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About hoodtight

  • Birthday 01/01/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Dream to be owned and breed. Bound and owned
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    novice pig but really want to serve as fucktoy. Also big fetishes on rubber, bondage and dronification.
  • Looking For
    real encounters to be tied, fucked, enslaved and breed till my full conversion. not faint,

Contact Methods

  • Skype User Name
    h hoodedrob

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  • One Year In
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  1. Would have love being in your hooded fucked position
  2. may I become this chosen abducted one
  3. Neg , never drugged and nearly ...ass virgin..Don't laugh too much hihi
  4. To be fucked under poppers or not, a delight if masked , for hours...or days in submissive trance
  5. becoming a tied cumdump, a nice future I think, even if you would say it(s not realistic. But a real wish for my future, melting submission, bondage and desire to be filled. Even without humanity. Forgive my fetishes
  6. thx for your understanding. My desire making this happening irl is growing and growing as my submissive thoughts. To be dominated and converted totally. Nice to see it happens sometimes
  7. would be happy to be your right immobilized tickled plaything hehe
  8. hoping that will be our future. Taken, used, breed and ..happy
  9. that's the fate we want all: be in your hands and be used without limits
  10. to be a tied fuckmeat is really best fate
  11. Cumdump future is sweetest fate I can find
  12. Would love the same fate
  13. Hi, just to say my desires to be taken, blindfolded and used as tied bred are getting stronger and stronger. In real life, not just in fantasy. Submissive thoughts slowly engulfing all rationnal brain. I'm not crazy but totally mindblown by becoming bred tied whore. even in unknown place or country. Masked, gagged and used as fucktoy endlessly to breeders pleasure and full satisfaction. A new life. Sorry to readers, not wanting boring you
  14. your words are cruel but so right, despite my humiliation. Y will to be used as cumdump gives me shame but to be fucked addiction is too strong. Would love falling in strangler hands like you.
  15. you're adevil but so sexy to be your used boy prey
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