbing up and down and then flicking his sensitive frenulum and cap. My hands began roaming up his abdomen and sliding along his washboard abs as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He groaned and continued to thrust his lower body higher and higher as I slowly took him closer and closer to heaven. I knew his body was slowly absorbing my special ingredients, and that his body was also releasing natural hormones that combined to make him more and more drowsy. After a couple minutes of steadily working him closer and closer to orgasm, I kept careful watch on him to make sure I tracked his body’s responses to my stimulation. I didn’t want him to cum yet, but he was almost exactly where I wanted him to be. As I brought him down from another slow buildup, he opened his eyes and reached for his fifth beer. Seeing how much difficulty he was having focusing on getting the bottle, I reached over and took the sixth bottle and removed the cap before putting it in his hand. He put down the unopened bottle and smiled. “Glad to see you are learning so fast. Keep it up and I’ll treat you to a reward.” I smiled on the inside as the bottle connected with his lips and he began to drink. My hands moved back to his chest and then latched onto his nipples, which caused a moan to come out around the bottle as he arched his chest forward. His body was almost completely relaxed as he lowered the bottle and rested his head back with his eyes closed. I could feel his body starting to respond to all the pinching and twisting that I was placing on all of his sensitive points as I exploited his body, and I continued to slowly suck and drink his leaking sap. After slowly finishing his fifth beer and dropping his hand to the couch, the bottle slipped out of his hand. I reached up and fondled his powerful biceps. He kept his eyes closed and had stopped thrusting his hips as the different drugs slowly built up more and more in his system. His cock remained rock hard as the Viagra and my mouth and tongue kept probing his mushroom head and urethra between my deep up and down strokes. As I edged him closer and closer, he began moaning as the sensations hitting his foggy brain overpowered any thoughts besides cumming. The strength in his body was fading fast, and I kept sucking all of his strength slowly and steadily out of his throbbing shaft as it pulsed slowly to his heartbeat. He began rolling his head as I manipulated his body to keep him flooded with pleasure, and slowly I began to work faster on his cock and twisted his nipples harder. His arms had fallen to rest on the couch, and he didn’t even try to open his eyes anymore. I took him near to the brink and then held him there while fresh precum pushed out with every throb as he moaned. I wanted to enjoy the taste of him while I could. I drank his clear sap from his slit like it was a fine wine, because I knew that this would be the last time that anyone ever tasted his pure seed again. As I swallowed more and more of his delicious precum, I felt my own sap leaking in a steady flow. I could feel my hard cock pushing down the leg of my jeans like a pipe that had sprung a leak, and the river had flowed all the way down my leg to my knee. I knew I had to finish this soon or else I would lose control, and the prey was so close to being subdued. I moved my arms to put his thighs between under my armpits, and I moved my hands up to his biceps. I stopped teasing his mushroom and dove down on his slick shaft hard, moving with increasing speed. His body, covered in sweat from being pulled, fondled, and edged, began to slowly squirm as the inevitable climax approached. I moved my hands down his arms, over the wet skin and damp hair, all the way to his wrists. I grabbed both wrists and clamped them down to the couch, holding them firm. He tried with feeble strength to move his arms and legs, but they lacked the strength to break from my iron grip. As his balls pulled up, he arched his back up and began panting with ecstasy. He was offering his cock to me like a sacrifice, a slave to his overloaded senses, and I consumed his offering. I could feel his cock begin to twitch as his cum flooded up his urethra. He thrashed on the couch like a manacled prisoner as surge after surge of his sweet, clean nectar was devoured by my mouth. I kept siphoning each thick blast, constantly working his cock as I demanded more and more. Even as he finally fell back twitching to the couch, I continued to assault his defenseless cock with my tongue and lips, drawing weaker and weaker spurts of cum. I swallowed his delicious seed, and nursed his sensitive mushroom to get as much of his juice as possible. A high pitch moan escaped from his gaping mouth as I mercilessly worked him while he tried to squirm away until the last drop of cum had been extracted from his slick staff. Finally satisfied, I lifted my head from his cock and it slapped against his stomach in defeat. Freed from the painful pleasure on his overworked cock, he went limp on the couch and took a deep shuddering breath. The drugs and alcohol combined with the massive surge of hormones released with his orgasm to push him past the point of half-awake pleasure and deep into unconsciousness. I got up slowly and took the keys to his motorcycle out of his discarded pants. I put on his shirt and drank up the smell of his musk on it. As I unlocked and opened the front door to move his motorcycle off the street and into the garage, I paused and turned around to look at back at my prey. He lay naked and limp on the couch, his head lolling to the side with a small stream of spit dripping out of his open mouth. He was covered in a pure sheen of sweat from head to toe, and his glazed cock was still laying rock hard across his stomach in surrender, lifting futilely with each beat of his heart. His blond hair was dark and wet with perspiration. His arms and legs were splayed out and motionless, completely defenseless. Even passed out, his muscles stood out with beautiful definition. I smiled as I remembered when he first came into my trap. He could never have imagined how far he would fall, and he couldn’t even comprehend how much lower I was going to take him. I closed the door behind me with a loud thud, and back in the living room he didn’t even twitch.
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