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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. I agree, some are very thin. But to call them all "tweeted out toothpicks" is a bit harsh. The bottom line is, the top has to cum. They do perform, and if the tops are high they do a great job hiding it because most guys have a hard time getting hard and shooting a load if they have done "enhancements". In T.I.M movies, the tops do cum, so I give them a pass on the drug issue. The bottoms, well, I would agree they are somehow "chemically altered".
  2. I do have a VPN and use it according to the site I am on. With Sniffies I need to turn the VPN off or it won't allow me in, asking me to prove I am a human and ridiculous things like that. Also it can't show my actual geo location. With NKP I can get in either way, with or without a VPN. However, my VPN is set for New York City, if I turn it on all the guys "near me" are in downtown NYC and I get messages from guys who don't really read my profile and think I am within a mile of downtown NYC. So I generally turn it off if I am looking in my area. When it comes to Breeding Zone I have had no issues, at least as of this morning. I don't need to use a VPN. However I tend to use it as much as possible as I have been hacked in the past and I know on adam4adam people were able to find my exact location because of the geo locator. Since it states how far one member is from another, if the geo locator says two guys are zero feet away from each other, it usually means they are together. I have had total strangers knock on my door because they could figure out where I was located so I just deleted the account. My former apartment complex was literally a fuck fest and the straight residents didn't appreciate all the traffic that came with having an adam4adam account because an individual could be tracked down, at least to their building. I wonder how many people had a knock on their door at 2 am looking for me, since my particular building had four apartments in it. It just depends on the particular hook up site you are using so it's a personal decision you have to make.......do you want privacy or accessibility? I know you and I are both Floridians so I will let you know if I have issues with signing on to Breeding Zone. This forum has been beneficial in so many ways, turning on my VPN takes just a second. Good luck!
  3. I can't believe these prices. I used to consider PS more affordable than Fort Lauderdale, with few if any restrictions. All Worlds (Or rather when it was Inn Exhile) allowed you to have guests and there was none of this "signing them in" nonsense. Now, there were issues, I know management told me to always lock my door especially in the evenings. It seems locals would actually try to scale the walls, and more than one guy drowned in the pool high on G. This came from the owner's mouth himself. They placed a huge hold on my credit card, telling me that people would vandalize and just trash their rooms. What a pity, it was a great place. My luggage was lost by the airline and they had an employee take me to a Rite Aid and a sex shop so I could get some necessities. Most places would not even offer to help you but this resort did. When they changed ownership I didn't see much change in the rules, until my last visit where they started to charge for a day pass and there were restrictions on outside people coming to "visit" you. If you have had sex with all the room attendants, the guys at the front desk and the other guests, on day 5 you need to get online, right? But I understand they needed to protect their guests from robberies and I understood, that place was wonderful to me. But now, I am hearing how things have changed. I refuse to pay $250 or $275 a night, I'll do the Motel 6 route and drive. Again BZ comes through with posters who provide information that is incredibly helpful. Thanks to those who contributed to this thread.
  4. Agreed. I find if you put it in your profile it can help your situation. There are guys out there who enjoy filming and taking pics, I being one of them. I remember a time when people wanted pics taken so they could update their profiles. At that time I had a Sony camera and I can't tell you how many times I saw my bedroom featured in someone else's profile because I took pics of him, and sent them over once we finished playing. People trusted me that I wouldn't do anything with them, and they were welcome to post them wherever they liked. Today, things have changed. Remember almost every cell phone has a camera on it. I can't tell you how many guys fear being either photographed or recorded and that's a shame. I know of close friends who have been either blackmailed or faced the fear of that happening, all because of a few idiots. However, if you write your profiles stating you are looking for guys that are like minded, want to record or be photographed, they will emerge. It's just another preference, like looking for top guys or bottom guys. If you're honest about the subject, it can work out. Also, I usually ask at the beginning of messaging with someone that taking pics and recording is an interest of mine. You usually find out how they feel regarding the subject almost immediately. Sometimes adding the phrase "your face doesn't need to be shown" can help. Good luck!
  5. It's interesting how few posts he had and how long he has actually been a member. That's a big part of it as well...
  6. You are very photogenic! I say that with great admiration.......
  7. With the exception of maybe Palm Springs, Fort Lauderdale or San Francisco, the city where I got the most amount of action was Rio. And primo men. You'll find the locals are incredibly friendly and you have a choice of so many types of guys. You cannot take guys to your hotel room, but why would you want to. In Rio, there were clubs that were like old time bathhouses in the US, with pools as well as a snack bar. It was busy during the day or night. It wasn't in the tourist area, more residential. But I took a cab, I felt safe and it was so good I went back a second time that trip and then returned to Rio the following year to get some more. You need to use common sense, it's best to travel with a buddy, go during the day and make sure the cab driver knows where he is taking you and where your hotel is located when you are going back to the beach area.
  8. I believe the videos I which "fucktrad" or "fuctrard" was pretty consensual. It's funny I have seen T.I.M. videos where, before he is featured it will say "One week before entering rehab" which I found hysterical. There is another where they actually found a ah, "instrument that you inject substances with" somewhere in the bedding or on the floor and "Fucktard" had it in his hand. I can't believe they released that video. Don't know how old it is or if he is even around but I know it came from T.I.M. I can't remember the movie title but he was in scene four of this video, and was paired with a guy who has been doing porn for years (I am surprised he is still around).
  9. I posted earlier about my gripes, but I have to say your post gives me hope. I have not been there since Covid hit, but prior to that, despite issues I posted earlier, I STILL managed to be an absolute whore and enjoy myself. There is no place like San Francisco, none that cross my mind. You posted many have fled, I guess we will never know how many were gay. But I truly believe that the city will rebound, or I will have enough grit to come back, face the obstacles, and continue on my streak of bad behavior. The Metro Hotel on Divisadero became my second home, I patronized that place as they never gave me any flack about the number of guys coming in and out of my room. They respected my privacy when I wanted to sleep rather than have my room cleaned, gave me extra towels because God knows I needed them. Most of all they appreciated the fact I came downstairs and unlocked the door for tricks BEFORE they had to ring my room and tell me I had a "visitor". I miss that place, if the walls in my various rooms could only talk......
  10. 1. Go to law school. Don't take some job out of college and think your career will have unlimited potential. It' won't, you need a back up, a plan B. Or at least go to grad school and get an MBA. 2. Don't do cocaine. 3. Don't drink and drive. 4. Finally, don't waste your time "dating", have all the incredible sex you have offered to you, sleep with anyone even remotely associated with porn, and then settle down and find a partner willing to have group sex once you turn 40. Those are my opinions, and I am sticking to them.
  11. Poster should note this member has not signed on since 2012 so,,,,,,,,take that into consideration.

  12. I don't think the size of a man's hands or feet have any correlation to the size of his penis. My BFF has size 15 feet and a hand that could literally crush my face, but his dick is very average. He laughs about how many times guys have approached him after seeing how large his feet were, only to be disappointed when he took off his pants. It works in reverse as well, I have been with guys that were maybe 5 feet 3, 5 foot 4 if they were lucky. One was hispanic the other was from Romania. Both of them appeared to have a "third leg", their cocks were long and thick. I stopped looking at feet and hands years ago because I really don't think there is a connection.
  13. Please tell us you have a copy of it. I hope they didn't just live stream it and not record it, but good for you. So many guys enjoy watching or participating in those kinds of activities, was wondering if you used Zoom or another site to do that on.
  14. if you are in the mood for talented, handsome, easily tossed around bottoms - check out Allen King who works alot for Raw Fuck Club. I've seen him take some huge cocks and he really is adorable.
  15. My experience with Inn Leather was totally different from the ones described above. I was brought there by a local who would best be described as "pushy". He just kept pushing buttons and eventually somehow got us in. He had no room, no reservation. The place was completely sold out. There were guys with their window blinds open either broadcasting their play or showing off for those walking by. The guy I was with was hot, but incredibly rude and oblivious to things called "rules". It was actually cool that night, he had me walk over to the manager to see if I could offer some kind of sexual service in order to allow us to hang out. I refused to do that, but I did apologize to the manager who seemed to get a kick out of the whole situation. I wasn't asked to leave, the guy I was with decided it was best we go back to the guest house I was staying at and continue fucking there. What amazed me is after he shot his load, he left my room with the door wide open, banging on other doors and trying to wake guys up to have sex. I was mortified. Like the polite guy I sometimes pretend to be, I apologized to the owner in the morning. He told me not to worry about it, he said he slept through the entire fiasco. I know thousands of guys come through there every year but I'm reluctant to go back, I wonder if they have a "banned" list somewhere with my name on it.
  16. This guy produces some of the hottest Onlyfans content out there. He uses a camera man which allow him and his fellow models full range and not have to worry about holding a damn iPhone or camera. He's now doing vers roles which has surprised me but his fellow performers are always incredibly hot.
  17. Just to follow up with what BootmanLA mentions regarding Big Pharma and the cost of medication, I looked at my E.O.B from Wellcare and my two medications total over $5,300 a month. I am fortunate that I have no out of pocket expense for any of my scripts, but my situation is unique. Not everyone has the kind of financial assistance I have been afforded and I would not want BZ posters to feel that becoming POZ automatically qualifies you for free medication and health care, because it doesn't. It's been a long journey to get to where I am today, but I wonder about those who follow me, and will they be as fortunate. Becareful what you wish for.......or chase.
  18. I don't know if I would call it a "fetish" of mine, but I had a guy come to my apartment in the middle of the day, around lunch time, and fuck me without removing his clothes, just unzipping his pants. Since I live in Florida I assumed he worked for a bank because I could not imagine any other business where I see guys in suits and ties, except a courthouse. His English was limited, he just unzipped his pants, I blew him for a while till he got hard and he just shoved it in me and blew his load. He was very careful when pulling out, asked if he could use my bathroom and I noticed later he has used a washcloth and towel. He was polite and thanked me in English. I was happy that a week or two later I got a message from him, this time there was only a photo of his dick, and he asked if he could come by again. I quickly agreed and we did the same thing as I just described. He said something to the effect "you are not from around here, are you", and I told him I had just moved to the area. Damn I miss Craigslist because I have not been able to find him again. He was hot, he looked like that baseball player Jennifer Lopez used to date and when I mentioned that to him he smiled. Apparently other people had told him the same thing....
  19. I thought xxx was something my Grandmother or spinster Aunt Joan put in my birthday or Christmas cards along with their checks. Guys actually do this on apps or hook up sites?????? I have been online a long time and never had anyone do that to me, I guess I don't come across as "affectionate" - lol.
  20. Once they reach a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, I hope some nut job like Matt Gaetz or Marjorie Taylor Green get pissed off and try to remove him because frankly, he is as about as dangerous as they come. I don't think he will last to be honest but I know little about politics, or government for that matter. That is sad because they either employed me or supported me my entire life, I'm not bragging here just being honest. It's amazing to realize that considering the amount of money they have deposited into my checking account over the years.......
  21. I am sorry to hear you had to leave your home. I can't imagine having to give up my place for the reasons you mentioned. I've read California has the highest number of homeless people. I hope Las Vegas treats you better...
  22. I had problems with homeless individuals who would actually block the entrance to shops and places to eat. I was ordering dinner at a very nice place, when suddenly the waiter excused himself to chase a homeless man out of the restaurant. That's incredibly sad. But here is my gripe. I rented a very nice hotel room that was gay friendly. If I had guys over during the day there was no problem. but after 10 pm they locked the doors and I would have to go down to the lobby and let them in. I don't give a damn if the front desk clerk knows I am a ho, funny one trick actually knew the guy behind the front desk. What is aggravating is that many locals won't come out to a hotel or motel because they know they will have to deal with the homeless. My heart breaks for these individuals but I can't give everyone of them a dollar. So I spent a good bit of money on Lyft because many guys wanted to host, they didn't want to come out at night because they felt it was dangerous. Did they care if I was mugged? No. But I was looking to get laid. What is sad is I first started going to San Fran for sexvacations in the late 90s, I would see the homeless sleeping in the entry of some shops. Move ahead to 2007 and they were visible, but they did not cramp my style. 2018 it became obvious there was a problem. I always stay at the same motel, it's a few blocks from the Castro and I get alot of action, especially during the day. I'll continue to go there until the situation prevents me from actually having guests in my room. I love San Fran. The men are more direct, there is not a "back and forth" like in Los Angeles (nothing against guys from L.A. but it is tough to get around and I find them indecisive). I'll continue to go to San Fran until I either am robbed, or can no longer hook up without jumping through hoops. I want the old San Fran back where I can hop online and play with multiple guys in one day and not have to worry about a homeless guy badgering my potential trick!
  23. I believe that tops care, just as bottoms care, if they know other people are aware as to who they are playing with. But when you get behind closed doors, no one is watching or aware, it's a much different story. A bathhouse is as bad as sorority house. People watching who goes in and out of your room. But running into these guys going in or out of a bar, bookstore or even a bathhouse can be a much different story. A chance encounter resulting in you hooking up, without others knowing, can lead to long term FWBs, and incredible sex. Like other posters have mentioned, they may have initially been rejected, or even told "they could never be friends". Well that's fine, because in the end that same guy is continuing to text or call you for a piece of ass. In the end, that's what matters.
  24. I have often wondered if there is a cap on how much coverage Medicare will give to an individual. What about someone who went on disability at the age of 30? They could live another 40 to 50, even 60 years. Can recipients be cut off at a certain dollar figure? I ask because I know of individuals who surpassed $1 million dollars in benefits from United Health Care and were told that they no longer had benefits after reaching that dollar amount. I understand this is probably not the right thread but this thought often goes through my mind, I also worry about the 20 percent that Medicaid picks up in my state. At some point, can an individual be cut off? Can the Federal government or a state say "Enough is enough, no more assistance for you?". I just know if I ever hit the lottery I need to find a trusted friend to cash in my ticket because after they finish running my social security number I would get zilch, nada, nothing.
  25. I just recall being asked to bring homework to my best friend in 6th grade by a nun at my Catholic school. His parents were at work, we were sitting at the dining room table. He got under the table, crawled over on his knees and unzipped my pants. I honestly was not expecting this. He started to blow me and suddenly I shot my load in his mouth. Neither one of us knew what had happened, he thought I had pissed in his mouth and he went running into the kitchen and spit it out in the sink. I swear I didn't know what had happened, but I was never asked to bring homework to Kevin again.🤫
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