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  1. Living near the intersection of two interstate highways a lot of traffic passes through my area, though in general it dosn't often produce a lot of play opportunities. One afternoon however, I was online and struck up a conversation with a top and just a couple minutes later he was on his way to my place. I usually try to get to know someone a bit and have the chance to get a good read on them prior to meeting, particularly in regard their health status, but in this instance things moved at a quick pace without much pre-meeting activity. Earlier though I had done some internal cleansing in the hope to have some play at some point - which it looked like I was going to get. I have a thing for anon and bondage play which I mentioned as he was on his way, to which he said he would like to do, so prior to his arriving I quickly placed cuffs on my wrists and ankles, spread myself face down on the bed, wrapped a blindfold across my eyes and attached each cuff to short chains on each corner of the bed and waited. As I lay there, I realized that other than the few things he had on his profile, our short conversation didn't give me a lot of info but he included a quite appealing cock picture in our quick chat which admittedly had me hooked and not concentrating on the other details as much. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of his vehicle pulling up, the car door shutting and the door into my place opening. This was soon followed by the sound of his voice saying "oh yeah" as he evidently must have laid eyes on me. The touch of his palm on my upturned bottom caused me to give a soft instinctive sigh as I exhaled and melted into the moment knowing I was just where I wanted to be, with all other thoughts passing to the side. His touch on my ass lasted only a few moments and the sound of his clothing coming off and the mattress sinking between my thighs quickly followed as he took his place there. I knew what he was wanting and given that it had been quite some time since last playing, it was what I was wanting too. The lube was a bit chilled as he dribbled it between my cheeks and as swiftly as things were moving along, some degree of caution reentered my mind and I decided that it would be best to be safe and ask about his status and talk about condoms. As I began to speak though I felt his fingers quickly enter deep inside my ass and the sudden intrusion caused me to lose my words. The swift entry was somewhat uncomfortable but at the same time it also felt quite good. Other than very little play on my own, I hadn't had any anal or other play in weeks and his act quickly awakened my sense of arousal had he easily had me wrapped around his finger - in this case both literally and figuratively. It wasn't long before I found my ass slowly gyrating to his movements. Sensing that he had my attention, his body then lowered and was fully atop mine to which I gave another sigh, wanting to talk but also not wanting to interfere with the moment. Then in one seamless movement, his fingers pulled free of my ass, his body shoved forward and he sent his cock deep inside my ass causing me to give a loud and audible gasp. He took advantage of the moment and quickly shoved his fingers into my open mouth, turning any words I had into a muffled mumble. When he told me to suck my ass off of his fingers, I had little choice but to do. Then without hesitation, he then began fucking me. While my attention was on the activity happening inside my body, my thoughts were also on the subject of whether it was safe to be having sex together, particularly with someone that I didn't know at all, and I began to utter a muffled "wait" and "stop" while softly trying to pull back from his fingers and cock. He either didn't hear what I was saying or was just ignoring me because he didn't stop or slow, instead he kept moving in a steady pace with his cock continuously alternating between deep inside then just about out, time and time again. The amazing sensation of his cock fucking my ass caused me to give up on trying to speak and words stopped trying to flow and instead I was only able to manage a series of moans, each coming in synch with the inward stroke bottoming out inside my body. As I lay there for a bit and absorbed in the moment, my mind went back to the moment when he started fucking me. While I had some condoms laying beside the lube, I was sure that I didn't noticed him taking the time to use one and in addition, the fucking felt much too smooth for there to be any barriers between us. While I wasn't really sure, it was quite likely that his cock was in me bare and natural. After a while he pulled his fingers from my mouth, wrapped both arms around and pulled me tight while working his body ever further into mine and with considerably more intensity. With the full length of his cock impaling itself on each stroke and with his girth taking a toll on my stretched and now worn hole, it wasn't long until the pleasures began to turn to soreness, which brought me back into the reality of the moment. With his fingers out of my mouth and my head now free, I turned my head in relief from the position it had been held in and instinctively asked if he was using a condom. His reply was "No", following by "Are you on prep"? This sent a mix of emotions throughout me, particularly since instead of asking what my status was, he was asking if I was on prep. There were only a limited number of reasons that someone would ask if I was on prep and ask it that way and I replied with a somewhat reserved "no". "Oh babe" he said as he held me closer while continuing to fuck me, somewhat more slowly but just as deep and even more intentional, "Are you undetectable", he asked, then after a slight hesitation before followed with "...or poz?" I answered "no, are you?", with a noticable degree of fear and apprehension in my voice. His grip tightened even more firmly with his chest now locked onto my back and with his mid-section continuously moving just as fully and as deeply as before, though at a slightly slower pace. "I don't want to stop" was all he said with his mouth so close that my ear filled with the dampness of his breath as his body fucking, not missing a beat. He didn't answer my question I thought, oh gawd, he didn't answer my question... My breathing immediately became quite deep at the realization of what might be happening to the point that it felt as if I was going to hyperventilate and my heartbeat increased to a rate that I don't think it has ever reached before. Even though the blindfold that was still covering my eyes had completely removed my ability to see, I could feel my eyes moving back and forth as if looking for something but I wasn't sure just what. "Wait, stop, please, just wait" I said in a pleading voice, "please just stop for a minute, please". My emotions were turning to complete fear and I needed to talk and know what was going on. I began to twist and turn while I tried to get free, though with the very limited movement I had while bound to the bed, I noticed that my movements were more like a gyration that was in tune with the fucking he was giving me than a clear sign that I was trying to escape, and in reality I was not in a position to truly stop him. A tear came to the corners of both eyes and I was filled with total fear with my body beginning to tremble at the thought that a hot and charged cock could very well be inside me. I am not sure if he stopped out of mercy or because he had just shot his cum because the way he ended the fucking was by dropping his body fully upon mine, with his cock fully impaled and continuing to hold me tight and close. With his face still nuzzled along the side of my neck, and with his labored breathing flowing across my flesh, I felt a series of slight spasms occurring throuhout his body as I lay beneath him. My thought was clearly that it was quite possible that I was now experiencing the waning energies of an orgasm that he had just released. I was afraid. I didn't know what to say or to do and I simply just laid there, immersed in the moment, confused, yet at the same time mesmerized in a warmth and an odd sense of sub-surface excitement. I had never considered myself to be a chaser and in reality I truly didn't ever want to become poz. At the same time though many of my most intense fantasies have been about being with someone that was poz and being fucked by them. About the only thing that ever came close to equaling a similar feeling were my fantasies about forced play and having my body violated and taken advantage of, or more specifically of someone raping me. Now here I was with the possibility that both had actually happened. The full sensations of the reality of the seriousness began to come into focus as the soreness in my ass told me that not only had I been psychologically used, but I had been physically used just as much. The pain in my ass from being stretched to take his girth, further inside where the end of his cock had been punching the linings of my guts and the intensity that some of the fucking reached told me that I would be feeling it for a very long time, and that my tender opening was quite likely also an open wound that would provide the opportunity for any cum to now directly enter my bloodstream. In reality though, nothing really mattered because what had been done had been done... I gave a whimper as he rose up and his cock pulled from my worn hole which also caused me to instinctively give a twist of my bottom back and forth. He clearly noticed my moving ass because just as we had begun, he promptly took two fingers, shoved them inside my ass and held them while asking if I wanted more, causing me to give another whimper, this time noticeably louder. It was clear that he didn't recognize the sound and signs of my anguish and had instead looked at it as perhaps a tease that I was wanting more - and when I didn't give an answer to his question if I wanted more, he dove his hand in even further and firmly grasp an exposed ass cheek with his other hand in a quite strong and painful manner which caused me to give a distinct "Oh Gawd" in response. "I could tell that you were a slut', he said', and clearly a cum and pain slut." The truth was that I didn't know what I was or what I wanted, and for that matter I wasn't really sure exactly what all had just happened - the fingers in my ass didn't feel exceptionally wet so I still wasn't sure if he had cum in me or not - or what his status truly was - and to be honest, I wasn't sure that I wanted to know. As he pulled his fingers from my ass, he wiped them on my bottom cheeks, got dressed then gave a firm swat to my bottom that I was sure would leave a mark and again called me "slut", which elicited a tender moaning sigh and an instinctive and interestingly sincere "thank you" from my lips. "I am through here a couple times a week, if you want to do more" he said as he headed toward the door. Without taking a moment to think I told him I'd like that, to which he responded "you should really be on prep, slut" and with that the door closed behind him. After I worked my way out of my restraints and got up, I saw that he had left a card with his contact info and the days and times that he passes through. Later a message came through the app with a couple screen shots from the video that he had taken which clearly showed him fucking me without a condom. What have I done, I wondered, and what am I going to do?
    16 points
  2. Part 26 Jeremy was alternating between moaning, purring and begging as Ryan see-sawed his fat raw cock (his raw HIV-positive cock!) in and out of Jeremy's ass as Drew and I watched and listened in horny lust to everything being displayed on the screen before us. Drew was feeding me more smoke from the pipe as he worked to seal my capitulation with his lewd talk. “It's totally hotter than hell watching your son getting fucked with raw dick and hearing him beg for those poz loads isn't it Daddy Justin?” Watching the screen in earnest I reached between Drew's legs and took his rigid shaft in my fist and started slowly jacking him. “Hell yeah it is!” I answered him. “Watching him getting fucked with the same poz dicks that fucked me earlier. And hearing him say how much he wants it! Oh gawd!!” Drew pinched one of my sensitive nips causing a ripple of more pleasure to run through my body. “Do you want it too, Daddy Justin? Do you want more poz cum in your hole and to fuck your cock into more poz ass?” he asked in a soft whisper dripping with seduction and temptation. A temptation I realized I was powerless to resist. “Fuck yes I do!” I said with undisguised need and hunger in my own voice. He smiled that same beautiful smile he'd shown me that first day we met (had it been just a week ago?!) and said, “You will. Don't worry. Let's watch a little more first,” and we turned our attention back to the scene of what was happening just a few feet down the hall from us. As I watched I saw Kevin turn from the dining room table and saw that he was holding what appeared to be some syringes and a belt. I looked briefly at Drew with questioning eyes and he grinned and told me to watch and listen. He said things were about to heat up. I quickly looked back just as I heard my son's voice saying in a ragged breath, “What's that stuff for Daddy Kevin?” Kevin stood next to Jeremy's prone body on the couch and ran his empty hand across Jeremy's sweat-drenched abs and chest as Ryan slowed his fuck-pace. “Do you remember the last time you were here and we watched a video where a couple of the guys took an injection from a syringe like these?” Jeremy seemed to pause as he felt another deep thrust of Ryan's cock. “Yes. You called it a..a...”, he trailed off. “A slam, son,” Kevin said evenly. “It's a needle full of the T we've been smoking diluted in water. Goes right into your system and makes everything we've been doing so much better than you can imagine. I think you said you might like to try it, right?” There was a moment's hesitation before Jeremy said, “Yeah, maybe. Will it hurt? Is it safe?” “No it won't hurt, just a quick pinch of the needle, then you'll feel better than you ever have. And yeah, it's just as safe as smoking it from the pipe,” Kevin answered in a soothing voice. “And it's so frigging good to get slammed when you have a cock fucking your ass!” Ryan added. I saw Jeremy lick his lips then eagerly say, “Yeah! Let's do it then. Slam me Daddy Kevin!” I heard Drew beside me whisper, “Fucking A!” and heard Kevin instructing Jeremy what to do and telling him what was going to happen. Ryan stopped his thrusting and held his cock still inside Jeremy as Kevin took Jeremy's outstretched arm and wrapped the belt around it. He told Jeremy he was looking for a prominent vein and immediately said he'd found one and rubbed it with an alcohol wipe. I watched mesmerized as Kevin slowly inserted the needle into my son's pulsing vein and seconds later the syringe was turning red as Jeremy's blood entered it, mixing with the diluted meth. I heard Kevin ask, “Are you ready?” but he was looking into the camera and I knew he was asking me as well as Jeremy. Jeremy nodded and Kevin pushed the plunger, slowly emptying the contents into my boy's blood and body. Drew and I moaned together as Jeremy and Ryan moaned too on the screen. Kevin quickly removed the belt from Jeremy's arm and told him to hold it up in the air and to “get ready” and “ride it out, son.” In just a few seconds Jeremy's body shuddered, he began gasping and started coughing deep and hard. I turned a paniced look to Drew but he said not to worry and keep watching. Jeremy's coughing fit stopped, he shuddered one more time then opened his eyes and I could see a transformation on his face. He looked wildly at Kevin then at Ryan and back at Kevin. “Oh my gawd!” he exclaimed. “Oh fuck, Daddy Kevin! Oh fuckkkk!” Kevin laughed. “Feels good doesn't it son?” he asked. “Oh yes, yes, yes! So fucking good!” Then Jeremy turned his eyes on Ryan who was grinning widely. “Your hole just got 10 degrees hotter around my cock dude! How're you feeling?” Jeremy started pulling on his nips as he wrapped his legs tighter around Ryan's waist. “It feels so fucking fantastic bro! Fuck me man! Fucking drill my hole and fucking give me your poz cum! Please fucker!” my son practically screamed. “You got it pig!” Ryan growled as he pulled back then slammed forward into the depths of Jeremy's ass. I watched in fascination as Ryan fucked my son with an even greater intensity than he had fucked me in the park and I had no doubt Jeremy was enjoying that dick just as much as his father had not too long ago. I heard Kevin say he was going to go get Drew but I'm not sure Jeremy even heard him through all the grunting and groaning he and Ryan were doing. A moment later the bedroom door opened and I glanced up to see Kevin entering with a huge smile on his face and his huge dick as hard as it'd been all day. Though I wanted to watch my son with these men on the computer screen, my hunger won out as Kevin wordlessly walked over to me and slid his cock between my lips. I started sucking feverishly on the cock that had just fucked my own son full of poz cum as the sound of Jeremy getting fucked by Ryan was the perfect background noise. I was remotely aware that Drew and Kevin were making out while I worked to deepthroat Kevin's length and at the same time heard Ryan on the screen and through the now-open bedroom door telling Jeremy how good his ass felt and how close he was to cumming in him. I moaned around my mouthful of cock as I heard Jeremy again urge Ryan to shoot his poz cum in him, to mix it with Kevin's. Kevin slid his meat from my mouth and leaned down to kiss me. Pulling his lips from mine he grinned at me in total wantonness and asked, “So you liked watching me shoot my poz cum in your boy?” he asked. “Oh fuck yes!” I answered without reservation. “And hearing him beg for it?” Kevin continued. “Even hotter,” I confessed. His grin widened. “And how about you buddy? Do you want more of my poz cum in your ass too? In your tweaked up cheating married daddy ass?” I wrapped my hand around Kevin's cock and licked the precum-covered head. Looking up at him I said, “Oh gawd yes! I want more of your poz cum man! The same poz cum you gave my son just now!”, then I slid my lips back down his cock. Kevin let me suck him a few moments longer before taking his cock back out and I heard the all-familiar “click” then parted my lips for the glass cock Drew was offering me. I sucked in two huge lungfuls of the sweet magic fuck smoke and was ready to hear what these two studs had in mind next for tonight for all of us, including Jeremy. Blowing out my second cloud I looked at Drew and saw him watching me. He said, “We came here tonight so you could have sex with your son.” He paused as I felt my heart flip hearing his words. “Are you ready for that Daddy Justin?” he asked. “Are you ready for some no-restrained wickedly hot ta*oo incest with your own son?” “More than you know!” I replied feeling the dark decadent smile on my lips. Drew returned my smile and said, “Well, then, let's get this party charged up!” He and Kevin laughed at the double meaning which was lost on me. Drew turned to Kevin and said, “Stay here with Daddy Justin. I'm going to go get Ryan and Jeremy and we're going to move the fun here to the bedroom.” Giving me a quick kiss he said, “Watch the screen, you hot married pig! And get ready. I'm going to bring you your son's ass so you can incest fuck him!”, and with that he walked out closing the door behind him. A moment later I saw Drew walk up to Jeremy in the living room just as he was finishing up sucking Ryan's cock clean after Ryan had bred him and pulled out of his teen hole. “Hey, Jer,” Drew said to Jeremy drawing my son's attention to him and his nakedness and hardness. Jeremy grinned seeing Drew and said, “Hey, man! I was wondering where you was. Glad to see you!” Drew bent down and kissed Jeremy briefly then pulling back said, “Yeah, I was in the bedroom with Daddy Kevin's friend having a little fun.” He grinned at Jeremy and said “How about we all move to the bedroom and have some fun together?” Jeremy sat up on the couch and said, “I'm ready! Is he hot?” “Oh man,” Drew answered, “he is so fucking sexy and hot! We heard part of the fun you were having in here and he is wanting to fuck you like crazy!” I groaned hearing Drew setting the stage for me and my son to fuck. Kevin lit the bowl again and I inhaled more fuck smoke, watching and listening to the scene in the living room. Kevin had me get on my hands and knees facing the screen and a minute later I felt the wetness of his tongue kissing and licking and sucking my aching but hungry hole. I forced myself to concentrate on what was going on on the computer screen. Jeremy was sitting on the couch with Ryan and Drew on either side of him passing a smoke-filled pipe back and forth. Drew was talking to Jeremy. “Daddy Kevin's friend is married and he told us he has a son your age that he really wants to fuck.” “Fuck man that's hot!” I heard Jeremy say at the same time I felt Kevin slip a finger inside me. I quickly felt the flash of burn and knew he was giving me a booty bump. He wasn't making it easy to follow what was happening in the living room but I tried. “Yeah it's hot and he wants you to do some roleplay with him and let him know how much you want to have incest with your dad. And since you do want that for real I figured you'd be cool with getting into it with him, right?” Drew asked watching Jeremy exhale more smoke. “Oh fuck yeah man! I'm definitely down for that.” I was shaking in lust realizing how close I was to getting to fuck my own son. Just as I was thinking that I felt the bed move and then felt the blunt head of Kevin's dick pressing against my twitching hole. I knew it was likely just a matter of minutes before I was going to be pressing my own dad-cock against my own son's cum-filled hole but my need to have my own ass filled again was overwhelming and I pushed back meeting Kevin's forward push and we moaned in unison as once again he moved his entire length inside me. (more to come)
    13 points
  3. I was just about to give up on any possibility of hooking up when a guy sent me an instant message saying he liked my profile. He said he was really into my “type.” I like to get to the point so I asked him what he was into. He said, “You.” His name was Marcos and he didn’t have a picture, but he assured me I wouldn’t be disappointed. Damn, I thought, I hate these sorts of setups. I don’t know what this guy looks like, or what he’s into. Plus it was really getting late. But on the other hand, I have heard some horror stories of guys who did have pictures and looked nothing like them. He described himself as 6’2” dark hair, brown eyes and South American. I tried to push for more information but got very little. He asked me if I wanted to come to his house. I asked if I came over, what we would do. He said have a beer, talk, whatever. Damn, I was not getting any information from this guy. But curiosity got the best of me and I got his address and drove over. It was about 1:00 a.m. when I knocked on the door. He opened the door slightly and out popped a really hot looking face; beautiful olive skin and sexy masculine stubble. He had black hair that was curly and long, just over his ears. He didn’t smile or give me any clue as to what he thought of me, but opened the door and gestured me inside. He was wearing a plain t-shirt and boxers. He invited me into his small living room and we sat on a sofa. Marcos started making small talk while rubbing my knee and putting his arm around me and suddenly he started making out with me; all in like 10 seconds. I started feeling him up all over him and soon realized that his body was really muscular and tight. Marcos had his tongue down the back of my throat in a matter of seconds and I could tell from his breathing that he was hungry. My cock was rock hard in response to all of his attention. He started pulling my shirt off over my head and immediately licked down my neck and to my left tit. He was very aggressive and kept his hands busy; one working my crotch and the other tweaking my other tit. I was doing the same thing to him; feeling his rock hard body and trying to pull his shirt up over his head. I was kicking off my shoes at the same time. I couldn’t get naked fast enough. Somehow my hand made it to his crotch. His basket was full and his mound was tight. I kept rubbing and could feel him thrust towards my cupped hand. He licked his way over to my other tit and started swirling all around then started nibbling. I let out a moan and he ever-so-lightly growled. Marcos had my pants down and around my ankles within seconds and flipped my body over onto my stomach equally as fast. His left hand pushed my head down onto the couch while is right hand wrapped around my waist and pulled my ass up into the air. I stayed very still while he took his hands and spread my ass cheeks apart. I could tell he was checking me out because he wasn’t doing anything except spreading my cheeks and staring at my hole. I could feel his breath on my pucker as his tongue licked around the parameter. I wanted this guy inside me in every possible way. Marcos dove in and started fucking his tongue into my hole. He let go of my cheeks and reached through my legs and grabbed a tit in each hand and started moaning into my butt and twisting my nips in unison. I reached through my legs too and started rubbing his crotch and trying to get a feel for how he was hung. I could feel he was hard because his entire mound was hot and taunt. I reached up to his waistband and started pulling his boxers down. The first thing I felt was his tight wiry bush of his pubes. He let go of my tits as I fumbled around with his boxers. Never taking his mouth off my hole he managed to get out of his shorts in a matter of seconds. This stud was an expert in getting me and him out of our cloths. I reached through my legs and felt his cock. It was hot, leaking, uncut and big. Seriously fat. Not so much long, probably eight inches, but fat. I knew I had to choke this fat Latin cock down my throat tonight. I continued to feel him up and moved back to his balls. Nice big nuts; naturally smooth. I made a cock ring with my index finger and thumb and wrapped them around his cock and both balls and started to stretch them downward. Again, Marcos moaned into my hole. I was so into this guy that pre-cum started flowing out of me. He was throwing such a solid boner and I needed it in my mouth. Marcos had other ideas. He spread my cheeks again, but this time he started playing with the lips around my pucker. He actually grabbed the left side of my ass ring between his thumb and first finger and did the same with his other hand. He basically had the rim of my hole between his fingers. Then he spread it open and stuffed his tongue into me even further than before. I was getting very verbal and moaning and pushing my butt back onto his face. He stretched my hole further with his fingers and shoved more tongue into me. My cunt was on fire. I reached between my legs and started fingering my puss while his tongue was inside me and we worked together to get as much of ourselves inside my ass. Spit was dripping everywhere. Marcos was a pig. I began to feel the early rumblings of an orgasm deep inside me but I was not ready to let loose a load yet, so I pulled away causing Marcos to disengage his tongue from my ass. I needed to catch my breath and calm down. I turned around and sat up Indian-style staring at Marcos. He was so fucking fine especially now I could see him completely naked. His cock was awesome; a perfect cock. I spread my legs so I could to give him a little show while I caught my breath. I started fingering myself. Marcos was staring at my finger working its way into my hole. Then he started jacking his cock. He got closer and then a little closer until I could see his dick juice appear at his piss slit and then dribble down his shaft. It was creating this sticky goo that made me salivate. Marcos stared right into my eyes while he jacked. He had the nastiest look on his face while he did that. He reached down and inserted one of his fingers alongside mine in my ass and started helping me fuck myself. He did this while inching his way closer to me. Pretty soon, that fat Latin cock was close enough for me to swipe my tongue across. I could tell Marcos was playing with me, teasing me, taunting me. He knew I was starving for his fat dick and was holding back making sure I didn’t get too much too soon. My ass was juicing, big time. I stared at his gooey cock head and tried to reach it with my tongue. Looking right into my eyes, Marcos asked, “You need some of this big South American dick, Josh? You wanna blow me, man?” I swallowed, completely focused on his cock head leaking pre-cum and simply said, “Fuck yeah, dude. I want to taste your fucking juice man. Let me have it. Come on, dude I’m starving here, Let me blow you.” I felt Marcos insert another finger in my ass. That’s now two of his and one of mine. Marcos took his cock and smeared it over my lips. I could feel the warm goo cool when it touched my face and lips. My tongue was sticking out as far as it could possibly go. I finally made contact and licked the head and up and down. He lifted his cock up and placed his smooth balls right at my mouth. I licked and slathered them with my tongue and then sucked each one onto my mouth. I was stuffed with his hot nads in my mouth. I licked and swirled my tongue and he started pumping his balls in and out of my mouth. As soon as he’d pull them almost all the way out, I would suck them all the way back in. I love tea-bagging. I’m good at it and he appreciated it. His dick juice dripping onto my face told me so. Marcos pulled his balls free from my mouth and shoved his dick in my mouth and held the back of my head still. I was impaled onto his cock. Because of the angle, I was only taking about three-quarters of his cock down my throat. Then Marcos started fucking my mouth. We both wanted to get more of his cock into my throat, but his dick was really fat and the angle was wrong. He pulled his cock out of my mouth dragging a strand of spittle along with it. He swung me around on the couch and had my head hanging upside-down off the seat of the couch and my legs resting on the back. He rubbed his slimy dick all over my face before inserting it back into my mouth. He pushed his fat cock passed my lips and towards the entrance into my throat, but got stuck at the back of my throat. Damn, I was afraid his cock was too fat for me. I tried to relax as Marcos continued to make little fuck motions trying to get past the entrance to my throat. I took a deep breath, grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him against the resistance at the bottle neck at the entrance of my throat. It was tight and I didn’t think it would work, but I was willing to risk a sore throat to get that fat Latin cock into my throat. And then it happened, his cock popped through the opening at the back of my throat. Marcos let out a loud “Oh fuck yea!” and continued pushing into my throat. When he stopped, his pubic bush was at my nose. I loved the way his pubes smelled. That got me even more excited and I tried to push my face further onto his cock, but I was already at the root. I just stayed there and tried to breathe through my nose. I would also use my throat muscles to “swallow” which sent ripples down Marco’s dick. That’s when he started fucking my mouth; long deep strokes. I tried to take short little breaths in between each withdrawal because I didn’t want to disrupt our rhythm by gasping for air. I needed cock more than air. While pumping my throat, he spread my legs and started fingering my ass again. He started with one finger, then added another and then another; all the way to the second knuckle. He would reach in and feel all the way around my hole, find my prostrate and rub it like a genie rubbing a lamp. I was so warm and wet and hot for it. Marcos was moaning, fingering my ass, fucking my throat and stretching me open all at the same time. He took both of his the first fingers and spread me open, got in close enough for me to feel his breath and then spit into my hole, smearing it all around. He did that three or four times. He pulled his slimy, spit-covered cock out of my mouth and spun me around again; this time doggie style on the couch facing the side of the couch with my ass up in the air. He hopped up onto the couch behind me and I was anticipating his next move. I felt his cock head touched the rim of my ass. It was warm and really slippery. He rubbed it all around. His head felt huge. He slipped about half of his head into my ass and pulled it back out again. He was teasing me. He new I wanted it and he knew I wanted it bad. I moaned and flexed my ass cheeks and pulsed my rosebud sending every signal I could muster for him to fuck me. But he didn’t give into me. He continued to tease. A pitiful desperate yearning sound escaped my throat before I could control it. Marcos grabbed two handfuls of my hair and pulled my head back. Staring straight into my eyes with lust I heard, “White boy, you want some raw Latin cock in that smooth pink little pussy of yours? Huh? You need some dick, baby?” I just moaned back and said yes, to give it to me. He said, “You want some of this?” and he stuck the head back in, but pulled it equally as fast back out again. I was delirious at this point and screamed, “Fuck me, man. Punch that fat Latin cock into me, I need to get fucked!” Then very quietly I begged him, “Please Marco. Please fuck me. I need this so bad, Fuck my cunt.” With that, Marcos nudged the head of his cock back to the entrance of my hole and he pushed forward in one great lunge and I pushed back with a huge force and within a split second I had that fat, big bronze cock buried balls deep in my ass. I let out the a long animalistic exhale. I was dumbfounded. This is what I wanted. This is what I needed. My spine started to tingle and I could feel his heart beat through his cock. The lips of the ring of my ass were stretched to their maximum. Had Marcos been a millimeter fatter, I’d be bleeding at this very minute. “There you go, baby. I got cha. I got cha all stuffed full of cock just like you needed. Pussy is SO fucking tight. Goddamn.” At that point, Marcos flexed his dick and I felt it swell and contract. He kept talking nasty to me. “Come on blondie, you want some of this? Work for it.” I pulled forward and his dick slid out along the walls of my hole. God it was amazing. I could actually tell when his cock head was starting to pop out. “Now, push your pussy back onto my cock all the way. Yeah, that’s it. Damn, you got one hot fucking ass.” “Enjoy this while you can cause in a few minutes, I’m going to turn you over and powerfuck that ass like you need it, do you hear me?” I kept sliding slowly back and forth onto and off of his slick fat dick. Like I said I could no longer feel my spine. Marcos reached around and grabbed each of my tits and started pinching them, getting me hotter even still. I didn’t go near my cock because I was going to shoot at any time. I could tell Marcos was ready to throw a nasty powerful fuck into me. That’s when he pulled completely out. Marcos pulled out with a loud whoosh sound and the cool air hit my ass ring. He turned me over, produced a bottle of poppers from thin air, and told me to take a hit. I took a long hit in each nostril then he lifted my legs and put each leg into my hands and told me to pull back. I pulled my legs back to the side of my head. He crouched down and shoved his tongue in my warm fucked hole and slobbered around for a few minutes. Moaning and snorting and eating and fingering was all I could hear and feel. He was in a fucking asshole stupor. He pulled his head up and looked at me with saliva all over his face. He positioned his cock at my hole again and pushed all the way in. I looked up, still holding my legs to the side of my head and Marcos came in to kiss me. I looked closer and saw ass juice, pre-cum, and saliva covering his chin and nose; it was even dripping off his lower lip. Our faces crashed together in a beastly kiss. It was less a kiss and more of an attack. And then he started to fuck. He was pulling that fat Latin cock completely out of my ass and punching it back in to the root. Again and again and again moaning into my throat. Seriously after about 10 minutes of his incessant pounding, I may have passed out. I am sure I at least stopped breathing for a few seconds. When I regained awareness, I was cumming all over myself without touching my cock. Marcos looked down as I sprayed us both with my load. More poppers. He saw my eyes were rolled to the back of my head and went into overdrive and pounded and pounded and pounded me into oblivion. He pulled all the way out and forced his cock all the way back in. He did this about twenty times in a row and then he buried his cock balls-deep and froze. He had this amazing intense look on his face and then I felt him blow his load deep into me; two short spurts followed by several long ones. After the initial few shots, he let out a loud guttural sound that only comes from an animal. He was loading me up and I wanted every bit of it. When he finished he buried his cock to the balls and relaxed on top of me. He stayed like that until his cock plopped out with a nasty sounding spat. I must have one hell of a load up inside me. I slowly got up, got cleaned up and got dressed while coming out of my dazed-fucked state. I looked at Marcos on his couch, covered in my cum. We never even made it to his bedroom. I looked back at that sofa and knew I’d never forget how good he looked on it while he pounded the living daylights out of me. I definitely want to see more of that sofa again. I did finally make it into Marco’s bedroom, several times in fact. He was one great fuck.
    6 points
  4. Part 1 Mike looked at himself in the mirror one last time before he left the bathroom. He was 6’2, 170 of muscle, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the stereotypical innocent jock next door. He was only in his jockstrap underwear, which barely contained his soft 5 in dick, which became 8.5-9 in long and Red Bull can thick when hard. Mike worked as a bartender with a promotion company that sent him all over the country working a few days to a few weeks at a time working various events, concerts, etc. His boss loved that he had a stud like Mike to put behind the bar to help with sales. Mike loved the tips he got, as he always made insane amounts. He also loved to travel as he was free most days to explore the city he was in at the time. The thing he loved most was that it allowed him his favorite hobby of all, pozzing neg men. While he seemed straight and narrow he was really a piggy poz fag that loved sharing his seed to those who asked for it and those who didn’t. He loved the women hitting on him and flirted with them to get the tips, but he always took a hot man home to drill and seed! This was the first trip he had taken in a few weeks and was ready to spread his toxic seed. He was already getting a little boned thinking of it as he got dressed. He was working a one week party event in Vegas. He knew there be tons of men to choose from to knock up tonight. He almost salivated at the idea. He left his hotel room, took the elevator to the main floor and walked to the party room he would be working that night to get things set up. Mike was ready to infect a hole, a willing one or an unknowing one, and tonight he would do just that! Part 2 coming soon.
    6 points
  5. I hadn’t seen my mate Jon for some time. The last time we saw each other in the flesh was three years ago. We’d been texting on and off since, and had made plans to meet when I was next in his area, but nothing seemed to happen. I’d known that he’d become poz, and while that was a slight turn on, and I admit I’d jacked off to the idea of him pozzing me, I knew it was ultimately irresponsible thoughts. We’d finally got around to having some free time, and arranged a weekend when we were both about. We used to gear up and fuck in his sling back in the day. I knew that it would be cheeky to assume this would happen regardless whenever we met. I liked him too much as a friend and known him too long to take the piss and expect sex every time we saw each other. He’d told me that it would be a mellow weekend and, he’d welcome the company. He’d been having the occasional mojo loss apparently. One of those side effects of becoming poz which I fully respected. I told him that it would be fine, but would he mind if I wore a little something, as we’d always felt free and comfortable hanging out in some rubber. He was cool about that, and so I popped a couple of bits in my bag to change into when I got there. So we met up, was good to see him after all this time. He’d been completely freaked out by becoming poz. His messages to be were initially all of concern and worry, and then he seemed to relax back into his old self once he started meds. We’d even text filthily about brotherhood and pozzing once he got into his groove. I knew he wouldn’t want to hurt me, and we were too close. I was surprised at how he looked – no major changes, but a certain look about him that I’d discovered poz men have. Whether through meds or how severe things were. He still looked good, but I knew that he had had a few issues about it all over time. As the afternoon wore on, he said to make myself at home and slip into something more comfortable if I fancied. It felt a bit awkward, but he said he was totally fine about it. So I thought I’d pop a rubber vest and shorts on, and then came back into the room and joined him on the sofa. “Ooh nice” he said and smiled. “I might have to join you after all”. I thought that would be great. It had been ages and just feeling comfortable around each other in gear was great. He came back into the room with similar gear on. His chap shorts with the yellow stripe and jock looked as hot as ever, as was the zip up vest. I’ll admit my cock was stirring when I saw him like that. However we were behaving and you know, it’s not just all about sex, yeah? He went and got us a couple of drinks and we laid back and stared bored towards the TV. Some quiz show or other. I wasn’t really sure. However I started feeling a bit weird. Headachey, and also like I’d taken some Nytol or sleep aid. Admittedly it had been a long day and so wasn’t that bothered at first. “He put his hand on my stomach and gentled rubbed my nipples. Oh man, it was fantastic. “You’re looking good mate”, he said. “You too fella. Have missed this, just hanging out” Staring into his eyes as he grinned. I thought nothing of how I was feeling otherwise, just fully in the moment enjoying time with my mate in gear. He leaned in to kiss me and it was just like the old days. I assumed kissing would be fine. People would still kiss if they weren’t feeling sexual. Or at least I assumed. I was starting to get hard in my shorts increasingly lost in the moment, not feeling like I was in a hurry to get up or move out of his way. His hand moved down to my crotch and he gently stroked to hardening rubber bulge “Hmmm, nice”. I had missed this, and so was lost in the moment. He began to unzip my crotch and I just let him do it. Thinking that if this was a loss of mojo, then lord knows what he’d be like when his mojo was back. Just mates. Enjoying each other. He knew how to work me, after all these years, and I was letting him. I hadn’t thought where this was heading. Just loved and was living the moment. We came up for air and I reached to finish off my drink. I drained the bottle and thought it tasted a little sediment-y at the bottom. I just assumed it was the beer. I’d not heard of the brand before, as I’m not a craft beer drinker, so just believed that this was craft beers tasted like. Then I stood up, almost as if to halt what might be happening between us. I felt quite dizzy and asked for some water. That was the last thing I remembered then anyway. Waking up a little later, I groggily looked at my surroundings. The heat of the day had made the sheets sticky and, oh… this was his rubber playsheet. I recognised it from many times. How did I get here? I also felt a weight on my neck. A chain and padlock. I sure as hell wasn’t wearing that earlier. I started to feel a bit concerned and tried to focus. It was his playroom. I’d been here many times before but just wasn’t expecting to be in it on this occasion. I tried to look around and spot where he was. I could see him in the chair across the room. “Hello mate. You’re back with us then?” He was grinning. I just felt like I’d embarrassed myself and passed out. “I just needed to get you a bit more on my wavelength mate. You see, yes it’s technically true the meds are playing with my head and libido. What I didn’t mention was that I decided to bin them. I’m ‘between meds’ so to speak. Well, that’s if I decide to restart them again that is”. Now I was a tad concerned. This seemed a bit of a set-up. “You always seemed to get off on the idea of me being poz, and that’s horny. However I’ve been getting off on the idea of you being poz too. But as you say, ‘it’s all horny chat’” Oh shit, where was this heading? I thought. “But you know, I get the feeling that you want to join us. And I want you to join us too” Shit. He’s gone into gifter mode. Fuck. I tried to pull myself up, only to realise the chain around my neck was tugging on something else. Oh fuck. He’s secured me like some animal. I looked over and he was grinning. He stood up and came towards me, and put me in a headlock and stuff a bottle of poppers under my nose. Jesus fuck they were strong. My cock seemed to strain harder than ever. Chemical lust fled through my head into my brain. He uzipped his cock and jerked it into my face, it’s a hot cock, and at that moment it looked like a work of art and the tastiest thing ever. “Feed” I was both terrified but horny as fuck. Maybe this was some scene or something. Maybe he was horny and wanted to do a bit of role play. I filled my mouth with that cock. A brief flash reminded me that it was slightly different now. Not necessarily in form, but, you know, it was now poz. “Nice mate. You see, I know that you want this. And I want this too. I want to free you. I want you to be my pozbrother. That’s why I decided to arrange this recruitment session” I was too far gone to recognise logic or sense by this point. Just devouring that beautiful poz cock. He looked magnificent. It was somehow what I imagined but never genuinely thought it would be like. Someone who I’ve known and loved all these years now wanting me to become like him. It was fucked up, but increasingly I was loving it. It was all making perfect sense. He pulled out of my mouth and told me to turn around. As much as I could with the limited movement, I was now obeying his every word. My hole was seemingly asking for it, suddenly hungry. “This ain’t gonna take long pig. I’ve been edging watching you and didn’t want to allow for any time to elapse before you realised what I was doing” Shit. This was it. He was off meds and about to fire toxic cum into me. I would have applauded his enterprise had it not circled around him infecting me. Yet my cock was reacting well enough and he was being pretty rough regardless. We’d had some hardcore sessions in the past but this was something else. Like he had drive and purpose. “You and I have a great future ahead of us now. Let me make you a convert, let me make you into a brother like… Aaaaargh!” Hang on. He’s… he’s just flooded my hole with cum. No, no, no, no, no. This must be a trick. Some set up. He lowers his weight upon me and whispers in my ear “Welcome to the brotherhood” There it was. The moment I’d wanked about. The moment I genuinely feared, but secretly wanted. It was a strange feeling. We were both there. Intimate, yet still brutal. I was his prey, or that’s how it felt anyway. Yet his determination and poz worldview saw me as a target for assimilation. I was both terrified and turned on. Honoured, even. “Why didn’t you just say you wanted to do this?” I panted. “Because I knew you’d chicken out. I knew that the reality of the situation would scare you off. I had to make sure that didn’t happen, otherwise I’d never have claimed you” I was half dumbstruck but also touched at his words. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the flu starts kicking off within a fortnight. I’ve been off meds a while, and the last guy I bred a month ago has already come back to thank me for bringing him into the brotherhood. You have one load in you now anyway. I will happily fuck you a couple more times just to make sure” There’s no rational response to that. All I could look at the tenderness, and the hunger of him. This was brand new territory. One of my best mates wanted me to be poz like him so I could enjoy that life, and I knew that I would come around to thanking him eventually. All I could do now was to look him in the eye and say “Yes brother. Make me like you. Let us become one.”
    5 points
  6. Caleb lifted his gaze and looked directly into Mr. Sanchez's eyes. "Yes, it is big." Mr. Sanchez paused as he held Caleb's gaze. "When it gets big like this, Caleb, it hurts. You don't want me in pain, do you?" Caleb paused and glanced back down again, partly out of nervousness but also out of curiosity. "No, sir." "Feel how hard it is. Go on." Caleb extended his hand tentatively, hoping he hadn't misunderstood what his teacher was asking of him. "Feel how hard it is," Mr. Sanchez repeated. Caleb let his fingers come into contact with Mr. Sanchez's stiff cock shaft. To Caleb's surprise, Mr. Sanchez's shaft felt even harder than it looked. "Unless you can help me fix this, Caleb, I'm going to have to let Principal Lenox know about what I saw you doing in the bathroom stall." Caleb's stomach vaulted into his throat. How he wished he had never installed those damn apps. He had been so excited to download them now that he was finally eighteen. How he had counted the months in anticipation. How could he have forgotten to put his phone on silent before getting to class this morning? "I'll tell you what. If you help me get rid of this pain you've caused, I'll let you off with a warning. I'd really hate to see you not graduate on time after all the hard work you've done. But you're going to have to work even harder right now to show me you're serious about making up for what you've done." Leaving his fingers on Mr. Sanchez's engorged member, Caleb looked back up. "I really didn't mean to hurt you, sir." "Alright, Caleb." With that, Mr. Sanchez wrapped one hand around Caleb's and made Caleb fully grip the teacher's cock firmly. Guiding the teen's hand up and down at the base of his cockhead, Mr. Sanchez focused on how the teen's grip gently tugged and rolled his foreskin over the tip of his large mushroom head. "So, Caleb, if you're going to help me while we're doing this, I'm going to need you to tell me the truth about a few things." "Yes, sir," Caleb replied as he continued stroking Mr. Sanchez. "What were you doing on that app in the boy's bathroom?" "Answering messages," Caleb answered without taking his eyes off his teacher's cock. "Messages from whom?" "Some guys." "Oh, some guys, huh? And what were these guys saying to you?" A drop of precum emerged from Mr. Sanchez's cockslit as he continued guiding his student's hand up and down his dick. "Mostly how they wanted to meet up." "Meet up for what? To do what? Be specific, Caleb." Mr. Sanchez enclosed his hand more tightly around Caleb's, increasing the pressure from the teen's grip around the teacher's precum-leaking dick. Caleb paused before replying, "For sex." Mr. Sanchez confirmed his understanding with an "mhmm." A big drop of precum dripped from the teacher's cock onto Caleb's forearm. "Remind me how old you are, Caleb." "I just turned eighteen." "I'm going to need to unlock your phone, Caleb." "I don't know if that's a good idea, sir." "Is that so? Well, it's not a request. Would you rather I call the Principal in here so you can show him whatever it is you don't want to show me?" Caleb wondered for a moment how Principal Lenox would react to seeing Mr. Sanchez's hard cock being stroked by a student. "No, sir." "I didn't think so." With his one free hand, Mr. Sanchez reached behind himself, grabbed Caleb's phone from the top of a filing cabinet, and held the screen in front of Caleb's face to unlock it. Caleb's teacher fiddled with the phone for a few minutes while never even so much as slowing the forced handjob. Caleb's heart raced inside his chest. A much thicker glob of precum leaked from Mr. Sanchez's manhood onto Caleb's forearm as Mr. Sanchez continued scrolling and swiping. "Keep stroking me," Mr. Sanchez stated without looking up. Caleb felt his teacher's hand release Caleb's as Caleb took over stroking his teacher. Mr. Sanchez began manipulating the phone with both hands. After several screenshot sounds and then a bunch of typing, Caleb listened to his teacher sending off several messages, some clearly inside the hookup apps. Others sounded like text messages. Caleb trembled as he wondered what was going on but didn't dare ask. He gripped his teacher's cock with more vigor than before in an effort to appease Mr. Sanchez, or at the very least to distract him. Another glop of precum escaped Mr. Sanchez's foreskin and oozed onto Caleb's hand. Caleb couldn't help but admire how productive Mr. Sanchez's balls had been during this disciplinary encounter. The smell of his teacher's precum roused Caleb's cock from the grip of nervousness. The teen's dick awakened to the seductive odor of this older man's pre-ejaculate. Mr. Sanchez returned the phone to its former position atop the filing cabinet. The teacher swatted his student's hand away from its manual seduction and without a word spun Caleb around to face the opposite wall. Caleb felt Mr. Sanchez's hands confidently yank the teen's pants to the floor, exposing his naked lower half. "Not even underwear, Caleb?", Mr. Sanchez asked without surprise as he swirled one finger in the overflowing precum dripping from his foreskin. "Don't know how I missed that detail in the bathroom." Caleb felt the wetness of his teacher's finger massaging the outside of the teen's warm, tight hole. "Caleb, I have to say, you're even nastier than I first thought when I saw that party listing of yours before school this morning." Caleb stayed quiet while Mr. Sanchez fingered precum into his student's compliant hole. "Bend over and spread your cheeks." Caleb obliged. "There are some really disgusting men you're talking to on those apps. Do you know that?" "Disgusting, Mr. Sanchez?" Caleb felt the wet tip of Mr. Sanchez's uncut cock pressing at the entrance to the teen's hole. "Of course you wouldn't know. How could you when you haven't even asked any of them a single question?" "No, sir." Mr. Sanchez slowly pressed the tip of his cock just inside the opening to Caleb's rectum. Caleb winced. "I see you haven't even bothered to ask even one of them to show you their face, have you?" Again, Caleb was silent, hoping the question was rhetorical. Mr. Sanchez spat on his cock and pressed further into his student's velvety insides. Caleb moaned. "Too bad you put me in this position, Caleb." "I'm sorry, Mr. Sanchez," Caleb replied as his teacher slowly pressed his engorged cock deeper into his student. "You're mistaken if you think those men you've been chatting with were going to rubber up, you little slut. Besides, I thought you said you wanted to help me get rid of the pain you caused my dick." "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." "I'd rather your insides do the apologizing, boy." Caleb felt Mr. Sanchez press his meaty raw cock further into the teen's warm rectum. "In any case, you're going to need lots of help opening this tight hole of yours up if you want to be servicing all these [banned word] you've been talking to online." Caleb gasped in pain as Mr. Sanchez pressed his raw cock fully into his student. "If I catch you jacking off in the school bathroom again with those apps popping off like that for everyone to hear, I don't think I'm even going to bother bringing you here into the privacy of my office. You understand me, boy?" Mr. Sanchez began easing his spit-lubed raw dick back and forth inside Caleb. "Yes, sir." Caleb started imagining what Mr. Sanchez would make him do in the boy's bathroom but his focus was soon stolen by the intense pressure of Mr. Sanchez's surging meat pressing painfully into the walls of his tight hole. "If you're not careful, Caleb, everyone at St. Denis High is going to end up knowing what a nasty little slut you are. Is that what you want?" Mr. Sanchez continued grinding his meat into his student, picking up pace. Something in Caleb stirred, and it wasn't just from the raw dick assaulting his insides: it was the thought of everyone knowing what he really desired, his secret lust for every human adult walking around with a cock between their legs. Caleb's teen dick swelled as his teacher started pounding harder. Just then Caleb heard Mr. Sanchez snapping a pic behind him and then the sound of a message being sent. "You know, Caleb, many of us here at St. Denis already know what you've been up to online. Mr. Martin for one has been talking about the pictures you've been sending him for weeks." Mr. Martin, the janitor?, Caleb wondered. There was no way to be sure who all the men he had been messaging were since Caleb didn't ever ask to see their faces. Mr. Sanchez could feel the orgasm that was swiftly approaching. "You ready to take my load, slut?" "Yes, sir!" Caleb's hard-on had lent him a new-found enthusiasm as he finally began to appreciate the favor Mr. Sanchez was doing for him. Mr. Sanchez began dick-slamming the teen's hole with such force that surely the sound of the ass pounding could be heard in the hallway outside. Just then Caleb felt Mr. Sanchez shudder powerfully as he groaned, releasing the full force of his semen into Caleb's soft insides. Caleb had never felt a raw dick cumming so forcefully before. The pressure of the cum squirting deep into his guts made him yearn for more. The pounding having stopped but with Mr. Sanchez's softening manhood still lodged inside Caleb, the teacher spoke, "You're keeping my load inside you all day, you understand? At lunch time, I want you back in here in my office. I'm going to check to make sure you've done exactly as you're told. Don't think your punishment is over. You've still got a lot of making up to do." "Yes, Mr. Sanchez." Mr. Sanchez let his softening dick slowly deflate inside his student. * * *
    4 points
  7. I hate being poz. I hate having to take that fucking pill every day for the rest of my life. I hate that the pill I have to take every day to save my life is $100 each! I hate I have to worry about health insurance without which I would have to pay nearly $36,000 per year for a fucking pill. I hate having to go to the doctor multiple times per year to watch my blood levels to see if any of my organs are starting to fail from the drug or the disease. I hate watching my body age faster than expected and the doctors not knowing if its the virus or the meds. I hate I had to watch my best friend die because ALL meds finally stopped working and he had to die alone from Hodgkins lymphoma in the hospital because during COVID no one could visit. I hate watching my husband battle a god-damned rare disease which affects men with "well-controlled" HIV disproportionately and wonder if his next flare up will kill him. I hate the sympathy/pity from others when discussing my health. I hate the discrimination from men who won't have sex with poz guys even though I am undetectable and can't transmit it to them. I hate not understanding why someone wants this.
    4 points
  8. Part 12 Sitting on the hotel bed with my back against the headboard I had a perfect view of what was going on right in front of me. My legs were spread wide and Chad's head and face were pressed into my crotch, his mouth and tongue working on my cock and balls off and on, but most of the time he had his face pushed into the mattress and his mouth was filling the room with moans instead of being filled with my dick. The reason? Yeah, you probably guessed it. Greg was kneeling behind my little brother's upturned ass moving his fist in and out of Chad's stretched-wide tight jock ass. When Chad had asked Greg if he had ever fisted an ass Greg's eyes had opened wide and he said he never had but had wanted to for a long time. His hands were a pretty good size and the two or three guys who had at times expressed a willingness to give it a try with him soon had to tell him they couldn't take a fist his size so he'd never experienced it. Until tonight and until he met my insatiable little brother, who was even more slutty than usual tonight with the tina coursing through his veins and body. So with a lot more smoke, a lot of lube and excited instructions and encouragement from Chad, Greg had his left fist buried in Chad's cum-filled ass just above the wrist. Chad had insisted for Greg to use his left hand with his wedding ring on it and the dirtiness of it turned Greg on as much as it did me and Chad. Greg's face was covered with a look of dark erotic concentration and enjoyment as he worked his fist in and out in a slow steady rhythm, pushing in a little deeper bit by bit as Chad worked to relax his ass and accommodate more of the hunk's hand inside his chemmed up hole. “Oh god dude!” Greg growled out, looking up and locking eyes with me. “I can feel your cum and mine covering my entire fucking hand! So fucking fantastic! And there's so much cum,” he said with a lust-hungry look on his face. Blowing out a thick cloud I returned his gaze and answered him saying, “Yeah that's how it goes when you fuck an ass bareback and cum in it.” He grinned and moaned at the same time hearing my words. “I fucking love barebacking man! Topping and bottoming! Filling a hot ass like this full of cum,” he said. Hearing this Chad raised his face from the mattress and with a look of raw pleasure on his sweaty face looked back at Greg and said, “Filling it full of your MARRIED CHEATING cum man! Makes it even better doesn't it?” he asked. “Hell fucking yes it does!” Greg agreed. With Chad's face up out of the mattress at least for the moment I quickly placed the pipe stem between his lips and lit the fire under the bowl. “C'mon little brother. Take a couple big ass hits and get even piggier for us,” I told him and he wasted no time doing exactly that. As he blew out his second cloud he arched his back, pushed his hands harder into the mattress and jerked his hips backward, taking about another half-inch of Greg's fist inside his guts, causing him and Greg both to groan loudly at the same time. “Oh my god yes!” Chad cried out. “Damn dude your hand is so damn big! Biggest one I've ever had. I love it!” Greg used his right hand to slap Chad's muscled ass and answered. “Yeah? You love having your ass stretched wider than ever before doncha? What a hot sleazy pig!” “Yes! I love it! And yeah, I'm a pig. Love having my ass full,” Chad moaned as he lowered his face, this time engulfing my raging boner down his throat. I let out my own moan as I felt the familiar tightness of my little brother's throat on my dick. I knew I was leaking a steady stream of precum down his throat as he worked his throat muscles to squeeze my shaft. Greg looked at me but spoke to Chad as he said, “Love having it full, I can tell. You ever had it filled with two cocks at the same time?” I felt my dick throb deep in Chad's throat hearing Greg say this. I don't know why, but Chad and I had never had any of the guys we'd had 3-ways with dp him with me, even though we both found it incredibly hot to watch in a video. So when Chad pulled his mouth off of my cock to answer Greg I was surprised what I heard him say. “Yeah man I have. Once.” He glanced at me before continuing. “It was when I was out of town not too long ago and met up with these two hot guys. It took some effort but they managed to get both their dicks inside me together. It felt so fucking good! But they weren't very big.” He paused and stared into my startled black eyes. “I bet two big cocks like yours and Lance's would drive me fucking crazy!” Then he grinned at me before going back down on my dick. Greg looked at me and asked the obvious question: “What do you say man? You wanna dp your little brother with me? With our raw married cocks?” His lips curled up lustfully as he said this and Chad groaned hungrily around my cock in his mouth. (to be continued)
    4 points
  9. Nope. I love to get nailed by old men. One of my favorite things about cruising bathhouses early in the day is often im the only one under 65 in there and all those grandpas gangbang the fck outta me.
    4 points
  10. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    3 points
  11. Smooth now but here’s one from 2 months ago before I took a few loads
    3 points
  12. Locked my cock when I woke up right when my partner told me he’s lining up a few of our regulars to come and breed me. 14 loads later and my hole is so full. I need more.
    3 points
  13. Chapter 2 Who's Who: - Caleb: main character, 18 y/o senior at St. Denis High School with a strong interest in messaging strangers on sex apps. - Mr. Sanchez: teacher who caught Caleb jacking off in the school bathroom during class while cruising sex apps; threatened to turn Caleb in to the principal if Caleb didn't satisfy Mr. Sanchez's big dick. * * * As Mr. Sanchez's office door closed behind him, Caleb's thoughts ricocheted about. He wondered nervously whether he had done enough to keep Mr. Sanchez from making a report to Principal Lenox. With a curious mix of excitement and anxiousness, he wondered what Mr. Sanchez planned to do later at their lunch-time meeting. Moreover, what is it that Mr. Sanchez had been sending and to whom on Caleb's cell? Snatching his focus from these thoughts, however, was the slickness of the cum lubing Caleb's ass cheeks as he walked down the hallway. Caleb's cock swelled inside his pants as he dwelled on this feeling, which was wholly new and entirely pleasant to him. Caleb walked himself back to first-period calculus — the same class he had left earlier to go masturbate in the boy's bathroom. Was it still first period, though? Without his phone he couldn't check the time, and for the life of him, he couldn't remember if he had heard the bell or not while Mr. Sanchez had been pounding that big, raw dick into his teen butthole. Whatever the case, Caleb needed to retrieve his backpack. He swallowed his nerves as he pulled open the door to Mr. Jacobs' room. The familiar eyes of his fellow classmates were on Caleb as he walked into the silent room. It was, indeed, still first period. The books and papers on everyone's desk indicated quiet time for assignment work. In a hushed tone, Mr. Jacobs gently called Caleb over. "Everything okay, Caleb?" "Yes, Mr. Jacobs." "You were gone for quite a while. I was just about to send someone to check on you." "I'm fine." Caleb declined to preempt Mr. Jacobs' curiosity as he hurriedly considered the implications of various explanations. By not giving Caleb an excuse note, Mr. Sanchez had put Caleb in an awkward position. How was he to justify the mid-class detour to let Mr. Sanchez please himself inside Caleb's lower intestines? Brow furrowed, Mr. Jacobs searched Caleb's face for information that words had not furnished. "Is there a reason you were gone for most of class, then?" "Mr. Sanchez asked me to his office." "He gave you a pass, yes?" Caleb fidgeted in the face of Mr. Jacobs' insistence. "No, I think he forgot." Eyebrow raised, Mr. Jacobs replied, "Mr. Sanchez is not one to forget. If he let you back without a pass, that tends to be for one reason only." Caleb, unaccustomed to having to justify his actions, felt butterflies in his stomach -- a strangely complimentary accompaniment to the soreness in his rear. Mr. Jacobs opened his desk drawer and pulled out his cell. After a few taps and swipes, he set his cell on the desk, screen down, and looked back up at his nervous student. "I'm going to need you to stay after class, Caleb. Head back to your seat." Caleb made his way to the back of the class, moving through the curious glares of his classmates. He surmised their silent efforts to reconcile his behavior that morning with his always-follows-the-rules reputation. Mr. Jacobs' statement about the reason for the missing pass bounced around inside Caleb's skull, but he could not bring himself to believe that Mr. Jacobs could possibly know what precisely had transpired in Mr. Sanchez's office. Could such extraordinary events be guessed with so little context? The most forceful doubt that kept the thought turning in Caleb's mind was the fact that Mr. Jacobs had conferred with his cell phone. Why would he want to check his personal device instead of any of the official communication channels internal to their school intranet? As Caleb took his seat, the pressure of the chair against his ass made for a fresh reminder of how his hole had been made to satisfy Mr. Sanchez's substantial manhood. Caleb found the feeling both discomforting and satisfying. He wondered how Mr. Sanchez's DNA was fairing inside his freshly fucked rectum. Caleb's hardening cock began to push his pants upward into the underside of his desk. The rustle of his classmates' belongings signaled the impending bell tone, which followed on cue. The class emptied of all but Caleb and Mr. Jacobs. Unable to hide his erection, Caleb remained at his seat, hoping his post-class conversation with Mr. Jacobs would not force his erection into view. "Caleb, you can come on up here, please." Caleb stood up and moved to the front of the room. Mr. Jacobs walked over to the classroom door, and as he was locking it, with his back still to Caleb, said dryly, "Nice erection." Caleb's eyes widened in embarrassment. Mr. Jacobs turned to face his silent student. "You know you should be more careful letting a grown man like Mr. Sanchez inseminate you without protection, my dear boy. You're just asking for HIV." Caleb's stomach flipped. Any doubt that he had about what Mr. Jacobs knew evaporated. The mention of HIV added a more ominous dimension to the trouble that Caleb already knew himself to be in. What else did his math teacher possibly know? "Take your clothes off, and get up on my desk. Lie on your back and hold your legs all the way back for me. I have to make this quick." Caleb's heart felt as though it wanted to leap out of his rib cage. He complied with the old man's instructions, adjusting to the coldness of the desk against his naked back. "Mr. Sanchez load you up good?" The crude directness was surprising coming from the mouth of the otherwise straight-laced Mr. Jacobs. Of course, neither would Caleb have imagined presenting his freshly bred hole to a gray-haired, balding, gaunt old man like Mr. Jacobs either. Caleb watched between his lifted legs as his calculus teacher fumbled his thin, long cock out of his unzipped fly. "You going to answer my question, slut, or are you looking to fail this quiz?" Without waiting for a response, Mr. Jacobs plunged his index finger deep into Caleb's hole, stirring the fresh cum inside, then pulled it out, and promptly shoved it right into Caleb's mouth. "Go ahead and suck Mr. Sanchez's baby batter off my finger, slut." Caleb sucked on his calculus teacher's cum-drenched digit eagerly, savoring the unique saltiness of Mr. Sanchez's load. Mr. Jacobs withdrew his finger from Caleb's mouth and quickly gripped his surprisingly bright-pink dick, plunging it right into Caleb's cum-lubed hole without warning. Caleb let out a surprised, "Unh!", as Mr. Jacobs muttered, "Oh fuck!" Mr. Jacobs' abrupt bottoming out inside the teen's anal cavity left a pained look on Caleb's face. "Grip my cock as tightly as you can with your ass muscles, Caleb. Mr. Sanchez will absolutely destroy you if you let his load leak out before lunch." Caleb squeezed his ass muscles tightly around his math teacher's long, bare dick as it continued to press painfully against Caleb's second hole. Mr. Jacobs looked fixated at the place where the base of his cock came into contact with the teen's fuckhole. "You ever take grandpa cock bare before, Caleb?" Mr. Jacobs slowly started moving his dick back and forth inside Caleb's cum-filled ass. "No, Mr. Jacobs." Caleb savored the feeling of having a second raw cock forcing its way into his already used fuckchute. "Well, maybe I should change your homework assignment and have you bring a bottle of dick pills to the assisted living facilities around here to do some community servicing. It would look great on your college applications, for one thing. And I bet you could easily get a dozen loads in your juicy ass before school if you started early enough." Caleb moaned and then replied, "Yes, Mr. Jacobs." He felt the old man's cockhead poking painfully at his second hole. "You are every bit the nasty slut Mr. Sanchez said you were." Mr. Jacobs picked up the pace of his fucking. "Ow, ow!" Caleb exclaimed softly, trying not to offend Mr. Jacobs but unable to ignore the pain he was feeling. "You want me to slow down, Caleb?" Caleb nodded, wincing. Mr. Jacobs looked directly into Caleb's pained eyes and began slamming his cock harder and harder into the boy's hole, pummeling the teen's tightly closed second hole over and over with his snake-like dick. "Ah, fuck!" Caleb inhaled sharply, still not realizing that his effort to grip Mr. Jacob's cock tightly with his anal opening was also keeping his second hole from relaxing against the assault it was enduring. "I'm going to make you into my little first period pussyboy, Caleb. Would you like that, slut? You want to be your teacher's little pussyboy?" Mr. Jacobs pounded the teen's fuckchute even faster. With a pained voice, Caleb managed to say, "Yes,... sir… aah…." "You come into my classroom smelling freshly fucked and full of cum again, and you can expect exactly the same treatment, you understand, slut?" "Unh! Yes, sir…." In spite of his efforts, some cum managed to leak from Caleb's hole down his ass crack and pooled on Mr. Jacobs desk. Mr. Jacobs' thrusts reached their peak as he continued slamming Mr. Sanchez's load deeper into Caleb's guts. "Here comes my load, pussyboy!" Mr. Jacobs grunted loudly as he began coating the teen's insides with his thick grandpa load, adding to Mr. Sanchez's frothed up cum. Caleb did his best to keep gripping Mr. Jacob's spindly, raw cock as tightly as he could. "Keep gripping my dick like that, Caleb. I want you to milk every last drop of cum into your pussy." "Yes, Mr. Jacobs." Caleb watched through his legs as the old man's thrusting slowed and came to a rest. Caleb continued gripping his ass muscles as Mr. Jacobs began his slow, methodical withdraw. "Careful not to spill, boy. You gotta keep all that cum in you through lunch, remember." "Yes, sir," Caleb replied dutifully, the pain in his voice having been replaced by relief. "Good boy. Now show me your hole." Caleb tilted his pelvis upward and pulled back on his spread legs even more. Mr. Jacobs picked up his cell and snapped some closeups of Caleb's pink, cum-glistening hole. The gray-haired calculus teacher then took a few steps back, pressed something on the screen, and staring into his phone, asked Caleb, "How many loads you got in you, boy?" "Two, sir." "Good boy. You going to be my personal pussyboy from now on?" "Yes, sir." "Now tell all the horny old men watching this that you love raw senior citizen cock." Caleb hesitated. "Say, 'I love raw grandpa cock in my teen pussy.'" "I love raw grandpa cock in my teen pussy." "Now get your creamy boypussy to class, slut. You're going to be late." * * *
    3 points
  14. "Whats plans rick?" asked Matt. So thats his name. I really should have asked when we chatted and not be so lead by my hard on. "Its pretty dead outside, lets do him right here. We can lay him over the island and fuck him each end". Rick reach forward and lifted me up, my legs had trouble supporting me. He lead me over to the tiled island that rose up in the middle of the sauna. Matt laid his towel down before rick push me backwards. It was the right width that laying back my ass hung over the edge while my head laid back, giving Matt's cock the perfect angle to slide deep into my throat. Matt leaned down and kissed me slipping his tongue inside my mouth as Rick lifted my legs and begun to eat my hole like a starving man. "I think I've changed my mind, will you use a condom?" I asked Matt looking up past his slightly bulging belly and massive cock into his eyes. "I don't do rubbers, but then I'm going going to fuck your throat. Nothing better than a little fucking twink choking on my cum. But Rick down there I'm pretty sure you got buckleys of convincing him to use one." "Fuck no, this load is going one place, up your ass. You wanted it bare. Give him the amyl, make sure he gets plenty then plug his throat. Don;t want any of the trolls out there hearing him when i split him. He's fucking tight." Rick still held my legs up with one hand. Sweat dripped off his chest. As Matt held the amyl to my nose making me inhale its fumes. The room began to spin again. I could feel Rick wiping his towel along my crack "Don't want to it slide in too easy", I tried to move but the amyl was still the and my limbs were losing strength with every breath in he was going to fuck me dry. "That's enough gag him, its time". Matt put the amyl away, pushed my head down and slid his hard cock into my open my. "Relax your throat baby". His cock popped past my tonsils and continued to slide down. He reached down holding my neck positioning my head better as he forced the remaining inches into my throat. I thought he was trying to support and help me take it easier but realised too late that his grip on my neck and jaw stopped me from being able to close my mouth. With a strong thrust he forced the remaining inches into my throat and his low sweaty balls pressed against my face. "He's gagged, go for it". I couldn't see anything, but felt Rick press my thighs down exposing my hole. His toxic know pressed against it. With barely any sweat even to lube it he started pressing. "Time to bust the cherry" i heard him say. He pulled back and released the pressure. I had started to struggle with the lack of air. Everything was stripped from my mind as he slammed his cock against my hole. Tight as I was it tore and gave in. Sharp pain lanced through my body. But i couldn't feel his ablls against me. He wasn;t all the way in. pulling back a bit he slammed again, the grip of his unloved cock again made progress slow. Again and again he repeated the process. While att held his cock deep in my throat. Stars started to dance before my eyes. "Last two inches, should hit his second ring" I hear Rick say, "Hurry up, i think he's about to pass out and miss it" warned Matt. With one last final thrust with all the force generated by his kick boxing legs he forced the last twi inches in past my second ring. I felt a deep aching cramp like pain inside me. I don't think anyone had been this deep. Matt pulled back. I gasped, crying as i tried to get control of the pain. But my relief didn't last long as he thrust back down once again as Rick started hammering my hole. "He's bleeding, my cock is fucking red with his blood, nothing better than bleeding some pretty little neg" Rick stated, " Hows his throat?" "Fucking tight, I'm getting pretty close but i think he needs to breathe again" "Fuck him, just blow. If he passes out will make my job easier" Everything started to get blurry, the sounds, even the sweaty balls slapping my eyes started to lose focus. The pain in my ass continued, hard slapping of balls against my cheeks, and a wetness that seemed to spread from my ass and lubricate the intrusion of the monster fucking me. "Fuck yeah!" I heard Matt yell, I could feel hi pulsing in my throat and feel the motion as my body rocked on the tile plinth. Everything went black.....
    3 points
  15. Friday August 11th 2023. I was super horny and haven’t had any action in a while so I decided to put on a Calvin Klein pride edition jockstrap and put on a pair of slutty overalls and I headed out to the ramble to try and get some loads. Me being me I’m always late for everything. I had planned going out since midday Thursday and my goal was to get there Friday evening around 8pm or whenever it got dark. The park allegedly closes at 1am but the ramble is a wonder of its own. ( it never ends until about maybe 9-10am when tourists start flooding the area. So I finally arrived at 12:30am, horned up and ready to get fucked. While entering the ramble I had a pink pup hood that I put on along with a matching pink collar. I found my first load near the main area. Some guy had walked towards me with cock hard and in his hand. I wasted no time getting down on my knees and I started to suck his nice big juicy cock. After about 3 minutes or so I looked around and we started to draw a crowd maybe 6 people were standing around us. Next thing I know I felt hands on my hole and then eventually I felt the warm sensation as somebody’s cock entered my pre lubed and eager hole. I was still sucking the other guys cock and then I heard the guy behind me say “fuck I’m gonna cum” I responded “ fuck yes flood my guts!!” And I felt the warm load get pumped deep into my hole. immediately afterwards the guy I was sucking told me to turn around and he slammed his big thick cock in my cum flooded hole and fucked me pretty hard and then he pumped out a huge load and then fucked it deeper into my ass. At this point I was shaking with pure pleasure and joy. Trembling at the knees I could barely stand. I took a minute to recoup and finger my hole playing with the cum that started to drip out. I was not satisfied! My hole was filled, but yet I craved for more loads. So I started to walk down towards the sound of the water and headed to my favorite bench and took my overalls off completely and got on my hands and knees pup hood still on and stuck my ass in the air waiting for my next load like the good cumdump slut I am. After about 5 long minutes of nothing I decided to spin around and just sit on the bench. Minutes go by and I grew more and more hungry for cum. I needed it like a addict needs his fix. My boypussy required cum. I couldn’t wait any longer. I checked the time (2:30am) I kept my clothes off threw them in my bag and went to find the next load. After a little bit I discovered maybe 7/8 guys(mix of daddies, jocks, and bears)standing on the path, blowing each other and jerking each other off and from the looks of it they were getting ready to start fucking. Yass! Now was my chance. I got up on the closest bench, (that was in their line of sight.) I’m now Ass-Up on the bench with 2x loads in my boy pussy and getting my 3rd. All of a sudden I feel the tip of a big feeling cock touch my asshole. And almost immediately I felt the huge sausage going in my cumhole. He bent me over and said he was going to tear my boy pussy up. He fucked me very rough and also pulled my hair while penetrating me. I told him I love it rough so he could do anything to me. Soon he stop’s briefly and leans in to my ear and says “Yo FuckSlut, are you ready for Daddy’s warm thick juicy load?” I instantly yelled out “Fuck Yes Daddy! Flood My Guts! Oooohhh Fuck Yeah!” The daddy moans super loud and slammed his cock into me so deep I could feel his balls emptying into my hole. I quivered with joy and he was breathing deeply and quickly. He gets dressed,while grabbing a hand wipe from his bag and wipes off his big daddy cock and balls. Afterwards he tossed the same wipe at me and said “Thanks Faggot, this wipe is your souvenir. Maybe I’ll find you out here again. A hole like that should be flooded daily with 10+ loads haha.” I grabbed his used hand wipe and took a big whiff of it and inhaled his anonymous daddy aroma. Which immediately made me leak out of my cage. And I think that was it. 3 loads today. Not bad but nowhere near enough 😈
    2 points
  16. I was in my lowly dimmed light room at a sauna. One guy passed by and we made eye contact. He came into the room and I was on my knees to suck him and get him hard. He then pulled me up and asked me to get to the bed with my ass up. He turned on the light full bright and got down. I thought he was going to rim but was actually sniffing my hole. Then he started visually inspecting my hole without even touching it. He then said to me that he would fuck me later after I clean it. I told him no thanks. It will be creamy and won't be cleaned. My hole was thoroughly douched before taking loads and had 3 loads in when the guy showed up. I get it when guys prefer to breed a fresh hole. Usually they would just ask. Having an inspection was such a weird experience, especially happened at a cumunion party at a sauna.
    2 points
  17. This is my first attempt at fiction on this site. It has percolated in my head for many years, and the giddy desire of a new young member of BreedingZone has inspired me to put the words to paper. One of my earliest fantasies was to get gangbanged and raped by a group of men inside a church late at night on a dark moonless night. And i would recognize a few of the faces as the local priests. Even the parish curiote is there and i think the bishop is here also. They are chanting gregorian verses and I know from my latin classes that they are glorifying the dark Lord and that i am to be his sacrifice tonight. They pick me up naked and lie me down on the altar with my legs facing the sacristy. The Bishop opens my legs and uses a golden cross to open my ass wide open. Another blackrobed priest comes up is holding a small golden rod. It looks like a pen or a toothbrush. It has a funny round head that has little needles on a round head. He inserts it into my rectum. The little needles make tiny cuts in my ass lips and inside my colon. The pain is sharp but i have a glassy smile on my face. I am enjoying this. I asked for this. And now another priest comes forward holding an incense burner. He lifts the top half of the burner to reveal a small glass pipe, a small vial which contains white crystals and a strange looking cigarette lighter. The gregorian chat continues and i can understand the word « donum, donum ». I’m trying to remember my latin... GIFT! It means GIFT! The priest takes the small glass pipe and the small vial of white crystals. He takes off a tiny cork lid from the vial and pours some of the crystals into a tiny hole that is at the top of the glass pipe. He then replaces the vial into the incense burner and takes the lighter thing in its place. He turns to the head priest who takes a brass container that has been placed before him by yet another priest in black robe. I just realized that their robes are open and I can see that they are naked underneath. I can see some white scranny diseased bodies. But i also see some muscular, well defined bodies with golden colours. Some are light brown. None have tan lines in the groin area. And i can see three black bodies. As black as India ink. And i can see their manhoods. Their Big Beautiful Black Cocks. They are half erect. The way you know that a man is becoming aroused but is not yet ready to fornicate. The old priest opens his robe (a soutane we called it when I was a young altar boy of 13 years old and would serve early morning mass with Father Bob) and he parts the black cloth to expose a huge cock. Even flaccid it looked more like a salami than a cock. He stuck his cock into what I finally recognize as a chalice. He begins to pee into the chalice. A dark yellow-greenish urine that was quickly filling the Rather large vessel used to contain small pieces of dry bread called hosts. He just kept pissing to overflowing and another priest fell down on his knees to start licking the floor and make sucking noises like he was eating his lunchtime soup. Finally relieved of all his urine, the old priest came forward closer to me and he took the small glass pipe and the lighter. His face came in close to mine, he was talk and could lean over and towered over my head still on the altar. “Now my Son, all this has been clearly explained to you am I correct?” “You know what is happening and what will happen next?” “Just to be clear, let me recapitulate. You have been chosen amongst all of the willing novices to be in this most unholy of ceremonies tonight, to be visited by the Dark Lord”. And you know what will happen here tonight, correct?” I nodded yes and tried to speak to a garbled croaky« yes » indeed I had been told. All of the novices who were here in Rome and now belonged to the Order of the Unholy Trinity knew about this special ritual. We were about 20 young men who varied in age from 18 to 23. I was 22 and one of the oldest. I was also somewhat more mature. I was beginning to lose my young boy twinkish look. I was beginning to fill out as a man. My muscles were developing under the hard work and tutelage of the priests in the art of body conditioning and development. My cock which was always fairly sizeable, was now developing into a true horse cock. It was very thick and dark. Darker than my golden skin on the rest of my body. And when fully erect my cock had been measured by the other boys in the order at 9.5 inches. Just silly boy games to see who had the biggest one. Alas i wasn’t the winner. That honour went to my buddy and roommate Henri. He was this good looking Boy from Paris. We were forbidden to engage in sex with other novices, but Henri and I couldn’t resist some fun late at night in the silence of our small stone room that looked more like a prison cell. And we were treated like prisoners. The priests would lock our doors from the outside after evening prayers. And we knew we would not get caught because you could hear anyone coming down the hall from a mile away. And someone did come every night. We could hear the footsteps, then the keys clattering in the lock. A short whispered order to wake up and follow the priest. And the footsteps away. And eventually we all passed our turn at least once or month and possibly twice as the rotation went. But i digress. The old priest said softly « tonight you have been selected for your ultimate challenge. The conclave is in agreement that you are ready to become a full member of our Order. Tonight you will meet the Dark Lord and he will ensure that you become a permanent member of the Order. ». I nodded in agreement. The mild sedative that i was given earlier was beginning to have effect. But just slightly. I still had all my wits about me. This would be the first day of my new vocation. All of us novices came from various parishes in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. We had been nominated and recommended by our parish priests. Mine was Father Bob. When my family moved to a new city, my mother was anxious to get me involved in church life. She always hoped and prayed that one of her two boys would one day become a priest. So she was overjoyed when she found out I had been chosen over all the other altar boys to celebrate morning mass, every day, with Father Bob. My mind began racing about my time with Father Bob, but the old priest was murmuring in my ear. « First we shall smoke of the crystal collected from the underworld. I will cook the crystals and then create beautiful blue clouds to swirl around my head. I will inhale and then blow the smoke into your open mouth as you inhale deeply. And you will hold this blessed smoke until i tell you to exhale. We shall do this three times. Then I will turn the pipe over to you and we shall cook the crystals of the Dark Lord’s love together, and you will create blue clouds and you will inhale the smoke three times. And you will do like me and exhale into my mouth. Once this is complete, the Dark Lord will arrive, in all of his magnificent sexual glory. Do not be afraid of him. He comes for you. For your greater glory. And so we smoked. We shotgun the blue smoke. I immediately began to tingle. I could feel a stirring in my ass. After i smoked from the pipe three times and held my breath for what seemed like an eternity, I began to feel warm. Open to everything and to all possibilities. Then I could hear footsteps. The dozen or so priests in the dark robes made a path for someone arriving. He was massive. He was at least 6 foot 7. He wore a golden and crimson red cape. He was essentially naked except for the black leather and gold arm braces and the belt around his waist. And then i saw it. It was massive. Even Henri was a dwarf next to this monster of manhood. His skin was red. Fire red. His face was large and somewhat grotesque. He had yelow-green eyes slitted like a cat. He had beautiful white teeth. Two black horns sprouted out of his glossy curly hair He looked at me on the altar. He looked at my damaged pussy that was dripping little streams of blood. He licked his lips and I could see that his tongue was split. Like the forked tongue of a snake. He grabbed behind him and in his hand he started to caress a red tail that looked like it was made from leather to create whips. And at the end it was pointed. It look sharp. « So Jeremy, » he said to me softly. Are you ready for the rest of your life in the service of the being we hold in total rapture ? In order to fully enjoy your sacrifice, i will offer you more of the Lord’s crystals of love. I can administer them in two ways. I can put a large amount of crystals on the head of my penis which will have been moistened first in the chalice of Monseignor Antonio’s urine and then i will shove it into your tender and abused mankunt This will be very painful because the crystals will burn your raw skin and my cock will stretch your beautiful ass like it has never been stretched before. Or i can inject a nice dose of liquified crystals into your veins which will bring you instant gratification and euphoria leading to the next steps of our ceremony. Which do you chose Jeremy? ». Softly i replied « I will take your cock Sir ». « «What! He Screamed! I can’t hear you! ». I yelled louder « I chose your cock oh great Dark Master and Lord! » TO BE CONTINUED
    2 points
  18. Hi guys first time since covid i am traveling abroad i am 38 year men good ass good cock looking for fun and friend to go bath house and sauna telegram: @businessbqto
    2 points
  19. I'd been checking out BBRT, craigslist and haunting the dogs saunas of Sydney for quite a while. I loved the edginess of raw sex but always freaked out after getting drunk and making a small mistake. Nothing major just letting a random guy pop his knob in and out my hole a few times before slipping on a condom. It always still freaked me out. One night while visiting Sydney I got pretty drunk and hopped on BBRT, started chatting with the hot older guy ( I was 24, generally played safe, in shape from the gym, tall but slim and 7.5 cut). He was was so hot. Muscular, hung few nice tatts and poz. Normally I would have stopped at the fantasizing stage but I guess id had a few too many vodkas. I always fantasized about being used hard and raped just like the stories I read on breeding zone and nifty. I agreed to meet him at one of the seedier places (Sydney Sauna(. It had a reputation for older guys who liked it rough. Getting there I stripped out of my clothes and started to walk the corridors. It was a busy Friday night, with a loth of guys i normally wouldn't consider. I like older guys but some of these were too old not to mention out of shape. I decided to have sauna and wait for my guy to arrive. I was still bussing from the alcohol, id one through half a bottle of vodka before coming and had a fresh bottle of amyl tucked into my jock strap. The sauna was empty but the heat was nice, I enjoyed just relaxing back while the room gently spun. My cock was hard, it had a tendency to stay perpetually aroused in these paces, and I couldn't help but start playing with it. An old guy appeared out of the steam, out of shape and not my type but he got down and started sucking. He was good and started fingering me. Not what I was after but at that age who knocks back a blowie. Before too long the heat started getting to me, and i didn't what to blow that way. I tended to lose my horniness once I came and wanted to see how far I could go tonight. While I was neg and really always played safe the idea of finally getting with a known poz guy had me dripping. It was like the next stage of adventure, of risk, of kinkiness. I just wanted to experience what it was like for someone to take control of my body and use me, hurt me, leave me bred, bleeding and converted. Actually I didn't want to convert. I figured I can always get PEP the next day that just really wasn't in my mind at the time. I still figured I could blow him maybe let him tease my hole a bit, beside most of the guys round are undetectable and unlikely to pass it on. As I walked back past the front desk I saw him come in and followed him to the locker room. Tall and muscled, not bodybuilder like and definitely not in his prime. His cheeks were a bit sunken but he looked fit and sexy as hell. He stripped down an stowed his clothes in his locker. I caught a brief glimpse of his cock, it looked bigger than the pics online suggested, and just above his pubic hair a biohazard tattoo. My cock gave an involuntary pulse. He looked up and stared straight at me. He smiled and I shivered. Was I ready for this?
    2 points
  20. As if you even really actually could guarantee you could get it all out. If someone at a bathhouse asked me to basically reset my cunt to factory settings for him, I would feel the need to take the time to explain to him where he was and how the place worked so he wouldn’t walk around embarrassing himself. Even if my hole wasn’t cummy it would be impeccably lubed for entry, and I’ll have put too much care into that just to scrub it all out so he can pretend he’s first.
    2 points
  21. 30-40 hours after shaving? That doesn't sound economical to me. I use "Magic Razorless Cream Shave", something African American men use to prevent razor bumps. For me, it takes the hair off in less than 15 minutes, no burning, and it is inexpensive. I swear by the stuff, you can use it on your balls and on your hole. Just follow the directions and you should be fine. You can find the product in Walmart, and in most US chain pharmacies like Walgreens or CVS.
    2 points
  22. Part 2... So I was getting totally fucked in earnest by this BBC and my slammed up hole was convulsing on his every thrust. Squeezing, milking him for every bit of nut in his enormous sack. "You like that big nigga pipe in your pussy don't you baby? You're gonna get all that nut in yo pussy in a minute. Ohhh" and with that he gave a final thrust and seated his member the deepest it would go in me and his dick began to swell with every pulse. Suddenly, my hole was burning up, as every pulse brought out torrents of nut coating my insides. He collapsed on top of me and began to pull out. "Just wait bitch, Ima call my boys now, and we finna run a train on that pussy. You gonna have so much nigga dick and nut you might explode." Part 3 soon...
    2 points
  23. I'm neg and test regularly. Hope that's acceptable to say in here 😛
    2 points
  24. Bart brought Matty into a larger area, Matty of course couldn’t really see anything. In this area was a sling, a wide and long fuck bench and a pair of padded shackles attached to the floor with the same hanging above them. The area was surrounded by a dozen naked men, all with the same biohazard tattoo on their chest, two of which were only recently healed. Bart brought Matty up to the padded shackles and began to shackle Matty in. After attaching the last shackle, Bart grabbed a longish wide test tube that had a wide lip on it. Bart pulled Matty’s jock out freeing his very hard cock. Then he pulled the small covering over the hole in front up, and tucked the widened lip of the test tube into the hole. Bart then with a finger spread Matty’s own precum all around the outside of his foreskin around his head. Lastly he tucked Matty’s hard dick into the test tube. Now as Matty leaked out his precum, the tube would catch it. “Your Gifters will need some lube and you’ll be supplying it, though they are also big leakers too. Now all the guys will be having a feel, and really getting you jazzed up.” One by one, each of the guys there came over to Matty and caressed his body over the clothes, gave him a kiss on the lips, with two of the guys especially solicitous giving Matty a deep tongue kiss and running their hands so softly on his ass and running their fingers through his hair in his clefts near his hole. All of this was really getting Matty pumped up, and filling the test tube. “Its time boy. You ready to take the semen that will change your life? Looks like the glass bowl has plenty of natural lube, so part of you is really ready.” “Fuck yes, I’m ready. More than ready.” “Then step up you two Gifters, unwrap your Chaser and get him ready to take your gift.” Two of the youngest guys there, in very wet jocks, stepped up. One slightly taller than the other, with a little bit a of a 5 o’clock shadow, semi hair chest, biohazard tattoo on his pectoral, nice fuzzy ass with an unusual tattoo on his left check. The other just a little shorter, nice crowns of hair around each nipple and a good sized hair patch in between his pectorals also with that biohazard tattoo emblazoned on it, wonderful treasure trail that will soon meet up with the rest of his hair, nicely haired ass not quite as fuzzy as the other guy, curiously has the same tattoo on his left butt check and same very wet jock. The two guys slid out of their jocks, showing large uncut cocks, both with good amounts of foreskin, the shorter of the two had the most skin of the two as it still covered the head while he was hard while the other’s allowed just the piss slit to show through. Both were drooling precum almost like a faucet. The two stepped up to each side of Matty, and started licking and kissing his neck and ears. As they were doing this, they each grabbed a hold of each side of the of the neck opening of Matty’s thin shirt, and pulled, ripping in down the center and across Matty’s body, and ripping each arm sleeve, so that Matty’s shirt fell to floor. Matty’s chest was now fully exposed, beautiful six pack, fuzzy treasure trail, hairs lightly popping up around his nipples and a patch coming up in between his pectorals. Each of the two guys started licking and lightly biting on Matty’s nipples, making Matty moan, and squirt just little more natural lube into the tube. Each guy really started licking the front of Matty, down his chest towards his groin. This was causing Matty’s cock to bounce in its confinement, continuously dipping his natural lube into the ever filling glass tube. Then the taller of the two guys moved to Matty’s back, and started licking and kissing the tattoo on Matty’s left check. Slowly moving over to his valley, and licking around his valley, feeling Matty’s hair coming out of Matty’s valley on his tongue. Then slowly licking his way up Matty’s spine, making Matty moan and twitch with his front and back being licked. As the tallest of the two stood up, he wrapped his arms around Matty, and caressed his pectorals as he nestled his hard wet cock into Matty’s valley pointing up, and began licking Matty’s neck all along his carotid and the nerves there. The taller guy slightly rubbing his hard cock in the fuzzy valley, getting it wet with his precum, dripping its way to Matty’s hole. The shorter of the two guys now stood up, and wrapped his arms around Matty from the front, putting them around the guy behind Matty, basically sandwiching Matty between the two. Because Matty and the other guy were basically the same size, there nipples almost completely matched up, and were rubbing against each other. Matty could feel this other hard cock rubbing against the side of his covered cock and balls. The two guys were pulling each other into Matty, making Matty feel their tight firm bodies all up and down him. He could feel the one’s hairy chest against his back, and the others hairy nipples tickle his nipples. This just made Matty keep moaning, and his cock vibrate in its containment. Little did Matty know, but the two guys were his older brothers, Aaron and Ryan. Aaron running his cock into his ass valley, and Ryan running his cock against Matty’s. All three began moaning, a rubbing against each other. Ryan began deep kissing Matty, shoving his tongue as far into Matty’s mouth as he could, while Aaron began licking and rimming his ear. Matty wanted to run his hands down Ryan’s body, but being shackled up, all he could do is stand there spread legged, feeling the guys rubbing against him, and make out with his body. “So little one, it looks and sounds like these two Gifters meet with your approval. They’ll get you free now, and get you into your sling and prepare you for your pozzing.” Ryan and Aaron, now began unshackling Matty, kissing and licking him as they went. All Matty could see of them was a very blurry outline. He could tell they each had trim outlines, and were moderately tanned, but other wise couldn’t make out anything else. He felt that they were guiding him to some large-ish gray/black thing, they turned him around, and he felt something thicker than a sideways belt touch his ass. He felt his jock being slowing pulled down, and then the smooth tube sliding off of his cock. Suddenly he felt, Ryan’s, mouth surround his cock and a tongue slide into his foreskin and circle his head and dip into his piss slit. He stepped out of the jock as it came to his feet. Aaron picked up the over half filled glass tube of Matty’s natural lube, and placed it on the table next to the sling, right next to a toothbrush that had been used on Ryan during his pozzing. Ryan got behind and to the side of Matty, and while Aaron was in front of Matty, and the older brothers guided their baby brother into the sling. Aaron placing Matty’s ankles into the holders, and then Ryan putting his hands into the wrist holders. Aaron finally pulled Matty down by his hips so his ass was right on the edge of the sling. Ryan got up by Matty’s head, and turned Matty’s head towards his hard and leaking cock, and rubbed his foreskin covered head against Matty’s lips. Matty immediately opened his mouth and took in Ryan’s head. While he had Ryan’s dick in his mouth, Aaron got down to his ass and started to really rim and eat his ass. Matty’s hole immediately blossomed open for Aaron’s tongue to slide as far in as it could go, making Matty moan and groan around Ryan’s dick. Aaron started fingering Matty’s hole while also rimming him, lightly pulling and spreading his hole. This was making Matty’s dick bounce on his abs spilling more of Matty’s precum over his groin. Ryan pulled his dick out of Matty’s mouth and leaned over taking Matty’s dick into his mouth. Ryan loved the taste of his baby brother’s precum, and he had so much foreskin. Everytime Aaron’s finger slid into Matty’s ass, Matty would squirt some precum out. Once Matty’s hole was good and open and loose, Aaron grabbed the toothbrush and dipped it into the tube of Matty’s precum, he also squeeze a big glob of his own toxic precum onto the toothbrush. After all natural lube, Aaron started sliding the toothbrush into Matty’s ass, Matty moaned alot during this, and his cock kept beating in Ryan’s mouth. Aaron slowly moved the brush in and out of Matty’s ass, while also turning it so he would be brushing as much of Matty’s insides as possible, so he would have the best chance of getting their gift first time. Aaron pulled the toothbrush out of Matty’s ass to look at it, and it was getting a little pink. He then reached over to Ryan’s leaking cock and got a good glob of Ryan’s toxic precum on the brush, and slid the brush back in, turning it around and around in Matty’s ass. After a few more trips around the inside of Matty’s ass, the brush was now towards red. Bart stepped up again. “Your body is now all ready for the gifting. These two lovely, hard, dripping cocks ready to slid into that ass of yours, wanting to release there toxic semen into you. You ready to take them?” Matty moaned out, “Yes, fucking yes. I need a cock to starting rubbing the itch inside. I’m so fucking ready to feel cum flowing into me.”
    2 points
  25. Took 3 loads in my hole from 3 guys this afternoon in an antique shop while the owner watched and jerked off. Got to love rainy afternoons
    2 points
  26. Hey everyone. After more than a year I'm finally back at writing these stories. I started this last part over so many times without ever being satisfied with it that I eventually stopped trying and focused on other projects and didn't think about it all that much. I had a sudden surge of inspiration a few days ago and finally wrote it to completion. I've also started working on a spiritual sequel to it with a new victim/slave, also still featuring the characters of Rick and Tom, but I will slightly retcon a few things about them to fit the new ideas I want to play with better. So stay tuned for more, I'll try my best to not take a whole year to finish it this time, lol. It's shaping up to be quite a long story and I will start posting it, in a new thread, once I'm done with the second chapter. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this epilogue to Tom's story: --------------------------------------------------------------- Part Seven - The Slave Formerly Known as Tom’s Last Entry It’s been over a year now since I’ve become a willing chem slave for my Daddy. At this point, I have completely forgotten what my life used to be before I moved into his house and discovered the wonders of gay sex, drugs, slavery, rubber, and so many wonderful kinks and perversions shown to me by my master and lover. For the past year, every moment of my life has been under the influence of some substance given to me by my Daddy. Sometimes I know what it is, but most of the time I have no idea. This constant state of euphoria and drug-induced haze has left me struggling a lot to form coherent thoughts and remembering anything with clarity has become very difficult. That’s why I asked Daddy if I could write down my thoughts one last time before I’m unable to anymore. I can feel my mind going away, replaced by this instinct-driven sex animal that Daddy has been shaping me up to be. I don’t regret my choice of becoming his complete slave, not one moment. But the price I have to pay for this blissful and exciting existence is my own mind. I sold my soul to the devil, so to speak, but I would do it all over again If given the chance. So, one last time, let me tell you about my life for the past year, and for what will likely be the rest of it. Shortly following my conversion into a poz slave, Daddy took me to a tattoo parlour to get my first ink of many. I now am adorned by several hot tattoos all over my body, starting with a sizable biohazard symbol surrounding my ass hole, like a target warning potential tops that only poz loads are allowed in. I also have a few dozen little spermatozoids tattooed all over my thighs, all seemingly swimming to reach my hole. Each sperm has a little biohazard symbol on it as well. These were my first tattoos, which were followed by several others, some more degrading than others. For instance, I proudly have the words « TOILET », « PISS SLAVE », « WHORE », and « POZ SLUT » displayed on my chest and on my back. The only problem with these is that they’re not often visible due to the several rubber suits I constantly have to wear, unless I’m wearing clear, transparent rubber. Every morning I wake up in my rubber cell in the basement, on my rubber bed, in one of the rubber suits I have to wear continuously. Sometimes I wear the same one for several days, sometimes I wake up in a fresh one. Sometimes it’s a plain black suit without any features, sometimes It’s a clear transparent one that makes me look like some weird medical experiment. I also get to wear various, more elaborate ones with biohazard symbols on them, clearly indicating my status for anyone to see. Sometimes there are words like « piss », « fist », or « chem », chosen by Daddy to let me know what we will be focusing on that day, or just because he likes it. These rubber suits have become my second skin, I couldn’t imagine being without them on, tightly hugging my body and paradoxically enhancing and numbing every sensation all at once. Since I have worn a hood for the entirety of the past year, I have pretty much forgotten what I look like at this point. This is the true new me; a featureless, anonymous gimp whose sole purpose and identity is to be a sex servant to my demanding master. After waking up, I always have a fresh pipe full of Tina next to me that I have to smoke right away. Daddy wants me high all the time from the moment I wake up until he lets me go to bed, so I have no time to lose and light it up. I usually do a half dozen hits before putting it down. Naturally, the high makes me unbelievably horny, so I grab one of the butt plugs made available to me and shove it down my already lubed ass to calm me down. From then on I have to wait for my Daddy to come and let me out or take care of me. The first thing I have to do when greeting my master is to serve him as a urinal. By the time he enters my room I’m always ungodly high and horny so I gladly get on my knees with my mouth wide open. Daddy then sticks his massive semi-erect cock in my mouth, I wrap my lips around it to create a tight seal while he opens the floodgates and gives me my morning drink. I pride myself to never waste a single drop. Once he is done pissing I usually suck his cock to completion and swallow his first big load of the day, or he finishes in my ass, depending on his mood. A few weeks into our relationship, if I can call it that way, Daddy decided that I was to wear a chastity cage at all times. Not that I really needed it, since being on Tina 24/7 made me limp all the time and rendered my dick pretty much useless, but he likes the look of it and the added feeling of control and domination it gave him over me. I have to admit, I enjoy being his little bitch so much that wearing this is very hot and satisfying in itself. The only time I get to take it off is when I am put into the brainwashing machine, which happens at least once a week, usually twice or thrice. When I’m in there, my dick gets forcefully milked by the machine, no matter how limp the T makes me, and it’s the only time I get to cum with my cock. In any other case, all my orgasms are anal, administered to me by my precious Daddy, or one of his friends and numerous guests. The brainwashing machine is probably the greatest thing ever invented in the history of sex. I absolutely love spending time in there, at the mercy of my Daddy’s twisted imagination and sexual landscape. That thing made me discover and love so many things I could never have imagined before. It turned me into a complete sex addicted twisted pervert just like him, maybe even more. On numerous occasions, I have to go through a psychedelics-induced journey into my own mind, guided by my Daddy and his perverse scenarios. These voyages made me discover so many things about myself that I would never have been able to otherwise. At some point, I was introduced to dog play. The virtual world created by Daddy showed me an endless stream of immersive videos of men dressed as rubber dogs, acting as if they were dogs, playing like puppies with each other, fighting, running around, sniffing their asses, then sucking each others cock, then mating or being relentlessly bred by their rubber handlers and masters. The next morning, I was very excited to wake up in my bed, dressed up in a rubber dog suit, with an elaborate puppy hood. When Daddy came to see me, I was already acting like a dog without him having to tell me to do it. I simply got on all fours, acting excited just like a dog seeing his master for the first time in a while, running up to him in a playful manner. Daddy rewarded me with his bone to suck on, then fed me more T while removing the plug tail stuck in my ass to fuck and breed me like a good boy. On several occasions, Daddy forced me into the dog persona for several days and used me like I was his actual dog. I got to sleep in his room, all curled up on the floor next to his bed, or sometimes in a cage. He takes me outside, on a leash, to take walks in his private yard. I also remember being taken to a public event, I think it was called Folsom, where he got me way higher and fucked up than usual and paraded me in front of everyone, on the streets, in the middle of the day. That day, I had to suck countless cocks, swallow so much cum it got me nauseous, and I got almost as many loads in my ass from all the willing tops present. My memories of this event are quite blurry, but I cherish them fondly nonetheless. Group sex is a regular occurrence in my life with Daddy. I love being the centre of attention in these parties, used as a sex object by dozens of poz men who need their balls emptied into a tight, fucked up hole. I’ve spent countless hours tied up to a bench or a sling, in full rubber most of the time but also naked on rare occasions, plowed relentlessly by legions of big, poz cocks. I think these are my favourite moments in my slave life, as I get to be fed massive amounts of sperm in my ass and mouth, by most of all a never-ending procession of slams injected into my veins. My life with Daddy is a perfect life for me, far better than what I could possibly imagine prior to meeting him and discovering the wonders of extreme gay sex. My only wish is that I’ll get to live this way for many more years, always being used, fucked up and abused according to my Daddy’s wishes. He told me recently that he gave me so much drugs already that my brain will surely be too fried at some point and I won’t be able to experience pleasure anymore. I don’t know if that’s true, and I don’t feel like it is (at least yet), but it will have been 100% worth it if that’s the case. I wouldn’t trade places with anyone else. Returning to my old, plain, regular and boring former life is impossible now, but even if it was, I wouldn’t want it. I’m so grateful to my Daddy for having shown me the way to truly enjoy life and I look forward to spending the rest of my days being his loyal, devoted slave. One last thing before I log out for good. In the past few weeks, Daddy has been talking about finding a new slave to corrupt and convert. This lucky boy would join me and expand our little family. I’m very excited about that and look forward to meeting this new playmate. I have no idea what Daddy has in mind for him, but I’m eager to find out. I’m sure we will have lots of fun losing our minds and freedom together. I hope you enjoyed reading my story, this is probably the last time I write anything down ever again. At the moment I am in my rubber cell, typing on this laptop my Daddy brought me so I could write. Once I’m done, I’ll just close the lid, smoke the massive bowl of T left for me and wait for my master to come use me. I know I won’t have to wait very long, as he is always watching over me, like the loving Daddy that he is.
    2 points
  27. Part 2: Too much for me but too late He walked over to me, he exuded confidence and as his drew close i couldn't help but stare down at the bulge now hidden by his towel. "Hows your night going buddy?" he asked, reaching forward to graze his hand along my hip and feel my ass. "Good, but nervous" I replied. "Follow me", and with that he walked out back through the maze and into the front reception area and bar. He quickly ordered two drinks, a triple shot vodka for me. He seemed to know the guy serving, they exchanged a smile. "drink up, then I'll get you another". I quickly downed the massive shot. It actually took me two goes, and even then i covered and shook as i tried to cope with the straight alcohol. As soon as that one was gone another appeared. "are you trying to get me d-drunk?" I caught myself already starting to slur a bit. "You bet, want you nice and relaxed to take my cock", he leaned forward to whisper in my ear " My mate will be here soon, hope you are up for a big cock down that throat of yours while i ream your ass. I've been training hard and trust me i can thrust hard with these legs". He drew my hand down to feel his quads and tightened them for emphasis. "Lets got relax in the sauna while we wait". I obediently followed as he left the front area, meandered through the maze down the stairs and entered the dark sauna. Were alone in the dark steamy room. He sat down and removed his towel showing off his still semi-hard cock. It was easily 8 inches and looked like it still had some filling out to do. It was the fantasy beer bottle cock, massive his and an equally thick shaft. He reached his hand behind my head and guided me down on to my knees infant of him. I came down hard, the vodka was clearly starting to affect my co-ordination. reaching forward i touched his hot cut cock. We had talked about how rough he like to be when he fucked, i had mentioned that most tops Id been with were too gentle to protect their foreskins. Clearly this wouldn't be a problem for him I leaned in and suckled from the head, tasting already the hint of salty premium leaking from him. In my my i still figured I could blow him off a bit, maybe get a rim job. God I wanted his cock but was I really ready to take a poz load. I played safe. I was neg and healthy what was i doing. I stared up through the dim light across his hairy muscles chest. Despite being in his 40's he was clearly a stud, a slightly pinched in look to his face, but his body was strong, virile, muscular. I couldn't believe I was sucking him. I played with his low hanging balls. "Sniff." He had produced amyl and held it to my nose. Once, twice..."keep going"four times each side. My head was spinning and i held on to his sweaty legs as i slipped forward and face planted him his crutch. "Open you mouth and get ready, you got an empty stomach?" I barely had time to nod before his hands grab my head ad guided my mouth down over his hard thick cock. He crammed it against the opening of my throat, i struggled not to heave, being thrust back and forth, slow but determined. He was simply too thick. Releasing my head i lean to the sided, coughing and gagging. "Sniff", once again four each side. This stuff was strong, combined with the alcohol and heat i was struggling. Once again he grabbed my head forcing his rigid cock into my mouth. Hard, it must be a good 9.5 and so tick the corners of my mouth could feel the stretch. He reached my throat opening, pulled back a bit "Take a deep breath in, and all the way out." He moved the knob back up to my throat. "Cough! I said fucking cough!". As I cough he gripped hard and thrust, the knob popped into my throat, a painful tearing feeling in my throat accompanied a roaring in my head. "Keep you fucking most open!" He held my head as i struggled, the heat and alcohol left me weak I pushed against his legs. Stars started tp dance in my vision. The door of the sauna opened. "Bout fucking time Matt", my kick boxer released my head. I fell cough and spluttering as his feet, a coppery taste enveloped my mouth. I think my throat was bleeding but i could also feel the spots when my tongue had been wedged between my teeth and his cock. "This our little conquest for the night? I got a nice big toxic load for him" I looked up to see a stocky, nearly chubby guy standing above me, towel over his shoulder his gut protruded in front of him. Below which hung massive nuts, low, wrinkled and hairy. Along with a long rigid cock. It wasn't as thick as my kick boxer but curved slightly up and looked a good 9.5 inches maybe 10. I was to the point where the alcohol was really affecting my ability to think. "yep, got his throat bleeding and ready for you" kick boxer replied. I tired to crawl to my towel and walk out. This was too much, I wanted it rough, but they are poz and already rougher than i wanted. Maybe a hard fuck, bit of poking his bare knob in me, but rubber up to cum. I was already bleeding from my mouth. Matt shifted in front of me blowing my escape. "Where do you think you're going princess? The fun is just starting."
    2 points
  28. Hey guys. I decided to write another series. Currently, this series is meant to have 11 parts. One safe sex twink's journey to being a bareback bottom. He's 22 when we begin. It's 1999. He's grown up his whole life hearing nothing but safe sex lectures and only having sex with condoms, even with boyfriends. He has just finished college and started a job. He's 6' tall, 170 lbs, flat stomach (but he thinks he's too fat), runs and works out, blonde, curly floppy hair and blue eyes. He's hot and sexy (but he thinks he's average). Part 1 Matt is at his third bar of the night. This one is a club. Small, only gets started after 2am. Techno and EDM are blasting. Matt is in tight jeans and a shirt that hugs his pecs and shoulders. He's dancing. Drink in hand. Matt is drunk and having fun. Matt loves coming to this bar. He always hooks up here. Guys are drunk and horny. The music is sexy. Matt is usually on his back or doggy getting some guy's condom covered cock stuffed inside him by 5am. He loves coming here. Matt scans the room. His friends are dancing with him. Everyone is looking to hook up. He can feel that sexual energy. It makes Matt dance harder. A space opens on a box just in front of him. It's about 3 feet off the ground. Matt hops on and keeps dancing. Dancing above his friends now. The box is kinda crowded but not terribly. He can definitely move his hips. Looking around the room; Matt sees familiar faces. Guys who have fucked him. Guys he has made out with. Guys he has danced with previously. Guys he just knows from seeing their faces in the bars and clubs. There are a few guys Matt would love to go home with tonight. The red head with the rockin body; or the Latin guy with that sexy accent Matt spoke with in the line waiting to get in the club; or the dark haired, geek chic guy who is sexy as fuck. He's scanning the crowd. Enjoying what he sees. Matt let's loose to dance some more. A few minutes into dancing Matt feels a body next to his on the box. He looks at the guy. It's geek chic. Matt smiles. Geek chic smiles back. They dance together front to front. Geek chic turns Matt around. They grind together for a bit on the box. Matt feels the guy is hot for him. A cock is pressing on his ass. Matt grinds back on the cock. The guy gets harder. Geek's hands are all over Matt. Matt is feeling the guy behind him on his hips and legs. He feels more solid than he looks. Matt turns around and introduces himself. He doesn't catch the guy's name (too loud in the club). Matt says, "Let's get drinks." The two of them hop off the box and make it to one of the bars. The line is ridiculous, as always in the club, so it takes awhile to get drinks. The guys talk. Matt finds out the geek is a grad student, lives close by, and is versatile. The guy convinces Matt to undo his tight jeans so the guy can feel his ass. Matt does it. By the time Matt has ordered drinks, the geek has two fingers in Matt's ass. They kiss at the bar. The geek says, "finish your drink and lets fuck." Matt finishes his drink like a shot. So does the geek. They both say goodnight to their friends and it's off to the geek's place. Less than a 10 minute walk later, Matt is in the geek's apartment. Books everywhere, a decent view, and a mattress and box spring on the floor. The guys are so sweaty. It's August. The geek turns on the air conditioning, but it's a window unit. The geek takes off his shirt. Matt takes off his shirt. They kiss. Geek pushes Matt on the bed and clothes come off - shoes, socks, jeans, underwear. Matt thinks the geek is super sexy. The feeling is mutual. Matt is sucking the geek's cock. The geek is telling Matt he gives great head. The geek pulls Matt off his cock and rolls him onto his back. The geek gets Matt's legs up and is making out with Matt. Their cocks are sword fighting. The geek moves his cock between Matt's ass cheeks. Matt moans as the cock rubs his hole. Matt is going to get fucked soon. Matt looks over, condoms on the bookcase next to them, lube right there, he's comfortable. No worries here. The geek is a safe sex guy just like him. Matt kisses the geek hard. The geek and Matt reposition so the geek can make out with Matt and rub his cock all along Matt's ass crack and hole. Matt moans again. The geek'c cock is about 6.5" and thick. It's going to take a minute to adjust, or so Matt thinks. Matt knows he's tight. Guys tell him that all the time. Matt kisses the geek and the cock is rubbing his hole. They are so sweaty that the geek's sweat is dripping onto Matt. While they are kissing, it happens. The geek's cock slides right into Matt's ass half way. Matt and the geek are both surprised. Matt says, "Fuck that's never happened before." The geek slides in more. Matt grabs the geeks ass. The geek looks at Matt questioningly. Matt says, "keep fucking me." Geek fucks Matt good. Matt is moaning and grunting as his legs are on the geek's shoulders. Geek says, "My cock feels so good in you bareback." Matt says, "Keep fucking my ass." Geek fucks Matt so hard that Matt slides off the mattress onto the floor. Matt's ass is still up on the mattress, but his shoulders and neck are on the floor. He's looking up at the geek. The geek keeps fucking Matt. Matt is jerking his cock. The geek is sliding his cock all the way in and out of Matt's ass. Matt sees that cock has no condom on it every time the geek pulls it out. The geek keeps watching Matt as he is getting fucked. Matt is loving it. Matt is moaning like a slut now. Matt says, "No cock has ever felt this good in my ass." Geek says, "That's because I'm fucking your slut ass bareback." Matt says, "Feels so good." Geek fucks Matt a few minutes longer and cums deep in Matt's ass. Matt's eyes go wide. FUCK! A guy just came inside him bareback. The cums feels so warm. Matt's cock jerks in his hand and sprays cum all over his twink body and face. Matt and the geek get in bed together. They sleep together. Matt and the geek make out and Matt tries to fuck the geek bareback the next morning. The geek won't let him. Says he doesn't usually bareback. Matt says he doesn't either. Matt says the geek was his first bareback fuck. The geek doesn't believe Matt and Matt can see it on his face. The geek and Matt swap head. Matt swallows. The geek does not swallow. Matt goes home in the morning with the geek's cum still in his ass. Matt knows what he did with the geek was slutty and not safe. But Matt knows that he wants to get fucked bareback again. Matt tells himself he will just have to save bareback fucking for his next boyfriend. He swears he'll never fuck bareback again with a hookup.
    1 point
  29. My first ever story. Hope it's not terrible! Enjoy x This place didn’t smell very good, and yet the smell made me even hornier. I needed this. I had been jerking to gay porn for months, although my girlfriend had no idea. I even bought her a new dildo which I had become far more familiar with than she had. I just had to at least have a guy blow me. Maybe I’d even blow him. Those cocks in the porn I watched looked so damn enticing. Surely a blow job would satisfy me, and I could move on from this phase. Today the urge had gotten too much. I was sliding the gifted dildo in and out of my hole when the brain in my dick had taken over and driven me to the sauna in town. Of course, I knew about this place. I fantasised about coming here often but never planned on it. Now I was here and naked in the semi dark. The occasional hand groped my ass as I walked around. I stumbled upon some booths and decided to collect my thoughts in relative safety. There were no screens as I had expected but there was two well sized glory holes in the walls. There was cum running down the one in front of me and it made me hard. An eye appeared above the cum and then a finger. I knew the signal, so I took a deep breath and slid my cock through. Holy hell this had to be the best cock sucker in the world. My girlfriend needed lessons from this guy. I really wasn’t going to last long but before I could shoot my load he stopped. So close. I pulled my cock out of the hole to take a look through when his own cock slid through to my side. I guess that was only fair and it wasn’t a huge scary thing it was about 6 inches. Same as my own. I knelt down and licked at the head before sucking it in as deep as I could. It tasted kind of weird, a mix of cum and other things as far as I could tell, and it was intoxicating. I sucked and licked for all I was worth. This wasn’t a phase. I needed this. Far too soon the cock pulled away. My unknown friend told me to place my ass against the hole. His voice was rough, and I felt like I had to obey. I was way too horny anyway and happily obliged, unsure though if I really wanted anyone to fuck me. I needn’t have worried as he slid his tongue between my cheeks causing me to involuntarily moan like a bitch. I pushed my ass against the hole as hard as I could to get more of these sensations. I guess someone had heard me moaning and joined the opposite booth and whilst moaning I suddenly had another cock in my face from the other side. I didn’t even hesitate and started to suck this new guy who was a little bigger. My attention was alternating between the tongue in my ass and the cock in my mouth and I was feeling totally out of control to my urges. The guy eating my hole starting inserting fingers, first one then some more licking, then two and more eating. I knew what he was doing but it felt so good I couldn’t stop myself even had I wanted to. Soon enough something bigger than some fingers was pushing its way into my now open hole. This was many times better than my dildo and I moaned around the cock in my mouth. The guy fucking me wasted no more time easing me into it and started to fuck me hard. The force was pushing me onto the other cock and for a slight second, I wished my girlfriend could see me right now. Almost totally lost in the moment my brain kicked me back to reality and the madness of letting some random guy fuck me without a condom. What the hell was I doing? My panic threatened to pull me out of the situation and off the bare cock in my ass but timing is everything and the cock in my mouth exploded. I was forced to swallow my first ever load and the distraction was just enough time for the guy behind me to slam home and hold his cock buried in me. Oh fuck. I wasn’t sure I could feel anything, but I knew he had just blasted a huge load of cum in my ass. I was conflicted, hornier than ever and scared like I’ve never been. I had cum in my mouth and in my ass, but my dick was harder than ever. The guy I sucked left his booth and the guy that just fucked me spun around and put his own ass against the hole. It had clearly already seen some action and there was a small biohazard tattoo on his left ass cheek. The internal fight raged but I surrendered and pushed my bare cock into the cummy hole. I needed this.
    1 point
  30. Let go of your inhibitions, be willing to switch positions and try positions the tops fucking you like as well as the ones you like. Be willing to give as well as take at an orgy. An orgy that has a high percentage of versatile men will have a lot more fucking, and as a result a lot more loads being shot in greedy holes than an orgy with just a few cum dumps hoping for tops to breed them. As an added benefit, orgies with lots of fucking keep guys excited and help them shoot multiple loads. Even as an older guy the stimulation of an active orgy shortens my refractory time. Don't be a drama queen, you can let guys know you are enjoying it without going to extremes. Use your fucking skills to coax those loads don't just beg and act hurt that they fucked you but didn't breed you. If I've been to a really good orgy, I rarely know exactly how many loads I have in my hole and I don't think I've ever been sure of more than 7, just that it is full of cum. The last CumUnion orgy I attended in Los Angeles, was pretty close to my perfect scenario and I'm sure I took 3 loads, probably more, and gave 2. What I do know is I spent 5 blissful hours with most of which I had cocks in my hole and/or my cock in holes. By an hour into it every hole I fucked was cummy and my hole was full of cum.
    1 point
  31. I like the fantasy of a guy saying he would pull out, but in the end he screams i'm gonna cum and fails to pull out....him saying sorry dude....you ass felt to good! ;-)
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. non-con not usually my thing, but this story boned me up regardless! thanks for sharing @swine!
    1 point
  34. For what felt like an hour, Dale sat on the futon, holding his nephew in a strong, warm embrace. Their naked bodies radiated heat to each other. Dale sampled a healthy portion of his nephew's cum before retrieving clean towels from a nearby shelf. He helped his nephew clean up. "It's late. You should probably have been home some time ago, bud," Dale said. "Yeah. I should get dressed," Brock dressed quickly as his uncle watched. Traces of lust still danced behind his uncle's eyes. After Brock pulled his shirt on, Dale handed him the same card Brock had seen thrown at Zeke in the video. On the back he'd handwritten a phone number. "If the virus takes, you're going to get pretty sick. Call or text me. Seriously," Dale said. It didn't really come across as a request. And then he kissed his nephew on the forehead and walked him back past the heavy black curtain to his office. The disheveled man Brock had seen head back to the booths shortly after he'd arrived was sitting in front of the desk. He looked worse for the wear with some fresh bruises coming through on his face and a split lip oozing dark red blood. One eye was swollen almost completely closed. The cashier sat on the corner of the desk next to the man, looking quite menacing with some fresh abrasions on his knuckles and an ice pack pressed to his jaw. Brock's uncle quickly took stock of the situation. "You'll have to see yourself out, Brock. This demands my immediate attention," Dale said in a suddenly serious, no-nonsense tone. Brock left his uncle and the two other men behind in the office and stepped back out into the store, nearly running into the man from the front row of the basement. He was headed for the door. All the effort of the night finally caught up with Brock and he felt very suddenly weary. He followed after the man, trying not to seem like he was pursuing him. As Brock stepped out of the store into the pitch dark September night, he saw the man getting into a Volvo parked on the curb. There was a single bumper sticker. It read "Park Village Thunder." Brock's heart leaped into his throat as he quickly crossed the parking lot to his own car and got in. He threw his hat on top of his letter jacket. His Park Village High School letter jacket, with the Thunder logo embroidered on the chest. ---------- The next three weeks felt like the longest weeks to ever fly by. Not a single day passed without some thought about that night at the Block. Some days it was a nagging half thought in the back of his mind. Some days he milked four loads from his dick before lunch thinking about everything that happened. On only two occasions had he really reflected on his decision willingly expose himself to HIV. He had concluded that he had no regrets and that if his uncle uncle's viral juices didn't convert him, he would try again after a month. On October 3rd, Brock knew his uncle had been successful. He woke feeling like he'd been hit by a truck. He had a fever and chills, he felt weak and had no appetite. His mom called him out of school before she headed off to work. As soon as Brock was confident she was gone, he texted his uncle "Woke up feeling like hell. Pretty sure you did itheb rnfhshsjfk dhdh h .?" An hour later, Dale was using a credit card to let himself into his nephew's house. He found Brock passed out in his bed. His phone had more gibberish typed into an unsent message. He was sweaty, but sleeping peacefully. Dale took the time to arrange him a bit more comfortably. Then he set about putting together some bland food for when his nephew woke. Then he crawled in bed behind him and held him until he started to stir. Brock would wake, have a bit of the food prepared for him and alternate sleeping and spooning his uncle until about an hour before his mom would get home. This continued for four more days. On day 5 of his conversion, Brock woke with his uncle's arms around him and a wrought iron beam between his legs. He was painfully hard. The virus had woken something slumbering deep within him. Without a word, he maneuvered himself between his uncle's legs and pushed Dale's feet back toward his head. Dale woke from his own dozing to the squelch of his nephew's precum in his hole as Brock was beginning to work his cock in. Dale gave no resistance. In fact, he seemed as though this was exactly what he was waiting for. Brock fucked Dale slowly, weak from his illness and hazy from the steady doses of poppers he and his uncle were using. When Brock was too weak, Dale would trade him places and ride him. Slowly milking his next load. In total, Brock filled his uncle with seven loads over 6 hours. Brock wasn't sure if these were his last negative loads or his first charged ones. They were probably both. All he knew was the little voice from the back of his mind that they must be inside someone. That all of his future loads must be inside someone. As Dale was getting ready to leave, he hugged his nephew and handed him A folded slip of paper. "Meet me here. Next Saturday afternoon," he said. He kissed his nephew once more on the forehead and left.
    1 point
  35. Years ago, I was trying to infect someone. He quit having sex with anyone else, and was always hungry to take my loads. After one of his tests, he was called to the doctors office - which means one thing. We celebrated after he was told he had converted. And we went back to his apartment and he fucked his first positive load back into my ass! Richard was a good guy!
    1 point
  36. I can't wait . Sub cocksucker and wanting for someone to make me drink their piss.
    1 point
  37. Poz slam nasty pnp rim piss raw breeding stealth party
    1 point
  38. Chapter 13: New Reality Broad daylight was sliding in around the edges of the louvered doors to the balcony when Laszlo awoke in the morning. He squinted against the vestiges of sunlight to read the clock – 7:35 am – and then shook his head and muttered, “Wow, what a crazy dream that was.” Then he felt a hand fall gently on his shoulder and twisted his head around to see Daniel propped up on one elbow and beaming down at him like the happiest guy in the world – which he probably was. Laszlo’s eyes opened wide. “Holy hell! So it wasn’t a dream!” “What happened in it?” “Well, I was eating dinner and this guy came over and asked me to go and see his friend, so I did – and the friend was you. And then we talked, you told me you loved me, and I said the same to you, and then we came back here and made ecstatic love for hours.” Daniel laughed joyously, and then quoted John Bunyan. “ ‘So I awoke, and behold, it was a dream.’ Is that what you’re thinking?” Laszlo nodded. “Well, it wasn’t. It all happened. We both said the magic words, ‘I love you,” to each other, and then we came up here to your room and proved it.” By this time, Laszlo was wide awake and full memory was returning. “I guess I just thought it was a dream because it seemed so impossible that it could be real.” Daniel leaned down and kissed him. “I thought so too. But it happened, it was real, and we’ve just slept together for the first night of the rest of our lives – together.” Now, Laszlo was positively grinning at his recollections of the night before. But Daniel had an agenda. “I need to get some coffee. You?” “Yes, please.” Daniel got out of bed, and Laszlo lay there, sprawled against the pillows, enjoying the spectacle of Daniel’s dark-tanned muscular body, totally naked, the muscles working under the skin as he strode across the room, ran the water, filled up the machine, and proceeded to set the coffee brewing. He then turned and walked back to the bed, and Laszlo got another eyeful of the famous Hawaiian Nine dangling in a relaxed state, but easily still measuring six inches long. “What are you staring at?” Daniel’s tone was amused rather than irritated. “The most beautiful sight in the world.” “Okay, that was a bit over the top – this cheesy dialogue is starting to sound like a cheap romance novelist who’s having an off week.” “I know,” Laszlo chuckled, “and you love every minute of it. Don’t you dare pretend you don’t!” Daniel laughed too, and hopped onto the bed beside him, reaching out to stroke his taut abs. He leaned down, and they kissed some more, wrapping their arms around each other – until the coffee maker gave a loud belch, signifying that its work was done, and the coffee was ready to pour. Daniel got up and got the mugs ready. “You take anything?” “Black.” “A man after my own heart.” He poured the coffee, carried it over to the bed, handed one mug to Laszlo, and then reached out to clink his against it. “Here’s to us, and to a beautiful life that we can share together.” He planted his mug on the table, climbed back into bed next to Laszlo, and then they sat up against the pillows together, sipping coffee, and cozying up to each other with little random touches and brushings against each other, all very cozy and domestic. After a few minutes, Laszlo said, “We don’t have to decide everything right away, but there are certainly some things we will need to discuss – you know, the kinds of things that every normal couple starts going into before they begin talking about it being for life.” Daniel gave a little pout, but with a twinkle in his eye. “Are you implying that we aren’t normal?” Laszlo said, “No. I’m saying it right out, not implying it. Last night we all but married each other, on the spur of the moment, and without any warning or preparation.” “True. And wasn’t it wonderful!” “It was. But now, I have to think about the future for a bit. Starting with the fact that I’m due to fly back to Los Angeles in two more days.” “Well, that’s a fine way to show how much you love a guy! Kiss and fly express romance!” “This is my break month from classes, but the next term begins on Monday. It’s a work term, and I need to report to my work site on Friday for some preliminary paperwork, and to meet the team I’m going to be working with. Plenty to organize.” Daniel nodded. He remembered all too well the tyranny of schedules in the real world. “When can you come back? Or can I come up and see you?” “I’d love to have you come up and see me, but it had probably better be over a weekend because there’s no knowing how hectic things might get on workdays for the next two months. But before you start planning, you should know that I’m in a new place now, actually just along the street from the building where your old condo was before you sold it and flew away to surf.” Daniel chuckled. “And this is an issue?” “Might be, if you’re concerned about the gossip around WeHo that the Hawaiian Nine has suddenly reappeared out of nowhere.” “Hmm. Good point. But there is the one holiday weekend in there. If I fly up on the Thursday, I can collect you from work on Friday and we can go away somewhere together for the next three nights, coming back on Monday.” Laszlo kissed Daniel with a smile on his face. “I like the way your mind works.” But then he got serious again. “At the least, we should talk a bit about who we want to tell.” “Such as…?” “The entire Hawaiian Nine gang for starters. Your friends down here.” “Rodrigo will have already taken care of that – trust me. That guy’s as bad as any gossiping old-timer when it comes to dishing the dirt.” Laszlo laughed. “My family. Yours?” “No. I’ve lost touch with all of them – and it’s better so for my peace of mind.” Laszlo said no more, just put down his coffee cup and gave Daniel a fierce hug. He could feel the tears trickling down Daniel’s face, and he knew at once that this was the cruellest heartache his man had ever endured. He moved on from hugging to kissing, and Daniel responded eagerly. Strangely, Laszlo wasn’t at all upset that Daniel seemed prepared to use him to forget the pain of family rejection. Laszlo knew that there was so much he and Daniel could do for each other in a shared life, but for him, showing Daniel that he was valued, wanted, needed, truly worthy of being loved was probably the biggest single gift he could give. It was a gift of healing, of closing up an immense wound inflicted by others, and Laszlo was both honoured and humbled that Daniel had trusted him enough to let him be the healer he needed. The kissing quickly became more intense as Daniel reached down to squeeze Laszlo’s cock, causing it to harden swiftly. When it was fully ready, Daniel spat in his hand, reached down to prepare his hole, and then lay on his back and lifted his legs. Laszlo climbed on top of him, slowly sliding his cock into Daniel until it was completely lodged inside him, and their two bodies were joined and merged from shoulders to hips. Laszlo lay still, covering Daniel’s face with his kisses, murmuring words of love as Daniel gently stroked his body. “Daniel, you wonderful, beautiful man, I love you so much more than I could possibly tell you.” “Show me, Laszlo. If you can’t tell me, show me.” With that, Laszlo began to move slowly. It was another one of those amazing times where time didn’t exist, where the only reality was the intense trust and affection they were forging between them. As he moved, as Daniel continued stroking him, there was no room in Laszlo’s mind for anything but the one incredible truth, that the man he loved with all his being loved him just as much, and that anything and everything was possible, now that they were finally and truly together. It didn’t take long. Daniel was so stirred by the intense waves of love pouring out of Laszlo to wash him clean of his pain and hurt that he found he was about to cum after only a few minutes. “Ohhh… Laszlo… oh, that’s so good… I’m ready. Make me cum, Laszlo, I want to cum right along with you.” It was all Laszlo needed to hear. He speeded his movements, his breathing became raspy, Daniel cried aloud, and then they exploded at the same moment, Daniel’s cock spurting up against Laszlo’s chest and falling back down onto his body while Laszlo’s cum blew inside him with a force that he could feel as he was filled up. And they hadn’t broken the kiss even once. Slowly their breathing returned to normal. At last, Daniel managed to control his tears of joy enough to say, “I have never felt so complete, so whole, so loved in my entire life. Thank you for loving me, Laszlo.” And Laszlo was not surprised to find that he, too, was getting teary-eyed at those words. After a while, they got up and moved to the bathroom, showering together with a great deal more kissing and touching, and then got dressed to go down to breakfast. All Daniel had was the clothes he’d had on last night, but they were passable for the moment. At breakfast, Daniel got a text from Rodrigo. what pickup time for your ride? bring my jeep? driving u back here is easier true – 10 am ok? will do Then he turned again to Laszlo. “Rodrigo will be here to get us at 10:00.” “Where are we going?” “For starters, I need some fresh clothes and stuff to move in here for 2 nights – if that’s all right with you.” This was said with a mocking grin. “Then, I have to get my Jeep so I can show you around some of my favourite spots.” By lunch time, they had been back to the house where Daniel put together a quick overnight bag, and Laszlo got a chance to meet and talk with Rodrigo, and more briefly with Arian and Brad. All three of them were very happy to meet him because his arrival had plainly lifted away all the clouds and gloom that had been hovering around Daniel ever since he had come to the island. His friends were all immensely relieved to see Daniel looking and sounding so amiable and so jovial, really a totally different man from the one they’d been sharing the house with for the last year and more. Laszlo had said a heartfelt thank you to Rodrigo for making the move to get him and Daniel together, and Rodrigo had given him a warm-hearted hug – and a hint of a crotch grind – in response. Then he let Laszlo go, with a suggestive wink. As they drove away from the house, Laszlo said, “So, I assume you’ve been playing around with Rodrigo. I can tell.” Daniel just grinned and said, “Guilty as charged. How could you tell?” “Let’s just say that he wasted no time dropping hints at me too. What about Arian and Brad? Any fooling around there?” “Not a chance. Each of those guys has a waiting list of at least 20 females. There’s no room for any of our tribe to squeeze in between. Pretty much every morning, one or the other of them will come down for coffee and breakfast with another girl we’ve never seen before.” “Are they good surfers?” “Of course – all of us are. It’s no use trying to surf the waves off this beach unless you are a true expert. Though where those two ever found time to polish their surfing skills when they’re always bed hopping….” Laszlo laughed. Daniel took Laszlo to a favourite little place down the beach, a seafood shack which dished up the most awesome fresh fish that had come out of the ocean that morning. From there, they drove on for something over half an hour to the quiet beach at the end of the road, a beach tucked into a tight little alcove in the high rocky cliffs. There, as expected, they had to park at the overflow lot and walk the last stretch. Once they came to the edge of the sand, Daniel said, “Better kick off your shoes and go barefoot here. I’ve got a surprise to show you.” Laszlo complied, and the two of them set off, walking back along the beach in the direction the road had come from, plowing their way through the deep, soft sand. After they’d walked for perhaps three minutes, Daniel stopped and said, “Now, turn around.” Laszlo gasped at the vista that was revealed, rank after rank of towering heights of land soaring up out of the ocean and stretching off into the distance like the rows of wings in an old-fashioned theatre stage. The air was full of the roar of the surf, and along the base of those soaring cliffs lay a permanent haze of ocean spray flung up by the crashing waves upon the rocks. It gave the whole scene a dream-like quality that matched the feeling of being somehow pulled out of normal time and space which Laszlo had been experiencing ever since he’d encountered Daniel the night before. “It’s a magical place,” Daniel said quietly. “So many people drive to the end of the road, rush down to the shore, grab a couple of quick photos, and then drive off. They’ll never see this view, simply because you have to walk some way back along the beach to be able to see past that first headland. And you can tell from how smooth the sand is around us that almost nobody else has made it this far, not since the last big storm two nights ago.” Laszlo stared in awe, unable to think of anything to say. And Daniel went on seriously. “It’s a lesson for both of us, to take the time to look for the real beauty and magic in everything around us. And that includes each other.” Laszlo turned to look at him. “I’ve never heard you talk like this before.” “I couldn’t think in those terms. I had to break free of the rat race in L.A. and come here to learn that lesson, and some other big ones too – like the truth about where my heart really wanted to be,” Daniel said solemnly. Laszlo took him in his arms, and they kissed each other, while the constant background roar of the surf chanted a natural blessing all around them. They walked back to the Jeep hand in hand, in thoughtful silence. Back at the hotel, Daniel got settled in and then he and Laszlo went down to the pool for a swim and sit out in the sun before evening. Some of the other guests were struck by the shining quality of the smiles they directed at each other, and by the easy and happy laughter as they played in the water or shared jokes with each other. That night, Daniel took Laszlo out to a favourite restaurant in another nearby resort for dinner, an open-air space under a broad, sheltering roof which faced a beautiful tropical garden where torches flared among the trees and a gentle stream of water flowed down a rock face into a quiet pool. The food was every bit as wonderful as the setting, and they were in no rush to finish up and go. Once they were back at the hotel and in bed together, Laszlo took the lead in another scene of magical love-making every bit as entrancing as the previous night. When the final storm was over, and each of them had cum twice, Daniel sighed with sheer contentment. “I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Laszlo’s reply, devoid of any sarcasm, was a simple, “You took the words right out of my mouth.” Again, they snuggled down into the bed together, holding each other close as they drifted off to sleep. On Laszlo’s final day, Daniel made him get up and go early to breakfast. “For where we are going today, we really have to beat the crowds.” As they drove along the road, which got busier as they passed near the airport and main town and then thinned out again, Daniel was explaining all about the island’s unique natural environment – the two primordial volcanoes which had formed the island, and which had long since been eroded down into multiple ridges and peaks surrounding the massive bulk of the huge central mountain. At the west side of Kauai, they turned up a narrow, twisting road which climbed steadily up and away from the ocean. As they went up, the air got cooler, and the sunlight clearer as they rose above the early sea mist. Then they stopped in a small parking area, and Daniel led the way up a sloping paved path to the top of a ridge – and there, spread out before them, was a stunning natural spectacle: an enormous gorge, carved out of the mountainside, stretching for miles on both sides of them, with multiple bluffs and cliffs and rock-ribbed side valleys. Just as when he had seen the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona, Laszlo struggled to grasp the reality, the immense scale of the scene. Daniel helped him out. He pointed the camera at a distant bluff and took a picture at the highest resolution. Then he showed Laszlo the picture, zooming in until Laszlo could see that what first looked like black specks on the ridge were a group of hikers walking along the crest of that bluff out to an overlook point. Laszlo just stared in awe, dazed by the sheer size and majesty of the scene. They then drove on up to the end of the road where an even higher lookout point gazed down more than three thousand feet, past the cliffs of the shore to the ocean. “We were looking along this shoreline from the beach, miles over that way, yesterday.” “Daniel, this place is just incredible. This entire island – it’s amazing.” “It is, but it also has its drawbacks. It’s a long way from anywhere, so to speak, and the cost of living here is very steep indeed. It would be great to come back here for a holiday every year or so, but I think I need to relocate back to the mainland – soon.” “Any particular job ambitions?” “Let’s sit down here.” Daniel gestured to a nearby picnic bench, and they sat there, facing each other. “Honestly, Laszlo, I don’t know. I’ve been too busy decompressing from my last career to think much about it. One thing for sure, I’m done with the porn industry. No going back for me.” As he said that, Laszlo realized – and knew it almost without any surprise – that he felt exactly the same. Done for good. “Same for me,” he said simply. Daniel smiled at that. Laszlo could tell that he had feared a different answer which might have made their future more complicated. “What, then?” “I chose this business and accounting program because I wanted to pick up some skills which could move around from place to place. Long term, though, I’d like to own my own business.” Daniel gave a wry chuckle. “Be very careful what you wish for. Voice of ten years’ experience.” “Well, I’m still thinking about different possibilities. No fixed ideas yet, but I want to be ready to jump if a suitable opportunity appears.” “Like the way you jumped out at me?” They both laughed, and then headed back to the Jeep and down the mountain. On the way back to the resort, Laszlo broached a trickier subject. “Daniel, I’m a little nervous about bringing this up….” “Don’t be. If we need to talk about it, then we talk. We can’t ever be in a situation where we are afraid to talk anything over with each other. It’s relationship poison.” “So… now that I’m going back to California, but you’re still here… how do we handle the whole thing about playing around?” Daniel thought for a moment. “Well, we both know it’s going to happen when we’re going to be apart for that long, so we shouldn’t let ourselves get into any huge guilt feelings over it. Once we’re able to live together properly, we can revisit the question then. One thing I should tell you is that I’ve always been a big fan of three-ways and four-ways.” “So am I!” “Now, we’ve settled that, so change the subject again. Laszlo, here’s one I’ve been wondering about. Can we, or should we, try to schedule some kind of set day and hour to FaceTime? Or do we just wing it?” Laszlo thought a bit. “For now, I think we should do a set time. We need it because of the 2-hour time difference.” “Three hours when California goes onto Daylight Saving. Hawaii doesn’t.” “Oh, right. Late evening for me, just after dinner for you, or something of that sort.” He hesitated a moment, and then went on. “Daniel – would it be too extreme or too cutesy-romantic if we did it every night?” Daniel smiled. “How strange – I was going to ask you the same thing.” “Later on, once I get back to school for my final in-class term it’s trickier, because class times can be all over the map. Have to figure that out once I get my schedule. But one thing’s for sure, you have got to give me your new phone number! Look at what we went through just because you wouldn’t do it before!” Daniel shook his head reminiscently, wondering how he could ever have felt that cutting everyone off was a good way to deal with his feelings. But then, just as they were wheeling up the main driveway of the resort, he asked, “Last question – for now. What about dinner for your last night?” “In the restaurant here again, if that’s okay with you. I want to max our time together.” “Perfect.” Back in the room, they did another quick change, and headed down to the pool for some relaxing sun, swimming, and a late lunch from the tiki bar. A family with several small children were sitting across the way, and the children were amusing themselves in the time-honoured way, leaping into the pool, climbing out, and leaping in again. Laszlo chuckled. “For such little kids, they sure kick up the water when they jump in.” Daniel, not seeing the trap, replied, “Yeah. I bet I did it with more style when I was their age.” Laszlo moved in for the kill. “You think you’re a good enough surfer to ride those big waves?” Daniel began to say, “Nobody could ride such a tiny little ripple…” and then stopped, seeing the malicious grin on Laszlo’s face. He play-punched Laszlo in the shoulder and Laszlo yelped, causing the kids and their parents to look at them. Later on, they went back up to their room to sleep. Even though the super-king-sized bed was easily big enough for three, they curled right into each other as close as they could get. Ninety minutes later, rested, cleaned, and dressed, they headed down to the restaurant for dinner. At the host stand, the maître d’ said, “Welcome back, gentlemen. There will be just a brief delay while we prepare your table,” and invited them to sit in the armchairs beside the entrance. After a minute, he returned and escorted them to the same alcove where Daniel and Rodrigo had been seated on the previous visit. Enrique came over, welcoming them with a warm smile, and handing Laszlo a small envelope with his name hand-written on it. With a glance of apology to Daniel, he opened the envelope to find a hand-written card in a most beautiful longhand script. He was plainly finding this elegant hand a bit of a trial to read, and Daniel offered to help. “My mother’s hand-writing looked very like that.” Laszlo handed him the card, and Daniel read: Gentlemen: Our warmest best wishes. We beg you to be the guests of the hotel this evening. Order whatever you wish from the menu and from the wine cellar. It will be our pleasure. Laszlo stared in frank amazement. “This is for real? I wonder whose idea this was?” He got an inkling of the possible answer a moment later when Enrique returned with the menus, accompanied by Aaron as his assistant, with the wine list. Laszlo detained Aaron for a moment, ostensibly to ask a question about one of the wines. What he asked was something a bit different. “Aaron, what is the story behind this – do you know?” Aaron smiled slightly. “The hotel’s general manager was dining not far from you, sir,” and here he inclined his head towards Daniel, “the other night. He is a true gentleman and has a very romantic disposition. As well, he shares our orientation. He left instructions that you should be given this note, and the hospitality of the house, if you returned during your stay.” “Please convey our hearty thanks to him.” Aaron nodded, and then asked, “Will that be all?” “For the moment, thank you.” After he left, Daniel asked, “So, I assume you met Aaron the other night.” “Yes, he was my server.” “I think he’s interested in you.” “I’m sure he is. You would be sure, too, if you’d seen the way he and I were flirting over dinner.” Daniel laughed. They then turned to the business of selecting their wine and their meals. Two hours later, after another magnificent meal, they departed with expressions of thanks and good wishes from Aaron and Enrique, and with their thanks and a generous tip for each of them in return. On the far side of the restaurant, the general manager watched with a satisfied and reminiscent smile on his face, remembering his younger days and the man he had loved and lost. He wished these two younger men nothing but love and happiness for all of their days and nights.
    1 point
  39. Ever since I discovered "cumsicles" aka "d3vil's dicks" from Treasure Island Media's "Breeding Season", I've had guys save their cum for me, and I've also saved mine for others. Absolutely sleazy & disgusting, and I fucking love it.
    1 point
  40. i assume this is a reference to ageism. Fact of life i guess 😜it's partially why i'm currently such a slut: i see the window closing and i want to get as much action in while i still can. still, after i got both divorced and vaccinated and started hookin up again, i read an article about a published study finding the average US male had 6 sexual partners. i thought 6!? like in a weekend? turns out it's in a lifetime! omfg life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. lol so i sat down and tried to do the math and came up with in the 6 months since my div i'd been with about 30 different guys lol 6! can you imagine? that's like one sat night at megaplex! 😈
    1 point
  41. absolutely YES, love to cum kiss. Really, any cum play is so erotic and fun, I can not resist.
    1 point
  42. Hell yes. Especially when he licks his load out of my hole and then kisses me with it.
    1 point
  43. bareback orgy, chemsex, muscle bareback, pnp, poppers trainer, high fun, chem fun
    1 point
  44. I always enjoyed older men and incest. My dad is 22 years older than me. We started having sex when I was 14. It started with me giving him blowjobs, swallowing his cum, and serving as his urinal. Soon he was fucking my ass. Eventually my older brother, 18 months older then me, found out and started using my mouth and ass too. My father and older brother were not only my first father-son spit-roast three-way, but also my first double penetration three-way. After a year of my dad and brother using me, dad started turning me over to his poker buddies and bar owners in order to clear his gambling debts and bar tabs, and my brother let his high school football teammate buddies and other friends use me in exchange for favors and pot. Although I enjoyed the musclebound football jocks, I really loved the older guys my dad whored me out to. It is not surprising when I turned 18 and was legal drinking age, I found a leather bar that housed a leather club and became a sub to the daddy leather bear members. This also explains why my first partner was 26 years older than me. However, now that I am 55 and find older tops difficult to hook up with especially during the pandemic, I find myself hooking up with younger tops.
    1 point
  45. Part 2 of tricked and deceived. Chris had told me that his 3 friends would be here soon and they wanted me high and ready for them as Chris put a big shard of T in my hole then he walked behind me tied my wrist back up and then I heard 2 sounds of something unclicking that is when my head went back and down as I looked up between Chris's legs and he pulled out his cock. This is the first time I had actually seen it and from where I was it definitely was big and thick as he said I think I need to test out one of your holes as he started to push the head of his cock into my mouth. I turned my head and I remember telling him that I have gag reflex and his reply was as he grabbed a hold of head and turned it back well after tonight you won't have to worry about that gag reflex anymore or you will still have but all I care about is getting my big and thick cock down that throat of yours and give you the throat fucking that you need and deserve as he pushed the head of his cock back in my mouth and let my head go as I could see and feel him start fucking my mouth. I started to gag and thinking he was going to either stop or slow down fucking my mouth but it just seemed to turn him on as he pushed deeper til I stopped gagging then he leaned forward a little bit as I felt his fingers start to pull and stretch my asshole open and I started to moan as he did that. This went on for a few minutes before I felt the head of his cock hit the back of my throat and he just held it there as he untied both of my wrist and told me to reach down and start to pull and stretch my hole,as I did I could feel him squirting lube in my hole as he said this is where he gets to enjoy using my mouth and throat as he started to push his cock down my throat til he was completely down my throat I could feel my throat being stretched as he was pushing his cock down my throat. Once he was completely down my throat he held the bottle of poppers under my nose and told me to take a big inhale as I did he started to give my throat short but hard jabs a he lean forward and was starting to probe my asshole and told me to pull and stretch my hole more and he started moaning as he was probing my hole with his fingers and giving my throat short but hard jabs. The longer he was fucking my throat I could feel his cock being pulled back more and more and he had a couple fingers in my asshole, then he said he couldn't wait to watch his friend tony fuck my throat he is not only bigger and thicker than I am but he likes to fuck them fast and deep for him it's about him using a guys throat the way he wants to use it. Before I knew I could see and feel Chris's cock sliding completely in and out of my mouth as he pulled his fingers out of my hole and he pulled the fucking machine closer and started to fumble with it,then he leaned back up and showed me a remote and said when you feel something touch your hole I want you to take 2 big hits from the poppers and hold it in and as your doing that I want you to put a couple fingers on each hand a little bit in your hole and give it a good pull and stretch as his cock was still going in and out of my mouth. I started to feel something push up against my hole as he held the poppers under my nose and I took two big hits and held it as I slipped a couple fingers from each hand and started to pull and stretch my hole. Then he pushed a button on the remote and I started to feel the head of a dildo start going in my hole even though I had been pulling and stretching my hole for the last 15 minutes or so the head of this dildo was still to big for my hole as I felt it start pushing pushing a little harder as he said wow your tight we can't have that for my friends as I watched him push another button and the head moved back and out of my hole. Just as it did he lifted up my head a little bit and pushed his cock completely down my throat just when I thought he couldn't go any deeper I was wrong as he lifted my head up a little bit and him pushing it slide a little deeper as I felt his cock start to twitch and throb as he he started to shot load after load down my throat and to top it all off he pressed the button on the remote again and I felt the head of the dildo slide in my hole and it kept pushing against my hole as I pulled and stretched even more as I felt the head actually slide in more and unconsciously I started to push my hips down on the head of the dildo as it started to move back and forth as I heard Chris moaning as he had me swallow his load after he was done he slowly starting pulling back and said fuck that dildo as he lifted my head all the way and told me too look down and as I did I seen the head of the dildo and it was almost 2 times the size of my hole and he while I get you ready for my friends I want you to move your hips down on the dildo when you feel it in your hole and if you don't I will put a bigger one on the machine and make you take it. He walked over to the table and prepared another point and walked over to me and put the needle in my vein but the shot he was about to give me looked bigger just then he drew blood and pushed the plunger down. The rush was much more intense as it ran through my body he pulled the needle out and said how you feel all I could do was moan he laughed and said it was not only bigger but thicker as he added only a little water. My hole was begging to get fucked and he noticed that as I started to push my hole against the head of the dildo and he said oh yeah fuck that dildo as he pushed the button and the head started to go in my hole before I knew I was shooting cum all over my stomach and chest as my hips were moving back and forth as well as up and down while still pulling and stretching my hole as the dildo was going a little faster and deeper. He said oh yeah you are going to be fun tonight as he said you want it to go faster before I could answer I felt it go in deeper and slide out but right back in as he got behind me and pushed my body forward and the dildo went all the way in and I couldn't hold back anymore as I was moaning oh fuck yeah it feels good as I was moving my hips faster and held on to the sling and then he pushed the button one more time and I started to cum again as the dildo was fucking my hole like I never been fucked I reached down and I could literally feel that my hole was being pulled back as the dildo was sliding out. This went on for another 10 minutes when the doorbell rang he stopped the machine and pulled it back and said their here be back in a minute. When he walked out and closed the door I reached down to feel my ole and I couldn't believe it felt like my lips felt bigger but they were pulled back and my hole was almost 2 times the size as my 3 fingers slide in my hole with ease. Part 3 coming soon
    1 point
  46. My Back ground First. I'm a 32 year old professional who one way or another stumbled upon the underground world of bug chasing. I've never been into men or gay play till i started reading up on the idea of chasing. it was a whole new world, that at first seem scary and crazy, but slowly something started growing inside me. For months i would read up on guys blogs and stories, and little by little i would get more and more turned on by the idea. I had many chance but ultimately i would back out and not do anything. mind you i had never even taken a cock before this even. my ass hole was still a virgin to real dick. at home i would use toys so i knew the feeling of having something inside me but never the real thing. I knew the only way to do this was to just surrender completely where there would be no turning back. I started looking for my way into being initiated and started talking to guys online. the one day one Annoyances Message was sent to me that sent chilled down my spin. It was a group of men the gifted the gift to willing participants. in one second i knew it was meant to be so i replied to them and the INFO of the event was sent to me. At first i hesitated but then mange to talk my self into it and agreed to go. the Party, event, or conversion Which ever way you want to look at it was in a house located about 30 minute drive from my location. it provided a # address and instructions on how to apply to be selected. That night i replayed and gave my info and was told that the final selection would be done in two weeks and only a hand full of guys would be selected. about 2 and a half weeks later i got the call and was told to show up at 9:30 pm to the address provided alone. First there would be a verification process and then they will explain the process and i would have to sign a consent to participate letter. the event. I arrived at the location about 20 minutes early and proceed to enter. it was a large house in a normal area. inside there was a couch a fold out table and a chair. I approached and presented my ID was checked on a list which had 6 names and was told to sit and wait. at 9:30 the front door was locked and the out door light where turned off. by this point only me and another guy had shown up. the door at the end of the room opens and a tall man walked out and asked if this was the volunteers? the person verify said yes but only two showed up. the man said very well and proceed to talk to us. His words where direct and cold, straight to the point, he asked if we wish to continue? we both nodded yes. he then Explained what the night would have in-store. First you will be striped and prepped. then each will be assigned a room. and once this began there would be no stopping till it was over. the then said there will be a # of choices that will determine the out come of each of our night and we will live with the consequences of each choice. First thing was the consent paper. we both signed it and a third party signed it also. once that was over he once again asked if we wanted to continue and said this was the last chance to walk out. we followed the man through the door at the end and walked down a corridor with many doors that had #s on the door. our first choice of the night was to pic a door. the other participant picked first and chose door 2 he entered the room and that was the last time i saw him. i looked at the tall man and said door #4. we proceed down to the door and entered. at this point my heart was racing all i mange to here was the man say some one will come to prep you and then the door close. i stood in the dim light room as my heart raced. so many thing ran through my head and panic started to set in. i took a deep breath and tried to control myself. a little while latter the door opened and a man wearing a mask entered. it was like one of them wrestling masks with only the cut out of the eyes mouth and nose, but is was just all black. i was asked if i was ready and then asked to remove all my things and place them in a cardboard box on end table. the man looked me up and down inspecting my body. with little works he asked me to back my second choice. he said 1) on your back or on you belly how do u want to be? i quickly decided on my belly to avoid see what was happening and avoid any regrets. the man guided me to the bed places a foam to lay on positioning my ass up into the air and told me to get on. he walked around the matters t and proceed to secure my leg one to each leg of the bed. my hands where bound together but let lose. he instructed me that my would be shaved and i could chose to be prepped or not to be. he explained what it meant i said no i would prefer to not have a toothbrush up my ass. he quick shaved me and the applied some liquid the burned like crazy. then proceeded to squeeze out some lube and inset and butt plug. as he slid it in i held my breath and then in one second i felt it pop in and remain in place. he then walked around and picked up a syringe and proceeded to inject me with something. my heart raced fasted and my scenes began to blur. i could barley make out what he was saying to me except for the last word of THERE NO GOING BACK. i laid the tied down drudged and cold as the door opened again and the lights where lowered even more. a few men entered and i could fell them examining my body. they said many dirt thing to me and and said that i would be used and used till my life changed for ever. one man took the lead and walked around to my face and looked me in the eyes as he said. Tonight you will be gifted!!! he keeled down in front of me and opened my mouth and started to face fuck me hard. the other men slapped my ass and then removed the but plug. one man dug his finger into my ass hole and began tearing at it with his nail. i felt the sharp pain and his finger moved in me. by this point my eyes started to water up as i new there was nothing i could do. my whole life had been normal and some how i found my self in the position. i felt the guy take his finger out and knell behind me. he slapped his cock on my ass and slapped my ass with his hand. he leaned in over my back and whispered. You fucking Pig!!!! I'm going to blow my toxic seed so far up Your gut there nothing that will stop it. he spit down on my ass hole and position the head of his cock on my burning ass hole. I held my breath hoping it wouldn't hurt to much since i had never been fucked before. The head popes in all i could do was scream. the guy back off letting my hole adjust to his cock. then in one hard trust he slams balls deep in to me pushing the tear in my eyes out and the pain was extraordinarily. i screamed and moaned and this man teared me open knowing that at any point he would breed me and change me forever. He trusted like an wild animal in and out i knew it wouldn't make much. every time pulling all the way out then slamming deep. his balls slapping my hanging balls with every trust. as the minutes, that felt like hours, passed his grunts would get louder. his cock was begin to to grow and twist inside me and i new it was it. the man trusted one last time and all i felt was my heart stop as he pushed hard into me and screamed Take my POZ SEED PIG. it wasn't till he pulled out that i felt his warm cum drip down my balls and down my legs. the man scooped the cum off my legs and with his nail again began to dig into my ass hole again. he finally finished and stud up and asked whos next. to be contained. Please if you want to know the rest let me know your opinions and ill finish my life changing event.
    1 point
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