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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. Just don't decide on Florida. I have lived here long enough to know that it's not the state is was even ten years ago. Home owners insurance (if you can get it) has skyrocketed. If you are an American and want to stay in the states, why not consider the Buford, South Carolina area? Mild winters, beautiful beaches, resort style living. Sure, you'll have some cold nights in the summer, and there is a strong Republican presence in the state and local government. However, if you check out the physical beauty and small town charm that area of South Carolina might be to your liking. No, your choice of Doublelist playmates might not be up to the standards of some other areas, but there will be enough, more subdued gay life to enjoy. I may make a change if things continue to decline in the Sunshine state as they say....
  2. How did I know that YOU would know his name.......very impressive sir!
  3. I am so sorry I missed this when it was first posted. I loved the "Used Sex to Get Something (upgrade, etc.......)". Who else flies Delta 🤫?
  4. Okay, so what constitutes "older"? 40? 50? 60? I find these kinds of threads incredibly entertaining because at one point in my life 30 was considered "over the hill". You were done, the party was over. Boy was I wrong. I don't get irritated, I laugh, when I read some posts or overhear guys saying "oh, I would never hook up with him, he's in his 40s". It's not as prevalent here on BZ, but other hook up sites and apps guys make up these kind of remarks all the time. I just sit back and say to myself "Just you wait......". Because time marches on and before you know it there is a face staring you back in the mirror that isn't 25 anymore, and that person still wants to have sex, for MANY years to come. Time marches on gentleman, never say never!
  5. My Infectious Disease Specialist is going to be my next stop. Even though he did not make the suggestion to get the vaccine, it was the specialist who did my last procedure, he has been good at pointing me in the right direction in the past for other issues I have had. I am going to ask him first. If not I will head back to the specialist and find out where they think I can get it. You would think they would know about the rule restricting those over age 45, considering they made the recommendation, and colo-rectal is their speciality. Thank you for your input....
  6. I will repost this question so it's not lost in the thread, I do appreciate what fellow posters have mentioned it has helped. Thanks again to @rawfuckr So - is anyone aware of a retail pharmacy that will give you the HPV vaccine if you are over 45. Walgreens has said no, which I explained above. With that in mind, I am willing to pay out of pocket, does anyone know where I might be able to get it? The doctor dealing with my situation only mentioned getting vaccinated last week, and my problem has been reoccurring since 2021, and frankly, I am over it. She didn't bother to tell me where to go, she might not have been aware of the corporate policy of Walgreens. Anyone have information? Thanks again......
  7. That did help, and thank you. For the record, I was at Walgreens this weekend and was denied access to the vaccine. The pharmacist was very nice, but he said Walgreens had a corporate policy that would not allow him to give it to me because I was past 45. I thanked him, and then yesterday I spoke with a representative from Walgreens corporate office, again being denied. I did mention paying for it "out of pocket" and I was still told "no". I have excellent insurance, so I am going back to the Infectious Disease Specialist to see who else might be willing to administer the vaccine. I don't mind paying for it, and I live in an area where there are many types of health providers. Is there anyone who may have been fortunate enough to find a retail outlet that would give the vaccine to someone who is 45 plus? Thanks for your post - it has given me some hope.
  8. Okay, I spent a week in Maspalomas. I flew from JFK Airport, stopped in Barcelona. and finally ended up in Maspalomas. I had an awesome time. Being the only DUMB American, all the locals were more then willing to translate and had no problem doing DICKtation. So I digress, the hotel was considered the best, as the King of Spain often stayed there. I don't know about fellow posters, but I am 6'3" and my legs literally hanged over the end of the bed the first night. The hotel rate included both breakfast and dinner and the fact that I wanted to eat at 5 pm made the waiters giggle. That's okay, because I think I hooked up with at least three of them and they were not "giggling" when I told them I wanted then to put their big uncut dicks up my ass, and NO, I did not have any condoms. Sorry, if you show up unprepared then you don't get a piece of ass, right? I was not positive at that time so they had nothing to worry about but I doubt they left my hotel room with a feeling like "oh sure, that dumb American blonde told the truth". Well I did, because, like I said I was negative at that time. My best part about going to Maspalomas was I met a shop owner from Lybia. He did not understand what the word "Highlights" meant and thought my hair was naturally blond. It's okay, he still fucked me, over and over. I asked him if he disliked Americans and he said "absolutely not", I often asked him when his dick was in me. He told me "I made him laugh".........I wasn't sure if it was the fact I only spoke English or the fact I believed he was not involved in the 9/11 attack, but I did ask him that. For all you tops out there, can you imagine fucking some bottom and he asks "did you bring down skyscrapers in New York"? I did ask him that, and he continued to come back to my hotel to find me, much to the delight of the women working the front desk. I could tell they found it amusing, at best. Maspalomas has incredible beaches, nude beaches, and plenty of dick to go around. I did a group charter out of NYC that included my airfare, hotel and breakfast/dinner. If you are an American the only place you might feel more secure is the UK, but Maspalomas is very safe and I had no issues. Trust me, it is very obvious I am an American or a Westerner and no one gave me any shit. If you have the opportunity, GO!
  9. Anywhere, but not in my eyes I hate to tell the sales associate at Lenscrafters that I need a new pair of reading glasses because some dude missed the desired spot by quite a long distance. I am 6'3", if you can't aim for my hole it is a very LONG way to my face. I value my eyes, people tell me they like them. They are Hazel, at least according to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. I'll take Hazel or Green, but they are not Blue or Brown. Please don't short your load in them, I value them, They are one of my best attributes....
  10. Does anyone know the current status of former TIM performer Austin Shadows? I have read he moved to both Atlanta and Lauderdale, no longer does porn nor escort, but enjoys the company of his grandchildren. Can anyone give me a recent update as I have read through the threads and I am not sure what to think 🤔..
  11. I don't know him but I think his dick weighs more than the rest of his entire body. If I had crossed paths with him his name would still be in my contacts list on my iPhone. Unfortunately it's not but if I do come across him I'll take a pic and forward it to you....😜
  12. I look at it from this view. Would I be here, having sex with a particular person, if I was not being paid? If I say no, then that is sex work. The guy could be very nice, attractive, but if cash is being put into my hand after we got dressed, then I am escorting. If I put myself in the situation where I have placed an ad, or worked for an agency, and then showed up and received cash in exchange for my time - that's sex work. I may have a career outside of that, which is my primary source of income. It doesn't matter if I enjoyed the experience, if we did just a little more than "talk", or if I would see him for "free" in the future, if I am compensated financially for agreeing to meet with him the first time, that is escorting. I have to laugh when guys say. "Oh, I wasn't being paid for sex, I was being paid for my time". Really, $150 or $350 depending on where you live. Are you a licensed mental health counselor? Do you accept Medicare of health insurance. NO YOU DON'T! You want cash. Or you want the agency you work for to compensate you the minute you go back to them and ask for your percentage from what the client was charged on his credit card. Guys can "spin" this anyway they want. You can deny the term "sex worker" or "escort" because you feel you are being stigmatized or marginalized. But in the end buddy, you are still accepting cash in exchange for sexual favors and that is........... Okay, I think I made my point.
  13. I am originally from Philadelphia. It was great to have options in which one to go to, it will be sad to see one of them close. It was always nice to know I had a place to crash after getting off a plane from Florida. That news makes me sad.
  14. If I didn't know better, I could almost sense an "air of sexual tension" between the two of you. Knowing that neither of you especially like me, I think I'll go hide out on Nastykinkpigs until the smoke clears. Wow, the two of you........🙄
  15. So I gather from your post, if you are already infected, and these warts are problematic, they are with you for life? I noticed on television the ad for the HPV vaccine, but they seem geared towards children to prevent HPV in the adult life. So are those adults who never had that vaccine, and develop the warts, pretty much "Fucked"? Excuse my vulgarity but I just wonder how long an individual has to deal with the scenario, factoring into the equation, four outpatient procedures to remove them? Is there light at the end of the tunnel (no pun intended)?
  16. If you are having trouble, as you say almost anytime on BBRT and Sniffies when it comes to finding tops, then why not try Nastykinkpigs or even Doublelist. It has not been difficult for me with BBRT, but I usually don't check till 1 am on the weekends. Generally I have someone planned in advance but if I decide I want a "second helping" I have tried late in the evening/early morning and the tops are there. I wouldn't give up on those sites. Granted, I am not interested in someone who is "hosting in their car" but if I am comfortable after chatting with them, and they are close by, I have invited them over, so Sniffies can work out with tops. There are many who live with their families or have partners, so if you are willing to host your chances can improve. You might hear the term "well, I am just passing through". Well if that's the case, why can't they just pass right through your front door? lol Happy Hunting!
  17. Any chance we can see some of those twitter videos - 😀. Sleazebugga is one of the favorites (in my opinion) on this site.  Or maybe it's just his profile pic I'll have to ask around......

  18. Check your private messages, I thought I would say hello......😀

  19. I suppose that is possible, But I did know his full legal name, his address, where he worked and where he went to college and grad school prior to our final conversation. I had been in his car, knew where his parent's lived and what their names were. It's interesting, we are both Catholics and one of the hardest periods of his life was coming out to his parents. I went through that phase with him. I guess I felt, after seven years, that he had gotten his M.S, degree and was just a bit too good for me. What I found surprising was his lack of knowledge of LinkedIn, and how anyone who is a member can read your resume, where you went to college, etc. I just don't understand how he could have that info posted, and yet be upset that I would somehow "stumble" across it. Like I said in my initial post, all the information he was giving me over the years was true. I think he may wanted to put his memories with me to rest, he did tell me at one point towards the end he was (or had) a girlfriend because he wanted children. But what confused me is why, if he was going to become "straight again" would he set up a new profile on Adam4adam, and we just both happened to move to Saint Petersburg. To see that I was already blocked by him, after we had our final conversation, left me surprised since I didn't tell him I was leaving town and he never mentioned to me he was moving as well. Granted, jobs are plentiful in this area, especially in IT with a MS degree, so maybe that was his plan all along. But to block me prior to even knowing for sure I would be moving here was a real punch in the gut.
  20. I have bought from Mr. S. Leather in San Francisco. They mailed them to me and occasionally when I make other purchases they will include an order form for poppers. I would look at them online and maybe either email or contact them directly.
  21. Well I just googled it, he was indicted 2007, but the elected official he tried to extort wrote the prosecutor and asked for the entire case to be dismissed. It turns out his felony conviction comes from stealing money at a casino. A woman hit a small jackpot, he stole the "ticket" and cashed that in. So the prosecutor got his felony conviction against my friend regardless. However, the extortion case was dropped at the request of the victim. The article I read was that the victim's life was "in ruins", and yes he was a Republican. It was all over the local Spokane media, calling him an "escort" or "former porn star", so until he did this idiotic thing I can see why it would be fairly easy to hide his other "activities" I can't believe it was 2007 that he did this, when I look at him in that T.I.M video he looks about 19. He looked, maybe 30 by the time I met him. I just wonder if his life will ever be the same.
  22. What if the buyer has no other options, he can't meet anyone either online, on an app, or in person. What if he is handicapped or disabled in some way. Don't you think he has the right to make the decision to pay for sex? Then think about the guy who can't pay rent, is going to lose his car to the bank, or has little or no food. If the individual who is in the position to help this guy out financially, why not? Who is being hurt here? Not the guy paying, because he can't find sex on his own and has the financial means to pay for it. The recipient could be one step away from homelessness......so what is wrong with the two of them coming into an agreement to help each other out. Sorry but I disagree with you on this subject.
  23. To be honest, I wasn't aware what an awful thing my friend had done until after I had sex with him the first time. It was the guy who he was staying with, who flew him from Washington state to Florida who said, "hey google Cody *******" after I leave and that will tell you a few things about him" Well I did just that, and spent several hours reading all the stories, watching the television interview he gave to a cable network, and reading the final dispensation (?) of his case. So say I was stunned would be an understatement. The guy never asked me for a thing, except a piece of ass which I was glad to give him. I know he did not have sex with his host either, considering he flew him from another state I would think that was part of the deal. I asked them both, privately, and both denied any kind of sexual encounters. We didn't really discuss his arrest till about a year later, on his birthday. He asked me, how am I going to get a job at my age (maybe 33 at the time) with a felony conviction? I didn't know how to answer that. As far as the political party the elected official was part of, I really don't know. That never crossed my mind. What i did know what he was married and had children, who I believe were grown. There was some grainy hotel footage of my "friend" coming into the hotel, I suppose that is when he handed him the extortion letter. The bottom line is he refused to pay, and ended up resigning. This all happened in Spokane, not Seattle. From what my friend tells me, Spokane is a much smaller city and his family was furious with him, having dragged their name into the press. It seems they owned some kind of family business and they took a hit from his behavior. I found that surprising, because the first article I found online mentions clearly he's an escort, and even appeared in a T.I.M video - I believe Damon Dogg sucks America, the San Diego version. He also did some other BB videos, from studios that never caught on. So his behavior had to be known to his family. You mentioned cutting off contact with him. I see your point, he had "sticky fingers" I know there were posting on A4A stating that he had stolen from several individuals. Even the guy who flew him from Washington, he treated him poorly. My "friend" just disappeared, and I happened to be the last one to see him as we had hooked up maybe two days prior to him ghosting everyone. I later asked him why he didn't tell his "host" he was departing, and he said that he felt he was being pushed out of the house, there were guys coming and going, and he was asked to give up his bedroom (that was true). I never knew him to work the entire time he was in Florida, though his host ran several small gay novelty stores so he may have helped out there. I treat people the way they treat me. He was always fun to be with, the sex was fantastic, and he never asked for anything or stole from me. He always arrived by cab and left by one. So did I enable him? I don't think so. Once he left my friend's house, he hung out with a guy in Tampa for a while. I believe that prompted some of the postings on A4A about him stealing. I do know he is back in Washington state, where at I am not sure but another poster on BZ mentioned they saw him either on Facebook or another hookup site. He's just a chapter in my life, I enjoyed my time with him, and I don't judge him. He is paying dearly for his behavior.
  24. I believe "Ghosting"comes in all forms. Before I moved to the "big city" of Saint Pete, I lived in a more rural, yet accessible, part of Florida. Right off I-75, near some colleges, blah blah. Several years back, I met a very polite, very handsome young man who was in his first year of college. The friendship was not one sided, it wasn't just about sex. He was struggling with his sexuality, his religion, his parents, etc. He would come by once or twice a month, mainly oral sex, and I never pushed for anything more. We met off of Adam4adam, and in that geo area that app was very popular. He told me about his part times job as he navigated an ambition computer and engineering degree. He worked for organizations like P.A.L., as well as the as the Geek Squad at Best Buy. Not only did we have a sexual relationship, I was willing to listen to his concerns regarding being a Catholic and how his sexual orientation was really upsetting his parents. I told him he was welcome to come by, as long as he called in advance. That worked fine for us. He did small favors for me, driving me to Walgreens to pick up scripts, even putting a new router on my computer in the middle of the night, as he had the keys at Best Buy. Computers were definitely his thing, and I needed all the help I could get in that area. He would never accept money from me, telling me rides and installing computer items are things friends do for other friends. He showed up one evening and told me had been accepted into graduate school, and things were going to be tough as he probably couldn't work, the course load was rough. Again, never asked me for a penny. Nor did I really offer him anything, other then my time. He also was becoming increasing frustrated with the quality or the types of guys he was meeting online. Not one would let him fuck them, for a multitude of reasons. He has a great body for someone who is maybe 5 foot 5, and a very large dick. He felt the guys were either too feminine, or he wanted only white guys, or they could not take his cock. So, I heard this complaint for a number of years, he even talked about becoming a bottom because he thought that would make life so much simpler. He is Hiv-neg, and I always had condoms in the house. Magnums for him just in case. I had a young blonde guy over, who was in my living room, and my friend came into my bedroom upset, telling me the guy had rejected his advances. I was "feeling no pain", and sort of lost my patience, and told him to just put the damn condom on and fuck me. He did that, I saw stars, and I think he shot his load in just a few minutes. This sexual situation continued for about another year or two, it became more infrequent, but I still would get the occasional phone call asking to come over. On multiple occasions, he told me "this would be the last time", "no more sex", "I am not gay", etc. etc. Okay, so I am dealing with a very bright guy who is confused about his sexuality and is now (I pray in his mid-20s) as I realized by that time I had known him about seven years based on pics I had taken. So fast forward several months, and I am on the work platform Linkedin. Surprising in my geo area there is my face, right next to his, as well as another guy who has frequented my apartment and we all knew each other. So I reached out to my young friend, and I say "Hey, Congratulations! I see you got your M.S. Degree in Computer Engineering, that's fantastic! At this point we were only texting, and his response was "Well, I would like to know how the hell you know that???" I was really taken back, and I said well your LinkedIn profile shows where you went to school and where you worked. All the information he had given me over the years matched his profile. So he was being honest. At that point all communication stopped. No more late night booty calls, no more texts from a gmail account, and he wasn't on adam4adam. I also watched, before my eyes, as his Linkden profile was deleted. I would refresh the page and it was gone, I tried every way possible to get it back. I even called the third guy we knew and he tried pulling it up, he too was unable to find it. So I left my little city in SW Florida and came to Saint Pete and happened to sign on to Adam4adam. I noticed a profile, with no photo, saying "This user has blocked you" or something to that effect. Now I had just moved in, I had not mentioned to him I was moving, I had told virtually no one. However, after reading the description, he said things like, NO ONE OVER 35. In caps, like I just typed. His age seemed to match perfectly if what he initially told me was true when I first met him Here's my RANT. So I appreciate other posters and what has happened to them. I made myself totally accessible to this guy. I turned down other guys that were more sexually experienced or would give me what I wanted to a routine basis. I listened to his problems, and yes he was a good friend to me on several occasions when I would never expect someone I knew from a hook up app would help me. I was so sick one time, when he drove me, shirtless and without A/C and waited in Walgreens parking, I stuck a $20 bill in his glove compartment for gas money and his time. I remember he called me, totally pissed off, saying that friends help friends, and don't expect to be paid. He said I made him feel like a whore. I never treated him like that, I thought I was just showing some appreciation. So why after seven or eight years, would someone totally ghost me. I didn't force him to do anything, I felt I was a good friend, and yes I made sex available to him when he wanted. Anyone else have a similar situation because I cannot wrap my head around what happened? It bothers me to this day. I do have a gmail account I could contact him with but I don't want to seem like the desperate kind of guy who wants a 20 something to come over. Should I just drop this and let it go, it does linger in my mind about how much time he spent with me in that first apartment, how much I know about him and I do have questions. What did I say or do wrong that he would totally blow me off?
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