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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. For those of you who use Apple products, I purchased my VPN through Malwarebytes and my location was set by default to NYC. This has been an advantage to me on other sites as well, so if you are looking for a VPN you might want to check with them. It's reasonably priced and worth the cost.
  2. I look at it this way. I can only do so much. I can douche, I can go without food for the day leading up to the event, I can make sure no one else has been up there. But there are some guys, no matter how hard you try to be 100 percent clean, they are going to find something to complain about. You can see it in some profiles, you can almost sense which individuals are going to hold you to an almost unrealistic state. But I have been on both sides of this situation and I understand that life is not a porn movie. I've done my best and I have been thanked for taking the necessary precautions to make sure I am 100 percent clean (if there is such a thing). But there is going to be some ass hole, especially at a bathhouse/sauna/sex club etc., who will tell you no and try to make you feel like a slob. I know what I have done in advance, and I have learned to just let those idiots take a pass - because in the end there will be another top guy that will be entirely happy with the preparations I have made. Don't let idiots like the ones described in earlier posts ruin your night because they may have a multitude of reasons as to why they aren't willing to fuck you, and it may have absolutely nothing to do with your cleanliness. Ignore them, take your ass elsewhere because someone will appreciate you.
  3. Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I was too embarrassed to ask the reservationist, so I appreciate the information. Have a good one!
  4. I am staying at the Quality Inn in Hollywood, Fl on a Friday evening this October. I booked this place because it allows me to leave my car there for the week, and offers access to the cruise terminal via a shuttle bus. My question to BZ members is this. Will this Hotel allow me to have guests that night without interrogating them? I am not planning on inviting more then one or two but I want them to have access to my room without being harassed by management. Anyone familiar with this place? Not sure if they have to go through a lobby or if they can just access the room from the parking lot. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  5. As long as I am not starring in it..........🤭. I believe it is called "Cross Generational Porn"? Is that correct?
  6. 30-40 hours after shaving? That doesn't sound economical to me. I use "Magic Razorless Cream Shave", something African American men use to prevent razor bumps. For me, it takes the hair off in less than 15 minutes, no burning, and it is inexpensive. I swear by the stuff, you can use it on your balls and on your hole. Just follow the directions and you should be fine. You can find the product in Walmart, and in most US chain pharmacies like Walgreens or CVS.
  7. I have come across guys with BBC's who don't want to socialize or play with another BBC. It's fairly common, for a variety of reasons. There are many guys out there that just aren't into it, and they will judge those who post it in their profiles. No doubt......
  8. Sure amateur porn has it's upside. More variety of guys, less over production like dialogue and the ability to hear the guys and their honest comments. What I dislike, is the one angle camera view. It is best when someone is hired to hold the camera and move it along just like the guys move across the bed, or sofa, or room, you get where I am going with this. There are some OF videos that will do this, but they are the exception rather than the rule. I have seen the backs of guys who unknowingly block the camera because there is little space between the camera and the bed. This takes away from the overall video, and I don't know about you, but someone suddenly having to stop fucking to get another iPhone involved is really frustrating. I think it's great we get to see new faces, great bodies and groups of hot men who actually look like they want to be there, and look like they actually like each other. In the past some professional porn featured performers that I knew for a fact did not like each other. So why did the studios force them to participate? At least with amateur porn it doesn't appear that the participants are unhappy with being there, just their video skills leave something to be desired. I am not beating up on them, but whoever put together that video shoot should probably hire a friend or video buff with the job of holding the recording devices so we don't miss the best scenes with some incredibly hot men.
  9. On my back for sure, it's the most comfortable, at least for me. I like being able to see the top's eyes as he is ready to cum.
  10. Jeff was at his best in Hot Desert Knights, as someone who was on the receiving end of his cock, I can tell you he was a great top. Sure he had personality quirks, but who doesn't? I find it interesting to hear about his bottoming adventures, but my experience was only with him looking over me while he thrust away. He can top, no doubt.
  11. Curler X and Andy Starr. For once in his porn career Andy actually looked scared, and rightfully so…..
  12. The reason they are my x is the fact that i no longer want to have anything to do with them. Hooking up with them after the breakup has never crossed my mind. I only have two “X’s” so to speak, I have nothing more to do with them. Have I hooked up with their friends- HELL YES! I took great satisfaction in doing so and would do it again in a heartbeat. It’s better to talk with his friends as opposed to paying money to a mental health professional, because I have found they usually held “the key” as to why the relationship didn’t work.
  13. I know I jokingly posted regarding this topic earlier but I thought I would be serious for a second. I'v lived in both Tampa and Saint Petersburg, and about 45 minutes south of here, for over twenty years. I assure you that there are enough tops to go around, for everyone. I see BBRT is mentioned, and I just happened to sign in and look at the "local parties" listed in the Tampa area. There was a guy who already had like 17 people attending his "get together" so to speak, almost all those on the list are either top or top/vers. Now, are these guys online at the moment? No, because it's 10 am and more than likely they are at work. They won't be online at 6pm or 7pm because they might be at the gym, or going out to dinner or meeting up with non-sexual friends. It's the beginning of the weekend, people are deciding who and what they are going to do. In my opinion, it's all about timing. The guys logged onto various sites at the moment will more than likely not be online at midnight. Why? They're in bed! I am a firm believer some guys remain signed in yet they may check their messages when they are making a decision as to who they will hook up with. It's not difficult to find a desirable top, you just need to know when to find them. Timing guys, timing!
  14. By the time I finished college I had lost count. What was so nuts is that I used to try and remember their first name and where I hooked up with them. This was before the time of phone apps or even hook up sites, I found men at college, in certain areas of the city I lived in, and yes the numerous ABS scattered in the downtown area. I went to the baths, which were a convenient walk from the bars I went to. My home town really wasn't into "carding" like you see today. so it was not difficult for a 19 year old to get into a bar or club. I went out both Friday and Saturday evening from the time I was actually 18, so even if I met one new guy a night the numbers just added up. Take into account the fact that during the week I went to the gym, so I scored there, and Sunday afternoons were a good time to find guys as well. I counted the guys I shot a load with. Doesn't matter if it was anal or oral, if I would cum, he made the list. Tbh, when I sit down and try to calculate the number of guys I have hooked up with it makes me sick to my stomach, not kidding.
  15. All the tops are trapped in an "escape room" in Tampa and since no one can decide who is in charge they are still arguing about who will find the key. I'll keep you posted as soon as they get organized and find their way out.......🤣
  16. I have great sympathy for you. I have had three out patient procedures since 2021 through Tampa General Hospital's Colon and Rectal Cancer Specialists. They said at first it was a fissure, it took two procedures and now I am able to go to the bathroom without pain. I need to use a stool softener every day, Colace is the one I use. Granted, you need to be near the bathroom when the urge to go strikes, but if you are in pain now it might be the best option till you can see a doctor. You can find Colace at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens. Even the hospital recommended I use it post procedure. I had a third procedure because they found I also had HPV and I never knew I was infected with that. The "down time" is frustrating, but between the pain medication (just a small amount) and the stool softener you should be fine in about a month. I would not suggest trying to have anal sex for quite awhile, to be honest I don't think you will have much desire to do so. It may seem like a long journey but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you the best....
  17. Once it is stretched (or damaged) it doesn't close up like that cheap hole you opened in your ear when you were 19. Most tops will tell you if they fucked you a few years back and you run across them again, your hole still feels the same to them, no matter how much "down time" you may have had for "reconstruction purposes". That is, if you were a memorable and talented bottom or had an interesting or extended encounter with them.... Hung tops remember which hole fit like a glove, just like a bottom remembers which guys were the most endowed or talented when they see them again. (That's why it's a good idea to make a great first impression).
  18. If they are going to charge $999 a night for the LiNK it better come with unlimited dick all night because the owners are nuts.....You're not going there to sleep or enjoy the "amenities", you are going there to fuck. Give me a break....
  19. I have Malwarebytes on the MacBook Air I am typing on and have absolutely no problem signing on. None at all, and I even live in the state of Governor DeSatan (Florida)
  20. Well with Caverjet it is a two step process, mixing the saline into the second bottle, then drawing it out and into the final syringe. With trimix, it's already done for you, but it expires more quickly, in most cases 30 days for a bottle of trimix. I have used both products, the Caverjet was carried by Walgreens and if you follow the instructions it is fairly easy and there is less of a chance of using too much. The trimix was done by a speciality, like compounding facility. My urologist faxed the script to them, and when I got the call it was ready, I went down to pick it up and found employees in uniforms that looked like something an astronaut would wear. They were all behind a glass wall, you had to speak through a speaker and the trimix was presented to me in a "dry ice" package. You could see all the scripts lined up, almost like a prep cook would see in front of him if he was working at Denny's. The wait was almost two weeks, this was in the Sarasota, Florida area. I don't have to tell you that neither were covered by insurance. With trimix I felt I had to have sex once every three days, so I got 10 injections for about $175. Caverjet, on the other hand, was even more expensive but there was not the pressure of having to use the product so quickly. Sure, I had to keep it refrigerated. However, as long as I didn't mix the product with the saline they provided, it had a much longer "shelf life" so to speak. Trimix, you have to pay attention, do only the amount the doctor tells you to, or there will be consequences. Caverjet, to me, was like "trimix for dummies". Unless you did more than one injection of it in a day, you were fine. With trimix, some guys just keep "chasing that hard on" and jabbing their cocks. Personally, I do one before the fun begins and make sure no one knows it is in the house, or if I travel I arrive with my dick walking through the front door before the rest of my body, That has been my personal experience using both products.
  21. That is very interesting. I have Malwarebytes on my MacBook Air, and have used that product since 2018. I have never had an issue, never had a problem with signing on to breedingzone.com. Now, I had it on my Iphone and I had to remove it. It seems that if I didn't have a phone number listed in my contacts, it would refuse the call and the caller received some kind of obnoxious message. I took it off my phone because I missed calls from doctor's offices and one cousin who wasn't listed in my "contacts". But when it comes to BZ I have had no issues.
  22. For the record - Caverjet and Trimix are two entirely different medications. Not being snotty here, I have had valid scripts for both. Since the dangers of misuse are enormous, the best bet is to have a valid script from a urologist. Not preaching here, but I have seen what the results can be when either drug is misused. Take as directed and make sure the script was written for YOU, not for someone else. Everyone's needs are different and the strength of the trimix in particular do vary based on the patient.
  23. BBRT - of all the sites, what hypocrites. I am sorry to hear this has happened to BZ members, but that site has been notorious for "enhancement" usage. So they read our messages to each other? Not surprising. Manhunt does the same, so for those of you who are on there, beware.
  24. That helps, and thank you again. You're the first to actually say that I could be have been carrying the virus for months or years. Just looking back at my sexual history and the timing (and I do know who has been in that area, despite the "numbers", I recall the dates based on where I was living) I am happy for you that you have had no recurrences, it sounds like you have been able to go back to your normal sex life which is fantastic. I see the specialist again in late August, for now that area of my body is "under reconstruction". I just don't want to take a chance till she clears me, I would not want to expose someone else nor do I want my ass damaged and be put out of the game for six months. THANK YOU!
  25. He is gorgeous you are right, he can take a huge cock and appear to enjoy - what a find!
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